Shining has let his wife turn him into his female counterpart: Gleaming Shield. But Gleaming finds out that turning back isn’t as simple as it sounds ... she’ll have to spend a few days this way, at least. Those days will be full of erotic struggles!
Cadance had to have told Twilight what was going on, she was being way to spot on, aggressive, and knowing just what buttons to push for that not to be the case.
But still... damn this was freaking hot and it's just starting.
9239157 Well, there is only one more chapter, but at least it’s a long one. (And it will be published tomorrow.)
9239169 Heh, yeah. And oddly enough, my next commission involves Shining Armor being on the receiving end yet again. Poor guy just can’t catch a break.
“Oh come on...” Twilight leaned in even closer ... to the point where it was definitely unprofessional. What was she doing? What was going on?
Okay, here we go again... I've got the increasing feeling Twilight is more in-the-know than it seems.
“Maybe you should get off before six ... several times.” Twilight gave her a very knowing look.
For some reason, Gleaming felt it necessary to cover herself with her hands as well as she could, blushing hard. She realized that Cadance had probably dressed her like this knowing that something might happen. But she couldn’t possibly have intended for it to happen with her sister!
Don't count on that. At least not too much...
Twilight's breasts were much bigger now... Was that just because she'd grown up since then, or did becoming an alicorn have something to do with it?
He should ask Celestia about it. Sure, it would be awkward. But would it be more awkward as it already is? He may as well go all the way.
Ohhh, hawt.. just, so damn hot.
Cadance had to have told Twilight what was going on, she was being way to spot on, aggressive, and knowing just what buttons to push for that not to be the case.
But still... damn this was freaking hot and it's just starting.
Thanks for writing this, it's fantastic. Also thanks to DbzOrDie for commissioning this and the half a dozen similar art pieces.
Well, there is only one more chapter, but at least it’s a long one.
(And it will be published tomorrow.)
Heh, yeah. And oddly enough, my next commission involves Shining Armor being on the receiving end yet again. Poor guy just can’t catch a break.
Loving this so far. Wonderfully sexy.
itch successfully scratched.
I try. ^.^ What’s your favorite part so far?
I'm a fan of R63 Shining Armor, a fan of Twilight and Shining/Gleaming clop, and I'm liking Gleaming's sluttification.
And this is why they hate us. Thank you dirty little secret ........
They hate us ‘cause they ain’t us!
Incest is a no for me.
Um ... okay. Have fun not reading this story.
I'll read the last chapter in a bit, but right now I think it's Cadence pretending to be Twilight
Most interesting.
lol, I hope you had an ‘interesting’ time.
This was a adorable but spicy chapter. L
Thanks! ^.^ What’s your favorite part?
“I don't get off until sex.” Gleaming's eyes opened wide and she slapped her hands up to cover her mouth.
Glad I can bring people a few smiles! ^.^
Okay, here we go again...
I've got the increasing feeling Twilight is more in-the-know than it seems.
Don't count on that. At least not too much...
He should ask Celestia about it.
Sure, it would be awkward. But would it be more awkward as it already is? He may as well go all the way.
Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.