• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,617 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

Friends Reunite

In New York City, atop a roof were the turtles, Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno waiting it out for something, "How much longer do we have to wait?" Raph groaned, while holding onto Chompy.

"Patience, Raph, they should be too much longer." Leo calmed him, as they waited.

Mikey who was sitting next to Ice Cream Kitty sitting in her carrying cooler looked down in the alley and saw a familiar white van pull up, "Check it, dudes. They're here."

Soon enough coming up to the roof through the door was Sunset Shimmer, Fugitoid, Bebop, and Rocksteady, "Couldn't we have just taken elevator?" Rocksteady asked his friends while panting.

"Hey, guys, we made it." Sunset greeted.

"And how're all of you doing?" Fugitoid inquired.

"We're doing good, Professor." April answered.

"How was the ride up?" Donnie asked.

"Not bad. Of course Rock had to constantly ask to stop to use the mens room." Bebop replied.

"What? I was getting the shy bladder." Rocksteady argued.

"All right, you guys," Sunset calmed them, "So, everyone all set to go to Equestria?"

"Yeah. I mean last time we were there we had to deal with the Storm King." Leo reminded them.

"Would've gone smoother if Leo didn't insist we leave our medallions behind." Raph motioned to the Mystic Medallions around their necks.

"To be fair we were only looking to attend the Festival of Friendship," Donnie reminded, "We didn't take into account some new villain showing up."

"Well, this time we're wearing them at all times." Leo said.

"Is your portal device fully functional, Donnie?" Sunset asked the smart one.

"You betcha."

"So what's gonna happen once we go through?" Keno asked sounding worried.

"Once we enter Equestria, we shall take on a pony form." Fugitoid explained.

"That's what worries me." Keno replied.

"Come on, Keno, it's not that bad." Casey replied.

"Yeah. You just have to get used to not having hands." Karai added.

"We better hurry. I messaged Twilight we'd be there soon." Sunset told them.

"All right, everybody ready?" Leo asked.

"Let's do this like Brutus." Bebop answered.

Donnie started entering the coordinates on the portal gun and projected a portal, "All right, here we go." the group went through the portal that closed.

Meanwhile in Princess Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Twilight was pacing around in the library, until she saw a portal open. A bright grin grew on her face, as her ninja friends from the other world stepped out, "Leo! Guys!" she ran to Leo and hugged him, as Leo returned the gesture.

"Good to see you, Twilight." he greeted her.

"What up, Princess?" Mikey greeted.

"It's so great to see you all again," Twilight said, while hugging Sunset and Fugitoid, before turning to Rocksteady and Bebop, "And I mean 'all' of you." the two former baddies smiled at that.

"Uh, what happened to me?" Came Keno's voice, as the group looked to see Keno had been converted to a pegasus pony with a purple magenta colored coat, a black colored tail like his mane, and the cutie mark located on his suit's flank part was a bold letter 'N' over his two sparing sticks crossing each other.

"Keno, you're a pegasus." Donnie noted.

"A pegasus?" Keno asked, as he looked at his new wings, "Wings? You mean I can fly? That's awesome!" he jumped up and flapped his wings to fly. He hovered a few times before falling flat on his face, "Whaaaa! Eee! Ooo! Ahh!" he groaned.

Casey, Raph, and Mikey laughed at this, "Ooo, crash and burn, Keno!" Mikey laughed.

Keno got up and spoke in confusion, "What the heck, man?! I've got wings; I should be able to fly?"

Twilight answered, "Casey learned the hard way too. You can't fly without knowing how. But don't worry, I know somepony who'll show you the ropes."

"Thanks, uh, Twilight?"

"Yes. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle. And you're Keno, right?"

"That's me," Keno nodded before turning to Casey who laughed the hardest from before, "Just you wait, Jones. Once I know how to use these things, I'll be soaring all over the place."

"And hitting the ground harder when you crash." Casey joked.

"Hey, Twilight, are they here yet?" came a voice, as Spike entered the library and saw the ninjas, "Hey, guys."

"Spike, how're you, buddy?" Raph asked.

"Never better." Spike asked, as he spread his new wings.

"There's something different about you, Spike. I just can't put my finger on it." Mikey tried to think, only for Raph to smack the back of his head.

April gasped, as she went to the dragon, "Spike, you got wings now? That's great!"

Karai came to the other side of Spike and hefted one of his wings up with her hoof to get a good look at it, "Very impressive." she admitted.

"That's wicked, bud. Now you can fly like me." Casey said, as the two flew up.

"Thanks." Spike replied.

"And all this time, I thought you were a wingless dragon." Donnie said.

"How'd you sprout wings anyway?" Shinigami wondered.

"And was it painful?" Mikey asked.

"Not really, but it wasn't pretty before I did," Spike explained, "First I was dealing with itchy stone scales, uncontrollable flame sneezing, random volume shifts in my voice, and a smelly stench that attracts Rocs."

"Rocks?" Bebop asked in confusion.

"How're rocks attracted to smell?" Rocksteady asked.

"Not that kind. The kind that falls under the category of giant carnivorous bird," Spike continued, "Then I was suddenly encased in stone, and I broke out of it with my stone scales cleared up, voice and fire back to normal, and my stench gone. And to top it off a new set of wings."

"So you went through all those bizarre symptoms just to get wings?" Raph asked rhetorically, while crossing his arms.

"Yeah. Kinda confusing, but that's how it goes."

"So what else has been going on?" April asked.

"I've got so much to tell you." Twilight said, but before they could leave the library, the rest of the ponies entered.

"Hi, guys!" Pinkie cheered.

"Pinkie!" Mikey cheered, as the two hugged.

"Welcome back, ya'll." Applejack greeted.

"Thanks, A.J." Casey replied.

"It's so wonderful to see you all again." Rarity greeted them by hugging Shinigami.

"Same here." Shini agreed.

Fluttershy flew to Raph "Hello, Raph. And hello, little Chompy." she put her hoof to the baby turtles face. Chompy cheered, before spitting fire, much to Fluttershy shock.

Rainbow noticed the cooler Mikey had with him, "Hey, Mikey, what's with the cooler?"

"Did you bring snacks?" Pinkie asked hopefully.

"Not exactly. Let me show you." Mikey opened the cooler, and out popped Ice Cream Kitty.


"Oh my gosh!" Fluttershy gasped, as she flew over, "Who is this?"

"This here is Ice Cream Kitty, my pet mutant. Say hi, girl."


"Oh, she's so adorable." Fluttershy giggled, as the ice cream cat licked her muzzle.

Pinkie licked the ice cream mutant's paw, "And tasty."

Keno, Bebop, and Rocksteady were lost for words looking at the group of ponies, "This is totally dejavu." Keno said in shock.

"Da, they pony versions of Rainboom girls." Rocksteady added.

Starlight noticed the duo and gasped, "Bebop and Rocksteady?"

The two noticed her, as Bebop spoke, "Hey, Star-Girl."

"Did Princess Pony tell you we is the good guys now?" Rocksteady asked.

Starlight smiled, "She did. And speaking as a former bad pony, welcome to the club of reformed enemies."

"Hear that, comrade, we's in the club." Rocksteady said happily.

Fluttershy looked at the two and asked the others, "Who're they?"

Sunset answered, "This is Bebop and Rocksteady. Mutants just like the turtles. They used to work for Shredder, but they've become our comrades and friends."

"And we truly are lucky to have friends like them." Fugitoid added.

"Aw, geez guys." Bebop replied feeling embarrassed.

Rarity studied Bebop's look, "What an interesting suit, you have fine taste in colors. And an astounding hairstyle too."

"I'm all about style." Bebop posed.

Keno looked around, "So this is a castle?"

"That's right, the Castle of Friendship." Twilight explained.

"Come on, we'll give you the grand tour." Pinkie offered, as the group left the library.

As they roamed the castle halls, Keno was getting to know everything, "Man, and I thought mansions were big."

"Yeah. With all the rooms in this castle she could run a bed and breakfast." Karai joked.

Mikey looked out a nearby window, "Hey, Twi. When did someone build a condo right next door to you?"

"Condo?" Twilight asked in confusion, as everyone looked out the window and saw right next door to the castle was another building resting atop the pond with a few waterfalls flowing down at its sides and behind it.

"Mikey's right." Donnie noticed.

"Who lives there?" April asked.

"Well, for one thing, that's not a condo. It's a school." Twilight corrected Mikey.

"A school?" Leo asked.

"A very nice looking one if I do say so myself." Fugitoid admitted.

"So who builds a school right next door to your castle?" Casey asked curiously.

"I did." she answered.

"You?" the ninjas asked.

"We really have a lot to catch up on." Spike said.

"Agreed. Follow us." Twilight instructed the ninjas to follow her and the girls.

The girls and Spike led the group into the map room, as Twilight explained, "Ever since we got back from Canterlot when the Festival of Friendship ended, we found out from Starlight the Cutie Map expanded to all the places we've been to when we left to save Equestria."

Fugitoid studied the map, "Twilight's right. There's Klugetown, the Pirates ship, and Mt. Aries."

"That sure takes me back." Mikey sighed in nostalgia.

Twilight continued, "When Tempest or Fizzlepop left with Grubber to not only spread word of the Storm King's defeat, but also spread the friendship teachings she learned from us it got me thinking there are more places beyond Equestria than we ever imagined. And who knows how much some of them might not know about Friendship."

"So Twilight decided the best way to spread the importance and teachings of Friendship was to build a school." Applejack stated.

"A school dedicated to teaching Friendship?" Keno asked in shock.

"Now I've heard everything." Karai replied.

"I never would've imagined such a school could actually be established." Sunset added.

"Indeed. That's a subject that's not easy to teach in either world." Fugitoid said.

"Building a school doesn't sound like an easy job." April noted.

"I know. So I sought Princess Celestia's advice, and she suggested I consult with the EEA." Twilight explained.

"EEA?" Rocksteady asked.

"The Equestria Education Association. I had met with it's head pony Chancellor Neighsay and granted me approval of my school so long as we follow the EEA rules and regulations."

"Unfortunately, the rules kept us from teaching the students in the way that we work best in." Applejack said.

"Even the students were finding our lessons boring." Fluttershy added.

"And they even called me an egghead! AN EGGHEAD!" Rainbow cried.

"Because of this, six of our students decided to skip classes and go off on their own, and right on the day of Friends and Family Day." Rarity said.

"Wow. Reminds me of the times I used to do that." Casey replied.

"And yet you're still in school." April added.

"When Chancellor Neighsay arrived to evaluate, he was not pleased," Twilight said, "But it wasn't just because of how miserable everypony was with being forced to follow the EEA's rules, but because non-pony's were also attending as students."

"Non-pony's?" Leo asked.

"Yes. I created the School of Friendship not just to teach ponies but all creatures about Friendship. But Chancellor Neighsay's prejudice attitude against them thinking they would use Friendship as a weapon to overthrow ponies forced several of our friends like Ember and Thorax to pull their students from school. Chancellor Neighsay claimed I failed to uphold the EEA's guidelines and standards and used his magic to close the school forever." she said still feeling dismal from what almost could've been permanent.

"Dude, that Neighsay sounds like a total jerk." Mikey crossed his arms.

"Yeah, reminds me of Shredder." Karai added.

"Yeah. When he spoke badly about our non pony friends I almost felt like I was speaking to Shredder himself." Twilight admitted.

"With the school closed, Twilight fell into depression, but I managed to give her a good talking to raising her spirits again." Starlight said.

"Even if your words were a bit... mean." Twilight recalled.

"Tough love." Starlight playfully hoofed her shoulder.

"When we tried to talk to our non pony friends to let their students come back we found out they ran away from home, Twilight continued, "And they all started blaming each other thinking they were hiding them all. Princess Celestia pleaded for us to find their missing students before all five creatures would wage war."

Pinkie spoke up, "Turns out they were all hiding out in Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's former castle in the Everfree forest."

"Together?" Shinigami asked.

"That's right. Apparently my school taught them something about friendship after all so we managed to get them back and calm every creature down. So I undid Chancellor Neighsay's magical lock, and he himself arrived having sensed his magic being undone. I gave him a firm talking too that my school isn't just for ponies, and that I made the rules for it, and doesn't need the EEA's approval. The chancellor still wasn't swayed and warned me teaching Friendship to the other creatures would doom us all."

"Ok, that chancellor really is a jerk." Mikey said.

"Yeah. Sounds about as worse as Cinch used to be." Sunset added.

"Makes me glad, we don't have someone like that at our school." April said on behalf of herself and Casey.

"Or at CHS." Sunset put in.

"I should hope Principal Celestia never hires someone like Neighsay to teach children." Fugitoid shuddered.

"How about we give you all a tour of the school?" Applejack offered.

"Really?" Donnie asked.

"Sure, if you're going to be here for awhile we might as well get you acquainted. Plus I wanna know more about the medallions you gained when you destroyed the Memory Stone." Twilight said.

"Well, then let's go." Leo said, as the group walked out of the castle and headed for the school.