• Published 27th Jul 2018
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Foreign Relationships - smirker

A land ruled by its emperor has different types of relationships with Equestria and the other countries. The emperor will have a different personality in each chapter.

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Volvox was the first being to ever exist on Earth that was created by the gods and the Maker, he acted on his own during the time of dragons and dinosaurs, and the time of angels and demons, Volvox met Dommiel during that time, who became his best friend, they also had many different creatures roam the Earth, the two manage to befriend a ghoul named Giovi, who lost his claws in battle and replaced them with knife blades, he chose not to speak, believing actions were more powerful than words. The gods eventually created a new species together called the humans, and since Volvox was the most powerful being on the Earth, they entrusted him to take control of their evolution, which Volvox would be their supreme ruler.

Volvox disliked how dangerous the world was with the other creatures making weapons and armor, along with building things for protection, he wanted people to be more creative, so he had the humans develop in visual arts, theater arts, culinary arts, performing arts, fashion, architecture, music, religion, philosophy, and many more aesthetics. The gods were very impressed with Volvox, they also gave the humans knowledge in magic to help them improve their arts, one human came from the future, he created a potion that made him immortal and gave him the ability to travel through time, he was the Count of Saint Germain, while the oldest human in the country was Tom, he was worshiped as a god due to his age and wisdom, he wore a yellow dragon robe, a black mian guan with strings attached to the front and back of the top, with beads and pearls on the strings, the front and back each had twelve strings, he also wore white pants, they were tucked into black mid-calf length boots with decorations of gold dragons on them, and he had peach skin, a round face shape, blue eyes, long white hair, and a long white beard that went down past his sternum, it was connected to sideburns and a full moustache.

The Count of Saint Germain had an inverted triangular face, somewhat pale skin, straight bright blond hair that went down to his scapulae, a full, well trimmed and groomed moustache, and green eyes, he was wearing a black top hat, a red double breasted long-sleeve tailcoat with black buttons on each side and was undone and black on the inside, and had a white double folded pocket square in the pocket on the left side of his tailcoat, he also wore a black buttoned up vest with gold buttons, a collar of a white shirt could be seen at the top of his vest, a black ascot with white polka dots was tucked into his shirt, he had two gold chains on the right side of his abdomen, and two silver chains on the left side of his waist, he was wearing white striped pants, and white shoes with black throats, vamps, toe caps, and heels, it was tightened by a gold strap going across the throat.

Volvox did not wear any fancy outfits while Dommiel and Giovi wore their usual attire, they liked how creative the humans were, they were the most peaceful nation in the land, the humans held a vote and decided to call the nation Vinci, their creations made them one of the most powerful nations on Earth, Volvox had a big wall surround Vinci to protect it from harm. Volvox and the meditating humans sense something off and their land was being transferred,

"Everybody, get ready to protect your creation from damage." Volvox said, and they were transferred.

The people of Equestria were getting on with their days, but they hear a noise in the sea that was to the northeast of Canterlot and southeast of the Crystal Empire, Vinci appeared right before their eyes, the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs look at it with curiosity, the kirins and buffaloes saw it as well, but mostly ignored it, they could not see anything due to the wall around it, it was mostly gray, but was decorated with sculptures of pink roses and green vines,

"Oh, I must say those flower decorations are quite pretty." Rarity said,

"Hey, look above the wall." Spike said, and they all saw tall architecture above them,

"Wow, they look diverse." Fluttershy said, the others nodded. A white cloud comes down and goes to Canterlot's balcony, where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were at, the cloud formed into Hermes, which surprised the ponies,

"I am Hermes, the messenger of the gods, that nation there was transferred here due to a magic spell gone wrong on our part." Hermes said, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna laughed,

"We apologize for the inconvenience." Hermes said,

"It's alright, I think having them here gives us a wonderful opportunity to make new friends." Princess Celestia said, Hermes just bowed,

"Well, go on and fix it, we have no complaints." Princess Celestia said, and Hermes went back up into the sky. The world's natives look at Vinci and were curious about what was on the inside,

"I wanna see what's inside." Pinkie Pie said,

"We all do, Pinkie." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I see a lot right now, and it looks awesome!" Rainbow Dash said, they all still wondered about how it looked as a whole, Hermes floated in the sky and was above Vinci, much bigger than before,

"Volvox!" Hermes said, Volvox came out and stood on the ceiling, everycreature was shocked to see the giant three headed creature,

"What is it?" Volvox asked,

"I'm sorry to say this, but since you're in a new world, you have to take the wall down, you will draw suspicion upon yourself if you don't." Hermes replied,

"Oh, fine." Volvox said, and Hermes went back up into the sky. The wall divides into four and goes into the water and reveals Vinci to the world's natives, they all gasp and look with awe, the north of Vinci had the Great Wall with the Sistine Chapel behind it, the northwest had the Great Pyramid of Giza and smaller pyramids, the Statue of Liberty, the Big Ben clock tower, and the Eiffel Tower, the northeast had the Burj Khalifa, Moai, and the Leshan Giant Buddha, the east had the Taj Mahal, the west had the Parthenon, the southeast had Angkor Wat, Seitenkyū, Al-Khazneh, and Prambanan, the southwest had the Sedlec Ossuary, the Terracotta Army, and Notre-Dame de Paris, the south had the Colosseum, and the center of Vinci had El Castillo, which Volvox was standing on.

The world's natives look at the place with awe at what they saw,

"Wow, that place is beautiful." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Come on, let's go." Rainbow Dash said, and they all enter the hot air balloon and head to Vinci. The Mane Six and Spike look and see the other creatures were going over to view the place, even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wanted to look, they fly over and see many more things, they saw highly decorated vases and pots of different shapes and colors, many different forms of writing, they saw regular writing, along with hieroglyphs, calligraphy with a quill, pens, and brushes, sculptures of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Hermes, Amun, Ra, Sobek, Anubis, Odin, Frigg, Thor, Loki, Gautama Buddha, Agyō, Ungyō, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Jurōjin, Hotei, Fukurokuju, Inti, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, Tabaldak, Glooscap, and Gitche Manitou. The humans had many paintings, books, drawings, pots, foods and drinks to consume, scrolls, and musical instruments, everybody also wore a diverse amount of clothing. The world's natives were in awe and wanted to explore already,

"WOW!!" Silverstream said excitedly,

"My goodness, Equestria has never seen such magnificence in artwork." Princess Celestia said,

"Hey, Volvox, look at all of the visitors." Dommiel said,

"I know, I see them." Volvox replied, the humans continued with their days, the world's natives continue looking on with awe,

"Eh, it's alright." Grampa Gruff said,

"Hey!" Princess Ember said, the humans look at her,

"Do you guys have any armor?" Princess Ember asked, several humans come and they all had knight and samurai armor, each one was decorated with coat of arms and family emblems, much to the world's natives surprises,

"Oh my, even their armor is fashionable." Rarity said,

"I think this place might be worth checking out." Princess Ember said, the others agree,

"Okay, just don't break anything." Volvox said, and the world's natives go down to explore.

Twilight Sparkle flies around and looks for books, she was hoping to learn their literature,

"Excuse me." Twilight Sparkle said, the humans look at her,

"Do you have any books I can read?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"My, of course, this way." a male human replied, and he takes her to a library, Twilight Sparkle was in awe,

"Wow, you guys actually read a lot." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Go on, take your pick." the human replied, and Twilight Sparkle looks, she saw The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Wuthering Heights, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Little Women, The Great Gatsby, The Tale of Genji, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Journey to the West, Dream of the Red Chamber, Frankenstein, Dracula, To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, Animal Farm, Brave New World, 1984, The Pearl, The Grapes of Wrath, The Count of Monte Cristo, Fahrenheit 451, The Catcher in the Rye, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Moby Dick, Catch-22, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, Gone With the Wind, The Three Musketeers, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island, Of Mice and Men, The Black Stallion series, A Tale of Two Cities, The Invisible Man, The Time Machine, War of the Worlds, Aesop's Fables, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, The Scarlet Letter, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Charlotte's Web, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Lord of the Flies, The Joy Luck Club, The Kite Runner, Jane Eyre, The Chronicles of Narnia series, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Art of War, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, a collection of stories written by Edgar Allen Poe, HP Lovecraft, William Shakespeare, and Hans Christian Andersen, Hatchet, The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Metamorphosis,

Twilight Sparkle was hyperventilating at seeing the many books,

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. So many books! Spike, get the books, I'm ready to read all of them!" Twilight Sparkle said, the humans chuckle,

"Alright, Twilight, I'm here." Spike said, and he got every book, Twilight Sparkle and Spike fly home and Twilight Sparkle begins reading.

Rainbow Dash looked at the military personnel and liked their armor,

"Your uniforms look so cool." Rainbow Dash said, the knights and samurais laugh,

"Take a look at this." a male samurai said, and he unsheathed his katana, Rainbow Dash looks and sees the samurai had kanji characters engraved in his sword's blade,

"Wow!" Rainbow Dash said, the humans show her their weapons and she sees they had vines and flowers engraved in the blades as well, she looks and sees the predatory animals decorated on the shields of the knights as well,

"How long did it take for you guys to make them?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Long time, sometimes years." a male knight replied,

"I wanna see all of them." Rainbow Dash said, and they show her and the engravings in their swords, spears, axes, and hammers, there was also decorations engraved on metallic handles, and the wooden parts of each weapon had carvings on them, Rainbow Dash was impressed,

"That is so cool." Rainbow Dash said, the humans then show her their armor and she looks at the decorations on them as well.

Fluttershy walks around and saw many butterflies and birds flying around, much to her delight, she looks and sees the humans had cats, dogs, tigers, lions, bears, alligators, snakes, foxes, lizards, monkeys, falcons, eagles, turtles, anteaters, leopards, jaguars, and bugs being treated and well groomed by the humans, Fluttershy went to them,

"Excuse me." Fluttershy said, the humans look at her,

"Do you all need any help?" Fluttershy asked, the humans agree,

"You can help by feeding and grooming the animals." a female human replied, and Fluttershy went over. Fluttershy begins to take care of the animals and groom them, she spoke to them in a soft and friendly voice, the animals loved her,

"Wow, you're actually pretty good at this." a second female human said,

"Thank you, I run an animal shelter at my cottage." Fluttershy replied,

"That explains a lot." a third female human said,

"Are there anymore animals that need tending?" Fluttershy asked,

"Yes, over here, ma'am." a male human replied, Fluttershy sees him and goes to help him tend to the dogs.

Pinkie Pie was looking at the sweets and food art of the place,

"Ooh, chocolate art." Pinkie Pie said as she looked at the chocolates being shaped and molded into various pictures such as butterflies, animals, and even life sized sculptures of people and objects. Pinkie Pie keeps looking and was in awe when she saw humans carving art into watermelons, she also saw fruits and vegetables being cut and carved to form shapes like flowers and animal heads on the plates, she looks and saw cappuccino coffee with various faces and shapes in them, Pinkie Pie was having so much fun looking around, she sees the humans making them and trots to them,

"Excuse me." Pinkie Pie said, the humans look at her,

"Where are all of the cakes, pies, and candy at?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Ah, you want the confectionery area over there." a male human replied as he pointed his left index finger, Pinkie Pie turns around and sees many different shapes, forms, and colors of cakes, Pinkie Pie gasped at what she saw and ran there. The humans work and Pinkie Pie dashed in, she looks at the sweets and admired them, her mouth watered,

"Hey! Careful!" a male human said as he ran to her and closed her mouth,

"If you're hungry, you can eat those on the table over there." the male human said, Pinkie Pie looks to her left and saw small samples of the food they used for art, Pinkie Pie's mouth stopped watering, she stopped smiling as well,

"Those don't look appetizing." Pinkie Pie said,

"They're the same food we use to make the art, they taste the same." the male human replied, Pinkie Pie was reluctant, but tried the food samples,

"Hmm, tasty." Pinkie Pie said, and she ate the samples,

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" another male human said really quickly and held Pinkie Pie back,

"Hey!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Don't eat all of it, there are other people who want to try them out, too." the second male human replied, Pinkie Pie became embarrassed at the moment, but she went back and tried several samples.

Rarity trots around and was enamored with the fashion, she liked the shendyt, the kalasiris, the toga, the chiton, the sari, the choli, the hanfu, the cheongsam, the charro suit, the sombrero, the escaramuza, the pollera, every type of hijab, the áo dài, the áo gấm, the panung, the sinh, the kimono, the hakama, the kasa, the kanga, the dress shirts, the tailcoats, the blazers, the tall hat, the black tie and white tie attire gowns, the corsage, the dress shoes, the high heels, and the various sandals,

"My, I must say, what a lovely amount of diversity in fashion." Rarity said,

"Muchas gracias, senorita, we have taken much time to make these." a female human replied,

"I'm sure it did, darling, I'm Rarity by the way, fashion designer and dressmaker." Rarity said,

"Well, hello, we can always use more fashion designers." a male human replied,

"Oh my, what a fancy outfit you're wearing." Rarity said as she looked at his well groomed curly hair, red double breasted tailcoat, white ascot, dark yellow striped shirt, white pants that went just below his knees, white tights under his pants, and black shoes with red ribbons on them, he had a white top hat in his left hand, and a brown cane in his right hand,

"What you're looking at there is called a dandy, there are more over there." the female human replied, Rarity sees them and they all had on similar outfits, some also had umbrellas, Rarity chuckled,

"My, what diversity." Rarity said, but she stops when she saw several humans wearing neck rings and lip plates, she was uncomfortable,

"I can't say I like those neck and lip things there." Rarity said, she looks around more and saw several people also had elongated earlobes, which made her very uncomfortable,

"Um, darlings, I'm going to go elsewhere now." Rarity said, and she left while the humans said bye to her.

Applejack travels around and went to go look at the gardens that were everywhere on the ground, she was going to an arboretum, she was enjoying the many types of trees there were,

"Hey, where are the apple trees, y'all." Applejack asked,

"Over there, to your left." a female woman replied as she pointed there with her right index finger, Applejack looks and sees apple trees, along with many other trees that had other fruits on them. Applejack looks at the trees and was in awe,

"Wow, Ah've never seen such pretty trees in mah life." Applejack said, she continues looking and sees a garden up ahead, she saw flowers, vegetables, rocks, stepping stones in water, and lampposts made out of stone with candles in them,

"Ah gotta say, them gardens are very pretty." Applejack said,

"It's better if you see it from high ground. This way." a male human replied, and he takes Applejack to a deck that was nearby, Applejack looks and sees the plants and food in the gardens were planted in specific ways so they make shapes and words when seen from above,

"Whoa, Ah've never seen plants used like that before." Applejack said,

"I didn't think so, it takes years of practice to master." the male human replied,

"Ah'd reckon, but it doesn't seem practical, y'all gotta eat." Applejack said,

"That's the beauty of our garden, once when we pick the food, the open tops will create a new picture." the male human replied, Applejack smiled as she looked and admired the gardens from above.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle travel together and see kids working, they trot to them,

"What are y'all doin'?" Apple Bloom asked, the kids move aside and show them the artwork on the manholes,

"These are the sewers for getting rid of the pee and poop everybody creates, we're drawing pictures onto them." a boy replied,

"Can I try?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Come with us, let's see if we can find a manhole with no artwork on it." a girl replied, and they travel together,

"Here's one." a second girl said, and they see it, the kids give Sweetie Belle and paintbrush and paint,

"Thank you." Sweetie Belle said, and she begins using telekinesis to paint,

"You have telekinesis?" a second boy asked,

"Yes." Sweetie Belle replied,

"I can walk on clouds." Scootaloo said,

"And Ah have enhanced strength and growing food magic." Apple Bloom said,

"That's cool, we built those big buildings by using telekinesis, we also have fire, water, earth, and wind magic." a third girl replied, Sweetie Belle begins painting the manhole cover,

"Finished." Sweetie Belle said, and they all see it was a picture of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, the three were smiling in the picture,

"Wow, you're a good painter." the first girl said,

"Thank you." Sweetie Belle replied,

"Can we try?" Scootaloo asked,

"Sure, come on, let's see if we can find anymore manholes to paint." the first boy replied, and they walk together.

Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, and Silverstream walk around together and admire the views,

"Wow, this must've took years to complete." Sandbar said,

"It's fancier than Griffonstone, I'll give it that." Gallus replied,

"Ooh, ooh, look at those two statues over there." Silverstream said, and they all see the statues of Agyō and Ungyō,

"Ooh, Yona like statues." Yona said, Ocellus jumps back and yelps,

"What is it, Ocellus?" Sandbar asked, he looks at where she looked and says "Whoa!" as he jumped back, the other four look and see small statues of Papa Legba, Baron Samedi, Baron Cimitière, Baron La Croix, Baron Kriminel, Maman Brigitte, Elegua, Ibeji, Ìyá Nlá, Nana Buluku, Orunmila, Oshosi, Oshun, Oshunmare, Agwé, Bacalou, Belie Belcan, Anaisa Pye, Damballa, Ghede Nibo, Gran Maître, Grand Bois, and Kalfu,

"Wow, those actually look kind of scary." Smolder said,

"Tell me about it, these might give me nightmares." Sandbar replied,

"But look at the details, and how small they are, isn't it amazing?" Silverstream asked, they all look and see each statue was so small, they could literally be destroyed by stepping on them,

"Yona must admit, statue making is impressive." Yona said,

"I still wonder why they had to make them look so scary." Ocellus replied,

"Maybe it's a test of nerves." Smolder said,

"Come on, let's look for more." Sandbar said, the others agree and they decide to look around for more small statues.

Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst trot together and admire the sculptures all around Vinci,

"Wow, I can't imagine how much time must've been put into to make these." Starlight Glimmer said, they look at the Bust of Nefertiti and thought it was beautiful, the next sculpture they see was Laocoön and His Sons,

"That guy doesn't look comfortable." Sunburst said,

"Yeah, it looks like he's in pain, it's actually kind of hard for me to look at." Starlight Glimmer replied, Sunburst nodded in agreement, the two walk around and see Moses,

"Does he have horns on his head?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Yeah, he does, small ones, though, almost like baby yak horns." Sunburst replied, and they look for the next one and see David,

"That sculpture wouldn't be allowed in Equestria." Sunburst said,

"They might want to cover him with something." Starlight Glimmer replied, and they keep looking, they look at the Leshan Giant Buddha, even though it was far away,

"I can't imagine how long it must've took to build that." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Me neither, probably longer than Princess Celestia has been alive." Sunburst replied, they look around and see the Statue of Liberty next, also far away,

"I bet that took a long time to build, too." Sunburst said, Starlight Glimmer nodded, they turn around and see a sculpture of The Kiss,

"Aw, that looks so romantic." Starlight Glimmer said, Sunburst smiled, they see a sculpture of The Thinker beside it,

"He looks like he's thinking." Sunburst said,

"About what, though?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Who knows, maybe he's just thinking in general." Sunburst replied, Starlight Glimmer smiled and they continue walking around to admire the views around them even more.

Autumn Blaze was excited and she trotted across the water to go see Vinci, but she stopped when she saw sculptures underwater,

"Whoa." Autumn Blaze said with awe as she looked down at the sculptures, she walks forward slowly while admiring the sculptures under the country,

"What'cha doin', Autumn Blaze?" Applejack asked, startling Autumn Blaze,

"Whoa! Don't scare me like that. There's more artwork under the water." Autumn Blaze replied,

"Really?" Applejack asked, Autumn Blaze nodded excitedly, Applejack looks down and sees small parts of them,

"Wow, Ah didn't think they'd have that, Ah'll let ya get back to yer admirin, then." Applejack said,

"Thanks." Autumn Blaze replied, and Applejack left. Autumn Blaze walks around and looks at the underwater art, she was in awe at what she saw,

"Hey!" a male human said, Autumn Blaze yelps with surprise,

"You almost stepped on the water lilies." the male human said, Autumn Blaze looks and see them, they had pink flowers on them,

"Aw, they are so cute." Autumn Blaze said, and she continues looking around and admiring the underwater art.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna went to go look at the Terracotta Army,

"What do you think, sister?" Princess Luna asked,

"I'm baffled, I've never seen artwork like this before." Princess Celestia replied,

"Me neither, I can't imagine how long this must've took to make." Princess Luna said,

"Well, whoever did did a great job." Princess Celestia replied, Princess Luna could not agree more, they continue to admire the Terracotta Army and wondered if the country really had an army that big in the past,

"Excuse me." Princess Celestia said as she saw the Count of Saint Germain walking by, he walks to her,

"Yes?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"How many of these soldiers are there?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Over eight thousand, they are built to defend the deceased in the afterlife." the Count of Saint Germain replied, the two look at the Terracotta Army with surprise,

"Look, sister, I see horses and chariots in the back, too." Princess Luna said, she looks and was surprised,

"Wow, I must admit, you all did a great job creating these, it'd take us years to make this, even with magic." Princess Celestia said, Princess Luna chuckles and they continue admiring the Terracotta Army.

The day was coming to an end and everycreature gathered around Volvox,

"Are you the ruler, Volvox?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Yes, I have others to help me." Volvox replied,

"Who else is in charge?" Shining Armor asked,

"I am as well, name's Dommiel, I am Volvox's bodyguard and second-in-command." Dommiel replied,

"You look very different from the others." Applejack said,

"That's because I'm a surviving member of another time period, I'm a demon, most of my kind are extinct." Dommiel replied, surprising the world's natives,

"Who else is in charge?" Princess Ember asked,

"Giovi over there, he's from another country, he looks different because of his own culture, he's a quiet one, and lets his actions do the talking." Volvox replied,

"I am the Count of Saint Germain, I am the one who gave the people knowledge in magic, I am a time traveler from the future." the Count of Saint Germain said, surprising the world's natives,

"My, Saint Germain, what an exquisite outfit you're wearing." Rarity said happily,

"I am Tom, I take care of the daily activities in this country, I am worshiped as a god due to me being the oldest native in this country." Tom said,

"Tom? Are you wearing a dress?" Rarity asked with surprise,

"No, it's a robe, you can see my pants at the bottom of it." Tom replied, Rarity looks and saw part of his white pants that he wore under the robe,

"Oh, I see, darling, I really do like that hat." Rarity said, Tom smiled,

"This is a wonderful country, we would like to establish relationships." Princess Celestia said,

"I'll have to hold a vote first, you all are welcome here for now, but be careful not to break anything, and watch that baby there, last thing we need is that baby destroying the things we built." Volvox replied while he pointed his front right index claw to Flurry Heart,

"Understood, we'll try our best to keep an eye on her." Shining Armor said,

"You better, or there will be consequences." Volvox replied,

"Come on, everycreature, it's late, we should go home." Princess Celestia said, they agree and all head home.

Princess Luna enters the dream realm and saw everypony dream of the things in Vinci, she was enjoying the sights,

"Ah, what lovely dreams." Princess Luna said, she smiles and goes through the dreams, she sees a foal had a dream of the painting The Starry Night,

"Oh my, what a beautiful painting, if I do say so, myself." Princess Luna said, she keeps looking and sees more paintings, she saw Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Girl with a Pearl Earring, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, The Scream, The Nightmare, The Birth of Venus, American Gothic, Arnolfini Portrait, The School of Athens, Whistler's Mother, The Ambassadors, Christina's World, Liberty Leading the People, A Friend in Need, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, and Fine Wind, Clear Morning,

"Oh my, these paintings are beautiful." Princess Luna said, she continues looking and was enjoying the paintings she saw in the dream realm, she continues looking at the pictures and enjoys them, she was having a great time in the dream realm, she continues looking around and saw the foals were dreaming of all of the artwork in Vinci,

"*laugh* I can't blame them, I'm inspired to try out some of their art if I do say so, myself." Princess Luna said, she smiles and continues going through the dream realm and zapped away any nightmares the foals had.

The next morning comes and everycreature sees Volvox was already meeting up with the construction people,

"We've thought about building this, Emperor Volvox." a male human said, Volvox uses his telekinesis to bring up the blueprint, he sees it was a blueprint on the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda,

"Where are you guys planning to build it?" Volvox asked,

"Back there, behind the Great Wall." the male human replied, Volvox looks over his right shoulder with his three heads and sees there was enough space, he looks back,

"What else are you all planning to build?" Volvox asked,

"These, again, behind the Great Wall." the male human replied, and he is shown the blueprints of the Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court Building, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial,

"Is that all?" Volvox asked, the humans nod,

"Hold on." Volvox said, he turns around and uses his magic to make the country even bigger, surprising the world's natives,

"Let's go, everybody." the male human said, and they all begin building. The humans begin using their geokinesis, aerokinesis, and telekinesis while they build, the geokinesis and telekinesis lifted up the building materials while the humans used aerokinesis to reach the higher areas of the buildings, along with overseeing the constructions, they hear music playing, they also hear singing, they look and saw the humans who were building the six buildings were the ones playing music and singing, the song was Coro di Zingari, the ponies, yaks, changelings, hippogriffs, and kirins thought it sounded beautiful while the dragons and griffons were annoyed, they watch the humans build and they were going quickly, they finish the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda after about an hour and it surprised the world's natives,

"Dang, they're fast workers." Rainbow Dash said,

"No kiddin', Ah can't believe they can build somethin' like that that fast." Applejack replied,

"Look, they're building more." Twilight Sparkle said, and they continue watching, the humans finish the song and the next song that plays and they sing Possente Amor Mi Chiama, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were dancing to the music while the humans worked. Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom watched the construction carefully and made sure they did not make any mistakes,

"That new guy there looks tired already." Dommiel said,

"I see him." Volvox replied, and they see the tired male teenager,

"I guess he's not used to working, yet." the Count of Saint Germain said, Giovi nodded,

"Give him time, he was only hired yesterday." Tom replied, they see him get tired and lost his energy, he began to fall while Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, Tom, and the other construction workers use telekinesis to catch him,

"Give it time, you'll get used to it." a female construction worker said, and they continue working while Volvox and his four assistants watch them to make sure everything goes right.

The mirror in Twilight Sparkle's castle glows and Sunset Shimmer appears,

"Okay, I'm here, where's this new place you wrote to me about?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"This way, Sunset, follow me." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they trot there. Sunset Shimmer goes to the shore of Equestria to the east and sees Vinci,

"Wow, that place is beautiful." Sunset Shimmer said,

"I know, I'm hoping we can establish relationships so we can use their techniques to make new art of our own." Twilight Sparkle replied, they hear the humans working singing La donna è mobile, the two listen with surprise,

"Wow, even our opera singing ponies in Canterlot would have trouble singing notes that high." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I wonder if anypony would sing that good." Sunset Shimmer replied, Twilight Sparkle smiles at the thought, the song finishes, they all begin to play and sing Ah! non giunge, the two move side to side while they enjoy the female singing, they look and see Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart were on balconies and listening as well, they were greatly enjoying the music,

"I think the Pony Tones would enjoy singing with them." Twilight Sparkle said, Sunset Shimmer nodded even though she did not know who they were,

"Come on, Sunset, let's go over to visit." Twilight Sparkle said, and the two teleport there. Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer arrive and they hear bells ringing to the southwest and heard them coming from the Notre-Dame de Paris,

"Wow, they sound beautiful." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I agree, they have a nice sound to them." Sunset Shimmer replied, they continue listening to the bells along with the construction people singing opera as they worked, they look and see Autumn Blaze trotting around and enjoying the place,

"Who is that?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"I actually don't know." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Wow, this place is gate. Grate. Great. I have so much to learn from here." Autumn Blaze said and she trots around to look around more,

"That's the ruler over there." Twilight Sparkle said as she looked at Volvox, Sunset Shimmer trots to him,

"Excuse me." Sunset Shimmer said, Volvox turns around and looks at her,

"Can I paint a picture of your country?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Wait until my workers over there finish building, first, I think it'll make your painting better." Volvox replied,

"Okay, let me know when they're done." Sunset Shimmer said, and she continues exploring the country.

The humans were meeting with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Sandbar, Gallus, Gilda, Gabby, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Terramar, and Autumn Blaze, they were led to go see Tom, who was sitting in his throne,

"Alright, I'm going to need you all to tell me what you are for documenting reasons." Tom said,

"I'm a unicorn." Sweetie Belle said, surprising the humans,

"You look nothing like the unicorns from our home." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"What do they look like?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Hold on, let's see if I can get one in this world with my magic." Volvox said, and he tries it, he makes one appear in Vinci, those present were in awe,

"Wow, it looks almost like Princess Celestia." Sweetie Belle said, even though the unicorn had a white mane and tail,

"Well, moving on, how about you?" Tom asked,

"Pegasus." Scootaloo said, surprising the humans,

"Let me guess, your Pegasus is different, too." Scootaloo said,

"Actually, yes, it is." Dommiel replied,

"Can we see it?" Silverstream asked,

"Hold on." Volvox replied, and he makes one appear,

"Wow, that one looks like Princess Celestia, too." Sandbar said,

"Well, how about you two?" Tom asked,

"We're earth ponies." Sandbar replied, confusing the humans,

"You guys look like regular horses to me." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"We ain't, we can grow food and crops." Apple Bloom replied,

"And we have enhanced physical strength and stamina when compared to a unicorn and a Pegasus." Sandbar said,

"Can't you all grow food?" Tom asked,

"Nope, that's an earth pony exclusive ability." Sweetie Belle replied,

"Yeah, our food is grown by magic." Sandbar said,

"I see, interesting. What about you three?" Tom asked,

"Why do you even care?" Gallus asked,

"Yeah, can't you tell by just looking at us?" Gilda asked,

"It's for documenting purposes." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"We're griffins." Gabby said,

"Griffins?" Volvox asked,

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Gilda asked,

"Sorry, but you're the only one that looks like a griffin." Tom replied,

"Do you guys have different races or something?" Dommiel asked,

"Well, kind of, yes." Gabby replied,

"No wonder why you two look so different." Volvox said,

"Alright, next, what are you?" Tom asked,

"A changeling." Ocellus replied,

"Is that your regular form?" Volvox asked,

"Yes." Ocellus replied,

"Wow, what a difference." Dommiel replied,

"What are you talking about?" Ocellus asked,

"Changelings from our world are fairies." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Oh, I love fairies, I once wrote a play on them." Autumn Blaze said,

"Hopefully, they're not like the changelings from our world." Volvox said,

"Are they bad?" Ocellus asked,

"Yes, they kidnap infants and elderly and take their place." Tom replied, shocking those present,

"Oh no, we don't do that, we've reformed ever since our previous ruler was overthrown." Ocellus said,

"Okay, what are you?" Tom asked,

"Yona yak." Yona replied,

"Are they all brown like you?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"No, yaks different color." Yona replied,

"We've got some yaks in our world, but they can't speak like you." Dommiel said, they look around and see them,

"Ooh, maybe Yona can teach them things." Yona said,

"Okay, good, what are you?" Tom asked,

"Can't you tell by just looking at me?" Smolder asked,

"Is there any specific name your species goes by?" Volvox asked,

"No, we're just dragons." Smolder replied,

"What type of dragon?" Dommiel asked,

"Just dragon!" Smolder replied in an annoyed tone,

"You don't look like any dragon we've ever seen." Volvox said,

"Wait, I don't?" Smolder asked, Volvox uses his magic and finds three dragons from Earth, a wyvern, a Chinese dragon, and a long dragon shaped like a snake,

"Wow, I didn't know there were different types of dragons." Smolder said,

"Okay, what are you two?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"We're hippogriffs." Terramar replied,

"But..." Silverstream said, and she changes to a seapony, she says "We can also change into seaponies, and go underwater."

"In other words, you all can change from a hippogriff to a seahorse." Volvox said,

"Seapony." Terramar replied,

"Is there a difference?" Dommiel asked,

"It's just the proper term." Silverstream replied,

"You guys look nothing like our hippogriffs." Volvox said,

"Ooh, I wanna see! I wanna see!" Silverstream replied excitedly, Volvox sighs as he makes a hippogriff from Earth appear,

"Wow, it really is different." Terramar said, they see the hippogriff had the front half of an eagle, and the rear half of a horse,

"Alright, last one, what are you?" Tom asked,

"I'm a kirin, half unicorn, half dragon, and I change into a nirik when I'm angry." Autumn Blaze replied,

"Okay, so this world uses the Japanese term for them." Volvox said,

"What are you guys talking about?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"In our world, your kind has multiple names, kirin is one, but the most common name is qilin." Tom replied,

"Qilin?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"Yes, kirin is not a very common name for your kind in our world, you look nothing like them, either." Volvox replied,

"What do they look like?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"They have multiple forms." Dommiel replied,

"I wanna see all of them." Autumn Blaze said, and Volvox uses his magic to make them appear, one had a dragon's head, scales, and a horse's body; another kirin had an oxen body, a dragon's head, two horns on its head, and ornaments of fire on its head; another kirin had a dragon's head, oxen hooves, skin and scales of a fish, deer antlers, and a lion's tail; another kirin had the torso of a deer, an ox's tail; another kirin had a tiger's head, a lion's mane, ox hoofs, a lion's tail, fish scales, and two horns; two more kirins appear and they looked just like giraffes, one was gold, and another was every color of the rainbow,

"Wow, I didn't know there were so many." Autumn Blaze said,

"They have multiple names, too, they're qilin, kirin, girin, gilen, and kỳ lân." Volvox replied,

"Just kirin is fine." Autumn Blaze said,

"Well, that is all, thank for your time, you all may go." Tom said, and they leave.

Nothing eventful happens until near the end of the day, Rainbow Dash was looking around and sees mandalas around,

"Wow, those actually look pretty cool." Rainbow Dash said, she continues admiring the mandalas on the walls. Pinkie Pie was looking at the food art and admiring them very much,

"Can I eat them?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Samples are over there." a female human said, Pinkie Pie runs to them and begins eating the samples. Applejack walks around becomes very surprised when saw wood carvings in some of the trees, she trots to them and admires them,

"Wow, Ah'm sure these took time to make." Applejack said, and she continues looking at the carvings. The day continues and night time came shortly after the world's natives left.

Princess Luna rises the moon with her magic and was ready to go to the dream realm, but she stops when she sees something that caught her by surprise,

"What the?" Princess Luna asked, she looks and saw a rabbit in the moon, Princess Luna stared at it in disbelief, she saw the rabbit was pounding something with a wooden hammer, Princess Luna could not tell what it was, she hears the foals in the dream realm and quickly heads there to do her duties, she looks and sees the artwork of Vinci in their dreams,

"Ah, what beautiful artworks." Princess Luna said, and she admires the artwork for the night.

The next day comes and Princess Celestia went to go see Tom at Vinci,

"Ah, it's you, what brings you here?" Tom asked,

"I was wondering if we could establish relationships with your country, your artworks are wonderful." Princess Celestia replied,

"Thank you, but is there any particular reason why?" Tom asked,

"Well, it's so we don't have any wars or fights breaking out, and so we can live together in peace, without having to worry about fighting one another." Princess Celestia replied nervously and embarrassingly, Volvox can clearly see she just wanted to have their ways of making art so it can be brought to Equestria,

"Is there anything you'd like to do to establish a good relationship?" Tom asked,

"Well, I was hoping you all could share your ways of making art, I think this world would love to know how they're made." Princess Celestia replied, Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom notice Princess Celestia looking at a picture behind the five, it was a sculpture of four animals, the left one was a white tiger, the right one was a blue dragon, the top one was a black turtle, and the bottom one was a red bird, they can tell Princess Celestia loved the picture,

"Well, if that's the case, then we would need you to share your ways as well." Tom said,

"Fair enough, I can arrange for that." Princess Celestia replied, and she flew away. Princess Celestia begins doing paperwork to have diplomacy with Vinci, which she was looking forward to, she went back after a few minutes,

"Okay, Tom, go ahead and sign here." Princess Celestia said, and he got a quill and signed his name in cursive, which Princess Celestia liked,

"Okay, that was easy, hope we all get along, and you all can come to Equestria if you wish." Princess Celestia said,

"Okay, thank you." Tom replied, and she flew around and continued exploring Vinci.

The humans give Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, and Silverstream a tour since they requested it,

"You all ready to enter the Sistine Chapel?" the male human guiding them asked, they nodded while exclaiming with excitement,

"Okay, here we go." the male human said, and he opens the doors, they enter and they were all in awe at the ceiling,

"Look at that ceiling!" Rainbow Dash said,

"Judging by how many different paintings and layers there are in them, this must've took years to finish." Twilight Sparkle replied, Gallus and Smolder laugh,

"What's so funny, guys?" Sandbar asked,

"Look at that one right there." Smolder replied as she pointed her right index claw at a picture of a man with his buttocks exposed, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo laugh while the others smile and were almost laughing,

"That reminds me, how are you enjoying our books, purple one?" the male human asked,

"I like them, so many to read, I'll admit there are some I don't like." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Which ones?" the male human asked,

"I really didn't like 1984, it was so cruel, The Ugly Duckling made me kind of sad, too, so did The Little Mermaid, the end made me sad, but the others are kind of hard for me to understand." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Are you enjoying them?" the male human asked,

"Well, yes, overall." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Would you like someone to explain them to you?" the male human asked,

"No, it's fine, I'll figure out what's going on on my own." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Wow, so many pictures." Silverstream said as she flew around,

"Best art gallery ever!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, enjoy." the male human replied, and they do.

Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst were looking at something that caught their eyes, it was round with symbols engraved into them,

"Excuse me." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Yes." a male human said as he walked to her,

"What is this?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"What you're looking at there is an Aztec calendar, there's two types, this one here has eighteen months, each month is twenty days, and there are five days inserted into it that are not part of the months." the human replied,

"What's the other type?" Sunburst asked,

"The other calendar is divided into thirteen days, basically, the other calendar is made up of twenty months, each one is thirteen days." the human replied, Starlight Glimmer becomes confused and does the math in her head, she saw the amount of days in the two calendars were different,

"I have to admit, it looks like all of that carving took a long time." Sunburst said,

"It did, probably months." the human replied,

"Still, why is the amount of days in the two calendars different?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"They represent different things, the big calendar represents the days of the year, while the small one represents which deity in their culture is their time to rule." the human replied,

"Wow, I never thought of it that way." Starlight Glimmer said,

"It's still kind of confusing to understand, though." Sunburst said,

"Well, go on and look, maybe you'll understand it a bit better after observing it." the human replied, and he walks away while Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst observe the three hundred sixty five day calendar.

Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart see the humans making art with food and drinks, Flurry Heart burbled and was excited, she flew around and decided to try on her own, but she began destroying the art,

"Hey! What are you doing?!" a male human asked, and the humans run to restrain her, Flurry Heart made baby noises as she tried to reach for the food art she was trying. Shining Armor and Princess Cadence run to them and see Flurry Heart actually took pieces from the already made artworks to make her own,

"No, Flurry Heart, look at what you're doing." Princess Cadence said, and she does, Flurry Heart saw the art she destroyed and felt bad,

"We're terribly sorry, she's a curious one." Shining Armor said,

"Well, it's normal for her age, maybe we can find something for her to do without destroying our art." a female human replied, Flurry Heart made excited baby noises,

"Hmm, maybe I can entertain her." the male human from earlier said, and he gets a bottle and a lot of drinks of different colors,

"Okay, watch this, this is a popular one, this is called the pousse-café." the male human said, and he makes it while Flurry Heart watches with excitement, the human finishes and Flurry Heart cheers, she decides to try one on her own, but could not get the colors to be separate like how the human did, she started to get irritated,

"Patience, young one, this took me years to master, too." the male human said, and Shining Armor and Princess Cadence go over to watch, they were also impressed by the pousse-café, Flurry Heart could not get the colors stacked and flew around quickly while trying different colors, she went quickly and made some of the bottles shake and fall, the other humans caught them,

"Hey, careful, you almost dropped the bottles." the human said as he held Flurry Heart, she looks and sees them almost shaking, she looked down. Pinkie Pie dashed to them and looked at the pousse-café,

"Can I try?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure, but don't drop the glass bottles." the male human replied, and Pinkie Pie tried, she could not get the different colors stacked, Pinkie Pie screamed,

"I can't get it right!" Pinkie Pie said and she tried again,

"Um, would you like to watch me make it?" the male human asked,

"Okay. Sure." Pinkie Pie replied happily, unnerving the human,

"Alright, here goes." the male human said, and he begins to make another pousse-café while Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart watched.

The day ends with nothing in particular happening and Princess Luna entered the dream realm, she saw the rabbit in the moon again, but she ignored it and got on with her duties, she focuses and saw the ponies dream of the new art from Vinci again,

"Ah, new art again." Princess Luna said, and she looks, she watches and saw carvings in a metallic object,

"What is this?" Princess Luna asked, and she saw twelve animals in the carving, they were a rat, an ox, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a goat, a monkey, a rooster, a dog, and a pig, it confused her, she saw another one that caught her mind, it was a picture of two animals fighting, they were a white tiger and a black dragon, the tiger was male and made from wood while the dragon was female and made from metal,

"Okay, I'm not going to ask what that is." Princess Luna said, and she continues going through the dream realm, she soon sees the food art, her mouth watered at seeing the chocolate used to make art, Princess Luna smiled and continued working, but the rabbit pounding the elixir of life in the moon distracted her, she got annoyed and flew to the moon,

"Excuse me." Princess Luna said, the rabbit looked at her,

"Can you please stop? You're distracting me." Princess Luna said,

"I cannot, it is my job." the rabbit replied in a female voice,

"Well, I'm trying to do my job, too, and your pounding is distracting me from it." Princess Luna said,

"Then why don't you wear some earplugs?" the rabbit asked, Princess Luna thought about it and made earplugs appear in her ears, the rabbit pounds the elixir of life and Princess Luna did not hear it, she smiled and went back to her duties and continued the night with no problems.

The next day comes and the humans came to Equestria, they were already in awe at the country, they liked the Crystal Empire the best,

"Look at all of those crystals." a male human said,

"Yes, a sight to behold." a female human replied, and they continue admiring the Crystal Empire.

A few confectionery chefs went to Sugarcube Corner since Pinkie Pie requested them,

"Whoa, Pinkie Pie, this is too many people." Carrot Cake said,

"Relax, I'm just here to show them what I can make." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Okay, but don't use up too many ingredients." Cup Cake said, and they leave Pinkie Pie to her shenanigans. Pinkie Pie bakes pies and was very fast, surprising the humans,

"It's finished!" Pinkie Pie said loudly, they see Pinkie Pie's pies, they were all shocked,

"My, it is all cooked perfectly." a male human said,

"Enjoy." Pinkie Pie said with her eyes closed and a smile on her face, but the humans did not,

"Look, a delicious snack, yet artistically beautiful at the same time." a male human said,

"Not eating will deprive us of a delicious taste, but eating it will ruin the artwork." a female human said,

"We are facing a dilemma on what to do." a second male human said,

"It'll make me happy if you eat it." Pinkie Pie replied,

"But it'll ruin the art on the top." the first male human said,

"It's okay, I've got plenty more." Pinkie Pie replied, and they see them, they also see the pies that had the same filling also had the same design on top. The humans eat the pie and chewed slowly and carefully,

"This flavor, this texture, it is fantastic." a third male human said, and they eat the pie,

"Please, we must try the other types." a second female human said, Pinkie Pie hands them out while smiling.

Rarity called for the female humans to stand in front of her so she can see what they fashions look like,

"Okay, darlings, let me see what you wear for fashion." Rarity said, and they do. Rarity sees the outfits she saw the first time she was in Vinci, she saw the kalasiris, the chiton, the sari, the choli, the hanfu, the cheongsam, the escaramuza, the pollera, every type of hijab, the áo dài, the panung, the sinh, the kimono, the kasa, the kanga, the black tie and white tie attire gowns, the corsage, the dress shoes, the high heels, and the various sandals. Rarity was about to examine them until she saw more female coming, she made several exclaims of excitement,

"My, what is this?" Rarity asked, she looks at one of the females who came over, she wore an outfit she has never seen, the woman spoke in Japanese and Rarity did not understand,

"Can I have a translator, please?" Rarity asked,

"She's wearing a twelve layered outfit, it is called a jūnihitoe." a female human in a white gown with corsages on her wrists replied,

"Twelve layers? Darling, that sounds very hot to be in." Rarity said, and she looks at more of the women, she saw some of them had their faces painted white, their lips painted red, and their eyebrows shaved off and repainted back on to their foreheads with black ink,

"What the?" Rarity asked, she saw one woman in a kimono had black teeth,

"Why are her teeth black?" Rarity asked,

"It's a status symbol, it means she's married." a female human in a black gown replied,

"My, how strange." Rarity said, she continues looking and sees a woman with tattoos on her chin,

"What is that supposed to be?" Rarity asked, the woman with the tattooed chin speaks the Maori language,

"She said the tattoo is a physical manifestation of her true self on the inside." a female human in a blue gown said,

"Okay, I'm not going to argue with that there." Rarity said, and she continues looking, she becomes surprised when she saw a woman in a sari with tattoos on her hands. Rarity keeps looking and she screams in shock when she saw several women had lip plates, neck rings, elongated ears, Ethiopian women with scars on their bodies, and several women with hair and skin covered in red clay. Rarity was baffled by how many different beauty standards the humans had, some she liked more than others,

"I understand you all have your own sets of beauty, but all of these lip plates and elongated ears are making me uncomfortable, so do those women with the scars there." Rarity said,

"What do you like, then?" a woman wearing a red escaramuza asked, she had a heavy accent,

"Well, I do like that dress you're wearing, I think the kimonos and saris are beautiful as well, and I really like those dresses there." Rarity replied as she pointed her front left hoof to the cheongsam and hanfu,

"So, do you dislike our beauty standards?" a woman in a green gown asked,

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I respect you all have your own ideas, but some of them are harder to look at than others." Rarity replied,

"What are your beauty standards?" a woman in a pink gown asked,

"Well, firstly, I think you all saw Princess Celestia, she meets every beauty standard of our culture, I believe you all already saw her, she's that tall white pony with the flowing mane." Rarity replied, some women needed what Rarity said translated into their native language, some of the women become confused and one Ethiopian woman asks Rarity a question in her native language,

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand your language." Rarity said,

"She asked if you girls do any scarring for looking beautiful." the woman in the white gown replied,

"Oh! Celestia, no! We do not do such things, we like our skin smooth and soft, I would have to wear clothes if I was covered in scars." Rarity said, she sighed afterwards,

"One reason I called you all here is so I can take photos of your diverse views on beauty, and if possible, teach me how to make your outfits, I think our fashion industry would love to try them out." Rarity said, the women who understood translated for the others, they agree and Rarity begins taking pictures to use as a guide since she was going to try to make the outfits.

Rainbow Dash was doing a Wonderbolt show for the humans, the humans used aerokinesis and telekinesis to fly, they enjoy the show and admired the colors of the trails the Wonderbolts left behind,

"Now, that, is a show." Rainbow Dash said, the humans cheered,

"Do you guys do any shows?" Vapor Trail asked,

"Yes, but not aerial ones." a male human replied,

"What do you guys do?" Sky Stinger asked, the humans point towards the Crystal Empire and they saw humans acting out Shakespearean plays, they also saw humans doing Kabuki plays as well, the Wonderbolts were very confused,

"Okay, I'm not going to ask what those are about." Soarin said,

"Well, we have many different ways of telling plays, that's only a few." a female human replied, they look and see Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart were greatly enjoying a Kabuki play,

"Well, you guys want to continue watching our show?" Spitfire asked, the humans nod while smiling, and the Wonderbolts continue their show while the humans watch with awe.

Fluttershy took the humans to her cottage and they see her many animals, several of the people there begin worshiping Harry, which confused him,

"Um, what are they doing?" Fluttershy asked,

"It is the belief of those Ainu people, the bear is the top god." a male human replied,

"Oh, I didn't know that." Fluttershy said,

"Yeah, in a lot of our cultures and beliefs, the animals of our world are gods." a male child replied,

"Oh, really? Wow, I never knew that." Fluttershy replied,

"Also, be careful with your goats, buffaloes, cattle, and chickens, some of our cultures sacrifice them to gods to please them." a female human replied, Fluttershy becomes shocked,

"You mean... as in... you all kill them?!" Fluttershy asked, the humans nod, much to Fluttershy's horror,

"Well, we also do have the Zodiac, where we worship twelve animals." a second female human said,

"Really? That's wonderful, what are they?" Fluttershy asked,

"Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig." the second female human replied,

"What do they represent?" Fluttershy asked,

"Well, it's complicated, each one is specific, you've got the five elements to it, the lucky colors, the lucky numbers, lucky flowers, the Yin Yang stuff, what it's earthly branch is, and when that animal's lunar month is." the second female human replied,

"You all have elements, too?" Fluttershy asked,

"Do you?" the male child asked,

"Yes, we have six elements, mine is kindness, the others are loyalty, honesty, generosity, laughter, and magic, we had six more elements before that, they were strength, healing, hope, beauty, bravery, and sorcery." Fluttershy replied, confusing the humans,

"Um, is something the matter?" Fluttershy asked,

"Yeah, those are not elements to us." the first female human replied,

"They're not?" Fluttershy asked,

"No, those are what we call characteristics, while kindness and generosity are virtues, but we call generosity charity." the male child replied,

"What are your elements?" Fluttershy asked,

"We have four basic elements, fire, water, earth, and air, and sometimes, there's a fifth element, the fifth element for us is usually lightning, but it's changed around, sometimes, the five elements is fire, water, earth, wood, and metal, but in other times, when fire, water, earth, and air are the elements, the fifth element is different, sometimes, it's heaven, sometimes, it's void, and the two most powerful elements in our beliefs are light and dark." the first female human replied,

"Wow, I wish to learn more, tell me more about your animals and elements." Fluttershy said, and the humans begin to talk about the symbolism of animals and elements in their cultures.

Applejack had the humans at Sweet Apple Acres and they were looking around,

"Wow, it's like a whole field of Eden." a female human said,

"Say what?" Applejack asked,

"There is a story in our beliefs about the first of our kind, Adam and Eve, and they were living in the Garden of Eden, where they were forbidden to eat these apples that contained all the knowledge of good and evil, a serpent tempted Eve to eat the apples, and she shared them with Adam, and the two got exiled from the garden, and lost their ability to live forever." a male human replied, Applejack just looked on,

"Ah'm confused." Applejack said,

"Basically, God told them not do this thing, but they did, and got banished from the garden." a second male human replied,

"But wasn't it that serpent's fault?" Applejack asked,

"That's another thing, Adam did nothing to stop Eve from being tempted." the first male human replied,

"Huh. Ah'm still mighty confused." Applejack said,

"Do we gain knowledge from eating the apples like from the story?" a female human child asked,

"Sorry, sugar cube, but no, these are just regular apples." Applejack replied,

"Were the apples in the story zap apples?" Granny Smith asked,

"No, red apples like the ones here." a male human child replied,

"Can Ah hear the story?" Apple Bloom asked, the humans agree and begin talking about Adam and Eve.

Twilight Sparkle brought the humans to her castle and they were in the library,

"What is that you all got there?" Twilight Sparkle asked, and she saw the humans had the Bible, the Quran, and the Tanakh with them,

"They are sacred books of our religions, there are many, but these are the main ones." a male human child replied,

"What are they about?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Well, mostly on how we should live and what we should practice." the male human child replied,

"Wow, those actually look very long." Starlight Glimmer said,

"They are." a male adult human replied,

"We've got a lot of books here, we think you all will like them." Spike said, and the humans look around. The humans look at the books Twilight Sparkle had and realized some of her stories were similar to the ones from their own story,

"What did you do with the books you took from us?" the male human child asked,

"They're over there, I'm still reading them, and I'm also choosing stories I think my friends would like." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Which ones are you planning to read to your friends?" the female human child asked,

"Well, I did like The Ugly Duckling, I think Fluttershy is going to like that story, but other than that, I'm still going through and reading." Twilight Sparkle replied, and the humans continue going through the books Twilight Sparkle offered them to read, she saw a male adult human with a book in his right hand,

"What is that you got there?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she walked forward to get a better look at the book, they all look and see the book, the humans become scared,

"The Necronomicon Ex-Mortis." a second male adult human said,

"Excuse me?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is a book that is used to summon demons, we have several books like them." a female adult human replied,

"Summon demons? This doesn't sound safe." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, Volvox was the one who had this, I am merely burrowing it." the human with the book replied,

"Can I take a look at the inside of it?" Twilight Sparkle asked, and the man let her. Twilight Sparkle uses her magic to hold the book up and go through the pages,

"What the? What is this?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she went through the pages and saw the words and pictures, she was very disturbed by the pictures,

"They are written in an ancient language, only a few understand it." the man who had the book said,

"That's not it, it's these drawings, I'd be scared if these creatures were real." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"They are real." the man with the book said, Twilight Sparkle becomes disturbed and gives it back to him,

"There is one series we didn't let you read, The King in Yellow, those who read it feel despair and go insane." the male human child said,

"How come?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is believed it has some kind of power on those who, everyone who has read it went insane." a second female adult human replied,

"Well, I'll check it out another time, now go on and enjoy my books." Twilight Sparkle said, and the humans read.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle showed the human kids what they liked and they were all met with different reactions,

"What do you all think?" Scootaloo asked as she showed them her scooter,

"It could use more designs on it." a female human child replied,

"I'm fine with the way it is." Scootaloo said,

"I think your bow could use some more designs in it." a male human child said,

"Ah done that once, and it was too heavy for me to wear." Apple Bloom replied,

"Here's what I do." Sweetie Belle said, and she makes potions, the children with impressed,

"So you know alchemy, too." a second female human child said,

"You guys have alchemy?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Yup, the Count of Saint Germain achieved immortality and time travel through alchemy, he made a special potion for it." a second male child replied,

"What is the potion?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"He won't share it with us." a third male human child replied,

"That does sound pretty cool, though, being able to live forever." Scootaloo said,

"Ya mean like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Sure." Scootaloo replied,

"We also do singing, there's a lot of singing in Ponyville." Sweetie Belle said,

"Let's hear it." a third female human child replied, the other human children agree and the Cutie Mark Crusaders begin singing a song.

The Crystal Empire watches the humans do the plays from their home, the crystal ponies watch Japanese, Italian, and Greek plays as the actors acted, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart were watching a Kabuki play and really enjoying it, Flurry Heart wanted to use the swords they used in the play and wanted to try it,

"Hey, careful, these swords are real." a male human said with a Japanese accent, Flurry Heart became surprised and stopped wanting it,

"Oh, cheer up, young one, we got wooden ones you can practice with." the male human said, Flurry Heart became excited and he gives her two of them. Flurry Heart tries to hold the wooden swords and they were heavy for her, she tries to swing them around and dropped them a lot, she tried again and kept dropping them, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence chuckle and help her hold them, Flurry Heart swings them around has fun, she made exciting burbling noises and swung the wooden swords around.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watch the humans and saw them improving their own appearances, the men exercised and flexed their muscles while women were looking for ways to make themselves slimmer and tried on makeup, some men wore makeup as well, the two walked to them,

"Excuse us." Princess Celestia said, the humans look at them,

"What are you all doing?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Appealing to the beauty standards of our cultures." a male human replied,

"Which is?" Princess Luna asked,

"Each one's different, but most have similar beliefs on fitness, men must be skinny and muscular, and women must be slender with smooth skin." a female human replied, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were interested,

"So, how are some cultures in beauty standards different?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Some of our cultures think women are beautiful when they are fat." a second male human replied,

"There's one over there." a second female human said as she pointed with her right index finger, they see a woman being fed to be overweight, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were very uncomfortable,

"That doesn't look healthy." Princess Celestia said,

"It's her culture, they see fat women as beautiful." the first female human replied,

"But still, it's not worth it if it damages your health." Princess Celestia said,

"Indeed, health always comes before beauty." Princess Luna said,

"Do you males wear makeup as well?" a third male human asked,

"Um, no, the stallions in our land don't wear makeup, only the mares do." Princess Celestia replied,

"Well, they should, men have to look beautiful, too." a handsome man with long hair said, the two looked at him and saw he had a name tag on his suit, he was Narcissus,

"The makeup we wear have health benefits as well." a woman covered in red clay said,

"For example?" Princess Celestia asked,

"This red clay I wear prevents me from getting sunburned." the woman covered in red clay replied, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna become a little surprised,

"The makeup we wear in our culture also kills bacteria and harmful germs, they can help heal the skin as well." the first male human said,

"Oh, well, in that case, I'd like to learn a bit." Princess Celestia replied, and she and Princess Luna look at their makeup and also watch the men and women exercise to stay in shape.

Night time comes and Princess Luna saw something in the sky around Vinci that caught her attention,

"What is this?" Princess Luna asked, and she saw twelve constellations around Vinci in a circle, she saw Volvox standing on El Castillo,

"Excuse me." Princess Luna said as she flew to him, he looks at her,

"What are those in the sky?" Princess Luna asked,

"The Horoscope, they are represented by the certain days and months of the year, it starts at the twelve o'clock position over there." Volvox replied as he looked back, Princess Luna looks at the constellation Volvox looked at,

"We start at that one and go clockwise, that one there at the twelve o'clock position is Aries, next one is Taurus, the one after that is Gemini, after that one is Cancer, the next one is Leo, that one there is Virgo, the one there at the six o'clock position is Libra, the one after that one is Scorpio, the next one is Sagittarius, the next one is Capricorn, the next one over is Aquarius, and the last one is Pisces, each constellation has a symbol, an element of either fire, water, earth, or air, a planet to represent it, a house, a keyword, and a symbol." Volvox replied,

"Please, send me a letter another time, I'd like to know about these one day, I must attend to my duties now." Princess Luna said, and she flew back to Canterlot and entered the dream realm.

Princess Luna watches the dreams of others and saw the ponies dreaming about the humans and their forms of entertainment, she was enjoying all of it, the humans were all having good dreams until they all suddenly disappeared,

"Wha...? What is going on?" Princess Luna asked, she hears gasps of awe in the real world and flies out of the dream realm.

Princess Luna looks and saw everycreature was awake,

"Wow, look at the sky." a filly said, Princess Luna looks and she saw Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis in the sky, they were moving around the twelve constellations, everycreature was in awe,

"Wow, it is so beautiful." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I must agree, what beauty." Rarity replied, they all look and saw the sky around Vinci was full of stars, and a rabbit was in the moon. White flashes appear to Volvox's right and he looks, he saw foals and ponies taking pictures of the night sky over his country, they finish and Volvox continued watching his country. A shooting star passes through the sky and everybody in Vinci saw it,

"A shooting star, someone has died." Tom said, the world's natives disagree and several go to them,

"A shooting star means to make a wish." Rarity said,

"Yes, we're familiar with the whole make a wish thing, but it doesn't always work." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Ooh, ooh, I know, maybe you can wish for that person back." Pinkie Pie said,

"Afraid it doesn't work that way." Dommiel replied,

"I know, I wish for everlasting friendship with this country." Sweetie Belle said,

"Unlikely, once when my superiors up there in the sky get everything settled out, we're returning to our world." Volvox replied,

"Well, can you at least share some of your things?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"We already do." Volvox replied, they all saw their points,

"Well, you all should go back and get some rest." Volvox said, they agreed and they all went back home and slept.

The next day comes and the humans travel to the other lands, Volvox watched the other creatures and decided which humans would be best to go to several places, he sent the knights, samurais, and shaolin monks to the Dragon Lands, construction people and architects to Griffonstone, athletes to Yakyakistan, regular citizens to the changeling kingdom, magic users to Mount Aris and Seaquestria, and entertainers to Kirin Grove.

The knights and samurais show off their weapons and fighting skills, which the dragons like, but they were very curious about the shaolin monks, they see the shaolin monks practice fighting and had five banners with them, the far left banner was red with a tiger on it, the far right banner was blue with a crane on it, the center-left banner was yellow with a leopard on it, the center-right banner was green with a snake on it, and the center banner was black with a dragon on it,

"So, what are these?" Princess Ember asked, a monk explains in Chinese, the dragons did not understand him,

"He said that they are their fighting styles, the tiger is aggressive and only attacks, the leopard's strength comes from its speed, the crane is flexible and graceful, and attacks with precision, the snake slides and attacks vital points of the body, and the dragon is energy inside the body and out, its attacks are both, soft and hard." a knight replied,

"Demonstrate, I would like to see this." Dragon Lord Torch said, and they all begin. The shaolin monks do their martial arts and the dragons won against the crane fighting style with some ease, some won and lost against the dragon fighting style, some won and lost against the snake fighting style, and they were overwhelmed by tiger and leopard fighting styles, the dragons had fun and they all continue fighting while the shaolin monks remained calm, the samurais and knights joined the fighting as well.

The humans in Griffonstone begin reconstructing the country for the griffons,

"Hey, hurry up, we don't have all day!" Grampa Gruff said,

"Art takes time, while the heart is fast to change desire, making the first desire complete takes time." a male human replied,

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just keep working." Gilda said, the humans grumble and work, they use their earth magic to build the place, and wind magic to fly around, they also used telekinesis to rebuild Griffonstone, the griffons were impatient and demanded they hurry up,

"The griffons at home were friendlier than these." a female human said, the others agreed. Gabby flies up to them and gives them scones,

"Here you all go." Gabby said, they take them,

"Thank you, at least there's one griffon here who's friendly." a male human said, the others agreed. Several humans go through Griffonstone and see a lot of their things were destroyed, which saddened them since they were hoping to learn about Griffonstone's culture.

The humans in Yakyakistan show them their sports, the yaks loved watching,

"Prince Rutherford like sumo wrestling!" Prince Rutherford said, the other yaks stomp happily, they also liked boxing, running, and soccer, which some of the humans called football,

"Yak wanna play." a male yak child said,

"Sure, here are the rules." a male human said, and they talk about the rules, the yaks try playing with the humans and have fun,

"This reminds me of a sport my culture does." a female human said with a Spanish accent,

"What sport?" Prince Rutherford asked,

"Running of the Bulls." a female human replied,

"What is this Running of Bulls?" a female yak asked, the female human uses her psychic powers to show the yaks what it was, it excited them,

"Yak want do bull running!" Prince Rutherford said,

"Okay, but we get a head start since you all chase us, and we're slower." a male human replied, they nod, they all get into position and the humans run first, and the yaks begin to chase them.

The humans in the changeling kingdom just look around and were not finding things that interested them,

"Are you guys enjoying this place?" King Thorax asked,

"Not really." a male human replied,

"Yeah, you guys are like regular bugs from where we come from." a female human said,

"I heard you guys have changelings at home, too." Pharynx said,

"Yes, but they're fairies, not deer like you guys." a second male human replied,

"What are they like?" a female changeling asked, a human uses his psychic powers to show them a picture, they saw the changelings were ugly humanoid babies with gray skins, shocking the changelings,

"Ugh, your world's changelings are ugly." a female changeling said,

"They're evil, too." a female human replied,

"How so?" King Thorax asked,

"They steal our children." a third male human replied, shocking the changelings,

"Chrysalis was an evil changeling." a female changeling child said,

"Yes, but she would never stoop as low as to steal one's infant." King Thorax replied,

"Well, we'll let you guys look around, and try to enjoy." Pharynx said, the humans then begin to explore the changeling kingdom, they see the throne,

"What a strange looking throne." a fourth male human said,

"It's anti-magic, your spells won't work on it." King Thorax replied,

"I wonder." a second female human said, and she tries using telekinesis, it got deflected,

"So, it resists psychic powers, too." a third female human said,

"Let's try spiritual powers." the first male human replied, and the humans meditate, their spirits leave their bodies, causing the changelings to gasp, the humans go to the throne and saw they could, they tried using their powers and they worked,

"Okay, spiritual power works." the first male human said,

"What is this spiritual power?" King Thorax asked,

"It is powers that come from your soul, as you can see, we can separate our souls from our bodies, you become souls permanently after you die." the first female human replied, the changelings were interested,

"How do you achieve it?" Pharynx asked,

"Meditation." the second male human replied,

"Please, show us." King Thorax said, and they all meditate.

The strongest magic using humans in Mount Aris and Seaquestria do shows for the hippogriffs and seaponies and they love it, they were in awe,

"Tell us, how did you all learn magic?" Sky Beak asked,

"Meditation and focus." a female human replied,

"Focus on what?" Ocean Flow asked,

"The four primary elements." a male human replied,

"Which are?" Princess Skystar asked,

"Fire, water, earth, and wind." a second male human replied,

"You people already conquered three of the elements." a second female human said,

"Which ones?" Terramar asked,

"Water, wind, and earth, you all do not have power over fire, yet." the first male human replied,

"I don't think fire should be messed with." Queen Novo said,

"Your reasoning?" a third male human asked,

"Well, first of all, our houses up here are made from trees, and fire won't work in the water." Queen Novo replied,

"That, and our wings have feathers, fire will burn them." Princess Skystar said,

"If you wish, we can show you all some advanced magic." the second male human replied, they all agreed,

"Alright, here goes." a third female human said, and she uses advanced water magic, she began to use ice magic, the hippogriffs were in awe,

"I wanna see the other advanced magic." Princess Skystar said, the hippogriffs and seaponies agree, the humans who used advanced fire magic controlled lava, magma, and volcanoes, the humans who used advanced water magic controlled snow and ice, the humans who used advanced earth magic controlled rocks, stones, plants, sand, and crystals, and the humans who used advanced air magic controlled the clouds and the weather, the hippogriffs and seaponies were surprised and in awe,

"I think a show is in for a call." Queen Novo said, the humans, hippogriffs, and seaponies agree and begin setting things up to do a play.

The entertainers of Vinci were in Kirin Grove and liked the place, they were quick to befriend Autumn Blaze,

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, I hope you all enjoy it here." Rain Shine said, and the humans begin doing magic tricks, singing, and creating art with their magic,

"Wow, can you guys teach me?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"Well, I guess it's worth a try." a male human replied, and Autumn Blaze was excited. The humans try to teach Autumn Blaze how to cook and make food art, she did alright, they then teach her how to play musical instruments, she already knew how to play them all, the females try to teach her how to sing, she could already do it, the humans then try to teach her different styles of plays, Autumn Blaze could do some of them,

"Okay, we found a starting point." a female human said, and they try to teach Autumn Blaze. Autumn Blaze and the other kirins join to try to learn, they growl and get angry whenever they messed up, Autumn Blaze changed into a nirik and set the props on fire, the humans use water magic but it does nothing, so they use advanced water magic to use ice, it also did nothing to the nirik fire, Autumn Blaze changed back and panted,

"Sorry, I lost my temper there." Autumn Blaze said,

"Perhaps meditating could help you as well." a second male human replied,

"Meditating? What's meditating?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"We'll just demonstrate." a third male human replied, and they do. The kirins try and felt nothing,

"Excuse me." Rain Shine said, the humans open their eyes',

"What is this supposed to do?" Rain Shine asked,

"Clear your mind and help you focus, it also keeps your bad memories and emotions from affecting you." the first male human replied,

"Okay, I don't understand, but I'm willing to try." Rain Shine said, and they do,

"Ugh, this is boring." Autumn Blaze said after a while,

"That is not the point, the point is to give yourself better mental health." a second female human said calmly,

"But still, it is boring." Autumn Blaze replied, the other kirins agree,

"Do you all wish to do what we were doing earlier?" the first male human asked, the kirins nod,

"Very well, let's continue, then." the first male human said, and they continue teaching the kirins their forms of entertainment.

The humans return to Vinci and report to Volvox about their findings and he and Dommiel, Giovi, the Count of Saint Germain, and Tom read them,

"Hmm, interesting, some of the natives of this world have similar forms of art and entertainment to our own." Tom said,

"Perhaps we can establish positive relationships through similar tastes in art and entertainment." Volvox said, Princess Celestia overheard him and smiled,

"Emperor Volvox!" a male human said as he and other humans ran to him, it was so loud, the other creatures looked at them,

"We have found something strange, it looks dangerous." the male human said,

"Where?" Volvox asked,

"Within the astral plane." a female human replied, the other creatures look on with confusion. Volvox closes the eyes of his right head and center head, his left head did not have eyes, he reopens them and his four eyes and eye holes on his left head had light blue and white light come out of them, the world's natives gasp with awe. Volvox's vision was dark blue with white stars, he looks through the astral plane,

"Where is it?" Volvox asked, the humans meditate to enter the astral plane,

"To the west of where you're looking." the male human replied, Volvox looks to his left and becomes a little startled when he sees what was ahead,

"That's it, that blob thing there." the male human said, Volvox saw it was Azathoth, he looks and also sees Cxaxukluh, Daoloth, Ghroth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Tulzscha, Yibb-Tstll, and Yog-Sothoth were there as well, he was careful not to look at Daoloth, as looking at him causes people to go insane, he watches them and saw they were just moving around and not causing trouble. Volvox finishes looking into the astral plane and the glows and lights on his eyes and eye holes of his left head disappear,

"It is the outer gods, avoid contact with them, and do not look at Daoloth." Volvox said, the humans nod,

"Excuse me." Twilight Sparkle said, Volvox looks down and sees her and her five friends,

"What is the astral plane?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is an area that is not accessible physically, it is full of mysteries and we don't know how big it is, we are still exploring it." Volvox replied,

"I wanna enter the astral plane." Pinkie Pie said while hopping up and down,

"You can't enter physically, you can only enter the astral plane spiritually, only souls can enter, so dead people can go, and living people can enter by separating their souls from their bodies through meditation." Dommiel replied,

"Can magic permit entry to the astral plane?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Do you have magic that involves controlling souls?" Dommiel asked, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were speechless,

"I... don't think we do." Rarity replied,

"Then you can't enter." Dommiel said,

"Wait, if we can create a spell that allows us, then we can go." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Alright, but be careful if you do enter the astral plane." Tom said,

"How come?" Applejack asked,

"The astral plane is full of many unknowns, some discoveries have led to bad consequences." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"What kind of consequences?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Usually, insanity, sometimes, death, and in worst case scenarios, death, and possession of your body." the Count of Saint Germain replied, shocking the world's natives, Fluttershy whimpered with fear,

"I think this is worth exploring, give us time, I think we can create a spell to enter." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Okay, but be careful." Volvox replied,

"What about you? Didn't you just enter with magic?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"I didn't enter the astral plane, I just looked into it through a little meditation, the more you meditate and focus, you more likely you are to enter the astral plane." Volvox replied,

"Okay, let's go, I'll start working on creating a new spell tomorrow." Twilight Sparkle said, and they leave while it became dark and everybody went to sleep. Princess Luna looks into the dream realm and does not see the astral plane, she was curious as well, she does her duties for the night and finishes when the sun began to rise.

Morning comes and the ponies meditate with Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, and Star Swirl the Bearded were in the center,

"Okay, everypony, meditate, let's see if we can reach the astral plane." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do while the ponies in the center cast a spell to see if they can separate their souls from their bodies to reach it, they try and have trouble, the unicorns grunt with effort as they try and sweat, but could not separate their souls from their bodies,

"I don't understand, how were they able to do it?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Well, Twily, they did say it's spiritual, not magical, so maybe internal willpower allowed them to do it." Shining Armor replied,

"I wanna explore the astral plane!" Twilight Sparkle said in an annoyed tone,

"Give it time, Twilight, let's rest a bit and try again." Princess Celestia replied, and they rest while Twilight Sparkle was impatient,

"Is everypony ready?" Star Swirl the Bearded asked, the ponies nod,

"Alright, everypony, here we go." Starlight Glimmer said, and they try again, they try and could not reach the astral plane,

"I found it!" Pinkie Pie said loudly, startling and distracting everypony, they look at her,

"I entered the astral plane!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly,

"Of course you would find a way, Pinkie." Twilight Sparkle replied in a deadpan tone,

"I'm going to go ask them how they do it." Princess Cadence said, and she flies to Vinci. Volvox was watching his citizens and watched the construction people building the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, the Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court Building, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial, the humans were singing Funiculi Funicula while they worked, they were soon finished and they all smiled,

"Excuse me." Princess Cadence said as she flew to them, the natives look at her,

"How do you all enter the astral plane?" Princess Cadence asked,

"We separate our souls from our bodies through meditation." Dommiel replied,

"Yes, we got that, but what is the process?" Princess Cadence asked,

"There isn't one, just keep meditating and be very patient, and have a strong willpower so the deities don't possess your body." Tom replied, Princess Cadence was a little speechless,

"How long does the meditation process take?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Years, sometimes two or three decades before you enter the astral plane for the first time, and you must meditate about one or two hours a day." Volvox replied, shocking Princess Cadence,

"Are there any faster ways?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Well, if you wish, I can send some of my shamans to your country, and have them summon the spirits." Volvox replied,

"No, it's fine, we'll just try to go our own way." Princess Cadence said,

"Alright, be careful." Volvox said, and Princess Cadence leaves. Princess Cadence flies back and shakes her head,

"I see, maybe I can enter, let me try something." Princess Luna said, and she goes into the dream realm. Princess Luna enters the dream realm and looks for the astral plane, she uses her magic to detect the area around her, she was finding nothing, much to her surprise, she tries harder and was not detecting any deities around her, she keeps trying and found nothing, Princess Luna's face twitched with irritation before she left the dream realm. Princess Luna comes back to Equestria,

"I'm sorry, but I can't find anything." Princess Luna said,

"Ugh! This was supposed to be just a simple meditation!" Twilight Sparkle said,

"Has anyone here ever heard of the astral plane?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"While I have seen into the astral plane, it is very difficult to explain." Zecora replied,

"How did you do it, Zecora?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"A certain potion, I can make, and a clean mental state." Zecora replied,

"What's the potion?" Fluttershy asked,

"For my ingredients are currently low, making it must be postponed." Zecora replied,

"Well, I guess we should just continue our way." Sunburst said, and they do. The ponies meditate while the unicorns and alicorns use their magic to try to create a spell, they all gasp in awe when they their visions turn dark blue with white stars for a brief second, they all stop with surprise and sweated,

"Okay, I think we got something." Princess Celestia said,

"*pant* *pant* Yeah, but let's rest, I think all of us are tired." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she sees everypony was tired as well, but they smiled,

"Let's try again another time, Twilight, we have to get on with our days." Princess Celestia said, and they do.

Twilight Sparkle asked for Volvox to allow some of the humans to attend the School of Friendship, but he saw the school did not teach art, so he politely declined, but he did have the humans continue teaching the world's natives their ways of creating art, which they enjoyed,

"Hey, I'm ready for that picture." Sunset Shimmer said from below Volvox,

"I haven't forgotten, go on and try to get a good view." Volvox replied, and Sunset Shimmer tried. Sunset Shimmer wanted to get a picture of everything in the country since she thought it was beautiful, she did and took the picture, it came out developed and she liked it. The Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Young Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, and Autumn Blaze went to Volvox,

"Can we explore the buildings?" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle asked,

"Of course, but be careful, some things are easy to break." Tom replied, the visitors were elated,

"Come on, everycreature, let's explore everything together." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all were ready. Black clouds appear in the sky and everybody sees them, they all see a ship with the Storm King's symbol on it, Volvox and his people were ready to destroy it, it lands and opens and they see Grubber and Tempest Shadow walk out,

"Is this the new area?" Tempest Shadow asked,

"Oh, Tempest Shadow, you made it." Twilight Sparkle said,

"This place looks richer than the Storm King's own private ship." Grubber said,

"Come on, let's start exploring." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go. The group travels together and they enter El Castillo first since it was the closest,

"*pant* *pant* All of these stairs are making me tired." Rarity said,

"This is nothing." Tempest Shadow replied, and they all enter El Castillo. The group explores and it was mostly gray inside, it scared them a little, Fluttershy screams briefly when a face scares her, they look and see a red object in the shape of a jaguar, it had green jewels in it,

"What's this?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Judging by its shape, it looks like a throne." Sunburst replied,

"But who would sit on it?" Sandbar asked,

"Ooh, I know, maybe the animal ruler of whatever this animal is." Silverstream replied,

"Well, if that's the case, this looks like a jaguar." Fluttershy said,

"I must say, those green jewels in it look lovely." Rarity said,

"A jaguar monarch, I wonder if there's one for the other animals." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Well, let's explore, but stay together, the last thing we need is someone getting lost." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they explore, but do not find any more thrones, but did not find any, but they did find a chacmool statue,

"Yona like statue." Yona said,

"But it is just a plain dull gray color." Rarity replied,

"Ya still gotta admire the carvin', though." Applejack said, they agree,

"Did any of you find anything else?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Nuh-uh." Smolder replied,

"Nope." Sandbar said,

"I think that is all we're going to find here." Tempest Shadow said,

"Well, let's go to the next one." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they exit El Castillo. The group exits and they look to the north,

"We've already been in that chapel over there." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Not all of us." Tempest Shadow replied,

"I want to see." Grubber said,

"Let's go together, then." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, Tempest Shadow, and Grubber were in awe at the Sistine Chapel's ceiling,

"Wow, I sure wish I could paint like this." Sunset Shimmer said,

"I can, I've actually made an exact replica of these pictures a long time ago." Autumn Blaze replied,

"Ooh, can you teach me?" Silverstream asked,

"If I have the time." Autumn Blaze replied,

"I've never seen your kind before, what are you?" Tempest Shadow asked,

"A kirin, change into a nirik when I'm angry." Autumn Blaze replied,

"I think I've seen enough, let's go elsewhere." Tempest Shadow said, the others agree and leave, they go to the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda next. The group enters and they see the three gold statues inside, along with decorated pottery to the sides of it, they also see letters engraved on the pillars,

"Look, letters on the pillars." Silverstream said,

"Wow, who would've thought." Starlight Glimmer said,

"How did they do it, though?" Scootaloo asked,

"Good question, I'd like to know, too." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they keep looking and see pictures on the wall, they exit and were about to leave,

"Wait, wait, look at this, everybody." Silverstream said, and they turn around and see dragon engravings on the walls, along with gold statues on the outside,

"Wow, I've never seen art like this before." Autumn Blaze said,

"That is so cool." Rainbow Dash said,

"I guess these guys really worshiped dragons." Smolder said,

"I would like that, too." Spike replied,

"Come on, let's go to the others." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go. The group enters the Capitol Building next and see the statues, paintings on the wall, and engravings on the wall,

"My, what design." Rarity said,

"Yeah, but it's not as good as the last one." Rainbow Dash replied,

"I must agree, there isn't much to see in here." Fluttershy said,

"That painting up there on that ceiling's cool." Gallus said, and they look up and see a painting at the top of interior, they agree,

"There's nothing here, let's go." Smolder said, and they did. The group enters the White House next and they look around, they see the China Room, Map Room, and Diplomatic Reception Room in front of them and like it,

"Oh my, what fine silverware they have." Rarity said,

"Look at the picture on the wall in that room over there." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they look into the Diplomatic Reception Room,

"Wow, I've never seen such details in a picture." Fluttershy said,

"I gotta admit, these guys are talented." Gallus said,

"I wanna learn how to make them!" Silverstream said,

"We don't know how, Silverstream, and it'll depend on if they're willing to share or not." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they walk around more, they see the Vermeil Room and admired it, they turn around and see the library, Twilight Sparkle became excited and flew in there,

"Wow, they have a library." Twilight Sparkle said as she looked at the books,

"Twilight, the tour." Rainbow Dash said,

"Oh, right, sorry." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they all travel together, they see the Curator's Office and liked it, but they continued. The group goes up the stairs and arrive at the Entrance Hall, they were in awe at the design of the room,

"Wow." Sandbar said, they all look around and soon go forward, they stop and see the Family Dining Room to their rights, they admired it and looked to their lefts, they see the East Room and go there, they were surprised by how big it was,

"Party room!" Pinkie Pie said as she hopped around,

"Pinkie, careful." Twilight Sparkle said,

"This is perfect for a dance room." Sweetie Belle said,

"Ah know, how bout we put some of Apple family dances in this room." Apple Bloom replied,

"No way, with this much space, we should go wild." Scootaloo said,

"Not now, we got a tour to finish." Tempest Shadow replied, and they keep going, they see the Cross Hall, they were in awe at its appearance,

"Oh, my, I really do love this red on the floor here." Rarity said,

"Look at the chandeliers." Sweetie Belle replied, and they do, they liked them,

"Ah gotta admit, this is a nice hallway." Applejack said,

"Yeah, maybe we can build one in Equestria like this one." Twilight Sparkle replied, they walk to the east and enter the State Dining Room, they liked the room and go to the Red Room,

"I do like this shade of red here." Rarity said,

"It is kind of cool." Rainbow Dash replied, they look around and see the items in the room, they go to the Blue Room next,

"Oh, I love blue, it's one of my favorite colors." Autumn Blaze said,

"That's kinda ironic comin' from you, Autumn Blaze." Applejack replied,

"I kind of don't like this shade of color." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Me neither." Sunburst said,

"I do." Sweetie Belle replied,

"Well, let's go to the next one." Sunset Shimmer said, and they enter the Green Room,

"Ooh, Yona like this color." Yona said,

"Me too, reminds me of the earth pony flag." Apple Bloom replied,

"It's alright." Smolder said,

"I'm not liking this color too much." Gallus said,

"Really? I think it's nice." Sandbar replied,

"Well, I think that's everything here, let's go up to the next floor." Twilight Sparkle said, and they find the Grand Staircase and go up to the second floor while admiring the pictures on the wall. The group arrives onto the next floor and walk forward, they see the Center Hall to their rights, and the East Sitting Hall to their lefts, they look at the East Sitting Hall since it was small,

"That yellow is hurting my eyes." Ocellus said,

"Yeah, mine too." Smolder replied, and they walk to it and look to their lefts and saw the Queens' Bedroom, they saw the Queens' Sitting Room as well, they look and admire them, they leave the East Sitting Hall and see the Lincoln Bedroom and Lincoln Sitting Room, they admired it and went to the Center Hall next, but stop and look at the Treaty Room, they liked the design overall and they continue to the Center Hall. The group go through the Center Hall and enjoy it, they walk into the West Sitting Hall next, they liked it,

"I will admit, I do like this room's design a bit." Tempest Shadow said,

"I do like the plants in here, I like the yellow color, too." Autumn Blaze replied, Applejack and Apple Bloom agreed, they see the bedrooms and Dressing Room, they looked plain, which disappointed them, they walk through them and enter the Yellow Oval Room,

"Wow, this room is bright." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Yeah, it's hurting my eyes a bit, though." Twilight Sparkle replied, the others agree and they go out to the Truman Balcony, they look forward and admire the view,

"I wish this was a little higher." Sunburst said,

"Me too, it would've made a good place to take a picture." Starlight Glimmer replied, the others agreed and they walk back, they decided they have seen enough and go back to the Center Hall, to the left and north and go up the stairs. The group goes up the stairs and were on the top floor, they arrive into the Center Hall on the third floor,

"Ooh, I like this red." Scootaloo said, the others agreed it was nice and they continue, they see the offices and thought it looked plain compared to the other rooms, they see the Game Room, they only saw the pool table,

"What's this?" Sweetie Belle asked, everybody was curious about the pool table as well, but they leave and go into the Center Hall again, they see the bedrooms and turn north and go to the Linen Room, they all saw it was a room that stored tablecloth and where the ironing was done, which disappointed them, they turn around and see the Cedar Room, but they did not like how it looked, they walk around more and go east, they see the Music Room, Pinkie Pie was exicted and hops there, Autumn Blaze also became excited and ran there, but they stopped with disappointment,

"Where are the instruments?" Pinkie Pie asked, the others saw there was only a few instruments, they leave in disappointment and go to the north and see the Workout Room,

"I think this is the last room." Twilight Sparkle said,

"This place looks awesome." Rainbow Dash said,

"Yeah, this would be a good spot to practice mah buckin'." Applejack replied,

"I could use this room as well." Tempest Shadow said, and they all go back to the bottom floor and exit the White House while the humans become shocked when they realized they have forgotten to build the East Wing and the West Wing of the White House. The group goes to the United States Supreme Court Building next, they stop and look at the outside with surprise, they see the statues and carvings in the building, along with the carving at the bottom of the two flag poles,

"Wow, even the flag poles are decorated." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Yeah, this must've took forever to make." Sunset Shimmer replied, and they all continue admiring the building and they all see the statues, they also see words carved at the top of the building,

"Equal justice under law." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Look at the carvings above it." Grubber said, and they all do, they were all surprised to see them,

"Ah've never seen carvin's like that before." Apple Bloom said,

"Me neither, I didn't think something like this was possible." Sunburst replied, they continue looking and look at the Contemplation of Justice statue and the Authority of Law statue,

"Let's go in." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do. The group enters and they see the marble pillars, which made them gasp with awe,

"Wow, they're big." Autumn Blaze said, they walk around and see one room had decorations on the ceiling, much to their surprises, they keep walking through and liked the building, they finish and exit. The group walks to the Washington Monument and admire it, they also look at the Lincoln Memorial and admire that as well, they left shortly afterwards. Twilight Sparkle uses telekinesis to make herself and the others float up and they look at the Great Wall, they were all surprised,

"Wow, this is big." Starlight Glimmer said,

"It's huge." Sunburst replied,

"I can't believe how long this is, I can't imagine how long this took to make." Twilight Sparkle said, they finish looking at the Great Wall and go to the northwest. The group looks at the Pyramid of Giza and its small pyramids,

"This looks fun to explore." Ocellus said, and they try, but the inside of the pyramids were tight and some of the creatures could not fit through the small spaces, so they decide to look at the Statue of Liberty and the Effiel Tower, they liked them both,

"How long do ya think those two took to build, Twilight?" Applejack asked,

"I don't know, but probably a really long time, with all of the putting together and the carving." Twilight Sparkle replied, they then go to the Big Ben clock tower. The group looks for an entrance but do not see one,

"How do we enter?" Gallus asked, the others wondered as well,

"Teleporation." a male human replied from behind, it surprised them and they turn around,

"It's only a part of a building, but the Big Ben was the most famous part, so Emperor Volvox put it here while he discarded the rest." the male human said, the group looks at it with surprise and the Big Ben's clock tower's bell begins to ring, which scared some of the group, but they get themselves together and go to the Effiel Tower next,

"Rods! We never had those underwater!" Silverstream said, they all look and Twilight Sparkle was uneasy,

"What's the matter, Twi?" Applejack asked,

"These rods and the way they're structured, they look almost exactly like bone structure." Twilight Sparkle replied, the group's awe dies down,

"That is unnerving to know." Sunburst said,

"You think structure built from real bones?" Yona asked,

"I hope not." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they continue to look at it, Fluttershy was scared,

"Fluttershy, darling, what is the matter?" Rarity asked,

"It's... so... tall, it... scares... me." Fluttershy replied,

"You could just fly up and fly back down." Smolder said, the others agreed,

"I've seen enough, let's go." Gallus said, and they all go to the west of the country. The group arrives at the Parthenon and were disappointed,

"This place looks destroyed." Sunset Shimmer said,

"That's because it is destroyed." Volvox replied,

"Not everythin's gone, see, look up at the roof." Apple Bloom said, and they see the carvings near the roof,

"There's a statue inside, too." Applejack said, and they all see the Statue of Athena,

"Well, let's go, I don't think there's much more here." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Still, these pillars, they remind me of Cloudsdale." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Yes, they look just like them." Fluttershy said,

"Well, let's go." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go to the southwest of Vinci. The group goes to the Sedlec Ossuary first and enter, they stop and scream in terror when they see all of the bones inside the ossuary, they all stood there with their mouths and eyes' wide open,

"Wh... What is this?!" Rarity asked, the others were still frozen in shock at what they saw, they all look on in shock and could not believe what was before them, they all step back outside in fear. The group sees Notre-Dame de Paris next, they did stop to look at the Terracotta Army briefly,

"I can't imagine how long this took to make." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Me neither, probably longer than how long most of us have been alive." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I would've liked an army like this." Tempest Shadow said,

"Well, come on, let's go to that area over there." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do. The group looks at Notre-Dame de Paris, they hear the bells ringing and loved the sounds, they go to the entrance and see the carvings on the door, which they liked, they go through the inside and were in awe at all of the windows, they also admire the cross at the front, they continue to explore and go upstairs, they see the bells being rung by a hunchbacked man, they watch him ring the bells and were in awe at his acrobatic skills,

"Um, excuse us." Fluttershy said, the man turned around and they were initially shocked by his deformed appearance,

"Don't be alarmed, I am Quasimodo, I am the bellringer of Notre Dame." the man said,

"What happened to you?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I was born this way." Quasimodo replied,

"Where are your parents?" Rarity asked,

"I never met them." Quasimodo replied, saddening the group,

"Well, what are you doing here?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Ringing the bells, it's my job." Quasimodo replied,

"I wanna try!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Sure, follow my lead." Quasimodo replied, and the two ring the bells. Pinkie Pie and Quasimodo jump around and ring the bells, the group smiled since they thought the bells sounded beautiful,

"I wanna try!" Silverstream said, and she flies up,

"Me too." Autumn Blaze said as she ran to them,

"We wanna try, too." Sweetie Belle said as she ran with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, they all ring the bells together and have fun, they finish after a while and Quasimodo had fun with them,

"Okay, everycreature, let's go to the next one." Twilight Sparkle said, and they leave while Quasimodo waves bye at them. The group goes to the south of Vinci and saw the Colosseum,

"Looks a bit like Cloudsdale's architecture." Fluttershy said,

"You're right, it does." Rainbow Dash replied, the group looks at it and were curious,

"What was this place used for?" Sandbar asked, the others wondered as well and they entered, they see the inside was circular and full of seats,

"Ooh, I know, maybe this was used for parties." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, it must've been a big one." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Or maybe a concert." Spike said, the others wondered as well,

"Well, there's almost nothing here, let's go to the next area." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do. The group goes to the southeast and enter Angkor Wat next,

"*gasp* Look at the walls!" Silverstream said excitedly, they all do and were in awe at the stone carvings in the walls,

"Wow, I have never seen wall carvings like these before." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all continue, they all admire the wall carvings and statues inside Angkor Wat, they were extremely impressed with the details the builders put into them,

"I have traveled to nearly every land in this world, but I have never seen a building like this one." Tempest Shadow said,

"That's really a shame, I would've liked to see it." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I may come back here, all of these wall carvings are giving me new ideas for outfits." Rarity said, and they all continue walking around and Ocellus soon got startled,

"What's the matter, Ocellus?" Fluttershy asked,

"That face there scared me." Ocellus replied, they all look and see a big face carved into several parts of Angkor Wat, shocking the group,

"Wow, even the best builders in Equestria would have trouble buildin' somethin' like that." Applejack said,

"I wonder how they did it." Rainbow Dash said,

"Well, let's go, I think that's all we'll see here." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they go. The group goes to Seitenkyū next and were already in shock and awe at the temple itself,

"*gasp* WOW!!" Silverstream said excitedly, the group looks at the dragon carvings in the pillars outside, along with the dragons on the top of the roof, they also see gold carvings of people under the roof, and many decorations around the outside of Seitenkyū, and two stone carvings of lions on the outside, they all walk forward and see more carvings around the entrances,

"Wow, whoever made this must've been very talented." Fluttershy said, they go through and saw there was no inside,

"What the?" Sunburst asked,

"There's no inside." Spike said,

"Well, let's go to the next one, I think we're almost done." Twilight Sparkle said, and they leave. The group goes to Al-Khazneh next and look at the outside of the building,

"Ooh, my family can make something like this." Pinkie Pie said,

"Can we try, Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Nope, Ah don't think so, we ain't rock carvers." Applejack replied,

"Look at the detail." Sunset Shimmer said, and everybody saw the carvings and decorations carved into the pillars, the leaves under the roofs, and the angels in the walls, they finish and enter, but saw it was empty,

"Aw, it's empty." Autumn Blaze said,

"But still, admire the carvings, they actually made a building out of rock, I've never seen anything like this." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"It is kind of cool." Rainbow Dash said, and they all leave and go to Prambanan next,

"Yona like this place already." Yona said,

"Wow, look at those rooftops." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Ugh, dull color, I think it could use more colors." Rarity replied, they continue looking around and see many smaller temples,

"Wow, how many temples are there?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Two hundred forty." a female human that was nearby replied, shocking the group,

"Wow, that's a lot of temples." Applejack said,

"Should we go inside?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"No, it would take too long, I'm sorry, everycreature, but we have to skip this one." Twilight Sparkle said, the younger members groan with disappointment and go to the east of Vinci. The group goes to the Taj Mahal and Twilight Sparkle stopped with awe,

"You alright, Twilight?" Applejack asked, Twilight Sparkle continued to just stand there and look,

"I can't believe it, so even, so symmetrical, this building is perfect." Twilight Sparkle said, she stood back and kept looking and admiring,

"Come on, Twilight, not now." Spike said as he slapped her to snap her out of her daze,

"Sorry, I just like how even it is, let's go." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do, they look at the Taj Mahal and admire the deocrations on it,

"Ah gotta admit, Ah do wonder how they got it so perfectly even and symmetrical." Applejack said,

"I think this place is perfect for me to take a picture of the natives here in their different clothes." Rarity said,

"Why here for?" Ocellus asked,

"Why? Because this building is perfectly symmetrical, I think it will make the perfect background." Rarity replied, and they enter and saw guards,

"Halt, entry into this place is prohibitted." a male guard said, shocking the group,

"Why?" Sandbar asked,

"This area is sacred, nobody can enter." a second male guard replied,

"Yona demand entry." Yona said,

"Nope, we can't enter either, not even Emperor Volvox himself." the first male guard replied,

"Oh, come on, please?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Pretty, pretty, please?" Fluttershy asked,

"Sorry, but we can't, us and you guys will get arrested." the second male guard replied,

"Then why do you have this place in your country?" Sandbar asked,

"For the art on the outside." the first male guard replied, they all still wanted to enter,

"It's no use, everycreature, we have to leave." Twilight Sparkle said, the younger members of the group groan with disappointment,

"Come on, last area, let's go." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go. The group goes to the northeast of Vinci and the first thing they notice is the Leshan Giant Buddha,

"This thing is almost as big as Dragon Lord Torch." Spike said,

"Yeah, I can't believe they actually made something like this." Smolder said, Silverstream flew around and looked at the statue,

"Look at the details." Silverstream said, they all look and see the Leshan Giant Buddha had fingernails, toenails, hair, a mouth, a nose, eyes, ears, eyebrows, and a dot on his forehead,

"Wow, this is the biggest statue I've ever seen." Sunburst said,

"Me too, I can't imagine how long this must've took to carve." Twilight Sparkle replied, they all finish and look at the Moai around the northeast of Vinci,

"What are these?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Moai statues, they are from a place in our world called Easter Island, I only put a few of them in my country, there's a total of over nine hundred statues." Volvox replied, shocking the group,

"What do they represent?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Don't know, the people who made them were already gone when we found them." Dommiel replied, the group was surprised by looked at the last thing in the country, the Burj Khalifa,

"Whoa, this thing is huge." Sandbar said,

"Yeah, this is the biggest building I've ever seen." Twilight Sparkle replied, Fluttershy quivered in fear from the size, Silverstream flew up to the top but quickly flew down while shivering,

"It's cold at the top." Silverstream said,

"I figured, the top is even higher than Cloudsdale." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Even the Storm King's ships can't fly above this, we would've crashed right into it." Tempest Shadow said, Rainbow Dash flies around and looks through the rooms,

"This one looks more... modern when compared to the others." Rainbow Dash said,

"That's the newest addition to my country, it was built by machine rather than by hand." Volvox replied,

"Still, wow." Autumn Blaze said,

"Well, that's everything, let's head home." Twilight Sparkle said, and they do and Twilight Sparkle used her magic to send the pictures of the insides of the areas from within her memory to Princess Celestia.

The next day comes and Vinci was having a normal day,

"Emperor Volvox." Princess Celestia said as she flew to him, she flies up to his three heads and flaps her wings as she faces him,

"I have received a report yesterday that one of your buildings uses bones as decorations." Princess Celestia said,

"Ah, yes, the Sedlec Ossuary, it's over there." Volvox replied as he pointed the index claw of his front right foot to it and Princess Celestia looked at it, she looks back at him,

"Why do you have such a thing?" Princess Celestia asked,

"I thought it was unique, and my subjects liked it, so I put it here." Volvox replied,

"The deceased should rest, Volvox." Princess Celestia said while raising her voice a little,

"They do rest, we have a catacombs under the country." Volvox replied in a slightly annoyed tone, the world's natives look at him with shock,

"Did he just say catacombs?" Princess Skystar asked, Princess Celestia glared at him,

"Do you not have a cemetery?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Everybody has their own ways of burying the dead." Volvox replied, Princess Celestia looks and sees preserving jars, cremated ashes in pots, some cremated ashes dumped into the water, decaying bodies at the high places of the country, hanging coffins, decorated sarcophaguses, corpses being mummified, highly decorated Egyptian tombs, and people posing and taking pictures with their dead relatives. Princess Celestia was surprised but she faced Volvox again,

"I do not appreciate the deceased being used in a such a way, they should rest." Princess Celestia said,

"We have holidays to honor the dead and our ancestors." Volvox said,

"You still should not be posing with the deceased or mummifying them." Princess Celestia replied,

"The fireflies at night will let us know if they do not appreciate it." Volvox said,

"Fireflies?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Yes, the fireflies that are here at night sometimes are actually souls of the dead, they are warriors who have died in battle." Volvox replied, Princess Celestia was surprised,

"What are they doing out at night?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Usually to return to their families." Volvox replied,

"Well, I would like for you to put the deceased back, they endured enough hardships in life." Princess Celestia said, and she flew away while Volvox just watched his country.

A few hours pass and Volvox just watched his people while he looked around, the clouds above come down and form into Hermes,

"Good news, Volvox, we have found the remaining parts of your country, including your original temple." Hermes said,

"Okay, just go ahead and make it appear south of the country." Volvox replied, and he goes back into the sky. A warping sound was heard to the south of Vinci and everybody watched, the area appears and the rest of Vinci appeared, everybody saw more things that astounded them, they saw the Temple of Artemis from Ephesus, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a Statue of Zeus from Olympia, the Mausoleum from Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, Biete Medhani Alem, Biete Mariam, Biete Maskal, Biete Denagel, Biete Golgotha Mikael, Biete Amanuel, Biete Qeddus Mercoreus, Biete Abba Libanos, Biete Gabriel-Rufael, Biete Lehem, Biete Ghiorgis, and the Padmanabhaswamy Temple.

The group looks on with awe while Volvox got ready to rearrange his country,

"Alright, stand aside, I have to rearrange the country." Volvox said, and he did, he put the Temple of Artemis to the west, beside the Parthenon to its right, he put the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the northeast, to the left of the Burj Khalifa, he put the Statue of Zeus to the northeast, to the left of the Leshan Giant Buddha, he put the Mausoleum from Halicarnassus to the southeast, behind Prambanan, he put the Colossus of Rhodes to the northwest, to the right of the Statue of Liberty, he put the Lighthouse of Alexandria to the north, behind the Great Wall, he put Biete Medhani Alem, Biete Mariam, Biete Maskal, Biete Denagel, and Biete Golgotha Mikael to the north, also behind the Great Wall, he put Biete Amanuel, Biete Qeddus Mercoreus, Biete Abba Libanos, Biete Gabriel-Rufael, and Biete Lehem to the south, around the Colosseum, he put Biete Ghiorgis to the west, behind the Parthenon, and he put the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in the center, behind El Castillo.

The native creatures of the land look at the new Vinci and were astounded, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were surprised by the eleven monolithic churches,

"Oh my." Princess Celestia said with surprise, the Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Young Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Tempest Shadow, and Autumn Blaze return and look at the new areas,

"Are these churches... underground?!" Silverstream asked with surprise and excitement,

"Yes." Tom replied,

"Wow, how did you guys make these?" Sandbar asked,

"Just a lot of rock carving and patience." Dommiel replied,

"What about that building with the gold roof, what is that?" Tempest Shadow asked,

"That's the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, it's my old home." Volvox replied,

"Padman what now?" Applejack asked,

"Never mind." Volvox said,

"I must say, I do like that building with the plants there." Rarity said,

"That's the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of our older structures." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"What is that statue over there?" Grubber asked,

"It's a statue of Zeus, another old structure." Tom replied,

"What is that thing there supposed to be?" Applejack asked as she pointed her front right hoof forward,

"That's the Mausoleum from Halicarnassus, it was created as the resting place for a king's wife." Volvox replied, they look and see the carvings and sculptures around it, much to their astonishment,

"What about that new statue?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"The Colossus of Rhodes, it was built to symbolize a victory over a battle with an army that was surrounding them." Dommiel replied,

"How about that building there behind you guys? What is that?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"That's the Lighthouse of Alexandria, it was made to help guide ships at night, it was abandoned by the humans there when the earthquakes around there got too powerful." the Count of Saint Germain replied, surprising the group,

"Even though these are back, my country is still not fully complete." Volvox said, surprising the group since Vinci was huge,

"What's missing?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"I still have one more structure and seventy two more statues that need to be returned." Volvox replied, surprising the group,

"Seventy two statues?!" Rarity asked with shock,

"Yes, before I moved to my current home, my temple had a ramp that led to the entrance with seventy two big statues, thirty six on each side." Volvox replied, surprising the group,

"What is the last structure to your country?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"The Tower of Babel." Volvox replied,

"Can we explore these new areas?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"There's not much to explore, and my old home is off limits due to religious beliefs by the people here." Volvox replied,

"Wait, are you just decidin' where to live?" Applejack asked,

"Not exactly, I chose that place as my old home because I thought it was the most artistic and creative, but I can't stand on the roof and watch, that is why I switched to this one, the humans don't mind either, since they want my home to be the most creative looking one, so they decide as well." Volvox replied,

"So... you guys hold a vote on where you should live." Sunburst said, Volvox nods with his three heads, the clouds come down and Hermes forms,

"We just found the last remants of your country, Volvox, we're transferring it now." Hermes said, and he goes up into the sky. More parts of Vinci appear to the south of it and they saw a ramp, seventy two statues, and the Tower of Babel, shocking the world's natives,

"You all should leave, I have to rearrange my country one last time." Volvox said, and they do. Volvox rearranges the country and puts the ramp in front of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple's entrance, thirty six statues to each side, and the Tower of Babel in the center, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple was now in the very center of Vinci, with the Tower of Babel to its right, and El Castillo to its left.

The ponies meditate again and try to enter the astral plane, Zecora and Mage Meadowbrook try to make potions to make it easier, but they were distracted by rumbling from up north, they all look and see the humans and yaks in Yakyakistan doing the Running of the Bulls, they run and it causes an avalanche, the snow falls and covers the Crystal Empire, the ponies stop what they were doing and go to Yakyakistan. The ponies arrive there and see the humans and yaks having fun, Prince Rutherford and Yona were among them,

"Excuse us." Princess Cadence said, the humans and yaks look at them,

"What are you doing, Yona?" Sandbar asked,

"People teaching us traditional custom called Running of the Bulls." Yona replied,

"Running of the Bulls?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yaks having fun." Prince Rutherford replied,

"I wanna try!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Come on over, then." a male human said, and Pinkie Pie hopped over,

"Okay, we just run and they chase us, plain and simple." a female human said,

"Ready, set, go." a second male human said, and they and Pinkie Pie run while the yaks chase them,

"This does look fun. Wait for me." Rainbow Dash said, and she joined,

"Wait." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all look at her,

"What is the point of this?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is a part of nine day celebration from our home." a third male human replied,

"Can you all please postpone it? You all caused an avalanche and buried my kingdom in snow." Princess Cadence said, they look and see it,

"Oh, our deepest apologies, we'll start cleaning now, then." a second female human said,

"Thank you." Princess Cadence replied while smiling, and the humans begin using their wind magic to fly and telekinesis to remove the snow while the ponies went back to Equestria. The ponies meditate more and try to reach the astral plane, only Pinkie Pie was able to reach it,

"You all need help?" Tom asked, they look and see him,

"As matter of fact, yes, we do." Mage Meadowbrook replied,

"Okay, good, all of you are sitting down, sit with your upper body standing up, and your hind legs crossed." Tom said, and they do,

"Alright, now, tuck your arms into your laps, and close your eyes'." Tom said, they do,

"Good. Now, breathe in, and out, like this." Tom said, and inhales through his nose, and exhales through his mouth slowly,

"I see the astral plane." Maud Pie said,

"I do, too." Limestone Pie said,

"Hmm-mm." Marble Pie said in agreement,

"Oh my, so many stars." Igneous Rock Pie said,

"Aye, more than the sky at night." Cloudy Quartz said, they all continue,

"*gasp* I see it, I see the astral plane." Somnambula said, and they all continue, the ponies all soon saw the astral plane, they gasped in awe,

"Look at all of the stars." Sweetie Belle said,

"It's beautiful." Twilight Sparkle said,

"My, it reminds me of the night sky when I was a filly." Mistmane said,

"In all of my years of studying, I have never seen anything like this." Star Swirl the Bearded said, and they look, they enjoy the visions and look at the stars floating around the area,

"You all see anything floating inside the astral plane?" Flash Magnus asked,

"No." the ponies replied together,

"I'm havin' a little trouble staying in, lads." Rockhoof said,

"Yeah, me too." Rainbow Dash replied,

"I'm not having any trouble." Fluttershy said, and they all continue to meditate until they got tired,

"Okay, I think we can call it a day, everypony, let's try again another time." Princess Celestia said, and they all get on with their days.

Rarity was back with the human women and they were teaching her how to make the outfits of their cultures, Rarity was having trouble,

"*pant* *pant* These outfits are a lot harder to make than I thought." Rarity said, she was making many of the outfits by hoof rather than sewing it together, she used her telekinesis to pull the silk thread by thread, which took her a while, the women in there were helping her make them, they also taught her how to make the neck rings, which made her uncomfortable, she was also very uncomfortable looking at the lip plates,

"Okay, I'm going to need to take a break for now." Rarity said, and she sits and rests while the women finish making the oufits Rarity was trying to make,

"Are we still going to take a picture?" a female human asked,

"Yes, darling, after Volvox finishes rearranging his country, we will." Rarity replied, and she rests while the women continue making their own outfits.

Twilight Sparkle returned to Vinci and trotted to the center of the country with the books she checked out, which she held with her telekinesis,

"Excuse me, I finished all of your books." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I see, go ahead and set it aside, my citizens will return them." Volvox replied, he was now standing behind the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. Twilight Sparkle and Spike look at the seventy two statues that were to the sides of the ramp that led to the entrance of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, each statue was different, and made from gray marble, they see bronze plaques at the bottom of the statues,

"What are these?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"They are the people who used to serve me, they died from old age, the plaques are their names." Volvox replied, and she and Spike looked, they see the names of the statues on the left side were Bael, Vassago, Marbas, Amon, Paimon, Gusion, Beleth, Eligos, Botis, Sallos, Marax, Aim, Glasya-Labolas, Ronove, Astaroth, Foras, Gaap, Marchosias, Phenex, Malphas, Focalor, Sabnock, Vine, Vual, Crocell, Balam, Caim, Orobas, Ose, Orias, Zagan, Andras, Andrealphus, Amdusias, Decarabia, and Dantalion, while the names of the statues on the right were Agares, Samigina, Valefor, Barbatos, Buer, Sitri, Leraje, Zepar, Bathin, Purson, Ipos, Naberius, Buné, Berith, Forneus, Asmoday, Furfur, Stolas, Halphas, Raum, Vepar, Shax, Bifrons, Haagenti, Furcas, Alloces, Murmur, Gremory, Amy, Vapula, Valac, Flauros, Kimaris, Belial, Seere, and Andromalius,

"Holy guacamole." Spike said,

"Did you all carve these by hand, too?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Actually, I made them with my magic, it is to honor them for their service to me." Volvox replied,

"Wow, I must admit, I do like this country, so much stuff to look at, it's so fun." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, go on and enjoy, my country is finally complete until my citizens come up with something new to build." Volvox replied, and Twilight Sparkle and Spike fly around to admire the things in the country.

Flurry Heart managed to make the Pousse-café after many tries and made excited baby noises, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence clapped at seeing it, Flurry Heart then flew to the Vinci. Flurry Heart flies around excitedly and her wings hit some of the artworks as she looked around, she also used her magic to make her own art, breaking some of them in the process. The humans see what she was doing and restrain her from flying, she used her magic to teleport and make new art, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence teleport to her and try to restrain her. Volvox sees Flurry Heart causing destruction while she tries to make her own art, the yellow eyes on his center head glow and Flurry Heart's horn and wings disappear, shocking Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, Flurry Heart noticed her wings and horn were gone and she began to cry,

"What are you doing?!" Princess Cadence asked,

"She is destroying my country with her wings and her horn, so I removed them so she does not damage my country more than she already did." Volvox replied,

"When are you..." Shining Armor asked,

"I'll return them when she calms down, she's still welcome to explore, but make sure she doesn't break anymore things." Volvox replied, Flurry Heart looked down with shame,

"Look at the destruction you caused as well." Volvox said, and Flurry Heart sees it, she has caused more destruction than she thought,

"Go on and explore, you'll have your wings and horn back after you stop destroying my country." Volvox said, and Shining Armor and Princess Cadence walk together with Flurry Heart on Shining Armor's back.

Pinkie Pie hops around and sees several humans doing a squat dance,

"Ooh." Pinkie Pie said, and she hops to them, the humans dancing look at her,

"What are you all doing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"The prisyadka." a male human replied,

"Can I try?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure." a male child replied, and Pinkie Pie tried, she tries to squat while standing only on her hind hoofs, but she swings her arms around as she loses balance and screams as she falls, she tries again and falls again, she looks and sees the humans doing the dance also had their arms crossed, she crosses her front legs across her chest and squats down slowly, she gets it and then tries to kick her hind legs up, she stumbled as she tried,

"This is harder than I thought." Pinkie Pie said,

"Keep trying, it took us years to master it, too." a male second human replied, and Pinkie Pie keeps trying.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fly around Vinci and look at the rock carved churches, impressed by the carvings,

"What do you think, sister?" Princess Celestia asked,

"I'll admit, they are impressive, especially since they seem to have been carved out of the ground." Princess Luna replied,

"Yes, and they seem to have been carved by one piece of rock, I still wonder how they did it." Princess Celestia said,

"Should we try making some of own in Equestria?" Princess Luna asked,

"Well, we can, but it might take a while." Princess Celestia replied,

"No, it shouldn't, we can use our magic to make these, imagine how many tourists it would attract." Princess Luna said,

"Hmm, true, come on, sister, let's look around more and see the things Twilight reported to us." Princess Celestia said, and they fly around, careful not to break anything. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna look around and soon see the carvings in the walls of some of the buildings,

"Wow, I think we can some of our own wall carvings as well." Princess Celestia said,

"Indeed, I was thinking maybe we can make some statues as well." Princess Luna replied, and they continue flying around and enjoying the views.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence explore Vinci and look around while Flurry Heart sulked on Shining Armor's back,

"Now, now, Flurry Heart, just stay calm and look around, and you'll have your horn and wings back." Shining Armor said, Flurry Heart let out an angry groan,

"Look, Flurry Heart, look at the pretty flowers in front of us." Princess Cadence said, Flurry Heart did not, the two notice she was not happy, but they continue walking around and admiring the plants, flowers, paintings, and sculptures scattered all over the country, along with the art on the manholes,

"Flurry Heart, look." Princess Cadence said, and she did reluctantly, she looked back down with sorrow,

"Come on, Flurry Heart, let's give it a try." Shining Armor said, and they see painting supplies nearby, they try and Flurry Heart found making art on the manhole very enjoyable, she begins to have fun and starts painting the ground, the humans look and smile, but they went on with their days while Flurry Heart has fun.

The other countries around the world were inspired by the artwork of Vinci and begin making their own, the ponies try to make sculptures, the dragons began carving architecture into their mountains and make new weapons and armor, the griffons begin building sculptures of famous griffons, the yaks try to build art from wood but have trouble thinking of what to build, the changelings decided to try carving art into the walls of their caves, the hippogriffs and seaponies try to grow plants and make some of their food art, and the kirins tried everything they had.

The humans and Tom go over to help the creatures make the things and the dragons and griffons were a bit unwelcoming, but the dragons warmed up,

"Do people have any large weapons back at home?" Dragon Lord Torch asked,

"Sorry, but no." a female human replied, and they all continue helping the world's natives make their art.

Pinkie Pie trots around and was looking at the dances the humans were doing, she tried all of them, some were easier than others, she was able to do the prisyadka perfectly after a few tries, she decides to walk around a bit and try more dances, there was one that caught her eye in particular, she trotted to go try it,

"Excuse me, what is this dance called?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Capoeira." a male human replied,

"Can I learn?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, you're not bipedal like us, so we're not sure if you can even do it." a second male human replied,

"I wanna try!" Pinkie Pie said while jumping up and down,

"Okay, let's see what you can do." the first male human replied, and the humans show her some of the dance moves, Pinkie Pie tries it and had a lot of trouble, the humans tutor her and try to teach her how to do the dance.

Rainbow Dash flies around and looks at Vinci, but she sees something that caught her mind in the south of the country,

"Hey! You guys might wanna come see this!" Rainbow Dash said aloud, and the world's natives came over,

"What is it?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"You guys need to be in the air to see it." Rainbow Dash replied, the flying creatures pick up the creatures who could not fly while the seaponies changed to hippogriffs, and the unicorns and kirins use telekinesis on themselves, they see it and let out several exclaims of surprise, they see the pictures Rainbow Dash saw,

"What are those?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"What?" Volvox asked,

"Those things on the ground to the south of your country." Twilight Sparkle replied, Volvox stands up straight and looks, he sees the pictures on the grounds to the south of his country,

"Oh, those, I forgot about those, what you all are looking at are the Nazca Lines, they were originally in a desert in our world." Volvox said,

"What do they represent?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"We don't know, we just found them, and I brought them here to preserve them." Volvox replied,

"Were they a part of your country when you first came here?" Princess Luna asked,

"No, it came after the gods transferred the rest of my country here." Volvox replied, they all look and Silverstream gasps with excitement,

"Look! There's more over there!" Silverstream said as she pointed the index claw of her front right talon to the country's east, they all look and see more pictures on the ground,

"I forgot about those, too, those are called Blythe Intaglios, we don't know who created those, either." Volvox replied, they all look more,

"There's another one to the west, too." Princess Ember said, they all go the east of Vinci and look, they see a white picture in a green hill,

"Oh, I forgot about that one, too, that one's called the Uffington White Horse." Volvox said,

"What does it represent?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Nobody knows." Dommiel replied, and they all look at the pictures on the grounds and go back to their regular days.

A few hours pass and Trixie begins to do a play in Vinci, Starlight Glimmer, and several humans who agreed to help,

"Come one, come all, and witness the Great and Powerful Trixie." Trixie said as she appeared from a huff of smoke, the humans were excited,

"Now, watch in awe, as the Great Powerful Trixie, and her equally Great and Powerful assistant perform a show for you all to enjoy!" Trixie said, and she and Starlight Glimmer begin casting magic and doing optical illusions while the humans used their elemental magic to set the setting and atmosphere of the show, which the humans admired,

"Now, Trixie will blow your minds with a new trick I have made." Trixie said, and she casts a spell that looks like she changes the gender of Starlight Glimmer, but she actually just replaced her with a stallion, the humans gasp with awe,

"Now to reverse the spell." Trixie said, and she makes the stallion disappear and Starlight Glimmer reappear, the humans cheer as they watched. Trixie and Starlight Glimmer do illusion tricks and some of the humans see right through it, but they did not tell the others, they then do disappearing acts for sometime and the show ended and the humans cheered while Trixie and Starlight Glimmer bowed.

Starlight Glimmer and Trixie enjoyed the praise and the humans began throwing roses at them, which baffled them,

"What is this?" Trixie asked, she picks one up with her telekinesis,

"Roses?" Starlight Glimmer asked, and more were thrown, the two yelp with fear and put up shields to avoid getting cut by the thorns, the humans stop after a while and they continue cheering, the two put their shields down and bow, they leave and the human continue on with their days.

Twilight Sparkle went back to the country and went to go see Volvox again,

"Excuse me." Twilight Sparkle said, Volvox looked at her,

"Do you have anymore books?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Well, there is one, but no one understands it." Volvox replied,

"Can I see it?" Twilight Sparkle asked, and Volvox uses his telekinesis to get it, he gives it to Twilight Sparkle,

"What is it called?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"The Voynich Manuscript." Volvox replied, and Twilight Sparkle opens it, she looks and sees she could not read the book,

"I don't know this language, either." Twilight Sparkle said,

"No one does." Volvox replied, and Twilight Sparkle gives it back to him,

"Do you have any other books?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Of course, if you're interested." Volvox replied,

"No, I was just curious, I need a break from all of those books I read earlier." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Did The King in Yellow drive you crazy?" Volvox asked,

"Actually, no, I did find them to be weird, though." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Okay, go on, I need to watch my subjects." Volvox said, and Twilight Sparkle left.

Fluttershy walked around Vinci while seeing the animals that roamed around the country, she stopped when she saw art that caught her interest,

"Ooh, I've never seen those before." Fluttershy said as she looks at artwork shaped like animals,

"Wow, I've always wanted to try one of these." Fluttershy said as she looked on,

"Maybe you can try this." a female human replied, and she showed Fluttershy animals that were shaped from folded paper,

"What is this called?" Fluttershy asked,

"Origami, we have more than just animals." the female human replied,

"What about those carvings of the animals there?" Fluttershy asked,

"Zoomorphism." the female human replied, Fluttershy was liking the place,

"Come on, we'll show you how to make origami." the female human said, and she and other humans around there teach Fluttershy how to make origami.

Time passes and everybody was getting ready for bed, the ponies hear loud rumbling in Yakyakistan, it shook the ground as well, the ponies went there and saw the humans on the back of the yaks while the yaks ran,

"What are you guys doing now?" Sandbar asked,

"Yak racing." a male human child replied,

"Yak racing?" Rarity asked,

"Yona like yak racing." Yona said,

"I can see that." Sandbar replied,

"So, y'all race with yaks back at home?" Applejack asked,

"We race with horses, too." a female human child replied,

"Also donkeys." a male adult human said,

"And zebras." a female adult human said,

"Don't forget elephants." a second male child said,

"It looks like only the yaks is doing the racing, though." Fluttershy said,

"Yaks run, people guide." Prince Rutherford replied,

"I wanna try!" Pinkie Pie said,

"We need someone to ride on your back, then." a second male adult human replied,

"Never mind." Pinkie Pie said,

"Can you all keep it quiet? It's almost bedtime." Princess Celestia said, the humans and yaks look and saw it was almost dark,

"Oh, we have to go to bed, too, see you all tomorrow." a second female adult human said, and they fly home and everybody went to sleep.

The next day comes and Ocellus was helping the other changelings decorate their home's walls with carvings inspired by the carvings from Vinci, they changed into different animals and objects in order to make the artwork, the kids were having fun, everycreature in the world were trying their best to create more art since they loved the art in Vinci.

Flurry Heart was drawing on the manholes and saw the origami, she tries it and has trouble,

"Take your time, this takes years of practice." a male human said, and Flurry Heart tried again, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence tried as well, they used their hoofs to fold the papers, the humans also introduced kirigami to the three, they tried it and had a lot of fun, Volvox thought Flurry Heart has calmed down enough,

"Alright, bring her here." Volvox said, and they do, he makes Flurry Heart's horn and wings come back, much to her happiness. Flurry Heart begins doing origami and kirigami with her magic, she could not make the art properly,

"I think we've learned enough." Shining Armor said,

"Come on, Flurry Heart, let's see what else they got." Princess Cadence said, and they travel together.

Rarity was in front of the Taj Mahal and had the women stand together so she could have Photo Finish take a picture,

"Stand still, darlings, and go on and smile." Rarity said, and the women did while they showed off their outfits for the picture. Everything was set and they hear dancing, they saw Pinkie Pie doing ballet as she moved around the area, it startled some of the women,

"Pinkie!" Rarity said sternly, which startled her and she looked,

"Move out of ze way, I'm trying to take a picture here." Photo Finish said, and Pinkie Pie did while embarrassed, the picture was taken and Pinkie Pie's party cannon went off,

"Fashion party!" Pinkie Pie said loudly, and a festival begins.

The world's natives look at Vinci and the ponies were taking pictures, Sunset Shimmer wandered around Vinci and took pictures of everything, she loved their artwork very much, Tempest Shadow and Grubber would also take airbourne photos of Vinci, Autumn Blaze took pictures as well,

"Well, what do we do now, Volvox?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"We wait for until when Hermes and the others can send us back, however long that will take." Volvox replied,

"This was actually a pretty friendly place." Dommiel said, Giovi nodded with a smile,

"I agree, we actually had no problems here, aside from a few unfriendly griffons over there." Tom replied,

"Yes, and the natives are now using our art as inspiration, I hope they can create great things." Volvox said, the other four nod while smiling,

"We hope so, too." Princess Celestia said as she flew to them, the five look at her,

"What you all have created is wonderful, we have never seen such artwork in our world, you all have been an inspiration to us all, we are making our own, it'll be a while before we create anything like you all, but we'll get there." Princess Celestia said,

"We'll probably be gone by then." Dommiel replied,

"Well, we have many different magic spells, maybe we can find you all when we are done." Princess Celestia said,

"Sure, I'd like that." Volvox replied, Princess Celestia smiled, and she flew back to where she was. Volvox looks around and saw Twilight Sparkle looking at scrolls and many other written documents, Rainbow Dash was doing an air show with the humans using wind magic, Fluttershy was tending to the animals and learning about the zodiac, Pinkie Pie learned how to make food art and the traditional dances of all human cultures, Rarity was looking at the fashion, Applejack was learning how to plant flora to make them look like shapes from overhead, Big Macintosh was looking at wood carvings, Granny Smith was watching the humans plant flora to make art, Spike was learning how to bake different confectionaries, Sunburst was reading their books, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie were watching human plays, Sunset Shimmer was taking pictures of everything, Princess Celestia was learning about the sundials, Princess Luna was learning about the horoscope and the constellations, Princess Cadence was watching a Kabuki play with Shining Armor and Flurry Heart, Tempest Shadow and Grubber looked at the sculptures and statues, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were looking at the manhole arts, Sandbar was learning poetry, Gallus was admiring the architecture, Ocellus was learning about meditation, Yona was trying other yak activities with the humans, Smolder admired the art of the gemstones, Silverstream was learning different methods on how to paint, Autumn Blaze continued taking pictures of the country so she can try to replicate the same things back at home, Dragon Lord Torch was looking at the country and admiring it, Princess Ember was learning martial arts, Grampa Gruff was flying around and looking at the place, Prince Rutherford was doing yak racing in Vinci, King Thorax was looking at the carvings in the walls of the temples, Pharynx was looking at the roofs of the temples, Princess Skystar was looking at the jewelry, Queen Novo was trying the beauty products, General Seaspray was learning about the knights and samurais, Sky Beak was learning human music, Ocean Flow was learning human cuisine, Terramar was walking around and looking at the country, Rain Shine was learning how the humans made their tea, and everybody else learned new things while exploring Vinci.

Volvox looks around and saw the ponies trying human clothing, he saw Rockhoof wearing a kilt, and playing the bagpipe, Mistmane was wearing a cheongsam, but he stopped looking around when he saw Rarity was trying on everything, which caught his attention for the time.

The clouds come down and Hermes forms,

"Good news, Volvox, we have fixed the problem that has caused you to come here, we can take you back." Hermes said,

"Alright, everyone, you all need to go now." Volvox said,

"Hold on, I'm almost done with pictures." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"I'm almost done, too." Autumn Blaze said,

"Alright, get them done, then." Volvox replied, and they do, everybody left the country,

"Alright, it's time to go back." Hermes said, and Vinci was sent back home while the world's natives said bye to them.

Volvox and his country were back on Earth and they saw nothing has changed, they had fun in the world they were in,

"Okay, let's get back to building new structures." Volvox said, the others agreed and they all begin brainstorming on what they should build next.

The world's natives were impressed by the artwork of Vinci and make their own, many years pass and a lot of the things they started on were finally finished, the ponies found Vinci with their magic and sent Volvox pictures, which he liked, and the ponies continued exploring the astral plane and wrote down everything they discovered. Sunset Shimmer went back to the world she was staying in and shared her photos with her friends, they liked the pictures and stored them in their computers, they also discovered similar artworks in their world as well, they decided that they will go and look at them at another time.