• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 6,923 Views, 583 Comments

Through Changes - Symphony

When you lose who you are, what will you do to become yourself again?

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Era wiped her face with a hoof and shivered. Her eyes were puffy and red, her mane was disheveled and her coat was matted and filthy. She heard the telltale clopping of a hoof, then claws tapping the floor. She backed into the corner and made herself smaller. She knew that there was no use in trying to use her magic, it would only give her a headache.

Fresh tears threatened to roll down her face as the creature she feared approached. She wanted her daddy to help her make the evil thing go away... Eris sneered and snapped a claw, making a plate of food clatter to the floor in front of the halfbreed. No use in having it go hungry, after all.

Eris left the room the filly occupied and closed her eyes, allowing her senses to encompass the area surrounding the temple. She sensed a single, powerful entity make its way closer. She didn't have to think twice to realize that the disturbance was Discord. She smirked and teleported herself to the entrance of the temple.

”Stupid vines...” Discord muttered as he untangled his tail from a stubborn vine. ”Useless weeds...” He stuck out his tongue and wiped his forehead with the feathers on his tail. He looked up to see the spires of the looming temple which was his destination. He had left the rest of the group behind half an hour ago for them to wait on his signal. He snapped a claw and teleported a short distance to the top of a nearby tree.

He balled his talons to fists and held them up to his eyes, effectively using them as binoculars. He clicked his tongue as he saw nothing of interest, or any sign of another draconequus. Out of the blue he felt a sudden spike of magic from the temple and narrowed his eyes.

He dropped from the tree and shot a beam of pure magic, disintegrating all the vines and trees in the way of his trek to the temple.

”Nature be damned.” He chuckled and skipped the last bit to the temple. Just as he was about to take the first step up the stairs to the doors, they creaked open ominously. Discord took a step back and his magic flared to life around his talons. He knew that the being that opened the door was a draconequus, as he sensed the special kind of magic that pushed the doors open.

When the door was completely open, he couldn't see anything in the dark. That was, until two golden orbs with a crimson center flared to life and a blast of magic shot from the dark, hitting him square in the chest. Discord tumbled back and gritted his teeth. He heard laughter coming from the entrance, and slowly lifted his head with a growl.

His magic flared to life in two miniatures explosions around his talons as he prepared to blast his aggressor three laps around Equis. An unearthly glow came from his eyes as he stood to his full height. He snarled as he noticed a shift in the darkness and lifted his eagle talon to fire.

Out from the darkness walked a young female draconequus with her hands behind her back. Discord's resolve faltered as he realized that the draconequus was probably around her teens. ”Where is my daughter?!” He boomed.

The teenager just snickered and regarded Discord with an amused smirk. ”Oh, she's around here somewhere...” She descended the steps, her talons still behind her back. Discord snarled and raised his talons to fire. He started charging up a shot.

Eris suddenly brought her talons forward, and in her lion talon was Era hanging in the scruff of her neck. The glow in Discord's eyes vanished and the magic surrounding his talons flickered and died. ”No, I wouldn't do that if I was you.” Eris held forward her eagle talon, and shot another beam of magic at Discord, who grunted in pain.

”Let her go.” Discord simply said. ”Let Era go, and I will be at your mercy.” Eris regarded him with a raised eyebrow.

”Well then, I will release your halfbreed daughter, then you will do whatever I say. Are we clear?” Eris lowered Era to the ground. When Discord nodded, Eris dropped Era. Era wasted no time and bounded toward her father and jumped up to his arms, her wings fluttering.

”I'm sorry for taking so long, Era...” Discord said as he hugged her. Era just whimpered and held him closer. ”Now Era, I will send you to Canterlot and mommy, okay?” Era nodded and yawned. ”Dad loves you, never forget that.” Discord bit his lip. Era nodded again and nuzzled his shoulder. Discord relucantly raised a talon and snapped it, teleporting Era to safety.

Discord took a moment to compose himself, then turned to Eris with a cruel grin. ”Now to deal with you....”

Princess Luna bit her lip as she paced around the room. She didn't like Discord's plan one bit, but she would have to trust him to do what he thinks is the best. Her ears splayed back, she still hadn't recieved a message from Discord to ease her worries.

She jumped as a sphere of magic appeared above the bed. She couldn't believe her eyes as the light faded and Era descended to the bed, fast asleep. Luna stared at the filly, mouth agape. She couldn't believe it; Discord had actually managed to do it. Luna laid down carefully next to the filly and held her close. Era shifted slightly, but settled in her mother's embrace.

Discord ducked as a bolt passed overhead, barely missing him. He gritted his teeth and returned a bolt of his own toward the teenager. She evaded it with ease. Discord growled. ” Who are you?! How is it possible that a brat like you can best me?”

”I am Eris and because unlike you, the blood that flows in my veins are from a long line of warriors. Not some trickster who got lucky with a shaman.” Eris sneered. Discord's eyes narrowed, but a small smile escaped him.

”Here's something about tricksters, kid...” Discord held his talons behind his back as he approached Eris.

Discord pursed his lips and whistled twice. The bushes near the treeline rustled, then to Eris' suprise, a massive red earth pony barreled forward and tackled the stunned teenager. Shining Armor teleported forward from the forest. The tops of a few trees rustled, then Spike leaped from one of them with a ferocious snarl and landed next to Discord.

He leaned over her and smirked. ”We always have another trick up our sleeves...” Eris gritted her teeth in rage, but smirked as a plan formed.

Golden spheres formed around the males and lifted them away from her. She stood up and brushed herself off. After that, she looked straight into Spike's eyes. ”Well, well...” She said, moving toward the dragon. ”A drake, in the company of ponies and a coward.” She scratched his chin, and Spike snapped at her claw. She moved her talon leisurely away from the rows of teeth, avoiding injury. She sauntered away from Spike, flicking her tail at his snout.

”Get off me, creep!” Spike bellowed. Fire rose up his throat, and a massive blast of fire was sent toward Eris, who teleported away out of harm's way. Spike growled and dropped to his fours and barreled toward her. He slashed madly with his claws at her and much to his fury, she evaded every single one of his swipes.

”Oh, he can bite.” Eris giggled. Spike's eyes narrowed. Discord placed a talon on the drake's shoulder and shook his head. Spike looked up at the spirit, then let out a deep breath and turned away from Eris.

Discord snapped a talon, and the group, along with Eris was surrounded by a large golden dome. Eris growled and prepared to pounce, but Discord held up his eagle talon and Eris was held back by his magic. He charged his magic, until he released it and teleported away.

The Canterlot Royal Garden was unusually quiet this day, nopony had visited, and nopony was even bothering to stay there for an extended period. The only ponies currently in the garden were Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle.

”At least Era is back to Canterlot... That means that Discord's scheme is working so far...” Fluttershy said, feeding a squirrel. Twilight sighed and nudged a yellow flower with her right hoof.

”I know, but... I can't help but to feel worried... What if Spike is hurt? Or Big Macintosh? And I don't know what Cadence would do to Discord if Shining Armor would come back injured...” Twilight sighed once again. ”I just... I just don't know what to do, and I feel bad for not knowing what to do...”

Fluttershy embraced her friend in a gentle hug. ”I know that you're worried, and I won't lie and say that I'm not. B-but I trust Discord to bring them back safely.” Twilight smiled, and hugged Fluttershy back.

”Yeah.... Discord is well... Discord, but he does hold his word when he really mean it.” Their exchange of feels were interrupted as a giant flash appeared above them.

A massive golden orb appeared where the flash had been, and inside the orb were Discord, Spike, Macintosh and Shining Armor. The orb disappeared, and Discord shot forward, crashing into... another draconequus. Shining Armor's horn flashed, and Big Mac and him reappered on the ground beside Twilight and Fluttershy.

Spike held his arms out wide, gripping a statue and swung around in a loop, then kicked off from the statue with a ferocious snarl. He landed to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust as he reared back, held his talons to his side and roared with all his might, then slammed down to all his four legs and snorted a cloud of smoke from his nostrils.

”That's my dragon...” Fluttershy said dreamily with a sigh.

The ponies' eyes were drawn back to Discord as his talons flashed white, temporarily blinding the other draconequus.

”Twilight! Get the other Elements of Harmony, this is gonna get ugly.” Shining Armor barked as his horn flashed to life. She nodded and disappeared in a purple flash. Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind a bench. Mac snorted and ground his hoof to the ground. Magical blasts began shooting in every direction from the dueling draconequi. Shining Armor raised a shield before any major damage could be done.

After a minute, Twilight returned with the rest of her friends and levitated five necklaces and a crown. She put the crown on her head and passed out the respective elements to the ponies. Spike snarled, tired of standing on the sideline as Discord put himself on the line.

Discord leaped onto a nearby statue, then ran along it and jumped with all his might toward the fight. He smirked as he tackled Eris out of the air, then spun around mid-air and landed on his back. Quicker than the eye, he flipped himself over so Eris was beneath him. The teenage draconequus growled and a blast of magic shot away from her, sending Spike flying away from her. Spike collided with a statue, breaking it. He slumped down next to it, motionless. A sizeable gash ran over his forehead, and several cuts ran along his back.

Discord stared at Spike, mouth wide-open in shock. The sounds around him became muted and unclear. The only thing he could hear was the mocking laugh coming from Eris. His fists started shaking in anger, and with a roar that chilled everypony to the spine, he launched herself at the shocked teenager. His eyes glowed ominously, a neutral frown on his face. He latched his talon around her throat and lifted her off the ground.

Eris tried everything she could to shake him off, but Discord remained immobile, just tightening his grip on her throat. Her breathing came out in pathetic wheezes as Discord continued to choke her.

”Enough!” A voice boomed. Discord's ears perked.

That voice... He remembered that voice... The glow in his eyes faded rapidly, and he turned his head to see Luna holding a hoof to his shoulder. He looked to Eris to see her face blue, and she was clawing at his talons in a last-ditch effort for air. Discord dropped her unceremoniously and turned to Luna. She embraced him and told him that everything was fine. Discord released a shuddering breath.

The Elements of Harmony glanced at eachother. ”Should we... y'know, blast her or something?” Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow.”

”I'm not sure, Rainbow...” Twilight answered her friend.

Eris shuddered as memories returned to her...

”Eris! You must hurry, he's here soon!” Her mother called to her. Eris scurried after her mother as fast as she could. Her mother turned back and lifted her up. She held Eris close as she walked into the temple, where Eris would hopefully be safe from the insane draconequus.

”Where... Mom, where are you going?” Eris said, tears threatening to fall. Her mother wiped them off with a thumb and smiled sadly at her daughter.

”I must help them defend. Stay here and wait for me to return. Do not come out to anyone else... And remember, Eris...” Her mother lifted Eris' head so they looked at eachother. ”Wherever you go, whatever you do... Your mother will always love you.”

Several hours had passed since her mother had left her. Eris stood up from where she had been hiding and walked carefully to the main door of the temple. With a creak, the door was pulled open by her magic.

To her horror, several trees were on fire. Beside the crackling of the fires, the forest was completely silent. She heard the flapping of wings, along with a mad cackle disappearing in the distance. She panicked and teleported herself to the village where she had lived her entire life.

She choked back a sob as several draconequi laid motionless and bloody. Every single hut was on fire, or completely burned to the ground. A pitiful groan from another draconequus came from behind a burning hut. She ran behind it, and screamed...

Her mother laid there, clutching her stomach in indescribable agony. She cracked her eyes open and turned to Eris. ”I... I told you to s-stay i-in the temple. E-Eris...”

”Mom!” Eris ran to her mother and laid down beside her. ”We have to get help! We'll make you better again!”

”It's... It's too late for me, Eris...” Her mother rasped. ”You... You have to stop him... Stop Discord... Whatever it takes, you must stop him before he does any more damage...” Her mother laid back with a heavy sigh.

”I... I can't do it alone...” Eris said, hugging her mother tighter.

”You can do it, Eris... It's in your blood...” Her mom coughed, and a spurt of blood came in her second cough. ”I... I will always be with you... Mommy loves you, Eris...” She coughed up more blood, and her eyes rolled back as her arm fell away limply from Eris.

Tears ran freely down Eris' face as she closed her mother's eyes. She turned with a snarl to where she had heard the cackle come from earlier. On that day, on that very moment, she swore revenge.

Eris glared at Discord, growled and stood up. Her magic flared to life. Discord stood with his back turned to her. ”I have come too far... I have lost too much to stop here...” Eris said, loud enough for Discord to hear her. Discord turned to her with a raised eyebrow. ”You killed my friends!” She screamed. ”You stabbed my father in the back and left my mother to die on her own!” Tears ran down her face. ”No, I won't stop until one of us bites the dust here and now...” Her eyes narrowed.

The ponies stared at Discord in complete silence. Discord's eyes softened. ”Yes... Yes I did all those terrible things in the past... It haunts me everyday, so I make jokes to avoid the white hot agony that is my guilt.”

”You know nothing of the pain you have caused me, traitor... And now, you will die!” Eris launched herself at Discord. Before any of the draconequi could react, a massive rainbow shot into the air from behind Discord.

Discord's eyes widened as he saw the rainbow come down toward Eris. Eris stood frozen, staring up at the oncoming magic in horror. She closed her eyes and shielded her face with her talons. She heard a magic flash from a teleport and felt someone hold her. She opened her eyes to see Discord standing over her with a small smirk.

”Hold still, and keep all your body parts beneath me unless you want to become half garden decoration...” Era nodded, too stunned for words

The rainbow hit Discord in the back full-force, and he arched his back and screamed. His eyes were screwed shut as he felt the stone gradually overtake his body. He heard Luna screaming his name just before his head, along with his ears were covered by stone.

In the end, a statue of Discord fell to its side with a heavy 'thunk', burrowing itself into the ground due to the force.

Complete silence were in the royal garden. The Elements of Harmony stared at the unexpected result from their attack with their mouths agape. Era got to her feet in silence, staring at Discord's imprisoned form with her mouth hanging as well.

”He... He...” Eris stared at his still form. ”He got in the way of the Elements, who were aimed for me...”

”Discord may have done many terrible things before, but he has been working for several years to improve his reputation and change his ways...” Luna said as she held a hoof to Discord's cheek. ”So, he decided to take your punishment away from you and claim it as your own. You suffered enough already...” Luna said softly as she glanced up at Eris, who twiddled her talons nervously.

”Come, we must speak to Celestia about this. I'm sure that she can have a solution to this so we may free him from his imprisonment.” Luna said as she levitated Discord. ”Or else he might become cranky...” Luna muttered. Eris nodded weakly and followed Luna, just staring down at the ground. She refused to look up at anypony. She could, however feel the glares being sent her way from the ponies.

Author's Note: