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Chapter 31.

(S2 E4)

Cassiel POV

Allow me to summarize the last few days. There was a food fight that I had no part in, the others convinced (forced) me to play this world's version of Risk, and Blake was acting more "antisocial, quiet, and moody" than usual. She's stressing herself out about Torchwick and the White Fang, so Ruby's solution? We all split up basically. Weiss and Ruby get info regarding Dust robberies against the SDC, Yang sees a "shady friend" of hers, and Blake goes to a White Fang recruiting rally to see what she can learn. Now let's add in the addition of Sun and his friend, Neptune. Knowing Blake was the most likely to get into trouble, I went with her, Sun too.

They got inside without any issues, I took a mask and stayed inside the SR since a human, if discovered, would have a bad time. Though, it's not like they're a threat to me.

"Thank you all for coming." The recruiter started. "For those of you joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours. I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we've fought for, for so long." It was Torchwick (how the fuck is he alive? I'm confirming the kill this time!), and the crowd is less than pleased to see a human here, though he doesn't seem to care about all the people giving him death stares. I don't recognize that pink and brown haired girl to the side of what's under that cover.

"What's a human doing here?" A female recruit asked, angrily.

"I'm glad you asked, dearie. Now I'll be the first to admit, humans are the WORST. Case in point." He gestured to himself. "So I understand why you would all love to see us locked away, or better yet: Killed. But! Before the claws come out... I would like to mention the fact that you and I ALL have a common enemy. The ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty rotten humans that run our kingdoms. Government. Military. Even the schools are all to blame for your lot in life." The crowd is now cheering. "And they're all pests that need to be dealt with. Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around. No offense to any rodents in the room." He snapped his fingers and the cover was removed. An Atlas assault mech? Damnit, too many people for me to rip out anything that looks important. And he has more of these? What's this about an employer? I'm more concerned about that to be honest.

"Will all new recruits please come forward." The recruiter instructed. Deciding a distraction might be a good idea right now, I stepped out of the SR from behind the mech after switching out the masks. Hopefully he won't recognize me.

"Before we continue, I ask you this. Why did you decide to join the White Fang? Why don the masks of monsters?" The recruiter wasn't sure if this was planned and Torchwick was noticeably confused, as was the crowd. "Faunus doesn't mean monster. What do you hope to fight for? An end to discrimination? Revenge? Supremacy? You have your reasons, your justification, but you will be sacrificing yourselves for those reasons. I have never been able to understand the ignorance of us humans." Why are Blake and Sun still here? "Yes, you heard right, I meant what I said. Is it really that hard to look past the horns? The tails? The wings if Faunus can have those? As a human myself, my words probably don't mean much to you. You're not animals, certainly not monsters, and trust me, I've witnessed first hand what monsters... True monsters are capable of."

"Alright, who the hell are you!" Torchwick finally decided he heard enough and made his way over to me. He tore off the Grimm mask and looked absolutely pissed.

"You look pretty good for a guy who should be a corpse beyond recognition. Miss me?" I asked. Blake finally did something and shot the power box, shutting off the lights and enabling us to escape, but Torchwick gave chase in the mech. SR for the win! Eventually the others caught up after we reached the highway and they were able to get him back on ground we could fight on. So either I wasn't there for some team discussions, I wasn't paying attention, or Ruby can come up with plans on the spot that others follow perfectly. The fuck am I supposed to get from Freezer Burn or Lady bug? Bumblebee?

Not important right now. I doubted arrows or shuriken would do much so I was stuck with getting in close. Thankfully the guns were easy to avoid until they were destroyed/ disabled/ removed, but that thing still hits hard! I'm glad Blake helped me figure out how to use it after our last run in with Torchwick, or that could've been ugly, if I survived that is. Yang began to take him alone, and I learned a fun fact about Yang. As long as she can still fight, she will always hit harder. The more damage she takes, the more she can return, but I wonder if that extra strength would remain if I healed her? Her hair looked to be on fire, her eyes turned red, her appearance basically screamed "you're fucked".

She still needed a little help though. She was launched past Ruby and Blake, but Blake caught her with her weapon and gave her momentum while Ruby and Weiss shot ice bullets at Torchwick. Deciding to follow their lead, I started doing the same with Dawn as a bow and Nightfall as wingblades to keep freezing more areas and increase how often I was able to shoot Blizzard at him. Apparently each wingblade can do that (thank you Penny for the idea). After one more punch on the stationary target, Yang completely wrecked the mech, it was totaled, no point in fixing it. Unfortunately, he was saved by that girl back at the rally, Neo he said her name was. That Semblance of hers is probably one of the more useful ones in and out of combat. Yang attacked her and Torchwick, but all that happened was glass shattering where they were. It's not the same glass like that woman from my first night, it's like it was stained glass, or a mirage of some kind. Either way, they escaped, not that I'd want to go against Neo without some kind of plan besides "nuke everything".

(S2 E5)

So I figured Pyrrha was either good or lucky, I didn't think she was this efficient though. She's in a 1V4 against Cardin and his team (those poor souls), and they are getting their asses beat! Among everyone here, she's definitely one of the ones I'd call a threat! And it's making me want to see that myself! The best way I can describe her skill and fighting style would be to compare her to the Spartans, and call her the modern day version of them on Remnant.

"And that's the match." Goodwitch said. "Well done miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament." She complimented.

"Thank you professor." Pyrrha said.

"Alright, now I know it's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?" She asked.

"I'll do it!" I said, I can't remember the last time I was excited for anything.

"Cassiel? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

"No, I want to fight her." I said, pointing to Pyrrha.

"Me?" Pyrrha asked.

"I'm afraid miss Nikos just finished a match, I'd recommend you choose another partner." Goodwitch said.

"No! It's fine. I'd be happy to oblige." Pyrrha accepted. I grabbed Lionheart and stepped into the ring with her. I took a look at the audience and took note of the two students from Haven academy. One looked displeased, but was watching closely, and the other was just watching, but not too interested.

I started off the fight by throwing Lionheart at Pyrrha, she dodged to the side and I airstepped to Lionheart, catching it and airstepping again to her. Her reflexes are definitely better than most. She blocked my attack and slashed at me, knocking me back. I ran to her this time and thrusted Lionheart at her, but something was off , like something else shifted my attack. I was able to quickly block her next several attacks and when she turned her weapon into a spear, I was able to catch it between the guard and hilt of Lionheart. I was able to shoot Aero at her and throw her off balance just a little as I yanked her weapon from her. That was short lived though as she bashed me with her shield, knocking me back a little.

"Finally! Someone else who uses a shield as a weapon!"

I let her retrieve her weapon which she turned into a gun and started shooting me. I blocked that with Barrier and jumped over it. I used Barrier again as a makeshift platform in the air as I held a few Fires along the back of Lionheart. I detonated one of them to gain momentum, but two things felt off. My attack felt like it slowed down much sooner than it should have, and it shifted again, causing me to miss. I quickly recovered and detonated another Fire after she knocked my weapon away, the same thing happened again. I backed away.

"I think I get it..." I turned to the rest of the class. "Ruby!" I shouted. "I'm going to stop holding back as much I am. Hold this!" I threw Lionheart between her and the Haven student next to her, imbedding it between them, and scaring Ruby. I summoned Dawn and Nightfall, their original forms. "Let's see what you can do now."

I charged at her, this time though, she couldn't alter my attacks. So it was Magnetism, and she just lost her edge. She backed away, but I tossed Dawn into the air and took advantage of the shape of my weapons to make them hookswords. Not used to this though, I hit her with the flat side of Dawn a few times, she dodged them and blocked it after a few more swings. This disconnected my weapons and she saw an opening, though she wasn't able to take advantage of it as fast as I was able to recall Dawn and cast Aero at our feet, then Gravity. Only able to block, unable to move for a second, I took full advantage of that and was about to knock her shield away, but the bell rung and ended our fight.

"That is all we have for today, the match is a draw." Goodwitch announced. "Excellent performance, both of you." She said to us. "Remember, the dance is this weekend, but you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses." I desummoned Dawn and Nightfall and went to retrieve Lionheart. I stepped into the SR and went to my room.

The team decided to have an intervention of sorts with Blake later into the night. She looks like she hasn't slept in days, the others have noticed her eating much less, and her grades are slipping. She's worrying too much about Torchwick and the White Fang and this is the result. They didn't get anywhere with her, I heard everything from the SR, I'll be having a chat with her soon.

Cinder POV

"And finally, Cassiel and Pyrrha Nikos.." Emerald listed.

"Ahh, the 'Cursebearer' and the 'invincible' girl." I said.

"She's smart, but I wouldn't say invincible." Mercury commented.

"Do tell." I egged him to go on.

"I can't give details since the kid volunteered to fight her before I could, but I do know that until he threw away his weapon, she looked to have the upper hand." He explained.

"He threw away his weapon?" Not often a Huntsman does something like that.

"He pulled two more out of nowhere and put Pyrrha on the defensive. Whatever she was doing, he countered it by leaving his weapon out of the fight. He has me stumped. One more weapon doesn't make that much of a difference, everything his exam video as well as what we've seen aren't things I recognize."


"He doesn't seem to hide his power at all, could be because no one can figure out what it actually is." Emerald suggested the possibility.

"Certainly worth looking into. Add him to the list, we'll decide on Pyrrha later." I told Emerald, she checked him off.

"I'm sure you could take him though. His power seems to be about as useful as yours as long as he can't get out that incantation or whatever from the exam." Mercury said.

"It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time."

"*sigh* I hate waiting." He complained.

"Don't worry, Mercury. We have a fun weekend ahead of us."

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