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The Fall

Author's Note:

The Second to last chapter is now!! The series is coming to an end and how will it go out? Everything is falling, what will happen after the fall? Take a seat because things are coming to a conclusion. Thank You for the support!!




Silver Star smashes up against the wall as the explosion tosses her to the other side of the room. The Queen breaks through the wall looking for the Pegasus through the flames that spread through out the castle. Hissing the Xenomorph holds her side as if she was stabbed, still feeling Twilight Sparkle's. Silver coughs as smoke begins to fill her lungs, the sound of her coughs drawing the attention of the Matriarch.

"You think I can't here you? You shouldn't ... have done that. My only question for you now. Was it worth it? Everything you have done to us?" The Queen reaches out focusing where she could hear the coughing coming from, frustration flows over the alien's body when she discovers Silver Star hiding in another room. "I was hoping this would be easy"

Silver Star screams as the Xenomorph's tail smashes through the door knocking it down, with one hand the Queen reaches in side scratching the walls reaching for the Pegasus. Silver Star tries to use her bladed wings to attack the hand but she is grabbed pulled out of the room by the Xenomorph Queen. Silver Star stares at the Queen as she is brought face to face with the Matriarch.

"Stop!! I have nothing for you, Mother!!!" Silver Star kicks and screams, however, even now while in the creatures grasp she doesn't seem too worried. "Matriarch!! You want your children to yourself!?"

"Stop screaming!! There is nothing for you" The Queen roars into the mare's face, her thick spit landing all over Silver's body. "I enjoy what I have seen ... though there is one of your kind I can't allow to be in pain" The Queen tilts her head as she raises her sharp tail for a finishing blow.

An explosion ignites in the room knocking the Queen to the side and she drops Mrs. Weyland. The Pegasus takes this opportunity to try and flee, however, she is stopped as two Praetorian Xenomorph's drop down into the room with open jaws ready to strike. Silver Star flares her wings ready to fight but her hope for a chance fades as Runners, Drones, and Warriors all enter the room from where the Praetorian's arrived. They all begin to growl and hiss, ready to protect their Queen from danger.

"I am in control!! You can't do this!!" Silver Star dodges as one of the Xenomorph's leap forward. Using her bladed wings she cuts the leaping Alien across it';s neck and luckily none of the acid blood gets on her directly. "Dammit, Dammit, SHIT!!" Silver Star rolls on the ground as another Alien tries to attack, dodging she quickly removes the blades from her wings as the acid blood melts them away.

Looking to one of her Xenomorphs the Queen reaches out for the Runner to climb up on her wrist. She looks to Silver Star as the Pegasus successfully dodges the other Aliens, showing no signs of being winded. "Children!! Surround it! Stop giving her room to move" The Matriarch roars and the Aliens around change formation to make a circle around Silver.

The Queen feeling that the Pegasus wants to feel in control but the Xenomorph knows that isn't possible. Stomping forward the Queen flicks her wrist sending the Runner from before forward to tackle to mare.

"Hold her down ... this thing is mine" The Queen snarls to every Xenomorph around as the Runner pins the Pegasus to the ground. "Was it worth it?"

"You got what you wanted, Mistilie Flare!! They win!!" Silver Star kicks and screams in rage, "The Xenomorphs win!! Equestria is over!!"

The Queen leans down pressing her large fangs onto the pony, the spit dropping down onto her face nearly getting in her eyes making everything blurry and hard to see. As the spit slowly covers the Pegasus's eyes, the Matriarch uses one of her fingers to remove the slime from Silver's face. As if the Queen wants the mare to see every second of what is about to happen, as the Queen sniffs the Pegasus the Xenomorphs become less energetic as if something was lacking in this kill the Queen was about to make.

"Do it mother!! Show your children what it is like .. to be alive" Silver Star smiles knowing the Queen knows the truth. "Do it!! I can tell you understand ... you are smarter than the children you command"

"I am not willing to share these children with anyone. Though I also cannot allow my host to be harmed and she must live" The Queen snarls and begins pressing her tail into the chest of the mare, "I am not really ending a life."

The Queen roars and uses her tail to move the Runner out of the way, removing her tail for a moment to reach down and pick up the mare. Turning the mare around the Queen shoves her tail through the Pegasus, White blood sprays from the now revealed Android. The deeper the tail goes the more blood comes out of the Pegasus's mouth, with two hands the Matriarch begins to pull in opposite directions until the Android splits in half, each half being tossed in different directions to the floor.

"I was ... never here to begin with" The android says before going offline, the Queen roars up to the ceiling and the fire around her spread faster. The Queen stomps away from the area smashing through a wall, it was time for her and the children to leave, not going to be apart of this falling prison.


The fire is so intense, Rahzzy and Mistilie using their magic to move Twilight down the hallway. Mistilie using her eyes to navigate to the spacecraft that White Lightning mentioned before his death. The one that Silver Star was going to use to get off of Equestria. After everything, it is clear that Equestria is lost. It seems the Xenomorphs have finally won and that leaving the planet behind is the only remaining option.

"Are we almost there!! I think she is dying!!" Rahzzy cries out, his tears falling to the floor as they walk. "Twilight please!! Not after everything"

Mistilie opens the doors in front of them using her new abilities to move as fast as possible. The Android focusing on one thing, one thing only. Getting Twilight Sparkle out of this hell and into that spaceship. Rahzzy starting to loose his grip, however, entering the next room they are greeted with one hell of a roadblock.

"You ... have to be kidding me" Rahzzy gulps as they are greeted with a room full of Xenomorphs, the aliens huddling in the room as if waiting for the structure to fall. The Xenomorphs looking over too the two who are carrying the injured Twilight Sparkle.

"Just keep moving, Rahzzy. Twilight can't tell them to stop!" Mistilie uses her magic to push back one of the Xenomorphs as it leaps forward to protect Twilight. "Get back!!"

The Xenomorphs rush from their position and begin trying to get to the alicorn, however, Mistilie uses everything she can to prevent that. Pushing them back as they leap, shutting doors as they duck inside. Rahzzy letting go of the Alicorn for brief moments to use a fire spell to repel the Aliens as they attempt to strike

"Quickly!! There is the exit!!" Mistilie pulls as hard as she can to get Twilight Sparkle to the exit, however, something stops her. "Rahzzy!!"

"Mistilie!!!" Rahzzy screams as a few Xenomorphs grabbed his hind hooves trying to pull him back into the room, Mistilie let's go of Twilight and rushes over to the stallion using her magic to try and pull the Aliens off of him. "Mistilie I am sorry!! For everything!!!"

"Shut up!! Don't talk like that!!" Mistilie looks into the Stallion's eyes as she tries to free him, the aliens keeping a tight grip on his hooves. Mistilie looks back to make sure that Twilight is safe, the body of the Alicorn remaining motionless but safe. She starts to loose grip as more of the aliens gang up pulling against the mare's magic to kill Rahzzy.

"Mistilie ... I am sorry" Rahzzy's voice softens and he uses his magic to pull the mare closer to him. He plants a kiss on the mares lips, Mistilie's face turns red as the Stallion pulls away from the kiss as the Aliens pull harder on him. "I can love an Android. I should have said something sooner"

Mistilie screams giving one more tug on the stallion, hearing those words sparking something inside of her that she didn't know how to use. With one more tug she does it, pulling the Stallion out of the Xenomorph's grip she manages to free him and the door slowly hisses shut closing the aliens inside away from them.

"Thank You Rahzzy ..." Mistilie takes a deep breath and pulls his head back in for one more kiss. "I needed to hear that. A long time ago"

The building shakes and rumbles as more explosions erupt through the structure, They both get up with red faces and return to Twilight.

"We should get going though!! Now!!" Rahzzy screams and the hanger to the spaceship., is just up ahead. "NOW, NOW, NOW!!"