• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,617 Views, 347 Comments

Tails of Innocence - CommanderX5

Half a century before Nightmare Moon’s return, a three-tailed fox is teleported to another continent, away from those who wish her harm. Will she find acceptance and help Celestia save her sister? Or will her instincts get better of her?

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Medical Checkup

Tails of Innocence


Chapter 2
Medical Checkup

50 Years before Nightmare Moon’s Return

“Rise and shiiine, my little Kyuubi,” said an unfamiliar voice.

The fox gave a drowsy “shmerrrr” before rubbing her face. She yawned and slowly opened her eyes, being met by a white face to her side and its large, pale magenta eyes looking intently at her.

W-what hour… is it? she asked telepathically as her vision was still blurry. She licked her forepaw before adjusting the fur on her head and rubbing her ears, as if she was a cat doing its cleaning routine.

“It is the hour of your morning magical practice,” the princess said as Kyuubi could feel Celestia’s armored hoof poke her shoulder.

The fox yawned again before stretching herself atop two pillows as she took in her surroundings.

A few bookshelves stood close to walls of this rounded room, all filled with books, including bedtime stories that the princess had been reading to her these past three months. An earth pony with a Lion’s mane searching for courage, a pegasus scarecrow who desired a brain and a unicorn made of metal desperate for a heart, certainly her favorite story thus far.

Behind her she could see dim sun rays come inside through two windows and a door leading to the balcony. After living for years in a Church, forbidden to leave its safe walls, seeing an entire flourishing city from the top of the tower always brought her awe and amazement no matter how many sunsets she witnessed. After a quick glance at the clock on the wall, she could tell that the full sunrise was yet to come, something she was looking forward to.

She could see the light and feel the warmth coming from a little fireplace. Not that she was cold at night as her white fur kept her warm. Next to the fireplace she spotted some sort of bird cage with an opened door, indicating that her mentor took care of a pet bird at some point. The cage was well-taken care off by maids and thus far was empty.

To her left, she could see a large double-sized bed, big enough to accommodate the large mighty alicorn as she needed to stand on her rear paws just to notice the spacious pillows. While the princess insisted they sleep together as there was enough space for her on the bed, she didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with a stranger of such importance, though she was slowly getting comfortable to that idea.

Kyuubi looked down as her vision finally sharpened. In the middle of the room was a rounded violet carpet, one she used as a bed as the princess added two yellow pillows for her to sleep on. Her little paws and belly sank into the softness of both pillows as she wished she could remain in this comfort for a bit longer.

“You know I have a very busy schedule, so please, do not keep me waiting,” Celestia said with a tap of her bare hoof.

Kyuubi nodded, pushing herself to stand before jumping onto a nearby bed, now watching the princess from a bit higher ground as her head reached the alicorn’s neck. She found it a little odd seeing the mighty ruler with no big golden petral resting on her neck, no shoes on her hooves and no tiara showing her authority. Even though ponies had fur, not many of them seemed to wear any clothes, unlike the humans that always wore uniforms or clothes of sorts.

On the other hand, a bare princess seemed a bit more approachable.

What we will practice today, Princess Celestia?

“I already told you many times to call me Celestia. There is no need for formality when we are alone,” the princess said as she playfully tickled the fox's nose with the tip of her wing, causing her to sneeze.

Kyuubi giggled as her middle tail shone with magic. Celestia’s wing flexed towards the princess’s muzzle, tickling her instead.

“I see you are making progress with telekinesis,” Celestia praised.

Of course I am, and I can demonstrate how much.

“Please do,” Celestia encouraged.

Kyuubi took a fighting stance, gritting her teeth as her paws started to tremble. Her eyes narrowed from the struggle as she focused on the princess, whose right forehoof no longer made contact with the floor while the tip of her left hoof still touched it. She felt a little part of the levitated weight press on her body, forcing her to lie on her side, yet her struggle paid off. She blinked as a drop of sweat slid down her eye.

“When you said you wished to demonstrate, I did not think you had this in mind.”

Seeing the alicorn's surprised expression, she grinned and leaped playfully. I did it! My levitation is strong enough to lift half a ton of weight.

“Excuse me?!” Celestia said before looking to the side as she huffed in annoyance. “To your information, I am four hundred kilograms heavy at best, well, maybe four hundred ten, but certainly not half a ton.” She looked at the floor before adding, “Furthermore, most of my hooves were still on the floor. Your levitation is around a hundred kilograms strong at best.”

Kyuubi chuckled, having a little revenge for being called ‘little’ every so often. She lowered the princess’s forehooves, allowing her tensed muscles a moment to rest. I started using telekinesis ever since I grew my second tail, but I never practiced it much before.

“Your magic is your greatest asset, your strongest muscle, so it is very important to practice it. There may come a time when having a strong telekinetic grasp will be most helpful, little one.”

Kyuubi rolled her eyes, looking forward to the day she'd outgrow her mentor and call her ’little princess’ for a change. Speaking of my magical muscle, why won’t you teach me teleportation?

She stood on her thin rear paws while spreading her forepaws enthusiastically. I would be like, puff, I’m not here, puff, I am there instead. It’ll be so much fun! She backflipped, then bounced up and down on the soft bed. Or maybe how to make the protective bubble you showed me a week ago. I would fear no sword with a magical shield to keep me safe.

Celestia shook her forehoof, much to the fox’s disappointment. “Baby steps.”

I’m not a baby! Kyuubi sat and crossed her forepaws, frowning. With healing and purifying being the only field of magic she knew thus far while telekinesis came to her naturally, she hoped to expand her magical arsenal. It didn’t help that the best new spells she could cast was illumination while most of her training sessions focused on improving what she already knew. This isn’t what she signed on for.

The princess approached, sitting on the bed next to the fox while picking Kyuubi with her wing. “You seem disappointed. You do not like our magical sessions?”

Kyuubi perched herself among the feathers as her paws sank in the majestic wing, which somewhat camouflaged her presence due to her snowy fur. The red collar adored her neck. It’s not that I don’t like them, but I hoped you could teach me something new. I don’t want to only practice my purifying over and over. She held her forepaws together. Please…

Celestia challenged the puppy stare, not daring to blink. Her resolve melted quickly as Kyuubi grabbed her transparent circulating mane and nuzzled it while adding ‘pretty please’ telepathically over and over. “I yield. I will teach you a new spell.”

Kyuubi hugged Celestia’s mane, then jumped and screeched cheerfully before looking at the princess curiously.

“This spell is called ‘Lulufilly’. If used correctly, it can put someone to sleep in a gentle manner,” Celestia explained as her horn lit. “Watch carefully.”

Kyuubi nodded, her tails raised upward as if ready to mimic magic on the princess’s horn. Seconds passed as she started hearing a pleasant song, her eyes becoming heavier and heavier.

She shook her head and concentrated, focusing magic into her tails as she struggled to stay awake. One attempt after another, she tried to cast the spell, failing with each attempt as her body became too relaxed for her liking. She fell to her side, overcome with the comfort of heavenly feathers as her eyes closed on their own.

Her nap didn’t last long though as she felt a hoof rubbing her side.

“Enjoying your little nap?”

Kyuubi opened her eyes and yawned, then huffed in annoyance. No fair! How can I learn that spell when I can’t see how you cast it without falling asleep? You picked this spell in particular for that reasons, didn’t you?

Celestia chuckled before levitating over a nearby book.

Kyuubi looked at the presented page, seeing detailed information regarding the spell. Reading? Seriously?

“Of course. Seeing how a spell is cast is but one way to learn it. Literature is most helpful as well,” Celestia said encouragingly. “Your caretakers taught you how to read after all, so it should be nothing new.”

They did, but reading isn’t as much fun as practice, and playing games is way more enjoyable, Kyuubi responded, looking between the book and the princess's face. She wasn’t sure why both human and pony culture were so similar, from language to writing, but it worked in her favor.

“I suppose a youth like you may not appreciate reading yet, but I am most certain it will change. Reading in comfort next to a fireplace can be very relaxing. You need to give it a try.”

Kyuubi smiled and nodded. With the princess being busy most of the day, reading books seemed like a good time-killer, especially if it would help her learn new spells. Her ears perked up. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to do intense reading and learn new spells behind Celestia’s back.

... I cherish you, great father, let your kingdom rise and thrive in the world of living and beyond, Kyuubi spoke telepathically to herself, unable to reach anyone’s mind except her own as she stared at the wall, kneeling flat on the carpet. I… I really want to thank you, for allowing me to find a home and acceptance. Please watch over my old home and keep Father Rodrigo and Timothy from harm’s way. Let them have peaceful lives without conflict now that I’m away.

She whimpered, thinking about home. As much as she missed her adoptive family, reuniting with them was impossible. She could only live up to their expectations, living in a faraway land and making them proud with good deeds. Father Rodrigo, Timothy, God, everyone, I… I’ll make you proud, I swear.

With her golden regalia now decorating her body, Celestia walked towards the balcony, feeling the excited stomps of her little charge on her back. “Aren't you a bit too excited?”

Too excited when watching you move the sun, are you kidding? I bet Timothy and Father Rodrigo would be shocked if they learned that one alicorn can guide objects in the sky like that. She smiled. God must have really blessed you to give you such an important task in our world. He created it after all so I guess he trusts you ponies to do it.

Celestia smiled as she levitated Kyuubi onto a seat next to a little telescope. She still found it strange to be having an apprentice who believed in such things. Celestia had told Kyuubi many times that before she ascended into an alicorn, unicorns raised the sun and moon. When asked who raised it before them, Celestia couldn’t answer. Such knowledge had been lost during the Time of Chaos with Discord. Perhaps they once moved on their own, as Kyuubi always believed until now, but it has always been that way for Equestria. Kyuubi was convinced that this “God”, who apparently was also named “God”, had blessed her kind with this gift and Celestia had no desire to change that. Even if the alicorn herself didn’t believe it.

Celestia spread her wings, flying towards the sky as she looked at fox’s flapping tails. She spread her forehooves in a dramatic fashion, her horn lit as the sun ascended behind her back. A few drops of sweat fell down her face while her heart-beat increased in speed. While her connection with the sun fueled her with the magic she needed to move it, it still felt draining in the end, especially with moving the moon being part of her duty as well.

One deep breath after another, Celestia relaxed her tense muscles while feeling a little headache. Her wings flapped at a steady pace, keeping her in mid-air. She felt the warmth of the sun as she smiled in satisfaction at her work.

I can’t believe you’re doing it everyday. This is amazing!

Celestia giggled as she descended towards her little fan. While she was used to receiving praise from her subjects or seeing their admiration, there was something refreshing in hearing it from her personal student. The fact that her fan wasn’t even a pony certainly added to the variety.

She walked back inside, gesturing with her wing for the fox to follow, who trotted by her side, taking a few quick steps for each of hers.

Do you really have to go? It is really boring when you’re not around, Kyuubi complained while looking at her with drooped ears and sad eyes. And when I feel lonely, I spend too much time in the kitchen. I’ll get fat from all those sweets and treats.

Celestia looked down at her adorable student and shook her head. “Please fear not. I scheduled an appointment for you at the royal medical wing inside the castle. This should keep you busy.”

Medical wing? Why? Kyuubi asked as Celestia could see a cheerful glee form on her face. Wait, don’t tell me, you want my medical assistance. I’ll not fail!

Celestia smiled at the determined salute, before shaking her hoof at the fox. “There’s no need for any healing at the moment. You’ll meet Doctor Aid for a different reason.”

Which is?

Celestia lowered herself while pointing at each tail. “Besides checking up on your health and taking a blood and urine sample, I asked the medical staff to study your biology with safe tests and scanning spells. I hope they can help us learn more about your species and how your tails work.”

Kyuubi nodded, confusion still present on her face. You mean, you want them to study me? This won’t be painful? Wait… blood sample! Kyuubi curled herself. No needles, please.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “I am sure the doctor will be gentle. Be a brave little kitsune and do as the doctor says, alright?” Seeing hesitant nod, she continued, “I hope we can learn more about what your species is capable of, and you can learn more about healing magic from professionals. My bedchamber guards will escort you there when the time comes, and I expect you to be on your best behavior. Can I count on you?”

I… I’ll do my best.

“And watch your diet, little one. I know you like sweets, but enough is enough. Do not make me ban sweets for a week from the Royal Kitchen.”

B-ban sweets! Please no!

Celestia rose to her full height and resumed her walk. She had a long day full of duties ahead of her. Tasking her subjects with keeping her student busy and helping her develop seemed like a proper course of action.

Ever since Her Highness herself appointed him to check on the health and study a creature never before seen in Equestria, he has been feeling a growing excitement and fascination, hiding it behind his professional mask. Aside from specialization in biology, surgery and healing ponies, his side-studies in veterinary medicine were finally going to pay off.

The last member of its species that came from a far away land never seen by any Equestrian. A unique fox with multiple tails capable of rare healing and purifying magic. A mighty creature that the princess herself took as a personal student. The first one in centuries and still hadn’t introduced to the public. After that description, his mind provided him with images of a tall mighty multi-tailed beast with its posture showing nothing but wisdom.

The small puppy-like fox with muzzle and whiskers covered in frosting was certainly not what he had expected.

“Doctor Aid, we brought Miss Kyuubi per Her Highness’ request. We’ll wait outside at the door until the examination is done,” said a unicorn guard, saluting as typical golden armor decorated his hooves, chest, back and head. A little hole for the horn was present on his helmet. Both guards’ fur was grey and their mane white-blue, a side-effect of armor’s enhancements hiding their real appearance.

Kyuubi jumped onto a little bed reserved for the patient’s examination, waving her forepaw. Hello Mr. Aid. My name is Kyuubi, nice to meet you.

Noticing the extended paw, he raised his hoof, carefully shaking it. “Charmed.”

So, what will we do first? Do you want to examine my tails? Kyuubi turned to the side while presenting her tails, the middle one surrounded by a magical aura.

The medical wing was a mini-hospital of sorts, one that served the castle staff or royalty in case of emergency. It was separated into a few rooms, full of various beds, medical equipment, and colored like one from the white floors to the grey walls. There were also rooms connected to the main wing such as the pharmacy, operation rooms, and the morgue. Nurses and Doctors were always on standby in case of emergency, but rarely needed.

I hope Princess Celestia allows me to publish my findings.

Aid’s horn lit as he levitated a napkin from his table, wiping away the frosting from the fox’s mouth and whiskers. “Maybe I should first look into your diet. Is it healthy for you to eat sweets, cakes, fruits and vegetables? What if your body requires nutrients from fish and other meat sources?” While Her Highness didn’t tell him, he could already tell that telepathy was involved.

I… I am perfectly fine eating all kinds of foods. I ate together with humans and never felt sick because of what they offered me. She displayed a toothy smile. Besides, I played a game of tag with the guards and maids and exercised in the hallway to burn calories after my visit to the kitchen. I won’t get fat.

“Humans?” Aid asked.

Kyuubi nodded. They always stand on their rear legs and have fingers instead of hooves. They can eat all kinds of foods, from vegetables and fruits to cooked meat. I especially liked drinking vegetable and potato soup. And carrots. Tasty, tasty carrots. Meat was scarce at the time though so hunting wasn’t allowed until the land would recover.

“Scarce or not, a fox’s main diet consists of mice, bunnies and rabbits. Surely you had to eat at least one.”

Kyuubi gasped before shaking her head firmly. Eat another creature, no way! I mean, they left me with a mouse or a bunny in a room back when they thought I was an ordinary fox. She blushed and smiled sheepishly. I had no idea what their intention was, so I just played with those cute animals. They were afraid of me at first, but nothing nuzzling and hugging couldn’t fix.

Doctor Aid blinked in confusion, staring oddly at his patient. “I get the impression that such behaviour must have been seen as odd by your former caretakers.”

I suppose that’s true.

Doctor Aid stretched his neck, looking at Kyuubi’s tails curiously. “Is your middle tail responsible for spellcasting? Or is it related to telepathy in particular?”

Kyuubi looked between her tails and Aid before speaking, My middle tail is responsible for telepathy and telekinesis. She pointed at her right tail. This one grew during the judging ritual with God. I could use healing magic and learn purification ever since.

“Interesting,” Aid said while rubbing his chin, especially that ‘God’ part. Celestia had said that her newest apprentice came from a world that believed in such things and wasn’t to question it. Not that he cared, some of the guards believed in that “Harmonist” faith that was popular in the rural communities.

“Please lie down and don’t move. I will cast an advanced version of the scanning spell on you and each of your tails. It should provide us with some answers.” Much to his satisfaction, his little patient compiled, a good kid indeed. He picked a red gem from the nearby table with his hoof, sending his magic into it. The moment it flashed, he charged another spell, casting it on the patient while aided by the power of the magical gem.

What was that? Kyuubi asked as a wave of magic went through her body. It felt… ticklish. Was this the scanning spell?

In an instant, Aid placed the gem back on the table before levitating over a pen and a notepad, writing in it. “Most interesting.”

What is, what is? Kyuubi asked as she jumped to her paws, staring at the notepad with growing curiosity.

Doctor Aid sat on a pillow next to the bed as he continued writing. “First, it seems that a lot of veins and the web of connections for magic to travel is heavily focused in your left tail. I believe that the tail you were born with was responsible for storing most of your magic and ensuring its efficient travel through your body. No wonder you couldn’t cast any spells at the time as it performs a support role.”

Much to the doctor's surprise, his patient jumped onto his knees, peeking at the notepad. He rolled his eyes, levitating the kid back onto the bed to her annoyance.

Anything else?

Aid continued, “Well. I have a theory that your first tail supported other functions related to your health, but I’ll need to do additional tests to learn about them.” He glanced at a nearby pink lollipop in the shape of a heart, his personal favorite. With the help of his magic, he levitated it over, saying, “Please lick it and I’ll perform another scan.”

But I ate already… not that I say no.

Doctor chuckled, seeing intense licking of the innocent fox. Performing another scanning spell, he added more data to his notepad. “As I suspected.” Getting attention from Kyuubi who stopped licking her threat, he added, “Your left tail showed activity the moment you started to eat… or lick your treat in this case. I think your first tail allowed you to eat all kinds of food without relying on meat.”

Kyuubi nodded before petting her tail, as if praising it for a job-well-done.

“Just as you said before, your middle tail is responsible for telekinesis and levitation while your third provides you with an affinity for a specific field of magic. Oh… I see…”

Aid’s eyes widened. He checked again. A third time. And then a fourth. He even slapped himself to see if he was sure of the readings. “This... this can’t be right...”

What? What is it? Kyuubi asked, worried.

“Um, what did you say your third tail was?” Aid asked, nervously.

Healing and purifying. I got it after the Judgment Ritual. The priests say it was a blessing from God to help me purify the monsters. It was the sign that God had given me a destiny to heal the world or something of that sort.

“God as in... a God?” Aid carefully asked.

Well, he’s the only God I know. Why?

“Oh, nothing. I just ... never saw magic like this before,” Aid muttered, but found himself in deep thought. I don’t think anypony has seen magic like this before... period!

Aid, like many ponies in Equestria, wasn’t a religious pony. He never prayed to any deities in the sky like the other races or the few ponies who did practice such things. He tried to look at things from a logical point, but his logic was failing him. The magic coming from the third tail was... was impossible! While Kyuubi’s magic on its own was still weak and undeveloped, it seemed connected to… something, similar to how Celestia’s magic was connected to the sun which helped her move it with ease.

The scan could tell the sheer raw power of any magical creature as well as how deep the magical pool was, but the magic coming from the third tail... it was connected to something he couldn’t explain.

Not that it gave Kyuubi unlimited power as she seemed capable of tapping into only a little fraction of what he could only describe as a bottomless pool. She may be weak for now, but who knows what potential her species hold, or how far this mysterious connection will develop? I do better keep a close eye on her development. Who knows what discovery I can make?

If what Princess Celestia said about her species being long lived was true then he could only wait and see how much more powerful she could become. Could this really be... the magic of a... God? I suppose calling it a blessing is accurate.

Doctor Aid? Is everything okay? Kyuubi asked, tilting her head.

“Huh? Oh, sorry! I was just fascinated by the magic of your third tail,” Aid replied with a quick semi-truth. He was fascinated, but he was also scared too. He quickly checked the rest of the scan to find something to take his mind off of what he just learned. “Oh, well this is interesting.”


“I came up with another theory. While I believe that you can learn unicorn magic as well, it will be very hard and rather inefficient. Your tails offer you specialization, which makes it harder to learn something new.”

Kyuubi’s ears drooped as she lowered her head. Does this mean… I won’t be able to learn unicorn magic? She dropped, her chin now lying on the bed. What kind of student I will be if I can’t learn new magic. Princess Celestia will be sooo disappointed.

“You misunderstood me. I didn’t say you can’t learn new magic. I said it will be hard for you, besides,” Aid smiled, giving the fox an encouraging gaze, “You may one day grow another tail.”

Oh, right… it can happen. Kyuubi stood up and looked at her tails.

“Let’s think about it rationally. Your first tail supported your life-function, stored magic and allowed you to eat all kinds of food. Your second tail provided you with means of communication and helpful levitation. Your third allowed you to learn the magic of your caretakers from this... God,” Aid lectured. “Maybe if you work hard to learn unicorn magic, your next tail will give you an affinity at using it. What if your body adapts to whatever magic you require and grows more tails to aid you at it?”

That makes perfect sense, I bet you’re totally right! Kyuubi said before standing on her rear paws, dancing in joy.

Not interrupting the cheerful dance, Aid lit his horn, levitating over a shining sterilized needle. He attached it onto a syringe before approaching his patient. “Stand still.”

Huh? Kyuubi stopped moving, standing on a single paw before losing balance a second later. She pushed herself to a sitting position, her attention on the sharp edge of the needle. A few drops of sweat started falling down her face.

Aid watched patiently as the fox exposed her trembling forepaw, forcing a brave face. Please, be quick.

Aid nodded as he slowly moved the syringe towards the vein. He wrapped bits of his magic around the paw, ensuring it wouldn’t be pulled away as he gently pressed the needle. To his confusion, the needle went in as if a sharpened knife into melting butter. Wait… that’s odd. I thought her magic is stronger than that.

Kyuubi whimpered.

After taking the blood sample, Aid withdrew the syringe, noticing healing magic in action as the mark left by the needle was gone as if not existing to begin with. He looked at the fox curiously, yet it wasn’t the healing magic that caught his attention.

“Miss fox.”

Kyuubi. And I am a Kitsune.

“Miss Kyuubi, I know it may be an odd question, but did you get injured often when under the care of humans?”

The fox shook her head. Not often. Timothy kept me out of trouble and the church was safe, but I did poke a nail once and pricked my paw. I don’t remember her name, but one of the sisters healed my injury quickly with healing magic. She rubbed her arm nervously. There was also that time when a knight tried to cut me down with a sword… but I’d rather forget that.

Aid nodded. “So just lightly pressing your paw against a nail was enough to cause you injury. Is your body as vulnerable as an ordinary animal? How much weight can you lift with your paws?”

Kyuubi blinked, looking around for a moment before jumping from the bed onto the nearby table. She walked towards a monitoring machine, a metal box filled with cables.

Doctor Aid observed the scene in silence, watching the fox’s attempt to heave the device of a similar size as her. Pushing with paws, shoulders or even with her head, Kyuubi’s attempt only moved the machine, yet failed to lift it as thin little paws trembled from the effort. Yips and yelps of struggle reached his ears.

After the fifth failed attempt, Kyuubi turned towards him and lowered her head. N-not much.

Aid rubbed his chin. Considering her size, I can safely assume she’s between ten and fifteen kilograms, yet she barely moved a monitoring device which weighs twenty kilograms. A foal or filly of her size would be able to lift three or even four such machines at once. He thought back to athletic events where mares lifted weights ten times their own while big muscular stallions were capable of walking with five tons on their backs. Kyuubi’s physical strength and durability is certainly lacking.

He approached his patient, raising his hoof before delivering a light punch against her shoulder, receiving a yelp of pain.

What was that for?

“I’m sorry,” Aid said as he withdrew his hoof from the scared fox, whose tails were now raised and puffed. What for a filly or foal would be a playful pat on the shoulder proved strong enough to hurt this vulpine. “Miss Kyuubi. Where you come from, are there others who are blessed by magic?”

You mean priests?

Aid nodded. “Yes, priests. Are they more durable and stronger physically than average… what were they called… Oh right, humans?”

Kyuubi shook her head. Not really. Those who know magic or are blessed by it are still as fragile as average humans. She lay comfortably, preparing herself for a long lecture.

There are mages, wizards, and sorcerers, but I never really asked what the difference was. They can use various types of magic from summoning fire to putting others to sleep. One I heard could even summon an Earth Elemental. I've never met them, but from the stories I read they are just as frail as other humans too. Father Rodrigo told me that defensive spells and all kinds of protective magic is very important, because even a weak swing of a beast’s claw can end their lives otherwise.

She stood on her rear paws, punching the air, only to lose balance and yelp, falling unceremoniously on her back. She stood up and smiled sheepishly. Aside those blessed by magic, there are also those blessed with mysterious power. Those have super strength and are several if not a hundred times more durable. Timothy became a monk because of that.

“Magic… power... interesting,” Aid said as he looked to the side. It became obvious that the magic ponies possessed was more of a hybrid, allowing unicorns spellcasting, pegasi ability to control weather and earth ponies to grow superb food, yet it also improved all race’s strength and durability. Earth ponies may be on the top in terms of stamina and strength, but even a unicorn is much stronger than an animal of similar size that doesn’t possess any magic. Yet for Kyuubi it wasn’t the case.

What are you thinking about, Sir Doctor, Kyuubi asked in a joking tone, staring at the unicorn from the edge of the table.

Aid glanced at his patient with worry written on his face. “It appears that our magic is kind of like a hybrid between magic and power from where you come from.”


“Don’t worry about it. So ummm… how about we perform more tests later, and in return I’ll teach you some useful spells you can use.” He raised his hoof in a lecturing gesture. “When it is very important to prevent a patient with broken bones from moving, we use a spell that can completely immobilize them.”

Kyuubi’s confused expression was quickly replaced by an excited smile as her ears perked up.

“Of course, that is after we take the urine sample...”

Kyuubi sighed and groaned.

With opening in her schedule before her public appearance, Princess Celestia flew through the hallway, stopping herself before the door in the medical wing inside her castle. Her cladded hooves made gentle contact with the red carpet. Not wasting a moment, she knocked.

The door opened, revealing a tall yellow unicorn with a first aid kit as his cutie mark, his mane a mix of violet and blue.

“Your Highness? Are you here to learn the results of Kyuubi’s medical examination?”

“Precisely,” Celestia said, not waiting for an invitation as she stepped inside, scanning the room for notes she could read. She looked at the doctor, whose expression was one of worries. “I have around twenty minutes before my public appearance at the museum, but it should be enough.” She spread her wings authoritatively. “I'm all ears, Doctor Aid. Please spare no detail.”

The unicorn rubbed his forehoof nervously before speaking in a saddened tone, “Before I tell you what I learned, there is one important piece of advice I must give.”

“Advice?” Celestia asked, only now noticing usual worry in her subject’s voice.

“Yes, Your Highness. I believe it should be of utmost priority to focus Kyuubi’s closest magic sessions on protective and defensive magic. If you know of a spell that can increase durability, teaching it should come first.”

Celestia blinked in confusion while shutting her wings. “I suppose I can teach Kyuubi spells she can use to protect herself, but why is it so important?”

The doctor sighed. “Let’s just say that Kyuubi is a being with strong magic but weak and fragile biology. Not really a good combination, especially if one of her own spells would backfire. On that note, my other advice would be not to teach her any sort of combat magic. As long as she can shield herself and doesn't know anything that can blow up in her face, she will be safe.”

Celestia looked at the doctor while comprehending his words. Was it really true? Was her student as fragile as an ordinary fox? Her heartbeat increased in speed as she made a mental note to look after Kyuubi’s safety. Teaching defensive spells was so going to be on her ’to do’ list. Maybe her captain Hammerhead knew of any unicorn officers who would tutor Kyuubi, something worth looking into. “Anything else that I should know about?” she asked, trying to remain calm despite this sad discovery. As the doctor nodded, she said, “I am listening.”

“Well... has Kyuubi told you about her... gift from ‘God’ in regards to her third tail?” Doctor Aid nervously asked.

“Yes, but I personally think she believes it is from a god. I have no doubt that her purifying magic is simply just a more rare and advanced form of magic,” Celestia answered.

“Well...” Doctor Aid sighed as he shook his head. “I think... she might be telling the truth.”

Princess Celestia froze for a second before raising one of her eyebrows. “Explain.” Aid gave her the notes and readings on the second tale which Celestia studied quickly. By the end of it, her jaw was fully open. “Is... is this accurate?”

“I checked multiple times to be sure, and I still can’t believe it,” Aid replied, shaking his head. “Princess, Kyuubi’s third tail has a connection to something immensely powerful, similar to how you possess a connection to the sun. While Kyuubi’s raw power is weak, there’s no telling what limits she can reach.”

“How can that be? Her healing and purifying may be very potent, but she’s still weaker than an average unicorn. Do you believe she may tap to that pool and become immensely powerful in coming years?” Celestia asked.

“By examining her biology, I came to the conclusion that her age and size determine how powerful she is, so it will take decades or centuries for her to develop her magic. But her connection to God.... There’s no telling how it will affect her. The other tails are of great importance, but nowhere close to as important as this third tail is. I doubt any new tail will be as important as her third, though they’ll give her more specializations,” Doctor Aid answered as he sat down to take a long sip of his coffee. “For now your connection to the sun allows you to move heavenly bodies, Your Highness, but there’s no telling what her connection may one day accomplish. This makes me wonder if anyone poses as unique magic as she does.”

“Discord,” Celestia muttered with distaste. “He was the only being who seemed to have limitless power. Tirek too, but only when he stole enough magic from others.”

This both was a bad and a good thing in Celestia’s mind. It was good because her student had such potential and she was now more convinced than ever that Kyuubi could be the key to saving her sister. However, if Kyuubi herself was to go evil, then she would become a threat to Equestria. Would this connection even last? Would it be broken if she went evil, or would it be replaced by something worse? Ninetails wielded black magic after all and was capable of raising the dead and summoning demons.

While most of her apprentices had turned out to be good, some of them turned to the path of evil and Celestia was forced to stop them. No, Kyuubi won’t be like them. I won’t let her.

“Princess, I know such a thing might be silly to ask, but...” Aid nervously turned to her. “But is it possible... that a real ‘God’ did give Kyuubi such blessing? I mean, just like with Discord and Tirek, this is still something I have never seen before.”

Celestia didn’t answer at first, but thought about it. She just assumed that Kyuubi’s religion was just a set of stories or myths humans taught her in their church. Equestria had never really found proof their “Gods” ever existed. Even those who were believed to be gods were just as vulnerable as other mortals. Discord had been defeated and turned to stone. Tirek had been banished to Tartarus forever. Her sister became corrupted and was trapped on the moon. Even Celestia nearly died a few times during her fights against evil forces, including Nightmare Moon.

She, like many, just assumed there were no Gods because of all that had happened in Equestria’s history regarding the so called “deities”. Yet when she looked at these readings regarding her apprentice...

“I don’t know,” Celestia muttered, deciding to put the thought away for now. “For now, I want this kept secret. Only to be told by my authority and mine alone.”

“Of course, shall I tell you everything else?”

“Please do,” Celestia nodded, deciding to put the revelation behind her for now.