• Published 8th Jul 2019
  • 1,062 Views, 144 Comments

Five Summer Nights - Devious Dazzle

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Night One : Not Afraid Of Who I Want To Be!

“Need out of here, Jimmy's driving me insane!” Tom read off the text from his phone with a quirked brow, the sound of a crowded basketball stadium blaring in his ears.

“Tom! Are you texting on our date!?” Claire rolled her eyes in absolute anger, crossing slender arms over her chest.

The young brunette woman snorted aloud. Wearing an oversized jersey of the home team with a large blue cap nestled upon her head. Her dark brown eyes narrowed with hateful annoyance, if it wasn't for the fact that he had these tickets as a gift from work, she'd would've near given this loser the time of day.

Tom was the more calm natured type of person. His dark brown eyes were full of uncertainty or perhaps a bit of hidden anxiety. Short red hair was neatly brushed as he wore a blue checkered flannel shirt with some comfortable slacks.

This date had turned into a fiasco from moment one. Claire had spent the whole night belittling or just plain mocking him with insults. The texts from his friend a welcome change from her snide comments.

“Hello!? God, you're a Space Case!?” Claire lifted her hand upward smacking Tom across the back of his head hard.

“Ow! What!?” Tom sighed even unable to find solace in the game, he rarely watched sports and had no idea what was happening.

“I said, get me a drink!” She put on the voice of annoyance her lips pursed into a frown.

With a groan, Tom lifted off his seat. Heading towards the concession stand near the back, pushing his way through the massive crowd with a deflated sway in his step. How did he find himself wrapped in these kinds of messes? Sometimes he just wished for a way to escape into another life, if only for a little while.

“Can you pick me up? If the date isn't going well 😐.” The phone rang out melodically in his hand.

“Sure. This date is a total mess 😒.” Tom replied to his friend with a chuckle.

Only to see an odd sight he couldn't quite believe. A photo of a turquoise colored girl was on his phone instead of Troy's usual snapshot. The name Lyra flashing on the screen beside each text message.

“Why is he using an Equestria Girl's picture?” Tom quipped under his breath confused. Clicking off the text page on his phone.

To his surprise, Tom could see that his wallpaper had changed drastically. Instead of the normal photo of his favorite railway. He saw a group shot of Rainbow Dash, Juniper Montage, and Lyra Heartstrings huddled together cutely, flashing their best duck face impressions.

Before Tom had a chance to process this insanity a clear blue static shock sent a jolt up his hand. Yelping in pain he dropped the cell to the hard floor below with a clunk, accidentally bumping into someone straight ahead.

Quickly following the path of his phone, Tom plummeted towards the floor only to be saved by a large firm hand catching his wrist and pulling him back to a balanced stance. Tom a bit caught off guard by the sudden force of everything, noticed a young man in a home team jersey flashing him a confident smile.

“Ha! Must've been an important text?” The man chuckled heartily as Tom could feel both his cheeks burning a bright red hue.

“You could say that.” Tom shook his head to the side, feeling beyond flustered.

The polite stranger spotted the wallpaper on Tom's phone, giving a slight chuckle aloud.

“Wow, nice group shot!” He gave a warm smile as Tom pursed his lips, quickly shifting the phone back into his pocket.

“Yeah, my friend is off having a bad night… much like myself.” Tom sighed before taking a few steps towards the concession stand.

“Bad night!? At a basketball game!?” The stranger raised his brow curiously.

“Mm-hmm. My date is a total ass! Making me buy a drink right now…” Tom wondered why he was feeling so willing to open up to this complete stranger.

“Really, you shouldn't have to buy anything!? Tell you what, this round is on me!” The stranger gave a wink towards Tom, who felt himself blush again.

“Um, thank you?” Tom gave a soft giggle in reply, brushing long rainbow waves of hair out of his vibrant violet-colored eyes.

“No problem! One sweet drink for a sweet treat.” His new friend confidently spoke in a very charming tone, Tom bit her pouty lower lip with excitement growing in her heart.

Never noticing she had shrunk quite a bit in size. Her clothes beginning to tent on her slender and thin body, shoulders no longer broad but narrowed. Her eyes now a little larger and rounder in shape, nose concave in appearance and far more smaller.

The stranger returned over to her, offering an oversized novelty cup of soda. Tom bursting out into a fit of giggles, reading the name “Mega Gulp” on the side. Her face was more rounded having softened into something sweeter yet with attitude.

“Wow! Didn't expect this behemoth…” Tome spoke in a higher-pitched plucky voice, noticing her tiny thin hands could barely hold this massive drink.

“Well, I figured it'd pay for itself by the end of the night.” The stranger gave a sheepish shrug before blushing a bit.

Tom couldn't help to find him oddly cute. He was confident in some areas yet deep down beneath the swagger she could sense a total dork. Dare she even say, an egghead?

Tom suddenly felt off-balance wobbling in place. Her shirt lifting upward from twin mounds of flesh forming underneath, she winced a tiny bit as her lower back seemed to straighten and she gained a cute S-shaped pose.

Looking down she felt the familiar weight of her breasts bounce gently into place. Her eyes widening in surprise, watching her waist seem to pull inward taking on a lovely hourglass figure. This was actually happening!? She was quickly shifting into a young woman, yet deep inside she wasn't freaked out, a sense of calm washing over her mind.

“I um need to go. Thank you!” Rainbow spoke in a flustered voice an odd pressure building around her hips.

“May I have your name? I'm Winston.” Winston smirked watching the vibrant young woman back up cautiously.

“My friends call me Rainbow.” She felt a sudden pop. Her hips shifting outward to a cute wider position, arching off to the side flirtingly.

“Gotcha, because of the hair!” Winston gave a sly smirk.

“Sure?” She noticed her hair was a multicolored mess.

“I know, this might sound out of line. But you did say your date was being a bit of a dick.” Winston suddenly sounded beyond nervous, Rainbow feeling the odd sensation of fat shifting towards her rear.

“Oh!” She squealed in shock her butt plumping into a round bubble, spreading out a little wider in the process.

“I have pretty sweet seats in one of the booths, care to maybe join me?” Winston took the plunge with his question, Rainbow feeling everything shifting underneath as she soon entered womanhood.

“That sounds actually totally awesome but…” Rainbow giggled in a very flustered tone.

“Why are you wearing my date's clothes bitch!?” Claire pushed her way past a couple, nearly knocking them down.

“Oh boy…” Rainbow felt her eyes widen in horror.

“He did not, just take off to hook up with some trashy weirdo!” Claire confronted the frightened young girl angrily, Winston watching in awe and confusion.

“Would you believe, these are my clothes?” Rainbow spoke sarcastically flashing a mocking grin.

“Sure slut, I also believe I'm going to thrash you! Then that…” Claire clenched her fist taking a sucker punch at Rainbow.

The young girl quickly tilting her head to the side. Dodging the swipe altogether as both girls looked equally as shocked.

“Loser!?” Claire pouted taking another punch from the left this time.

Rainbow swiftly dodged yet again.

“How are you moving so fast!?” Claire punched at Rainbow with three various swipes each coming from a different location, followed by a lunging kick.

“I don't know!?” Rainbow easily screamed in confusion dodging every futile attack from her foe, an odd blur of rainbows glowing around her as she did. Ending the parries by quickly placing the oversized drink in Claire's hands, giving her a slight push on the shoulder.

Claire screamed as she went sliding on her butt through the crowd, who quickly jumped out of the way, the shocked angry girl hitting the bottom of the concession stands with a loud thud. The cup exploding from the force and dousing her in cold sticky soda.

The stadium nearly grew completely silent in absolute shock. Rainbow felt just as stunned, her heart wanting to explode out of her chest. Without a single word, she darted towards the nearest exit. To her horror she exploded off in a gust of rainbows, zooming through the crowd at insane speeds.

Vanishing just as soon, as she had appeared.

“So I did the only thing I could, stopped on the side of the road to get my surroundings. By that time my clothes had finished changing, so I decided to run here.” Rainbow giggled with a more excited than fearful tone, giving a tiny spin in place.

She had on a stylish pair of blue knee-length boots. Her pants had pulled up her legs into adorable black mini shorts, though hidden behind a feminine white and pink striped skirt. Her trademark white tee hugged her slender frame, an image of a rainbow plastered over the front. Last a dark blue mini jacket was placed over it, dripping with sass and style.

“So you got Super Speed!? Awesome!” Juniper squealed in excitement jumping in place.

“I know, I feel like 20% cooler!” Rainbow replied smugly rubbing the back of her head.

“Not too sure, but I think I got Movie Knowledge!” Juniper flaunted her hand cutely to her friend.

“What about you Lyra?” Rainbow smiled to her silent pastel friend in the corner of the tiny claustrophobic motel bathroom.

The discussion about fixing this odd predicament had quickly devolved into girlish laughter and complimenting each other. Lyra rolled her eyes not quite relishing being in a cramped bathroom with these two.

“Ulcers.” Lyra arched her hips to the right, narrowing her eyes in annoyance.

“You're still being snippy?” Juniper gave a slight sigh averting her gaze.

“Yes, very snippy! WE'RE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!” Lyra lifted her tiny hands up, making strangling motions towards Juniper.

“I personally don't mind.” Rainbow gave a deadpan reply, Lyra let her jaw drop in shock.

“Like I said, girls. This type of thing has a knack for happening to me.” Juniper bit her lower lip in shame.

“You mean like being cursed?” Lyra scrunched her nose cutely, quickly locking eyes with her friend.

“Sorta, but this is the first time it ever affected others!” Juniper swallowed a growing lump in her throat. Lyra quick to press up against her in burning anger.

“Reverse it!” Lyra pushed Juniper hard on both shoulders.

“I…” Juniper whimpered.

“I said REVERSE It!!” Lyra nearly screamed as Rainbow pushed in between both girls.

“I can't!” Juniper fell into a slump of despair, gently hugging Rainbow who happily embraced her.

“Bullshit! You were a guy earlier!!” Lyra felt a hiss escape her lips.

“It just kind of wears off after a while…” Juniper spoke in a muffled tone against her friend's shoulder near tears.

“There you have it! It'll wear off soon!!” Rainbow flashed a stern glare to a sneering Lyra.

“Grrr!” Lyra punched the bathroom curtain in a fiery rage.

“So pouting about it won't solve anything. I say we just enjoy a certain party we got invited to join!” Rainbow calmly spoke in a very soothing manner.

Lyra scoffed walking over to face Rainbow. Both girls locking eyes in a moment of tense silence, Rainbow smirked with a sense of humor and a sarcastic eye roll.

“You don't scare me, Lyra,” Rainbow replied with confidence.

“Yet, Tom.” Lyra huffed unlocking the bathroom door, stepping out into the motel room deflated.

“Awesome, Party time!” Rainbow squeezed Juniper joyously.

Juniper let her gaze fall to Lyra saddened. Watching her friend curl up on the lonesome bed in silence. Rainbow, on the other hand, was full of vibrancy unseen in Juniper's life for a long time. Both girls giggling light-heartedly, ready for a night that would prove to be a memorable one.

“Was it really right to leave, Lyra?” Juniper sighed following Rainbow across the open road cautiously, Richard happily escorting the lovely ladies back to the party.

“Lyra is stubborn as an Apple Horse! I say we just enjoy the night, I mean a hidden barn party...can you say awesome!?” Rainbow wiggled her hips in place playfully, giving Juniper a tiny rump bump.

“Maybe…” Juniper weakly let her lips curl into a feminine smile.

“Sweet! Richard, be a sweetheart and show me the drink selection!” Rainbow skipped ahead with a giggle enjoying the moment.

The night soon sprung into full swing as the group of eager youths entered the field of festivities. Rainbow was quick to start making friends with a huge group of people around the party, joining in on a few drinking games and even hitting up the dance floor.

She had no problem finding partners to dance with as guys were lined up, to enjoy the company of a rainbow-colored beauty. Juniper decided to simply take it slow, enjoying a few more movies with Richard.

Always happy to explain behind the scenes tidbits with her new friend, even finding herself frightened of a few jumpscares. Luckily, Richard proudly let the little movie buff burrow her face in his chest during those parts.

Indeed the party was something special to behold.

Yet off in the corner beside a rusted tractor, a young girl with dirty blonde hair watched the two girls soak up all of her attention. She wore a sassy pink top and an adorable black mini skirt. Her sharp sleek heels dug into the wet soil of the dirt, turquoise hues watching in growing interest.

Where did these uniquely colored girls come from? The woman quirked her eyebrows to Rainbow enjoying a slow dance with a cute guy, quickly walking over as the song trailed off to an end.

“Who are you!?” The woman spoke in a curious tone, yanking Rainbow off the guy with a rough tug.

“Chill out, Lindsay!” The boy was quick to snap in anger, only to receive a quick eye roll.

“I'm Rainbow Dash! Don't you recognize me!?” Rainbow smirked doing a tiny spin and spanking her hip firmly.

“Totally! She's a professional cosplayer!” The guy chuckled in excitement.

“I see, that get up is your best?” Lindsay smugly replied with a flaunt of her thin hand.

Rainbow laughed aloud as she spun around to at least sixteen people, each lined up to have her back. Giving a coy shrug, cutely clapping both her hands together, her eyes locked on this cocky little Queen B.

“Maybe so, but looks like people think my best is hot!” Rainbow leaned forward whispering in confidence, Lindsay gasping aloud from shock at her boldness.

“Fine, then prove you have “It”!” Lindsay huffed lifting her hand high above her head, a loud snap of her fingers commanding attention from the massive crowd.

The bubbly music of the dance floor shifting to something far more techno and pop. The laser lights of the party formed a multicolored arrangement behind her. Lindsay confidently swaying her hips to the beat, rocking her pelvis inward and out as hands femininely traced the curves of her body.

The crowd cheered as the young girl sexily spun around, giving a playful bend of her hips showing off the gyrating motions of her backside. Ending with a lovely display of professional belly dance and one last bump of her hips towards Rainbow.

“Phst, really? A Dance Battle, I didn't know, I got transported back to the late ’90s…” Rainbow giggled loudly, spinning around in a blur of vibrant multicolored waves of energy.

The music around the party shifting to a different pop beat, full of sass and attitude.

🎶 Hello, friends, my name is Rainbow
Don't worry, I'm totally not the girl from that one TV show.
You've read about in fiction or seen in the movies
And with that, there's no reason at all to be suspicious of me… 🎶

Rainbow began to rock her hips back and forth to the beat of the music. Flipping her long rainbow mane over her shoulders, the cyan skinned beauty running her hands down her waist before gyrating her shoulders.

“Mm-hmm! And musicals are any better?” Lindsay scoffed before Rainbow dashed behind her in a shockwave of rainbows, smirking coyly her cheek rested on the girl's shoulder.

🎶 I'm so not a fictional heroine, I have zero disses or slams
No ulterior motive, just want to help people where I can. 🎶

Rainbow darted behind a few party members, quickly refilling their drinks with a smile and playful wink. Sliding across the open field towards a broken strobe light, barely tapping the side as it started glowing to life.

🎶 I wanna shower the world with colorful gifts
'Cause I'm awesome and sweet
So there's no reason at all to want to fight with me… 🎶

Rainbow happily let a powerful glow of light echo off her body. Tiny feet lifted off the ground as beautiful cyan-colored wings spread out from her backside, the crowd cheering into the night as cute pony ears flicked out from the sides of her head.

🎶 Because I'm not afraid of who I want to be!
Expressing our differences, makes me smile happily.
And if you do not believe me
Ask my friend, named after a tree!
She'll tell you that I just love...being me! 🎶

Rainbow flew high above the barn dancing to the beat. Swaying her hips in a feminine motion as she did several backflips in the sky, gaining loud applause.

🎶 Never fraid’, never fraid’, being me, being me… whoo! 🎶 Rainbow twirled around in the sky, spelling out Rainbow in bright glowing colors.

“At least you're not a showoff!?” Lindsay rolled her eyes, barely heard over the cheering crowd.

Rainbow suddenly vanished from atop the barn giggling. Appearing behind Lindsay with a sheepish shrug and a playful pat on her head.

🎶 Who? Me?
I'm not afraid of who I want to be!
I never trick people into trusting me
By hiding my true Personality!
I'll be upfront and sweet, spite is something I'll never seed!
Just ask my friend named after a tree!
I never cheat, I never bribe, I never scheme, 🎶

Rainbow twirled elegantly higher and higher into the night sky, her wings showering the crowd in vibrant waves of light.

🎶 Because that so... wouldn't be me!!! 🎶

Rainbow flapped her wings proudly, sending a Sonic boom of rainbows glowing across the open sky. Flying back down to the ground bowing, quickly rushed by a huge mob of people happily wanting her number, autograph or friend request online.

Lindsay pouted a bit before simply applauding Rainbow, always a fan of someone so theatrical. Juniper giggled as she cheered on her friend's performance from the sidelines. The party alive with the chatter of goodwill and happiness.

Author's Note:

Not Afraid Of Who I Want To Be!

Is a Parody Song of