• Published 9th May 2020
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DOOM of Griffonstone! - ShadowStar_IMHP

[Displaced] Victor Von Doom was a Character in Marvel comics. So why am I in his head? Why are we in Griffonstone? I also must ask... who am I?

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Chapter 14: Commercial Break!

Doom’s POV

“Gruff, you said the Moon Silver price is starting to fall?” Doom asks the elder griffon as he ate some of the breakfast Kronk had cooked.

Grandpa Gruff swallows his meal and looks to Doom. “Yeah, it's not much we are careful, but the market is starting to fluctuate. Those I sent out to sell the metal are reporting our moon silver is in higher demand elsewhere. It’s the purity of our metal, and it lowers other sources of moon silver.”

“Alright, Gabby, I have a task for you.”

Gabby stood up and saluted. “What can I do for ya?”

“Head back to Griffonstone and…” Doom stopped talking as Gabby leaped into the air and flew away a few yards before coming back.

“Um… Okay, after I get to Griffonstone?”

Doom rolled his eyes and then looked to Gabby. “Go to Brokkr and Sindri workshop and tell them to start operation Stainless Steel. Then head to the airfields and tell Surtr to make sure the airship construction is underway.”

“Yes, sir!” She then leaped up and took off flying back to Griffonstone.

Faina tilts her head, “Is she always that hyper? She’s worst then Gallus.”

“HEY!” Gallus calls out then crosses his arms over his chest.

“So your majesty, what is this Operation Stainless Steel?” Mona asks as she watches Doom.

“Stainless Steel is a type of steel that doesn’t rust. Very useful in various items, for example, cooking pots and pans. I already have some shipped to Canterlot to a griffon named Gustave Le Grand.”

“Him? That crazy cook? Why did you ship something so useful to him?”

Doom smiled behind his mask and looked to the fledglings. “Another skill a spy could use. Instead of getting information, they can release controlled information. For example, start a shopping craze by bragging about his brand new cooking instruments.” Doom headed into the tent already prepared for him. “Get some rest; we will be leaving for the Valley of Mist at first light.”

It took five days of travel till the carriage reaches the real mountains of they traveled south till they came to the valley of mist. The tropical rainforest area was growing even more and more claustrophobic as the trees bunched up together.

“The trees are healthy here? What gives?” Gallus looks out the window as they followed the road they found among the trees. Flying among the trees were bright colored birds and what doom would classify as Archaeopteryx.

“The winds that prevented storms from staying in the area of Griffonstone aren’t powerful enough to blow the storms away here. Storms meet the high heat of the caldera across the channel and stop moving, so this area gets rain regularly.”

Faina looked out of the window as well. “Those birds remind me of the paintings the Raven’s do on their walls.”

Mona chuckles, “Why you think we paint those images. Like I told Doom, we remember our history. However, this forest is far more extensive than just a valley, and the valley itself is several miles long. We knew we came from this area, just not what part of the southern forest.”

Doom thought for a moment. “It also explains your primary colors; unlike the other griffons, Raven’s tend to be more uniformed. More useful to hide in the shadows of the trees when hunting.”

“Guys, we got a situation,” Kronk called out as he looked forward down the road at the group ahead of them and bringing the carriage to a stop.

When the carriage stopped, Doom got out, followed by the Flight Mother and the two fledglings. In front of the carriage were six Ravenblood griffons. Unlike the Flight Mother, these were all runts with leaves and bones woven into a form of camouflage. The spears were stone-tipped and primitive in make. Once the primitive runt Ravens spot, Doom then gripped the spears in a threatening manner and bunched up, ready to fight. Clicking, shrills, and croaks in a clear speech pattern that Doom couldn’t devise.

Mona stepped forward, taking up her role of Flight Mother she raised her hand. She issued her own set of similar sounds.

“Flight Mother, what is going on?” Doom asks as he watches the natives settle down.

“It’s a tribe of what we call wild ones. Not every griffon joined those who built Griffonstone; they just so few of them that most others don’t even know they exist.”

Faina looks over, “Are they all runts like me?”

“Yes, child, we don’t know why but all the wild ones are runts.”

“I can tell you why. It’s an adaptation, much like how Ponies are smaller than the Alicorns, runts are becoming the standard for Griffons. Smaller bodies need less food and less magic for flight or other abilities.” Doom looks down, Faina. “It’s not a defect, Faina; your body is an adaptation.”

He then looks to Mona, “Well, what do these Wild ones want?”

“It turns out that the path ahead got washed out, we have to go farther in on foot. This group has been sent from their village to see what has been happening. You caused some unrest with the whole moving the sun and stopping the quakes. Their tribe sent these warriors to the land to the tall ones, us, to find out if we knew what is going on.”

“Very well, Kronk unload the carriage and have the Doomgolems transport our supplies. It seems we are going to visit these tribal natives village.”

They moved among the trees walking along a narrow path. The need to go on foot was the Golems being unable to fly. It was a bonus for Doom, who was able to see the wide variety of life in the rainforest. Soon they came to a cliffside, and the path started going up; it wasn’t long till they reached above the canopy, and the valley came into view.

“Wow… okay, now I understand why it called the valley of mist,” Gallus says as they look out at the valley, the trees rarely poke out of the mist that hung in the air. The mist white was from time to time, interrupted by the random burst of color from the birds and Archaeopteryx.

The village was hanging nest like buildings tied to trees and the nearby cliffs. Doom noted how the very path they used protected by guards. “Flight Mother, is there something dangerous in the forest?”

“Oh, many things. The mist beasts are nocturnal and seem to avoid sunlight. For this reason, they were called the mist beasts. They are more of a problem when in the water out of it, they hide in the trees. They hunt by snatching, passing prey with their arms. The real danger is not being able to see them till they strike. The mist hides them, as well as they blend into where they hide. So one moment you think you safe the next, you are being choked to death. They live mainly near, and in the lake, other beasts are mostly dangerous by poisons and venom, for example, snakes.”

The natives were welcoming already used to dealing with other Griffons; they didn’t show any fear of Doom and the Doomgolems. Doom chose to call this tribe pygmy Ravens, due to the size difference.

An elderly female raven started talking to the Flight Mother. Judging by the outfit of the elder griffon, Doom figured that she was the Flight Mother of the tribe. He noted a change in tone, suddenly the nearby pygmy griffons knelt and began praising him. “Mona, what are they doing?”

“I told them you stopped the daily shakes and fixed the sun. So, they are worshiping you.”

Doom nods and raises his hand. “Translate for me, Mona.” Then out loud, “I thank you for your praise. The world has been broken now, I have fixed it, but there is much I need to repair. I do not ask much of you; I respect your way of life and wish only to make it easier for you to continue. For now, let have a feast and celebrate our new friendship.”

Once the natives relaxed, a feast and celebration filled the evening. Doom soon found himself sitting cross-legged at a fire. “Mona, you said the Ravenblood been seeking out the last den. Do you have any more information?”

“The valley is five miles long and has a three-mile-long lake in the center.”

The voice of the Pygmy’s Flight mother spoke up. Then Mona turned to Doom. “Their fight mother tells me that what we seek is forbidden. That was why they never told us what they knew. Of course, for a being that can stop the quakes and change the sun, these secrets she willing to tell. At the far end of the lake is a cave, one guarded by a large Mist Beast. They call the cave the Den of the dead.”

Doom nodded. “So all this time, these natives knew where the old den was and refused to tell you.”

“Seems we all became skilled at keeping secrets. Even from our fellow Ravenblood.”

“Tomorrow, we go to the Den of the dead. It’s too late to go now, so we rest and celebrate our new friendship.”
Hans’s POV

Hans was moving along the road like a freaky insect. Long tendrils serving as legs propel him over the way. Alongside him flew the disguised Discord.

That was when the ground exploded in front of Hans. The cause was the blast that shot past him, a blast so close he could feel the heat.

Looking behind him, he saw three sentinels land and lift their arms and fire three blasts at the same time right at him. The world went white.

He expected pain; he expected to die. He didn’t expect to be a fire hydrant in front of a brick wall. “WHAT THE ****.”

A laugh to his right brought his attention to a dog with Discord’s eyes. “AFTER THESE MESSAGES! WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK!”

“F****** Commercials!”

Then the world shifts again, and he was standing in a jungle. Beside him was a monkey, “What’s for Lunch?”

A bamboo fence collapse, and four colorful Hippos came dancing in. “It’s Hungry Hungry Hippos!”

“CRAP!” Hans got hit by a flying banana as the Hippo conga line continued their dancing mayhem. The yellow one hit him with it’s overside rear and sent him flying with cartoon physics.

He splashes down in the ocean he notices a shark swimming below him. Then he swam up, and his head breaks the surface, and he spots a woman in a black one-piece bathing suit sitting on an innertube.

Then the woman went flying, and the shark was in the center of the innertube. “Hey, where the cream filling?”

The world shifted again, and Hostess cupcakes were now was shown. A voiceover says, “Hostess now that the stuff!”

The commercial was interrupted with Pinke Pie shoving the cupcakes into her mouth. “BLA… I can do better!”

“Pinkie!” Discord pops into the scene. “You not suppose to be in this chapter, heck not even in this act.” Discord snaps his fingers, and a bunch of papers appears in his hand. He shows one to Pinke Pie. “See it says here in the author’s notes. Act three takes place in Canterlot. He is going to …’

Pinkie Pie shoves a Hostess cupcake into his mouth. “NO SPOILERS! NOW get back to the action.” Then Pinke Pie snaps her fingers, and the world shifted again.

He was in a field of flowers and dancing together coming to him was four figures. They were Pikachu, Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong. Then they started fighting, “SMASH BROTHERS!” Hans had to leap away as Donkey Kong slammed Pikachu.

Then the world shifted again. Hans found himself on a floating platform in a dark room with cheering people. A voice calls out, “It sometime in the future the ultimate challenge! Crossfire.”

He was sent spotted two children playing a game below. The crossfire game of shooting metal marbles at a target. “Oh, fu….” When one of the players lost, he was sent spinning and then vanished.

Back in the world of the Show, Discord smiles. “Well, it seems this show has been canceled. Have fun in another Equestria Hans.”

Discord dropped his Dr. Strange disguise and rose into the air, taking the shape of a cloud and started to follow a Limo.

In that very Limo, Doctor Doom smashes a computer screen. “HE GOT AWAY! Driver hurry to the school! I want that Gryphon!”

Following the Limo were the three sentinels and five others coming from other directions.

Gilda’s POV

In the underground cafeteria, a siren starts blaring. For a moment no one moved then Professor X wheelchair moved to the hall. “Everyone to the monitoring room!”

“Come on Gilda, that means you too,” Jubilee says as they all went to another large chamber. Gilda has never seen such a place large window-like panels were on the wall and each lit up showing an image.

Those images showed Sentinals a total of 8 of them on a flight path for the mansion.

“This doesn’t look good. We haven’t fought that many at once before.” Jubilee says seeing the images.

“Have faith Jubilee, we shall prevail.” Storm kept a positive note even when she felt much the same.

“I might have a solution to this situation. However, it will take time.” Beast jumps into a seat and started activating programs. “If those Sentinals are being controlled, I could hack into the signal and take them over.”

He turns and looks at his fellow X-Men. “Doctor Doom is one of the most brilliant minds on the planet. His encryption will be difficult to decode.”

Cyclops taps his visor. “Then all we need to do give you that time.”

“Well bub, I have a bad feeling it won’t be that easy.” Wolverine’s claws extend, “But it will be fun to try.”

Professor X reaches over and hits a control panel. The lights turn red as outside the mansion went into combat mode. Windows closed with steel shutters, defensive weapons deploy and turned to aim at the incoming threat. “I dread the day I had to activate this system.”

Gilda looks at the images “Is it worth it? Maybe I should just go out there?”

Rogue puts her hand on Gilda’s shoulder, “Don’t worry sugar, the X-men don’t abandon their friends just because of a little trouble with Sentinals. Believe me, I enjoy smashing those things apart.”

Once the Sentinals come into range missiles launch at the closet three. “X-Men get ready for battle.”

“If you going to fight I’m coming as well. I’m tired of not fighting back.” Gilda.

“Are you sure? Sentinels aren’t easy to battle.”

Gilda extends her talons “I sure for the last year I hoped and begged for someone to save me. Then he did. He didn’t treat me like a fragile thing though, he was always pushing me to be better. Driving me to not be the one to save myself. I won’t be staying here and let you all save me.”

Jubilee smiles “I fell the same. I remember when the X-Men rescued me from Sentinels, I just hate being on the sidelines after.”

The group headed up to the first floor leaving Professor X and Beast behind.

The Sentinals’ defensive system blast the missiles out of the sky with ease. What they didn’t register was those missiles were armed with smoke devices so when they exploded the sky was filled with a cloud of smoke filled with microparticles designed to disrupt sensors.

As the first Sentinal came out of the cloud a blinding blast of red energy smashes into its artificial face slitting the head in half. “X-Men! The back of the head is a control disk. We can exploit the disk having cut into the Sentinal armor! Target that location if you can!”

“I hate not being able to fly!” Wolverine says as he extends his claws.

Storm rose into the air. “Then let me bring them down to the ground.” She raises her hands “Rain and Sleet heed my call!” Clouds form and freezing rain start falling on the sentinels. Soon after ice was seen forming on the metal forms and the jet keeping them airborne give out and the remaining 7 sentinels land in front of the mansion.

“Rogue give me a lift!” Wolverine ran forward and Rogue picks him up and throw him at one of the Sentinals. His claws cut into its face slashing the optical sensors.

Jubilee was sending her pyrotechnic blasts at another sentinel. Gilda raises her hands and focused her thought she spoke in accent Griffon “FIRE”. In her practice she was safe, she was protected even when she was trying to cast spells. This was real life, a real threat, a real reason to ignore the doubt.

A fireball erupts from her hands blasting the face of a sentinel. “YES! Finally something more than a ****ing light!”

She then gets shoved out of the way by gambit as the ground she stood on was struck by an energy blast.

“Keep moving deary unless you want to be a cooked goose.”

“STORM! I Got the can open!” Wolverine was on the back of a Sentinel and had sliced the disk off. The machine had stopped moving as the computer rebooted. He jumped off as the very spot where the disk was got hit by lighting frying the interior circuitry.

“Two down!” Jubilee called out as she doges another sentinel attack. A bit of metal flew over her head as Jean Grey sent it flying at the attacking forces.

“Lightning head my call!” Another Sentinal was struck and jerked to a stop falling over. She turned trying to change her flight but was struck with a blast.

“STORM!” Rogue swoops in and catches the falling Storm. “Good Catch beautiful!”

“Stop flirting and start flighting Sugar.”

Gilda came flying past. “Let me try that Lightning attack!” She then cast her spell forcing the magic to take a form she wanted and using the accent griffon word for “Lightning”. The magic took form and a blast of lightning struck the Sentinal that attacked Storm.

“Good work my X-men. Beast has got the encryption code and shall shut them down…” Just as he telepathically sent that the other sentinels stop moving “Now, please back away from them Beast will be activating the self-destruction.

Gilda flew back to the manor but got hit by a blast of energy. Out of the clouds swooped Doctor Victor von Doom grabbing her.

“Doom! Release her!” Rogue flys up to the offending Doctor Doom. Only to be knocked out by Doom’s connection blast.

“No… Doom they help me.”

“Foolish girl. I was the one that sent the Sentinals. They hindered my goals.”

That when she saw his eyes. Cold, piercing, domination, and heartless eyes, unlike the Doom she knew the one who was calculating but also one who was rebuilding her home, the one whose eyes were filled with determination and compassion. The eyes she was falling in love with, this was not the same man.

“FIRE!” She called out in accent Griffon and a blast of fire engulfed Doctor Doom’s head. Only for the flames to fade revealing they done nothing.

“A mear parlor trick.” A second stun blast and then as the X-men attacked he activated the Nerve impulse Scrambler knocking them all out. “Doctor Doom will not be denied.”

He turns just as his modified jet came into view. Behind it two Shield Quinjets in pursuit. It doesn’t matter the Doomjet could outfly the inferior jets. He boards with ease and as the jet seals up it speeds away.

Unseen by Doctor Doom was a small figure of Discord sipping a martini under the computer console. “Ah, first-class flight indeed. I hear Latveria is lovely this time of year.”

Author's Note:

Well, here it is Doctor Doom's attack on the X-men mansion. I could have done more but really, I had trouble handling so many characters at once. Doom has faced the X-men before in comics and various stories. He immuned to Professor X, Armor might be damaged by Wolverine's claws but only if he gets in range. That not counting Doom's forcefields.

His armor has channeled lighting and can handle extreme weather so Storm is useless in the fight. Rogue would be limited to punching because his armor would protect him from her touch. Given the armor made to fight the "Thing," I think Doom would be safe from her punches.

Cyclops might be a threat if he can penetrate those forcefields. He from my estimation the only one who has a chance of harming Doctor Doom. Next Chapter Gilda will be in Latveria and in the clutches of Doctor Doom!

Maybe now she got a better grasp on her spells she could escape?

Hmm... where did Discord send Hans I wonder?