• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,835 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Temple of the Lost Foal

"Should be just up ahead." Daring remarked, swatting away some flies with her tail as she cut away some underbrush. Deciding she needed a partner on this adventure, she had decided to bring along Rainbow Dash. After all, Rainbow had shown she was capable of adventure during the last trip. Pausing for a second, she looked back to check on her partner.

"Great! This is going to be awesome!" Rainbow yelled, flying above Daring. “A real Daring Do adventure!”

"Quiet! You want the entire jungle to know we’re here?!" Daring cautioned, watching a few branches rub on Rainbow’s sides. There was a reason Daring wasn't flying, too much canopy in the way. Her partner had been exuberant the entire way here even if it had been hours worth of trekking.

"Sorry, I'm just super excited. I’ll be quiet." Rainbow apologized as she landed with a blush.

Exiting the brush, the two pegasi soon came across the path leading up to an old temple that Daring had read about. "There it is, the temple of the Lost Foal," She gestured, eyeing the old stonework while noting the odd statues out front. “Huh, don't see that very often."

"Don't they seem kind of foolish?" Rainbow asked while looking at the statues. They were giant foals wearing diapers and sucking on pacifiers for some odd reason.

"Yeah, I've seen some weird stuff in my time but this is something I wasn't expecting," Daring commented. She and Rainbow headed up the path together glancing side to side for any surprises. It always seemed like either Caballeron or Ahuizotl were not far behind. "I thought ‘Lost Foal’ meant something like lost at birth," Daring added. The ruins themselves seemed relatively intact. "At least there are no tribals this time."

"Then let's go inside, take whatever the artifact is, and get out of here. Easy peasy." Rainbow declared as she walked to the temple's door

Daring approached the big slab door a moment later, blinking in confusion. Upon the door were three little holes: One square, one circle, and one triangle. She dug through her saddlebag. "Well, that does explain why there were three keys." She showed them off to Rainbow.

Rainbow grabbed the circle key and for some reason tried to put it into the square hole while she babbled something to herself

"Uh, Rainbow?" Daring kept watching as her friend tried over and over like some kind of toddler. Had her friend been put under some sort of trance? “How strange. When I touched the keys I didn’t feel any different.” She thought as she tapped Rainbow on the shoulder a moment later. "Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow looked back at Daring, not appearing to realize what she had just been doing as she said. "Yeah?"

"That's not the right slot. You know that, right?” Daring asked as she took the key and moved to place it in the right hole

"Oh, y-yeah. Sorry, I don’t know what came over me." Rainbow apologized with a blush.

"Yeah, that was kind of strange. Probably some kind of booby trap or something." Daring remarked as she inserted each small key into their appropriate slots, hearing clicks and rumbles as the door began to slide open.

"I know my shapes just so you know." Rainbow spoke up as she puffed out her chest, apparently feeling the need to make that fact very clear.

"Right." Daring shook her head once more glancing at the foal statues before entering. As with her usual adventures, she was on the lookout for any traps that could be waiting for her. All the while she noticed that the drawings on the walls seemed to be that of a child's

“This place seems like it was a foal’s nursery or something." Rainbow commented.

"Who would ever build a temple just to be a nursery?" Daring asked, being careful where she stepped and eyeing any sort of holes within the walls for traps. In fact, it almost seemed too easy so far. Not a spiked pit or wall in sight. It was enough to unnerve her just a little. "Something about this place makes my mane hairs stand on end."

"I know, right? It just seems so foalish. Like they worshipped foals or something." Rainbow replied.

“Worshipping foals, huh? That's a silly thought. Why would anyone do that?" Daring thought aloud as she moved down the main hallway of the temple, watching her step.

Rainbow wasn’t doing the same, and her hoof sank into a pressure plate by accident. She barely had time to look as arms came out of the walls and put a big, poofy dress onto her. "What the buck?!" She screamed! "Daring, can you help get this thing off of me?!" The brash speedster asked as she tugged onto the dress, trying to rip it or at least get it off.

"Never seen a temple that can do this," Daring commented while rolling her eyes at Rainbow’s childish reaction. "Relax," She trotted up to the dress and tugged on it as well, but it wouldn’t come off. “Just don't' step on anymore traps, okay?"

"That's going to be kinda hard when I can't even see my own hooves!" Rainbow yelled. "Can’t you just use your knife to cut it off?!"

“Alright, alright, just stop being so fussy,” Daring remarked. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a small knife, promptly lining it up with the pink frills. "Hold stil!l" She commanded and began to saw at the dress, finding this whole situation weird.

"Thank you, I hate being in something so... Cute." Rainbow said to Daring, as she stood there as patiently as she could.

"it's not that bad, looks kind of nice on you,” Daring teased as kept trying to cut the dress, but soon found the knife couldn’t cut loose a single thread. "Gah, what's this thing even made of?!" She sheethed her knife, sighing. "Seems you're stuck in it for now, Rainbow Dash. Now you know why I always say to watch your step. Let's just get to the main chamber before some villain shows up."

"Fine, but I don't think I can run well wearing this thing." Rainbow groaned as she started to walk. As she did she swore she heard some crinkling coming from underneath the dress.

The two pegasi reached the main room a short time later. It was expansive with bright sunlight shining down upon the main pedestal. There were also runes upon the walls which Daring moved to look at. By instinct she never went right for the treasure. She first took in her surroundings and checked for any traps. “Maybe these will tell us something." She suggested to Rainbow.

"Tell us what?” Rainbow groaned as she rubbed her eyes. “You know, besides the the fact that this temple put me in a diap-a dress?"

"What was that?" Daring asked, looking back. "Put you in a dress. Yes, I can see that, Rainbow Dash," Then she looked closer at the runes, trying to decode what they said. "Hmm, says something about a curse. Rainbow, don't touch anything."

But Rainbow’s eyes were drawn to the shining pedestal in front of her. Sitting upon it what was looked to be a pacifier with golden trim. It was oddly entrancing so she walked up to it and picked it up. For some odd reason she wanted to suck on it.

Daring was so caught in her decoding that she didn't notice till it was too late. She turned just in time to see Rainbow pop the pacifier into her mouth! "Rainbow, wait, don't!" She hurried over but seemed to be too late as her fellow pegasus began to shrink.

"Wah wrong, Dawing?" Rainbow asked, not realizing that she was getting smaller and younger. She also felt a sense of vertigo as the room became bigger quite rapidly and her wings shrank!

By the time Daring got over to Rainbow, Rainbow was subconsciously suckling on the pacifier and unfortunately was now the size of a foal. "Oh, for Celestia’s sake!" Daring muttered, staring down at the now much younger rainbow maned pegasus that stood before. She did find herself snickering just a bit though upon seeing that the dress had changed to a lighter pink baby dress, and a thick, golden diaper like object was wrapped around Rainbow’s waist.

Rainbow looked up at Daring Do. "Wah happened? Why you so big, and why I sound so... young?" She questioned.

"Seems that you triggered the curse from sucking on that pacifier," Daring commented with a sigh. Then she picked up the small foal up, looking her over. "I hope we can fix this. Why did you suck on the pacifier anyways? It’s just a pacifier.”

Rainbow looked at the pacifier, and then back at Daring Do. "Me no know, it just wook... Good." She admitted as she put it back into her mouth

Daring let out a sigh, looking around the room for anything else. It seemed the centerpiece had been just that pacifier. "Really, this entire trip for a pacifier? You’ve got to be kidding me," She complained while she slipped Rainbow onto her back, feeling the small foal cling to her neck. She blushed a bit. "Uh, we should find someone who can figure out how to change you back."

"Maybe Twiwight. She smart, Mama- me mean Dawing." Rainbow blushed at the slip up.

Daring can't help but blush too at being called mama. She’d never really considered having foals of her own. Heck, with her busy life schedule the idea of even having a special somepony felt like a dream that would never come true. But now she had been thrust into parenthood quite unexpectedly. She hurried to the temple exit while the thoughts lingered in her mind. "Y-yeah, I'm sure your friend will know something. Plus, it gives me access to the princesses." She responded.

Rainbow hugged Daring’s neck, holding onto it as if her life depended on it. "Twiwight gonna fix me."

"Yeah, no worries. I'm sure there's a way for her to change you back." Daring replied. It felt weird to have Dash hugging her neck all snuggly, but she kind of liked the way it felt.

It took nearly two hours of flight for Daring to reach the nearest town. Dawning her A.K. Yearling disguise, Daring moved to the train station. "Uh, how are you holding up?" She asked her regressed friend.

"I good... Bu, I- nevew mind." Dash replied with a blush but said nothing more.

"What is it?" Daring asked, feeling an odd warm sensation on her back. But she ignored it as she bought tickets to Ponyville from the booth. Rainbow didn’t reply to Daring’s question, so Daring suspected nothing.

After getting the tickets, Daring moved to the platform to wait for the train. A mare that was nearby turned and aww at Rainbow. "Oh, she’s cute. Is she yours?" She asked, clearly not recognizing the author.

Daring blushed. "No. I'm uh...foalsitting. That's all."

Rainbow looked at the mare. "Hi, I Wainbow." She greeted while trying to sound childish.

The mare smiled. "Nice to meet you, sweetie." She cooed, before trying to play peek a boo with the foal. Rainbow giggled a little when the mare played peek-a-boo, for some reason she actually found it kind of funny.

"Here I am!" The light blue mare smiled, giving the foal a light boop, then turned to the disguised Daring Do. "Well, where are you heading, ma’am?"

Daring looked back, adjusting her glasses. "Ponyville. I’m… visiting a friend."

Meanwhile, Rainbow looked up at Daring, her face blushing a hard red. "Uh, I need changie." She whispered.

Daring nearly gasped. "Oh you do?" She should’ve suspected this, but somehow she had expected Rainbow either to not need the bathroom, or to tell her when she did. The pegasus mare looked into her bag as Daring blushed a tad. “I, uh don't have a spare diaper."

The mare smiled. "Oh dear. You should never be out of diapers when you’re caring for a foal. Tell you what, you can use one of my foals diapers. They look to be about the same age."

Rainbow looked at the mare. "You gots a foaw?!"

The mare nodded, gently pointing to a stroller that rested next to her. In it, a dark blue coated foal's leg kicks while it slept. The mare then gestured for Daring and Rainbow to follow as she lead them into the mare's washroom. Lowering the changing table, she let Daring set Rainbow on it.

Daring coughed as she admitted. "Um, I uh... forgot how to change a foal."

"Have you ever changed a foal before?" The mare asked

"Well, not really. I guess I should have learned that before foalsitting." Daring admitted as she shuffled her hooves some. She could still see Dash blush as her diaper sloshed.

"Well, I can teach you. It's not that hard, really," The mare said with a smile. "By the way, I never got your name.”

"Yearling, A.K. Yearling," Daring replied as she gently lay Dash on the table, sliding the belt over her lap. "And I could certainly use the pointers, Miss...”

"Icy nights." The mare replied.

"Wah ya foal’s name?" Rainbow asked.

"Her name is Frozen Wishes." Icy answered. "Now let's get you changed, sweetie,” She turned to Daring. “First, you want to take off the dirty diaper. Just undo the tabs."

Daring make a face as she opens the diaper, blushing once more at the stench of urine. "Gah, that’s strong!" She declared as she watched Icy grab some wipes from her bag.

"Well, she wet her diaper quite a while ago. In fact, she practically soaked it." Icy explained while she started to wipe Rainbow.

"Stop that! It cold!" Rainbow yelled in protest as the wipes made contact with her coat.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but you don't want to have pee in your coat now do you?" Icy asked, and then she told Daring. "Now you have to wipe them. Make sure you get all of the pee and poop off of them."

Daring made another face at the mention of poo, that was going to be gross if she had to change that. Hopefully, Twilight would fix all of this before things ever got to that point. "Y-yeah, I got that." She watched, taking notes as the new, fluffy diaper was slid beneath Rainbow and her tail threaded through the back. She figured it was probably very embarrassing for Rainbow as well.

"Finally, you have to put foal powder on their butt. It helps prevent diaper rash." Icy explained as she sprinkled the white powder onto Rainbow’s butt.

In Rainbow’s head she was thinking. “I hate this! I shouldn’t even these stupid diapers!” But then, when she had peed she hadn't even noticed for like five minutes.

Daring watched as the diaper was soon pulled up, the tabs patted snuggly into place. Icy moved her hoof along the leak guards to do one last check. Seeming satisfied, she held up Rainbow "There we go, all nice and dry." She gave the foal a light nose boop again, before setting her back on Daring’s back.

Daring gave a short smile. "Thanks, Icy."

After washing their hooves the mares made their way back to the platform, watching as the train pulled into the station. Daring had a feeling this was going to be a new adventure for sure.

"So, how old is she?" Icy asked, patting Rainbow’s head.

"Um, two. I think." Daring replied, rubbing her neck. Rainbow was once again clinging to her neck. She could even feel Rainbow sniffing her scent.

"Oh, so why were you all the way out here if her parents are in Ponyville?" Icy questioned.

"I have my reasons," Daring muttered, she hadn’t been expecting to be questioned. "Just had to pick up something special." She turned to look at Rainbow, before approaching the train as the doors opened.

"Well, we should get onboard. I’m heading back to Ponyville myself." Icy replied as she walked onto the train while pushing the stroller that held her foal

"She nice, wight, Mama?" Rainbow asked Daring. She didn't realize that she had referred Daring as her mother until it was too late

"Uh, yeah. I think so." Daring blushed as the other mare dawwed a bit. They took their seats quickly, Rainbow being set in between the two mares. The young foal impulsively tried to snuggle under Daring’s wing.

Icy smiled, watching the scene unfold. "She seems to have bonded with you."

Daring cheeks still burned some as she felt Dash snuggle closer, making cooing sounds. "Y-yeah, seems so." As the train began to journey she felt Rainbow nod off to sleep, softly snoring.

Author's Note:

If the flow comes across a little strange that is because the writing process was done with a RP style at first and then edit it afterwards