• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 3,814 Views, 134 Comments

How Do You Shoot a Gun With Hooves? - defender2222

Kate Beckett and Rick Castle find themselves transported to Ponyville and learning about friendship

  • ...

The Arrival Part 1

"Well kids, you know what they say."

Detective Kate Beckett did not bother to look up from her cards. She could tell without even pulling her eyes away from the pair of 7s she had clutched in her fingers exactly what smug expression her partner wore. She had played enough hands with him to know that his eyes were doing that half-narrowed thing they did whenever he tried to look sinister but it just came off as silly. And he would be sporting that cocky little grin that made her debate between kissing him and decking him.

Or maybe she'd do both.

"Aren't ya gonna tell us, Castle?" Detective Esposito asked, taking a swig from his beer.

"Why should I?" The tall, dark and cocky mystery writer asked, staring them down from just over the top of his cards.

"You don't deliver a line like that and then leave us hanging," Detective Kevin Ryan complained.

Castle shrugged. "Makes no sense to tell you...I said you knew what they say." And with a flourish he laid down the queen and ace that gave him the straight.

The other three cops groaned, more from his lame joke than his winning of the pot. They played for hardly anything but respect and beer money and each of the three officers knew that Castle would end up using his winnings to buy the 7th Precinct something nice and shiny, so losing meant they won, if you looked at it from the right angle.

"Lady Luck smiles down upon me," Castle beamed, picking up his chips one by one and kissing them. "I think I will name you Billy, and you Ginger, and you will be Princess Cadence-"

"Dude, anyone tell you you’re a terrible winner?" Esposito groused, taking one final swig of his beer before standing up and pulling on his coat.

"All the time," Castle said. "You sure you can't stay for one more hand?"

"Nah, we have an early one tomorrow," Ryan said. He looked out Castle's bay window with a twisted look of disappointment; the sky was still being lit up by random bolts of lightning, causing the city to be lit up and reveal the pounding rain before the thunder would come and the city would be bathed once more in darkness. The last thing he wanted to do was try to catch a cab in this weather.

"You could sleep here," Castle said with an impish grin. "We could have a slumber party... do each other's nails and talk about boys..." He fluttered his eyelashes at the two tough New York coppers.

Ryan and Esposito glanced at each other; silently realizing that yes, there was something worse than trying to catch a cab in the middle of a monsoon.

"Castle, I didn't know you swung that way," Beckett said with a dark smirk, giving Esposito and Ryan a wave as they donned their jackets and left Castle's apartment. She threw back her head, exposing her long, graceful neck, chestnut locks rolling down her shoulders as she took three long swings from her beer. She could feel Castle's eyes boring into her and deep in her mind a naughty aspect of herself did a snoopy dance. It had been a long time since Castle had looked at her like that and it gave her a kinky thrill that she could still make his eyes glaze over.

"What you don't know about me could fill-"

"-a book?" Beckett asked. "Really Castle, is that the wit that got you all your millions?"

"Don't knock it. If the Twilight books can make millions..."

Castle didn't get to finish, as a violent crack of thunder had them both leaping from their chairs. The detective and the writer glanced at each other and chuckled nervously; neither would admit they'd nearly wet themselves in fright.

Beckett glanced over at Castle's shiny new TV and decided that they needed a change of subject to cut through the sexual tension and storm-fright that stunk up the room. "So, I see you got a new big boy toy."

Taking the bait like a big-mouth bass, Castle happily stepped away from the table and his winnings and practically skipped over to his latest purchase. "Isn't she a beaut? 50 inch LED screen with 1080 HD and 3D capabilities, complete with connection to the Internet and all my gaming systems. If I could marry a piece of machinery...oh, I'd happily risk the divorce..." He lovingly stroked the TV and Beckett fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"It's just a TV, Castle, not a-"

A bolt of lightning ripped through the sky and struck Castle's building. Beckett was blind for a moment as every light bulb in the apartment seemed to go from 60 watt to 200,000. She could hear things whirling and buzzing about her as the surge protectors tried to fight the massive jolt. And then there was the scream, panicked and pain-filled, that broke from Castle's lips.

Beckett shielded her eyes and moved towards her partner, watching in horror as blue bolts of electricity burst from the TV and ran through his body. Beckett swore she could see his skeleton and would have found it humorous (like it was a cartoon show made real) if not for the fact that she could smell Castle's flesh burning away.

Her instincts were her downfall. She knew even as she reached for him that she was going to kill herself but she just couldn't stop from grabbing his shoulder and attempting to pull him free. Beckett threw back her head and cried out as the energy dived through Castle and into her, causing her skin to quiver and her brain to flash like a Bug Zapper.

As stars burst behind her eyes Beckett was dimly aware that the TV had popped on and was randomly flipping through channels...a basketball game, some old 50s sitcom, a bad made-for-TV-movie, a kid's cartoon-

There was a final surge and Beckett suddenly felt as if she was weightless. No...not weightless...just going so fast that weight didn't matter. The world became a swirl of blue and white and all she could feel was Castle's shoulder pressed against her palm...

She let out a silent scream as her body began to twist about, stretching and shrinking. Her bones shattered and reformed, her face melted and was reshaped...her very essence was being altered...

And then there was nothing.

No pain. No agony, Nothing.

And Beckett let sleep claim her.


When she finally felt like she had the power to open her eyes, Beckett found all she could do was groan. She tried shifting her weight slightly to relieve the sudden pain that throbbed up and down her spinal cord. She reached over to rub her back and found, to her annoyance, that her fingers were asleep. She could feel the heel of her palm grinding into her back, easing the tension that had formed just above her hip, but it was as if her fingers weren't even there.

Blinking, Beckett slowly brought herself back into the waking world. The first thing she noticed was that she was still in Castle's apartment.

The second thing she noticed was that she wasn't in Castle's apartment.

Oh, it looked like his apartment, sure. Same hardwood floors, same couch and chairs, same walls and white vaulted ceiling...

But it wasn't his apartment. It was like a knock-off you would get on Canal Street: it looked the part from a distance but when you got close all the differences popped out.

For one thing all his beloved gadgets were gone. No TV, no video games, no laser tag, even the TV that had shocked them was gone...no gadgets were left. Well, gadgets from this decade...there was a calculator and a fridge and a blender. The chairs and couch were odd...a bit lower to the ground and shaped just a bit differently...and made out of more wood. The kitchen was pretty close to being the same, other than everything being lower to the ground. And the view out of his window was not of New York but of rolling green hills and beautiful if unnatural trees. She glanced at the poker table, which was still set up, only now the beer bottles had been replaced with cherry juice.

Beckett got onto her feet, swishing her tail in annoyance.

It took her 10 seconds to process that fact.

She swished her tail.

She had a tail.


Beckett let out a yelp and began to dart about the room, her hooves clunking against the hardwood as she searched for a mirror.


Beckett burst into Castle's study, not caring in the slightest that she was invading his private sanctuary. Hell, he had done it enough times to her, and this was an extreme circumstance. Beckett spun around, knocking a pen and some paper (no computer, she idly noticed in the back of her panicked mind) before she found a mirror.

She couldn't even muster up a scream.

A purplish-red pony stared back at her from the mirror's frame. She twisted her head this way and that, feeling her heart sink into her stomach as the pony in the mirror mimicked her actions. Her long brown hair ('mane...it's a mane...I have a mane...') was streaked with several tan highlights that she would have never considered for herself but now found to be quite daring. Her hair was more like a glamorous model's 'do than a horse's mane, as it had so much bounce and body she couldn't help but feel that such locks belonged in a shampoo commercial.

She was startled to find that her face wasn't very horse-like. Yes, there was a slight muzzle, but not the long, stretched out snout commonly found on most equine. It was actually rather cute, or at least it would have been if it hadn't been twisted in a silent scream. Her eyes were huge and a deep green that was normally found only in Disney films. If Beckett were thinking straight she would realize that this face was just as expressive as her old one.

She raised her 'hands' up, waving them about and found that, for several seconds at least, she could stand on her hind legs and use her 'arms' like she always had. She preferred to be on all fours, however, and continually returned to that position when she wasn't pressing her hooves into her face like she was that annoying blond child in the Home Alone movies. And that was the other strange thing: while her hooves made the common 'clunk clunk clunk' noise all hooves made, there was no true 'hoof' at the end of her legs; just a flat piece of warm flesh that seemed to be at once tough and sturdy yet soft and flexible.

And her skin was odd too. The panic hadn't faded very much but it had enough for her to realize that her body wasn't covered in coarse hair but a very soft fuzz that couldn’t be seen unless it was right in front of her eye. In fact, when she pulled away it looked like it was just one solid piece of purple-red skin.

The part of her that was still a cop locked away her fear and gave herself a critical once-over. She wasn't that bad looking...for a pony. Slender...yet muscular. Not ripped or anything but it was clear she was strong. While her face didn't look like her own (and she was actually glad for that...her head on a horse's body would have been TOO weird) she could admire this form and see the beauty in it.

She was also startled to find that she was young. Not a child or a teen...but she looked to be in her early twenties rather than her mid 30s. Whatever had changed her had reversed the clock. There was also a vitality within her...the aches and pains that came with her job ('The warriors decay' Roy had once called it) were gone, leaving her feeling better than she had in ages.

The twisted look of terror left her face as she examined herself more and more. As she did when she was preparing to go to a murder scene, Beckett took a deep breath and counted to 5, releasing everything to the universe and accepting her new reality. There would be time to panic later. First, she needed answers.

"Beckett?" Castle groaned out, finally stirring.

Shame flooded through Beckett as she remembered that not moments ago Castle had been electrocuted. Running ("Gallop...I gallop now') back into the living room, she nudged his side, helping him stand up.

"Castle..." she gasped, dimly realizing that her voice, thankfully, was the same. However, such observations would have to wait, as she was too busy staring at her partner.

Whatever had transformed her had affected Castle too. He had fallen a man but now arose a mighty stallion, a few inches taller than her and skin a brilliant shade of blue (the same as one of his favorite shirts, she realized). His face was a bit longer than hers but still not the normal elongated horse's snout one might have expected. His short mane was still a rich brown and his ears flicked slightly against a few stray hairs that tickled the sides of his neck. He was younger too, but with Castle he always looked younger than what he actually was.

Beckett realized belatedly that he was different from her, as he sported a good-sized horn upon his head, the same color as his skin.

Castle looked at Beckett at long last, tilting his head to the side as he took all of her in. A myriad of emotions flashed across his face: fear, surprise, amazement, a bit more fear, and then…lust?

“Uh… Castle?”

“I told you I’d get to see you naked,” Castle said with a smirk.

Beckett’s eyes widened as she realized he was right and she leapt over the couch, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over her body. “CASTLE!”

“What?” Castle said innocently.

Beckett slammed her eyes shut when she realized he was naked as well. “We are ponies and your biggest concern is that you saw me naked?”

“I think it is more concerning that you weren’t worried about being naked till I woke up.”

“I am completely worried about being naked! Now get some clothing on!”

“Ponies don’t wear clothing.”

“Ponies also don’t talk!” Beckett snarled, which was funny, considering she was a pony. Not funny ha ha…more funny ironic. “I think we are beyond the realm of sanity!” She waited, only to hear…nothing. “Castle…Castle.”

“Would you look at that?” Castle said, staring at himself in the mirror. “Even as a pony I am ruggedly handsome, aren’t I?” He frowned as he tapped his horn against the mirror. “Could do without the phallic object on my-“

His horn sparked and shot out a bolt of magic.

“Beckett, I’m a witch!” Castle said excitedly. “A witch pony! This is so friggin cool!”

“Castle…” Beckett said, struggling to keep the blanket around her.

“Would you relax? Apparently we are like Barbie and Ken dolls…you can’t see anything.” He leaned forward and, with surprising skill, managed to summon some magic that pulled Beckett’s blanket away. “This is super special awesome!”

“Castle, if I had my gun…” Beckett ground out.

“You wouldn’t be able to shoot it!” Castle clicked his teeth together. “Hey, I finally get to see your tattoo!”

“What?” Beckett said, utterly confused. Castle trotted over and tapped her flank with his hoof.

“See, tattoo.”

Beckett frowned, examining her hip. On each side was a tattoo, alright. But unlike the one she had gotten in college (and she was so happy THAT wasn’t visible on this body), these tattoos were stylized versions of her police badge.

Glancing over at her partner, Beckett couldn’t help but smirk. “Don’t be laughing just yet, Castle…I’m not the only one with a tramp-stamp.”

“Wha?” Castle stammered, looking in the mirror and finding, to his surprise, that he too now sported a tattoo on each flank. His were, however, the image of an ink bottle with a quill resting inside of it. “Huh…not bad.” He twisted about, his tail nearly striking Beckett in the face as he looked himself over. “What does it say about me that I am a little turned on right now?”

“Oh, nothing we all didn’t know already, Castle,” Beckett said.

“What did we know?” A third voice called out, causing the two of them to freeze. Before they could turn a pink head, topped with pink hair and, if it was possible, a pink personality, poked its way between them. “I want to know, because I don’t know. Which I guess would mean that not everyone knows. But once I do know what everyone knows then everyone will really know and you will be right! Or is it wrong? Oh well.”

“…ok, now I am scared,” Castle said, eyes wide with fear.

“Don’t be scared, this is an exciting day! My friend Twilight sent me to get you for the big surprise party, which I guess isn’t a surprise because I just told you…or maybe it will be a surprise because it isn’t really a surprise so you think it is a surprise and you are waiting for us to scream surprise and we never do!” The pink pony frowned. “But now you know that…hmmm…”

“Beckett, I don’t want to be a pony anymore.”

“I haven’t wanted to be one since we woke up,” Beckett complained.

“I don’t get what you are talking about, but that is ok, because I can find out as we head over to Twilight’s for the party! Come on! By the way, I am Pinkie Pie! That’s Pinkie with a G, but the G is silent and also isn’t even in my name, which is silly but I like silly…come on, let’s go to Twilight’s! She and the rest of my friends are excited to meet you…are you excited to meet us? Have you noticed if you say excited over and over it sounds funny? Excited excited excited excited excited excited-“

And with that, Beckett and Castle found themselves pushed out of the apartment.