• Published 15th Sep 2018
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Voidic and The Philosopher's Stone. - lightningman

As Voidic realizes He will be teaching at Hogwarts, He tries to set the course of the Harry Potter franchise on the right track.

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Chapter 23 - Handing Help to Harry

The next afternoon, I was approached by Harry and told the plan went off without a hitch. I smiled, but internally I was slightly worried. We were completely ignoring the Forbidden Forest this time around. I smiled as I realized that this was my chance to help out Harry in any way that's needed.

"Hey, Harry," I said as he was about to leave. He turned to me.

"Yeah, Voidic?"

"How do you feel about some private lessons to build up your magic some more? I can also tell you some things while I'm teaching you." Harry blinked.

"Isn't that unfair to the other students?"

"It would be if they were getting shafted by fate at every corner like you are. But they aren't, so it isn't." Harry chuckles a little.

"Well, ok." Harry nodded. "So what are you going to teach me first?" Harry asked.

"Well, mostly I'm going to be giving you information and asking for some help to get more information for us both," I said.

"Really? That's all? What does that have to do with magic?" He frowned slightly.

"Well, If my suspicions are correct, the politics that we're going to be researching will allow you to get more magic due to you being the head of quite a few family lines."

"...What? How is being the head of a few families enough for me to get more magic?"

"Well, from my suspicions, it has something to do with family lines having their magic tied to their actual family. For example. You know how Slytherin's emblem is a snake?" Harry nodded. "Well, his line can speak a language called Parseltongue. It allows them to talk to snakes." Harry blinked.

"You mean that isn't common among wizards?" I shook my head. "Huh. I've spoken to a snake before. He told me..." I cut him off.

"That he had never seen Brazil? Yeah, I already know about that. Anyway. Ravenclaw's line is something that I have no concrete answer for. But I have my own suspicions. The descendants of Ravenclaw are supposed to be smarter than the average wizard." Harry frowned at this.

"But I'm not. I'm on par with everyone else my age, and worse than some."

"Ah, but your knowledge isn't in spellcasting. It's in common sense and street smarts." I smile. "You know more about the muggle world than most other wizards, that makes you just slightly smarter than them." Harry smiled weakly.

"What about Hufflepuff and Gryffindor? I'm supposed to be those heads as well, but I haven't felt any power from them."

"Hmm, Gryffindor? I have a feeling that his line is supposed to be far more skilled at duelling than anything else I can think of."

"Duelling?" Harry frowned. "You mean with swords and pistols and stuff?"

"kinda, only it's with your wands. There should be a Duelling club being set up next year by Professor Gilderoy. Useless if you ask me."

"Duelling's useless?" Harry blinked.

"No, Gilderoy is." I smiled as Harry laughed.

"What about Hufflepuff?" Harry smiled, eagerness showing on his face. I laughed.

"Now this is a funny one. I have a feeling that Hufflepuff's powers are food related somehow." Harry blinked.

"Really?" Harry said.

"Yeah, Her most famous relic was a cup, her house is located near the kitchens, and honestly, whenever I think of her, I think of a female Santa Claus." Harry cracked up at this.

"Ok, enough of that. I have a feeling that Hogwarts doesn't like us poking fun at one of its founders."

"Hogwarts doesn't like it? What do you mean?"

"Well, with so much magic being done here, it'd be dumb to assume that Hogwarts doesn't have some level of sentience to it by now. At least on the level of my wand." Harry thought for a second.

"So, since I'm the head of all four houses, shouldn't I be able to communicate with Hogwarts in some way?" I blinked at Harry's quick assumption.

"Well, yes actually. But I believe that's only if you take the titles officially. And you can't. At least not yet, you'll have to wait until at least fourth year. And even then, we don't want to risk your cover being blown."

"My... cover?" Harry frowned.

"Yeah, I told you that Dumbledore is interfering in your life. Do you honestly think that he'll allow you to take your titles? Especially if your underage and still valuable to his plans?" Harry frowned even deeper.

"Yeah, I guess." Harry then lit up. "OH! I forgot." Harry quickly began searching through his backpack. "I was going through some of the books in the library randomly and I found this. It mentioned the Outsider." Harry handed me a book that was titled 'History of the Wizengamot.' I frowned slightly and opened the book.

"The Wizengamot originally consisted of four wizards, who are widely renowned for their wise decisions, but even then, they came to stalemates. It was at this first stalemate, that they decided they needed to bring in a fifth member. But none of them had any idea of who. All of the other wizards were biased on one side or the other. It was at this point that an answer came in the form of 'The Outsider' As he introduced himself to them. The original transcript of the meeting has been taken from the founders, all of which voluntarily gave their memories for future wizengamot members to review on how the Wizengamot was to be held.

'Who are you?' Godric began first, slightly angry.

'Ah, my name. It has been so long I have forgotten it myself. But others have come to call me The Outsider. Which believe you are currently looking for.' The Outsider spoke with a bored but slightly curious sort of voice.

'And we are just supposed to give you this power? How are we to know that you aren't biased like everyone else.' Salazar said to him.

'I've watched human history for almost 2000 years now. I have a good grasp on how you all act. Now normally, I would just watch as you try to figure out who your fifth member would be, But I have a feeling that If that happened, this wizarding world would go into catastrophe. And I'm having to much fun watching it. So I've decided to volunteer my services to you as your tiebreaker. I will only vote when it comes to a stalemate like this.' The Outsider was smiling faintly and the four founders were off-put by this man.

'How do we know how to trust you?' Rowena asked.

'Simple. Because I promise to all of you that if you don't find me satisfactory, you will be free to force me from the Wizengamot.' There was silence as the four founders thought about this.

'I say we trust him. at least for now.' Helena said. Godric nodded and agreed with Helena. Rowena thought for a second before nodding. Salazar pursed his lips but agreed all the same. It was at that moment that The Outsider became a staple in Wizarding History. Even when the four founders eventually divided their votes among everyone else when they got old, the Outsider kept all 100 of his votes, making him the most valuable voter in history. The four founders divided their 100 votes by four. 25 for each of the founders. 25 went to the Malfoy family, the Lestrange Family, and the Black family on the Slytherin side. 25 went to the Greengrass, Slughorn, and Crouch families from the Ravenclaw side. 25 went to the Abbot, Bulstrode, and Longbottom families on the Hufflepuff side. While Gryffindor gave 75 of his votes to the Weasley, Potter and Prewett families. The families who have been given the votes distributed them among those they trusted, it is unknown who currently has which votes as the ownership is changed almost monthly, creating headaches for those on the Wizengamot. Ever since the Founders have distributed their votes, The Outsider has never shown his face to this day. It is as unknown as he is if he is still alive or dead, but you still see his effects in the Modern Wizarding World."

I blink and look up. "Huh, I have Wizengamot votes apparently once I take my seats," I smirk a little. "It also seems that you have a good 100 votes with me, that's just counting your founder votes. Not even counting your Black and Potter votes, giving you 150 votes." I smile brightly. While Harry blinks in surprise.

"So what does that mean?" Harry asked.

"That means, if we were to join forces, we would own half the Wizengamot, you would just need one more vote to be able to pass any law you want." I then scratch my chin. "Hmm, I have an idea."

"What is it?" Harry smiled a little.

"I vote that you and I find one of the smaller voters and swindle them out of one of their votes." Harry blinked.

"Is that legal?" Harry asked.

"Well, the book specifically said that the families distributed their votes to others who they trusted. So it should be." I then frown. "We might need to check in on Gringotts to see if the Potter and Black family still has all of their votes." Harry nods.

"Alright, is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh! Yes, actually. I wanted to teach you how to create your Mind Palace."

"Mind Palace?" Harry frowned.

"Yeah, You know, what I used against the hat."

"OH! Yeah, Let's do that."

Over the next few days, I began to teach Harry how to sort his memories and all of the stuff that usually comes with a Mind Palace. I also subtly told him what would have happened if he had gotten caught during the dragon smuggling.

"You mean I would have seen Voldemort?" Harry asked slightly horrified.

"Yeah, It's lucky that you didn't encounter him, he would have tried to kill you."

"... You think it's Voldemort that's after the Philosopher's stone."

"Without a doubt." I smile. " I'm glad you worked it out so quick." With that, I continued to teach him how to create his Mind Palace, Then he and I began to experiment on how to visit each other in our Mindscapes. Harry told me that he would try and teach the twins. I shuddered a little when he said that but allowed it.

Author's Note:

Sorry for it being so short, I had a lot of ideas I wanted to do, but they all left me.