• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,795 Views, 178 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

Movie Night

The Barn was full of noise as the Gems all sat around the T.V with Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

"You've gotta be joking," Peridot cried out as both she and Spinel look at Bismuth with disbelief. Bismuth took another bite of her popcorn before replying.

"Your both wrong," Bismuth said simply "Clearly all the campers are being played by the counselors, You say Paulette put the hole in the boat to distract Percy, and you say Percy did it so Paulette would own him, but neither of them had life jackets, the Councils meanwhile just gave a big lecture about Boat safety and Life jackets, and oh, look at that, four episodes later every creatures wearing a lifejacket," Bismuth took a sip of her soda before concluding "Percy, Pierre, Paulette, every last one of them are just mice blindly trying to find cheese in a maze filled with lettuce, that's why no one ever comes out on top, the games are rigged,"

"I can't believe this," Spinel said angrily as she slurped down her soda "Paulette is a genius, she's setting them all up, the life jackets missing in both boats were just part of her plan,"

"What plan?" Bismuth countered "She lost them both the race, and now she owes Percy,"

"exactly, Percy thinks she owes him, and she, in turn, uses it to drive a wedge in his friendship with Pierre,"

"I don't understand this show," Pinkie noted, instantly drawing Peridot and Spinel to her.

"Man they are crazy for this show," Bismuth chuckled before sipping on her soda Kind of reminds me of the old days she pondered silently But neither one of them remember who they use to be, 'Lapis' and I are still us, but who knows how long we have before we forget to... Bismuth stopped sipping her soda and patted Lapis on the back to get her attention. "I wanna talk to you, in private about...things," Lapis shrugged and both she and Bismuth snuck away to the truck bed sticking out above the barn door.

"What's on your mind Bis?"

"Do you...still remember?" Bismuth questioned carefully.

"Yes, I Remember everything Billie," Lapis said simply "But please, I'm just starting to get used to this so never call me...that other name ever again, Lapis is all the Me I need to be,"

"Your not...concerned?"

"What, concerned about forgetting my abusive father, forgetting the years I spent in college only to end up as a Minimum wage Fry-cook with Student loan debt, No...No I am not concerned, frankly I've never been happier in my entire life," Lapis looked over at Bismuth and frowned "Now, am I concerned about you forgetting? Yes, You actually had a good life, and I wouldn't be surprised if you only came here cause you thought you were worried about Lee, But admit it, no bills, no taxes, We all have super powers, you're getting to build what's basically your dream home," Lapis chuckled "Even if you were offered a way home you wouldn't take it, the only problem with this place is the, forgetting yourself thing,"

"Why yes," A third voice agreed, the two looked over and found Discord glaring at them "A problem you idiots created yourself,"

"You," Bismuth said irritably "I wanna have a word with you,"

"Funny," Discord chuckled "I wanted the same," Discord snapped and both Lapis and Bismuth were sitting on his couch, "But by all means, have your words first,"

"Our friends have no memories of who they used to be," Lapis said angrily, only for Discord to tsk.

"And do tell, how was I supposed to know any of you weren't who you were supposed to be, Spinel gets a pass, she made a conscious choice to bury her past and embrace being Spinel, and in the end when she realized she was forgetting she embraced it she wanted Lee to be erased and fully became Spinel, your friends Cindy did the same, but you two haven't forgotten because you don't want to, at least not fully," Discord snapped a chair into existence and sat before them.

"Simply put, your friends Lee was sucked into my Realm, and there was no Equestrian Counterpart for him, so his imagination took hold, and I guess Spinel was the last thing on his mind before he fell into the Vortex, and you three all took the form of your Favorite, Gem, because of that, but when you played along when you didn't tell me you were in the wrong bodies, you left yourself open to the full transformation,"

"Well, how were we supposed to know that," Bismuth countered.

"Well, how was I?" Discord snapped back angrily "You never told me, I only found out when I went into your world to learn more about your kind, and I found out it was a world of Humans, not Gems, How was I suppose to prevent a problem if I didn't know it was ever a feasible possibility?" Discord took a deep breath and put his hands together "I can't 'fix' your friends, they let themselves become the character and thus they lost who they use to be, and if that's what you two want then by all means my front door is right there, but if you two want to Rember just sit there, and I'm making it so you can't lose yourselves," Lapis looked to Bismuth, who frowned at her.

"Fine," Lapis groaned "I'll keep my stupid memories, There...there are some things I kinda wanna remember," Bismuth Smiled and Discord snapped his fingers.

"I do apologize about your friends," Discord said "I simply caught on to your lie too late to help them, do enjoy the rest of your lives, which I hear are very long since your gems now," Discord snapped again and both Lapis and Bismuth were back in the bed of the truck, they sat there for a long moment before Bismuth smiled.

"I always knew you had a thing for Lee,"

"What the F-" Lapis was cut off by Bismuth laughing at her.

"Oh sorry, Spinel, although between you and me, Cindy called you out on it years ago, deny all you want there's no logical reason for you to side with him as often as you do, Lee might not have caught on but-"

"Shut up," Lapis demanded "Fusion is a psychical manifestation of a relationship, and Lee is gone there's only Spinel. And so what if I'm a little fond of Spinel, we don't have Genders so Technically I can't be straight because there's no opposite for me to be attracted to," Bismuth simply smiled at Lapis.

"Spinel," Lapis cried out "Me and you Fusing was just a one-time thing, in the moment and what not,"

"Ah you will come back," Spinel shot back "Once you get a taste of Spinel you ain't ever gonna be able to fuse without thinking about me,"

"What?" they heard Applejack ask in confusion "Wait, what exactly is Fusion? Because your making it sound like you shouldn't be doing it in a public area,"

"Oh, I can explain," Spinel said simply.

"No," Lapis said at once "I'll explain it," Lapis flew into the barn and Bismuth jumped out of the Truck bed and followed her back inside.

"Oh yes," Bismuth "By all means go ahead, I'll fact check,"

Author's Note:

Random Unsolicited Chapter at 4 in the morning, just a little something for you all to enjoy.