• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 12,346 Views, 1,245 Comments

Honor Above All Else - Honored Service

Honored Service returns to tell the tale of his year long disappearance.

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0% Chance of Rain

Honor Above All Else
Chapter 13
By Honored Service

I still feel like you really lucked out on this-



whole situation. I mean come on, now it’s even better than before, which is just unfair to everyone; good or bad.



“I'm sorry Nightmare, I can’t hear you over the sound of awesomeness.” I aimed the rifle one handed at another tree and blew a hole the size of a refrigerator through it, causing said tree to crash backwards. After the fight with Ahuitzotl, Nightmare and I continued to walk through the forest and make our way back to Canterlot. And if everything went smoothly (it won’t) and no problems arouse (they will) then we should reach Canterlot in only three weeks.

Maybe wasting all the ammo, which does have a limited supply, isn’t the best idea considering you nearly ran out before losing the weapon to a bad guy.

“Look I have,” I peaked into the green satchel slung around my neck, pulling the flap back to reveal hundreds of shiny brass bullets that gave off a slight blue glow, “I think I have enough bullets to waste a few into some trees to get a feel for…the um…new recoil. Yeah the new recoil.”


“Although only having three magazines is kind of annoying.” I shrugged as I pulled the empty magazine out and slung the rifle across my back opposite of the two swords. I opened the satchel and took out a handful of bullets and began to slide them into the clip. So just dropping empty magazines along the ground hadn’t been the best idea, but why would I have kept an empty one. I didn’t think ahead knowing that an evil cat creature would figure out how to make more bullets, after he stole my rifle to use against me. So I just now can only have three magazines fully loaded before I have to reload them with rounds. Ninety rounds is okay, could be worse.

I'm just suggesting that you stop fighting trees and save the ammunition for something that may matter in the future.

“Sheesh, alright mom, I’ll stop.” I slipped the full magazine into an empty pouch on my chest rig next to the other two full ones and looked up. The forest was starting to thin out. The trees were less dense and the path was becoming more worn into the earth.

I walked along at a leisurely pace making my way through the forest until the tree line stopped. I found myself staring out across a beautiful meadow with a few hills spread around the grassy field. The worn dirt path wove its way around the hills and stretched off into the distance. I smiled at the amazing scene in front of me and moved out of the dim woods and into the bright and sunny meadow.

“If you're going through hell
Keep on going, don't slow down
If you're scared, don't show it
You might get out
Before the devil even knows you're there.”

I sang aloud as I passed the first hill and grinned from ear to ear as, way off in the distance, I saw the outline of houses. I pulled out the weathered and torn map and found myself on the outskirts of the woods.

“There it is Nightmare, the next stop on our journey from Hell. Happytown.” I rolled up the map and tucked it away into my backpack.


“Look I didn’t make the damn name.” It was going to be one of those days.


“Yes.” I paused and sighed while rubbing my temples. “Happytown.”

I don’t like it.

“… Really?”

Let’s go a different way.

I gritted my teeth and ground my hands into fists. “Nightmare, this is the last town before we hit the Manejave desert. And I would like to get some food and more water containers before I just go strolling through a fucking desert, just because you don’t like the god damn name!”

No need to yell.

“Can you please be more annoying?” I said as I continued plodding towards the little town.

I can certainly try.

“No I didn’t mean to actually try and do –“

Now one year before I became a free floating cloud of consciousness that could take over minds, I was a simple colt living a simple life in town that has long since been forgotten.

“Please God, kill me now if you can here me.”

Now I didn’t think that daises could be so pretty until you but them in a bouquet with some fine daffodils and dandelions –

“Yeah, If you're going through hell
Keep on moving, face that fire
Walk right through it
You might get out
Before the Nightmare even knows you're there
Yeah, you might get out
Before the Nightmare makes you kill yourself.”

Oh haha very clever, that didn't even rhyme.


“Wait. Hold on. The Manejave desert? That place is horrible! How could you go through a place like that?!” Fast Skies yelled at the human who paused in the middle of his story.

“Um… to get back here to you?” The human gave an uneasy smile and stared at the red pony. “I missed you so much that I was willing to brave the harsh desert heat and scorching sun.”

Fast Skies crossed her forelegs in front of her. “I don’t believe you.” She glared at Honored who smiled back, a few beads of sweat breaking out across his brow. “But I appreciate the effort.” She leaned forward off her chair and gave the human a quick peck on the cheek.

Honored gave a light chuckle and turned a little red at all the stares he was getting from his audience.

“That was so sweet; I think I just got diabetes.” Quick Flurry said, elbowing Hammer Strike in the ribs while trying not to burst out laughing.

“You’re both just jealous you don’t have a special somepony.” Honored mocked at the two ponies.

Hammer Strike reached over and pulled Quick Flurry to his side, “Who said I didn’t have one?” There was an awkward pause as the human turned redder that Fast Skies. “HAHA I'm just messing with you. I could do a lot better than this pony.” Hammer Strike pushed the yellow pegasus away who was laughing at the reaction the easily embarrassed human had given.

“Okay, well, awkward situations aside, let me continue. The good part is coming up.”


“That’ll be twenty-three bits fella.” The green mare working the register in the general store told me while putting my extra canteens into a bag. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the remaining bits I had. Twenty-four.

“Well Nightmare, I guess we need to find a way to make some money so we can by some food.”

Why is it always we? I'm just here for the ride and occasional fight. This one is all you.

“Gee thanks for being there for me. Ass.” I thanked the shopkeeper and walked out of the Happytown General Store. At first the town treated me like Ponyville had treated Zecora. But I spoke up and used reason with a lot of the ponies and soon they welcomed in, just like any other traveler that passed through the little town.

I walked past a bulletin board and walked backwards to it. I glanced over the papers pinned up on it.

Lost dog

Found dog

Oh look here’s one for a new roommate. I think that one will help us.

“Listen here Nightmare, we just need a few bits to by some supplies. I'm sure there is some small odd jobs around here we can help with.” I continued to scan the board for anything that might fit what we needed.

Again with the we.

“Here we go, need help fixing leaky roof. And it pays twenty bits. That should be plenty to just get some food for a couple days journey through the desert.” I ripped the paper down and asked for directions to the house from a couple of passing by ponies.

Fine. Whatever. Let’s just hurry up and get out of here.

“What is your deal Nightmare? You’ve never been this pushy to get out of a place before.” I walked along the street till I came face to face with the most run down looking building in the entire town.

And no wonder why there was a leaky roof. The damn thing had holes in it the size of bowling balls.

This is why I don’t help ponies.

“Maybe we need to discuss the amount I'm getting paid for this.” I said walking up to the door and knocking on the faded red wood. It slowly creaked open to reveal an old mare and an old stallion. They both smiled at me. I held up the help wanted poster and they waved me into their home.

After a quick talk with the elderly couple, I left the price at twenty bits, I wasn’t going to try to squeeze more money than I need from the old ponies, even with the Nightmare’s constant attempt to get me to raise the payout to one hundred bits.

“Well Mr. and Mrs. Clock, I should hopefully have the holes all repaired by the end of the day if everything goes smoothly.” I stood up from the chair I had been seated in and followed Mr. Clock outside to a toolshed. All the tools and supplies were laid out, waiting for me to use them.

“I’ll leave you to it sonny. Thanks again.” The aged pony waddled inside his house leaving me staring at the supplies and the broken roof.

Well get started.


I ran a hand across my face as I wiped the sweat off my brow. I picked up another board and laid it across the hole in the roof. Grabbing a hammer and some nails from the tool box next to me, I knocked the nails into place one at a time till the board was secured in place. “Another one down. Only a couple more to go.” I moved carefully along the roof to the next hole and repeated the process.

It was strange being normal-ish for the day. I wasn’t shooting and killing anything. Just earning bits a normal way. It felt strange, but good to be doing something different. Boring, yes. Safe, and helpful absolutely.


“Shit!” I yelled out holding my hand up and seeing my thumb beginning to swell up. “Well kind of safe.”


“Oh shut up you. All you’ve done is crack jokes this whole time.”

Yeah what else is there to do? I can’t really jump out of your skull and help you.

I picked up a stack of shingles and went over the bare spots with them, nailing them in place. My work was nearly finished here. I scooped up my remaining nails and scraps of extra wood and brought them over to the shed. I cleaned up everything and put everything away neatly leaving the shed in better shape than when I started.

“There we are Nightmare. An honest day’s work with no bloodshed.” I smiled as I walked up to the door of the house to collect my money.

Yes it was a truly exciting day filled with all kinds of adventure. I'm so glad I didn’t get to miss out on this occasion.

The old tan stallion opened the door and slowly walked out to examine my handy work. He was beaming with joy at the sight of his fixed roof. He looked back at me and smiled even more. “Thanks a lot young’n. That old roof was leaking like crazy and I just don’t have the youth to fix it anymore. Come on in and I’ll get you you're payment.” I followed him up the rickety old steps into the house.

“Watch, could you please be a dear and fetch the bits for this hard working…um…young lad.” Mr. Clock called out to his wife in the other room. “I'm sorry young’n, in my age I seem to have forgotten what you are. I know I read about it in the papers awhile back, but it has plum slipped my mind.”

“Oh it’s alright sir, my name is Honored Service, and I'm a human.” I said politely as we waited for Mrs. Clock to return with the pay.

“No I don’t think that’s true. The papers had said the human had died in a tragic battle in Canterlot six months ago.” A spark of recognition lit up on the old stallion’s wrinkled face. “You… sure ain’t dead.” He squinted his eyes at me and rubbed them for good measure.

“No I'm most certainly not sir.” I beamed again at the stallion as his wife reentered the room carrying a small wooden box. “But if you could please keep that on the down low, I’d be most grateful.” I winked at him, hoping to remain hidden until the time came to show myself back into pony society. I'm sure rumors must be spreading around because of all the things I had been doing on my way back to Canterlot, but rumors were just rumors.

“Now about your payment.” Mr. Clock raised a shaky hoof and put the wooden box in my lap. I stood up from the chair and opened the box. Inside was a small pile of gold bits, that easily was over sixty bits. I Closed the lid and looked back at the smiling old couple.

“Sir the sign said twenty bits. This has to be at least sixty.” I held the box back out to them, but the couple refused to take it.

The old mare, Watch Clock, waved a hoof at me. “Now take it son. You did some hard work for us, and we both know that you need it. Somepony once told me to give to the less fortunate and by the state of your clothes and belongings I believe you've been through some hard times.” i looked down at the faded, stained and torn duster. i was caked in dirt and grime from my travels, not really thinking of washing it too often.

“Please take all of it young’n.” Mr. Clock said walking me to the door, “You’re a hard worker and very respectful.” We walked out onto the porch and he shut the door. He reached around and pulled out a small folded up piece of paper and hoofed it up to me. I sat the box down on the railing and unfolded the paper.

Can we leave now I want… too… wow

I was staring at a photo of dark colored alicorn and a group of ponies standing in front of a broken statue. The statue stood on a destroyed fountain at a dangerous angle. It had two legs that meet up to an armored midsection, but the top half of the statue was lost to time or destruction. Behind the group of explores was the remains of shattered building and burnt out homes. I was staring at photo from the exploration team the visited Hum-gia with Princess Luna before the Nightmare took her over.

“That’s my great-great-great-great grandfather there.” Mr. Clock pointed to a tan unicorn in the corner of the group, carrying a large backpack filled with supplies. “This photo was handed down from generation to generation in my family. And we always wondered what that statue was of. But I'm glad that I got to find out.” He patted me on the pack and took the photo back and tucked it away. He turned to leave, but stopped at the door and turned his head back to me.

“Thank you Honored for everything you did.” With that he shut the door, leaving me stunned and alone on the porch.

Well that was unexpected.

“I’ll say. I mean this normal day just got a thousand times stranger. What are the odds we run into that.” I picked up the wooden box and headed towards a supply store to finish buying the goods I would need for the trek through the Manejave desert.

“But that might explain why they paid us so much.” I said to the Nightmare as I walked into Happytown’s little grocery store. I picked up a basket and nodded to the few ponies milling about through the store. I grabbed cans of beans and bags of dried fruit off the shelves. “What else do we need Nightmare?”

I think that’s enough. It’s only going to be a three days walk through the desert. We don’t need to bring a whole feast with us.

I was about to pay when I turned back to the canned good aisle and scooped up a few cans of tomato soup and dropped them into the basket next to the beans.

Um thanks human.

“Did you just say thanks?” I gasped aloud as I walked up to the register and began unloading the food from the basket. I slung my backpack off and placed it on the end of the counter and just loaded up the food into it. The mare working the register was a light pink unicorn with a gold bit as her cutie mark.

No. No I didn’t. You must have heard wrong. I said you better have or I’ll make your mind run so wild that you would welcome death.

I thanked the young mare and picked up my pack, leaving her with twenty-three bits to pay for everything. I walked out of the store and towards the edge of the town where another road would lead to the beginning of the Manejave desert. I might as well get started on this journey sooner than later. And it was late afternoon so it would cool down by the time I got too far into the sandy dunes.

“Nightmare, it’s okay to be nice. I would still respect you. Hell, I would still fear you.” I said while adjusting the backpack on my back so it fit comfortably over the scabbards of my swords.

You might. But others wont.

“Are you kidding me? Of course they will. I mean just look at me.”

Eww gross.

“No, shut up. I'm a hero to most ponies that know me. I'm nice and I protect ponies everywhere, and yet you don’t think I get respect? I still get looks of fear sent my way because I'm so powerful.” I waved goodbye to a few ponies walking through the town edge as I walked down the worn road.

I… I get your point. It’s just I’ve been bad so long… I just don’t think I can be good. Nopony would ever forgive me for what I’ve done.

The humans all dead.

Nightmare moon.

The second changeling attack.

I'm… I'm a monster.

“That’s true, but that’s the past. What happened to the pony that so long ago was trying to create and develop new and insanely useful spells?” I asked the Nightmare as the well-worn dirt road slowly began to get sandier. The light woods had disappeared from the landscape and far into the distance I could see rolling hill and a few cacti.

“I'm sure that you’re just confused. And I’ll be here to help you Nightmare.”

Thanks hum-

“Because whether you like it or not, we’re stuck together.”

Ugh. Please don’t remind me.

But the voice wasn’t deep and hallow as it always was. It was lighter. Almost happy.


“And that was truly the first time that the Nightmare thought about changing for the better.” Honored Service patted the side of his head.

“Now Honored, I know it may seem like that the Nightmare has changed, but he is amazing at changing emotions around to befit him.” Princess Luna looked at the human, pain and anguish filling her eyes.

“Just hear me out; the next part of the story is important. It really shows that the Nightmare changed.” The human pleaded to the royal princesses.


I stumbled up another sand dune as the sun set below the horizon in front of me. I reached the crest of the hill as the sky turned dark reds and purples. “Wow isn’t this something Nightmare? Think of all the amazing things we get to see.” I jumped forward and slid down the sandy hill to the bottom.

I find it more interesting to think about all the exotic creatures we get to kill.

“Of course you do.” I walked around a massive cactus that reached up towards the starry sky. A few rocks surrounded the cactus and some dead shrubs and a shriveled old tree sprouted next to them. “This actually looks like a good place as any to set up a camp. I shrugged off my backpack and laid it on the ground. I sat down and propped the pack against one of the rocks. I plucked some twigs from the dried bushes and began to make a small fire base. I looked over at the dead tree.

Sliding Bad Bertha from her sheath, I sliced through the dried trunk with ease and chopped the little tree into pieces. Magical weapons made surviving so much easier. I placed the wood into a small circle and snapped my fingers, resulting in a green flame appearing in my right hand. “And now we have fire.” I flicked my hands towards the wood, and watched as a green and black fire sprouted up in the wood.

Yeah thanks Nightmare for the supper cool fire powers. It’s no big deal or anything.

I laughed and smiled at the fire crackling away. “Thanks Nightmare, I’d be lying if I said you weren’t growing on me.”

Well… um… you're welcome human… I mean Honored.

“Very nice Nightmare, I'm officially impressed.” I pulled out a can of beans and held them out in front of me and snapped my fingers again. In a few minutes I had a warm can of beans in my hand just begging to be eaten. And after that, a nice can of tomato soup.

After my dinner, I watched the stars twinkle overhead, while twirling a long red feather in-between my fingers. The green fire reflected off the shiny red coating on the primary. “I'm coming home Sky. I promise.” I closed my eyes and settled in for some well-deserved sleep.


It felt like I had just shut my eyes to go to sleep, when the Nightmare roused me from my sleep. The still burning fire confirmed this. But that isn’t what caught my eye. The hundreds of red eyes surrounding me from all directions was kind of creeping me out. They eyes stayed in the shadows away from the fire, just out of sight. What the fuck was out in the darkness.

Ah good, you saw them. Maybe we should try moving away!

“Okay I'm getting up.” I slowly crawled to my feet and picked up my rifle and swords. I slung the rifle and strapped on the swords and threw the pack over my shoulder. The eyes watched my every movement. I reached over my head and drew both swords.

These eyes didn’t scream peace.

They screamed something along the lines of I'm going to kill you and devour you.

“Nightmare, how about some light.” The darkness was sheltering these creatures, so lets bring them into the light.

The air around me shimmered and sparked to life. I almost immediate wished that I hadn’t seen what was out there. Scorpions.

Over forty scorpions of different sizes had me completely surrounded. Some were only the size of my foot (still fucking too big) and the largest one was easily the size of a sedan. The others ranged in sizes in between that. Suddenly this peaceful desert became a little more… active. I turned around and ran towards where the sun had gone down.

I leapt over a few small scorpions, and sliced through pincers and tails tipped with stinging barbs as I ran through the circle of demon arachnids. I reached the edge of the circle and began running as fast as I could through the sand. I thought I could out run them, but the shuffling and scratching behind me said otherwise. I dared to look back and saw that I was being pursued by the damn things. And what was even worse was the fact I could see some of them burrowing under the sand and rocketing towards me like underground torpedoes through the sand.

“Fuck me sideways. This is when some grenades would come in handy.” I sheathed the swords and pulled my rifle up. I fired the explosive magic rounds into the approaching mounds of sand and smirked as the exploded raining sand and bits of shell and flesh all around. I continued to run onwards towards the area the map had shown the direction of the Equestrian border. If I was going to run, I might as well run in the right direction.


The gunshots cut through the night silence as more and more of the damned scorpions came out of the sand after me. I jumped over them, kicked them, crushed them, stabbed them, and obliterated them with the magic rounds, but they just kept following me. The Nightmare kept the fire going, which lit the area up and seemed to slow the arachnids down as they got closer to me. I was running low on filled mags for the rifle.


Scratch that, I was out of filled mags for the M16. I dropped the empty one into the satchel and slung the rifle, I’d load it later whenever I wasn’t running for my life. I felt like I was making some progress when I fell face first into the sand and rolled down a sand dune crashing down into the bottom. Fucking rocks.

I looked up to see an avalanche of scorpions pouring over the crest of the hill I just fell down, coming right at me. I reached down and yanked the Berretta from the holster and aimed at the lead sedan sized scorpion. I aimed the pistol right at its red eyes and squeezed the trigger.


I looked at the gun to see the ejection port filled with sand.

“Fuck my luck!” I screamed and holstered the pistol, while scrambling to feet and drawing the swords once more. A stinger flew over my head; I spun around to barely avoid another stinger as it aimed right at my chest. A quick upper cut and the stinger went flying over my head and landed in the sand behind me. “Where the hell do you things keep coming from!” I screamed, while sidestepping another stab from a stinger.

Run! For the love of all that is holy run!

“Running!” I turned tail and ran again. But at this point, I know it would be pretty stupid to bother running because of the speed at which these god damned scorpions could tunnel. Jammed pistol, and an empty rifle, today just was going to be one of those days.

I reached the peak of another sand dune that was easily six stories high and stopped, looking down at what laid out before me.


Ancient ruins.

Ruins the resembled a destroyed city. A city that I had seen before in the memories of an alicorn. Ash still swirled in the air as I looked down at the destroyed remains of the ancient city that had once been the thriving center of the long forgotten humans.


I turned around to face the scorpions, and noticed that they stopped fifteen feet away from me, refusing to come closer. The scorpions weren’t attack even though they had the perfect opportunity. As I stood there, staring at the mass of scorpions, something screeched in the background.

A blood curling, ear piercing, horrifying shriek. Something straight out of a horror movie, the kind of scream the makes your blood run cold. The scorpions backed up from me and burrowed under the stand, scattering in every direction. I looked back to the decripid remains of the city, then back to the desert. I reached into my pack and took out an apple.

Pulling my arm back, I threw it out in front of me into the desert. I rolled down the dune and stopped. I waited and sighed as ten stingers exploded out of the sad, and speared the apple over and over again, until it was a stain on the desert sand.

Well I guess we aren't leaving the way we came.

“Yeah,” I said turning to face the destroyed city where the scream had sounded from, “we get to go through that.”

Human – I mean Honored. Maybe I should tell you a little more about the Nightmare.