• Published 10th Dec 2011
  • 6,057 Views, 128 Comments

Love is Chaotic. - WinterTwister

  • ...

Discord's Heartache.

Pinkie was working at the front counter today in Sugar Cube Corner; it was another slow day. She had her head propped up by her hoof on the counter and she was day dreaming about her date with the new stallion. 'I've never been on a date before... I hope its fun!'

Rarity walked through the front door. "Good morning Pinkie, I am here to pick up an order." Rarity saw that Pinkie was staring off into space. "Pinkie Pie?"

Still no response.

Rarity waved her hoof in front of Pinkie's face.

Pinkie recoiled a bit, but then found herself back on earth. "Oh hi Rarity, sorry I was just thinking."

"About what, darling?"

Pinkie giggled with a slight blush. "I have a date with a stallion later."

Rarity lit up and was leaning over the counter. "Oh Pinkie! I never took you for the romantic type, whats his name?"

Pinkie's blush faded away and she fiddled her hooves together. "Oh..I don't know his name yet."

Rarity was confused, but shook her head and continued. "Well, what are you wearing on the date Pinkie?"

"Wearing? I wasn't going to put on anything, its just a first date right?"

Rarity dramatically gasped. "What!?" She reached over and grabbed Pinkies hoof and dragged her over the counter and at the door.

Pinkie had a hoof raised towards the counter. "But I have a shift today!"

Rarity couldn't hear Pinkie, she was too busy thinking about a dress design.


(Later in the afternoon.)

Pinkie was waiting in the lobby of Sugar Cube Corner, waiting for the stallion. Rarity tried to straighten Pinkies hair for over an hour, but it had insisting on poofing back up in its normal state; in the end Rarity had settled by putting two short blue bows in Pinkies hair on the sides of her head. Pinkie was wearing a simple pink dress, she had begged Rarity not to make it too complex. Rarity added some make-up to Pinkie, just a small amount of blush to her cheeks. Pinkie though it was a little too much but she trusted Rarity, who had more experience in dating than she did.

Pinkie started feeling nervous as she saw that the sun was starting to set through a window. 'Is he coming?' Pinkie started feeling as if maybe she was dreaming last night. She sighed and started heading for her stairs.


Pinkie turned around in a flash and saw the stallion, wearing a tie and had his sunglasses on his forehead, had entered Sugar Cube Corner.

Discord saw the smile on Pinkie's face along with the attire she was wearing. "You look wonderful, Pinkie." He walked over next to her. "Shall we?"

Pinkie was still too surprised to talk, so she just nodded and they left Sugar Cube Corner

Discord led Pinkie out of Ponyville and into the country side in light conversation.

"So Ms. Pie, what do you enjoy in life?"

Pinkie giggled, she had never been called Ms. Pie before. "Well..uh.. I always like to bring smiles to ponies faces."

Discord focused his energy around them, slightly changing the landscape. Two trees started tickling each other in a fit of laughter, followed by Pinkie and Discord also laughing.

"I've never seen a tree tickle another tree before.. weird but funny!"

Discord couldn't understand why seeing Pinkie smile meant so much to him, but he wanted to make sure Pinkie never frowned.

"OH! I never asked for your name!" Pinkie took Discords hooves.

Discord felt his heart sank. He opened his mouth to try and tell Pinkie a name he had thought up off...but no words came out and he closed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Pinkie saw a tear at his closed eye.

Discord opened his eyes and wiped the tear away. "I'm fine.." Discord turned away from Pinkie and sighed. He raised his hooves in the air, channeling his energy on a large patch of grass; transforming it into a decorated dance floor.

Pinkie's eyes went wide with a gasp. "How did you do that?"

Discord turned around and extended his hoof with a nervous smile. "Would you like to dance?" A band had appeared next to the dance floor.

Pinkie was amazed at the sudden appearance of the dance floor, but then turned her attention back to the stallion's extended hoof; as she reached for the hoof, she felt her heart melt and she couldn't control her blush that showed past the make-up.

Discord slowly lead Pinkie to the center of the dance floor and nodded at the musicians and they started playing. They danced with the rhythm of the music in a waltz.

"Pinkie, I want to make sure you have everything you could ever desire."

Everything was just as Pinkie imagined it to be, dancing with a gentle colt who she couldn't help but admit that she already loved, despite the short time together. She felt drawn to him, as if it were an enticing aura pushing them together in harmony.

"I still don't even know your name, what is it please?"

Discord closed his eyes and the dance came to a slow halt. He waved at the band to stop playing. "Earlier when you asked me that, I wanted to lie to you."

"Why?" Pinkie was confused.

Discord held pinkies hooves up at chest height, staring into her eyes. "Pinkie, not too long ago when you helped imprison me within stone, I felt a new emotion before you did so that I never knew was possible for my chaotic being."

"But your not a dracconequis..." Pinkie was wide-eyed.


The guardian of Agony, Fear, and Hate were in the distance; hiding in the forest.

"Now, focus both of your influences on the pink one." Agony said coldly.

Fear and Hate focused amplified feelings into Pinkie.


Discord let go of Pinkies hooves and stepped backwards. "The reason I was freed from my stone prison was because I felt affection for somepony for the first time in my life, and it was you. I don't ever want to lie to you Pinkie Pie, I want you to know who I really am." Discord stood up and his image returned to his dracconequis form. "I am Discord, god of chaos."

Pinkie took a step back and Discord's heart felt as if it was split in two.

"No...No! Your a mean meany pants who turned me into a meany pants!"

"Pinkie, I know and I'm sorry now all I want now is to make you happy."

Pinkie shook her head violently. "You just want to corrupt me again!"

"No Pinkie I changed! The reason I was freed is because of my love for you!" Discord tried to offer Pinkie his paw but she stepped backwards again.

Pinkie turned around and galloped away with tears streaming in her path.

Discord just kneeled on the hard floor with his head drooped, heartbroken.


Pinkie ran up the stairs and threw herself onto her bed, soaking her pillow while trying to muffle her cries. 'I thought I found my Romeo..But it was just Discord...' Pinkie wasn't just crying because she was scared of Discord, but she also felt bad because she had just run away from him. She had no idea why she felt bad for leaving him, but it left a hole in her heart that only increased her sadness.


The guardian of Depression appeared outside of Pinkie's window and removed her hood ; her long silver hair fell and her deep blue eyes shone in the moonlight. 'Poor dear..perhaps if Agony had not plotted against the master she would still be with him... oh?' Depression felt Pinkies emotions flare, sadness, betrayal, and.. regret? 'She still loves the master back?' Depression decided to use her influence on Pinkie; hoping to mend her relationship with the master.


Pinkie continued to soak her pillow in tears. 'Why did I run away? I probably hurt him..its too late to fix it, I'm a horrible person...I can't believe I'm thinking this, but I think I love Discord....'


Depression smiled at the positive result. 'She is now feeling love, but regret is growing. I should seek out the master, I can feel his sadness as well.' She pulled her hood back over her head and disappeared into the darkness.