• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,388 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.15 - Pt.1 Fashionable Surprise

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 15
Part 1 - Fashionable Surprise

“So... you finally made up your mind to leave?” Coco asked, a prominent frown present as she was perched on a padded cushion atop the sofa, Leaf by her side. A similar expression was surfacing on the young colt’s face.

Ace simply nodded as he made his way into the back storage room, levitating over with ease to the other side of the table while three cups of tea were miraculously balanced on his tail.

She resisted the urge to jump up and grasp them before they clattered to the ground, giving a relieved sigh as Ace handed both her and her assistant a steaming mug, filled to the brim with freshly brewed tea. She took a sip before placing the teacup on the table next to the sofa. She tapped her forehooves nervously, before unconsciously speaking in the most motherly tone she could muster, “I mean… we’re not stopping you or anything, and you have every right to reunite with your family. It’s just that…” a small sniffle stopped her mid-speech, the words becoming lodged in her throat. She struggled to finish, simply gaping as Quiet Leaf jumped in, shooting her an understanding glance.

“We’ll miss you. You’re pretty cool, Ace,” Quiet finished. He continued, seeking comfort in Coco’s warm embrace, “You’ve been so much fun to have around the store, and even the customers have been warming up to your mind-speaking and other shenanigans. Not to mention that you’re really the only one here who actually knows how to party. Gotta say though, surfing with you was definitely the best.”

Coco rubbed her foreleg nervously. “I… not so much. It was… a bit too stressful for me…” She sat up straighter, giving a brilliant grin as she reflected on the good times. “But I really appreciate your efforts in trying to help, and you were really fun to have around, even if our cooperation was a bit… unpredictable.”

Ace finished his tea and exhaled as a steady stream of steam escaped from his mouth, creating a small puff of vapor. He placed the teacup on the table, quickly jumping up and holding his paws to his cheeks in a child-like joy. I’m the one who should thank you, Miss Coco. You gave me a place to stay when I had nowhere else to go and taught me a variety of useful things, even if I only scratched the surface. Not to mention that working for an adorable, fluffy wittle sweetheart like you was such a pleasure. Helping a kind pony like you is a meaningful reward in itself. He hovered over and squished her cheeks, ignoring the mare’s protests before pointing at her and adding, If it was up to me, I would summon a bunch… No, an army of Raichu and convince them to help you! You deserve it.

Coco lowered her head, attempting to cover her forming blush. She used her bangs to block her reddening face and gave a sheepish smile. “S-stop it! You’re embarrassing me.”

Leaf gave his caretaker a curious glance, silently wondering what the pokemon could have told her a moment ago. He looked at the Raichu and asked, “Still, why decide to leave for Ponyville now? You’ve been working here for almost 4 days, and other than the bits used at the bar, you’ve asked for nothing in return.”

That’s simple, Ace spoke in the colt’s mind, acting as if the answer was obvious. He sat upon his tail and swung back and forth, kicking his hind legs up and down in joy while giggling playfully. Your sweet caretaker finally decided to take a day off, and she even managed to hire a worker who can take my place in the store. As much as I would love to help more, this seems like the best time for me to reunite with my dear sis. He looked at the fashionista and repeated himself, with a few small changes here and there.

Coco lowered her head in defeat. “You’ll never stop calling me cute names, will you?”

Ace crossed his forepaws and shook his head. Nope!


Coco took a sip of her tea before looking back at the enthusiastic pokemon. “Since it’s our day off, how about we accompany you to Ponyville?” Upon noticing a wide grin forming on Ace’s face, she raised a forehoof up to her mouth and giggled. “You’re so cute when you’re excited or happy.”

<So are you,> Ace cooed in his own language, giving the mare a sassy smirk.

The fashionista tapped her chin while gazing up at the ceiling. “Now that I think about it, I’ve visited Rarity’s store in Manehattan, but never in Ponyville. I should write a letter and tell her we’re coming. She can meet us at the train station and give us a tour of the town!” Coco began to eagerly reach for her pen and paper, only to stop as Ace jumped up and darted before her, shaking his head.

And ruin the surprise? Ace sputtered, giving the mare a look of disbelief. No way!

“Surprise? We’re going to show up unannounced?”

Well duh! Where’s the fun in showing up if they know you’re coming? Ace grinned, raising major red flags in Coco’s mind as the Raichu floated closer. Feinting to the right, he dashed by and ruffled the seamstresses mane, giggling at her reaction, before levitating over to Quiet Leaf and repeating Coco’s earlier question. So, how ‘bout it? Are you gonna come with us to Ponyville?

“I’m going to have to pass,” Leaf said, catching his caretaker’s attention. “Someone needs to look after the store while you’re gone and keep it safe. Just simply closing it and leaving it unguarded would attract a thief or two.”

Weren’t you a thief before? Ace asked, giving the colt a mock suspicious glance. Speaking from experience?

Leaf narrowed his eyes and shot Ace a raspberry. “I was, but I wouldn’t dare steal from Miss Coco. If anything, I’d steal for her.”

Coco smiled awkwardly, giving a few nervous chuckles. Should she be happy that her little Leaf was willing to do so much for her, or worry that his troublesome past still had heavy influences on the poor colt’s mind? “Are you sure you want to stay and watch the store all on your own?”

Leaf nodded. “Sure do. Besides, Copper Top and some other cops are gonna be patrolling near our shop quite often. If I get bored, I’ll just go hang out with them.” Spotting Coco’s worried look, he rolled his eyes and added, “And no, I don’t plan on getting arrested or anything.”

Ace chuckled. <Let’s not waste any more time slowpokes! The earlier we leave, the better.> Circling around the room a couple times, he jumped down behind the couch and popped out with the biggest, fluffiest and most comfortable pillow imaginable, only to carefully levitate the seamstress on top of it. Making sure she was balanced, he hopped atop his own tail and floated next to her. <Some fresh air will do you good.>

Coco blinked in confusion, momentarily stunned after being tossed atop the pillow. After a second, she glanced down at her Ace-styled “chariot” and muttered, “What are you planning?”

Leaf looked at the pokemon, tilting his head to the side and scrunching his face up in uncertainty.

Oh, you’ll see! Ace cheered as he tapped together his paws, a wide grin forming on his face. Without wasting a moment, he levitated a cluster of bags and saddlebags over. Let’s get packing. Ponyville awaits!

Coco Pommel stared at the horizon in disbelief as her flank and hooves were stationed on a soft, levitating pillow with Ace ahead, leading the way. A saddlebag sat next to her left foreleg, her cutie mark inscribed on both sides. The train tracks kept them company as they made their way towards Ponyville, moving at speeds far greater than any train she had ever been on. Though she had to admit that even if it was efficient, this ride was anything but normal.

“This is wrong on so many levels,” Coco complained, thought she didn’t dare step off the pillow she clung to. While she learned to trust her loving, but crazy assistant, she knew that he often acted before thinking it through. It also didn’t help how stubborn and bold he could be at times. Someone as timid as her had little chance of changing his mind whenever it was set on something. “How are we even going to find Rarity if neither of us have ever been there?”

We explore, duh... Ace answered as he glanced over his shoulder, his rear legs keeping him stable. Exploring is a ton of fun, trust me on this.

Coco sighed and lowered her head in defeat. This was going to be a long day.

As Celestia’s sun was high on the horizon, providing her subjects with warmth, two particular friends were making their way in between the colorful homes of Ponyville, occasionally catching one or two confused glances from bypassing citizens.

Ace admired the charming constructions, finding yellow to be the most common color coating the rural buildings. After being stationed in Manehattan with Coco, he had grown used to the towering skyscrapers, though it was a welcome change from the normal hustle and bustle of the city.

He took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh, clear air with a goofy grin adorning his features. Minutes came and went as he had explored a small part of Ponyville, mentally remembering which streets he had passed and which he still needed to inspect. The ponies didn’t seem to be as surprised by his presence as the ones in Manehattan, though many furtive glances were directed at the mare riding behind him.

“I’m not sure if any of this is a good idea,” Coco Pommel murmured, ducking her head down to try and avoid the confused stares from the town’s residents.

Ace looked over his shoulder at the mare perched on the levitating pillow. An original beige bag, handcrafted by the mare herself, sat slung over her shoulder, accented with a trio of bright crimson flowers carefully tucked into the stitching. Though, the fauna was dull in comparison to the deep blush that decorated her cheeks, her bangs coming just low enough to block most of her flushed face. With a sigh, Ace hovered over and brushed the seamstresses hair to the side, merely laughing as she shot him an annoyed look.

“I know you wanted us to surprise Rarity, but the part with the floating pillow and train-skipping is going too far.” A puzzled look flashed through the mare’s face, before she added, “Besides, if she doesn’t know we’re coming, why would we have to skip the train?”

Oh, well that’s easy. Surfing through the air is way faster and cooler than riding on some boring train. Not to mention that some fresh air and sunlight will do you good, Ace spoke in Coco’s mind, not annoyed by her complaints in the least. Besides, awesome entrances are key!

Coco Pommel sighed. “Easy for you to say.” She tapped the soft material under her hooves with a pointed look in Ace’s direction. “You’re not the one sitting on a levitated pillow.”

Just close your eyes and imagine you’re riding in a pegasus chariot, he repeated, shooting her a hopeful smile.

“I said it before and I’ll say it again.” Coco shook her head. “It’s not the same and you know it.”

“A youn’ pony like ya too lazy to even walk, such a disgrace for yer kin. Ah would expect it from a unicorn, but not from an earth pony.”

“Ya said it.”

Both looked towards the source of voice in surprise, spotting two elderly mares stumbling towards them.

The first one wore a poofy mane style with faded hair, resembling a stormy cloud, resting atop her pale purple fur. A pair of scarlet glass sat on her nose, exaggerating her pink eyes as she shot Coco a disapproving glare. The two cowered under her stare, watching as she strut by, huffing and puffing to the clang of her golden necklace, the same color as the tea set adorned on her flank.

The other one had snow dusted mane was tucked back into a neat bun, a few curly strands poking out, standing bold against her pale green fur. Her amber eyes glowed, narrowing in disapproval as she shot them a distasteful scowl. She strut by, huffing and puffing as her apple printed bandana swayed gently in the slight breeze. A tasty pie, made of delicious granny smiths, sat on her flank, matching the mare it represented.

Ace looked at the elderly earth ponies, his ears drooping upon noticing the extremely thin legs this old mares were forced to walk on. A large part of him demanded to pick both mares up in his telekinesis and place them on the pillow before escorting them to their destination. Either that or give them something to eat. It looks like they have been starved! he thought. Though, after some quick consideration, it seemed best to leave the ponies to themselves, especially after noticing how annoyed they were at Coco.

“That’s it. I can’t take it anymore.”

Ace looked over his shoulder as his former boss stepped from the pillow and stretched her legs, gently shaking them up and down. A few seconds later she was already trotting by his side. They continued to wander, eventually coming across a large tower tucked away in the outskirts of Ponyville.

“This building looks exactly like a place Rarity would live,” Coco noted, stepping up to the carousel and secretly admiring the whimsical designs of the building.

The pokemon descended, now floating next to the fashionista at a slow pace. I still can’t believe you never paid her a visit in this charming little town? So much for you two being great friends and all.

Coco narrowed her eyes and frowned. “This wouldn’t be a problem if we sent a letter to her about visiting Ponyville. I’m certain she would’ve waited for us at train station. She could have guided us here on the spot. ” She gestured at the surrounding homes. “Instead, we had to scout half of the town.”

The pokemon patted her shoulder with the white patch of his forepaw. There, there. There’s no such thing as too much exploring, is there?

Coco sighed. “Let’s just get this surprise over with.” She stopped in front of the door and knocked on it.

“Coming!” From behind the door, they could hear the sound of gentle thuds, similar to trotting down the stairs. “Be there in just a moment, darling!”

Coco shot Ace a firm glance, already wary due to the Raichu’s mischievous smirk. “I’m going to introduce you to my friend. She’s helped me with a lot, so I expect you to stay on your best behavior.”

His grin grew bigger. I’ll leave a great first impression, you can count on that.

“That’s what I am worried about,” Coco muttered before looking back at the door. Rarity’s face popped through the opening, a big smile present on her face.

“Welcome to… Coco Pommel?!”

Coco yelped upon being wrapped into a tight hug, her vision blocked as Rarity’s violet curls swung into her face.

“Oh, it’s so good to see you! It’s been too long,” Rarity exclaimed.

Ace grinned, watching their exchange before flying towards the window and quietly sneaking inside. Being able to move without stepping against the floor greatly limited the amount of noise he made.

“If I knew you were visiting, I would have cleaned up a bit and planned a tour of Ponyville for you in advance. How did you even find me? I don’t recall ever giving you my Ponyville address.”

“I’m sorry. I wanted to call ahead of time, but a new friend of mine insisted on making it a surprise visit.”

Ace silently giggled as he levitated close to the inner wall, staying out of sight from both mares.

“New friend? Did he not come with you?”

Coco glanced around, calling out, “Ace, it’s no time for games. Come out of hiding this instant!”

Ace raised his forepaw and grinned before quickly poking the mare’s side with his paw. Surprise! he shouted in the mare’s mind, causing the unicorn to yelp and leap to the side.

Rarity turned around and looked at him in confusion. “Who are you?” She peeked at Coco, tilting her head to the side. “Is this your friend?”

“Yep, that’s him.” She sighed, rolling her eyes at her assistant’s antics. She walked beside Rarity into the boutique and trotted into the main room.

“You almost look like Nica… but different.”

That’s because she’s my cool sis.

“Your sis?” Rarity asked. “You mean Nica is your sister?”

Bingo. He poked his own chest and puffed it out in pride. Just like Nica, I’m also a Raichu, just a different variety known as an Alolan Raichu. That’s why my features and abilities are different as well.

Coco cleared her throat and began, “Rarity, I would like to introduce…” But, before she could finish, Ace levitated in front of Coco, and balanced on the edge of his tail.

Standing on the tip of one of his legs, he popped up and performed a polite bow. The name’s Ace, got it memorized? He hovered closer as his tiny nose was but centimeters away from her muzzle. Because I am totally memorizing a rare mare like you. He winked, causing Rarity’s pristine white fur to turn a deep shade of red.

“Hmm, Ace…” she mulled, performing a quick bow of her own. “Rarity, charmed to make your acquaintance,” she murmured as she started to examine his unique features. “You’re a different variety indeed. First, your ears; while they have similar shape, they are a bit bigger and bulkier, and seem to be accented with a gold-like color.” She lowered her head and poked his wide belly with the tip of her forehoof as the pokemon giggled in response. “Your belly color is the same, but the patches at the end of your legs and paws are white, rather than Nica’s bronze. You both also have orange fur, but different shades. Yours seems lighter, like a mix between gold and tangerine.”

She raised the pokemon with her magical grasp as her aqua aura surrounded the Alolan Raichu, before inspecting his longest limb. “Your tail is very unique though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.” She lowered the pokemon back onto his tail and started to trot around him, examining him from all sides. “You’re also a little bit smaller, and the stripes on your back are white instead of bronze.”

Loving the attention, Ace placed his forepaws on his hips and raised his head, playfully smirking. Checking out the goods now, are we. Oh yea!

Rarity blushed once more and sat in front of him, backtracking. “Oh, my deepest apologies. I could not help myself. It’s not everyday I get visited by a pokemon, more or less one that levitates on its own tail.”

And who’s complaining? Not me, that’s for sure. He tilted his tail slightly up while spreading his forepaws to the side, taking a quick pose as if riding a wild wave. Check this pose. If you need a mannequin for a surfing line, search no more. Your dream model had arrived!

Rarity looked into Ace’s eyes, smiling at their vivid hue. “While Nica’s eyes are oval, yours seem like a wonderful blend of the sea’s waves and silver snow. That’s quite a special color for eyes if I do say so myself.”

Hehe, wow. Here I thought they were just blue. He paused, stroking his chin before continuing, Silvery snow eyes, you say. Ace grinned, dashing around Rarity in a quick circle before stepping onto her back and striking a pose. Balancing atop her head, he spread his arms out and began rocking forwards and backwards. From now on, call me Silver Surfer. I like the sound of that.

Rarity peeked up at her exuberant passenger before giving Coco a look of confusion.

“Before you ask, yes… he always acts like that.” Coco sighed before smiling at her assistant, still riding pretend waves above the white mare. “But he’s quite fun to have around, and I must add, even some of the toughest customers grew attached to his cheesy one-liners and his telepathy.”

“I see,” Rarity mumbled thoughtfully as she observed her newest guest, who was currently floating from one pony dummy to another, booping each mannequin’s plastic muzzle. “He’s very lively, and so much more confident and prideful than humble Nica. It’s hard to believe they’re related.”

Ace darted over, overhearing the two seamstresses conversation. Can’t argue with that, he told Rarity, before pausing and glancing back at his ‘boss’ with a saddened expression. He spoke to Coco and then to her friend, repeating himself. Nica’s doubt in her amazing a abilities is so depressing, though I can’t really blame her for her low self-esteem. It’s hard for her to feel proud of herself when the hero she admires is weaker, less experienced, not fully evolved, and yet has somehow accomplished so much more in less time. That’s kind of soul-crushing if you ask me.

He poked his own chest, pointing at himself. Personally, I like myself for who I am and I don’t let this kind of stuff get to me, but my sis is a lot more sensitive. He thought back to his sister’s hero, sighing before adding, Yet she still managed to put aside all that disappointment and work as hard as she can. She still admires that Pikachu rather than being envious of him.

His ears straightened upward in a flash, before he blinked away and reappeared before a plastic stand. His eyes shone with a silvery light as a stylish fedora levitated from one dummy, descending onto his head, delicately pushing his ears to the side. Coco’s saddlebag shot open, the clasps undoing, as a familiar pair black glasses floated onto his button nose. He flew over towards three, tall mirrors resting next to a platform. <Looking good,> he cooed, titling his specs down and winking to himself through the glass.

Rarity looked at the pokemon’s ears, enraptured by the display, before curiously asking, “Considering your ability to levitate objects without using Equestria magic, you must be a psychic type, correct?”

Psychic and electric actually, Ace corrected, flying over and leaping onto Rarity’s back. He sat on it, stretching like a cat before resuming, Still, how did you know?

Rarity pointed at the stairs in distance, climbing up towards the second floor. “A pokemon who is under my care also possesses the ability to levitate objects. He has been assisting me with big elements of my work. A water and psychic type called Starmie, I believe.”

Astra’s Starmie is here? I’m sooo saying hello to my water buddy. Be back in a sec!

Before Rarity or Coco could protest, Ace jumped from her back onto his own tail and dashed towards the stairs, vanishing from their view.

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