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Chapter 7

Cassiel POV

I looked at the still unnamed "Goddess of Light" with what could only be called pure hatred. She is either really stupid or really desperate to win this clearly one sided war. I'm sorry, let me correct myself. She must be really desperate to have Raven back, but the Laws of Existence state such a thing is impossible. She was at least smart enough to back off.

"Would you care to repeat that? I thought I heard you say you could revive my family. And if I were you I would choose my next words very carefully." I said tightening my grip on Dawn and Nightfall.

"That is what I sa-" I threw Dawn at her and barely missed her as she stepped to the side. I rushed to her and held Nightfall to her throat.

"There are so many problems with this little 'offer I can't refuse', especially since it's coming from Divinity." I called back Dawn and held it at the ready in a reverse grip.

"I-I don't follow." Yes you do.

"If there's one thing Gods and Demons have in common, it's that they see mortals as nothing more than playthings. From serial rapists like Zeus or spiteful, envious Gods such as Athena that make monsters like the Gorgons for being victims of a crime to sadistic, power hungry Gods like Da Ji." Why the Hell aren't you resisting?

"I'm not like the Dieties you know." She tried to reason.

"What reason do I have to believe that?" I asked pushing Nightfall against her throat.

"Even if there were no consequences or loose ends to deal with in your offer, what reason do I have to believe I would be able to enjoy it? What guarantee do I have that you would let us all live happy lives in Equestria after I've outlived my usefulness? Who's to say they would even recognize me after almost 7 years much less accept what I've become? How about what happened to my mother and sister that day?"

"I can make it w-" She started.

"No you can't. Even if you could there is one thing stopping you: I told the God that sent me here to never let me see or hear from another human again! Even if you could bring them back, what makes you think He is going to just let you rip their souls from Heaven or Hell, restore their bodies, rob their graves, and bring them here? I should have you know He is also the supposed Alpha, THE Creator of Existence. If that is true then he is the only reason you and Raven exist, if that's true then He is the God above you." She tried to respond, but couldn't find the words. I dismissed my weapons and walked away.

"Believe me, I want them back more than you know." My eyes were filling up with tears, not blood for the first time in years.

"I want to hear my parents say they're proud of my accomplishments, few they may be. I want to feel the joy and comfort only a family can give. I want to enjoy my mother's cookies and play catch or go fishing with my father. I want to hear my little sister sing as she draws pictures that in a few years would probably belong in a museum or be sold for enough money that she would have nothing to worry about. I want to make up for all the birthdays and holidays we missed." I heard the Goddess take 2 steps toward me only to be stopped by me summoning Nightfall and dismissing it just as quickly.

"I want a home, a place I KNOW I'm wanted. I want to be reminded of what it's like to feel loved. I want to remember what it's like to feel something other than hatred, rage, despair, spite, apathy, or emptiness." I repressed the emotions I momentarily lost control of.

"Tell me, do you honestly see this little war of yours ending in a way you can be satisfied with? Especially now that you've officially tried to get me involved to clean up your mess?" She just looked down at her hands.

"I at least want to try to find that ending. Hasn't she already involved you anyway?" I can't find the right words to describe how that question makes you look.

"If she thinks anything like how think she does then those Heartless served several purposes. That attack would've been an act of mercy had I died. Otherwise she wanted to see how useful I would be as I am now and whether or not I would side with you after you contacted me the first chance you got. I'm just making this up as I go and now I wouldn't be surprised if she was listening in on us. I probably surprised her more than I surprised you." How do I get out of here damnit?!

Raven POV

All I can do is stare, unblinking at what my Dream Watchers (not related to or to be confused with Nightmares or Dream Eaters) have to show me. While I'm not what you would call impressed with how poorly the colt handled a few lowly Shadows, I will say he was creative in how he fought. Now face to face with that traitor, Faust, and his first response is to tell her no and provide a very accurate summarization on how and why this war is even happening. I was honestly expecting him to accept his role, but his little rant showed me he wouldn't. Then when the one thing he wants most is offered to him he responds by attacking her and proceeding to tell her why such a thing isn't possible.

In all these years I had forgotten how interesting mortals can be. Anypony else would have jumped at the opportunity to assist their Goddess, their loyalty guaranteed by something like what she offered. Especially for somepony as young as him everything that's happened in the past few minutes came as so much of a surprise that I couldn't help but laugh. Never have I seen a mortal with as much Darkness in their heart as this Cassiel does and not see them fall to it. Faust going to him surprised me somewhat as I expected her to force him to act against his will or destroy him right there. His Darkness is even greater than Sombra and Grogar, and I had to mold them into what they became before Grogar's heart and body were reduced to nothing and Sombra decided to be a sore loser. If they had continued to study under me, I'm sure they would've actually been in control and not the Darkness itself.

I can't remember the last time a mortal said no to Divinity or Faust at least and the offer she had to give. For the second time in my life I'm tempted to just go to a mortal and make them mine. That first stallion was one of the best things to happen to me. I remember how terrified he was of me at first, but I slowly gained his trust and eventually his love. While we were unable to have any foals he was by my side through his life. He never let go of his Light, but that didn't stop him from embracing the Dark, or me.

Cassiel may be a damaged colt if my Watchers peering into is mind while he sleeps are to trust, but he is without a doubt the most interesting I've seen in a LONG time. "My Darkness and what little remains of my Light are mine and mine alone" he said once. For a colt in his early teens he has a better understanding of Light, Dark, and this cycle Faust foolishly started. His views on Gods were quite refreshing as well. Looking at him as he is now though I can't help but feel more than just sympathy for him. I may be the Dark Queen, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of understanding mortals as well as they do for each other. Through his mask I saw a colt who can barely look himself in the mirror lose control for the first time in years, all thanks to a deal meant to help him heal.

He is among the few mortals I have had genuine interest in. While I feel he could be the most valuable piece in this little war, at the same time I don't want to use him, even I have limits. For the fourth time in my life, I actually want to leave a mortal alone, but I also want to be a major character in his life. I think I'm already feeling a sort of attachment to this colt.

Now I want to see how things play out. I might give him a few gifts first though. I'm confident he could safely use the Dark Corridors and as the second to use both Way to Dawn and Path towards Nightfall, I believe he could use them to their fullest extent. It's been too long since I've seen Price of Exile or Mark of Ascension.

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