• ...

Weyland Castle

Author's Note:

All Flashbacks will be in PURPLE


Mistilie's eyes widen, surprised ... though she is very quick to pull away from the stallion's kiss. Rahzzy opens his eyes feeling her pull away. The stallion looks worried, did he do something wrong? The mare coughs backing away but this only concerns Rahzzy. So he hesitantly moves forward reaching out with one hoof worried.

"Mistilie, I am sorry ..." He clears his throat thinking she just wasn't interested in him like he was her. "I just ... r-really like you. We have done so much together~"

Mistilie shakes her head and closes her eyes looking away, knowing that she couldn't lie to the stallion anymore about what she really was. Opening her eyes they shift from a disguised iris to her natural robotic rainbows. Rahzzy's eyes widen seeing this suddenly change before his eyes. Mistilie shakes her head and she does her best not to upset the stallion but there wasn't much she could do.

"I'm sorry, Rahzzy ..." Mistilie sucks up a robotic tear but Rahzzy only shakes his head in denial, "I should have told you sooner but I'm an Android"

"I CAN'T!!!" Rahzzy speaks without thinking, in shock he didn't know how to react. "I can't love a robot!!! You are a robot!!!!" Rahzzy turns away and sprints off into the darkness in a panic. He didn't know how to feel, Mistilie reaches out and her voice becomes a mess as her sadness builds.

"R-Rahzzy!! Come Back!!" Mistilie's voice cuts out as her wires forget how to function, her emotions becoming a crazy mess because of this. "Can't ... Love ..."

Mistilie's eyes close and tears push out uncontrollably and she runs, this being the last thing she will hear from Rahzzy before going onto the Colonization Mission. The last thing she would remember him by, that he is just another pony who could never ... love her.

"Wake up, Droid-13-9-19-20-9-12-9-5" A female voice echoes, so familiar but so foreign inside the mind. Shuffling sounds and White Lightning's voice chimes in.

"This isn't working!!! Turn her off, Amber" White Lightning stomps around in anger, a loud smack rips through the air as White is smacked across the face. "Amber!!"

"You can call me by my FULL name, White!! Silver Amber Star!!!" The female voice roars in the mind of the droid, "It is working!!! Droid-13-9-19-20-9-12-9-5, Wake up!!"

"Enough!! Stop calling it that!!!" White Lightning stomps his hoof again and moves towards the droid who remains motionless. "That transmitter didn't reset her, she won't respond to that!"

"Then what do we call it?" Amber mumbles getting annoyed once again with White Lightning. "Go ahead, Mr.Weyland"

"Mistilie Flare, Wake Up Now" White Lightning growls and pushes a stack of papers off a table nearby in anger of being pushed around by Silver. "MISTILIE!!!"

Mistilie's eyes open and the light nearly blinds her, it almost feels like she is being born all over again except this time there is nothing positive to say. Once the light finishes blinding her a mirror floats up being held by Amber's magic and the Androids eyes widen seeing her old body again in the reflection. The mirror lowers and a familiar face of Silver (Amber) Star is smiling over at her. Even with that Mistilie can't help but look over to her father, White Lightning.

"Are you sure it didn't reset her? She seems pretty unresponsive, Mr.Weyland" Silver says teasingly and proceeds to laugh about it. "Looks like things continue moving in our favor after all"

"Mistilie Flare? Do you register where you are?" White Lightning gets down to the Android's level, Mistilie is currently in a seated position where he is kneeling. "I think it worked, I think by now she would behave aggressively if she wasn't reset"

Mistilie just stares blankly at the two ponies, remaining quiet as she is seated in the chair. White moves over to a nearby desk and speaks into a radio to the guards outside the room. Mistilie listens carefully but remains blank in expression and refuses to speak. Silver Star watches the Android with a smile, she must be happy to have Mistilie here not attacking and being compliant. White finishes up with the radio, calling in a guard to escort the droid to her cell where she will be kept for the next couple days for study.

"The guard is on his way, Silver." White looks over to his reset daughter and can't help but frown seeing her so unresponsive. "I will return to the Queen's Chambers"

Mistilie's ear twitches momentarily hearing , Queen Chambers. The Android remains unresponsive otherwise and stays staring at Silver Star. Carefully she looks around the surrounding area, an Amber Colored Weyland Symbol is plastered on all the machines and on the wall of this room, under the Weyland W is the phrase, Amber Weyland. Just then a guard enters the room and brings the Android to a stand, White and Silver allow the guard to take her away from there and focus on discussing what must be done next for Equis.

"Move it, Android!!" The guard screams as he moves the android to the exit, Mistilie remains blank and does as she is asked and exits the room. "Down the hallway!! Move it!!!"

Mistilie remains compliant and blank, walking slowly down the hallway until she is further away from the room where White Lightning and Silver Star are located. She stops but remains emotionless and refuses to move. The Guard nudges her with his weapon and stomps a hoof. A very subtle smirk spreads across her face and she shakes her head, Mistilie turns around and gives the guard a quick perky smile. Her Rainbow eyes flash blue linking herself to the soldiers visor and for the first time speaks.

"Order Droid-19-85, Shutdown!!" Mistilie's eyes flash and the guard begins to twitch before falling to the ground. The helmet falls from the guard and revealing itself to be a droid. Mistilie uses her magic to levitate the helmet onto her head and she drags the body around the corner so she can change into it's outfit. "Stupid Seegson Bot, Unfortunately for you ... I was build by that asshole in the other room"

Tightening the helmet onto her head she smiles and her blue eyes shift back to a rainbow aura, lowering the visor she moves further down the hallway holding back tears behind it. Happy to be alive, though she can't stop thinking back to the memory she was having before rebooting. Unlucky for Weyland Yutani ... she did not reset. Mistilie looks around for an exit to this area.

"Queen Chambers ..." Mistilie mumbles and begins her search for just that area. "Sorry Dad but Fuck You"


Violet coughs as she wakes up to the smell of death, everywhere and it overpowering. Looking around as her eyes open she knows exactly where she has been taken too. The Xenomorph Hive, on the other side of the room she can see a sight that no mare would ever want to see. Scootaloo attached to the Hive wall ready to be harvested alongside Violet herself. All the eggs in the room are opened already and there isn't a sign of any of the facehuggers. Just then a Drone enters the room dragging Eggs into the room. Thick saliva dripping from the alien's mouth as it mindlessly moves the egg into the room for harvesting. Violet shakes her head and tries to scream but the slime over her mouth prevents her from saying a word.

Scootaloo's eyes open and she begins to scream, her mouth being uncovered allowing her to speak. "Help!!! No!! Rainbow!! Twilight!!" the filly screams for help that couldn't possibly hear her. The Drone reacts and lets go of the egg quickly moving over to the small pony.

Violet shakes her head as if begging for this to end as the Drone presses it's shaking lips against the filly's head as if telling her to be quiet or she would be it's next meal. The Drone hisses and presses it's sharp tail onto the Scoot's chest pressing down a little to draw blood.

"Leave her alone!!" Violet manages to loosen her lips and scream, "Get away from her!!! PLEASE!!!!" The Drone rushes over to Violet smashing it's heavy head into hers like a headbutt nearly knocking her out cold. "ARRRGGHH!! F-Fuck"

The Drone snakes across the floor back to the egg dragging it back into the center of the room with the rest of the opened eggs. The creature hisses loudly before stomping out of the chamber to grab another egg. Scootaloo begins to cry softly after the creature leaves. Violet shakes her head and she too begins to cry, blood collecting on her forehead knowing that this was the fate of many ponies of Equestria. The egg begins to open and the sound of what is inside begins to move around ready to leap out.

"I am so sorry baby ... If it helps" Violet sniffles and closes her eyes, "Close your eyes. I am sorry, Scootaloo" The facehugger slips out from the egg and onto the floor. Scootaloo begins to scream once the little creature emerged from it's Egg.

"Noo!!! Somepony!!! PLEASE!!" Scootaloo screams and Violet can't do anything to stop this, she closes her eyes tighter and prepares for the worst as she hears the patter patter of the legs of the spider running across the floor towards her.


Twilight tightens the board on the Soldiers neck choking the life out of the bastards lungs. Rahzzy repeatedly punches another soldier until knocked out. Rushing over to Twilight he helps her with his own magic pushing together until a snap comes from the Soldier's neck. Twilight pulls away panting heavily from all the work they had to do to get control of this fight.

"Keep Moving!! We are not in the clear yet, Twilight!!" Rahzzy screams and pulls on her wing to get her moving. "More soldiers are coming, lets get out of here!!"

"I am right behind you!! Get moving!!!" Twilight screams and the two rush through the building, gunshots pass by them as soldiers attempt to shoot them down. "Keep moving!!"

Running, Running, and Running they keep moving until they exit the building. The rain has returned form days ago and it pours heavily down onto them as the burst out. Sprinting as fast as they can they do their best not trip over the dead bodies all over the ground. Everypony they were grouped up with is dead, ever single one of them killed by Weyland Yutani.

"Oh Celestia .." Twilight stops for a moment to look at all the bodies but Rahzzy tugs on her wing again to get her moving again.

"We have no time if we don't wanna join them, Twilight!!" Rahzzy screams tugging on her. "Lets go!!"

"Is it even worth it!!??" Twilight pulls away from Rahzzy and she begins to collapse from all the emotions flowing through her. "Everything is falling apart!! What is there to fight for anymore!?"

Rahzzy pulls her back up and refuses to let her give up, the stallion uses all his strength and pulls her onto his back and begins to sprint through the rain with her. Gunshots begin to ring out towards them smashing into the dirt under his feat. Screaming he continues running as the soldiers aim to kill him. Reaching the end of the debris and the forest that is now ahead of them the stallion screams louder to get his own adrenaline pumping.

"I AM NOT DYING!!! WE ARE NOT DYING!!! THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE TO FIGHT FOR, TWILIGHT!!!" Rahzzy leaps into the forest and immediately starts tumbling down the hill but he continues to scream. "FOR LIFE!!!"

The two of them tumble down the hill and they could have died from the fall but they quickly get back up. Covered in mud and aching in pain they both limp towards what seems to be a cave to hide inside of. Twilight focuses as she moves, the heavy rain making it very hard to focus but the cave soon quickly becomes obvious to not actually be a cave at all.

"Get inside!! Now Twilight!!!" Rahzzy screams one last time.