• Published 27th Jul 2018
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Foreign Relationships - smirker

A land ruled by its emperor has different types of relationships with Equestria and the other countries. The emperor will have a different personality in each chapter.

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Benevolent Ruler

Volvox lived in a society were everything was orderly, every human was divided by race, gender, age, and social class, the race section was divided into white, black, brown, red, and yellow, the gender section was divided into male and female, age was divided into kid, teenager, adult, middle-aged, and elderly, and social class was divided into upper-class, middle-class, and lower-class, each person lived in an area of the world where every other person living with them was the same race, gender, age, and social class as them. People who were physically and mentally disabled were outcasts of society, Volvox was an outcast as well due to him being a one of a kind species, he formed his own kingdom so the disabled people could live in peace.

Volvox's kingdom was still in the early stages, he only had white, elderly, middle-class males in his kingdom, he wanted every disabled person of every race, gender, age, and social class in his kingdom, he had four different sections of disabled. The first one was for the deaf people, those who could not hear, the second section was for the blind people, those who could not see, the third section was for the mute people, those who could not speak, and the fourth section was for the paralyzed, those who could not walk, and had to use either wheelchairs or clutches. Volvox was working on creating a fifth section for those with mental disorders, since they were outcasts as well.

Volvox was not alone in his quest, his best friend, Dommiel, a demon, has also agreed to help him, even though he was not disabled, himself, he was a sympathizer for the disabled, he watched the disabled people for Volvox since he was too busy trying to get every disabled person into his kingdom. The second person who agreed to help was a human with no disabilities, his name was Jesus, he took care of the disabled humans, and fed them, he willingly volunteered to help, the disabled people liked the three. The disabled people kept coming in and it was becoming too much for Dommiel and Jesus, Volvox took notice of this, and tried to hire anyone who wanted to help them, he did not expect much luck. Only one person volunteered, but Volvox did not want to hire him,

"What? Of all people, you're going to hire Narcissus?" Dommiel asked,

"I know, but he's the only one available, I don't want to hire him, either." Volvox replied,

"We don't have a choice, Dommiel, Narcissus is the only one who wants to help." Jesus said,

"Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on him, I don't trust that guy." Dommiel replied,

"None of us do." Volvox said,

"Well, let's go ahead and call him." Jesus replied, and Volvox contacted him telepathically. Narcissus arrives at the kingdom of the disabled, the deaf, mute, and disabled people looked at him with disdain, Narcissus had an inverted triangular face shape, pale skin, wavy blonde hair that went down to his lower back, deep set turquoise eyes, and he was wearing a white-tie attire with a tailcoat, he did not wear a hat or monocle, he was wearing white gloves with his outfit, he had a mesomorph body shape, and was muscular. Narcissus walks into the palace and saw Volvox, Dommiel, and Jesus waiting for him,

"I am here to help, I hope to do a good job." Narcissus said, he had an accent that sounded like a British accent and an Italian accent mixed together,

"Alright then, Narcissus, this is very tough to do, so don't take this as a game, due to Dommiel and I having to help Volvox make money to build this area more, we have no choice but to leave you in charge." Jesus replied,

"Do not worry, as a senator and an aristocrat, I have a lot of experience dealing with all kinds of people." Narcissus said,

"Okay, but remember, you will be watched, so you can't do what you want." Dommiel replied,

"I can promise you all you will get nothing but perfection." Narcissus said,

"We don't need perfection, we just need you to make sure the disabled are well fed and treated well." Volvox replied, he was already starting to dislike Narcissus,

"So, what else do I have to do?" Narcissus asked,

"Unfortunately, since Dommiel and I won't be available due to us needing to help Volvox, you'll have to be in charge of their food, their water, their heating systems, and their cooling systems, be very careful, they all have enhanced senses." Dommiel replied,

"Very well, I am ready to work, show me around." Narcissus said, and Jesus leads the way.

Twilight Sparkle was trying to cast a spell she has found in her spellbook, it allowed her to teleport places to her,

"Okay, let's try it out, here goes nothing." Twilight Sparkle said, Spike was nervous, Twilight Sparkle casts the spell and it makes something appear to the northeast of Canterlot, and southeast of the Crystal Empire, Volvox's kingdom was transferred into their world. Everybody walks, flies, swims, and teleports to Volvox's kingdom to see it, they all saw the blind, deaf, mute, and physically disabled men in his kingdom, the world's natives were very surprised. They hear walking and see Jesus and Narcissus,

"The disabled people are here, the blind are over there, those are the deaf, the mute are there, and the physically disabled are over there." Jesus said as he pointed his right hand to them, Narcissus walked forward,

"Good morning." Narcissus said, the blind men looked at him, the mute men went over to the deaf men and tapped them, they pointed to Narcissus,

"My name is Narcissus, I was hired today to be your new director, since Volvox, Dommiel, and Jesus have to raise more money to complete this kingdom, and are short on staff, I have been hired to control things, I will be in charge of the food, water, heating, and cooling systems. I am descended from British, French, and Italian aristocracy, I hope we get along, and work together." Narcissus said, the men living in Volvox's kingdom were not pleased. Jesus looks around and sees the world's natives still looking at them,

"Volvox, Dommiel, you two might want to see this." Jesus said, and the two head out, Dommiel comes first and the world's natives were surprised to see he was wearing armor that covered his entire body. The ground shook as Volvox walked, he stands up straight and the world's natives were very shocked to see he looked like a giant Cerberus, he sees the world's natives looking at his kingdom,

"What do we do?" Dommiel asked,

"Ignore them, we have disabled people to take care of." Volvox replied, his voice was loud and booming, but was not as loud as the Royal Canterlot Voice,

"But we're not in our world, there's nothing you can do." Narcissus said,

"Remember, we have long-distance communication, I should be able to reach our world." Volvox replied,

"And what if that doesn't work?" Narcissus asked,

"We can try with our magic as well." Dommiel replied,

"Oh." Narcissus said,

"Come on, Dommiel, we've got paperwork to fill out." Volvox said, and he and Dommiel left,

"Well, Narcissus, your office is right behind you, if any of the disabled have any complaints, you have to listen to them." Jesus said,

"Understood." Narcissus replied, and he entered his office, Jesus was very suspicious of him. The Mane Six trot into the kingdom to go see who they were,

"Uh, excuse me." Twilight Sparkle said, Jesus looked at them,

"What is this place?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"This is a sanctuary for the disabled." Jesus replied,

"The disabled? What happened?" Applejack asked,

"Where we come from, everything is orderly, everybody is divided by race, gender, age, and social class, while those who are blind, deaf, mute, physically disabled, and those who have mental disorders are forced out, they are outcasts of society." Jesus replied, shocking the Mane Six,

"Outcasts? They're not allowed in their homes?" Rarity asked,

"Worse, they can't go home, and they're the most common victims of crime, disabled people die every day in our world." Jesus replied, the Mane Six were very shocked,

"How do they become disabled?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Three ways: either, they're born that way, they lost their senses or limbs from illness, or someone made them like that, usually from a physical attack." Jesus replied,

"Are those who are disabled from getting attacked outcasts, too?" Fluttershy asked,

"Unfortunately, yes, and due to them being outcasts, it is illegal by law for them to get medical treatment." Jesus replied,

"What?!" Pinkie Pie asked with shock while the other five had their jaws dropped,

"That ain't right! They got injured!" Applejack said,

"That doesn't matter to the government of our world, they're also not allowed in schools, so no education, they also can't get jobs, even though they still have to pay taxes to the government, they're not allowed to live in houses, either, and worst of all, if a disabled person is a victim of crime, the law enforcement will not bother to investigate, and they can't go to a trial, either, because one of the laws is that the disabled person will be sentenced to death, no matter what, while the culprit will get away with no punishment if they are not disabled." Jesus replied,

"What?! That's not fair!" Twilight Sparkle said,

"I'm sorry, but that's how it is, Volvox, Dommiel, and I have been working to make this kingdom a safe place for them." Jesus replied,

"Are you guys done developing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Not even close, we just started." Jesus replied,

"Well, we'll be around, good luck developing." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Alright, thanks." Jesus replied, and the Mane Six leave, Jesus watches the disabled white, elderly, middle-class men in the kingdom.

Volvox and Dommiel were filling out paperwork, they were coming up with lies and made-up stories so the government would fund them. Dommiel was trying to use their technology to contact their world, he got contact,

"Good news, Volvox, we can contact our world, those transferring devices for objects work, but we can't send ourselves back." Dommiel said,

"Good, that means I can send my paperwork to them to earn money, we needs billions of dollars to build the section for the mentally disabled." Volvox replied,

"What do you plan to do after that?" Dommiel asked,

"I would like to have females here, too, and then the kids, teenagers, and middle-aged, and everyone of every race, they all deserve sanctuary." Volvox replied,

"Agreed, I hope we can get all of them in here, I'm especially worried about Tom." Dommiel said,

"Me too, I hope Narcissus doesn't do anything to him." Volvox replied, Tom was the most disabled person in the kingdom, while he was the only man in the kingdom who was not old, he lost his arms and legs in a war, he got kidnapped and was tortured, his lost his eyes, ears, and tongue as a result, his vocal chords were also damaged. Dommiel used his magic to make a wheelchair for Tom that he can control with his mind, he also had PTSD from the war, Volvox took him in when he found him,

"I still remember why you took in the white, elderly, middle-class men." Dommiel said,

"It was because they were the closest people to my kingdom when I made it, had to start somewhere." Volvox replied,

"True, back to work." Dommiel said, and he starts writing lies to send to the government so they can give them money to fund what was written on the papers.

Princess Celestia was looking at Volvox's kingdom and smiling, she liked what she was seeing. Twilight Sparkle walked to Princess Celestia to speak to her,

"Princess Celestia, that kingdom is a good place." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I heard what they said, what they're doing is wonderful, they were kind and generous enough to open up their hearts to take care of those disabled people." Princess Celestia replied,

"Well, actually, I was hoping I could send my students there so they can help them." Twilight Sparkle said,

"That's a wonderful idea, Twilight, friendship is especially important for disabled people like them, it lets them know that there are others who have sympathy for them and wish to help, it shows that even though we don't have disabilities like them, we still care." Princess Celestia replied,

"So, can I, Princess Celestia?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"You'll have to speak to them first, Twilight, if they do say yes, I'll offer my help as well." Princess Celestia replied, Twilight Sparkle smiled,

"Well, I'll try tomorrow, it is getting close to bedtime." Twilight Sparkle said, and she teleported back home while Princess Celestia went back into her palace.

Jesus shows Narcissus around and showed where the disabled use the bathroom, take baths and showers, where the air conditioner and heater systems were at, the water heater, and his office which will double as his living quarters,

"This is kind of unsanitary compared to what I'm used to." Narcissus said,

"Well, get used to it, you can change it around if you wish, and lucky for you, our transferring technology works, so you can make yourself feel at home with the one near your desk." Jesus replied,

"I will, I'm already thinking about making a few changes." Narcissus said, and Jesus left. Night time comes and there was a blizzard since it was winter, the disabled people were shivering in their beds, Narcissus has turned their heaters off. Jesus ran around to check them,

"Christopher, Peter, Vincent, we need more blankets, inform John as well." Jesus said, the four were the oldest of their respective groups, and their leaders, John was deaf, Peter was blind, Christopher was mute, and Vincent was in a wheelchair. John, Christopher, Peter, and Vincent open the cabinets and John, Christopher, and Vincent looked on with shock,

"What's the matter?" Peter asked,

"All of the blankets are gone." Vincent replied,

"What?" Jesus asked, and he ran to them, he saw the blankets were gone, he ran outside.

Narcissus was in his office with a strong heater on, and blankets spread out everywhere, he also had on warm and comfortable long johns. Jesus knocked on the door several times,

"Yes?" Narcissus asked, and Jesus came in,

"Where are the blankets?" Jesus asked,

"I sold them." Narcissus replied,

"What?!" Jesus asked,

"As an aristocrat, I have to do my utmost best to keep my physical appearance perfect, I have sold the blankets for some skincare products, bath salts, and cosmetics." Narcissus replied, Jesus was already angry. Dommiel ran into the room shortly afterwards,

"Why are the heaters off, Narcissus?!" Dommiel asked angrily,

"I need the heaters, I do not wish to have frostbite on my beautiful skin." Narcissus replied,

"THERE ARE PEOPLE FREEZING, NARCISSUS!!" Dommiel yelled angrily,

"So?" Narcissus asked,

"YOU'LL KILL SOMEONE!!" Dommiel yelled angrily,

"If someone is to die while I achieve my mission to be the most beautiful aristocrat in the world, then their sacrifice will not be in vain." Narcissus replied, Dommiel and Jesus were very angry at the moment, they just left while Dommiel slammed the door.

Volvox shrunk himself to the size of the humans and entered their sleeping quarters, he used his hellfire powers to heat up the room, he hears teleporting and saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack appear. The six had blankets with them and they run around to cover the disabled people while begging for them to wait and that they were coming, they cover everyone and went to Volvox,

"Is that everybody?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yes, thank you." Volvox replied,

"How could he? There's a blizzard going on right now." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yeah, these people are freezin'." Applejack said,

"I didn't want to hire him, either, I only did so because he was the only one available." Volvox replied, Dommiel and Jesus ran back into the room,

"Volvox, that Narcissus has locked the room to the heating systems." Dommiel said,

"What?" Volvox asked,

"There's a lock on the door, we think he barricaded it from the inside, too." Jesus replied, and Volvox ran out while the Mane Six went to go see Narcissus.

Narcissus was warm and comfortable in his office, knocking was heard on his door,

"Enter." Narcissus said, and the Mane Six enter, he looks at them,

"What do you six want?" Narcissus asked,

"We want heating and blankets." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I sold them to buy me some skincare products." Narcissus said,

"Skincare?! There are people freezin' out there!" Applejack said,

"Well, tell them to wait until I'm done with the heater." Narcissus replied,

"Until you're done?! You're not the only one living here!" Rainbow Dash said angrily,

"As an aristocrat, it is essential that I receive the best quality, such classes lower than me are not deserving of such quality." Narcissus said,

"What do you mean they don't deserve it?! I'm upper-class just like you! And I let the lower classes have the things I use." Rarity replied,

"Then you are not a true aristocrat, a true aristocrat only shares with other aristocrats." Narcissus said,

"Do you share your things with animals?" Fluttershy asked,

"Only animals who are pets of aristocrats, those other savage beasts better not dare to touch me, it will ruin my perfect skin and clothes." Narcissus replied,

"What about parties? Are those aristocrats only?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They are the only ones who are deserving of such things." Narcissus replied,

"What about birthday parties?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Middle-class scum like them don't deserve that luxury." Narcissus replied, shocking the Mane Six,

"What about the heater, are ya done with it yet?" Applejack asked,

"No, I am not." Narcissus replied, the Mane Six were angry, but it was late, so they left while Rainbow Dash slammed the door.

Volvox, Dommiel, and Jesus go to the door that controlled the heating and cooling systems of the kingdom, Volvox ripped the lock off with his front left foot, he tried to open it but saw it was barricaded on the inside, so he used his telekinesis to take out the things. The three open it and look at the controls, they saw Narcissus has switched the heater so it will only be on in his office,

"That scumbag is hogging all the heat." Dommiel said,

"Well, time to change it back." Volvox replied, and he does, the disabled people became happy,

"I'm tired, we should call it a day." Jesus said, the other two agreed and headed to their quarters, they stayed there and heard the Mane Six leaving after a few minutes, everybody except for Volvox and Dommiel sleep for the rest of the night due to the two not needing sleep to survive.

The next day comes and Volvox and Dommiel were already working, they were making up stories so the government would fund them, and sending them to their world with the transferring devices. They hear knocking on the door,

"Enter." Volvox said, and the Mane Six entered,

"Oh, it's you six, what brings you all here?" Volvox asked,

"Since you're busy trying to help disabled people, we thought we could help." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Of course, we are short on staff." Volvox said, the Mane Six smiled,

"We were wonderin' why there weren't anyone watchin' over 'em." Applejack said,

"Jesus usually takes care of them, Volvox and I are busy raising money to build the area." Dommiel replied,

"For what, exactly?" Rarity asked,

"To build another section for those with mental disorders." Volvox replied,

"Will you be done after that?" Fluttershy asked,

"No, far from it, after that, I have to get females in here." Volvox replied,

"Wait, you don't have any girls in here?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Not yet." Volvox replied,

"We're still in the developing stages, after that, we have to get kids, teenagers, and middle-aged people in here, and then people of every race, and the upper-class and lower-class people, then we'll be done, we have to find others who wish to help, but so far, no one does." Dommiel said,

"We'd be glad to help, there are a lot of people for y'all to take care of already." Applejack replied,

"True, thanks for volunteering." Volvox said,

"You're welcome, we'll be back, we've got classes to teach." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Alright, we'll see you six later." Dommiel said, and the Mane Six left while smiling.

The disabled men were about to take showers while Jesus guided Tom, he had every men divided into groups of four, one deaf person, one blind person, one mute person, and one physically disabled person, they helped lead one another. Jesus sees everybody were in the showers and he turned them on, the showers turn on, but the disabled people exclaim in shock,

"What's the matter?" Jesus asked,

"The showers are ice cold." Peter replied, Jesus was shocked and he checked the water, he felt it with his right hand and realized it was,

"Hold on, I'll be back, everybody." Jesus said, and he ran to where the water heater was at, it was gone, Jesus became angry and ran to Narcissus' office. Narcissus had a wooden bucket filled with warm water and bath salts, he was basically giving himself a spa treatment, Jesus knocked on the door,

"Come in." Narcissus said, and Jesus walked in, he saw Narcissus in the bath,

"Where is the water heater?" Jesus asked,

"I took it out." Narcissus replied,

"Why?" Jesus asked,

"Well, since using the water heater costs money, I thought if I get rid of it, we could save money and Volvox and Dommiel could build the next section earlier." Narcissus replied, Jesus can clearly tell from his facial expressions, eye movement, tone of voice, and sweat that he was lying,

"What other reasons were there to getting rid of the water heater?" Jesus asked,

"Well, I needed money to get myself a spa, so I had to sell it in order to get it." Narcissus replied, Jesus glared at him and left while Narcissus looked at the bathwater and admired his own reflection. He went back to the shower room and saw Volvox and Dommiel already found out, and Volvox used his hellfire powers to warm up the disabled, Jesus just tried to go on with their schedules.

Jesus makes breakfast for the disabled men and he realized Narcissus has cut their rations and silverware, their plates were gone as well, all there was to eat was canned broccoli soup, it stank, but Jesus served it. John, Christopher, Peter, and Vincent were sitting together and trying it,

"Fecal matter." John said,

"Disgusting slop." Peter said,

"It tastes sour as well." Vincent said, Christopher shook his head with disapproval, the bowls they were served in were only eight centimeters in diameter, and five centimeters deep. Tom was being fed by a mute man and he controlled his wheelchair with his mind to go see Jesus, a man on clutches went with him to speak for him,

"I'm sorry, guys, but there's no more." Jesus said,

"No second helping?" the man on clutches asked,

"Rations were cut, apparently, I don't know what Narcissus did, but I'll make sure to report this to Volvox." Jesus replied, John, Christopher, Peter, and Vincent glared at them, John was able to find out what was going on by just watching them. Peter stood up and headed to Narcissus' office,

"What are you doing in here?" Narcissus asked,

"The rations, we need more." Peter replied,

"I don't answer to the likes of you, get out, you deformed buffoon." Narcissus said, Peter glared and left, he slammed the door. Peter walks back and a blind man starts coughing, he fell out of the seat, the others look at him with concern while Jesus ran to check on him,

"The food, it doesn't make me feel good." the man said, Jesus looks at it with suspicion, he puts a piece of the broccoli soup on his right index finger and puts it in his mouth to taste it, he became shocked,

"Everybody! Spit it out! The food is rotten!" Jesus said, the world's natives overhear him and look at the kingdom with shock. Dommiel ran to Narcissus' office and kicked the door open with his left foot,

"It is customary to knock. What do you want? Can't you see I'm having my breakfast?" Narcissus asked,

"You eat steak... and salad... and drink wine? While the others get food you can find in the trash?" Dommiel asked,

"As an upper-class person, I have to have the best quality cuisine our world has to offer." Narcissus replied,

"What about the rest of the rations? Where are they?" Dommiel asked,

"I cut them for budget reasons, I had to sell them to get my meals, I am required to have a strict diet in order to stay in peak physical condition." Narcissus replied, Dommiel knew he was lying since he was the one who handled the kingdom's budget, he also saw more food and drinks behind Narcissus,

"What about those food and drinks behind you?" Dommiel asked,

"Those are my brunch, lunch, tea, dinner, and dessert." Narcissus replied,

"The disabled people only have one meal a day? While you have six?" Dommiel asked,

"It is a custom of my culture." Narcissus replied,

"This isn't an aristocratic society, Narcissus!" Dommiel said angrily,

"Dommiel, even if a society is ruled by a lower-class or middle-class person, the upper-class are the ones who have the power." Narcissus replied, Dommiel slammed his left fist on Narcissus' desk, which scared him,

"That is not how things work in this kingdom. In this kingdom, you have to eat and drink the same things you serve to the disabled, so, unless you're allergic to it, you have to eat that broccoli soup as well." Dommiel said, the two hear walking and Dommiel looked back, he saw Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Dragon Lord Torch, Princess Ember, Grampa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, King Thorax, Queen Novo, and Princess Skystar come in,

"We are the rulers of this world's countries, Narcissus, we need to talk." Princess Celestia said,

"You all should address your concerns to Volvox." Dommiel replied,

"We don't have anything to say to him, we wish to speak with Narcissus." Queen Novo said,

"In private?" Dommiel asked,

"No, you can stay." Shining Armor replied,

"I'll be outside helping the others." Dommiel said, and he left. The rulers of the countries all look at Narcissus,

"We have been keeping track of what you've been doing, Narcissus, your ways of doing things are unacceptable." Princess Skystar said,

"You must understand, as an aristocrat, I have many expectations from society to fulfill." Narcissus replied,

"That's baloney, your world's people are not here." Princess Ember said,

"Care to explain why you have sold the things they need?" Princess Celestia asked,

"I had to make sacrifices in order to work, there are some conditions I cannot work in." Narcissus replied,

"What kind of conditions do you need in order to work?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Only the best conditions, it is the only thing that fits a high-class and fancy aristocrat like myself." Narcissus replied,

"Is your appearance the only thing you care about?" Dragon Lord Torch asked,

"Of course not, aristocrats also have to be brave and skilled fighters, I have to stay in shape as well." Narcissus replied,

"Yak care for family, does rich man also care for family?" Prince Rutherford asked,

"It depends, if they live up to their parents' legacy, yes, if not, no." Narcissus replied, the rulers were shocked,

"What about them? Don't you care about them?" Princess Luna asked,

"I am just here to do my job properly, I do not wish to waste my time with such lower social class filth." Narcissus replied, the rulers were shocked again,

"What about children from the lower-class and middle-class?" King Thorax asked,

"They are a plague that need to be rid of, such scum should not exist." Narcissus replied, Princess Luna was losing her temper,

"They are still people! And care not about the children?!" Princess Luna asked angrily,

"I am not going to touch those filthy snobs with my squeaky clean hands, I have to keep my physical appearance perfect." Narcissus replied, Princess Luna was angry, she used her telekinesis on his wine bottle and broke it,

"Come on, sister, let's just go." Princess Celestia said, and the rulers leave his office, Narcissus gets a towel and wipes the wine.

Twilight Sparkle brought her students from her school into the kingdom to help the disabled people, Cheerilee brought her class over as well, the world's natives have gone over to help Jesus with his daily activities, they brought food and drinks from their countries over,

"Free and freshly baked apple treats over here, y'all." Applejack said,

"Who wants a cupcake? Free cupcakes over here." Pinkie Pie said,

"I've got muffins over here." Derpy said, the disabled people move around to try them,

"Who wants gems?" Spike asked, Vincent goes over to him,

"We can't digest gems." Vincent said,

"Oh." Spike said, and he ate them on his own. Jesus looked around and saw the world's natives were also helping the blind move around by guiding them, the disabled elderly men were all starting to like them. The rulers of the countries see their citizens helping out the disabled by feeding them and guiding them, they went over to help as well.

Everybody hears a wheelchair moving and they all see Tom, the world's natives were shocked by what they saw,

"What happened to him?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"He got captured while fighting in a war and was tortured, he lost his eyes, ears, tongue, and limbs from the torture." Peter replied, the world's natives were shocked,

"How does he move around?" Scootaloo asked,

"That wheelchair is powered by his mind, created by Dommiel." Vincent replied,

"Yes, it's a shame he lost his senses at such a young age." Peter said,

"Young age?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Yes, he's still in his early twenties, the rest of us are in our seventies and eighties." a blind man replied, the world's natives were sad,

"How do you guys treat him?" Sandbar asked,

"Tom's always first, he has the most disabilities out of all of us, we make sure he gets what he wants and needs." Jesus replied,

"Was he the first patient to come?" Gallus asked,

"No, he's the most recent, Volvox and Dommiel found him in the streets, so they took him in." Jesus replied,

"What was he doing there?" Ocellus asked,

"Left there to die by the others, it happens to every disabled person." Peter replied, the world's natives were shocked,

"But... what about his family?" Silverstream asked,

"Those who are disabled get disowned by them." Vincent replied, shocking the world's natives,

"What? I would never do that, I would always be by my sister's side if she was disabled." Terramar said,

"Unfortunately, that is not how things work in our world." Peter replied,

"But what if they're disabled from injury?" Smolder asked,

"They are still shunned by society." Jesus replied,

"Yona want to know who runs government." Yona said,

"The government is ran by hundreds of people on our world." Jesus replied,

"Well, who's the head of the government?" Princess Celestia asked,

"There are many heads of the government." Jesus replied,

"Is there one that rules over all of them?" Princess Luna asked,

"No." Jesus replied, another cart comes in with Big Macintosh pulling it, Sugar Belle was on it,

"Sorry we're late, we have more treats, everybody." Sugar Belle said, and everybody lets Tom go first,

"What would you like, Tom?" Sugar Belle asked, Tom sees with his mind and tries to use telekinesis on the pie he wanted, Sugar Belle gives it to him, Tom smiled and went to the disabled people, they helped feed him. The disabled men get food from Sugar Belle, a blind man walked over to get another one,

"I'm sorry, but we're sold out for today." Sugar Belle said,

"What kind of fruits are you using for your treats?" the blind man asked,

"Many different types, I get them from the store." Sugar Belle replied,

"Oh, you buy them? I thought you grew them on your own." the blind man said,

"Usually, Ah'm the one who does the growin' with mah family, we're farmers." Big Macintosh replied,

"I used to work as a farmer when I was a kid." the blind man said, the Apple family smiled. Granny Smith walked forward,

"Do y'all have room for one more?" Granny Smith asked,

"We're planning to have women in here eventually, Volvox needs the money to build the area for the mentally ill first, though." Vincent replied,

"There's something I don't understand." Sandbar said,

"What is it?" Jesus asked,

"If you all are divided by race, gender, age, and social class, then how do you all have children?" Sandbar asked,

"The males and females come together twice a month, during that time, they need to find a lover, if they do, they will be put into a special area where they can work together to have and raise the child, but they have to be the same race, age group, and social class of each other." Jesus replied, the world's natives were shocked by how orderly they were,

"Where's Mr. and Mrs. Cake?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Sorry, they had to watch over their kids, and they have a super duper big order to fill out, they couldn't make it." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Is everyone well fed?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Yes." the blind and physically disabled people replied, the mute people nodded while smiling, they tap the deaf people and write on paper what Princess Celestia asked,

"Yes." the deaf people said,

"That's wonderful, but we have to go now, goodbye, everyone." Princess Celestia said,

"Goodbye." the blind and physically disabled people said, the deaf and mute people waved bye at them as the world's natives left, everybody continues with their days.

Volvox put his three heads into the floor of his throne room and appeared in Narcissus' office to watch him, he was having brunch, Narcissus was eating fruits, vegetables, and scones, he was drinking tea with it. Volvox was not happy with what he was seeing, he looks and sees Narcissus also had weight lifting equipment in his office, he did not have it since the disabled could not use them. He saw Narcissus take off his black tailcoat, white waistcoat, and white long-sleeve dress shirt, he was muscular, his muscles were not too big, but he was very toned. Narcissus goes to the newly added black pull-up bar and begins exercising, Volvox decided to back to making money with fake stories and continued working.

Volvox writes fake stories and sends them with a transferring device to his world's government, they in turn would use their transferring devices to give him money, he needed twenty five billion dollars, after he finished that, he needed to find a way home, since the government does not accept cards or digital pay, it had to be cash and paid in person, they also had people and machines to check for counterfeit money. Volvox would take care of the disabled on his own, but he had to build his kingdom first, so he had Dommiel act as his eyes and ears when he was busy, while Jesus only cooked and fed them, made sure they were comfortable, and acted as a doctor, he had no knowledge or role in the business parts. Volvox sighs as he continues making up stories under several different names so the government would give him money if they liked the story to let that nonexistent person know they have their support.

Jesus and Dommiel were outside and watching the disabled men as they played games, some played board games, some played ball, and some played cards. Dommiel wished they could have weight lifting equipment, but he knew that was very risky, he was especially worried about a blind man hurting himself with a barbell, the thought made him extremely uncomfortable. Play time ends and the men go to the tables outside to have lunch,

"I'm sorry, guys, remember, that broccoli soup for breakfast was all there was." Jesus said, Dommiel walked to Narcissus' office and knocked on the door three times with his left fist,

"Na-arse-cissus." Dommiel said, Narcissus put his upper clothes back on and sat in his chair,

"Enter." Narcissus said, and Dommiel came in, he left the door open so the others could hear him,

"Where did you sell the original food?" Dommiel asked,

"To a hungry aristocratic family, they gave me the canned broccoli soup in return." Narcissus replied,

"What about the drinks? I don't see any, not even water." Dommiel said,

"I had to sell those away, too, I needed to sell them to buy me some workout equipment." Narcissus replied, Jesus and the disabled people look at Narcissus' office with disgust, the deaf people instantly knew something was wrong,

"What about the water heater, what did you do with that?" Dommiel asked,

"I sold that, too, I needed some way to pay for my hair care products." Narcissus replied, Dommiel was very angry,

"What about the air conditioner, did you get rid of that, too?" Dommiel asked,

"I had to sell it to buy myself a bathtub." Narcissus replied,

"What happened to the water used for your bath?" Dommiel asked,

"I sent it back to our world, I was merely borrowing it." Narcissus replied,

"What else do you plan to get rid of?!" Dommiel asked angrily,

"Those clothes the disabled wear after their showers, I'm going to need to sell them so I can buy a new transferring device that is gold and encrusted with diamonds, that filthy old one there will not do." Narcissus replied, Dommiel was full of rage, the blind, mute, and physically disabled people heard him, the blind and physically disabled were growling, Jesus and the mute men were angry as well, so was Volvox, who has been listening through the floor with his three heads, he had just enough restraint to prevent himself from killing Narcissus. Dommiel left and saw the world's natives coming over, they had more food and drinks with them,

"Sorry we didn't come this morning, we had an order to fill out." Mr. Cake said,

"We have freshly baked confectioneries here." Mrs. Cake said, and the disabled get their meals, they help guide one another. The disabled have lunch and Pinkie Pie was doing a show for them, it was a play about the three pony tribes united, Trixie was doing the special effects, the disabled clapped at what they saw and heard. Narcissus was not liking the play, and he found Pinkie Pie's and Trixie's voices to be very annoying. The play ends and it was almost evening, the disabled have dinner, while they were happy, the disabled were a bit disappointed the world's natives did not have meat, they finish dinner and they all went to bed.

Another blizzard came at night and Jesus was going to use the blankets the Mane Six have left, but he saw they were gone, he realized Narcissus must have sold them. The disabled men begin shivering and breathing hard, they all go outside in hopes of getting warm, but they enter the blizzard. Flurry Heart was not tired yet and flying around, she saw Tom fall out of his wheelchair while on the way out, she became shocked and teleported to them, she tugged on John's right sleeve to get his attention, he looked at Flurry Heart and she pointed towards Tom. John became worried and ran to him, he realized Tom was not responding,

"Everybody! Tom's not responding!" John said, the disabled people look at him and Jesus quickly ran to him to check his pulse, Dommiel and Volvox came out as well, Jesus shook his head when he looked at the others, shocking the others, Dommiel became enraged and ran to Narcissus' office, he banged on the door rapidly with his left fist,

"OPEN UP, NARCISSUS!! COME OUT HERE THIS INSTANT!!" Dommiel yelled, Narcissus opened the door,

"What is it?" Narcissus asked, Dommiel grabbed him and pulled him to Tom,

"Check his pulse." Dommiel said, Narcissus checked his heart and wrist,

"He's dead." Narcissus said, the world's natives hear him, they look at Volvox's kingdom with shock and horror,

"Don't you know what you have done?!" Dommiel asked angrily,

"I'm sure there's a reason." Narcissus replied,

"Because of you cutting off the heating and rations, he died, you just indirectly killed one of them!" Dommiel said angrily,

"Well, that's a shame, but my quest for a perfect physical appearance requires obtaining it by any means necessary, so this was a necessary sacrifice." Narcissus replied,

"Necessary?! You're willing to kill other people just so you can look beautiful?!" Jesus asked angrily,

"Stop your complaining, he was a commoner, there are many like him." Narcissus replied,

"I've had enough of you, Narcissus, this is my kingdom, I decide on what it needs and what it doesn't." Volvox said,

"You forget, Volvox, I'm a higher social class than you, it is illegal for you to fire me, boss or not." Narcissus replied, Volvox held him up with his telekinesis, Narcissus screamed as he was lifted,

"No, but I can still kill you." Volvox said, Narcissus screamed in terror. The world's natives beg Volvox to wait and went to him,

"Volvox, please, put him down, you will be worse than him if you take his life." Princess Celestia said,

"How? He already killed one of my citizens, it'd be best if I get rid of him now." Volvox replied,

"Volvox, please, forgive him." Princess Cadence said,

"What? Forgive him? I say we take his life." Princess Ember replied,

"Prince Rutherford agree." Prince Rutherford said,

"So do I." Dragon Lord Torch said,

"I do, too." Grampa Gruff replied,

"Settle down, everybody, we always forgave one another, so why shouldn't we do it to him?" King Thorax asked,

"Forgive him? Haven't you ever heard a life for a life?" Dommiel asked,

"Wait, guys, don't do that, that'll only make things worse." Twilight Sparkle replied, Volvox was conflicted right now,

"Wait, Volvox, let him go, I have an idea for his punishment tomorrow." Dommiel said,

"What do you know about my doings to make this place better?" Narcissus asked,

"You think I haven't been watching? I know everything you've done." Volvox replied, and he puts him down, Narcissus walked to the east, and then went back to his office with money in his hands, the world's natives leave,

"Don't worry, our citizens, he won't be here again after tonight. Trust me." Dommiel said, the disabled people had hope and went back to their quarters, Volvox used his hellfire powers to warm them up, Volvox and Dommiel went back to their quarters.

Volvox and Dommiel were ready to count their money,

"What the?" Volvox asked, Dommiel saw the money they got was gone, Volvox burrowed his heads into the floor, he looks into Narcissus' office and saw him with the money, he was putting them on the transferring device, and typing where to send them, they got sent, the item he bought came onto the transferring device, it was a gold transferring device encrusted with white diamonds. Volvox was angry, he put his heads back on his body,

"That's it, I'm killing him." Volvox said,

"Wait, Volvox, let me do it, I want to make him suffer." Dommiel replied,

"What? Why? It's a waste of time, why can't we just kill him now and be done with it?" Volvox asked,

"That won't satisfy me, I've wanted to make him suffer for a long time." Dommiel replied, Volvox sighed,

"Okay, but don't go overboard." Volvox said, and Dommiel used his powers to enter Narcissus' dream.

Narcissus was dreaming peacefully, he was in a fancy house with aristocratic women around him, they disappear and Narcissus became shocked,

"No! Where are you all going?" Narcissus asked, Dommiel decided to let someone enter his dream, Narcissus saw Trixie come in,

"Oh, it's you." Narcissus said,

"I demand answers for your behavior!" Trixie said,

"The answer's no." Narcissus replied,

"The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to know why you are willing to take the lives of others to further your own goals!" Trixie said,

"Well, the Beautiful and Perfect Narcissus refuses to answer, filth like you are unworthy of being in my presence." Narcissus replied, Dommiel realized this was not going to work, so he took her out and put Rarity in his dream,

"Now, this is someone worth speaking to." Narcissus said,

"How could you? How could you sacrifice a life just so you can look pretty?" Rarity asked,

"Don't you try hard to look pretty, too?" Narcissus asked,

"Yes, but I don't risk or take other people's lives to achieve my beauty." Rarity replied,

"Then you are not a true aristocrat." Narcissus said, Dommiel decided he has listened to Narcissus enough and changes his dream to a dark hallway. Narcissus was nervous about his dream, but he walked forward, ready to fight whatever was ahead. Narcissus walks forward and could not see anything, it was freezing cold, he was shivering, his teeth chattered as well. A blizzard appears in the dream and Narcissus' outfit disappeared, he screamed as he covered his groin, he walks forward and saw frostbites appearing on his arms and chest, Narcissus began panicking,

"A mark on my beautiful and perfect body!" Narcissus said with fear, he ran forward and the blizzard stopped. Narcissus was in another dark area, his clothes reappeared on him, much to his relief, he walked forward and screamed in pain when he felt a cut on his right cheek, Narcissus panicked again,

"A cut, on my face! A cut, on my beautiful face!" Narcissus said, Dommiel used his powers to light up the area, Narcissus was in a narrow hall with razor blades in the walls. Narcissus walks forward slowly while scared, he hears thunder and freezing rain began pouring down,

"My suit! My million dollar suit!" Narcissus said with horror as his clothes got wet, Narcissus was very cold, he ran to get out as fast as possible, but every time he moved his arms while running, he cut his hands and arms, he screams from each cut, but he made it to the end. Narcissus was hyperventilating,

"Please, no more." Narcissus said, he got up and walked forward, a bright white light appeared and Narcissus screamed, he looked away,

"My eyes! I can't see!" Narcissus said, and he got back up and walked forward, he held his hands out, his right hand touches dots and felt a message in Braille, it felt like it said he had to eat and drink the stuff on the table in front of him, what Narcissus did not know was there was a bowl full of eyeballs on the table, and a glass filled with the rotten broccoli soup. Narcissus grabs an eyeball and chews it, he did not know what it was, he began gagging and spat it out, he grabbed the glass with the broccoli soup and drank it, he gagged again and spat it out, he coughed along the process, spilling the glass in the progress. Dommiel then decided to use his magic to affect him more, he made the wall in front of Narcissus disappear, it was pitch black again, but Narcissus walked forward.

Narcissus wanders around blindly, he entered another pitch black room, Dommiel makes Narcissus hear the sound of gunshots and bombs, Narcissus covered his ears, Dommiel used his powers to make it so only Narcissus can hear it, he made aristocrats appear in the room with him,

"Please! Make the noises stop!" Narcissus said, the aristocrats look at him,

"The gunshots! The bombs! Make it stop!" Narcissus said, the other aristocrats looked at him like he was crazy, Narcissus screamed as he covered his ears, he screamed in agony and tried to cover his ears, it was not working, Dommiel makes a really loud exploding sound and makes Narcissus go deaf in his dream. Narcissus could not hear anything anymore, the floor under him opens and he falls into another pitch black area, he lands and both of his legs break, he screamed in agony when he was on the floor.

Narcissus crawls forward blindly and could not hear a thing, Dommiel made sure his senses did not enhance in the dream. Narcissus keeps crawling and two smashers fall onto Narcissus' arms, breaking them, he screamed in agony, the smashers went up,

"Please, I'm begging you! No more!" Narcissus said with tears in his eyes, but Dommiel did not listen, Narcissus was pushed forward with Dommiel's powers, he was scared. A choir was heard up ahead, but Narcissus could not hear it, so Dommiel made him hear it, Narcissus was happy, he tried to sing along, but could not, Narcissus realizes that he has gone mute, and Dommiel made him deaf again. The room changes around and Dommiel made Narcissus regain his sight, hearing, and voice, he sees the room was pitch black, it lit up and Narcissus saw Tom, but he had his arms and legs, he was not deaf, blind, or mute, either,

"Tom?" Narcissus asked, Tom walked forward to him,

"Wait, Tom, please, don't hurt me, I still have my whole life ahead of me." Narcissus said, Tom did not respond, he walked over to Narcissus, who's arms and legs were still broken, and thus, could not move. Tom walked forward to Narcissus and began punching him, Narcissus screamed in pain as Tom beat him up, Narcissus screamed and screamed as Tom punched and kicked him, he began bleeding, Tom proceeded to stomp on his back, Narcissus screamed in pain as he heard his own bones break. Tom proceeded to bash the back of his head several times with his fists, Narcissus screamed in pain, Narcissus was in shock in real life, he goes into cardiac arrest, he struggles to breathe while he holds onto his own heart with his right hand, he groans and soon dies of a heart attack in real life.

Morning comes and everybody gives Tom a funeral, the world's natives attended as well,

"What was all of that screaming last night?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"You guys didn't hear? Narcissus died last night, he had a bad dream, gave him a heart attack." Peter replied,

"Whoa, that must've been one scary dream, then." Applejack said,

"I don't know why, but I feel like someone changed my dream last night." Rarity replied,

"Trixie felt the same thing." Trixie said,

"Well, it wasn't me, as for Narcissus, the dream realm I control doesn't cover any other country except Equestria." Princess Luna replied,

"We'll have to do Narcissus' funeral later." Jesus said, the disabled men groaned with disappointment,

"Hey, you all still should pay your respects." Pinkie Pie said,

"For what? He made the kingdom worse." a man with clutches replied,

"That reminds me, where's Volvox and Dommiel?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"They're too busy at the time, they won't make it to the funeral." Jesus replied,

"Too busy? What happened?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"They discovered last night that the money those two were getting so they can build this kingdom was stolen and spent by Narcissus." Jesus replied, the world's natives gasp,

"He was also a thief?" Terramar asked,

"Apparently, yes." Jesus replied,

"So, what are you guys going to do now?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"We're going to try to get the things back, and we'll need to hire someone else, we're still short on staff." Jesus replied,

"We'd be glad to lend our help, you kind people opened up your hearts to help those who are disadvantaged, they have to know that there are others out there who do care about them." Princess Celestia replied, the blind, mute, and physically disabled people smiled,

"Well, let's go ahead and pay our respects now." Jesus said, and they all do.

Volvox and Dommiel were busy getting money from the government again, they also took back the money Narcissus did not spend,

"What do we do now?" Dommiel asked,

"We get back what Narcissus sold, we do that before we try to hire anymore staff." Volvox replied, Dommiel agreed. Dommiel was happy Narcissus was dead, but while most people had limits on how much they made people suffer, Dommiel was not like that, he wanted to make Narcissus suffer more, because for him, it is never enough, but he decided to go on and help Volvox make more money.

Volvox keeps making up stories and wrote to the government that he wanted money to pay to Narcissus' family, he got a note back saying Narcissus did not have any family left, as they all died several years ago from illness. Volvox was suspicious, because there was a list of Narcissus' family members on the paper as well, the date and time of their deaths were all the same, he wonders if something happened to them.

Several days pass and the world's natives help Jesus take care of the disabled, Volvox and Dommiel make enough money to build the section for those with mental disorders. Dommiel goes to the world's natives on Volovx's behalf,

"Guys, we have to return to our world now." Dommiel said,

"Oh, I made a spell while I was at home, hold on, here we go." Twilight Sparkle replied, and the world's natives leave the kingdom, she casts the spell while the people in Volvox's kingdom and the world's natives say bye to one another, the spell works and they are returned home. Twilight Sparkle was inspired by Volvox's decision to help the disabled, she went to Princess Celestia,

"Princess Celestia, Volvox gave me an idea, if possible, I want to make an area to take care of the disabled, too." Twilight Sparkle said,

"That's a great idea, Twilight, people like them try very hard to help others, we should do the same." Princess Celestia replied,

"But making that is going to cost a lot of money." Sunburst said,

"No worries, Sunburst, I can handle the pay on my own, we'll get it built as soon as possible." Princess Celestia replied,

"It's going to take a long time to build, too." Twilight Sparkle said,

"If we all work together, then it shouldn't take long, let's get started tomorrow." Princess Celestia replied, and they all do. Everybody builds an area to take care of the disabled people in their world as well, everycreature was welcomed, including animals, they all start taking care of them.

Several months pass and Twilight Sparkle was trying to cast another spell, but she messes up and makes Volvox's kingdom come back, everybody was happy to see them again, they look and were surprised by what they saw. Volvox had a section built to treat those with mental disorders, he now had people that were black, brown, yellow, and red in the kingdom as well, there was also females, and children, teenagers, and middle-aged people, he also had the upper-class and lower-class in the kingdom as well, Volvox had another section built to treat disabled animals as well. The staff was very big, there was much more people helping, and Jesus was still there,

"Volvox, Dommiel, we're back at that place again." Jesus said, Dommiel and Volvox walk out to see the others again,

"Welcome back, y'all." Applejack said, and they see the world's natives go to them,

"Hi there, good to see you all again." Vincent said,

"I remember that voice, how have you all been?" Peter asked,

"Great, what about you?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, it took a while, but we finally got everything built, and a lot of people to help, the kingdom's complete." Volvox replied,

"That's wonderful, we decided to start doing the same thing." Twilight Sparkle said, everybody there smiled except for the deaf people,

"Do you all need our help again?" Fluttershy asked,

"We do have a lot of staff now, but more help would be nice." Dommiel replied,

"Let's go then." Twilight Sparkle said, and the world's natives went to go help. Granny Smith walked over to the physically disabled people and they welcomed her,

"You hungry, too?" Vincent asked,

"No, Ah thought Ah'd see some old friends." Granny Smith replied, and Vincent introduced the other physically disabled to Granny Smith, she talks about her life and they laugh and enjoy her stories. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were with the kids, they all had fun playing together, Pinkie Pie and Silverstream played with them as well, Fluttershy joined shortly afterwards. The world's natives befriend many of them and see all of the disabled people were actually very friendly, they talked about when the kingdom came into their world, and Narcissus, who no one liked,

"I'm sorry to say this, but I wasn't trying to transfer you all here." Twilight Sparkle said,

"It's alright, but we do have to head home, there are still more disabled people and animals we have to get." Volvox replied,

"Alright, good luck, all of you." Princess Celestia said, they smiled, Twilight Sparkle casts the same spell and they are sent back to their world while they say bye to one another. Twilight Sparkle was happy to meet Volvox and his kingdom, it let her know that there were many other friendly people out there, she had the School of Friendship establish a special needs section for such students, she goes on to help the disabled people of her world and at the school for years to come.