• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,814 Views, 54 Comments

How I met The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Little Spike Drake moves from Ponyville to Canterlot City where he makes new friends with some special girls

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First Day of School

As the sun came up over the city, kids of all ages were exiting their homes and heading off to school. Yes summer had come and gone, and now it was time for the young minds to return to learning. Geki and Else were driving Spike to school.

“Well, Spike, hope you had a good summer.” Geki began.

“Yeah. It was fun.” Spike admitted.

“How do you feel about your first day of school?” Elsa inquired.

“Well, I am nervous, but at least I know Twilight and the others are there.”

“Exactly,” Geki confirmed, “So if you ever need help always know you can go to them.”

“Right.” Spike agreed, as Geki pulled up into the school's parking lot.

“Want us to walk you in?” Elsa offered.

Spike looked out the window and smiled, “That won't be necessary.” his parents saw Spike's girl friends were already there, and knew he would be fine.

“Then have good day, Spike.” Geki said.

“Bye, mom. Bye, dad. Love you both.” Spike said, as he got out of the car.

“Love you too, Spike,” Elsa called, before tearing up, “Oh, Geki, our little boy off to start school in a new city.”

“We're lucky parents.” Geki smiled, before pulling away.

Spike walked over to the girls, “Morning, girls!”

“Morning, Spike!” they greeted back.

“Are you excited to be back in school?” Pinkie asked grinning.

Spike gave her a dry look, “Do you really want me to answer that?”

“Yeah, Pinkie, how can anyone be excited to be back in school?” Rainbow asked rhetorically, before looking at Twilight, “Don't answer that.”

“Well, ain't much we can do about it except get through another year.” Applejack said.

“Easier said than done.” said the voice of a girl who had moderate cerise hair color. It belonged to Scootaloo a friend of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and admirer of Rainbow Dash.

“Come on, we don't wanna miss the first bell.” Twilight told the group.

“Sweetie Belle, will you and your friends show Spike to your first class?” Rarity requested.

“You can count on us, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Come on, Spike.” Apple Bloom took Spike's hand, as they dragged him along.

“We'll see you all later!” Pinkie waved bye.

“Will, he be ok?” Fluttershy asked her friends.

“I'm sure Spike will be fine, Fluttershy.” Twilight said confidently, as they entered the school building.

Soon enough, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo showed Spike to their first classroom, where other kids their ages were already taking their seats.

“You ok, Spike?” Scootaloo asked.

“I'll be fine, hopefully.” Spike said as the butterflies in his stomach were fluttering.

Eventually a beautiful woman entered the classroom, “Good morning, everyone.”

“Good morning, Ms. Sunrise.” the kids greeted.

“Nice to see so many of you in my class again. A lot of nice familiar young faces,” the teacher began, “But this year we have a new face joining us. Mr. Drake, would you come up front, please?”

Spike walked up to the front of the classroom as all eyes were on him, “Hi, everyone. I'm Spike Drake, and I just moved here during the summer.”

“And we're so happy to have you here, Spike. I'm sure your classmates will be more than welcome to help you if you need it.” Ms. Sunrise said sweetly.

“Thank you, ma'am.” Spike said with a faint blush on his face.

So Spike took his seat which was conveniently close to where Bloom, Belle, and Scoots were sitting. He listened to Ms. Sunrise go on about the morning lessons, while at the same time thinking about what Twilight and the rest of the girls were doing.

When class let out, the students left the room to head for their next class. As Spike walked down the hall, a voice called out, “Hey! Spike! Hey there!” Spike looked back seeing two boys from class hurrying over to him. One was short and stout, and the other was tall and lanky.

“Oh, hi. Sorry, I don't quite know who anyone is here yet.”

“I'm Snips, and this is Snails.” the short boy began introducing himself and then the taller boy.

“Hiya.” Snails greeted.

“Well, nice to meet you too.”

“Pleasure's ours.” Snails replied.

“Can I help you two with anything?” the new boy asked them.

“Actually, we can help you.” Snips began.

“Help me?”

“That's right,” Snails confirmed, “See, Snips and I have been thinking for awhile we could use a new friend to join our little group.”

“Little group?” Spike wondered.

“Yeah. Us, and two more guys. We could use a fifth member in our ranks, and your showing up is an answer to our prayers.” the short boy explained.

“I see.”

“We'll see you and lunch and introduce you to the rest of our boys.” Snails said.

“Sure ok.” Spike replied feeling up for it.

“Great, see you then.” Snips said, as he and Snails headed for their next class.

Spike smiled feeling those boys looked all right, until another voice called out, “Hi, Spike!” Spike looked seeing Twilight and the other.

“Hi, girls.” Spike said with a smile.

“So, how was your first class?” Applejack inquired.

“It was good. Ms. Sunrise is a nice lady.”

“You got Ms. Sunrise?” Rainbow asked with a grin, “Well, you're gonna be enjoying this year for sure.”

Rarity hushed her, “What Rainbow means is, Ms. Sunrise is a very good teacher to have.”

“Have you made any friends yet, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“I'll bet he has a whole bunch!” Pinkie beamed.

“Well, I think I have two right now, and maybe two more soon enough.”

“Who are they?” Twilight wondered.

“Any of you know Snips and Snails?” Spike asked.

“Snips and Snails?” Twilight asked in response.

“We know them through Bloom and her friends,” Applejack admitted, “They're not bad boys, but they can get themselves into a heapin' helpin' of trouble from time to time.”

“So you're saying I shouldn't be friends with them?”

“We wouldn't say that.” Fluttershy replied.

“Just try to stay out of trouble if they try dragging you into any of their schemes.” Twilight warned him.

“I will, Twilight.” Spike promised.

“Well, we gotta get to our next class. See ya later, Spike.” Rainbow said.

“Bye!” the girls said, as they and Spike went their separate ways.

Later on during lunch hour, Spike had entered the cafeteria with his lunch. He looked around seeing the other students in school sitting down at the tables with their closest friends and such enjoying their food.

He spotted Twilight and her friends sitting at one table looking happy. He would've wanted to join them, but knew he already made arrangements. He saw Snips and Snails at another table, and walked over.

“Room for another?” he asked the two.

“Spike, you made it.” Snips said in joy, as Spike sat down.

“So where are these others in this group of yours?” Spike wondered.

“They should be here shortly.” Snails answered.

And Snails was right, coming up to the three were two more boys, “Hey, guys.” spoke one of the boys who had a bit of an overbite.

“How's it going?” the second asked.

“All good, guys.” Snips answered, as the two newcomers saw Spike.

“Hey, we know you. You're Spike. The new student.” the first one noted.

“Yeah, that's me. And I recognize you guys from class. Featherweight and Pipsqueak?”

“That's right,” Pipsqueak confirmed, “But call me Pip.”

“Hope you don't mind we invited him.” Snails said.

“Not at all.” Featherweight replied.

“We were hoping you guys wouldn't mind if we added Spike into our clique so to speak.” Snips said.

“Really?” Pip asked.

“Of course. With a fifth member we're a whole team.” Snails reminded him.

“Well, in basketball terms we do.” Featherweight replied.

“Never the less.” the taller boy replied.

“Point is, I could use some friends here. I mean I already made friends before school started, but I could use ones in my own grade.” Spike explained.

“What do you mean ones in your own grade?” Pip asked.

“Are you friends with older kids?” Snips inquired.

“Actually yes. In fact they go to school here.”

“Who?!” the four boys demanded.

Spike was taken aback by their sudden change in mood before motioning over to the girls. Then the four looked over, they were surprised.

“You're friends with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom's older sisters?” Snails asked.

“And their friends?” Featherweight asked in equal shock.

“Yeah.” Spike confirmed.

“Now you have to be part of us!” Snips said in excitement.

“I take it you all know them?”

“Who doesn't?” Pip asked rhetorically.

“They're some of the nicest older girls here.” Featherweight said.

“That's for sure.” Snails agreed.

“Being friends with them is a blessing.” Snips put in.

“How'd you manage to befriend them?” Pip asked, “Most kids in our class have a hard time approaching them without getting nervous stomachs.”

“Well, the day I moved into my new home, I met Twilight and her parents. She was my next door neighbor. And I met the rest of the girls following her.”

“You're neighbors with all six of them?” Snails asked in disbelief.


“Lucky you.” Snips pouted.

“I feel envious now.” Featherweight added.

“So I guess I'm out of the group already?” Spike asked feeling bummed.

“Hardly.” Snails answered.

“If you're able to make friends with those girls, then you're definitely friend material. So, how about it, bud?” Snips offered his hand.

Spike looked at the other three who beckoned him to accept it. Spike smiled, and shook Snips hand, “I'm in.”

“Great. So what kind of things are you into?” Pip asked.

“Well, any of you guys into the series Robot Planet Mechatron?”

Their eyes lit up, “Oh, we're definitely going to get along just fine.” Snails answered, as Spike smiled seeing he was on the right path to making friends in school.

When school let out, all the kids walked out of the building to head home. The girls were waiting outside, before seeing Spike exit with his new pals. As the four went their separate ways, Spike walked to the girls looking all happy.

“Hi, Spike.” Fluttershy greeted.

“You sure look happy.” Twilight noticed.

“Well, I finally made a group of friends from school. Snips, Snails, Featherweight, and Pipsqueak aka Pip.”

“Well, that's some good news.” Applejack said, as she playfully ruffled his head.

“Those guys can be a little strange but they're harmless.” Apple Bloom admitted.

“As long as their craziness doesn't rub off on you.” Sweetie Belle joked.

“That won't be a problem.” Spike replied.

“Well, we all better get going.” Twilight said.

“See you tomorrow.” Rainbow said, as they went their separate ways.

As Spike got into his mom's car, Elsa spoke, “How was your day, Spike?”

“Actually, it went very well.”

“Oh, I'm so glad. I was worried there was going to be trouble.”

“It was fine, mom. Especially now that I made friends there.”

Elsa smiled, “I'm so proud of you.”

“I know, mom.” Spike replied, as they drove away.