• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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Night Terrors

Honored Above All Else
Chapter 16
By Honored Service

I looked back at the edge of the decaying city lying in front of me. Dust and ashes swirled around me caught in a breeze I couldn't feel. Somewhere in the dark hell, a loud terrifying scream shattered the eerie silence. And all I could do was smile.

For the record, I really, really don’t like this idea. I mean you don’t have to prove yourself to me anymore. I know you're a bad ass! We can leave here alive Honored!

“We sure can Nightmare,” I took a step forward onto the broken pavement. The gravel and pebbles crunched under my worn boot, “but then I’ll never know.” I drew the diamond sword from its resting place on my back and let pure magic fire pour over its surface. My smile widened as I saw my face glinting back at me off of the smooth diamond surface in between the hellish green black flames.

Know what? For everything’s sake, let’s just leave this place and never look back. I escaped here once, and I don’t want to do it again!

“But, I’ll never know if I can beat the Nightmare.” I marched down through the street, the flaming sword lighting my path as I strolled through the street. It’s funny how quickly your mood can change from getting your ass kicked and then finding out I have a super weapon for banishing Nightmares off the surface of the earth.

Just hurry please. I don’t want to be a part of the Nightmare again.

“I will try my best!” I said as the first Nightmare made its approach towards me. A single entity began its steady march at me, followed by a horde of more Nightmares at least a hundred strong. “Oh, now this will be one for the records. Too bad we’re the only ones who get to see it.”

I swept my leg back and raised the fiery blade above my head in a position to strike. The Nightmare mimicked my stance and drew the shadows around it into a long shadow blade forming along its arm. Its piercing red eyes stared at me. I stared back and smiled a cocky smile at the shadowy figure. Then I ran.

I took off in a straight line, directly at the Nightmare. No more running away. Only fighting. I moved in close for a swift downward slash, but the Nightmare sidestepped to the left. I recovered quickly and spun around holding the sword on my hip and sliced against the Nightmare as it tried to come around to get me in the back.


I stopped after the cut and turned my head to watch as the shadow nightmare slid in half and fell to the ground.


The two halves exploded into black shadows and drifted into the air. The smile never once left my face as I turned back to the horde of Nightmares still advancing towards me. Except they weren't moving slowly anymore. And their eyes weren’t piercing red, they were like mini infernos of evil. And they now sprinted straight at me, coming full force. I guess some of that confidence they had was gone after watching their comrade explode from a sword cut.

“Oh this is going to be fun!” I dashed forward to meet my nightmare head on. I jumped off of a collapsed roof and sailed over the first line of the shadowy creatures. I landed square on one’s chest and knocked him to the ground, driving my sword through its chest cavity. Jerking the blade out, I jumped back into the air, just as the corpse exploded, rocketing me up farther into the air.

I came down hard on the side of a fallen building and slid down it on my back. I could feel the lose bricks ripping and tearing at my worn duster. Damn, I needed to get that fixed. As I neared the end of the building I stuck one leg up, and kicked a Nightmare in its midsection, sending it flying backwards. I jumped up and found myself surrounded on all sides my appearing shadows.


Drawing the sword back for a mighty swing, I lashed out and sliced an attacking Nightmare’s arm off at the shoulder. I recovered the swing, bringing it back up and cutting swiftly through the stomach of the nightmare. I jumped backwards while flipping above another shadowy nightmare and landed on another’s shoulders. The blade spun in my hand as I flipped it around and drove it downward through its head and out of its chin.

The dead Nightmare, toppled forward onto another advancing creature who had a sword slashed across its neck, spraying the area in black smoke.

“It’s like the shadows and darkness actually flow through their veins.” I commented to my Nightmare as I pushed the sword up to the hilt through a nightmare that had jumped off a building at me.

It is.

“Come again?” I asked, drawing the blade from the body and pushing it backwards with my free hand. I took up a wide defensive position as more Nightmare massed to my front. They were about to charge as one large wave.

The darkness and shadows are its life source. It flows through their veins like blood flows through yours. The darkness give it power.

“So you're telling me its dark magic.” I held the blade extended in front of me and lowered the tip so I was pointing the flaming weapon straight at the lead Nightmare. Moving fast as lightning, I took off straight towards the Nightmares, giving them my best smile I could muster charging into certain death.

Yes, the cut down version, yes. It’s dark evil magic I harnessed a long time ago that has since gone rouge.

“Hmmm interesting.” The fire around the tip of the sword began to glow brighter, while the flames began to grow higher and longer wrapping themselves around the sword and then moving up my arms in a swirling cone of fire. “Nightmare? Are you doing this?”

Maybe the past is the past. And the future can always change.

I slammed into the front of the Nightmares at full speed. The fire cone scorching the front line into nothingness, while the next few ranks of Nightmares were thrown back twenty feet by the force of my impact.

I stood tall and strong among the swirling dust and ashes, burning sword in one hand and the other hanging at my side. The Nightmares were scattered all around and their numbers were begin to dwindle as the fighting progressed. But after what felt like hours of hacking and slashing my way through wave after wave of the foul creatures, I had only gone five blocks from the beginning of the city ruins.

Honored, maybe I should help some more. I think the time has come to redeem myself; even if it’s only you who gets to see it.

“Nightmare, anything you do is helpful and… I'm sure… others… will… my God.” My words trailed off and stopped as I watched the air around myself shimmer and spark to life in a wall of fire. The Nightmares that were about to attack backed up as the swirling vortex began to grow smaller around me. The flaming walls of the spinning cyclone moved in closer.

”Nightmare, are the spinning fire walls of death supposed to be moving in?” I asked, Nightmare was the best at giving help sometimes.

Please Honored, Just try and trust me.

I bowed my head and sighed. “I… I trust you completely… friend.” I relaxed and let the Nightmare bring the vortex in and press against my body. Pain.


WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?!” Fast Skies up in second and had jumped onto of the human, sending him flying backwards. “I SWEAR IF HE DID ANYTHING TO CHANGE YOU.” She pointed a hoof accusingly at the human’s head. The red pegasus panted heavily after screaming as Honored just laid there on the ground, letting the mare vent.

“Well Sky, sweetie, he did do something to me,” Fast Skies opened her mouth to yell again, “But! But, it was a good change. I promise. It was nothing dangerous,” the human smiled, “to me.” A wicked grin spread across his face, as Honored Service picked up Fast Skies and carried her back over to the group of ponies.

Now ponies are about four to five feet tall, while Honored reached just over the six foot mark, making him not overly huge compared to the ponies. But for him to pick up and carry Sky demonstrated a certain change to human, that ponies had never seen before.

“You’re stronger.” Fast Skies gasped out as the warrior placed her lightly back into her chair.

Quick as a whip.

“Yes. Much. But not super hero strength or anything. I'm sure Big Mac could still beat me.” The ever modest and humble human rubbed his neck and looked down.

“Let’s see what ya’ can do!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged sideways glances and a smile that only two competitive athletes could give.

“Hey AJ, isn’t Macintosh here with Applebloom since she couldn’t stay at the farm with Granny Smith after the last time the Crusaders were there alone?” Honored cocked an eyebrow at the cocky pegasus. “Oh I’ll tell you later. Just know applesauce, hard cider, and lots of broken windows.”

The human shrugged, “Okay, but I want to hear it.”

“Yea, he sure is. I reckon he should be in the room the Princesses gave us for the time we’re here.” Applejack nodded to Rainbow Dash who smiled.

“Get him up here.”

Within a few minutes a human and the large red stallion were locked in an intense arm/hoof wrestling competition. Both parties were struggling against each other, trying to beat the other. It would seem Big Mac was about to win, but then the human would bounce back and vice versa. It was an evenly matched game.

“Ah gotta say Honored,” Big Mac grunted out as sweat poured off his brow, “You’re a might stronger than before ya’ died.” With that the human burst out laughing and his hand slammed against the table sending glasses, plates, and food all over the floor.

“Haha yeah, it seemed to have benefited me by dying. Good game Mac.” Honored smiled, but realized that everypony in the room was staring at him with open mouths and looks of horror on their faces. “What? I was congratulating Mac on the game.” Honored stuck his hand out to the stallion but stopped mid-way.

Protruding through the human’s hand was one of the knives that had been resting on the table where the competition had taken place. A trickle of blood dripped off the human’s hand and onto the pristine white marble floor. “Well Shit.” Honored said looking with a frown at the gold blade going through his palm and out of the back of his hand.

“Twilight, please go find a doctor, and be quick about it.” Princess Celestia was shocked by the lack of emotion the human was showing, even though there was a knife sticking through his appendage.

“NO!” Honored called out loudly, throwing his good arm up. “Just let me handle it.” Calmly he gripped the end of the knife and slowly pulled it out of his palm. Blood poured out of the opened wound, but just as Princess Celestia was going to insist on a doctor again, the blood flow stopped.

“What the tartarus?” Princess Luna whispered, her eyes growing wide as she stared at the human’s hand.

The open wound began to close in on itself with a faint glow of green fire around the tear in the flesh. Within thirty seconds the wound was completely healed over, leaving only a scar in its place.

“Honored?” Fast Skies slowly backed away from the human. “What was that?” A look of pure terror was implanted on her face, as the human tried to reach out and comfort her.

“It’s part of what the Nightmare did to me.” All the ponies stared at the human with uneasy looks in their eyes. Honored hung his head and sighed. “Listen, even if I wanted the Nightmare out of my head, it would be impossible now. Because we are one. He bonded himself to my brain permanently.” The human stood up and walked away from the group of listeners towards the door. “I knew this was where I would lose your trust, so I’m going to start running.” Honored open the large door leading out of the throne room.

“Just give me an hour head start, will ya princesses?”

I’m sorry Honored. I thought that they would have listened better and seen I had changed. Well then again we didn’t plan on you having to show off your powers already. Stupid knife.

“Honored!” The doors slammed right in the human’s face. He jumped backwards and turned just as Princess Celestia’s horn stopped glowing. “How could you think, that after everything you’ve done for us, that we would hunt you down like some kind of criminal.” The human turned red and looked away while shuffling his feet awkwardly. “Now come sit back down, and continue to explain these new powers.” Honored walked back to his seat in front of the ponies and looked at Fast Skies, who was still giving him an uncomfortable look.

“Then we’ll judge you.” Princess Celestia said quietly. The human’s face turned pale, and the monarch burst out laughing as her sister shot her a death glare.


Explosive pain ripped along my entire body, as the walls of fire cocooned around my body. I felt my skin searing as the flames burned on stronger and stronger till, even through my closed eyes, I felt blinded. “Nightmare what is this!?” I screamed out above the roar of the fire.

Trust! ME! The voice in my head was screaming. The pain almost became too much as my hands dropped the sword and clutched my temples. I pressed in on my head, trying to make the Nightmare stop whatever this was he was doing. I dropped to the ground and screamed as loud as I could as the final wave of pain cascaded over my body and a column of fire ripped through my body and shot into the sky.

The fire around me exploded outwards, sending over fifty nightmares across the street and into the side of buildings. I struggled to rise to my feet as the smoke rolled off my arms and chest. I held my hands out in front of me and watched as the tattered and burnt sleeves of my duster flapped around in the breeze. My hands were the same. Scarred and bloodied, but not different. Spinning around, I looked at the rest of me. Except for all the edges of my clothes being burnt and the smoke swirling around me, I felt as if I wasn’t just set on fire.

“Well thanks for the light show Nightmare, but what good did that did?” I said, while snatching up my sword and letting the fire course back along the blade. The nightmares that were left began to reassemble to left and front preparing for another attack.

Just, give it a moment.

“Give what a moment?” Then the attack came. They all swarmed at once. Pouring in from the left and front, I blocked attack after attack and slashed back whenever the Nightmares left a hole in their defense. But everything seemed to be moving… slower. The Nightmares were moving in slow-motion, while I zipped around them, ducking and dodging like never before. Uppercuts, slashes, side steps, stabs, head crushes, bashes, punches, kicks; everything I did flowed together perfectly. The Nightmares couldn’t touch me.

I weaved around one shadow and plunged the sword through its stomach and grasped the head of another Nightmare and dropped to the ground, crushing its head upon impact next to me. As it started to regenerate, I yanked the sword out of the disintegrating one and loped it’s still re-growing head off.

“Nightmare, I feel different.” I jumped backwards while bringing the sword down, cutting through an advancing nightmare with ease.

I joined us. Like one body joined. I have given you magic, my magic. But seeing as you have no horn to channel the magic through, your body is just using the magic to make you more deadlier. Faster reflexes, more agility, all around effectiveness at combat.

“Sweet.” I said while chopping through two nightmares. I raised the sword above my head to deliver a fatal blow to charging nightmare, but felt something cold wrap around my wrist. I looked to see a Nightmare wrapping its shadowy claw hands around my arm and slowly drag it down. The same feeling came from my other hand. I turned to see I was being pulled to the ground by the nightmares. Their bodies were sinking into the pavement and becoming shadows on the ground anchoring me in place.

“NO!” I screamed. I thrashed about trying to get free. I kicked and struggled against the binds, but soon I felt my legs held in place. The Nightmares that hadn’t been destroyed in my rampage formed a circle around me. I glared daggers at every one of them. But it did no good.

One Nightmare stepped forward and stood in front of me.

“If you want be to beg you better just kill me.” I smirked at the Nightmare, but lost all confidence when it smiled back reviling rows of sharp red teeth to match its red eyes.

“But we need you dead.” One of its arms morphed into a long curved blade that stretched three feet long. “Your will is strong, but it’s easy to break the will of a mortal creature.” The Nightmare placed the tip of the blade against my chest. I instantly felt cold all over. “No.” I chocked out.

Pain. I watched in horror as the blade was slowly worked its way into my chest. I felt every inch as the blade punctured my body. I coughed out as it hit something hard near my back.

“Goodbye human. All mortals die, and with their body, their will dies.” The nightmare screamed its evil laugh and slammed the blade through my spine. I jerked once and slumped forward. I felt everything grow black. But I was still alive. My breaths were ragged, but I was alive. I was breathing. I opened my eyes.

But I didn’t open them.

“Too bad he isn’t a mortal anymore.” My voice was deep and hollow. The shadow chains dropped from my body, as the Nightmare, my Nightmare, picked myself up from the ground, shadow blade still lodged in my chest.

Go get him Nightmare.

“I will, and it’s not Nightmare anymore. Call me friend.”