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Chapter 19

Cassiel POV

We completed a few jobs on the way back to Melromarc, Raphtalia's curse made it much more difficult for her than I would expect, but she's strong so she'll be fine for now. On the way back we met a girl surrounded by chocobos (never calling them filolials), a noble's daughter from the looks of it by the name of Melty. We took her with us back to the capital figuring the reward would be worth the extra person. Arriving in the city Filo went with Melty as the rest of us went to the church for the holy water to cleanse Raphtalia's curse, I stayed in the SR as someone like me with Naofumi would likely cause a lot of trouble. One gold was the price for the water, Naofumi payed it without a second thought as Raphtalia was "worth more to him than any amount of gold". One of the priestess' decided to try to pass off a low quality item as the one we came for, the Pope scolded her and demanded she bring the promised item. After everything was said and done I left with the others.

Once we were outside a knight was running towards us, I don't understand why Naofumi decided to run, but I followed him anyway. Eventually they split up so I continued following Naofumi who was eventually attacked by Motoyasu. Apparently he doesn't know the slave he's trying to free this time is the one who taught him what castration feels and sounds like. As he's attacking Naofumi who's not even trying to fight back he's also causing a lot of damage, eventually the knight from before caught up and stopped the fight for a moment, the bitch used her power to resume it. Before anything else happened though Melty put an end to it, turns out she's the bitch's sister. Moving on Motoyasu was once again reminded of what castration feels like, I don't think he'll be having kids ever. Probably a good thing because at this point stupidity must be a genetic trait.

After Melty apologized to everyone for the scare and damage we moved to Erhard's shop. Long story short shd was sent by her mother to be Naofumi's aid, but because her father is a prick and her sister is a class A bitch at best he told her to get lost. Not long after some knights and mages entered the shop to ask Naofumi about joining him during the Waves, he'll accept if they can manage 150 silver to buy some jewelry. He noticed some stars by everyones names after they left and Erhard told him about class upgrades so we went to the church after Naofumi left his armor and the dragon's crystal with him, unfortunately it was expensive as Hell and the king decided to be an asshole again by forbidding them from offering additional services to us. The slaver couldn't help us, though he did give some information and a weapon to Filo before we left the city for supplies for the Wave.

We came across a town that to say it looked like shit would be an understatement, the people didn't look much better. Turns out Itsuki helped overthrow the previous ruler and now things are worse for everyone, the town was in shambles and the 15-20 people we encountered were all broke and they were starving. Some Heroes those three are, one nearly wipes out an entire town with a cursed seed, one nearly kills everyone with a dragon corpse, and the last one abandons everyone and now they're dying too. It's pretty ironic how the most "useless" of the Heroes is the only one doing his fucking job right, theirs too.

Back in the capital we found Itsuki and Ren in the pub, listening in they were talking about someone impersonating them and stealing the rewards. Itsuki got a guild job to deal with a tyrannical lord and what he said made Naofumi spray his drink on Filo and laugh a little.

"What's so funny?" Itsuki asked.

"Hey, I had no idea you'd been bitten by a spider pal." Naofumi said.

"Bitten by a what?"

"Nevermind, forget I said it."

"It's you isn't it? You're the one impersonating us, stealing our jobs and taking our rewards." Itsuki accused.

"What the Hell would I do that for?" Naofumi asked in denial.

"Who else would come up with an idea like-"

"Did you ever think that maybe you're trying too hard being some super cool, secret vigilante, and that you're not very good at it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You were the adventurer who helped the resistance in the north weren't you?"


"Do you have slightest idea what happened to that country after the king was ousted? All you did was switch who was running the village, it never solved a damn thing!"

"Stop changing the subject! We're talking about you impersonating my-" Ren stopped him by placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Then how do you explain my case?" Ren asked.

"What was it about? Some disease?" Naofumi asked.

"If you know that makes it easier. So why'd you steal that job?"

"Did you know the corpse of that dragon you killed cause an epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire village?" Ren was shocked to hear his involvement in this. "I got rid of that corpse. That's why the job request was canceled."

"No way." Ren denied.

"It's true, if you think I'm lying go back there and see for yourself. Do you know how many people died because of you two??!!" Naofumi asked.

"Because of what I did?" Ren asked quietly.

"Master Naofumi." Raphtalia said getting his attention. He focused on her hand.

"I see, I'm sorry." Naofumi responded.

"You mean you believe him??!!" Itsuki asked Ren.

"Why shouldn't I? He has no reason to lie." Ren answered.

"One last thing regarding you two and Motoyasu." I joined in. "That dragon somehow became undead, we couldn't leave it so Filo and Raphtalia almost died, you owe us one gold Ren for the curse Raphtalia was afflicted with. Itsuki, stop trying to be the vigilante, otherwise more meaningless deaths will follow. And Motoyasu, that seed he used to save that starving village? The village became the food for that seed, Naofumi fixed that as well, modified the seed too and now it's perfectly safe. For legendary Heroes you three have a nasty habit of getting a lot of innocent people killed and leaving Naofumi to unfuck your fuck ups. Maybe you should do the world a favor and just quit while you're ahead, seems to me the world will be safer that way." I suggested. Ren didn't have anything to say in his defense, but he didn't look like he was just going to accept it. Itsuki did however.

"Who do you think you are? We're out ther-" He started.

"Playing hero and getting countless people killed as a result. What good is a hero who causes more harm unintentionally than good when he actually tries?" I grabbed Raphtalia's hand and showed it to them. "She was cursed and all of us along with the village nearly died because of you Ren as we were forced to fight an undead dragon that had to have been at least twice our level. And Itsuki, have you ever seen someone suffering so much from starvation and dehydration that they were willing to trade the most worthless items they could scavenge for any amount of food? If I weren't working with Naofumi to help them I would've just put them all out of their misery! A better way to die than how they were dying anyway so I'd've been doing those God forsaken people a favor!" I interrupted.


"Come on, we're leaving." Naofumi said. As we followed him Itsuki had one last thing to say.

"I don't believe either of you. And you're a real piece of work Cassiel! How you can talk about what it means to be a hero when you're as manipulative and cruel as you are I'll never understand!" He said.

"To be fair I never claimed to be a good guy. I just know what I should expect from REAL heroes and what I can clearly expect from pretenders. Besides, if you don't know how to use others you'll never get anywhere in life, I learned that at a very early age." I responded before leaving.

We visited Erhard before getting ready for tomorrow. Naofumi got an upgrade and the knights managed to get the money, he gave them the necklace and told them use the money for better equipment, a message on my HUD showed they've joined the party so I guess we have some cannon fodder now.

"Oh one last thing. That weapon is done Cassiel." Erhard said.

"Weapon?" Naofumi asked.

"Yeah, he wanted the best weapon I could make in case his other weapons weren't usable and already had the money. Originally it would have costed 10 gold, but I gave him a good discount." He went back inside to grab it and Naofumi looked at me with what could only be described as pure rage.

"You mean to tell me you had gold on you, and you never told me?" He asked.

"Yup." Was my response before he had to be held back by everyone. Erhard came out of the shop with the weapon I ordered.

(It's real name is Sleeping Lion from Union X)

"All that's left is enchantments and a name kid! So what'll it be?" He asked as he handed it to me, reminds me a lot of Squall's final weapon in FFVIII, so I have just the name.

"Lionheart, that will be it's name." I told him. I turned to Naofumi. "I want to try this again, Naofumi, see if you can wield this." I handed it to him. He was able to hold it for just a few seconds before the bullshit rule was activated. "Welp, I guess I'm keeping it then. You wouldn't happen to have anything to let me draw it from my back would you?" I asked Erhard.

"I do actually, I'll be right back." He answered. Raphtalia spoke next.

"You were trying to give Master Naofumi a weapon? You know he can't use any." She said.

"When he inspected my weapons he literally learned nothing, it was like the weapons I use weren't even weapons, he even went so far as to say it was like they didn't technically exist. And since the rule violation didn't happen the last time I let him hold it, it was safe to assume he could use it. Apparently that's not the case." I explained.

"Alright , here it is." Erhard said exiting the shop and helping me put it on. The only real problem I have with the weapon is it doesn't match my armor, not like I wear it much anyway. After a little bit we went back to the inn to get ready for tomorrow.

We were summoned near another town, I helped with the evacuation this time, or rather I just moved through the SR and killed anything and everything that wasn't friendly. After everyone was safe we moved on to where the others were. Itsuki was shooting the flying ship while Ren and Motoyasu were trying to bring out the Soul Eater. When they started arguing Naofumi jumped down.

"This is no time to be bickering!" He said before he landed.

"Naofumi." Ren said.

"Why don't you go and defend some village?" Motoyasu asked.

"I agree! An incompetent Hero who can't fight should ju-" Bitch started.

"Oh we are going to have words regarding 'competence' after this Wave." I interrupted.

"If we don't put an end to the waves more monsters will come and I can't do my job, but you-" The Skull Captain attacked Naofumi from behind and he blocked it, pushing it back. "Instead of working together you three are doing whatever you want!" The Kraken attacked him this time and he blocked it again. "If we lose, all the villagers will die and so will you! Quit thinking this is some sort of game cause it's not!"

"Don't you think I know that by now? That's why I'm hitting the skeleton to spawn the Soul Eater." Ren said. He and Motoyasu started arguing, I was paying close attention to the skeleton until I saw something off about it's shadow. Naofumi noticed it too and had Raphtalia cast some light magic. After stabbing the shadows the Soul Eater rose up and the the other Three struck it with lightning doing almost nothing. Filo struck it with wind with the same result. The Soul Eater launched an attack that downed everyone except us.

Raphtalia and Filo began attacking it relentlessly, while it would die eventually the village wouldn't last long enough.

"One of you hold this." I threw my mask at a random person (made sure it wasn't bitch) and activated my armor. I drew Lionheart from my back and channelled Dark Fira through it, the way the weapon looked made it seem like it accepted the flames. I readied the shotgun varient of Blizzara as I flew up with the flight varient of Dawn and Nightfall. I was doing just as much damage as the others combined when I got a good hit on it's eyes and other important looking parts which weren't many actually. This weapon feels just right, as comfortable as the other two actually.

"Come forth! Rage Shield!" I heard Naofumi shout. I took a second to warn the others.

"That shield Naofumi's about to use is unique and very dangerous. If he can't get the Hatred and Rage that come with it under control he won't be able to tell friend from foe. Ren, that's the shield he killed that undead dragon with!" I told them and not long after did Naofumi change. Those arms and that armor is new. I backed off myself after seeing Filo go berserk on it with Naofumi doing the same afterward and pinning it while it was being burned by Hatred's Flame.

"He's basically turned into a wild beast and that's certainly not how a hero's supposed to fight." Bitch just couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"That's rich coming from you of all people. It would also seem the beast in question is getting better results than everyone else combined. The word that would best describe that is 'ironic' I believe. I believe it's also ironic that the fucking tank without a weapon is not only doing his job correctly, but doing more damage per second than everyone else per minute. Either you weaklings need to pick up the slack or just sit back and let the adults handle this." I blocked out everything as I tried to bring out my darkness.


I remembered every death of everyone I've cared about. My family, when I thought Filo died too. The feeling of hopelessness. The desire to die.


I could have saved at least one, but I was too scared to do anything and when I threw away my fear away I failed to save the others.


Spoiled Rich, Ponyville's ignorance and conceit, the incident in the tunnel, the injustice at the triall


The bastard who took everything from me, the bullies and the staff in the school, my adoptive family, the judge and jury that let the bastard go free.


The bastard, Spoiled, the cave monsters, the dragon.

"Do unto others as they would unto you, for there is no greater justice than Revenge!"
"Cast aside your weakness so you may never know defeat!"
"Send their souls screaming into the Abyss!"
"Show them Nightmares unending!"
"Darkness is the Heart's True Essence!"

I heard several voices shout. The darkness was flowing out of me more strongly than before with the dragon. Lionheart was now black, red, and purple, looked like it was themed around the GF Griever now. In the blink of an eye I was right next to the Soul Eater and launched it up with Aerora. Just as quickly I was doing to it what I did to the dragon. Once it landed on the ship I glided down by Naofumi.

"Think you can handle mine? My Hatred? My Rage?" I asked as I poured darkness into the Rage Shield, the darkness flowed into the gem and it began to glow strangely enough.

"Shield Prison!" The Soul Eater was now trapped in a green sphere held together by chains. "Not so fast! Change Shield!" I don't know what happened, but it was screaming in pain now. "Within this virgin of cold ore, who shall swallow even your screams with her cold embrace, suffer in anguish as your entire body is stabbed and skewered! Iron Maiden!" He said in a two toned voice. The prison rose up into a giant iron maiden and was trapped inside. When it opened, the Soul Eater fell below the ship and we thought it was dead until it rose from the floor. As I was about to finish it off, several shots of light rained down on it.

"How very disappointing." A female voice said. A woman in a kimono dropped down and killed it. Red flags! Lots of red flags! "You actually have trouble with weaklings like these? Are you really the Heroes holding the world's fate in their hands?" She asked in a condescending tone. "There's only one here worthy of being called a Hero." She walked closer to us. "And what is your name?" She asked Naofumi.

"How about introducing yourself before asking someone's name." He said.

"Oh pardon me, whatever happened to my manners? I am called Glass and that's all you need to know. Feel free to consider me your enemy." And the last nail in the coffin.

"I'm Naofumi." He answered her question.

"Now would be a very good time for all of us to run!" I said to everyone in fear of this woman.

"It would seem one of you knows his limits, everyone else's too." Glass said.

"There's no way I'm running damnit!" Motoyasu said.

"You mind if I explain this to him?" I asked Glass.

"I have time, I'd like to hear this anyway." She answered.

"Let me put it to you like this dumbass. Your tank does more damage than the rest of you combined, I do about as much damage over the course of a minute as he does with that skill he used which takes just as long, both of us are about 20-30 levels below you. She just killed that thing in two hits and calls it weak and everyone else weak. Her level is just "??" so it's safe to assume she's at least twice my level. Now look at her weapons, unless those purple jewels are cosmetic, those weapons are a lot more dangerous than they look, the only weapons I've seen with those are all your weapons and pictures of these 'Vassal Weapons' in a book and the Fan wasn't one of the ones I read about. You want more? The list goes on!" I said. He didn't back down and charged at Glass who basically bitch slapped him back past us. "Oh wow who didn't see that one coming?" I asked, laughing at him.

"You are well informed, sharp too. I think I might like you." Glass said.

"That's actually terrifying coming from you." I responded.

"Now may I suggest that we begin... The only battle of this Wave worthy of the name?"

You know what? Fuck it.

Author's Note:

After a bit of thinking I decided to go back a few chapters and change a few things regarding Cassiel's power. A few games I played (can't remember specific ones) increase stats by a percentage when you level up, some do it by a percent of it's current value while others do it by flat numbers to name a few. Doubling his level in several games would actually do a lot more than double his stats as well. Considering the damage he did to the dragon at half power (between levels 35-40) I think it would be safe to assume he could fight on equal ground with Glass, even wipe the floor with her if he didn't have the mask on and was empowered by the Darkness.

Kind of a major oversight on my part. When he got the mask he wanted his current strength without it to feel like and be how his depowered state would be, so he essentially told God to give him power and an item to cut it in half. I'm not trying to change the story, but I can't have him being OPAF when he goes to Remnant and the other worlds so I'm tweaking an item's function to help with that.

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