• Published 27th Jul 2018
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Foreign Relationships - smirker

A land ruled by its emperor has different types of relationships with Equestria and the other countries. The emperor will have a different personality in each chapter.

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Volvox was created by the Maker and given the Earth to rule, he decided since it was the beginning of his reign, he would experiment around. He created dragons and land dwelling dinosaurs first, he had fun watching them grow, but he got a telepathic message from the Maker to create more animals, and some plant life and water, he did not mind, he actually liked the sound of diversity. Volvox had to create cats, dogs, rhinoceroses, elephants, bears, turtles, pigs, snakes, alligators, crocodiles, squids, sharks, lizards, sloths, birds, frogs, apes, dinosaurs to live in the water, flying dinosaurs, and bugs, he got to it, and finished after some time, he added plant life afterwards, he made the grass about four feet tall, and he made trees appear everywhere, each tree was three thousand fifty feet tall, fifty feet taller than Volvox, and thirty feet in diameter. The creatures were divided, not by what kind of creature they were, but by where they lived, there was three classes: land, air, and sea, they did not like one another, only the dragons, dinosaurs, and bugs lived all three areas, but they were divided as well, and Volvox decided that since each creature needed a ruler, it will be decided by physical strength, so each ruler ended up being male due to them being physically stronger than the females, but they still had a word in saying things if they did not like anything.

The dragon king was Dommiel, he was Volvox's second-in-command and bodyguard, he was a wyvern, and the only dragon that can walk on land, fly in the sky, and breathe underwater. The sauropod king was Argentinosaurus, the theropod king was Tom, he was a spinosaurus, and the ruler of all dinosaurs, the ornithopod king was Shantungosaurus, the ceratopsia king was Eotriceratops, the pachycephalosauria king was Pachycephalosaurus, the thyreophora king was Stegosaurus, the mosasaur king was Mosasaurus, the pilosaur king was Kronosaurus, the plesiosaur king was Elasmosaurus, the ichthyosaur king was Shonisaurus, the nothosaur king was Nothosaurus, the pterosaur king was Arambourgiania, the cat king was Smilodon, the dog king was Amphicyon, the rhinoceros king was Elasmotherium, the elephant king was Anancus, the bear king was Arctodus, the turtle king was Archelon, the pig king was Entelodont, the snake king was Titanoboa, the alligator king was Deinosuchus, the crocodile king was Sarcosuchus, the squid king was Cameroceras, the shark king was Megalodon, the lizard king was Megalania, the sloth king was Megatherium, the bird king was Argentavis, the frog king was Beelzebufo, the ape king was Gigantopithecus, and the bug king was Arthropleura.

Volvox was a bit nervous on how to feed the carnivores of his land, but the kings and some of their advisers had the perfect idea, they would sentence the criminals in their society to death by having them eaten by the carnivores, before that, Dommiel would burn their limbs off so they could not fight back, Volvox used his magic to remove their teeth and tails as well. The creatures did not have a culture, they all ate and drank water to survive, there was no music, no art, no fashion, the only form of entertainment they had was fighting, and the loser would get killed, and eaten by the carnivores and omnivores, each creature was only allowed to fight their own kind, since fighting a different kind could bring some unfair advantages and disadvantages to the fighters.

Volvox thought his kingdom was perfect, it was mostly peaceful, even though creatures were still divided by land, sky, and sea, the creatures who fell into the sky category had to live in the trees, while no creature that flew around or walked on land was allowed into the water, they can only drink from it, Volvox made small mindless bugs and fish for the carnivores to eat, Arthropleura would sometimes send bugs out to be eaten as well, especially if they cause trouble in his kingdom. Volvox was the emperor, since the other kings answered to him, but he was not to be disturbed about anything, if they had something to say, they would go to Dommiel, and he would report it to Volvox if he thought it was worth noticing.

The sky becomes filled with black clouds and they move around in a counterclockwise circle,

"Volvox, you might want to see this." Dommiel said from afar, the ground burst open and Volvox came out, he walked to where Dommiel was at while the ground fixed itself. Volvox sees all of the creatures were together and looking at the same spot as Dommiel,

"Make way." Volvox said as he walked forward, the other creatures move to his sides and look at the spinning clouds,

"You finally showed, Volvox." a voice said in the sky, it surprised the other creatures, Volvox realized it was the Maker, it spoke with a man's voice and a woman's voice in unison,

"What is it, Maker?" Volvox asked,

"I have a lesson for you, Volvox, you need to learn to change your kingdom for the better." the Maker replied,

"My kingdom is perfect." Volvox said, the other creatures agreed with him,

"Really? I'm going to send this land to another world, full of six other kingdoms, and you're going to see what they think of your ways." the Maker replied, and the clouds spun faster, and Volvox's kingdom got sucked in, the sky changed back to normal.

Volvox and all of the other creatures travel through a wormhole, they look around and see nothing, Volvox stretches his three necks out and looks forward,

"Everybody, we're going to a land that seems to have magic, but it looks small." Volvox said, and he reverted his necks back to normal. The creatures look and see the land, they were going to be to the northeast of Canterlot, and to the southeast of the Crystal Empire,

"Everyone, brace for impact." Volvox said, and they did as their land entered the new world.

The ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs lived peacefully until they felt a surge of magic at where Volvox's land was going to appear, it was small, so they ignored it, until the area of Equestria where they were going to appear began moving on its own to make space for them, everybody looked on and wondered what was appearing. Volvox's land appeared and everybody was shocked by the size of the trees,

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said,

"Those trees are huge!" Sandbar said, Twilight Sparkle flew to Princess Celestia, who was on the balcony in Canterlot,

"What do you think, Princess Celestia?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Those are the biggest trees I've ever seen." Princess Celestia replied, the sun was in the center, but she was nervous about the mornings when she would have to raise the sun. Princess Luna was looking as well, she was too shocked to say anything at that time. Some of the griffons, dragons, Pegasi, and hippogriffs were flying at the trees to see if anyone lived in the forest, the leaves covered the entire area,

"Do you all see anything?" General Seaspray asked from afar, they all shook their heads,

"There is no way a place that big can't have anyone living in there." Rainbow Dash said,

"Come on, y'all, let's go explorin'." Applejack said, and she led the Young Six with her. They try to walk in and see the trees were extremely huge up close,

"The trees up close actually scare me." Ocellus said,

"I don't blame you, all of Equestria would get hit if one of these fell." Sandbar replied,

"Look at how thick they are as well, this would probably leave a permanent hole in the land." Gallus said,

"Yeah, not to mention Griffonstone and the Dragon Lands are right there, one of these falling would probably destroy the entire country." Smolder replied,

"Yona believe Yakyakistan is safe from falling tree." Yona said,

"I think Mount Aris is far away enough to avoid getting hit, too." Silverstream replied,

"Well, if y'all ever have a fallen tree in yer country, make sure y'all help one another rebuild, alright? Let's get in there and see what we find." Applejack said, and they go in. Applejack leads them and they see extremely thick bushes, shrubs, and vines everywhere, everybody had trouble getting through, Sandbar broke through them, so did Yona, and Smolder burned them,

"Help! I'm stuck!" Silverstream said, the three look back and saw her tangled in vines, unable to break through, Gallus and Ocellus were stuck as well,

"A little help, guys?" Ocellus asked, and the other three try to pull them out, Applejack broke through with her physical strength and ran to them, she try to free them with her rope, but the vines fought back and pulled them back, Sandbar, Yona, and Smolder helped her, they got them out after a brief struggle and the vines returned back to normal,

"Where are we?" Gallus asked, the others look around and see they could not see anything besides bushes, shrubs, vines, and trees,

"Yeah, it all looks the same to me." Sandbar replied, Smolder, Ocellus, Gallus, and Silverstream fly up, past the trees. The four join the other creatures flying up there and see they can only see the leaves on the trees,

"What's it like traveling in there?" Princess Ember asked,

"Vines, bushes, and shrubs everywhere, every area looks the same." Smolder replied, shocking those flying around to try to see what was inside the forest,

"This is a waste of time, we're not finding anything." Grampa Gruff said,

"I agree, we can't find an opening anywhere." Gilda replied,

"Then how are we supposed to explore? We can't see anything past the trees, and there's too many bushes and vines to enter by land." Rainbow Dash said,

"Please, allow me." General Seaspray replied, and he flew down and changed to a seapony and swims through the water. General Seaspray swims in the water and tries to enter the new area, but he did not know where he was at, and the creatures who lived in the water of Volvox's land swam to the bottom of the water to hide from him. General Seaspray believes he was in Volvox's land, so he goes up to the surface, he looks and sees he was, the trees were to his left, he looks around and sees no one, he looks up to those in the sky and shakes his head, the world's natives were confused, but they all stop for the day and go back home to rest.

Princess Luna tried to raise the moon but could not due to the trees blocking her view, she rolled her eyes and flew up, she raised the moon while in the sky, she sees the trees still blocked the moon, she growls a bit and moves the moon farther, making it brighter. Princess Celestia flew out and went to Princess Luna,

"Luna, what are you doing?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Those trees are blocking the moon, I can't rise it properly." Princess Luna replied,

"Then why don't you just fly closer and raise it from there?" Princess Celestia asked,

"I don't have the time for that, my nights are long and busy." Princess Luna replied,

"Well, good luck, Luna, don't push yourself." Princess Celestia said, and she went back to sleep.

Princess Luna enters the dream realm and works on fixing the nightmares of the ponies, she is distracted when she heard complaining, she noticed the people in the Crystal Empire were complaining about the moon being too bright, she growled and exited the dream realm. Princess Luna tries to adjust the moon so they would not complain, but they then complained it was too dark, Princess Luna growled as she tried to adjust the moon, she could not put it behind the trees of Volvox's kingdom because her magic would not reach it,

"Luna, please, I think it would be best if you just put in the center of the sky." Princess Cadence said,

"Yeah, I think so, too." Shining Armor said, and she did. Princess Luna went back to the dream realm and worked on the nightmares, but everybody in Equestria was complaining because the moon was very bright, and they could not sleep. Princess Luna growled angrily and flew out of the dream realm and began adjusting the moon, but whenever one area was happy, the other was not, Princess Luna got more and more irritated and had to keep adjusting for the rest of the night.

Morning comes and Princess Celestia tries to raise the sun, but the trees of Volvox's land blocks it, and her magic could not reach it. Princess Celestia was a bit annoyed and she flew up to raise the sun, she did, but the trees blocked it out, Princess Celestia glared and simply raised the sun higher than usual so it will make all of the land bright. Princess Luna flew to the trees and was angry,

"I DEMAND A WORD WITH YOU ALL!!" Princess Luna said with her Royal Canterlot Voice, there was no response,

"DO NOT IGNORE ME!! I KNOW YOU ALL CAN HEAR ME!!" Princess Luna said, Volvox and the others did hear her, they just ignored her, but she could not see them due to the leaves and trees blocking the entire view, Princess Luna was seething with rage, she tries to remove a tree with her telekinesis, but it was way too heavy to pick up, she grunted as she tried to lift it, she stopped and panted. Princess Celestia tried and she could not lift it up either, the others decided to help, curious about what was in the forest.

Volvox and the others hear them and they look,

"What shall we do, emperor?" Tom asked,

"Ignore them, we're a peaceful bunch, let's keep it that way." Volvox replied,

"I believe it's worth checking what they're doing." Dommiel said,

"I agree, we should see what they're doing." Argentavis said,

"Alright, but don't get spotted." Volvox replied,

"Okay, you all heard the emperor, flying bugs, go investigate." Arthropleura said, and the flying bugs fly up along with the dragons and birds,

"Aren't you going, Arambourgiania?" Volvox asked,

"I'm keeping the pterosaurs at bay for now, it might freak them out." Arambourgiania replied, Volvox agreed and he waited along with the others.

The dragons, birds, and bugs fly up and see the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs trying to move one of the trees out, they were all struggling and grunting,

"*pant* *pant* I can say for certain, one of these trees is heavier than the sun and the moon combined." Princess Celestia said, everybody was tired, they looked and watched the creatures, the unicorns and alicorns tried using telekinesis, the Pegasi and earth ponies tried pulling a tree out with rope, the dragons, griffons, and hippogriffs tried to pull it out at its roots, the changelings changed to bears, and they and the yaks were trying to pull out with rope and walking forward,

"Okay, gang, I think we need another break." King Thorax said, the others agreed,

"I have never thought a tree would be this hard to remove." Dragon Lord Torch said,

"Yaks tired, yaks need rest." Prince Rutherford said,

"How are we supposed to move these? We can't even move one." Rarity said,

"Yeah, and there's hundreds of 'em." Applejack said,

"My family and I are having trouble, too, Limestone and Maud are trying their best." Pinkie Pie replied, they look and saw Limestone Pie and Maud Pie trying to punch into the ground to remove the roots,

"What the? The roots are as thick as the tree branches." Limestone Pie said, shocking everyone,

"I am sorry, everycreature, but these are too thick for us to remove." Maud Pie said, they hear panting and saw Marble Pie was exhausted. Fluttershy arrives and a group of termites followed her,

"This way, everybody, we need one of these removed." Fluttershy said, and they go onto the tree they were trying to remove, the termites try to bite through but hurt their own teeth,

"Oh no, they hurt their own teeth, the termites can't bite through this." Fluttershy said,

"What?! How are we supposed to remove this?!" Scootaloo asked,

"Ah know, right, not even Big Mac can move one." Apple Bloom replied, they saw him trying and panting,

"You alright, Big Mac?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied weakly,

"Wait, I have an idea. Fluttershy, go get Discord." Rainbow Dash said, the others agreed,

"Okay, but I can't make any promises." Fluttershy replied and she flew away, Discord came soon,

"Let's see here, here goes nothing." Discord said, and he tries to use his magic on the tree they were trying to remove, his magic got deflected,

"What the? The tree deflected my magic." Discord said, shocking everyone,

"Wait, that means these trees are not normal." Spike said,

"Yeah, that's true. Trees that deflect magic? We don't have such a thing." Starlight Glimmer replied,

"Let's go home, everycreature, we'll try again another time." Princess Celestia said, and they all headed home.

The dragons, birds, and bugs flew down,

"They're gone now." Dommiel said,

"Good, maybe now, we can be at peace." Volvox replied,

"What were they trying to do?" Sarcosuchus asked,

"Trying to remove one of the trees." Argentavis replied, the natives of Volvox's kingdom laugh,

"I'll be underground now, if you all have anything to say, address it to Dommiel." Volvox said, and he went back under the ground.

An hour passes and everycreature got on with their days, the trees still blocked out the sun, much to Princess Celestia's annoyance, the Maker noticed this and it casts its magic to make the leaves fall to the ground, the world's natives become surprised, the Maker then uses its magic to make the trees disappear into the ground, Princess Celestia smiled and let out several exclaims of relief. The trees go down completely and everybody sees the animals of Volvox's kingdom, they were shocked and surprised,

"Whoa, they're huge." Twilight Sparkle said,

"No kiddin', Twilight, they're even bigger than Dragon Lord Torch." Applejack replied,

"I guess the Maker does want us to interact with the natives." Argentinosaurus said, the animals of Volvox's land groan and grumble,

"So much for living here peacefully." Stegosaurus said, the other dinosaurs agreed. They hear flying and saw Princess Luna coming to them from the west,

"I demand an apology!" Princess Luna said, they did not bother to listen to her,

"Do not ignore me, because of your trees, I couldn't do my job on stopping nightmares, and the people could not sleep." Princess Luna said, they all tried to continue with their days,

"I am speaking with a genuine complaint, and am a ruler of a land, and you all refuse to heed my words?! You self centered ruffians!" Princess Luna said, thunder appeared above her, Princess Luna was continuing to lose her temper, Argentinosaurus lifts his tail up and hits her out of the sky. Princess Luna screams as she falls and goes into the water, Argentinosaurus sighs as he and the others try to get on with their days. Princess Luna swims up to the surface and looked at the land, she had a scowl on her face, she flew out of the water and went back to them,

"How dare you ignore royalty! I demand an apology this instant!" Princess Luna said, Tom walked to her,

"Ma'am, can you please stop complaining? We are trying to get on with our days." Tom said,

"You dare to refuse to listen to royalty?!" Princess Luna asked,

"We're royalty, too." Tom replied, Princess Luna was surprised,

"Why do you all not listen to the complaint of a princess?!" Princess Luna asked,

"There you go right there, you're a princess, we're kings." Tom replied, Princess Luna was shocked, but she soon became angry. Princess Celestia flew to her touched Princess Luna's left shoulder with her front right hoof,

"Sister, let's just go, we'll meet with them tomorrow." Princess Celestia said, Princess Luna calmed down and flew back with her sister, the people in Volvox's land went on with their days, everybody looked at them and saw there were several caves in the land as well, but they only saw the dinosaurs, the night was approaching and they all slept.

Princess Luna raised the moon and was still angry about last night and earlier today, so she put the moon over Volvox's land and shined it brightly, the creatures there just turned around to not look at the moon, she was surprised by what she saw, she can tell they did not like it, but they did not complain, they just slept. Princess Luna ignored it and went on to the dream realm to get rid of the nightmares, she noticed the foals were having bad dreams of being eaten by the dinosaurs, she did not blame them, they were big, and looked menacing, she just zapped them away. Princess Luna does her duties while eating a grilled cheese sandwich, she finishes her duties and sighs in relief, tonight was an easy night for her, she smiles and watches the stars peacefully.

The next day comes and the dinosaurs walked around while the other animals hid, Princess Celestia flew to them and landed on the ground,

"I would like to meet the ruler." Princess Celestia said, and Tom, Argentinosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Eotriceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, and Stegosaurus walked to her, Princess Celestia became a bit annoyed,

"I said I'd like to see the ruler." Princess Celestia said,

"About that, actually, all of us are rulers." Argentinosaurus replied, Princess Celestia was surprised,

"I swear I saw more animals here yesterday." Princess Celestia said,

"Hey, wait a minute, where are the other rulers?" Stegosaurus asked, the others look around,

"Come out, the rest of you." Tom said, and they all hear moving in the water, Elasmosaurus brought his head above the water, the world's natives were shocked by how big he was, they hear more moving and they saw Mosasaurus and Kronosaurus come up, Shonisaurus came up shortly afterwards, and Nothosaurus came up afterwards,

"Is this everyone?" Princess Celestia asked,

"No, one's missing." Eotriceratops replied, they hear flying and saw Arambourgiania fly to them, Princess Celestia was surprised and shocked by how big he was, he flew in one place in the sky,

"Okay, now, introduce yourselves." Princess Celestia said,

"I am Shantungosaurus, king of the ornithopods." Shantungosaurus replied,

"My name is Stegosaurus, I am the king of the thyreophorans." Stegosaurus said,

"I am Arambourgiania, the pterosaur king." Arambourgiania said,

"My name is Pachycephalosaurus, king of the pachycephalosaurians." Pachycephalosaurus said,

"I am Elasmosaurus, king of the plesiosaurs." Elasmosaurus said,

"Mosasaurus, king of mosasaurs." Mosasaurus said,

"Kronosaurus, king of pilosaurs." Kronosaurus said,

"I am Eotriceratops, king of the ceratopsians." Eotriceratops said,

"Shonisaurus, I am the king of the ichthyosaurs." Shonisaurus said,

"Nothosaurus, king of the nothosaurs." Nothosaurus said,

"My name is Argentinosaurus, I am the sauropod king." Argentinosaurus said,

"Tom, king of the theropods, I'm a spinosaurus, and the supreme ruler of the dinosaurs, all of these rulers answer to me." Tom said,

"You all are called dinosaurs?" Princess Celestia asked, they nod,

"I see, keep in mind your land has merged with my country, so do not cause any trouble." Princess Celestia said, and she flew away.

The dinosaurs get on with their days and the Mane Six try going to their country,

"Guys, we got visitors." a male tyrannosaurus said, and they look at them,

"What is it?" Tom asked,

"We thought we could just come and say hi." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"That's it? That's why you all are here?" a female velociraptor asked,

"Uh, actually, I'm here to befriend all of the animals in this country." Fluttershy replied,

"Then I suggest you leave, there are no animals in this land." Stegosaurus said,

"Then, what about those bugs there?" Rainbow Dash asked, the other five ponies look and see the flying bugs, they were surprised by how big some of them were. The attention of the dinosaurs were caught by the wings Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy had,

"What? Is something wrong?" Rarity asked,

"Are those three fliers?" a male brachiosaurus asked,

"Well, I have wings because I'm a princess, I didn't have any wings before then." Twilight Sparkle replied, the dinosaurs look at them disapprovingly,

"What? What's wrong with that, y'all?" Applejack asked,

"Walkers and fliers shouldn't be friends." Arambourgiania replied, shocking the Mane Six,

"Excuse me?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"What?" Tom asked,

"What do you mean they shouldn't be friends?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Don't they live in the sky?" Argentinosaurus asked,

"Uh, yeah, what is wrong with that?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"See, there you go, you two should only be friends with others who live in the sky, and not with those who live on land or in the sea." Tom replied, shocking the Mane Six,

"Hey, but what about you guys?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, we do live in all three environments, but we still mostly only interact with those who live on land, the mosasaurs, pilosaurs, ichthyosaurs, nothosaurs, and plesiosaurs only interact with those in the water, while the pterosaurs only interact with those who fly in the sky." Tom replied, shocking the Mane Six,

"Where would I be?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Land, since you said you originally didn't have wings, the fliers will not welcome you." Tom replied,

"Come on, y'all, let's just go." Applejack said, and they left.

The creatures in Volvox's land go on with their days peacefully, the herbivores ate the plants and leaves on the ground from the trees, while the carnivores ate the bugs and fish, while the omnivores were everywhere, they were all living peacefully. Dommiel came out from under the ground,

"Everyone, gather around." Dommiel said, and the dinosaurs went to him, but not just them, the dragons, birds, bugs, cats, dogs, rhinoceroses, elephants, bears, pigs, snakes, lizards, and sloths went to him. Some of the world's natives screamed in shock at how big they were, Princess Celestia flew to them,

"I said to meet all of the rulers at once." Princess Celestia said sternly,

"Well, you were only in this area, you have to travel out to meet the rest." Tom replied, Princess Celestia glared at them,

"Fine, introduce yourselves, but I'd like to meet them all this time." Princess Celestia said,

"I am Anancus, the elephant king." Anancus said, the world's natives were surprised by how big his tusks were,

"My name is Argentavis, the king of birds." Argentavis said, everybody was shocked by how big the birds were,

"My name is Smilodon, I am the king of cats." Smilodon said, Rarity was shocked by what the cats looked like,

"I am Amphicyon, the dog king." Amphicyon said, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith were surprised,

"My name is Elasmotherium, the rhinoceros king." Elasmotherium said, the yaks were interested in meeting the rhinoceroses,

"I am Titanoboa, the king of snakes." Titanoboa said, Twilight Sparkle was extremely scared of him,

"I am Entelodont, the pig king." Entelodont said, Applejack was surprised and scared of him,

"My name is Megalania, king of the lizards." Megalania said,

"I am Megatherium, the king of the sloths." Megatherium said, everybody was surprised by how big he was,

"My name is Arctodus, I am the bear king." Arctodus said, Fluttershy was scared of him,

"Hey, wait, where are the apes?" a female microraptor asked, the others look around and they hear them walking, everybody saw them come, they were surprised by how big they were,

"I am Gigantopithecus, the ape king." Gigantopithecus said, Princess Celestia was surprised by how big they were, they see Arthropleura come forward, scaring the world's natives,

"I am Arthropleura, the bug king, I have bugs on the land, on the sea, in the sea, they used to be in the trees, and in the sky, they answer to me." Arthropleura said,

"Is that everyone?" Princess Celestia asked,

"No, there's still six more." Shantungosaurus replied,

"Take me to them." Princess Celestia said, she hears hopping to her right and looks, she saw frogs, Fluttershy was happy to see them,

"I am Beelzebufo, the frog king." Beelzebufo said,

"Alright, this way, the other five rulers live in the water." Tom said, and he takes Princess Celestia to the east. Princess Celestia walks with them and saw the alligators and crocodiles, Pinkie Pie was scared by how big they were,

"Who is this?" Sarcosuchus asked,

"I am the ruler of the country your land merged with." Princess Celestia replied,

"Oh, well, in that case, I am Sarcosuchus, the crocodile king." Sarcosuchus said,

"I am Deinosuchus, the alligator king." Deinosuchus said, a turtle comes up to the surface, Rainbow Dash was curious about it,

"I am Archelon, the turtle king." Archelon said, a squid comes up, everybody was shocked by how big it was,

"My name is Cameroceras, I am the squid king." Cameroceras said, a shark comes up to the surface, the hippogriffs scream in terror at how big it was,

"I am Megalodon, the shark king." Megalodon said,

"Is that all?" Deinosuchus asked,

"Well, yes." Princess Celestia replied,

"Then begone, those who walk on land and fly in the sky are not welcome into the sea." Sarcosuchus said, Princess Celestia was shocked, but she walked away with Tom.

Princess Celestia walks to Dommiel,

"Are there anymore rulers?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Nope, they were the last ones." Dommiel replied,

"Then who are you?" Princess Celestia asked,

"My name is Dommiel, I am the dragon king." Dommiel replied, the dragons native to the world become surprised and fly to him,

"Your world has dragons, too?" Princess Ember asked,

"Plenty." Dommiel replied,

"Let's see the rest." Dragon Lord Torch said, and they hear moving, they see dragons flying in the sky, they were wyverns, wingless dragons walk out of the caves, and serpentine dragons come up to the surface, out of the water, the dragons were surprised, they were a lot bigger than the dragons in the Dragon Lands,

"So, you guys don't have a ruler that rules over the others?" Spike asked,

"Not exactly, but I am the one they come to if they have complaints, so I guess the ruler would be me." Dommiel replied,

"What the? What are you doing over there, Spike? Get back here." Twilight Sparkle said, Spike groaned and flew back to her,

"So, this is the country, I am going to warn you all now to behave yourselves, if you cause trouble in my country, there will be severe consequences." Princess Celestia said, and she flew back to Canterlot, while the dragons went back to the Dragon Lands,

"Alright then, as I was saying earlier, stay in the country, we will continue things as we did back at home, and if you all feel like a crime was committed, come to me, that is all." Dommiel said, and the natives of Volvox's land continue with their days.

Dommiel goes under the ground and saw Volvox was laying down in the hellfire filled area,

"These people look like curious ones, Volvox." Dommiel said,

"I noticed, let's just continue with our ways of living, I hope it won't cause any problems." Volvox replied,

"Shall we attack the other countries, emperor?" Dommiel asked,

"No, we should take that white horse's words seriously, she doesn't sound like she's bluffing." Volvox replied,

"Alright then, I'll keep an eye on the others." Dommiel said,

"I'll watch as well, thanks for your help, Dommiel." Volvox replied, and Dommiel went back up to the surface.

The next day comes and it was a peaceful day until a male velociraptor was brought before Tom by Titanoboa,

"Tom, I found one of your people trying to steal the eggs of one of my females." Titanoboa said,

"Why are you stealing from one of the people?" Tom asked,

"It looks valuable to keep." the velociraptor said with a raspy voice, Tom glared at him,

"What were you planning to do with the eggs?" Tom asked,

"I thought it would be a better source of food than bugs." the velociraptor replied,

"Stealing is stealing." Tom said, the velociraptor became shocked,

"Wait, no." the velociraptor said,

"You are guilty, carry out his sentence, carnivores." Tom said, and four of the carnivorous dinosaurs eat him alive while he screams in pain. The ponies and changelings scream in horror while Twilight Sparkle flew into their land,

"What are you guys doing?!" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Punishing a criminal." Tom replied,

"What? But you guys just ate him!" Twilight Sparkle said,

"That is how our land works, every crime is punishable by death." Stegosaurus replied, the world's natives were shocked while the dragons were surprised,

"Whoa." Princess Ember said with bewilderment,

"How could you?!" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is our way, you commit a crime in our land, you die, the type of crime committed does not matter." a female tyrannosaurus replied, Twilight Sparkle was horrified. Princess Celestia flew into the land and flew in front of Dommiel's face while flapping her wings to stay in the air,

"No, I am not going to have such rules around my land, not all crimes are equal." Princess Celestia said,

"Uh, this law has been enforced ever since the adults here were kids, including myself." Dommiel replied,

"Well, maybe it's time for a change, I do not appreciate every crime being punished with death, I highly disapprove." Princess Celestia said,

"What will happen if we don't change it?" Dommiel asked,

"Yaks declare war!" Prince Rutherford replied, the other yaks were behind him and kicking dirt behind themselves with their feet,

"Good luck fighting all of us." Elasmotherium said,

"We will declare war as well." King Thorax said, the changelings changed to various creatures native to their world,

"You would declare war on us for punishing a criminal?" Argentinosaurus asked,

"I understand the need to punish criminals, but death for every crime is going too far." Princess Celestia replied,

"Well, some of us need to be fed, a lot of us can only digest meat." Tom said, the other carnivores nodded, the world's natives were surprised, but Fluttershy exclaimed out of shock and became extremely scared the dinosaurs will come to her cottage and eat her animals,

"What about the rest of you?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Some of us can only digest plants." Gigantopithecus replied,

"And the rest can digest both, meat and plants, the only drink we have here is water." Dommiel said,

"I see, so you all only have basic diets, we'll be watching you guys, you are in our world, so our rules." Princess Celestia said,

"So much for being completely neutral." a female giganotosaurus said, the natives of Volvox's land nodded,

"Wait, neutral?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yeah, we were originally planning to be completely neutral with all territories." Tom replied,

"Well, you won't, if we dislike something of your land, we will let you all know." Princess Celestia said, and she and Twilight Sparkle left, the creatures in Volvox's land exhale and sigh silently, they decide to go on with their days.

The next day comes and everything was peaceful until Smilodon walked to the dinosaurs with a dead American lion on his back, he lays it down,

"One of my best hunters got killed in a hunt yesterday, the bugs stung and bit him, I'm giving his body to you all as food." Smilodon said,

"Thanks, Smilodon, we really appreciate the offer." Tom replied, and the carnivores who lived on the land ate the American lion. The day goes on and everyone was bored, they hear the elephants sounding off their trunks in excitement, the animals of Volvox's land goes there, Volvox came out of the ground to watch as well. The creatures saw two mastodons fighting, they were wrestling with one another while the creatures watching cheered on. The world's natives hear them and look at them, the Pegasi, dragons, griffons, changelings, and hippogriffs flew up to see what was going on, they see the fight and the dragons and griffons become excited and watch, some of the Pegasi were excited to watch as well, while the other Pegasi, changelings, and hippogriffs were shocked to see what was going on.

The two mastodons fight and the creatures in Volvox's land cheer while Volvox just sits on his hind legs and watches, he smiled with his center head, the dragons and griffons cheer while they watched, they also hear cheering far away and they saw yaks on mountains and watching them, they were cheering and stomping their hooves, the creatures in Volvox's land realize they were enjoying it, they realize they had the potential to make allies. The two mastodons keep wrestling and try to attack one another with their tusks, the mastodon to the left wraps his trunk around the other mastodon and snaps its neck, the yaks, griffons, and dragons become shocked, the mastodon falls over dead while the natives in Volvox's land cheer,

"Good work, you still got it after all, okay carnivores, you all can eat this one." Anancus said, and they do, Volvox walks back to where he stayed under the ground,

"Wait, who is that?" Princess Ember asked, the dragons see him and watch him walk back, the ground bursts open and he goes into it, the dragons were surprised.

The creatures of Volvox's land get on with their days and they see the Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike looking at them with shock,

"What were you guys thinking?!" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"What? It's what we do for fun." Pachycephalosaurus replied,

"For fun?! That creature just died!" Rarity said angrily,

"He knew what he was in for, they volunteer willingly, and they're ready to die anytime." Tom replied, shocking the ponies,

"No! Fighting to the death is not fun!" Pinkie Pie said angrily,

"What's fun to you, then?" Entelodont asked,

"Parties!" Pinkie Pie replied happily, the creatures in Volvox's land were confused,

"Uh, what's a party?" Amphicyon asked, Pinkie Pie gasped,

"You guys don't know what a party is?" Pinkie Pie asked, the creatures in Volvox's land shake their heads,

"I am also noticing you all don't wear clothes, some fashion would be nice in this country." Rarity said,

"Uh, fashion?" Stegosaurus asked, Rarity was bewildered,

"How about air shows, like the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"We fly to survive, survey, and hunt, not entertain." Argentavis replied,

"Plus, we fight in the air, too, it's fun, you should try it." Arambourgiania said,

"Guys, fighting to the death is not cool." Rainbow Dash replied, the creatures in Volvox's land were confused,

"Uh, we don't understand how 'cool' is used in that sentence." a male quetzalcoatlus said,

"What does 'cool' mean to you guys?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Basically, the weather or wind is a bit cold." Tom replied,

"Oh, that's what it means to you guys, the word 'cool' also means awesome to us." Rainbow Dash said,

"Oh." the creatures said,

"Okay, we know what that means." Tom said, Rainbow Dash smiled,

"You guys can also try reading for fun." Twilight Sparkle said, the creatures became confused,

"Um, reading?" a male allosaurus asked, much to Twilight Sparkle's surprise,

"Do you guys know what a book is?" Twilight Sparkle asked, the creatures shake their heads,

"How about an animal shelter?" Fluttershy asked, the creatures shake their heads,

"Just look at my cottage, it's over there." Fluttershy said as she flew up and pointed her front left hoof there, they look and see it, the carnivores become happy at seeing it, believing they have found a new eating spot,

"We also grow food, y'all." Applejack said,

"We have enough food here to feed us all." a female woolly mammoth replied,

"Well, you guys should try some new things, come out of your country and to ours, we'd be honored to have you all." Twilight Sparkle said, and they leave, the creatures of Volvox's land had no intention of meeting the other countries, and they go on with their days just walking around, eating plants, fish, and bugs, drinking water, and tending to their young until the day ended.

The next day comes and nothing happened until afternoon, several Tiktaalik came to the land, out of the water, Amphicyon growls and barks at them, he and the other dogs chase them around the surface and the seven Tiktaalik run away. The dogs chase them around the surface and three of them go into the water, Megalodon and Mosasaurus lead the sharks and mosasaurs to them and jump out of the water, they try to eat the dogs but they move back. Arambourgiania and Argentavis see the sharks and mosasaurs were high up in the air, it causes them to order the pterosaurs and birds to attack them, they attack them, which makes Elasmosaurus and Kronosaurus lead the plesiosaurs and pilosaurs to join in on the fight. The other natives in the land hear the ruckus and go over to check it out, they go to them and try to break it up, but it causes them to get attacked by the others, and every creature in the land was soon fighting,

"Stop it! That's enough." Twilight Sparkle said as she, the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs broke them up,

"Land dwelling scum, you have some nerve coming into our water." Megalodon said,

"I can say the same about you water dwelling vermin coming onto our land." Amphicyon replied,

"Not to mention, you water dwelling vermin entered our skies." Argentavis said,

"And you sky dwelling garbage came to our land." Megalania replied, the creatures growled at one another, they were divided into three factions, the creatures who lived on land, the creatures who lived in the sea, and the creatures who flew in the sky,

"Halt, let's find out what started it, first." Arthropleura said,

"Seven of those Tiktaalik vermin came onto our land." Amphicyon replied, Sarcosuchus glared and went into the water, he comes out with seven of them,

"Is this them?" Sarcosuchus asked, Amphyicyon sniffs them and nods,

"Explain yourselves." Arctodus said,

"We were just curious on what the land looked like." a male Tiktaalik replied,

"If you're curious, then put your head up, over the surface, and look, you know better than associate yourself with land dwelling scum." Deinosuchus said,

"Yeah, don't come here, stay in the water with the rest of those vermin." Tom replied,

"Stay out of our skies, vermin." Argentavis said,

"And stay out of our water, you sky dwelling garbage." Archelon replied,

"Enough." Princess Celestia said as she walked to them,

"I will not have such hatred and animosity spread throughout my land depending on where one lives, you all can learn a thing or two about accepting differences." Princess Celestia said,

"We already get along with one another." Eotriceratops replied,

"I mean as in all areas, you all get along, despite being different creatures, but you all dislike those who do not live in the same type of environment as yourselves." Princess Celestia said,

"What's wrong with that?" Elasmotherium asked, shocking the world's natives,

"What do you mean what's with that?! There's a lot of things wrong about that!" Princess Cadence replied angrily,

"Like what?" Cameroceras asked,

"Do we really have to spell it out?" Queen Novo asked,

"Yeah, how do you guys not see the problem?" Princess Skystar asked,

"I can teach you guys some things, for a few bits." Grampa Gruff said, the creatures of Volvox's land were confused about what a bit was, but ignored it,

"When did this rule about the land, sea, and sky separation come into place, Dommiel?" Princess Celestia asked,

"It was intact even when the adults here, including myself, were little kids." Dommiel replied,

"Well, it's time you all changed that as well, you all need to learn to live together in harmony." Princess Celestia said, and she left along with the world's natives, the creatures in Volvox's land just get on with their days after reluctantly sparing the seven Taktaaliks.

Volvox was in the underworld and watching his land with his magic, he was not liking the world's natives, he thought his kingdom was perfect. Dommiel entered the underworld and walked to him,

"What shall I do, Volvox?" Dommiel asked,

"Manage the land, and I apologize in advance if you receive any harsh words from the rulers." Volvox replied,

"I don't understand why they want to change it, the kingdom's perfect." Dommiel said,

"I agree, and I wanted us to be neutral, but they just had to butt in." Volvox replied,

"I know, right, this is our land they're in, and we have to obey their rules." Dommiel said,

"They also don't seem to respect our ways, those horses can learn a thing or two." Volvox replied,

"I know, right, wanting us to be friends, we're already friends with one another, and we're doing what we have to do in order to survive, plus, I don't see anyone complaining about your rule." Dommiel said,

"It's that stupid Maker's fault, it thinks I need to change my kingdom, it does not listen to the thoughts and opinions of you guys." Volvox replied,

"Exactly, and all of us like your rule." Dommiel said,

"Well, I suppose there's nothing to do, I'm aware some of them are going to try to declare war if we don't change our ways, and one more thing, Dommiel, watch out for those shapeshifters, they might be able to disguise themselves as one of us." Volvox said,

"Yeah, I know, well, back to the surface." Dommiel replied, and he goes up.

Dommiel goes up and he saw General Seaspray in the country, he was flying, he flew to the water,

"What are you doing here?" Deinosuchus asked,

"I'm just here to ask a question." General Seaspray replied,

"What is it?" Sarcosuchus asked,

"Why didn't I see any of you when I first swam here?" General Seaspray asked,

"We hid by going deeper into the water." Deinosuchus replied,

"Okay, that's all." General Seaspray said,

"Good, now leave." Deinosuchus replied, and General Seaspray flew away.

A few hours pass and they hear a commotion in Ponyville,

"Snakes! Snakes!" Twilight Sparkle said as she shrieked and backed away from them, the creatures in Volvox's land had an idea,

"Hey, miss, you in the purple, someone has agreed with your ways." Tom said, Twilight Sparkle realized she was being called over and flew to them,

"Really?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yes, come on, get on my tail, I'll put you in their territory." Argentinosaurus replied,

"Thank you, that is really nice of you." Twilight Sparkle said, and she gets on his tail and he puts her in the territory. Twilight Sparkle walks forward and does not see anyone, Titanoboa slithers to in front of her and his snakes surround her. Twilight Sparkle became extremely scared, there was many forty two feet long snakes around her, she screams at the top of her lungs and runs away. Eqeustria hears her screaming and Princess Celestia walked onto her castle's balcony,

"Twilight?" Princess Celestia asked with worry, they saw her run out of Volvox's land while screaming her lungs out, Night Light and Twilight Velvet run to her and hug her while Twilight Sparkle panted heavily with fear,

"What's wrong, dear?" Twilight Velvet asked, they hear slithering and saw Titanoboa and his snakes,

"Oh, that's it, you always were scared of snakes ever since you were a filly." Night Light said, Titanoboa slithers away and his snakes follow him while Twilight Sparkle was still scared,

"There, there, Twilight, they're gone now." Twilight Velvet said, and Twilight Sparkle looked back, she looked and saw the creatures in Volvox's land just went on with their days, she let it go because she thought them scaring her was unintentional, even though it was, she let it go and flew back to her castle, the natives of Volvox's land snicker.

A few hours pass and everybody hears grunting, they look and see the changelings were trying something, Ocellus was among them,

"Come on, gang, on three, one, two, three." King Thorax said, and they try to change into the dinosaurs, but several of them scream in pain and they all change back, they pant and sweat, they realize they could not change into the dinosaurs, since they were too big, and they were too tired to stand up. The changelings get back up after twenty minutes and try to change into some of the smaller creatures in Volvox's land, they were successful, the biggest animal they could change into were the apes, they finish after sometime and go back home.

The next day comes and they all go on with their days, Twilight Sparkle flew to Volvox's land,

"Okay, everycreature, let's start by trying to make friends with one another." Twilight Sparkle said,

"But we're already friends with one another." Gigantopithecus replied,

"Well, that's wonderful, I was hoping you all could learn to bond even more." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Us walkers already work together to survive." Tom replied,

"The fliers already fly in packs to help one another find food." Argentavis said,

"And the swimmers swim together in peace." Beelzebufo said, and the creatures who lived on land placed their heads together and smiled, so did the flying creatures, and the creatures who lived in the water. Twilight Sparkle grumbled and placed her front hooves on her face and moved them down, she then stood on all fours,

"That is not what I meant!" Twilight Sparkle said in a very annoyed tone, the creatures of Volvox's land stop smiling and looked at her while confused, Twilight Sparkle calmed down,

"What I mean is for you all to befriend the creatures who live in different environments from you guys, you all on land should befriend the ones who fly and swim, the flying creatures befriend those who live on land and in the sea, and the swimming creatures bond with those who fly and walk on the land." Twilight Sparkle said,

"And why should we do that?" Stegosaurus asked,

"Because I noticed tensions between the three are very high, having friends would help." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Ma'am, there are several flaws in your plan." Tom said,

"Like what?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"First of all, all of us on land here can't fly, we can't breathe underwater, either." Tom replied,

"Then you can have the fliers go swim those in the sea." Twilight Sparkle said,

"We can't breathe underwater, either." a male sordes replied,

"Then have the swimmers come up to land." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Almost all of us cannot breathe out of the water." Sarcosuchus replied,

"Ugh!" Twilight Sparkle said as she slapped her own forehead with her front left hoof,

"See? Only me, Dommiel, and Arthropleura have can have our kind live in all three areas, most of them are only one, and a few of them have two." Tom said,

"Wait, speaking of Dommiel, where is he?" Twilight Sparkle asked, Dommiel flies out of the water, he lands in front of her,

"What is it?" Dommiel asked,

"Tell the dragons to come out as well." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Guys, over here." Dommiel said loudly, the wyverns fly down, the wingless dragons walked on all fours, they came out of the caves, and the serpentine dragons came out of the water,

"The rest of the creatures will be coming here to unify you guys soon, we have already labeled who's going to deal with who." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Yeah? Good luck getting through to the swimmers." Smilodon replied,

"Don't worry, we have a plan for that." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Which one are you doing?" a male tyrannosaurus asked,

"Land, you guys, and if possible, I'll be doing the fliers, too." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"You are not welcome among our kind." a male pterodactyl said, shocking Twilight Sparkle,

"What? Why not?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"You said it yourself, you got wings when you became a princess, but you didn't have them before that, therefore, you are not a true flier, and thus, not welcome among us." a female microraptor replied, Twilight Sparkle was shocked,

"Why are you doing this for anyway?" Eotriceratops asked,

"Because you guys are violent and aggressive to those who don't live in the same environments as you guys." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"We're fine being separated." a female tyrannosaurus said, the creatures in Volvox's land agree with her,

"We're not, all of that ruckus yesterday really disturbed us, we'd like for you to live in harmony like the rest of us." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"That only happens every once in a while." a male dragon in the water said,

"Once in a while isn't enough, we want it to never happen." Twilight Sparkle replied, the creatures in Volvox's land were surprised and realized what they wanted to do,

"What do you say, Dommiel?" Tom asked,

"If it prevents us from making enemies, let's try it." Dommiel replied,

"Thank you, the rest will be here shortly." Twilight Sparkle said, and they wait. Ten minutes pass and the other creatures arrive, Twilight Sparkle had the unicorns, earth ponies, alicorns, and yaks go to the creatures who lived on land, they were also the biggest group, while the Pegasi, dragons, and griffons went to the creatures who flew in the sky, the hippogriffs went to the creatures in the sea, and the changelings went to all three.

The world's natives learn that the creatures did not have a culture or any customs or traditions, they just did what they had to do in order to survive,

"This is no fun!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Ah know how ya feel, Pinkie, but they ain't civilized like us, they're like wild animals." Applejack replied, Pinkie Pie was still disappointed,

"Where'd ya go, Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked as she looked around.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle went to the sauropods,

"Excuse me, mister." Apple Bloom said, and Argentinosaurus looked at them,

"Can we stand on your head?" Scootaloo asked,

"What the? A flier?" Argentinosaurus asked,

"Yeah, but my wings are defective, I can't fly at all." Scootaloo replied,

"Then you are not welcome in any of the environments." Argentinosaurus said, Scootaloo was shocked,

"Wait, then what happens to that person?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Eaten alive by the carnivores." Argentinosaurus replied, Scootaloo was scared,

"Well, we were bored, and wondered if we go on you for a ride." Apple Bloom said,

"Get on my tail." Argentinosaurus replied, the three fillies were excited and got on, Argentinosaurus turned around and dropped the three in the water, south of their land, they screamed as they fell into the water. Rainbow Dash flew to them and got them out, she dried them as well with the leaves on the ground, Fluttershy went over to them,

"Oh, that wasn't very nice of him, let's get you three dried up." Fluttershy said, and she helps,

"I guess you three were lucky, at least he didn't put you guys over there." Rainbow Dash said as she looked to the east, the Cutie Mark Crusaders look and see the animals in the water, the three became scared at seeing them and decided to stay with the other ponies for the time.

Ocellus and Silverstream were in the water and swam to the marine animals, more changelings and the hippogriffs were with them,

"Begone, you are not welcome here." Mosasaurus said,

"But we can swim in the water, too." Ocellus replied,

"You are not a true swimmer, you all walk on land." Kronosaurus said,

"Actually, her kind and my kind also fly in our regular forms." Silverstream replied,

"Do you all live on the land or in the trees?" Shonisaurus asked,

"Actually, my kind originally lived on a mountain." Silverstream replied,

"And my kind lives in a cave." Ocellus said,

"So you all are land dwelling scum and sky dwelling garbage, get out of our water." Megalodon said,

"I find your manners to be lacking." General Seaspray said,

"Well, you are in our territory." Cameroceras replied,

"Go back to the surface before we eat you all as food." a male liopleurodon said, the changelings and hippogriffs become scared and go back up to the surface.

The Pegasi, griffons, dragons, and changelings learn about how the birds, flying dragons, and pterosaurs live, but they just did what they had to in order to survive, everything was the same, they all did the same thing, there was no diversity on how they lived,

"Why are those deer-like creatures flying with us?" Argentavis asked,

"Because we can technically live anywhere." King Thorax replied,

"Go back to living with your fellow land dwelling scum." Arambourgiania said, offending the changelings, the other creatures were offended as well,

"Why are the rest of you getting offended?" a male flying dragon from Volvox's land asked,

"Those are our friends!" Princess Ember replied,

"I still don't understand why you fliers are friends with those walkers." a female bird said,

"Actually, dragons usually don't do friends." Smolder replied,

"You mean, no friends at all?" a female flying dragon from Volvox's land asked, the dragons native to the world nod,

"Griffons usually don't do friends, either." Gallus said,

"Yeah, we only be your friend if you have money." Gilda said,

"Uh, what's money?" Dommiel asked, the world's natives were surprised,

"You guys don't know what money is?" Spike asked,

"We don't have that in our land, so no." Arambourgiania replied, the world's natives were surprised,

"So, you guys don't have to buy or sell anything to make a living." Rainbow Dash said,

"We don't know what that is, but no, we only need to eat, drink, and hunt to survive." a female quetzalcoatlus replied,

"Well, not all of us need to hunt, some of us live by eating plants and leaves." a female microraptor said, surprising them,

"Maybe you all should come to my cottage, I think you all can learn a thing or two about friendship there." Fluttershy said, the flying creatures were confused,

"Think about it, guys, you might make some new friends there as well." Rainbow Dash said, and they flew away.

The unicorns, alicorns, earth ponies, yaks, and changelings walk together to learn about the creatures who lived on the land, Flurry Heart stayed behind because the creatures in the land scared her. The land creatures did not have any differences in their way of living besides their diet and how they kill their prey,

"Well, that's everything, there's literally nothing left to learn about us." a male triceratops said,

"But this is so boring." Pinkie Pie replied,

"How so?" Eotriceratops asked,

"You all live the same way, there is no cultural difference between you creatures." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Uh, cultural?" Entelodont asked, surprising the world's natives,

"Twilight, I think this may be an underdeveloped country, I heard in the sky that these creatures don't have any currency, either." Princess Celestia said, Twilight Sparkle took note of it in her head,

"What do you all do for fun?" Princess Luna asked,

"We told you, fight to the death." Arctodus replied,

"You guys don't play games?" Shining Armor asked,

"The herbivores see who can eat the most plants in one meal, the carnivores see who can hunt and kill the most bugs and fish, and the omnivores can do either one." Megalania replied,

"Yak don't see music." Prince Rutherford said,

"We don't know what that is." Megatherium replied, everybody was scared of him due to his height, he was twenty feet tall when he stood on his hind legs,

"Yona want know what horn animal do." Yona said,

"We're the same, we work together to eat, drink, and survive." Elasmotherium replied,

"Yeah, we don't really have much time for entertainment, we all work together to defend our land from those swimmers and fliers." Anancus said,

"See, that's the thing, you guys need to get along with them." Princess Cadence replied,

"About that, actually, we're mostly neutral with them, but we get along with the fliers better than we do with the swimmers, conflict between those who fly in the sky and those who swim in the sea is very intense." Tom said,

"Well, you all need to work with that, waking up to hear you all fighting would be very unpleasant for me." Princess Celestia replied,

"Well, that's everything I needed to know, we'll be going now." Twilight Sparkle said, and the world's natives leave. All of the world's natives gather together south of Volvox's land,

"We couldn't get much, how about you guys?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"They told the changelings to get out of their skies." Gallus replied,

"They forced us out of the water, too." Ocellus said,

"Any information?" Princess Celestia asked,

"The fliers just eat, drink, hunt, and survive." Gabby replied,

"The swimmers didn't tell us anything, they told us we're not true swimmers, and we had to leave because they threatened to eat us as food." Terramar said, Silverstream grunted and groaned while moving her head around and pulling on her own ears with her talons,

"This is so frustrating!" Silverstream said,

"Hold on, I have an idea." Queen Novo replied, and she flew to Mount Aris. Queen Novo commands the whales to go to Volvox's land and gather information on those who swim in the water,

"What do we have here?" Kronosaurus asked as he saw the whales coming, they spoke in their own language, and the creatures in Volvox's land understood them, they reported back to Queen Novo, she went back to them,

"It's the same as the others, they eat, drink, hunt, and survive." Queen Novo said,

"So, in other words, they have no culture." Starlight Glimmer replied,

"Yeah, it seems to be that way." Sunburst said,

"Got a problem with that?" Tom asked them from behind, it startled them and they look at him,

"Yes, we want you all to be friends." Silverstream replied,

"We are friends." Tom said,

"No, have friendship spread on land and sky and sea." Silverstream replied,

"It's not that simple." Tom said,

"I'll admit, this is actually a lot harder than I expected." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Come on, maybe you all will learn better at my cottage." Fluttershy said, and she flew, Tom had a few theropods come with him, and they follow her, her five friends also went with her.

The Mane Six take Tom and his theropods to Fluttershy's cottage, Twilight Sparkle looked up and made sure the other creatures were watching, they arrive at the cottage, and see Fluttershy's animals, they look and see she had many different types of animals,

"See, I have creatures who walk, fly, and swim, and we all live together." Fluttershy said,

"What is it that brings them here?" a female allosaurus asked,

"Well, I take care of them and nurse them back to health." Fluttershy replied, the theropods had something else on their mind,

"Hey, you guys don't seem to be listening." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sorry, we gave into our instincts for a second there." Tom replied,

"Honestly, y'all, y'all seem to give into yer instincts all the time." Applejack said, Fluttershy introduced her other animals,

"These are my animals, plenty to see, and plenty to choose to have as a pet." Fluttershy said,

"Actually, we're choosing which one to eat." Tom replied, Fluttershy became horrified while Pinkie Pie screamed with shock, the other four gathered around,

"Don't you dare!" Rarity said angrily,

"Seriously, guys, not cool." Rainbow Dash said,

"That is our instinct, we are carnivores." Tom replied, the other theropods nod,

"Well, restrain it, and don't you dare eat any of her pets, Fluttershy works long and hard to take care of them, come on now, let's go to my place." Twilight Sparkle said, and she goes to her castle with the dinosaurs following her, the other four went home, only Fluttershy was there, she was now scared.

The dinosaurs see Twilight Sparkle's castle was made out of gems, they have never seen anything like it, Twilight Sparkle came out with several books,

"Okay now, these are what we call books, they have many functions, keeping records, recording history, reading for fun, education, and so on, we also have picture books, I'll show you all one." Twilight Sparkle said, and she uses her telekinesis to make one float, the dinosaurs watched her horn. Twilight Sparkle opened one book and it had words in it, the dinosaurs look at it and they could not read,

"Uh, what are these symbols?" Tom asked,

"They're called letters." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Letter?" a female velociraptor asked,

"You know, the most basic thing for a written language." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Written?" a male giganotosaurus asked, Twilight Sparkle was surprised, but she noticed how small their arms were in proportion to the rest of their bodies, so they probably could not write with them, and she can tell their teeth would break any written utensil with the slightest force,

"Hey, wait a minute." a male chilesaurus said, he smells the book,

"This smells like plants." the male chilesaurus said,

"Well, the pages are made out of plants and leaves." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"What a waste of food." a female tyrannosaurus said, the other dinosaurs agreed, Twilight Sparkle was bewildered,

"Guys, plants and meat can be used for more things than just eating." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Like what?" Tom asked,

"Plants can be used as books as I have, they can also be used to cure sicknesses and diseases, and make potions, while meat can be used to lure dangerous animals away and set traps." Twilight Sparkle replied, the dinosaurs were surprised, but they decided they have seen enough,

"Well, I guess we saw what we needed to see." Tom said, and they go back to their country.

Dusk begins to approach and the clouds in the sky begin moving to Volvox's land on its own, the world's natives look on with surprise, the clouds gather into a circle and they spin counterclockwise, with a hole in the clouds that revealed the sky,

"I would like to see the ruler." the Maker said, the world's natives were surprised when they heard the voice, it was a male's voice and a female's voice speaking together, Dommiel flew out of the sky and went to the Maker,

"Yes?" Dommiel asked while smirking,

"The supreme ruler! Not the second-in-command!" the Maker replied angrily, the world's natives become shocked,

"Second-in-command?!" Princess Cadence asked, the ground in Volvox's land bursts open and Volvox comes out, the world's natives were extremely shocked, Volvox was three thousand feet tall, he was taller than every creature in the land, he was three hundred feet long, and three hundred fifty feet wide, along with having three heads. Volvox walks forward while the creatures on the land step to the sides to let him through,

"What?" Volvox asked with his center head, his deep and booming voice scared the world's natives,

"Are you still hiding under the ground?" the Maker asked,

"Why should I interfere with how my people live?" Volvox asked, the natives of his land agree,

"What about you natives, what do you all have to say about his rule?" the Maker asked,

"We like his rule." Elasmosaurus replied, the other creatures agree,

"Fine." the Maker said, and it makes big moose appear in the land,

"Let's see if you can get a species who is not native to your land to live with the others, I'll be watching you." the Maker said, and the clouds stopped spinning around.

The moose look around and see the natives of the land,

"Is this the place?" a male moose asked, they look and see the animals,

"Yup, this is it." a female moose replied, they look at the other creatures,

"I am Volvox, the emperor of this land, I will be under the ground, watching you all, I am not to be disturbed about anything, if you have something to say or any complaints, address it to my second-in-command over there, his name is Dommiel, he and the other natives will teach you how to live in this country." Volvox said, and he began to walk back,

"Really, emperor? We have to help these creatures adapt to living with us? Look at how small they are, they look weak as well, they might as well be food for us, plus, I fear their descendants are going to be small and weak creatures that will not be able to..." a male tyrannosaurus said, Volvox turned around and looked at him,

"Stop your complaining, your descendant's a chicken." Volvox replied, the creatures in his land were confused while the world's natives were extremely shocked, Fluttershy looked at a chicken and at the tyrannosaurus, she was too shocked to say anything. Princess Celestia flies to Volvox while he was turning around,

"Emperor Volvox, I would like a few words with you." Princess Celestia said while Volvox began to walk away,

"Direct your words to Dommiel." Volvox replied as he walked away, Princess Celestia flew to in front of him,

"No, I wish to speak to you directly, you will not ignore me." Princess Celestia said, Volvox stopped walking,

"I was told Dommiel was the ruler, you all lied to me, I do not like being lied to." Princess Celestia said,

"Well, I don't really do anything, so Dommiel is basically the one with the power." Volvox replied,

"Aren't you the one who created them?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Well, yes." Volvox replied,

"Then you are the one with the power, I would like to know why you do not interact with your people." Princess Celestia said,

"Why should I? I let them live how they want, and they like my rule." Volvox replied,

"Well, my country and the others don't, you need to make a few changes." Princess Celestia said,

"My citizens disagree." Volvox replied,

"Then perhaps they should watch us, and change." Princess Celestia said, Volvox did not respond, he just walked past her while she watched him, the ground opens by itself and Volvox goes in, it fixed itself, she flew away and everybody watched the moose in Volvox's country.

The moose met the other creatures and were introduced to the rulers, and told about the separation of the land, sky, and sea creatures, they settled down afterwards,

"What is the name of your kind?" Tom asked,

"Cervalces." a male moose replied,

"Okay then, first off, you all need a ruler, that person will either be called King Cervalces or Queen Cervalces, who gets to rule is determined by physical strength, you all will have to fight for it, whoever is left standing at the end is the one who will rule your kind, may the physically strongest moose win." Tom said,

"What?! No!" Twilight Sparkle said as she and the ponies went to their land, the dragons, griffons, and yaks thought that was a good way to determine a ruler,

"That's how y'all determine who gets to rule?" Applejack asked,

"Of course, we need to survive, and the ruler has to defend their own kind, so the physically strongest member of their kind becomes the ruler." Anancus replied, the ponies were shocked,

"No, I will not have a ruler of a group determined in such a barbaric way, physical strength is unnecessary to rule." Princess Celestia said,

"What is necessary, then?" Stegosaurus asked,

"Having intelligence, along with empathy, a ruler must be kind, generous, loyal, honest, and try to bring hopes up when they are down, a ruler who lacks such things, and only has physical strength, is not fit to be a ruler." Princess Celestia replied,

"You mean intelligence when it comes to hunting, right?" Pachycephalosaurus asked,

"No, politics." Princess Celestia replied, the creatures in Volvox's land were confused,

"We will choose the ruler for them, you all need to reconsider your rulers as well." Princess Celestia said,

"Ooh, this might be fun, let's give it a try." a female moose said,

"Okay, but don't come complaining to us if your ruler gets killed." Smilodon replied, the ponies glare at them,

"Come on, I'll show you all around." Fluttershy said, and she led them, the creatures in Volvox's land get on with their days.

The moose come back and they saw a female moose leading them,

"I just got called Queen Cervalces." the female moose said,

"You're... kind of small." Tom replied,

"Yeah, they didn't have us fight to see who was the physically strongest, they did tests to see what our personalities were like." Queen Cervalces said,

"Well, look at that. Are you all still willing to try our way?" Amphicyon asked, the moose nodded,

"Alright, there are a few rules, first of all, these are fights to determine the strongest, you will be disqualified to rule if you kill your opponent, even if it's accidental, second, no fatal injuries are allowed to inflicted, third, you have to fight every single person in your group once, you cannot fight the same person twice, fourth, no hits to the head, heart, or groin, and fifth, no biting, stabbing, or scratching." Tom said, the moose nodded and they began wrestling one another, they did not use their antlers to fight.

The creatures on the land watch them and the female moose lost before any male lost, the males were physically stronger than the females, just like the other creatures, the biggest male moose won,

"Well, which one do you guys want?" Megatherium asked, and the moose vote,

"I'll be staying the ruler." Queen Cervalces replied,

"Alright then, plus, it'll probably make the other countries mad if we had the ruler be the physically strongest." Arthropleura said, the other creatures in Volvox's land agreed,

"Well, you all know the rules, stay out of the water, and don't jump too high, or the creatures in the sea and sky will get you guys, follow those rules, and everything will be just fine." Dommiel said, and they live in Volvox's land.

The next day comes and fighting was heard, they saw the creatures in the water and the creatures in the sky were fighting again, but it was not that loud, it stopped after a few minutes. The Mane Six decided to go to their country and bring their pets,

"What the? What is this?" Argentavis asked as he looked at Owlowiscious,

"He's an owl, kind of common in our country." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"A flier serving a walker?" Arambourgiania asked,

"No, don't look at it that way, we live together peacefully." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"What is he to you?" Arambourgiania asked,

"He's my pet." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Pet? He serves under you as a slave?" Argentavis asked,

"No, I take care of him and feed him, while he does what he wants to do." Twilight Sparkle replied, the flying creatures were still confused.

Rainbow Dash went to the water and called out for Archelon and his turtles, she showed them Tank,

"This is Tank, he and I live together in peace." Rainbow Dash said,

"What the? I've never seen a land dwelling turtle before." Archelon replied,

"Yeah, he's kind of unique, I've never seen anymore like him, either." Rainbow Dash said,

"Does he hunt and eat meat like Archelon's turtles?" Beelzebufo asked,

"He eats anything, actually." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Does he hunt?" Archelon asked,

"Uh, no." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Plus, he doesn't have flippers, he's a land dweller, thus, not welcome here." Elasmosaurus said,

"I know, I just thought you guys would've liked to meet another type of turtle." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Turtles who live on land do not concern me." Archelon replied,

"Oh, well, I tried." Rainbow Dash said, and she flew away with Tank.

Fluttershy showed all of the land animals Angel Bunny,

"Everycreature, meet Angel Bunny, my main pet." Fluttershy said,

"Uh, what is this?" Titanoboa asked,

"He's a leporid, they're also known as bunnies and rabbits." Fluttershy replied,

"Wait, did you say he's your pet?" a female velociraptor asked,

"Yes, why?" Fluttershy asked,

"By pet, do you mean he's your slave?" Tom asked,

"Oh no, it's him who bosses me around." Fluttershy replied,

"This term 'pet' is very confusing." Arctodus said, the others agreed, Fluttershy then went on to explain elaborately.

Pinkie Pie went to the alligators and crocodiles to show them her pet,

"Meet Gummy, my pet alligator." Pinkie Pie said,

"Alligator? He looks like a midget to me." Deinosuchus said, he then laughed alongside Sarcosuchus, and the other alligators and crocodiles,

"He's still a baby." Pinkie Pie replied,

"A baby? Even a baby alligator or crocodile in our water can swallow him whole." Sarcosuchus said, Pinkie Pie was uneasy,

"Well, he's still a baby, so, maybe he'll grow up to be big and strong like you guys." Pinkie Pie said,

"I doubt it." Deinosuchus replied,

"Well... I hoped you all enjoyed meeting Gummy, he and I will be going now, so bye-bye." Pinkie Pie said, and she left with Gummy, the alligators and crocodiles native to Volvox's land sigh in relief with her gone, they found her to be really annoying.

Rarity took Opalescence to meet Smilodon and his cats,

"Now, as you can see, this is Opal, my prized jewel, she is a bit moody, so please be careful when you approach her." Rarity said, Smilodon and his cats just look at her,

"What is that on her head?" Smilodon asked,

"Why, it's a ribbon." Rarity replied, Smilodon and his cats glare at her,

"What?" Rarity asked,

"Why?" a female homotherium asked,

"Well, it's fashionable." Rarity replied,

"That will get in the way of her hunts." a male saber-toothed tiger said,

"Actually, it doesn't." Rarity replied,

"How about hiding? The other hunters will find her easily with that." Smilodon said,

"Well, we don't have hunters in our home." Rarity replied, Smilodon and his cats were surprised,

"What about that thing on her neck? How does she breathe with that thing on?" Smilodon asked,

"Why, it's a collar, some pet owners use it so they can remember the name of their pets, and it's not tight, our pets can breathe easily with collars." Rarity replied,

"What do you guys do with them?" a female saber-toothed tiger asked,

"Well, we do have pet shows, where we make them as beautiful as possible, and the most beautiful pet wins." Rarity replied,

"What else?" a female homotherium asked,

"They also catch pests in our homes if they invade, and do what we tell them to do, that's what pets do." Rarity replied, Smilodon and his cats glare at her,

"Sounds like slavery to me." Smilodon said, his cats agreed, Rarity exclaimed with shock,

"It most certainly is not, we are the caretakers of our pets, we feed them and play with them." Rarity said,

"And what do they do when none of you are around?" a female dinictis asked,

"Whatever they want." Rarity replied,

"Oh, okay, so it's not slavery." Smilodon said,

"Phew, I'm glad we cleared that misunderstanding, Opal here likes to hunt from time to time as well." Rarity replied,

"All cats do." Smilodon said,

"Well, I have to go now, darlings, hope we can meet again." Rarity replied, and she and Opal left.

Applejack took Winona to meet the dogs, Amphicyon smelled her,

"What is this?" Amphicyon asked,

"This is Winona, she's part of mah family." Applejack replied,

"I understand walkers befriending other walkers, but two different types being related is unheard of." a male dire wolf said,

"No, y'all, long story short, she's adopted." Applejack said,

"Oh." Amphicyon and his dogs said,

"Now that makes sense, it is good that walkers are willing to adopt orphaned fellow walkers." Amphicyon said, Applejack smiled,

"Where did you all find her?" a female aelurodon asked,

"Honestly, y'all, her parents lived with mah family, they already passed, but we still consider her a part of our family." Applejack replied,

"What is that around her neck?" a male borophagus asked,

"That's her collar, it's so we can remember her name." Applejack replied,

"Really? It looks like it's meant to strangle her to me." Amphicyon said,

"It ain't, y'all, it also lets the others know who she is, her name's right there." Applejack replied,

"How tight can it get?" Amphicyon asked,

"It's on at its tightest right now." Applejack replied, Amphicyon and his dogs examine the collar, they see it was,

"Okay, never mind." Amphicyon said, and they move back,

"Well, the sun's startin' to set, we have to go home now." Applejack said,

"Alright, don't get eaten." Amphicyon replied, and they leave. The Mane Six decided to see how Queen Cervalces and her moose were doing, they were getting along peacefully, and were happy, seeing a chance to finally perhaps unite the land, sky, and sea, they all head home and the night comes.

The next day comes and King Thorax and the changelings change to the smaller creatures of the land and enter Volvox's land, they were planning to report to the other countries if things have changed, but while they walked around and blended in completely, the other animals smelled them and attacked them. The changelings change back and run away while screaming, the other five creatures living in the world go to them,

"It's no use, they can smell us out, we can't disguise ourselves as them." King Thorax said,

"So, you guys can't live among them?" Starlight Glimmer asked, the changelings shook their heads,

"They can tell us apart by scent." Ocellus replied,

"Wow, they must have strong senses of smell, not even we can smell odor on you guys." Sandbar said,

"Well, it was worth trying, come on, let's see how those moose are doing." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she flew to them. Twilight Sparkle went to them and saw something strange, they had two rulers,

"What the?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Oh, we decided to try something different." Queen Cervalces replied,

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Since you guys want our ruler to be the most empathetic and kind hearted, and these guys want our ruler to be the physically strongest, we decided to have two rulers, one for you guys, and one for them." King Cervalces replied,

"Oh, uh... okay, this isn't what I expected." Twilight Sparkle said,

"What do you have in mind today?" Queen Cervalces asked,

"Actually, I was hoping to see which members of each kind were the most empathetic and caring." Twilight Sparkle replied, the other creatures in Volvox's land refused, they can tell it was going to take too long,

"Uh, guys, all they did was show us different types of animals that were fine, sick, or injured, and they would see our reactions, test was short." Queen Cervalces said,

"It's still going to take too long to do all of us." Tom replied, Twilight Sparkle saw Tom did have a point,

"Do you moose get along with the creatures on land?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yup, we're already friends with all of them." King Cervalces replied,

"Yeah, getting them adopted to the country was easy." Anancus said, the other creatures agreed,

"Okay, come now, let's go to the water and see if you guys can befriend someone in the sea." Twilight Sparkle said, and she took the moose there,

"What are you land dwelling scum doing here?" Sarcosuchus asked, Twilight Sparkle was offended already, but she ignored it and continued with her plans,

"Go now, try to ask kindly for something." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Uh, can we bathe in the water?" Queen Cervalces asked uncomfortably,

"If you wish to be eaten alive." Deinosuchus replied, shocking Twilight Sparkle,

"Wait, let's try someone else." Twilight Sparkle said, Megalodon came up to the surface,

"You can enter if you wish, some of my sharks are hungry for your flesh." Megalodon said,

"Uh, no thanks." King Cervalces replied, Megalodon snickered while he went back under the water,

"Um, are there any herbivores under the water?" Queen Cervalces asked, a hammerhead creature came up,

"I'm one." the hammerhead creature replied,

"Go on, introduce yourselves." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I'm Queen Cervalces." Queen Cervalces said,

"Atopodentatus." the hammerhead creature said,

"Okay, now talk about the plants you all have." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I eat leaves." Queen Cervalces said,

"Seaweed." Atopodentatus replied, the two look at Twilight Sparkle,

"Uh, doing this doesn't feel right." Atopodentatus said,

"You all are stepping out of your comfort zone, it's a normal feeling." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Why are you making us do this?" Queen Cervalces asked,

"Because friendship has no boundaries, it doesn't matter what type of creature you are, what species you are, what your gender is, how old you are, what social class you come from, or what environment you live in, it's all about your personality and interests, friendship can spread on the land, in the sky, and in the sea, it is not separated like how guys are." Twilight Sparkle replied, the creatures of Volvox's land were surprised,

"You do know you're still disrespecting our ways, right?" Deinosuchus asked,

"That's another thing, if the three environments come together, then you all can help one another survive instead of fighting one another." Twilight Sparkle replied, the creatures thought about it,

"Go on, keep trying." Twilight Sparkle said,

"What do you say, Dommiel?" Tom asked,

"I guess it's worth a try." Dommiel replied,

"What about the emperor?" Argentinosaurus asked,

"Do as you wish." Volvox replied from under the ground, the rulers of the world go to where Volvox's voice came from,

"Volvox, we would like a word with you." Princess Celestia said,

"Direct it to Dommiel." Volvox replied,

"No, it's about your rule, your ways of making them live." Princess Luna said,

"Oh, never mind, what is it?" Volvox asked,

"Why do you have them separated by land, sky, and sea for?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Because some can't fly, some can't swim or breathe underwater, and some can't walk on land or breathe out of the water." Volvox replied,

"Didn't you make them like that?" Princess Skystar asked,

"It wasn't my choice." Volvox replied,

"Why did you make them the way they are?" Queen Novo asked,

"The Maker told me to, it sent my kingdom here because it wanted to me to change my kingdom." Volvox replied,

"Well, it did have good intentions, I mean, your kingdom is very flawed." Shining Armor said, a chord was struck inside of Volvox, but he restrained it,

"Yeah, I mean, the dragons in this world have fighting for entertainment, too, but we fight until one is defeated, not to the death." Princess Ember said,

"You're not going to try to fight Dommiel to rule the dragons in my land, are you?" Volvox asked,

"No, we will only fight if he attacks us." Dragon Lord Torch replied,

"Is this why you all are here?" Volvox asked,

"Yak want know why three head man make creatures separated in first place." Prince Rutherford replied,

"I already said why." Volvox said,

"What is the Maker?" Princess Ember asked,

"A god without a physical body." Volvox replied,

"Heh, no wonder why it hasn't appeared in person." Grampa Gruff said,

"If you're going to continue talking about this, I literally have nothing more to say on the subject." Volvox replied,

"I would appreciate it if you came out, Volvox." Princess Celestia said,

"Stand back, then." Volvox replied, and they moved back, the ground bursts open and Volvox appeared, the ground fixed itself when he was out,

"See anything of interest, Volvox?" Princess Luna asked,

"I can see everything in my kingdom from under the ground." Volvox replied,

"I noticed your country is not very developed, Volvox, we can help you if you let us." Princess Celestia said,

"I'm watching the land and sea right now." Volvox replied, the other rulers look and see Queen Cervalces and Atopodentatus conversing about the plants they eat, the two smiled a bit while Twilight Sparkle smiled,

"I see, it'll probably ease up tensions between the environments at best." Volvox said,

"Easing up is not enough, Volvox, it needs to be gone." Princess Celestia said, and they watch Twilight Sparkle,

"Okay, now that we got the sea cleared up, it's time to try one for the sky." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, tensions between land and sky is not as tense as land and sea." King Cervalces replied,

"That's wonderful, this'll be easier then. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash." Twilight Sparkle said, and the two flew, Gallus and Smolder went along as backup,

"Uh, excuse me." Fluttershy said, and the flying creatures gathered around,

"We were wondering if any of you would like to befriend the creatures on land." Rainbow Dash said,

"We already get along with them, overall." a female microraptor replied,

"No, we mean as in befriend them completely." Gallus said,

"Yeah, look at us, we're friends with those who live in all three environments." Smolder said,

"Well, *sigh* let's try it." Arambourgiania replied, and the female microraptor flew down, she flew to a male triceratops,

"Excuse me." the microraptor said, the triceratops looked at her,

"Yes?" the triceratops asked,

"What do plants taste like?" the microraptor asked,

"Kind of bitter, but I'm used to it." the triceratops replied,

"Oh, I eat fish, they're sticky and oily, but they taste pretty good." the microraptor said, the triceratops chuckled,

"I'm Zhaoianus, how about you?" the microraptor asked,

"Alticornus." the triceratops replied,

"Can I try a plant?" Zhaoianus asked, and Alticornus gives her one, she tastes it and spits it out,

"Yuck." Zhaoianus said,

"What does fish taste like?" Alticornus asked, and Zhaoianus went to go get one, she got a small one and Alticornus tried it, he spat it out,

"This is terrible." Alticornus said,

"Yeah, I thought the plant tasted bad, too." Zhaoianus replied,

"Well, we do have different diets and digestive systems." Alticornus said,

"What's yours like?" Zhaoianus asked, and they talk about their digestive systems,

"Okay, now, time for sky and sea." Twilight Sparkle said,

"How about you?" Fluttershy asked a male flying dragon,

"I guess I'll try." the dragon replied, and it flew to the water, some of the creatures tried jumped out of the water to try to eat him, he flew back up, the unicorns and alicorns restrain them with their magic, it took several unicorns to pick up one sea creature because they were big and heavy,

"Stop, this is why this needs to stop." Twilight Sparkle said, the animals in the water grumbled,

"Uh, are there any hunters in there?" the dragon asked, a male sea scorpion comes up,

"I'm one." the sea scorpion replied,

"Well, introduce yourselves." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Ventus." the dragon said,

"Eurypterus." the sea scorpion said,

"What kind of animals do you eat?" Ventus asked,

"Anything I can catch." Eurypterus replied,

"Even your own kind?" Ventus asked,

"Nope, just the mindless fish and bugs." Eurypterus replied,

"Wait, mindless fish and bugs?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yeah, there are fish in this country that don't have rulers, and bugs that act on instinct that Arthropleura allow us to eat, they serve as food to the carnivores and omnivores, the emperor created them so we can eat them and survive." Ventus replied, Twilight Sparkle was bewildered while Fluttershy was extremely horrified, she was nearly crying. Princess Celestia walked to them,

"Instead of eating them, you all should eat those who are already deceased, and I don't mean by taking their lives, I mean as in already deceased when found, I don't think they want to lose their lives, either." Princess Celestia said, the carnivores mumble about it,

"Well, what kind of meat do you eat?" Ventus asked,

"Any meat I can find." Eurypterus replied,

"Yeah, same here." Ventus said,

"Don't you eat the animals from the water?" Eurypterus asked,

"Sometimes, I usually catch the bugs in the air, and eat those who were killed in hunts." Ventus replied,

"Yeah, me too." Eurypterus said, Ventus chuckled while smiling a bit,

"Maybe you swimmers are not so bad after all." Ventus said,

"I can say the same about you fliers, we are only separated because of where we live, and not our personalities." Eurypterus replied,

"Yeah, well, nice speaking to you." Ventus said,

"Alright, have a good day." Eurypterus replied, and Ventus flew away while Eurypterus went underwater. The natives of Volvox's land were surprised, and the walkers, swimmers, and fliers all began seeing one another and they befriended one another, the ponies cheered,

"Yes, we did it!" Rainbow Dash said,

"Time for party!" Pinkie Pie replied loudly,

"Hold on, guys, give us time, we'll show you all what a ceremony and party is tomorrow, we have to put them together." Twilight Sparkle said, and the world's natives left.

The next day comes and all of the creatures in Volvox's land and the natives to the world gather together, they were celebrating the fact that the creatures have united, and tensions between land, sky, and sea were completely gone. Queen Cervalces, Atopodentatus, Zhaoianus, Alticornus, Ventus, and Eurypterus were together, a ceremony was happening in front of the water so everycreature can join in,

"Since you six united the three environments together, I hereby announce you six foreign heroes in our countries, you all will be remembered for uniting the land, sky, and sea in your homes." Twilight Sparkle said, the world's natives clap and cheer while Volvox and his people were bored, some were asleep, Smilodon sniffs around and smells something weird, his cats notice. Smilodon looks at a female xenosmilus, the other cats smell her, so did the natives of the Volvox's land, the world's natives watched,

"What?" the female xenosmilus asked, Smilodon, Amphicyon, and Arctodus roar at her with their cats, dogs, and bears, they run to her and the xenosmilus runs away while screaming, the cats, dogs, and bears attack her, the xenosmilus changes to Queen Chrysalis, shocking the world's natives, she flew away while screaming in terror. The ponies were shocked for a moment, they knew she was plotting something, but they decided to continue with what they had planned, the party starts and the world's natives celebrated while Volvox and his people were confused, they did not know what to do,

"Come on, guys, try one of the food I made." Pinkie Pie said, they look at the candy and cupcakes, they smell them and they smelled pleasant, Tom licked the icing on one cupcake and shook his head, the others licked the icing, none of them liked it, Dommiel and Volvox disliked it as well,

"Too sweet." Dommiel said, the others agreed,

"That sweetness comes from the love and joy of everycreature here." Pinkie Pie replied,

"That's crap and you know it." Stegosaurus said, shocking Pinkie Pie,

"Plus, what is that on top of them? It looks like a pile of dung." Sarcosuchus said, Pinkie Pie realized he was referring to the icing,

"Come on, guys, we've got punch, too." Twilight Sparkle said, and she tried to offer them fruit punch, they smelled it, a female land dragon licked it,

"What flavor is this?" a female land dragon asked,

"Apple." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"This is sweet apple, our apples are sour." the female land dragon said,

"You don't like it?" Apple Bloom asked, the female dragon shook her head,

"Come on, guys, we have dancing, too." Silverstream said, and she tried to show them, the natives of Volvox's land did not know what dance was, but they were not having fun trying it,

"We have music, too." Sandbar said, and music was played, Volvox and his people did not enjoy it, they thought it was stupid because they were thinking someone playing music would give away their positions to hunters.

Rarity tried to show them fashion, but they did not like it, the dragons and griffons tried fighting with the flying creatures, with Princess Ember taking on the biggest flying dragon, and Dragon Lord Torch wrestled with Dommiel, Princess Ember lost while the fight between Dommiel and Dragon Lord Torch ended in a tie. The griffons fought with the birds and pterosaurs, most of them ended in ties, and the yaks fought the rhinoceroses, with the rhinoceroses winning most of the fights,

"It's getting dark, we have to sleep." Volvox said, the world's natives realize it was, and they decided to end the party and everyone went home.

Morning comes and the clouds spun counterclockwise in Volvox's land again,

"We need to talk, Volvox." the Maker said, Volvox came out and walked to it, his people were already awake, so were the world's natives,

"Well, what do you have to say after meeting other kingdoms?" the Maker asked, Volvox looked at his people and they smiled at him, the world's natives were waiting for his answer as well, he looked up at the Maker,

"My kingdom is perfect." Volvox replied with a smile, his people laugh, so did the dragons, griffons, and yaks, the changelings were bewildered, the hippogriffs were confused, and the ponies were shocked,

"That's exactly what you said before I sent you here, apparently, you didn't learn your lesson." the Maker said,

"What lesson?" Volvox asked, his people snicker, so did the moose. Princess Celestia flew to in front of him,

"There is no such thing as a perfect kingdom, Volvox, look at mine for example, people like my rule, but I still have problems in it." Princess Celestia said,

"Well, Volvox, it looks like I have to send you to another area." the Maker said,

"My kingdom was perfect then, and it's perfect now." Volvox replied,

"What do you moose say?" the Maker asked, they agreed with him, the Maker saw the creatures were not divided by land, sky, or sea anymore,

"Oh, you guys did change, maybe you did learn something after all, Volvox, very well, I'll send you all back, I'll let you know when it's time to change." the Maker said, and Princess Celestia flew back. The world's natives say bye to them while Volvox and his creatures ignored them, the Maker transferred them out of the world and Equestria shifted back to normal. The world's natives were happy they were able to unite the three environments.

Volvox and his land were returned to their home, and Volvox made the trees reappear,

"Go see Dommiel if you all have anything to say." Volvox said, and he went back to the underworld, he watched his people, he knew they would go extinct eventually, and it would be time for new creatures to roam the Earth, Volvox waited patiently for that day to come.