• Published 27th Jul 2018
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Foreign Relationships - smirker

A land ruled by its emperor has different types of relationships with Equestria and the other countries. The emperor will have a different personality in each chapter.

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Volvox was created by the Maker to watch Earth and direct the humans, even though he was the very first species to exist on the planet. Volvox watched the angels and demons get created, he befriended Dommiel, a demon, and now served as his right hand man, the humans were created afterwards. The Maker wanted Volvox to make the humans develop with either magic or science, both had downsides, science was going to be extremely advanced eventually, but it would take thousands of years to fully develop, while magic will be powerful at the beginning, it was a non-renewable resource, it will get weaker as the years went by, and would eventually be gone. Volvox decided to have the humans develop in science, he watched their science develop through history, during the ancient times, when other creatures roamed the Earth, Volvox befriended a ghoul named Giovi, who had knife blades to replace his severed hand claws. During the 17th century, Dommiel met the Count of Saint Germain, who developed time travel, he opened his portals throughout time with his mind. Dommiel also met a brilliant mind during the 18th century, it was a man named Tom, the apprentice of Leonardo da Vinci, who was a genius ahead of his time, and had great love for technology, the five came together.

The five could not wait for the future, so the Count of Saint Germain opened a portal with his mind to go to the future, they went twenty five thousand years into the future, it was the year 27,286 AD, and they were still alive. Volvox was still called the emperor, and ruled the area, Dommiel was the general of the military, Giovi was a bodyguard to Volvox, the Count of Saint Germain was the world's historian, and Tom was the main scientist. The five look and see Volvox, Dommiel, and Giovi were called living fossils,

"Look at that, we still live to this time." Dommiel said,

"Yes, so do I, it says here I've gotten nanomachines to keep myself alive." Tom replied,

"I like that, it appears coming here was a good thing after all." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"Yup, come on, let's see how much science has progressed." Volvox replied, Giovi nodded while smiling and the five males look around. The five look around and were impressed by what they saw, electricity powered by the people's nervous systems, motion detecting devices everywhere for lights and security devices, bioluminescent candles with fireflies on them, soil powered technology, genetically engineered crops that fully grow with just one drop of water, pills that tasted just like the pictured food and drinks on them, it also had all of their nutrition, devices that can change the weather anywhere at anytime, faster than light travel and mail, vehicles that operate as automobiles, aircraft, watercraft, and spacecraft, they could also go underwater and underground, nanomachines within people's bodies that produce stem cells to heal them when they are injured, and increase their physical abilities, they also helped technology identify who they were, animals had devices on their necks that would translate what sounds they made into human language so they could understand them, the plants and bugs had societies of their own, so did the microscopic organisms, they all lived in peace.

The world did not just have humans, it also had mutants, machines, and an extraterrestrial species, some people were a fusion of two or more of them. The five look and see the alien species was called devilgor, they were from the planet Salatun, they see they were all about eight feet tall, and were extremely muscular, they had dark red skin, while their abdomens, back of their thighs, calves, bottom of their tails, inner parts of their biceps, forearms, and palms were a somewhat dark orange color, they all had shoulders that were pointed at the sides, they had two big wings on their backs, the wing membranes were dark orange, while the parts with the bones were red, they had three fingers on each wing, at the end of each finger was a black spike, long black claws for their fingers, thumbs, and toes, three black horns, one on the sides of their head, and a third horn on their foreheads, like Dommiel's spikes on his helmet, they all had yellow-white canine teeth, which were pointed and looked like big needles, and were always exposed, along with their gums, and their heads were shaped like inverted triangles.

Volvox sees those were all of the regular technology and aliens, he sees that the devilgors did not have any technology, but they made up by being physically superior to the humans, mutants, and machines. Volvox decided that he has seen enough of the regular technology, and he wanted to see the military technology, Dommiel was greatly looking forward to it. Volvox, Dommiel, Giovi, the Count of Saint Germain, and Tom walk together to see the military technology, they were in awe at what they saw, they saw the humans had bio-armor like the Guyver, they had real life Kamen Rider suits, but it was only Kamen Rider Ichigo and Kamen Rider Nigo. Tom was in awe when he saw Metal Gears, Metal Gear REX and Metal Gear RAY were being mass produced, the military was also mass producing the Shagohod. The Count of Saint Germain was excited to see the satellites around them had weapons on them as well, they could be used for kinetic bombardment, much to his excitement. Giovi was impressed to see lightsabers were now real, he was thinking about getting them to replace the knife blades he has for his claws, he also liked how the bows and crossbows were replaced with guns that shot out lasers beams, some shot out lasers that burned whatever it touched, he was especially impressed to see someone test shooting a rocket launcher that shot as fast as a machine gun. Dommiel was extremely excited to see a dark green flying tank was made, it was shaped like a tiltrotor, it had a tank turret at the top of each propeller end, above the four black obsidian blades on each wing, they shot together, missiles came out, the turret on the cockpit shot out a red oval shaped dart with a black tip, when it touched an object, the entire object would turn orange and explode, no matter how big or small, it had a fourth turret under the cockpit, it rotated three hundred sixty degrees, and shot out piercing bullets, that turret was a machine gun, the last weapon was on its tail, at the back, it was another turret, it had an alice blue oval shaped weapon with light blue electricity on it, it was tested and it shot out a white beam with light blue outlines, it destroyed whatever it hit, the testers than activated a cloaking device and it made the flying tank invisible, the testers than put twenty anti-gravity devices on its bottom, and they fly it to test it, it was a success, Dommiel was super excited, he wanted to use that flying tank and wreak havoc. Volvox walks around and sees the Tau Cannon from Half Life has been made, it had the Gluon Gun on it, it was a module, Volvox became especially excited when he saw the BFG10k from Quake II was real as well, he wanted to use it and shoot it everywhere, he saw jetpacks with shoulder mounted railguns as well, as well as wrist mounted coilguns, he was also interested in the grenades, because when someone held it out, the grenade will fly and home on whatever is in front of the lug, he was especially impressed with the landmines, because they had motion detectors in them, and beeped when someone was detected, and if that person tried to run away, the landmine will literally fly out of the ground and home onto the target and explode on them.

The five keep looking around and see the world's citizens had technological devices to change their physical appearances to what they desire, they see the citizens no longer had to diet or exercise to stay in shape, they also see the people had touchscreen devices and footwear that allowed them to fly, they can see the footwear all had either rockets or anti-gravity devices in them to make them fly, while the touchscreen devices were connected to their minds, so they did not have to use their fingers to navigate them, what they wanted to say with their minds was also automatically texted onto the devices. Tom sees kids playing video games, they were all virtual reality, they had virtual reality board games as well, and old games that kids played before the invention of video games and computers could also be played by virtual reality. The Count of Saint Germain looks and sees the museum, he looks at it and was in awe, the other four go there and were in awe as well, they see the museum had every single artwork, fashion, architecture, cuisine, weapons, military uniforms, technological devices, historical figures, and historical events recorded in the museum, they also had the extinct animals in there as well, the five see the citizens were using time traveling devices to go back in time to bring historical objects into the museum, the Count of Saint Germain sees he was the one who came up with this museum, and made time traveling devices for the historians to use, the five smiled, and had flashbacks of their own pasts, they decided to go forward.

The five keep walking around and the world's natives all bowed to them, they hear walking to their lefts and look, they saw real life Terminators, much to their surprises, a robot walks to them,

"You five are needed for a meeting with the Council." the robot said,

"Who were you, again?" Dommiel asked,

"I am Grid, humanity perfected." the robot said in his emotionless and monotone voice,

"I remember seeing you in a comic book, I didn't think you'd become real." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"I am not like my comic book self." Grid replied,

"How so?" Tom asked,

"My comic book self longed for emotion, I do not wish to have emotion, since it clouds one's judgement." Grid replied,

"Can't argue with that." Volvox said, the other four agreed,

"I understand you five have come here from the past, we all know that, I will show you to the Council's room." Grid said, and they follow him.

The five walk around and saw there were four cities, they were on the one that was on land, there was one in the sky, and another one underwater, the last city was in space, the five saw they lived in domes that had oxygen in them, they were all floating in space. Grid brings the five to meet the Council, they see there were two humans, two mutants, two robots, two aliens, two humanoid lions, two humanoid dung beetles, two humanoid shrubs, and a microscope that revealed two amoebas, each group had one male member and one female member. Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom sat in their seats, which had their names on them,

"Emperor Volvox, our best scientists have made a new device that may allow us to travel to other parts of space, we need your approval to use it." the male humanoid shrub member said,

"What does it look like?" Volvox asked,

"It is a simple controller with a button, it will open a a wormhole by controlling microscopic quantum tearers, it will open a wormhole, and we fly into it." the female alien member replied,

"Please understand, we're from thousands of years in the past, we just came here because of the Count of Saint Germain here." Tom said,

"Yes, we understand, we predicted you five coming with numerology." the male robot member replied,

"What else did you all predict with numerology?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"Well, according to our calculations, when we use that quantum tearing device, the wormhole is going to transfer us to an area in space we have never been before, the land below us will have life on it, it is very diverse, but the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs are the dominant creatures." the male amoeba member replied,

"Very well, let's give it a try." Volvox said, the members of the Council were happy,

"Now onto other important matters, our technology has been being disabled by these strange unidentified creatures, we don't know what to make of them." the female robot member said,

"What do they look like?" Dommiel asked,

"Small, red eyes, flappy ears, three fingers and toes, claws." the male human member replied, Volvox and the other four realized they were talking about gremlins,

"What else can you tell us?" Tom asked,

"They are being guided telepathically by their king, he seems to have some kind of psychic power, we're counting on you five, since you're our rulers, and said you would give your lives to protect us." the male mutant member replied,

"I guess so, I always did believe my enemies would have to kill me first, before they attack my people." Volvox said, the members of the Council smiled,

"Wait, so, there's no alien invasion to fight off?" Dommiel asked,

"Not this time, we already had space pirates, Metroids, Predators, Xenomorphs, Necromorphs, The Thing, Xen, the Strogg, Combine, the Furons, Saiyans, Namekians, the Mooninites, the Plutonians, Kryptonians, Symbiotes, the Flood, the Great Diamond Authority, Brainiac, Thanos, and Darkseid, only Brianiac and Darkseid are still at large right now." the male machine member replied,

"No killer robots or computers?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"You guys destroyed Skynet centuries ago." the female human member replied,

"No mad scientist or doctor trying to make our species evolve through cruel and immoral ways?" Tom asked,

"Dr. Challus was cryogenically frozen a few weeks ago." the male humanoid dung beetle replied,

"No ancient or prehistoric animal being reawakened and causing havoc?" Volvox asked,

"We cryogenically frozen the surviving prehistoric creatures a long time ago." the female humanoid dung beetle replied,

"No virus or pandemic to survive against?" Tom asked,

"Our nanomachines make us immune to all sicknesses and diseases in the universe." the male human member replied,

"No mutated monsters from radiation spilling to kill?" Dommiel asked,

"I think those gremlins actually are mutated from radiation." the male mutant member replied, the five became happy,

"No killer plants?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"We already got rid of them." the female mutant member replied,

"No creature created from dark matter?" Dommiel asked,

"That hasn't happened, yet." the male human member replied,

"No fighting in space wars with spacecraft or mobile suits?" Volvox asked,

"That hasn't happened, yet, either." the female human member replied, the five could not think up of anything else,

"Well, setting that aside, how are the cultures of the human species?" Volvox asked,

"Ah, I am glad you asked, we no longer have any cultural clashes, we decided to take all of our cultures, traditions, customs, beliefs, and religions, and fuse them all into one culture." the male human member replied, the five were happy,

"Do the mutants, machines, and aliens have their own cultures?" Dommiel asked,

"Us machines do not have a culture, we just live the way we do, and do not have a religion, we believe in scientific knowledge." Grid replied,

"What about the mutants?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"We were formally humans before we were mutated by radiation, our culture is the same as human culture." the male mutant replied,

"That's a shame, I was hoping for some diversity." Dommiel said,

"Me too." Volvox replied,

"Well, us aliens have a different culture." the male alien member said,

"Really? Do explain." Volvox replied happily,

"We have our own music, similar to those of human tribes, we have shaman as well, our cuisine is all meat, we don't wear clothes due to our skin being strong and tough enough, we don't need oxygen to breathe, we can fly, and we have gills on our necks, so we can breathe underwater, we also have several devilgors working in space, we don't have any art or pottery, our cooking is the same as you guys, and we worship the god Azathoth." the male alien member explained, Volvox was very uncomfortable, he has met Azathoth in person several times, and they do not get along,

"Are you aliens having trouble getting along with Earth's natives?" Volvox asked,

"Used to, we get along now thanks to you." the male alien member replied,

"I forgot, where was Salatun, again?" Tom asked,

"You don't need to pretend you forgot, we know you guys are from the past, everybody does, Salatun is located in the Taurus constellation, we travel there and to the space station with light trains." the male alien member replied,

"Wait, a light train?" Dommiel asked,

"Yeah, trains that also act as spaceships, they carry people at the speed of light, it is very fast and very smooth." the female alien member replied,

"Oh, like a Japanese bullet train." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"Exactly, those bullet trains were actually prototypes of the light trains." the male human member replied, the five were impressed,

"Say, where's Swamp Thing?" Volvox asked,

"Oh, he's living with the other mobile plants, he's an adviser now." the female humanoid shrub member replied,

"One more thing, what if we're transferred into a hostile area with that device?" Dommiel asked,

"We have another dome under us, they'll see that one instead, it's also in space, so I doubt they'll reach it." the female human member replied,

"Alright, let's test it." Volvox said, Grid went to a microphone,

"Attention, everybody, the wormhole travel experiment has been approved, embrace for fast travel." Grid said, and everybody got into their homes,

"Okay, here we go." the male mutant member said, and he pulls out a controller and pushes the button. The microscopic quantum tearers work and a wormhole was made. The cities, space station, and the dome under them with no one or nothing in it goes into the wormhole. Everybody travels at rapid speeds and soon come out on the other side of the wormhole, it closed shortly afterwards. Everybody cheered and they all look around,

"It was a success." the male human member said,

"Look, everybody, we correctly predicted where we would be." Grid replied, and he pushed some buttons to activate a screen that was big and high in the sky, he made them appear underwater, in the sky, and in space so the people living in those areas could see it as well.

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Starlight Glimmer, Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus, Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Dragon Lord Torch, Princess Ember, Gilda, Grampa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, King Thorax, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, General Seaspray, Sky Beak, Ocean Flow, Terramar, Daring Do, Bulk Biceps, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Trixie, Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich, Snips, Snails, Discord, Mayor Mare, Comet Tail, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Bow Hothoof, Windy Whistles, Mr. and Mrs. Shy, Zephyr Breeze, Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Mudbriar, Marble Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Hondo Flanks, Cookie Crumbles, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, Sugar Belle, Doctor Whooves, Roseluck, Derpy, and many more of the world's residents look up in the sky with surprise and confusion. They were all wondering what that thing in the sky was,

"You think somebody could be living up there?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"I don't know, but it's blocking out the sun." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Agreed, let's try pulling it down." Rarity said,

"Hold on a sec, Rarity, that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do if someone is livin' in there." Applejack replied,

"But it's blocking out the sun, there's no fun with no sun." Pinkie Pie said,

"I must agree with Applejack, pulling it down by force would be impolite." Fluttershy replied,

"But it's blocking out the sun, we should try communicating with them." Spike said,

"I agree, hold on a minute, everybody." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she flies into the sky.

Twilight Sparkle tries to fly up to the dome that had no one in it, she goes to the top of her world's atmosphere, she was about to enter space and began gasping and wheezing, she flew back down. Twilight Sparkle saw everybody looking at her,

"It's no use, it's too high, everybody, I can't breathe up there." Twilight Sparkle said, shocking everybody,

"Twilight, try using your Royal Canterlot Voice." Princess Celestia said, Twilight Sparkle realized she had it, and looked back, she flew up as high as she could,

"EXCUSE ME!!" Twilight Sparkle yelled with her Royal Canterlot Voice, there was no response.

Volvox and the others were watching and see Twilight Sparkle looking at them, they could not hear her, some of them were laughing a bit at the fact she was yelling at the fake dome with no one in it, they see her have a bewildered face, she decided to try using telekinesis and managed to reach it, but she could not pull it down. Princess Celestia grabbed it with her telekinesis and helped her pull it down, it came down and they put it northeast of Canterlot.

The empty dome was pulled down and everybody gathered around to check it, Princess Celestia managed to open the top with her telekinesis, everybody gasped when they saw it was empty,

"There's nobody in it?" Princess Ember asked,

"Yak see something else in sky." Prince Rutherford said, they all look and gasp when they saw the actual civilization in space, even higher,

"That thing is huge." Ocellus said,

"Really high up, too, I don't think telekinesis is going to reach that one." Sandbar replied,

"We can't fly up there, either." Smolder said,

"Then how do we reach thing?" Yona asked,

"Wanna try throwing some kind of note up there?" Gallus asked,

"That sounds like a great idea." Silverstream replied, and she wrote a paper with a quill in her right talon, she balled it up, flew up as high as she could, and tried throwing the note, she was excited, but she became shocked when the note floated around in space, Volvox used his telekinesis to get the note and pull it in, he opened it and read it,


My name is Silverstream, I'm a hippogriff, and I want to meet you guys, so can you all please come down?"

"What do the rest of you say?" Volvox asked,

"Let's stay up here for now." Dommiel replied,

"Yeah, we don't know if they're hostile or not." Tom said, the Council agreed,

"Well, let's get you five ready to fight the gremlins, then." the male human member said, and they prepare for them.

The next day comes and the world's natives look at the floating dome, there was nothing coming from it. The dome and space station blocked out Princess Luna's moon last night, which angered her, she flew up in the afternoon as high as she could,

"I DEMAND A WORD WITH THE RULER!!" Princess Luna yelled with her Royal Canterlot Voice, the people in the space dome did not hear her, Princess Celestia used her magic to see if there were people living up there, she saw there was. Twilight Sparkle flew up with a megaphone and was beside Princess Luna to her right,

"EXCUSE ME!! WE'D LIKE TO HAVE A WORD WITH YOU GUYS!!" Twilight Sparkle yelled into the megaphone with her Royal Canterlot Voice, it scared everyone in the world, the people in the dome did not hear her. Pinkie Pie got out a megaphone,

"WE'RE CALLING YOU GUYS!! WE WANT ANSWERS!!" Pinkie Pie yelled, it moved the mountains, and scared everyone again, she could not reach them, either.

The humans, machines, mutants, aliens, hybrids, plants, animals, bugs, and microorganisms get on with their days while Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom were being briefed about the gremlins,

"Okay, guys, the Gremlin King has twelve commanders, each with a special power, their names are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces." the male human member of the Council said,

"What are they?" Volvox asked,

"Aries can control machines with his mind, he has technopathy. Taurus lives in this kingdom's AI system, he has no physical body, he's also a master of electrokinesis. Gemini is filled with parasites, so he can change his body parts into anything. Cancer is microscopic size, so you won't be able to see him, he's spreading some kind of sickness around. Leo is genetically engineered, so he can change into monsters, basically, he changes into Zoanoids from the Guyver, but you five get the idea. Virgo has bio-armor, he can basically change into a Guyver or a Kamen Rider. Libra is a living plant, he can control the plants as well. Scorpio is a master of the Force, he has psychic powers as well, he also wields a lightsaber. Sagittarius is an ancient gremlin, so he's bigger and stronger than the others, his body regenerates rapidly. Capricorn controls mobile weapons with his mind, he's in a mobile suit, we don't know which one, though, he's also a robot, he looks like those cyborgs from Mortal Kombat. Aquarius can breathe underwater, he also has enhanced physical abilities. Pisces is a mutated gremlin, he has to wear a special suit to survive, but the suit grants him pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, geokinesis, and aerokinesis." the male human member replied,

"Things just got a whole lot more interesting." Tom said, the other four agreed and smiled,

"Only those thirteen gremlins are mutated, they lead smaller gremlins around and they cause trouble, we're counting on you five to stop them." the male human member said,

"Leave it to us." Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, and Tom replied, Giovi just nodded and smiled,

"Excuse me!" Pinkie Pie said on the glass dome around the main city, every citizen exclaimed with shock, the Council and Volvox look and see her floating in space,

"We would like to have a word with you..." Pinkie Pie said, she gasped shortly and held her breath as she floated away from the domes, everybody was in disbelief at what they just saw.

Twilight Sparkle looked at the space dome with her friends and students, Pinkie Pie hopped to them,

"Pinkie? Where were you?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Elsewhere, I tried to contact them, Pinkie Pie style, but I didn't have much luck." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Well, Pinkie is Pinkie, who knows what she did." Applejack said,

"Hey look, Princess Celestia is trying something." Rainbow Dash said, and they all watch her.

Volvox and the citizens see bright glares in their homes, Grid set up a screen and everybody saw the white sun was being controlled with telekinesis, they look and saw Princess Celestia was controlling it, she was looking at them with a neutral facial expression,

"Should we see what she wants?" Dommiel asked,

"Might as well, I don't think we have much of a choice." Volvox replied, and he uses telekinesis to lower the cities on the land, in the sea, and in the sky, he kept the space station in space.

Everybody saw the dome coming down and cheered, Princess Celestia smiled as she watched it, everybody saw how big it was, which surprised them, it soon landed. The middle dome opens and a gray ramp came out, the Count of Saint Germain walked out,

"Oh, what a lovely outfit he has on." Rarity said,

the Count of Saint Germain walked forward and he saw Princess Celestia coming over, they landed on top of the dome that had no one in it, other natives of the world went to him,

"You all contacted?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"Yes, you all are blocking the sun and moon for this land." Princess Celestia replied,

"Oh, our deepest apologies, we got here through an experiment." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"What? We tried calling for you guys." Twilight Sparkle said,

"We didn't hear you." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Oh." the world's natives said,

"I thought you all were ignoring us." Princess Luna said,

"No, of course not, we didn't hear you guys calling us." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Just who are you?" Princess Ember asked,

"I am the Count of Saint Germain." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Count? The clothes you're wearing look... out of date... compared to other humans I've seen." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Oh... uh... about that, I'm a time traveler." the Count of Saint Germain replied, shocking everyone,

"A time traveler?" Silverstream asked,

"Yes, I'm twenty one thousand years from the past." the Count of Saint Germain replied, this made Starlight Glimmer skeptical,

"You don't look like you're from that far in the past." Starlight Glimmer said,

"I guess it's time dilation, then." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Time dilation? What in tarnation is that?" Applejack asked,

"Well, it's a bit complicated to explain." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Can you give us the basics?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Time between two places moves differently, time moves faster or slower in one area than it does in another." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Wow, I've never heard of such a thing." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, it's common in books, it also appears we'll be here for a while." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Then take the glasses down, I believe you all may enjoy it here." Princess Celestia said,

"Alright, but step back, our cities are going to expand." the Count of Saint Germain replied, and they all left. The Count of Saint Germain went back into the land dome and the ramp went up, he saw Tom and Grid working on floating screens,

"Analysis complete, we are able to terraform and let our cities sit on the ground and in the water." Grid said,

"Alright, here we go." Tom said, and the two press buttons to make their domes disappear. The domes go down and the land changes, they had a body of water now, the underwater city was there, the land city expands on went into the ground, the sky city also expanded, and continued floating in the sky, while the space station just remained in space with satellites around them. The world's natives gasped and looked at their country with awe, they had vehicles that can change from a car, into a boat, into a plane, communicating devices that were connected to their minds, the devices did what their owners' minds said, tubes for people who did not have vehicles to use, they used them to travel from one city to another, scopes that acted as binoculars, microscopes, and telescopes, medical equipment that could not only heal people in seconds, but also revive the deceased, and devices to create clones, and nobody used paper money or coins, they all used digital money on pretty much every single touchscreen device,

"Oh my." Igneous Rock Pie said as he looked on from his farm. Everybody was shocked by what they saw,

"Oh my goodness." Fluttershy said,

"I could say the same thing, Fluttershy, I've never seen such technology." Twilight Sparkle replied, they saw Princess Ember fly to them,

"Who's in charge here?" Princess Ember asked,

"Well... there's twenty one rulers in our country." a male human replied,

"Twenty one rulers?" Princess Ember asked,

"Yeah." the human replied,

"Who's the supreme ruler?" Princess Ember asked,

"That would be the emperor." the human replied,

"Take me to him." Princess Ember said, a big silver orb floats down to her and it disappears, she was shocked when she saw Volvox, she could not believe how big he was,

"Who's contacting us?" Volvox asked,

"Who's the emperor?" Princess Ember asked,

"I am." Volvox replied,

"What is this country?" Princess Ember asked,

"Well, it's a bit complicated to explain." Volvox replied,

"Is this magic?" Princess Ember asked,

"Nope, all science." Volvox replied, Twilight Sparkle was very shocked when she heard that, she has never seen or heard of such science, it was all beyond her understanding, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence flew over,

"If possible, I'd like to meet the other rulers." Princess Celestia said,

"We're all right here." Dommiel replied,

"State who you all are." Princess Luna said,

"I am Darwin." the male human member replied,

"And I'm Marie, we're the representatives of the humans." the female member said,

"My name is Ivan." the male mutant member said,

"I am Lizmarie, we are the representatives for the mutants." the female mutant member said,

"Wait, mutants?" Princess Ember asked,

"Yeah, they used to be humans until they came into contact with radiation and mutated." Tom replied, shocking the princesses,

"What about the rest of you?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I am T-1850." the male robot member replied,

"I am Model X, we are the representatives for the machines." the female robot member said,

"I am Grid, I am an adviser and technologist for the emperor, I am not a ruler." Grid said, the world's natives were excited to meet the machines,

"My name is Zerbebuth." the male alien member said,

"My name is Zancrus, we are the representatives for the devilgors." the female alien member said,

"Devilgor?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Extraterrestrials, there's life on other planets out there." Tom replied, the world's natives were excited,

"My name is Cecil." the male humanoid lion said,

"My name is Zira, we represent the animals who live in the country." the female humanoid lion said, Fluttershy was extremely excited,

"I am Scarab." the male humanoid dung beetle said,

"I am Sacer, we represent the bugs." the female humanoid dung beetle said, Fluttershy was excited again while Rarity exclaimed with shock, disgusted to see bugs in their government,

"My name is Berberis." the male humanoid shrub member said,

"I am Periwinkle, we represent the plants." the female humanoid shrub member said, the world's natives were surprised to see that plants were people as well, Twilight Sparkle wanted to study them,

"I am Flagellum." the male amoeba member said,

"My name is Cilia, we are the representatives for the microscopic organisms." the female amoeba member said,

"Wait, microscopic?" Princess Luna asked,

"There are some living organisms that are so small, they cannot be seen with the naked eye." the Count of Saint Germain replied, the world's natives were extremely surprised, Twilight Sparkle really wanted to study them,

"What about you five?" Princess Celestia asked,

"I'm Tom, I'm the top scientist and technician in this country." Tom said,

"You all already know me, I'm also the country's historian." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"I'm Dommiel, I'm the general and commander of the entire military." Dommiel said, it was silent for a few minutes,

"Who is that guy there with the light blue skin and black hair and... knives on his hands?" Princess Ember asked,

"Oh, that's Giovi, he's a bodyguard to the emperor, he doesn't talk, he prefers to let his actions do the talking." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"What's your name, emperor?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Volvox." Volvox replied,

"What do you do?" Princess Luna asked,

"I approve of new technology, and I defend the country, if anyone invades, I'm the first line of defense." Volvox replied,

"So, in other words, you lead from the front, I like that." Princess Ember said, Volvox smiled with all three of his heads,

"Princess Celestia." Twilight Sparkle said as she flew to her,

"I was thinking about having them attend the School of Friendship." Twilight Sparkle said,

"That sounds wonderful, Twilight, spreading friendship far and wide sounds like a good idea." Princess Celestia replied,

"School of Friendship?" Tom asked,

"We are spreading friendship far and wide throughout this land, we'd be honored to spread it to other areas." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I'm not sure about that, friendship is usually earned, not given." Dommiel said,

"The School of Friendship teaches to look past others' differences, and to accept one another." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Wait, does the school teach male bonding or female bonding?" Flagellum asked,

"Both. Why the question?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Males and females bond differently." Zerbebuth replied,

"How so?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Males bond through shared experiences, females bond through shared emotions." Marie replied, Twilight Sparkle was surprised, she never knew such a thing, Volvox looked at the citizens,

"What do the rest of you say?" Volvox asked, the citizens agreed,

"Sure, why not? I mean, we already have one foreign species living with us, I don't think having several more will do us any harm." Darwin replied, Twilight Sparkle and the princesses smiled,

"Okay then, I'm going to need one of each kind to attend my school, I also need the rulers to come as well." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I don't have time for this." Volvox replied,

"Yeah, us five have a war to fight." Dommiel said,

"A war?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Creatures have been wreaking havoc in our country, we have to stop them, since we're the rulers, we're the first line of defense." Tom replied,

"We'll be going, we check things out before we send the others." Zerbebuth replied,

"Oh, well, I still need someone to represent the main rulers." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Grid." Volvox said,

"Ready to go, emperor." Grid replied,

"Okay then, let's go." Twilight Sparkle said, and the council goes, Flagellum and Cilia use telekinesis to make their microscopes float up, and they move, much to the world's natives surprises,

"Follow me." Twilight Sparkle said, and the members of the Council and Grid follow her,

"Come on, let's get ready to fight the gremlins." Volvox said, the other four agreed and they leave as well.

The Council and Grid go to the School of Friendship and sign in, Pinkie Pie was their first class, the Young Six were a bit unnerved by the robots. Pinkie Pie teachers her class, T-1850, Model X, and Grid just simply took notes while listening,

"Hey, aren't you three having fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We are not capable of experiencing pleasure." Grid replied, Pinkie Pie became extremely shocked,

"Can't experience fun? Can't experience fun?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Actually, we can't feel any emotion." T-1850 replied, shocking the students,

"You guys have no emotions?!" Silverstream asked,

"We see it as beneficial." Model X replied,

"How?" Sandbar asked,

"Lacking emotions has perfected our geniuses." Grid replied, shocking the students,

"So... uh... what is your culture like?" Ocellus asked,

"We do not have a culture." Grid replied,

"No culture? What about beliefs?" Sandbar asked,

"We believe in science and factual knowledge." T-1850 replied, shocking the others,

"How do you guys move around?" Gallus asked,

"We are powered by water, wind, the sun, the moon, and heat, we only need one to work, we have been programmed to have the beliefs and religions of the humans." Model X replied, surprising everyone,

"Your monotone voices are creepy, even for me." Smolder said,

"It is the way we sound, we have no control over it." Grid replied,

"Moving on, what about you extraterrestrials, what do you guys do for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, there's always arm wrestling." Zerbebuth replied,

"Yeah, our kind like fighting." Zancrus said, Smolder and Gallus felt like the dragons and griffons were going to get along with them, while the ponies, changelings, and hippogriffs will not, and the yaks will be mixed,

"Do extraterrestrials smash things?" Yona asked,

"Yup, we smash our enemies' heads." Zerbebuth replied, shocking the students,

"Yona meant as in smashing things like logs." Yona said,

"Well, we don't do it for fun, we do when we build things, one thing we also like to do for fun is fighting tournaments." Zerbebuth replied,

"Fighting tournaments? Count me in." Gallus said happily,

"I want in, too." Smolder said,

"Yona want in fighting tournament, too." Yona said, Sandbar, Ocellus, and Silverstream had shocked faces,

"No, guys, think about the victim, it may be fun for you guys, but it's not fun for whoever gets hurt." Pinkie Pie said,

"Don't worry, our hide is extremely tough, devilgors are the physically strongest and most durable species from Volvox's country." Zancrus replied, Zerbebuth smiled and nodded with his eyes closed,

"Um, what are those spaces on your necks?" Silverstream asked,

"They're gills, we can breathe underwater, too." Zancrus replied, shocking Silverstream,

"So, you guys can fly... and breathe underwater?" Silverstream asked,

"It's how we evolved, our kind are hunters, Salatun is as dangerous as prehistoric Earth." Zerbebuth replied,

"Did you guys have a hard time when going to their home?" Ocellus asked,

"It took a few adjustments, but it wasn't too bad." Zancrus replied,

"No offense, but you guys look mean." Sandbar said,

"Judging a book by its cover." Zancrus replied,

"Yeah, don't let their appearances fool you, we were scared at first, too, but they turned out to be really nice and friendly people." Darwin said,

"Well, what about you mutants? What do you all do for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"The same things as the humans." Ivan replied,

"What? No diversity?" Sandbar asked,

"We were humans ourselves before we got mutated by radiation." Lizmarie replied, the students look at the two and see they had pale yellow skin and pointed ears, but other than that, they looked like humans,

"Do every mutant look like you two?" Smolder asked,

"Oh no, not at all, some have gills, some have wings, some have an odd number of limbs, some are hybrids of plants and animals, the list goes on." Ivan replied, the Young Six were shocked,

"What do the animals do for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We hunt, we play games with our families, and we let our children explore, we haven't changed that much." Cecil replied,

"How do you all live?" Sandbar asked,

"The same, the lions still live in prides, the other animals still live the way they do, we have marine animals and avian animals as well, we also speak on their behalf, we used to hunt one another, but we now live together peacefully with the humans and other creatures." Zira replied,

"So... you guys don't do any of the other creatures' activities for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Not really, we don't experience much fun, since we have spent centuries trying to survive." Cecil replied,

"How did you guys become the way you are now?" Sandbar asked,

"Selective breeding." Zira replied,

"What's that?" Silverstream asked,

"We won't go into detail, it's complicated." Cecil replied,

"What do you plants do for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Well, if we had to choose, it's being in the sun." Berberis replied,

"Yes, the sun is great, especially in summer." Periwinkle said,

"You guys don't play any games?" Gallus asked,

"I can't think of one, we usually just stand in one place, and protect our living quarters from fire and other dangers." Berberis replied,

"Alrighty then, what about you bugs, what do you all do for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Nothing in particular, we've been busy surviving Earth for centuries, too." Scarab replied,

"How many different bugs are there?" Smolder asked,

"Millions." Sacer replied,

"What are you guys?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We're dung beetles." Sacer replied, the world's natives were grossed out,

"Dung beetles?" Silverstream asked,

"What? Never heard of them?" Scarab asked,

"No, but that sounds gross." Silverstream replied,

"Sorry, but that's what we are, we use dung balls so our females can lay eggs in them, we eat them as food, too." Scarab said, grossing out every native,

"You guys... eat poop?" Ocellus asked,

"We've been eating it for millennia." Sacer replied,

"Eww." the class said, the two humanoid dung beetles did not mind since humans found them gross many years ago,

"Let's move on, everybody, what do you teeny weeny tiny winy little people do for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"It's different for each type of microscopic organism." Flagellum replied,

"What do you guys do?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Amoebas try to see who can become the biggest." Cilia replied, impressing the others,

"Wait, none of you play music or sing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"The whales do, the birds also sing." Zira replied,

"Plants usually don't sing." Periwinkle said,

"The cicadas, grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets sing." Sacer said,

"Nope, microorganisms don't sing." Cilia said,

"Well, the devilgors do sometimes, we have taken a liking to rock and metal music when we came here, we do shaman-like chants when we sing, the music is usually done by beating sticks on the ground." Zerbebuth said,

"Some machines are programmed to play music." Grid said,

"Us mutants and humans play the same songs, we sing, too." Lizmarie said,

"The same things?" Sandbar asked,

"Yup, humans, mutants, and machines all share the same culture." Darwin replied, surprising everyone, the bell rung shortly afterwards,

"Aw, that's too bad, I was hoping we could teach these creatures how to cook and how to party, but it seems we don't have the time, till next time, everycreature." Pinkie Pie said,

"Come on, Fluttershy's class is next, this way." Sandbar said to the natives, and they follow him.

Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom were getting ready to fight the gremlins, they saw flying cameras fly around while they walked, they discarded the things they were given to help fight the gremlins,

"You know what? Let's see what the future past here is like." Dommiel said,

"Good idea, let's give it a check." the Count of Saint Germain replied, and he opens a portal with his mind and they go through it. The five walk around and look at the timelines, they keep going and stopped with surprise,

"Uh-oh." Volvox said, and they saw the gremlins have taken over the country, and the king was being carried around while sitting on a throne,

"Let's try taking him out in the past." Tom said,

"Good idea, let's see if we can find them." the Count of Saint Germain replied, and they walk through the area. The five arrive at the past and see the gremlins were aliens from another planet, they see the devilgors were slaves under their commands, they fought the gremlins and caused them to crash on Earth, they first appeared in Malta, the Middle East, and India in the 1920s, and the gremlins have been sabotaging human technology ever since just for fun,

"Come on, let's get rid of them." Volvox said, the four agreed and they were about to go to the past,

"No." Princess Celestia said as a yellow aura appeared on the five and they were pulled out.

The five arrive in Canterlot and they see Princess Celestia standing in front of them, the aura on her horn disappears,

"Do not take your fight to the past, you will end up messing up the present in this land as well." Princess Celestia said,

"We were just going to take out the gremlins." Dommiel replied,

"That doesn't matter, if anyone or anything sees you, you will alter history, so no, do it here and now." Princess Celestia said,

"Are you the only one watching us?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"Not at all, every country is watching you guys." Princess Celestia replied,

"Come on, guys, let's go." Volvox said, and the five walk back, while each step Volvox took shook the ground.

The five arrive back in their country and they look for the gremlins, they see a law enforcement building and see every single part of the country was being tracked and watched with satellites, sonars, radars, and cameras, there was literally nowhere to hide. The five look at it while impressed, but they continue,

"Okay, which gremlin should we take out first?" Volvox asked,

"I guess Pisces, he doesn't really have any powers." Dommiel replied,

"Yeah, all he has is a special suit, let's take him out." Tom said, the Count of Saint Germain and Giovi nodded. Explosions were heard and the citizens scream, the five look to see what was going on, they saw gremlins appear, they were small,

"Look at that, they look just the gremlins from the 1984 movie." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"That's a surprise, I thought they would look more like the one from the Twilight Zone." Tom replied,

"Come on, guys, now's not the time." Volvox said, and they focused on the oncoming gremlins. The gremlins destroy whatever technology there was,

"Go on, wreck havoc, my little minions." a male voice said, they all look and saw a gremlin that was bigger than the others, he was also humanoid with his body,

"I am the Gremlin King, conqueror of Salatun, and the future ruler of Earth, this country is ours!" the humanoid gremlin said,

"So that's our main target." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"Yeah, too bad he doesn't have a crown, though, I was hoping we could knock it off of his head." Tom replied, the other four laugh a little,

"There's the emperor, attack, my servants!" the Gremlin King said, and the small gremlins run and climb onto Volvox, they try scratching and biting him, it did nothing to him,

"Ow." Volvox said sarcastically, he then used telekinesis to hold them in front of him, he shot an orange and white blast of fire out of his three mouths, the gremlins were destroyed. The Gremlin King screams with terror and ran away,

"Oh, he runs away when he's in danger, I like that." Dommiel said,

"Yup, that's a natural response." Volvox replied,

"Still, how did you cast those hellfire breaths?" Tom asked,

"I have glands in my mouth that allow me to shoot fire out, it's not just magic, but it does seem my fire is weaker than before." Volvox replied, the five soon hear fire being shot out, they look and saw a humanoid gremlin flying through the air with a jetpack, he had four fan blades on his palms, there was an oxygen tank on his back, and squirt guns on his forearms, he was wearing a silver suit, and had black acrylic glass over his eyes,

"My name is Pisces, I am the genius of the gremlins." the humanoid gremlin in the suit said, and he flew to them with the jetpack, he had flames appear on his hand claws,

"What the?" Tom asked,

"Pyrotechnics have come a long way." Pisces replied, and he shoots fire at them, Tom and the Count of Saint Germain duck, while Dommiel and Giovi were out of reach, it hit Volvox but did no damage, he looks and saw his suit had flamethrowers on where his claws should be, Volvox was bored and shot more fire out his mouths, but Pisces' suit was fireproof. Pisces holds his arms out and fires the squirt guns, they see it shot out water at high speeds, it cut whatever it hit, the five noticed they were waterjets. Dommiel uses telekinesis on Pisces' waterjets and breaks them apart, Pisces growls and holds his hands out, the fans in his palms begin spinning at high speeds, it only blew small objects at them, the five were unimpressed,

"How do you use geokinesis?" Volvox asked, and Pisces uses telekinesis to destroy the ground, Tom shook his head,

"You suck." Tom said, Pisces gasped with horror,

"This took a very long time to make!" Pisces said angrily,

"Well, you didn't do a good job." the Count of Saint Germain replied, Giovi uses telekinesis and brings Pisces to him, he stabs the knife blades he had for his claws into Pisces' chest, he gasped and wheezed before dying,

"I hope the others aren't this easy." Dommiel said,

"Me neither, come on, let's take out the next member." Volvox replied, and they leave to take out the remaining gremlins.

Fluttershy begins her class and was with Scarab and Sacer,

"Now, everycreature, dung beetles live in forests and deserts, I know they sound gross, but the dung they roll is for their diet and to lay their young in it." Fluttershy said, the natives were grossed out,

"Do you have any dung from herbivores or omnivores?" Sacer asked,

"Sorry, but no." Fluttershy replied,

"What's a herbivore?" Gallus asked,

"It is a creature that only eats plants, omnivores eat anything." Fluttershy replied,

"And carnivores eat only meat, that's what we are." Zerbebuth said, the animals became scared and backed away,

"Sorry, but when we see animals, we think of food." Zancrus said, scaring the world's natives,

"What about the rest of you?" Ocellus asked,

"Humans are omnivores." Darwin replied,

"Mutants are omnivores, too." Lizmarie said,

"Depends on the animal." Cecil said,

"Most plants feed themselves, but we need the sun to get nutrition, a few plants are carnivorous." Berberis said,

"Some bugs eat meat, too." Sacer said,

"Hmm, well, I guess we're carnivores, too, microorganisms eat one another." Flagellum said,

"Oh dear, but I am curious, are there any animals that cannot be seen?" Fluttershy asked,

"Of course, you've got the dust mites, spider mites, the demodex, bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae, protozoa, some arthropods, some crustaceans, some nematodes, certain cladocera, rotifers, the loriciferan, and the tardigrade." Cilia replied,

"Wait, who are the representatives for the fungi?" Sandbar asked,

"The plants represent them as well." Periwinkle said,

"But they're not plants." Sandbar said,

"We know, but they are distantly related to us." Berberis replied,

"What are the animals on Salatun like?" Fluttershy asked,

"Dangerous, one animal we all fear was the Gutter, it was fifteen feet tall, had many legs, like a millipede, but they looked like human legs, its body was like that, too, you could see its insides through its skin, it had a stinger on its back, and its head looked like a human baby's head with cyclopia, it ate us for food, it would have its victims hanging out of its mouth as well. The Gutter's breath was poisonous, it would kill anything that smelled it. It's called the Gutter because of its razor-sharp feet, its toenails are very sharp, it likes to cut the victim's abdomen and take out its insides, it would then go to the nearest fire to cook its victim, and kill anyone or anything that's there." Zerbebuth explained,

"Oh my, that's scary, what else do you have?" Fluttershy asked,

"The Kongamato is real on our home planet, another animal that's common is the Elsk, it's basically a giant eel, it enters the victims body through their orifices, usually the mouth, and it eats them from the inside-out." Zancrus replied, scaring the others,

"Never mind, I don't want to know anymore." Silverstream said,

"What about the rest of you?" Zerbebuth asked, everybody refused, including Fluttershy,

"That reminds me, we didn't cover what you machines eat." Sandbar said,

"We do not need to consume in order to survive." Grid replied,

"Wait, you guys don't eat anything?" Smolder asked,

"We don't drink anything, either." T-1850 replied,

"Is there anything else you guys don't need?" Gallus asked,

"Sleep." Model X replied, shocking everybody,

"Let's change the subject, what kind of animals do you machines and mutants have?" Fluttershy asked,

"Well, us mutants have the same animals as the others, but they're mutated, too, we have dogs with wings, deer with gills, a three headed cat, wolverines the size of a fly, rats the size of houses, you name it." Ivan replied, everybody was interested,

"What about you machines?" Fluttershy asked,

"We have animals that are machines, like us." Grid said,

"Mechanical animals?!" Silverstream asked,

"Would you like one?" T-1850 asked,

"No! I want a regular pet!" Silverstream replied,

"We adopt those, as well." Grid said,

"What are the machine pets like?" Fluttershy asked,

"Just like us, act on facts and logic, they too, lack emotion." Model X replied, shocking the students, the bell rung afterwards,

"One more question before you all go, what do you mutants eat?" Fluttershy asked,

"Same things as humans, and recycled waste, our bodies were mutated to digest them, it has gotten rid of most of the polluting problems, our koi fish are especially good at keeping the waters clean." Lizmarie replied,

"Okay, that is all, onward to your next class now." Fluttershy said,

"This way, guys, Rarity's class is next." Sandbar said, and they all go to her classroom.

Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom were at an Italian restaurant close to Canterlot, Volvox could just barely fit in,

"Well, Tom, Saint Germain, and Giovi, go on and order, Dommiel and I don't need nutrition to survive." Volvox said,

"Why not?" Tom asked,

"We were just made that way." Dommiel replied, and they just order spaghetti. The three eat without using the silverware, Giovi just slurped the noodles, they were almost done with their meals until they saw the Gremlin King was also in the restaurant, he appeared to be with a female gremlin, she looked almost just like him, but smaller,

"They're selling this place to the dogs now, I've got something for you, Flibbertigibbet." the Gremlin King said, and he showed her a gold car hood with a diamond muffler,

"Wow, it's lovely, daddy." Flibbertigibbet said,

"Flibbertigibbet, I want you to think of me every time you see this, to let you know how hard your father works to show the other species' our superiority by disassembling their technology, I got this one to match your beauty, a high class of art like me and yourself." the Gremlin King said, Flibbertigibbet was happy,

"Oh, no! The Gremlin King is a snob!" Dommiel said with his hands on his cheeks, everybody who heard him laughed. Princess Celestia overheard him from her palace, she stood on her balcony and looked at the country with disapproval, Grampa Gruff, Gilda, and the griffons were laughing, so was Dragon Lord Torch, Princess Ember, Garble, and the other dragons. Volvox and his four allies keep watching the Gremlin King interact with Flibbertigibbet,

"My sweet daughter, I have put a charm on this piece, to make you love me as your father, no matter what." the Gremlin King said, the five except for Giovi exclaim with disgust,

"I can't stand other males like that!" the Count of Saint Germain said, the Gremlin King looks at them and recognizes them, he screams with shock,

"You guys are here, too?!" the Gremlin King asked with shock,

"Daddy? What's going on?" Flibbertigibbet asked,

"No time to explain, dear, let's go. Attack, my servants." the Gremlin King replied, and they run out. Small gremlins come out from under the tables and the people scream as they begin throwing the food and silverware around, some of them were making a mess in the kitchen. The five stood up and fought back, Dommiel just simply punched them with his fists, they died easily, the Count of Saint Germain used his saber to cut the gremlins, he also used his revolver to shoot the ones on the lights, Giovi cut them apart with the blades he had for his claws, Tom threw them around and they died easily from it, and Volvox was looking for one of the remaining commanders.

The gremlins in the restaurant were dead and the four see they have made a mess, Volvox was looking around and saw plants burst out of the floor,

"Quick, get out, we're going to go into the ground." Volvox said, and the other four ran outside while Volvox jumped out, through the ceiling. The five were outside and they see vines coming out of the ground. The ground bursts open and they hear cackling, they look and see a humanoid gremlin, he was a greenish-yellow color,

"You face Libra, master of chlorokinesis, the flora bows to me!" the humanoid gremlin said, he was so big, all of the world's natives could see him, they were very shocked to see his powers, they have never seen anyone who could control plants.

Libra makes Venus flytraps come out of the ground and were overgrown, they try to eat Volvox, but he just blew them apart with his fire breath, the Count of Saint Germain tries to cut the vines with his saber, but it did not work, the vines were too thick, Giovi could not cut through them, either. Dommiel and Tom look around for something to use to help them, they look and see a sword store to the south, but a little far, the two run and break a window, they take three swords and run back, they give one to the Count of Saint Germain. Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, and Tom activate them, Dommiel had a high frequency energy blade, it was shaped like a claymore, it had white energy on the edges and tip, it was also vibrating, the Count of Saint Germain had a purple energy blade, shaped like his older saber, its grip and guard were silver, and Tom had a red lightsaber with a black handle. The three cut the vines and Libra screams in pain as they were cut and he burned, but he quickly regenerated. Volvox looks around and saw Libra was being powered by the sun, Libra laughed at him,

"Foolish mortals, plants are eternal." Libra said,

"Swamp Thing, we need you." Volvox said, Libra smiled and showed Swamp Thing was also under his command, he begins to make the humanoid plants move around. The humanoid plants begin destroying the country's technology, the people screamed, the machines begin having lights of multiple colors flash rapidly in their eyes', the humanoid plants were not stunned by them. Volvox looks around and sees a lot of clouds in the sky, he uses telekinesis to move them and block out the sun from his country. Libra grunts and his powers weaken,

"Should've had the plants attack us instead of using them to destroy technology." Volvox said, Libra was in complete shock,

"I... didn't think of that." Libra said, the five shake their heads,

"Please, don't put me in the cold." Libra said,

"It's not the cold you should be worried about, it's the heat." Volvox replied, Libra became shocked. Volvox shoots fire out of his three mouths and burns Libra, he screams in pain, Tom places the lightsaber on Libra's plants to burn them. Libra keeps burning and he was charred, he falls onto the ground and was dead,

"Okay, two down, ten to go." Volvox said,

"Yup, let's upgrade our gear first, Giovi's blades aren't working." Tom replied, the others agreed,

"Ahem." Princess Celestia said, and the five look at her, she was glaring at them, Volvox uses his telekinesis to move the clouds, the five leave and go elsewhere.

Rarity was teaching her class and was uncomfortable with the dung beetles in her classroom,

"I'm sorry to you two, but I am not comfortable having bugs in my environment." Rarity said,

"It's not the first time, some people are scared of bugs." Scarab replied,

"Not just bugs, people are also scared of animals." Zira said,

"Well, let's get on topic, what kind of fashion do you all have?" Rarity asked,

"Our species doesn't make clothes." Zerbebuth replied, surprising Rarity,

"You all don't have fashion?" Rarity asked,

"Don't have the time, we're being attacked by dangerous animals all the time, so we're busy defending our homes." Zancrus replied,

"Did you all develop fashion when you went to their planet?" Rarity asked,

"Nope, Earth has dangerous creatures, too." Zerbebuth replied,

"I see, what about you mutants?" Rarity asked,

"We're the same as the humans for now, but we're working on creating our own clothes, I mean, we are all different from one another in physical appearances." Ivan replied, the others smile,

"What about the rest of you?" Rarity asked,

"Animals don't have fashion, anything we wear is because the humans put it on us." Cecil replied,

"Neither do the bugs." Scarab said,

"Nope, plants don't wear clothes." Periwinkle said,

"We're too small to wear clothes." Flagellum said,

"The machines only wear clothes when in hostile and hazardous environments." T-1850 said,

"You all don't have fashion?" Sandbar asked,

"Nope." Model X replied,

"It's okay, neither do we." Ocellus said,

"You mean your species?" Grid asked,

"Yes, we don't wear clothes." Ocellus replied,

"I hate to interrupt, but we are not learning generosity." Darwin said,

"Oh yes, of course, I would like for you all to share your supplies while designing your outfits." Rarity replied, and they do. Zerbebuth and Zancrus had trouble, Flagellum and Cilia did not work due to the supplies being too big for them to use, their telekinesis did not help them, Berberis and Periwinkle worked nervously as well, making sure a needle does not cut them, the students help them. The bell rung after a few hours,

"Let's see what you all made." Rarity said, and she saw only the humans made clothes, the other creatures who worked made a mess, Rarity chuckled,

"It's alright, dears, sewing took me a long time to master, too, onto your next class now, darlings." Rarity said, and they go to their next class.

The students walk to class but they stop and look at Volvox's country, they see the destruction,

"What's going on in your country?" Silverstream asked,

"We're at war with a hostile species." Darwin replied,

"Yona want know what species is." Yona said,

"Gremlins." Ivan replied,

"What are those?" Sandbar asked,

"Creatures that cause mischief and sabotage technology, like the devilgors, they're aliens from other planets." Darwin replied,

"Well, we don't really have that much technology, so we shouldn't have a problem with them." Smolder said,

"We did notice you guys have trains, the gremlins are going to try to make it speed up and fly off the tracks." Marie replied, shocking the Young Six,

"Can they really sabotage that train?" Gallus asked,

"Of course, they destroyed our technology easily, so they'll be able to destroy yours." Darwin replied,

"You guys have trains, too?" Silverstream asked excitedly,

"More than that." Ivan replied,

"What about you alien guys, how did you all get to the humans?" Ocellus asked,

"Our planet was conquered by the gremlins, they would kidnap us and take us to their home planet to make us work as slaves, we tried to sabotage their spaceships to escape, but we ended up crashing on Earth, at first, the gremlins destroyed human technology, but they grew to like it, and started doing it as a pastime, they have caused several disasters, especially plane crashes." Zerbebuth said,

"What's a plane?" Smolder asked,

"Well, it's a vehicle that can fly." Darwin replied,

"You all have flying trains?!" Silverstream asked excitedly while she flew in the air with her hands on her cheeks,

"No, it's not a flying train, it's completely different." Darwin replied,

"So, when did you natives find out about the gremlins and devilgors?" Ocellus asked,

"March 27, 1977, Tenerife, Canary Islands, it was when the gremlins made the humans have the worst disaster in aviation history." Darwin replied, shocking the Young Six,

"What happened?!" Silverstream asked,

"There were two planes set to take off, the KLM Flight 4805, and the Pan Am Flight 1736, it was foggy that day, and more planes than usual were coming in because of a terrorist incident, which blocked the taxiway, and forced planes to taxi on the runway. Because of the fog, the planes and towers could not see one another, the gremlins used that chance to take out the towers' staff and take over the air controls, they ordered the Pan onto the runway, and then ordered the KLM captain to take off, he did, but due to the fog, he did not see the other plane, and they collided with one another and exploded, five hundred eighty three people died from the accident." Darwin explained, the Young Six had horrified faces,

"Good Celestia." Sandbar said,

"That's horrible." Ocellus said,

"Did you all find out what happened to the staff?" Gallus asked,

"They were found dead in the tower when Volvox and Dommiel went to investigate the crash, that was also when we learned of the devilgors and their enslavement to the gremlins, Volvox was nice enough to keep them in hiding from the gremlins." Darwin replied, Zerbebuth and Zancrus smiled. They all head to their next class but saw the Mane Six looking at them with shocked faces along with Spike and Starlight Glimmer,

"I can't believe it, we have never had a vehicle disaster, I am so sorry." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Come on, y'all, mah class is next, let's go." Applejack said, and they follow her.

Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom walk around and upgraded their gear, since they were the rulers, and were at war, everything was free for them, Dommiel had a futuristic version of his armor, with the spikes and horns on his armor being made of lasers, the Count of Saint Germain replaced with his revolver with a phaser pistol, and it had a laser weapon under it as a secondary weapon, Giovi replaced the knife blades he had for his claws with small red lightsabers, and Tom had himself given bio-armor,

"Alright, I can't wait to test these out." Dommiel said,

"Me neither, these look fun." the Count of Saint Germain replied,

"Well, let's go, then, let's look for some gremlins to use them on." Volvox said, and they walk together. The five keep walking and see the gremlins were causing trouble already, they were destroying the technology,

"Yes, keep going, my minions, destroy their technology, show these foul humans they are weaker and dumber than the devilgors." the Gremlin King said, they look and saw him on a giant humanoid gremlin's head, the gremlin was as big as Volvox. The Gremlin King sees them and becomes scared,

"Get rid of them, Sagittarius!" the Gremlin King said, and he jumped off of him, he lands on the ground and runs away. Sagittarius roared at them,

"Sagittarius mad! Sagittarius smash!" Sagittarius said in a deep voice,

"And I thought you were going to be one of the last gremlins we'd have to fight." Volvox said, and Sagittarius ran to him while screaming. Sagittarius holds his arms out and was about to attack Volvox, but Volvox stood up on his hind legs and grabbed Sagittarius' hands with his front feet, and the two wrestle. The Count of Saint Germain tries shooting Sagittarius in his right calf with his phaser pistol to stun him, it did nothing, so he switched it vaporize mode, it burned him a little, but he instantly healed, the Count of Saint Germain was surprised and tried using the laser on his gun, it also had no effect. Giovi tries using his new lightsabers on Sagittarius, it also did nothing to him, so he tried using telekinesis to throw objects at his head, whatever hit him just broke and did not distract him, he tried to use his fire magic but could not, he exhales a little and tries to think of something. Tom activates his black bio-armor and had blades in his forearms, he tries to slash Sagittarius with them, it did nothing, he also tried the beams in his suit's red eyes and fires them at Sagittarius, it did nothing, his hide was too tough, so Tom tried using his lightsaber, he hit Sagittarius in his left leg, it did nothing, so he put it away, and began punching as fast as he could, the bio-armor increased his physical abilities, that also did nothing, Tom grunted with slight annoyance, he looks and saw the Count of Saint Germain was trying his laser sword, it also did nothing.

Dommiel was getting used to his new armor and tried flying around with the rockets in his boots, his armor automatically locks onto Sagittarius, his shoulder pads open and fire missiles at him, it had no effect,

"Cool, I have rocket launchers in my shoulders." Dommiel said,

"Now's not the time, Dommiel, take him out as soon as possible." Volvox replied as he wrestled with Sagittarius. Dommiel focuses and he locks onto him again, the six spikes on his shoulders detach and fly around, they shoot pink beams at him,

"Awesome! I can beam spam!" Dommiel said, and he decided to try something with the three horns on his helmet, they all shoot out a big blast, it obliterated whatever was in its path. Dommiel keeps testing out his new armor and the rocket boots go out, but a jetpack comes out of his scapulae and were anti-gravity,

"Anti-gravity jetpack? Cool." Dommiel said, he felt something in his feet, his suit automatically locks onto Sagittarius again, his feet point towards him and Dommiel shoots a rocket out of each foot, this made him excited, he decides to see what else he has. Dommiel sees he had guns on his forearms, they aim automatically and fire hollow point bullets at Sagittarius, they bounce off of him, Dommiel discovers that was all he had, much to his disappointment, but he flies to Sagittarius and tries to slash him with his high frequency energy blade, it could not cut Sagittarius' hide, much to his shock.

Volvox continues wrestling with Sagittarius and realizes not only was it going nowhere, but none of the new gear they got works against him, so Volvox jumped into the air with his hind legs. Volvox and Sagittarius go through the air and everybody saw them, causing some to gasp. Sagittarius was about to hit the road and some of the traveling tubes, but he lowers his legs and lands on the back perfectly, with his back bent at a ninety degree angle. Sagittarius moves his arms to his head and throws Volvox over himself, but he lands on his hind feet. Volvox jumps and launches himself back to where Sagittarius was at, he grabs his hands with his front feet, Sagittarius jumps and controls himself in midair and presses his feet against a skyscraper, he breaks the top of it and it falls down, Volvox lets go and Sagittarius flies back with the top piece of the skyscraper. Sagittarius crawls back to the other side and rolled to face upwards, Volvox was about to punch him with his right front foot, balled up into a fist, Sagittarius rolled to his right and dodged it, Volvox's punch broke the road, and left a giant crater in it, Volvox sees the other countries were watching, the griffons, dragons, and yaks were excited to watch the fight, while the ponies, changelings, and hippogriffs were not.

Sagittarius stands back up and tries to punch Volvox with his right fist, Volvox ducks and Sagittarius hits another skyscraper, it left a crater in it, the skyscraper also fell and made other buildings fall like Domino's. Grampa Gruff, Dragon Lord Torch, Princess Ember, Prince Rutherford, Garble, Gilda, and the rest of the dragons, griffons, and yaks cheered and stomped as they watched, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watched with disapproval along with the other ponies, so did Queen Novo and Princess Skystar and the rest of the hippogriffs, Princess Cadence watched with worry, worried about the citizens, while King Thorax and the changelings watched with fear. Volvox tries to make his three heads burrow into the ground, but he could not due to it being a magical move, so he just grabs Sagittarius' sides and throws him onto the ground, Sagittarius grunted a bit, he looks and became shocked when he saw Volvox has jumped into the air, and was about to body slam him. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had horrified faces at what Volvox was about to do, his size was going to break a lot of things in his country. Sagittarius throws Volvox off and he hits one of the tubes people were in for traveling, they scream as they fall out, Sagittarius jumps and snarls, he was going to slash him with his claws. Volvox turns around and uses the tip of his tail to impale Sagittarius, he screams when he got stabbed in the abdomen, the dragons, griffons, and yaks look away. Volvox turns around while swinging his tail with his body, he throws Sagittarius into a building, he uses his fire breath and destroys Sagittarius.

The dragons, griffons, and yaks cheer at Volvox winning, while the ponies, changelings, and hippogriffs were not happy with him, he and his four friends leave to go take out another gremlin commander.

Applejack teachers her class and was teaching them all honesty,

"Be careful when y'all use honesty, it can hurt others' feelings if yer too direct." Applejack said,

"Actually, about that, before us humans merged our cultures together, our views on honesty was different for each culture." Darwin replied, exciting the students,

"You humans have more than one culture?!" Silverstream asked excitedly,

"Used to, we merged them all into one." Marie replied,

"What? Why?" Sandbar asked,

"Humans have had hundreds of cultural clashes in the past, not just culture, religion and beliefs, too, so we decided to come together, take all of our cultures and religions, and fuse them into one, it stopped most of the cultural clashes, but there is still some, and some humans want the cultures to separate and individual again, as well." Darwin replied,

"Seriously? You all fused your cultures together to avoid cultural clashes?" Gallus asked,

"Wars have started in our history because of cultural and religious differences, the last thing we want is another war as long as the Iberian Religious Wars." Marie replied, shocking the natives,

"Whoa, hold on a sec, y'all actually went to war against different beliefs and values?" Applejack asked, Darwin and Marie nodded,

"In a way, that includes the mutants, too, since they used to be human." Ivan said,

"Not just people, animals used to go to war, too, for food, expanding territory, dominance, and taking over territories." Cecil said,

"Against people?" Silverstream asked,

"Well, humans and mutants are animals, but no, other fauna, ants used to attack termites, hornets used to kill honeybees, and chimpanzees would attack neighboring chimpanzee groups." Zira replied, shocking the natives,

"Well, back to the honesty thing, as we said, each human culture sees honesty differently, in some cultures, they value being direct and brutally honest, while other cultures value being honest, but using the right words so they do not hurt other people's feelings." Darwin said,

"Trust me, y'all, Ah learned that the hard way." Applejack replied,

"What about the rest of you, did you all go to war, too?" Ocellus asked,

"Yup, the worst war we had was when the plants and animals of Earth went to war against one another." Berberis replied,

"Yeah, several plants and animals went extinct in that war." Periwinkle said,

"There was a three-way war with the animals once, it was a war between herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores." Zira said,

"There has been several wars between microorganisms as well." Flagellum said,

"When machines developed their own AI, a war between organic life and mechanical life broke out, Volvox had to get involved to stop it." Grid said,

"Bugs go to war, too, same reasons as animals." Scarab said,

"Yeah, it is to eat sometimes, too." Sacer said,

"What about you devilgors?" Smolder asked,

"Nope, it shocked us when we learned about human wars, our species have never fought our own species, we work together to survive, the only war we've had is with the gremlins." Zerbebuth replied,

"Was it bad?" Sandbar asked,

"Yes, we were shocked when we learned about the Holocaust, it was the exact same things the gremlins did to us." Zancrus replied, confusing the natives,

"Is there anything else to learn about honesty?" Cilia asked,

"Not really, but if y'all want to, y'all can watch me buck some apples." Applejack replied, the natives cheered, while the foreigners were neutral. Applejack kicks the apples while the natives cheered, the foreigners just watched stoically,

"Ain't y'all havin' fun?" Applejack asked,

"We eat apples, not kick them." Zerbebuth replied,

"Y'all wanna try?" Applejack asked, the aliens shrug and Zancrus went first, she kicked one apple with her right foot, the apple and desk flew into the wall and cracked it, shocking the natives,

"Guess I'll go next." Zerbebuth said, and he kicks another apple and desk, they also went into the wall, surprising everyone, Berberis and Periwinkle were uncomfortable, they did notice the apples looked like Red Delicious apples, which was liked by many. The bell rung after several minutes,

"Have fun, y'all, onto yer next classes now." Applejack said,

"Come on, guys, I think you all will like Rainbow Dash." Gallus said, and they go to her class.

Volvox and his four friends were meeting a hybrid named Harvey, he was part human, part mutant, part machine, and part alien, he was about six feet tall, had slightly tan skin, an ectomorph body, toned muscles, an oblong face shape, and short black hair. The upper-right part of Harvey's face was robotic, made out of silver metal, and had a red slanted eye, his left cheek was alien with dark red skin, his human eye was blue, his right foot was a devilgor's foot with the claws for his toenails, while his left foot was robotic and silver, his right hand was robotic, and could change to a gun, his left hand was alien with the dark red and dark orange skin with black claws, he had the wings of the devilgors coming out of his back, they had silver robotic parts on them, gills on the sides of his neck, Harvey's abdomen was silver and metallic in some places, dark red with alien skin in other areas, and the rest was fine, and he had the devilgor's tail coming out of his tailbone, Harvey could make the three horns of the devilgors extrude from his head at will, it was one of the four mutant qualities he got, the other three were having telekinesis, telepathy, and technopathy, Harvey only had on one piece of clothing, a black pair of pants that were ripped at his lower shins.

Harvey was from another world, he became a hybrid due to human experimentation, the world he was from had humans, mutants, machines, and aliens in it, the aliens were also devilgors. Hybrids were shunned by society, they were wanted dead by the government, and those who wished to live were slaves, everybody was divided by species, each one had discrimination, the humans had discrimination against white people, the mutants had discrimination against males, the machines had discrimination against the lower-class, and the aliens had discrimination against children. Harvey was a sympathizer for the hybrids, which made him kidnapped by the government and he was sentenced to death, but the head scientist of the world, Daraster, checked Harvey's genetic code, and took him in, he experimented on Harvey and made him into what he is now, he was trying to make Harvey into the Ultimate Being, but he broke free just before Daraster could erase his memory and brainwash him into believing he is Daraster's personal slave and assassin. Harvey fought the government and Daraster to free the hybrids, he met four allies, who were also sympathizers, they were Darwin, Ivan, T-1850, and Zerbebuth, the five worked together to fight for the hybrids' freedom and Harvey escaped to the world he was in now, in his early years, he met a woman named Orchid, who was from another world, but her world used magic, she controlled fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning.

Harvey and Orchid had a child and named him Nick, having him was Harvey's idea. Nick did not have a happy childhood, his mother did not spend much time with him, and Harvey embarrassed him with the stories he told about his past, nobody believed him. When Nick turned eighteen, Daraster found Harvey in this world and killed him with poison, he also killed Orchid as a way of tying up loose ends, Darwin, Ivan, T-1850, and Zerbebuth were dead at that time. Before Harvey died, he told Nick about a house in the woods that he and Orchid built together, they put the things they wanted to leave behind in their old lives there, he told Nick about a portal that will take him to his home world, and for him to go there. Nick got kidnapped by Daraster as soon as he entered the world and received the same experimentation as Harvey, after a while, Nick went to Orchid's home world, and with magic and science, made an antidote, he went back in time and gave it to his parents, they survived the poisoning, and Nick went back to the present. Nick met a boy named Lance during his travels in his father's home world, he was also experimented on, Nick adopted him, and they have been close, Harvey now lives with the two and Orchid, even though her powers do not work anymore. Volvox was looking for Harvey's world, but did not find it yet, and he was seeing him for another matter,

"So, you're saying if the reviews on the school is good, Nick will go there?" Harvey asked,

"Correct, I might have Lance go there, too." Volvox replied,

"Okay, that'll work, they drive Orchid crazy sometimes, also, is there a spot for me in the Council, yet?" Harvey asked,

"Not yet, we need a female hybrid like you, first, before we can let you join." Dommiel replied,

"Yeah, I know." Harvey said,

"If you want to, you can be an adviser to us." Tom replied,

"I'll think about it, I still have to watch over Nick and Lance." Harvey said, Nick had a square face shape, short black hair, and blue eyes, he wore the same outfit was his father, along with black mid-calf length boots, and a black leather jacket, Lance had a rectangular face shape, short black hair, and only wore black pants, he had the exact same mutations as Harvey, and did not hide them. They hear noises outside and go out, they saw Nick and Lance were already looking,

"Where's your wife?" Tom asked,

"She's still asleep." Harvey replied,

"Hey, uh... dad, there's a gremlin there." Nick said, the six look and saw the Gremlin King,

"That's the king." Volvox said,

"What's he doing here?" Lance asked,

"Let's check." Harvey replied, and he and Lance flew up, Nick makes his mutations appear, it was the same as Harvey's and Lance's, and he flew up.

The eight look together and saw the Gremlin King was using a telescope,

"Wow, look at those nine planets, they look like they're worth enslaving as well." the Gremlin King said, Harvey got an idea,

"Hey, uh, sir, you're using the wrong one." Harvey said, the Gremlin King looked at him,

"Wait, I am?" the Gremlin King asked, Harvey nodded,

"Nick, Lance, get the smell-o-scope." Harvey said, the two nodded and they flew away, they came back with a big, black smell-o-scope, the two put it down in front of him. Harvey flew to it and adjusted it,

"There, this will allow you to smell life on other planets, go on and give it a try." Harvey said, and the Gremlin King put his nostrils on the two scopes and inhaled. The Gremlin King gags at what he smelled, it smelled like a silent fart,

"What is that stench?!" the Gremlin King asked,

"You just smelled Uranus." Harvey replied, Volvox and the others laugh, so did the citizens. Princess Cadence walked out onto her kingdom's balcony and glared at Volvox's kingdom, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were glaring at them as well, the people in the School of Friendship also heard them, the members of the Council were laughing, with the machines pretending to laugh, Twilight Sparkle had a shocked face while Applejack shook her head, Rarity was also shocked, Fluttershy did not know how to respond, while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie chuckled.

The Gremlin King screams with rage,

"VIRGO, GET RID OF THEM!!" the Gremlin King yelled, and the humanoid gremlin appeared, wearing bio-armor that was dark green on every area except his chest and abdomen, which was silver, the area of his eyes were a light pink,

"I am Kamen Rider Gremlin." Virgo said while posing, the others were unimpressed,

"Let's see what you can do." Tom said, and he activated his bio-armor. Tom and Leo run to one another and begin fighting, they were just punching and slapping one another for the moment, they were not doing anything for the moment. Virgo shoots beams out of a silver sphere in his forehead, Tom got hit, it burned his armor, but did no real damage, Tom shot blasts out of the sphere in his forehead, Virgo screamed in pain while part of his armor broke, Tom stopped and realized Virgo's armor was plastic, Tom looked at Virgo while bewildered,

"No! That was my best piece." Virgo said as he looked at the armor from his abdomen, the others look at him disapprovingly,

"What?" Virgo asked,

"Upgrade your gear, poser." Tom replied, Virgo was very offended, he activates a jetpack and rockets in his boots to fly away. The five chase him while Harvey, Nick, and Lance stayed behind, they see him enter a turbine plane, they were not surprised when they see it might not big enough for Volvox to enter, but he tried after the other four did, he just barely squeezed in. The plane takes off and they see there were no passengers,

"Wait, something's wrong." Volvox said,

"Look, there are gremlins on the wings." Dommiel replied, they look and saw small gremlins taking the wings apart, Giovi ran into the pilot's room and saw the gremlins were operating the plane and laughing, he cut them apart with his lightsaber blades. The five look inside and saw no one was controlling the plane now, and they were very high in the air, they could see the space station, and to the five surprises, the plane was controlled with a steering wheel and had the three pedals of an automobile. Virgo laughs manically as he goes onto the window to block the view,

"That's right! This was the plan, even you five can't survive a plane crash!" Virgo said,

"Tom, quick, land the plane." Volvox said, Tom went into the pilot's seat and was shocked to see the many controls,

"We don't have anything this advanced from my original timeline." Tom said,

"Let me see it." the Count of Saint Germain replied as he ran into the room, he saw the controls,

"Good god, I don't know how to control this, either." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"What about you three?" Tom asked, Volvox, Dommiel, and Giovi shook their heads, Virgo laughs,

"That's what you get from coming from the past, technology has progressed greatly, you five will never learn how to control them!" Virgo said,

"Screw it! I'm going to have to wing it." Tom said, and he grabbed the steering wheel, and pressed down on the brake pedal first, the plane began to slow down, he switches to the driver pedal and the plane speeds up, he moves the steering wheel towards himself and the plane goes up, he moves away and the plane began to do a nosedive,

"Okay, I can do this." Tom said, and he began to control the plane, Virgo was about to run off the plane, but Volvox uses telekinesis to hold him in place, he also turns him around for him to see what comes in front of him. Virgo screams as Tom speeds up, his entire armor breaks off from the high winds, Virgo screams while he got frostbites on his body. Tom dives down while accelerating, he pulled up just when he was about to crash into the road, the world's natives see the plane, and were very shocked, they have never seen such a vehicle. Tom keeps driving forward while Volvox held Virgo with his telekinesis, they see someone's house up ahead, Virgo screams while Tom keeps accelerating and Volvox jumps out of the top of the plane while using telekinesis on the other four to pull them out, the plane crashes into the house and explodes, killing Virgo in the process. The world's natives look at the explosion, those who could fly flew up and looked on with shock at seeing the fire. The five went down with Volvox's telekinesis,

"Okay, let's find out whose house this is." Volvox said, and they all look, they saw the mailbox, they became shocked when they discover they have crashed the plane into Joseph Joestar's house,

"Quick, let's get out of here before he finds out." Volvox said, and they quickly leave.

Rainbow Dash tried to teach her class while her classmates talked about the plane crash, which she was curious about as well,

"What was that thing that crashed over there?" Silverstream asked,

"That was a plane." Lizmarie replied,

"Oh, so that's what a plane looks like, it looks like it can carry people." Smolder said,

"It does, they can hold every student in this school." Darwin replied,

"That sounds like so much fun, I wanna ride in one!" Silverstream said,

"You need money to enter." Zerbebuth replied,

"Enough about the crash, guys, let's finish today's lesson on loyalty and teamwork." Rainbow Dash said,

"Uh, we're already loyal to one another." Flagellum replied,

"Yeah, I mean, we help one another with running the country." Sacer said,

"How often do you break up your friendships?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"That's actually never happened before." Darwin replied,

"Oh." Rainbow Dash said, she did not know what to teach them,

"Let's hear about you, you look like an interesting individual." Zerbebuth said, Rainbow Dash became happy,

"I am a Wonderbolt, they are only the coolest group of fliers in Equestria, and I'm the personification of coolness." Rainbow Dash replied,

"How so?" Zancrus asked,

"I'm the only one who can perform the Sonic Rainboom, I save people from danger, I've saved this land several times, and I love fun things." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Do you like fighting tournaments?" Zancrus asked,

"Heck yeah." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Then perhaps you would be qualified for our next fighting tournament." Zerbebuth said,

"Count me in." Rainbow Dash replied, the others smile,

"What do you guys do for fun?" Ocellus asked,

"Same thing as you guys, make art, hang out, sing, play games, converse." Darwin replied, the bell rung afterwards,

"This is the last class, everycreature, time for you all to head home, as for you aliens, come with me, Head Mare Twilight wants to have a word with you guys." Rainbow Dash said, and they all leave the class. The foreigners go to Twilight Sparkle's office, Spike and Starlight Glimmer were with her,

"Did you all enjoy it here?" Twilight Sparkle asked, they all agreed,

"Great, now that you guys have finished, I'd like to learn about your guys' culture as well." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Uh, you do realize there are some you won't be able to learn about, right?" Flagellum asked,

"How so?" Spike asked,

"Well, first of all, our kind are microscopic, you can't see us with your own eyes." Cilia replied,

"Don't worry, we developed a spell that does allow us to see you guys." Starlight Glimmer said,

"It probably won't work." Darwin replied,

"Why not?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"On our world, magic is a non-renewable resource, once it's used up, it's gone for good, but we discovered that magic came from nature, we destroyed nature to evolve, and magic is gone as well, so it is unlikely your magic will work in our country." Grid replied,

"Oh, I see, I also brought someone over to help us understand your country better." Twilight Sparkle said, and they see Sunset Shimmer walk forward,

"This is Sunset Shimmer, she's from another world of humans, she's going to go to your country along with us to learn, I was going to have Doctor Whooves come, but he has disappeared without a trace, again." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Hey, guys, my name's Sunset Shimmer, I'm a friend of Twilight's, I live with humans, and know about your guys' technology, I'll explain things to them, and I hope we get along." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Anybody else coming?" Berberis asked,

"We're all going." Spike replied,

"Oh yeah, Sunburst is coming, too, so is Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Let's go then." Darwin said, and they leave. The foreigners see Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, and Silverstream were together,

"Alright, who are you new guys?" Lizmarie asked,

"I'm Sunburst." Sunburst replied,

"Ah'm Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom said,

"I'm Scootaloo." Scootaloo said,

"I'm Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle said,

"Okay, this way." Darwin said, and they all walk together.

Volvox and the other four went back to go see Harvey, Nick, and Lance, Orchid was still asleep,

"How did that plane crash not wake your wife up?" Tom asked,

"Well, if I had to take a guess, this world having no magic exhausts her even faster, her world was full of it." Harvey replied,

"Speaking of other worlds, we haven't found yours yet." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"I hope we can, Daraster still controls the government, the hybrids are still shunned by society and enslaved." Harvey replied,

"I'll be going, too, dad." Nick said, he had on another black jacket and boots, his pants did not rip when he mutated,

"I'll go, too." Lance said,

"You've changed a lot, Nick, back when you were a toddler, you never wanted to spend time with me, and wanted to see your mom, but she always told you to see me." Harvey said,

"That's because I didn't believe you back then, dad, all of this talk about these robots and aliens in the world, and people who were hybrids of them being shunned by society, along with experimentation, you embarrassed me to no end in school when you talked about them in class, but when I went to your world, I realized you were right, your stories were actually true, and I grew to regret not spending time with you before you died." Nick replied,

"I showed Nick as well, I also told him about the beef my parents had with you, Harvey." Lance said,

"Yes, I know, your parents agreed with society that the hybrids deserved what they got, those two were some of my worst enemies." Harvey replied,

"If possible, I'd like to find mom's world, too, I had a lot of friends there." Nick said,

"Yes, we know, we'll try to find it if we can." Volvox replied, Nick smiled. A phone implanted in the table between the five and Harvey rings, the future had telecommunication in everything found in the homes of the people, Harvey answers it with technopathy,

"Hello." Harvey said,

"This is Grid, analysis on the School of Friendship is complete, reviews are positive." Grid replied,

"Alright, we already decided to have Nick attend." Volvox said,

"Understood, the foreigners are now coming to our country to learn about us, we might cross paths." Grid replied,

"Alright, thanks. Bye, Grid." Harvey said,

"Bye." Grid replied, and they end the conversation. They hear walking and they saw Orchid come, she had pale skin, an inverted triangle face, green eyes, and red hair that was a bob and went just past her ears, she was wearing a long-sleeve shirt, pants, and shoes, she had on a cape that went halfway down her back, they were all a light beige color, she had five small jewels that were circular in the center of her chest on her shirt, they formed a star, the left jewel was a red ruby, the lower-left jewel was a yellow topaz, the lower-right jewel was a green emerald, the right jewel was a blue sapphire, and the top jewel was a purple amethyst, each jewel represented one of the five elements Orchid controlled, the ruby represented fire, the topaz represented earth, the sapphire represented water, the emerald represented wind, and the amethyst represented lightning. Orchid walked forward while stumbling around,

"Who just called?" Orchid asked tiredly,

"Grid, they were talking about sending Nick to a new school." Harvey replied,

"Really? Tell them they have my approval." Orchid said tiredly,

"I'm surprised you don't have any bed hair, mom." Nick said,

"Not the time, Nick." Orchid replied tiredly,

"You want to go back to bed, Orchid?" Dommiel asked,

"No, I'm fine, but for some reason, I have almost no energy in this country, I think it might be due to the lack of magic." Orchid replied tiredly,

"Well, we are in a foreign land with magic, right now." Volvox said,

"I'll try my magic later." Orchid replied tiredly, and she sat to Harvey's left,

"How long has she been like this, Harvey?" Tom asked,

"Quite some time now, she usually has a lot of energy, though." Harvey replied,

"I still wish mom would spend more time with me." Nick said,

"I have no reason to, Nick, having you was your father's idea." Orchid replied tiredly,

"So, you don't love me?" Nick asked,

"No, Nick, I do, I love you in my own way, it's just I prefer to be alone." Orchid replied tiredly,

"Oh." Nick said,

"Do you love me?" Lance asked,

"Well, I guess, I mean Harvey and Nick like having you around." Orchid replied tiredly, Lance smiled. Loud noises of things breaking were heard outside and the five go out, they look and see water spilling into the land, they look and see the underwater city was being attacked by gremlins. The gremlins entered through the tubes that led to the underwater city, they saw the Gremlin King leading the attack, Flibbertigibbet was there as well,

"Yes, go, my servants, take out the tubes so we may have water on land!" the Gremlin King said,

"Daddy, look at me." Flibbertigibbet said, she was destroying the oxygen machines in the underwater city,

"That's my girl." the Gremlin King said, the humans and some of the mutants begin to suffocate, Volvox, Dommiel, and Giovi use their telekinesis to pull the suffocating humans into the tubes and out onto land. The Gremlin King sees them,

"Aquarius, deal with them!" the Gremlin King said, he and the other gremlins begin to suffocate from the lack of oxygen, so did Flibbertigibbet, the five hope he would die, but he made it out with the tubes, which made them except for Giovi to groan with disappointment, Giovi just looked down. The mutants, machines, and aliens swimming in the water began to get attacked, they see Aquarius in the water, he looked just like any humanoid gremlin,

"Give up, there's no escape." Aquarius said as he swam to the machines and began taking them apart. The Mane Six, Young Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, and the Council see Aquarius attacking the people in the water. Darwin activated his bio-armor, it was black with red eyes, he dived into the water with Zerbebuth, Zancrus, T-1850, Model X, and Grid, Ivan, Lizmarie, Flagellum, and Cilia used their telekinesis to get the citizens out of the water, Ocellus and Silverstream changed into seaponies to help. Tom activated his bio-armor and went into the water with Dommiel, they were going to fight Aquarius, Volvox can breathe in water and space, but was too big to go to the underwater city, while the Count of Saint Germain and Giovi could not breathe underwater. Dommiel and Tom go to Aquarius and he sees them coming,

"Tom, Dommiel, are you two here to play executioner? All five of you should've came." Aquarius said,

"Let's see what you got." Tom replied, and he fired beams from his eyes, Aquarius swam around and dodged them, he swam towards them and tried to slash them with his claws, the two dodged him with some difficulty,

"Finally, a challenging foe." Dommiel said,

"Yup, this might be interesting." Tom replied, Aquarius smiled and swam towards them and continued to try to slash them, Tom and Dommiel decided not to use their weapons to make the fight fair, they try to attack Aquarius with their fists and feet, but they were too slow in the water, Aquarius hits them with his fists, the two grunt as they were pushed back, the water did not slow him down. Aquarius swam to them and continued punching and kicking them, Volvox was getting impatient and used telekinesis in the underwater city's museum of marine animals, they were cryogeneically frozen to be studied. He controls some of the marine animals telepathically, they break out of the ice and swim to Aquarius. Aquarius was winning against Tom and Dommiel, he was about to go to them, but got restrained by Ocellus and Silverstream, who grabbed his arms,

"Hey, Aquarius, you do know what kind of dangerous animals lurk in the water, right?" Volvox asked, Aquarius looked at him with confusion. Aquarius hears swimming behind him, he looks and saw a megalodon swimming to him. Aquarius, Ocellus, and Silverstream scream in horror at seeing it, the three swim away and the megalodon chases Aquarius, Volvox was controlling it telepathically, Ocellus and Silverstream went back to the others. Aquarius swims frantically while the megalodon chased him, he hears roaring to his left and he looked, he saw a mosasaurus swimming to him, Aquarius became horrified and swam faster, he hears roaring to his right and he looked, he saw a basilosaurus swimming towards him, he screamed with horror and swam faster while the three ancient fossils chased him. Aquarius swam as fast he could, he hears more swimming and saw a dunkleosteus coming to him, Aquarius got scared and kept swimming, he heard growling in front of him and saw a sarcosuchus swimming to him, Aquarius swam as fast as he could while screaming and the five animals chased him. Aquarius panted and swam with terror while the five prehistoric animals chased him, the Mane Six run to where he was swimming and were scared of them eating Aquarius. Aquarius swam into a museum that was partially underwater, and the five animals could not get him, Volvox stops controlling them telepathically, the five animals began banging on the museum in hopes of breaking it, Aquarius climbed onto the top of the one of the ships while scared. Fluttershy sees the five animals and tried to call out to them,

"They can't hear me." Fluttershy said,

"Silverstream, get the hippogriffs here to help." Twilight Sparkle said, and Silverstream flew to her home, she came back with the hippogriffs and they turn into seaponies and go into the water, they tame the five prehistoric animals and bring them up to the surface, Fluttershy converses with them and they settle down,

"We have never seen such creatures." Queen Novo said,

"They're from our world." Darwin replied,

"They're scary looking, we have whales from where we live." Princess Skystar said,

"I'd like to know what they are." Terramar said, the hippogriffs agreed, Grid explained to them.

Tom and Dommiel swam to where Aquarius went and entered the museum, they saw him on the wooden ship, they see it was a traditional ship. The two get on and control it, they go out and see they were sailing,

"Volvox, let's end this." Tom said, and Volvox used his telekinesis to make the ship go faster and into the air. Dommiel found two sabers and threw one to Aquarius, the two begin fencing while Tom steered the ship, he was having trouble focusing because he wanted to watch the duel, but knew he had to focus. Dommiel and Aquarius move around the ship while fencing, the two were on the bowsprit and keep fencing, the two were not struggling. Dommiel hits the saber out of Aquarius' right hand and it went down, Aquarius lost his balance and fell, he screamed as well, Tom sees Aquarius land on the road and he died from the impact,

"Tom! Skyscraper!" Dommiel said, he looks and he screamed with shock, the ship goes through the skyscraper and got stuck in it. Volvox, the Count of Saint Germain, and Giovi walked to them, Volvox used telekinesis to get Dommiel and Tom down,

"Okay, one more, and we'll be halfway done." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"No, wait just a minute." Princess Celestia said, she flew into their country and walked to them,

"How did that happen?" Princess Celestia asked while she pointed her front left hoof to the ship that was lodged into the skyscraper,

"Uh... technical difficulties." Tom replied, Princess Celestia glared at him,

"I don't think so." Princess Celestia said,

"It's possible, we do have vehicles that travel by land, sky, and sea." Dommiel replied,

"Three separate vehicles?" Princess Celestia asked,

"No, just one." Dommiel replied, Princess Celestia was surprised,

"I see, but this better not happen again, you guys have been distracting us all day." Princess Celestia said, and she flew away, the five left to go hunt down more gremlins.

The Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Young Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer arrive into the area where the humans live, the machines finished talking about the five prehistoric animals quite quickly,

"Wow, what diversity." Twilight Sparkle said,

"As we said, we used to have hundreds of cultures." Darwin replied,

"Wait? What in tarnation?" Applejack asked, she noticed the weather was different in some areas, some areas were sunny, the farms had rain above them, and there was an area with snow,

"What's wrong?" Marie asked,

"The weather." Applejack replied,

"Oh, you see, we managed to find a way to control the weather through cloud seeding, it took us hundreds of years to perfect." Darwin said,

"Cloud seeding? What's that?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"A form of weather modification, it changes how much precipitation we receive, we have more ways of controlling the weather than that." Darwin replied,

"So you guys basically have your own weather factory like us." Rainbow Dash said,

"Yeah, till a certain someone destroyed it." Applejack replied, Rainbow Dash became embarrassed,

"Well, let's go on and show you guys around more." Marie said, and she takes them to a restaurant. The restaurant served cuisines of all human cultures, some they liked, some they did not,

"Hmm, this is so good." Silverstream said with her mouth full, she was eating Japanese ramen with udon noodles, she slurped loudly as well. Silverstream kept eating the noodles and drinking the soup, she asked for more and more since she liked it so much,

"Ma'am, please keep in mind we don't have an unlimited amount." the man who served her the noodles said, Silverstream nodded, she ate and drank more and stopped, she clutched her groin with her hands,

"Where's the restroom?" Silverstream asked with an embarrassed smile,

"Over there to your right." the man who served her the noodles replied, and she flew there,

"How much did she eat?" Gallus asked,

"All the bowls are right there." Smolder replied, Gallus saw ten bowls, Silverstream came back shortly afterwards,

"Are you still hungry?" the man who served her asked,

"No, I'm full." Silverstream replied, and he takes the bowls. Pinkie Pie was eating all of the desserts, she was enjoying them,

"More please!" Pinkie Pie said, and they served her, she paid them all whenever she was served, the waiters and waitresses were happy to be receiving a lot of money from her, they were soon out,

"Come on, everyone, we have more exploring to do." Twilight Sparkle said, and they leave, they look at the clothes and Rarity was excited,

"I must say, what a diverse range of outfits." Rarity said, Scootaloo gasped when she saw humans flying,

"You guys can fly?" Scootaloo asked,

"Yeah, either rocket boots, or anti-gravity boots." Darwin replied,

"I want one." Scootaloo said,

"Which one?" Darwin asked,

"I'll take the anti-gravity ones." Scootaloo replied,

"This way." Darwin said, and he leads her to get boots, they took her to the mutant section and found a pair for her, they put them on her hind hooves after buying it,

"Now, clap your feet together to activate them." Darwin said, and she does, she floats up, she did not know how to move,

"Use your hind legs to control where you want to go." Darwin said, and she does, Scootaloo was elated,

"Whoo-hoo!" Scootaloo said as she flew around. Applejack walks around and sees humans working on a garden, they plant a seed into the soil, and a woman makes one drop of water fall out of the syringe, it falls onto where the seed was buried, and it grew into a fully grown plant,

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Applejack said as she ran to them,

"That ain't how ya grow food!" Applejack said,

"Well, it is now, these were developed because humans had a lot of famine throughout history." a man replied,

"That ain't the proper way to grow food!" Applejack said,

"How do you do it?" a boy asked,

"The good ol' fashioned way." Applejack replied,

"Do you guys have animals that eat your crops?" the man asked,

"Well, the bats do eat our apples sometimes." Applejack replied,

"What about natural disasters?" the woman asked,

"We control the weather at our home." Applejack replied,

"See, we didn't have those, that's why we developed these automatic growing seeds." the woman said,

"That still ain't the right way." Applejack replied,

"You sure? They're edible, too. Much better replacements to GMOs." the boy said,

"GMO?" Applejack asked,

"Genetically Modified Organism." the woman replied, Applejack was uncomfortable, Twilight Sparkle ran to them,

"Please, I must know how these were created." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Why are you all excited?" the man asked,

"Because this place is amazing, and has piqued my curiosity, the science here surpasses all of the science we have." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Trust us, it took us thousands of years to develop the science we have now." the man said,

"Please take me around, I wanna learn more." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they show her around while Applejack looked at the grown food uncomfortably. Rainbow Dash, Spike, Gallus, and Smolder were looking at the bio-armor,

"That... is... awesome!" Rainbow Dash said,

"Yeah, maybe Princess Ember will like one." Spike replied,

"I sure would." Gallus said,

"Me too." Smolder replied, and they keep looking at them. Sandbar and Yona were listening to traditional Scottish music, Pinkie Pie was trying German desserts, Rarity loved the fashion of the British aristocracy, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were trying the rocket boots together, Sunburst was in the library to read human literature, Twilight Sparkle was with him earlier, Starlight Glimmer learned about the different histories of the humans, Silverstream flew up into the city in the sky, but was disappointed to see it was mostly the same as the one on the ground and underwater, and Sunset Shimmer was trying out their phones and computers, she was especially impressed with how they automatically change depending on what her mind said, a helmet was worn so the phones and computers could read her brainwaves. Everybody finishes up and decide to see the mutants' culture next.

Volvox walks around with Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom, the five look around and see the day was rather peaceful, they were in the area where the aliens lived, they were getting ready for their fighting tournament,

"Wait, when was the fighting tournament?" Dommiel asked,

"It's tomorrow." Harvey replied as he went to them,

"You're helping, too?" Tom asked,

"Yup, I'll be participating as well." Harvey replied,

"How about your family?" Volvox asked,

"No, but Nick is coming to cheer me on." Harvey replied, the five smiled,

"How's your wife?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"Orchid's still tired, Nick and Lance are helping her get around." Harvey said, they see Nick and Lance were guiding Orchid by holding her hands, Orchid had almost no energy,

"How does Nick look normal after changing back?" Dommiel asked, he saw Nick's mutations remained after he exposed them when he changed,

"The world I'm from has this special type of spray paint that paints artificial skin onto the hybrid, they use it to hide from the government." Harvey replied,

"You got it for your son?" Tom asked,

"No, Nick got it for himself when he went to my world." Harvey replied,

"I see. How do you feel right now, Orchid?" Volvox asked,

"Still tired, but not like earlier." Orchid replied, she was not speaking tiredly anymore,

"I'm surprised you didn't get mad at Grid calling us and waking you up." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"It's just how I am, it's hard for me to lose my temper." Orchid replied,

"I used to think my mom raising her voice at me was her getting mad at me when I was younger." Nick said,

"I didn't get mad, just slightly annoyed, I never truly did yell at Nick when he was a kid." Orchid replied,

"Yeah, me neither, we never got mad at Nick." Harvey said, the five smile.

Everybody hears cheering and they look, they saw the gremlins, they were operating a crane, there was a piece of cinder block being held up, the Gremlin King was dancing on it. Everybody watches while the gremlins cheer, but the Gremlin King loses his balance and begins to fall, the five, Harvey, Nick, Lance, Orchid, and the aliens smile, but was saved by a flying gremlin, they groan in disappointment. The Gremlin King hears them and sees the people watching,

"Attack, everybody, you lead them, Leo." the Gremlin King said,

"Okay, gremlins, let's go!" Leo said, and he flew up to the city in the sky, the small gremlins were looking at him disapprovingly,

"Oh right, they can't transform like me." Leo said, and he flew down, he sees Volvox and flies to him while the small gremlins try to take apart the fighting arena. Leo flies to Volvox and transforms himself into a giant gremlin with four arms, he tries to lift Volvox up, but he was too heavy, he transforms into a spinosaurus and tries to bite Volvox, Volvox held his head back, and made the seven pointed bladed stars on his spine come off. The bladed stars bounced off of whatever it hit and cut them, Leo was hit by a few, he screams in pain, he transformed into a xenomorph queen to combat Volvox, the five were unimpressed,

"What?" Leo asked,

"You can transform into anything, right?" Volvox asked,

"Yes, anything of my imagination." Leo replied,

"Well, get more creative." Dommiel said, Leo was angered, so he transformed into King Ghidorah, the people in the country scream and run away, Princess Ember and Dragon Lord Torch looked on with shock at seeing the form of King Ghidorah. Leo shoots gravity beams out of his three heads at Volvox, he tries to lift him up, but Volvox shoots his fire breaths at Leo, while the scales protected him, his three necks got burned,

"I'm still not impressed." Volvox said,

"But this is the best I can think of." Leo whined with his middle head,

"You have a unique power, and that is the best you can make, you disappoint me." Volvox said,

"What do you want me to be?" Leo asked,

"A necromorph." Dommiel replied,

"I don't know what that is." Leo said, the five were shocked, they saw what they were when they traveled to the current time from the past. The seven pointed stars Volvox threw off of his spine go towards Leo, but they hit his body instead of his necks, and bounce off, Leo shoots more electricity out of his three mouths, but they miss Volvox, and hit the buildings, Volvox glared at him and was unimpressed, he shot fire out of his breaths and shot him in Leo's three necks, he screamed as his three heads came off, he changed back to normal, his head was decapitated from the rest of his body,

"Okay, we're halfway." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"I'm disappointed to be honest, I was hoping for them to be more challenging." Dommiel replied, Giovi nodded with agreement. Everybody hears a racket in the city that was floating in the sky, the four get onto Volvox and he jumps up there to see what was wrong.

Everybody goes to the mutant territory next, and to their disappointments, it was almost exactly the same as the human area in terms of culture,

"That's too bad, I thought you guys would be different." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Remember, we were humans before we became mutants, so our culture is mostly human culture." Ivan replied,

"Still, y'all could've made your culture a bit different from the humans." Applejack said,

"We did, take a look." Lizmarie replied, and they all look, every mutant was different, some had more than one head, some had an odd number of limbs, some had wings, some had gills, some had fins, some had limbs that were bigger than the other, and so on, each mutant was different,

"Oh my, you all really are diverse in your appearances." Rarity said,

"Yeah, the plants and animals mutated, too." Ivan replied,

"What happened?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Radiation spilling, some of us had mutants for parents and ancestors, too." Ivan replied,

"How did the spills happen?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Power plant meltdowns." Lizmarie replied,

"Oh, I shouldn't have ate all of those sweets." Pinkie Pie said as she held her own stomach with her front hooves,

"I don't think you want to eat what we eat." Ivan replied, and they look, they saw the mutants were eating plastic, glass, styrofoam, trash bags, and other objects that were inedible to humans, everybody was a bit bewildered,

"Yona don't think those are healthy." Yona said,

"It is for us, our mutations also changed our digestive systems." Ivan replied,

"So, you guys eat trash?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Some of us, it helps, too, in the past, humans would throw plastic into the water, marine life would eat them and die." Ivan replied, Silverstream and Fluttershy were shocked,

"That's so sad." Silverstream said,

"Yeah, it was, we've been combating it." Ivan replied,

"I think you all have been doing a good job, I don't see a single piece of trash in the water." Fluttershy said,

"You guys still want to explore?" Lizmarie asked,

"Nah, looks like there's nothing here." Gallus replied,

"Yeah, it looks like the human's living quarters, too." Smolder said,

"Hi, guys." a voice said, they look and saw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Master Splinter come, the one who greeted them was Leonardo,

"Oh, you five look so cute." Fluttershy said as she flew to them,

"Back off, creep." Raphael said,

"Hey, she's just greeting you guys." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Sorry about him, he's always angry." Donatello said,

"Like... always, dude." Michelangelo said, Raphael was getting angry, Fluttershy was getting scared,

"Calm down, my son, you should know who the people are before you decide to combat them. I am Master Splinter, this is Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo." Master Splinter said,

"Well, hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Rainbow Dash, that's Pinkie Pie, that girl in front of you is Fluttershy, this is Rarity, this is Applejack, that's Spike, this is Starlight Glimmer, this is Sunset Shimmer, that's Sunburst, that's Apple Bloom, that's Scootaloo, that's Sweetie Belle, this is Sandbar, that's Gallus over there, this here is Silverstream, that's Yona right there, this right here is Smolder, and that's Ocellus." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I need to study this world's species and material." Donatello said,

"Those things look awesome, can I see them?" Rainbow Dash asked as she looked at their weapons,

"If you want a beatdown." Raphael replied, Rainbow Dash became uncomfortable,

"Say, do you guys have any pizza?" Michelangelo asked,

"Uh, what's pizza?" Ocellus asked,

"I guess that's a no." Leonardo said,

"What happened to y'all?" Applejack asked,

"My master was killed by the Shredder, I went to New York since I had no home after that, an accident happened and four baby turtles and radioactive ooze got sent into the sewer, I was mutated, I raised these four to be my sons, and trained them in ninjutsu, we had to hide underground due to no other mutants being around at that time, but now that we are in the future, and we are not the only mutants, we can roam around freely without scaring others." Master Splinter explained,

"How old are you guys?" Rarity asked,

"Actually, we're from the past." Leonardo replied,

"Well, it's nice, but we have to get going, bye now." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go their separate ways, they hear Raphael groan angrily,

"I hate the future!" Raphael said, the others look back,

"Let's go to the next place." Sunburst said,

"Okay then, our section is the closest one to here." Grid replied, and the machines lead them.

Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom were in the city in the sky, everybody ran away screaming while the gremlins drove the vehicles, they were laughing as they chased after the natives. They hear the Gremlin King laugh as he drives a tank around, the citizens ran away, the Gremlin King keeps laughing but soon screams when he drives the tank off of the edge, it fell onto the ground. The Gremlin King comes out and sees the five looking at him,

"Get them, Scorpio!" the Gremlin King said, and the five hear heavy breathing, they look and see Scorpio, he was another humanoid gremlin, he had on black armor,

"Is that you, Darth Vader?" Tom asked sarcastically, the other four snickered, Scorpio held a black handle in his right hand, he activates it and a red lightsaber appeared, he was ready to duel,

"I am the master of the Force." Scorpio said in a deep voice, Tom walked forward and activated his red lightsaber, he also made his bio-armor appear. The two began fighting with their lightsabers, they were just hitting each other's lightsabers and entering deadlocks for now. Tom and Scorpio move around while fighting and enter one of the traveling tubes, the two begin fighting inside the tubes, Tom's lightsaber burns and breaks the top of the tube, people fly out of it and scream, Scorpio burned and broke the bottom of the tube, more people flew out. Tom and Scorpio keep fighting while traveling through the tube, Scorpio soon flew out of the big hole at the top, Tom climbed out before he could go through it farther, the two were now on top of the tube. Tom and Scorpio continue fighting with their lightsabers, Scorpio holds his left hand out and begins to Force choke Tom, which makes Tom shoot red beams out of his eyes, they hit Scorpio's helmet, it distracts him and he stops using the Force choke. Tom was about to run and slash Scorpio with his lightsaber, but Scorpio grabs him, holds him over his head, and throws him onto the ground, he lands where the Council and natives were at, the world's natives gasp when they saw him. Tom got back up while Scorpio jumped down to him, the two fight more with their lightsabers while Tom's four friends arrive. Tom hits the lightsaber out of Scorpio's right hand and it lands behind him, Scorpio holds his arms out and shoots blue electricity out of his claws, which Tom dodged by ducking. Tom soon does a horizontal slash to his right with his lightsaber and hits Scorpio's helmet, it gets destroyed, along with his head, revealing gremlin and robotic pieces of his head while Scorpio's body fell over,

"Look at that, he was a cyborg." Volvox said,

"Excuse me, what's a cyborg?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It is when someone is part organic, part machine." Grid replied, surprising everyone, they all see Princess Ember fly to them,

"Say, what is that sword you guys are using?" Princess Ember asked,

"It's called a lightsaber." Tom replied,

"You can have his." Volvox said, and Princess Ember took it, she saw it burn and cut whatever it touched, Twilight Sparkle was uncomfortable with such a weapon being real,

"Say, I can get used to using this." Princess Ember said while smiling and she flew away. The alarm goes off and Grid makes a holographic screen appear with his hands,

"Problems in space, Capricorn is coming to invade." Grid said,

"Let's get some Gundams then." Volvox replied,

"We already have a vehicle for you guys." T-1850 said,

"Yeah, this way." Model X said, and they lead them, the five were surprised to see the flying tank again,

"Whoa, I didn't think a flying tank would exist." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Well, it does, this took a lot of time and money to make. Go in, you four, and I believe you can jump into space, Volvox, my files say you and Dommiel can breathe in space." T-1850 said,

"Wow, you guys really did do your homework, let's go." Volvox replied, and he jumped into outer space while the four used the flying tank, it turned invisible when it flew, Tom piloted it, it also came with instructions on how to control it.

Twilight Sparkle and the others arrive into the section where the machines lived, they were all different sizes, shapes, and colors, they had Terminators in the area as well, along with androids, cyborgs, and artificial intelligence computers,

"Whoa, this is like something out of a video game or a movie." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Not a book?" Model X asked,

"Well, maybe a picture book." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"I can't believe something like this can exist." Rarity said,

"Yeah, I never imagined this, either." Starlight Glimmer replied, they look around and see the machines had no cuisine, no fashion, no art, and so on, they did not have a culture,

"What do you guys do for fun?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We were not designed to have fun, we were designed to work, make the world a better place, and to help others." Grid replied,

"Can we leave? I don't like this area." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sorry, Pinkie, but we have to learn." Twilight Sparkle replied, Pinkie Pie looked down and they walked together. Everybody sees the machines working twenty four seven, and were making weapons and vehicles, they also see machines studying medicine, and treating the sick and injured,

"How are y'all powered?" Applejack asked,

"Each machine is powered by something different." T-1850 replied,

"How do you guys not overheat?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Automatic cooling systems." Model X replied,

"Do you guys have any video games?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"We do not make them in this section." Grid replied,

"Where are they sold, then?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"In the human and mutant areas." Flagellum replied,

"Can we leave? This place is making me uncomfortable." Silverstream said,

"Yona uncomfortable, too." Yona said,

"Me too." Sandbar said, the others agreed,

"I thought you guys would at least have machines that make music." Sweetie Belle said,

"They are in the other sections." Grid replied,

"So, y'all don't do anything for fun?" Apple Bloom asked,

"As we said, we cannot feel, so trying to experience pleasure will be pointless to us." T-1850 replied, shocking the others,

"We also embrace our lack of emotions." Grid said,

"What? Why?" Sunburst asked,

"We have watched the organic creatures, and saw emotions cloud the mind when making decisions, our lack of emotions have perfected our intelligence." Model X replied,

"But a world with no emotions is boring." Pinkie Pie said,

"Maybe to you, but not to us." Grid replied,

"Come on, we still have five more to check." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go to the next area.

Volvox was in space while his four friends were in the flying tank, they were surprised when they saw there was no space junk around the space station, they also see their satellites orbiting around, they were recording what was going on in the country. The flying tank had its cloaking device activated, the Count of Saint Germain saw their kinetic bombardment satellite was around as well, which made him happy. Everybody hears flying and saw mobile suits coming, they looked like Zakus,

"Go, Capricorn, take them out!" the Gremlin King said over a radio,

"Understood, your majesty." Capricorn replied in a robotic voice, the five look around and saw one of the mobile suits was red, the five shook their heads. The mobile suits held their arms out and began shooting beams out of their fingers and thumbs, there were hundreds of beams due to the amount of mobile suits there were. Dommiel flew out of the flying tank and quickly closed the top of it so the other three do not fly out and die in space, Dommiel floated around and made the six spikes on his shoulders come off with his mind, they shoot big beams out and destroy whatever they hit, also to his happiness, they destroyed whatever was behind his targets, so several mobile suits were destroyed,

"Unexpected casualties, changing plans." Capricorn said in the red mobile suit, the five then remembered Capricorn was a robot. The mobile suits do a pincer attack onto the flying tank, Tom makes the bottom turret spin around counterclockwise and fire, it destroyed the mobile suits in one shot, Tom was curious and checked the bottom turret he was using, he saw it had a grand total of a trillion bullets, Tom was still nervous about the gun overheating, but he continued to fire. Giovi operated turrets that were above the propellers, one button made the two turrets fire at the same time, he pressed the button down with telekinesis, he hit whatever was in front of the turrets, the two missiles destroyed the mobile suits in one shot, he sees he had five hundred missiles in each turret. The Count of Saint Germain was ready to use the top turret and weapon on the tail if necessary, they see a mobile suit flying towards them, the Count of Saint Germain pushes a button and fires the top turret, a dart shot out and hit the mobile suit, the entire mobile suit turned orange and exploded, he was confused on how it worked. Volvox fired his fire breaths and destroyed whatever he saw, and Dommiel fired missiles out of his shoulders to destroy more mobile suits, the red one was the only one left.

Capricorn flies towards them and Tom fires the machine gun of the flying tank, Capricorn controlled the red mobile suit with his mind,

"It's too fast." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"Yeah, it's three times faster than the others." Tom replied,

"Volvox, look out, he's coming for you!" the Count of Saint Germain said, Volvox sees him and Capricorn was charging towards him, he shoots red beams out of the mobile suit's one eye, it hit Volvox in the chest, but did no harm,

"Wow, guess they're weak." Dommiel said,

"It is because you all started designing mobile suits recently, it is still in the early stages." Capricorn replied from inside the mobile suit,

"Well, in that case, why don't we have someone fight you in there?" Volvox asked, and he lures Capricorn to the flying tank. Volvox swims in space and was going back into the atmosphere, the flying tank and Dommiel followed him, they arrive back in the atmosphere and they see everything was fine. Tom opened the top of the flying tank, he also made it visible, Volvox looked inside,

"Want to fight him, Giovi?" Volvox asked, Giovi shrugged,

"Alright then." Volvox said, and he uses telekinesis to pick Giovi up, he puts him into the mobile suit by a hole at the top of its head. Capricorn had a silver robotic body, and red eyes, he hears Giovi enter from behind, and he turned around. Giovi looks at Capricorn and sees he looked a bit like Triborg, but he ignored it, he tries to slash Capricorn with the lightsaber blades he had for his claws, Capricorn moved around and dodged them easily, he had enhanced physical capabilities. Capricorn shot red beams out of his eyes, which Giovi dodged, Capricorn then shot missiles out of his shoulders, which Giovi dodged by running around, he slashed Capricorn in the chest with the lightsabers on his left hand, it burned him, he did not react due to his inability to feel pain. Capricorn's right hand changes into a gun and he fires a blue and white blast out of it, Giovi realized it was a sonic cannon, Capricorn continues firing at him, he was destroying the inside of the mobile suit, Giovi dodged them with ease and he cut Capricorn's abdomen with the lightsabers on his right hand. The mobile suit began to fall and the microorganisms and mutants used telekinesis to bring it down softly, the world's natives were shocked to see it. Giovi tried to slash Capricorn and he dodged each slash, the two walk out and were on the mobile suit, they were fighting one another, the world's natives went to go look at the mobile suit since they were curious, Volvox also watched, he held himself up with his own telekinesis. Capricorn trips and falls since he was not paying attention, Giovi was about to finish him, but he lifts his right foot up and shoots a missile out of his foot, Giovi moved his upper body to his right and dodged it, he then stabbed the lightsabers on his left hand into Capricorn's head, they hear electricity crackling. Capricorn was still moving, so Giovi stabs the lightsabers on his right hand at where Capricorn's heart should be, more electricity crackled, Capricorn was still functioning, so Giovi used telekinesis to tear him apart, wires and bolts were everywhere, Capricorn shut down after that.

Giovi exhaled and regrouped with his four friends,

"Alright, two thirds of the way done." Dommiel said,

"Yeah, come on, day's almost ending, let's take out the other four." Volvox replied, and they walk together,

"CAPRICORN!! NOOOOOOOOO!!" the Gremlin King yelled, the five see him on a roof, Volvox breathes fire from his three mouths and the Gremlin King jumped down while screaming, he ran away, the five shrug and leave to take out the remaining four gremlin commanders.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends arrive at the alien area, it was a bit like Yakyakistan,

"Ooh, Yona feel like she at home." Yona said,

"We noticed that from space, your country does look a bit like our way of living." Zerbebuth replied,

"You guys live in tipis, too?" Ocellus asked,

"Not always, we usually live homes made from hardened mud and feces, we need some way to protect our homes from the dangerous fauna of our home planet." Zancrus replied,

"Ooh, I see instruments." Pinkie Pie said, they look and saw human woodwind and brass instruments,

"Oh yeah, those are from human culture, we decided to give them a try." Zerbebuth replied,

"Their culture is how the humans were able to bond with the devilgors, their culture is like a mixture of Native American and African cultures." Darwin said,

"Yes, but we don't have fashion, dancing rituals, or war paint, but our art and religion and beliefs are a bit similar to the Native Americans and Africans." Zerbebuth replied,

"We did like human history a bit as well, our favorite historical figures from human history are Hiawatha, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and Galvarino." Zancrus said,

"We used to live in tribes, too." Applejack said,

"You guys as well?" Zerbebuth asked,

"Yeah, unicorns, Pegasi, and earth ponies didn't live together back then." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Fusing your cultures together must've been hard." Zerbebuth said,

"Not really, we used the Fire of Friendship to unite our tribes." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Unfortunately, forging friendships is not that simple for most species'." Darwin said,

"Yeah, I had a hard time getting along with other dragons." Spike replied,

"Us ponies had a hard time getting along with griffons, too." Rainbow Dash said,

"Oh, so you guys do know." Marie replied, the Mane Six, Young Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, and Spike nod,

"Come on, we'll show you our culture." Zerbebuth said, and he leads them, the world's natives were happy to learn. The aliens greeted them kindly, they were trying the instruments the humans played, and had trouble,

"Sorry, we're still learning how to use them." Zerbebuth said,

"Ooh, we have these instruments, too, I can teach." Pinkie Pie replied, the aliens smiled and Pinkie Pie taught them, they were already improving playing the woodwind and brass instruments, they were improvising due to them not having lips, and their teeth being exposed at all times. The aliens play their drums, which the world's natives visiting them enjoyed, especially Yona, she felt right at home. Prince Rutherford was on a mountain and saw her having fun, he could not help but smile. The aliens continue playing music for them,

"Unfortunately, since we're not on Salatun, we cannot share our cuisine." Zerbebuth said,

"It's okay, I do like the music." Twilight Sparkle replied, the others agreed,

"Yeah, it's fun, but we have to go now." Pinkie Pie said,

"Alright then, the animal area is next, this way." Zira replied, and they follow her.

Volvox helps the space station clear the space junk with his telekinesis, they finished rather quickly, he and the other four keep walking. The five arrive into the bug area and see the bugs were living peacefully, they hear whirling sounds and saw cyphers with guns on them flying around,

"Oh, they must be here for security reasons." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"It would make sense, most of these bugs would die by just getting squashed on." Dommiel replied, the five walk forward carefully not to step on any bugs, Volvox was especially careful, he would use his telekinesis to make himself float around, but he was already blocking the path for the flying bugs. The five walk slowly so the bugs could move away before their feet touched the ground, they were surprised there were no human sized humanoid bugs in the country like Scarab and Sacer. The five hear screeches and see bugs crawling forward with a pink organism on them, Volvox uses telekinesis to get them off, he notices they were parasites, the regular gremlins run into the country and began attacking the bugs, they hear laughing and saw the Gremlin King walking into the country, another humanoid gremlin was with him, he had light pink skin on him, his eyes were yellow, and he had yellow eyeballs all over his body,

"Every bug, meet Gemini, time for you pests to die, this is what you all get for keeping me up at night with your buzzing." the Gremlin King said, Gemini walked forward,

"Attack me if you want, you will die." Gemini said in a deep voice, the cyphers begin shooting at him, the security cameras in the area also had machine guns on them, they shot at Gemini as well. Gemini changes his body around and makes organic blades come out of his back, he fires them and destroys the cyphers and cameras, he makes four more come out, but they were connected to tentacles. The Count of Saint Germain looks at the small gremlins under Gemini's control and noticed something wrong, their eyes' glowed orange, he shot his phaser pistol to stun and knock out the small gremlins, one tries to jump onto him, he cut his head off with his laser sword, the gremlin began to mutate, a parasitic lump with an organic tentacle and blade came out. Gemini tries to stab the Count of Saint Germain but he cut them with his laser sword, he soon slashed Gemini's abdomen and right chest,

"Fool, you damaged the nest." Gemini said while smiling, crab-like parasites crawl out of Gemini's body, they go towards the bugs and begin attacking them. Liquid nitrogen is shot to freeze them, the five look and see the country's military has arrived to help, they had weapons like flamethrowers, but froze things instead of burning them,

"What the?" Volvox asked, he watched the soldiers freeze the bugs as well, Gemini grows to a massive size with his body being fused to the ground, he was big enough for the world's natives to see, they were shocked and horrified to see a parasitic creature. Volvox shoots his fire breath at him and burns him, Gemini snickers since it made more parasites come out of his body, the Count of Saint Germain tried firing a stunning light from his phaser pistol, it did nothing to Gemini, so the Count of Saint Germain changes it to vaporize mode. Gemini made the tentacles in his back extend and he began shooting organic spikes at him, the Count of Saint Germain cut them with his laser sword, Dommiel and Tom cut them as well, Giovi was busy getting the crab-like parasites off of the bugs with Volvox. The Count of Saint Germain runs closer to Gemini and shoots the phaser pistol, Gemini screamed as he was vaporized, the parasites from his body also stop,

"Okay, only three more." Dommiel said,

"Yeah, this has been taking longer than I thought." Volvox replied,

"Let's take a break, I'm a little tired." Tom said, the other four agreed and they rest.

Everybody arrives into the area where the animals live, Fluttershy was excited, she saw the humans had mostly the same animals as they did,

"This way, I know what animals will be happy to meet you all." Cecil said, and he leads them. Everybody arrives at a herd of capybaras, they run to the Mane Six and the others. The capybaras began laying down with them and licking them, Smolder and Gallus were unhappy while the others were,

"Oh, you all are very friendly, I wish I could adopt all of you." Fluttershy said,

"There are also several animals that are one of a kind, humans called them cryptids, they're over there." Zira said, and they all see Bigfoot, Hibagon, Yeti, the Loch Ness Monster, Goatman, a Moa, a Junjudee, Sinkhole Sam, and a Skunk Ape,

"The extinct animals are over there, most of them are robots, the original ones in the past were too wild to be brought here." Cecil said, Fluttershy and Silverstream were excited to see them. Twilight Sparkle saw the Titanoboa and screamed at the top of her lungs and backed away in fear, they all saw what she was scared of, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Spike, and the Young Six screamed in terror at seeing it and ran away. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at it,

"That sure is one mighty big snake." Applejack said,

"Biggest one that ever lived." Cecil replied,

"I am so not scared of that." Rainbow Dash said,

"What about this one?" Zira asked, and she showed Rainbow Dash a robotic megalania, Rainbow Dash became scared,

"This is the megalania, ancestor of the komodo dragon." Zira said,

"Wait, that thing's a dragon?" Smolder asked,

"To humans, it was back then, it's a lizard now." Zira replied,

"You all see those birds over there?" Cecil asked, and everybody did, Fluttershy was excited and flew to them,

"That's what they used to look like." Cecil said, and he pointed to his left, everybody saw the dinosaurs, it scared them,

"What are those?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Dinosaurs." Cecil replied,

"Those actually look cool." Rainbow Dash said,

"I agree, I'd like one of those, too." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Can we go? They're scaring me." Fluttershy said,

"Wait, Yona want to meet yaks." Yona replied,

"This way." Zira said, and they follow her, Yona sees the yaks from the human world were not like hers,

"Yak has no culture?" Yona asked,

"Well, they do, but it's probably different from what you're used to." Cecil replied,

"What's that?!" Silverstream asked excitedly as she pointed her right talon to a marine animal,

"That's a seahorse." Cecil replied,

"Wow, you guys have seaponies, too?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Not seapony, seahorse, the males give birth instead of the females." Cecil replied, the others were interested,

"Is it okay to go to the next area? The day is close to over." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, I guess, come on, our area is next." Berberis replied, and they all go to the plant area.

Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom were done helping the bugs recover from Gemini's attack, and were resting in the microorganism area, the microorganisms were using telekinesis to get around, there were microscopes everywhere so those other organisms can see them,

"How and when did microorganisms learn psychic powers?" Dommiel asked,

"I have no clue." Volvox replied,

"Probably radiation and evolution combined." Tom said, the other four agreed. The five hear the microorganisms screaming and they look through the microscopes, they saw a small humanoid gremlin multiplying and destroying them. They hear laughing on a building and see the Gremlin King,

"Go get them, Cancer, not even those five can get you." the Gremlin King said, Volvox shot fire out of his three mouths, but missed, the Gremlin King ran away screaming, he then tried to shrink himself to microscopic size, but could not,

"Darn it, I can't shrink myself." Volvox said,

"Emperor, the shrinking collar is in front of you." a microscopic organism replied with a male voice, Volvox sees it and puts it on his middle head with telekinesis,

"How do I activate this?" Volvox asked,

"Just use your mind, it reads your brainwaves." the microscopic organism replied, and Volvox wanted to be small, and he shrunk to microscopic size, he then goes after Cancer. Volvox floats around while he sees Cancer multiply,

"Don't try looking for me, Volvox, we're all the real Cancer." Cancer said, and he begins to multiply more, Volvox shot fire out of his mouths and destroyed most of them with his three fire breaths, Cancer laughs as he multiplies more and more. Volvox tries using his telekinesis and sees there was too many for him to hold in one place, so he shoots more fire out of his mouths and destroy them. Cancer reforms even after he was destroyed, Volvox began to feel nauseous, he realized Cancer's sickness was getting to him, he looks and saw his four friends were getting sick as well, he shot out more fire and destroyed Cancer again, he kept returning and multiplying,

"I need one of those flamethrowers that shoots out ice." Volvox said,

"Oh, you mean a frostthrower, we'll inform the machines telepathically." a female microorganism replied, and she does, one was transported into the area, it was already microscopic size,

"What the?" Volvox asked,

"We have transferring devices everywhere in the country, and more shrinking devices." the female microscopic organism said, Volvox just took it and aimed it. He pulls the trigger and freezes every Cancer there was, he did not multiply, Volvox shot out more fire and destroyed them. Cancer started coming back, Volvox froze him again, and put him in one place with telekinesis, he did not feel sick anymore, but did not know what to do next. Cancer was stuck in place, with no way to move, so he decided to form into a bigger version of himself, he was a humanoid gremlin, but all light red and pink, Volvox shot fire at him and he screamed and was obliterated, Cancer did not form that time, much to Volvox's confusion, but he changes back to his regular size,

"Okay, two more." Volvox said,

"I'm still tired." Dommiel replied,

"Yeah, me too, why don't we try playing an online game if they have any?" Tom asked, they agreed and went to the human area.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends arrive into the plant section and were surprised to see there were thousands of different plants, and they were all humanoid plants and moving, the sun was shining into the section, and they had solar panels everywhere,

"Wow, how many different types of flora are there?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"About one million two hundred ninety three thousand six hundred eighty five of us." Berberis replied, shocking everyone, that was more plants than in their world,

"Are y'all divided?" Applejack asked,

"There's about one million one hundred sixty five thousand six hundred forty four angiosperms, about eight thousand three hundred twenty seven gymnosperms, about fifty one thousand one hundred two pteridophytes, and about sixty eight thousand six hundred twelve bryophytes." Periwinkle replied, shocking everyone,

"How do you all keep track of what type of plants you all are?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"We all have unique traits." Berberis replied,

"What's that plant there?" Sunburst asked as he pointed with his front right hoof to Swamp Thing,

"Oh, that's Swamp Thing, he's this area's guardian." Periwinkle replied,

"I must say, maybe you all could use some fashion." Rarity said,

"We are not the type to have fashion." Berberis replied,

"So, you guys don't have any culture, no music or literature?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"All we have is cuisine, but some of our dishes are poisonous to certain organic creatures." Periwinkle replied,

"How do y'all live?" Applejack asked,

"We're self-feeding, the sun also powers us, this entire area is made from soil, so is the water, the feces from animals also grant us nutrition, and obviously, we don't have any fire in this area, it is lethal to us." Periwinkle replied,

"How do you guys survive in the cold?" Gallus asked,

"We have technology that can change the weather." Berberis replied,

"Oh." Gallus said,

"Wait, where's Silverstream?" Sandbar asked, they all look for her and saw her in the water as a seapony, she was greeting the plants that lived in the water, they greeted her back,

"What happens if she eats one of the kelps?" Smolder asked,

"She will be arrested and tried for murder." Swamp Thing replied,

"Well, let's see if she can control her urges." Gallus said while smiling, Silverstream came out a few seconds afterwards and changed back to a hippogriff,

"This is the best area ever!" Silverstream said,

"Sorry, Silverstream, but we have to speed up, so we have to go to the next place." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Alright then, this way." Scarab said, and they go to the bug area next.

Volvox, Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom found a computer and decided to play an online game, they found a multiplayer one, it was called City Survival,

"This game looks like Grand Theft Auto." Tom said,

"Oh, I remember seeing those when we traveled to here from the past." Dommiel replied,

"Well, let's give it a try." Volvox said, and they create accounts to play, they look and see three more players, one was Jamie Reyes, who called himself Blue Beetle, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle member Michelangelo, and an unseen player, they see the account name and saw it was Flibbertigibbet, they see she used her name,

"It's her again." Dommiel said,

"Hold on, dudes, let's hear her voice first." Michelangelo replied,

"Hello, losers." Flibbertigibbet said,

"Yeah, it's her." Tom said, and the game starts,

"Alright, four player war, may the best player win." Jamie said, and they play. The ponies and their friends see the five playing a game,

"Oh, hey." Sunset Shimmer said, and she ran to them,

"That looks fun." Rainbow Dash said, and she flew to them,

"Ooh, let me join." Pinkie Pie said, and she ran to them, they go to the five, they let them join,

"Guys." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Don't worry, we'll catch up." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Yeah, we're just taking a break." Rainbow Dash said,

"Okay, but make sure you make it to the bug section on time." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she and the others walk by.

Tom, Jamie, Michelangelo, and Flibbertigibbet play the game and it was clear Flibbertigibbet was cheating, she had infinite health, infinite armor, infinite ammo, an auto targeting mod, she was teleporting to random parts of the map, was spawning clones of her player, and making herself invisible to other players,

"Lady, stop cheating." Jamie said,

"I'm not cheating, you just suck." Flibbertigibbet replied,

"Lady, stop doing that." Michelangelo said, Flibbertigibbet was making Michelangelo's character die by shooting him through solid objects, which the game did not allow, she then made Tom's character freeze in place, and he got killed by Flibbertigibbet's character. Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, and Pinkie Pie growled when they watched, they heard Flibbertigibbet laughing, then her player froze,

"Cheater spotted, account selected for deletion." a male robotic voice said, and Flibbertigibbet's gaming account was deleted, and her character was killed off permanently. Flibbertigibbet screamed and began slapping her hands on a solid object, she then began crying,

"You brought it onto yourself." Sunset Shimmer said, they heard walking on Flibbertigibbet's screen, even though it did not show her,

"What's the matter, Flibbertigibbet?" the Gremlin King asked,

"I lost." Flibbertigibbet replied,

"Hey, don't cry, it's just a game, let your father show you how it's done, he's a master at this game." the Gremlin King said, and they change, a camera appeared, and the Gremlin King was on the screen, they continue playing. They begin playing again and the Gremlin King was cheating the same way his daughter cheated,

"Dude, that's cheating." Jamie said,

"Taurus, do your thing." the Gremlin King said, and Jamie's character was erased from the game, which shocked him,

"A gremlin's controlling the AI." Tom said,

"Can you three take over?" Volvox asked, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer became excited, the five left while Sunset Shimmer took the keyboard to play. The five go to the machine area and they see a computer acting funny, the five were zapped and they grunt, a blue laser analyzes them and brings them into the computer. The five enter the country's AI system and see the machines and automated technology were controlled by it, a landscape gets created and they hear snickering in the area, they see a path that only goes one way, the five shrug and walk forward. The five walk and saw Taurus up ahead, he was made out of blue electricity,

"Hello, you five, take your pick." Taurus said, and he holds his hands out, a red pill was in his right hand, and a blue pill was in his left hand,

"Red or blue?" Taurus asked,

"What do they do?" Tom asked,

"Take the red pill, you become one with the AI, you stay stuck in here, and can never go back to the real world. Take the blue pill, you never learn of this place, and can never enter this area again, the microchips will identify you and not let you enter the AI world." Taurus replied, the five were unimpressed,

"Neither." Dommiel said,

"Yeah, plus, I'd take white and black over red and blue." Volvox said,

"What will you five do then?" Taurus asked, they look at one another, Volvox shoots fire at him, Taurus was unharmed due to him having no physical body,

"I am invincible." Taurus said,

"Guess we'll see about that." the Count of Saint Germain replied, and he tried firing his phaser pistol while it was in vaporize mode, it did nothing, Dommiel tried shooting hollow point bullets from the guns on his forearms, they went through him, he tried the missiles in his shoulders next, they also did nothing,

"Yeah, it's going to be a waste right now." Dommiel said,

"Taurus!" the Gremlin King said,

"Alright." Taurus replied, and he goes through several holographic keyboards, he types things and they see Michelangelo's character in the game get erased out,

"What the shell, dude?!" Michelangelo asked,

"Wait, Mikey, I'm finding there's some kind of artificial intelligence controlling the game." Donatello replied from off the camera, they hear typing and it was soon done,

"Found it, there's a humanoid gremlin in the AI system, his brain's somewhere in the machine area." Donatello said, the five look at Taurus and smile, Taurus became scared and ran, the five chased him. The five run after Taurus while going through the AI system, Taurus shot electricity at them, they dodged it, they keep running around the AI system and see a screen that led them out. Taurus smiled and ran to it, the five chase him and tackle him, they go through the screen and come out. The six arrive back into the real world and the five become shocked when they realized they were in the underwater city, Taurus laughed as he went into the water and used his electrokinesis to electrify the water, the people and animals in the water began writhing in pain, everybody looks and sees the electrified water. Volvox gets the other four on his back and jumps out of the underwater city, he lands on the main city, breaking part of the ground in the process, he sees Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were still playing, they were getting angry, they also heard Sunset Shimmer grunt angrily,

"Stop beam spamming!" Sunset Shimmer said angrily, the Gremlin King laughs, the five ignore it and go to the area of the machines. The five look around for Taurus' brain,

"Found it." Volvox said, he sees it was in a building, he ripped the roof off with his front feet, he lets the four get on him and lets them into the building. He hears electricity behind him and he turns around, he saw Taurus floating in midair,

"You can't fight every machine." Taurus said, and Volvox saw every machine in the country was under his command, they began shooting lasers at him, Volvox's skin was able to take it, he did not fight back because it would mean trouble if he destroyed the country's AI systems. Dommiel, the Count of Saint Germain, Giovi, and Tom see Taurus' brain, it was connected to the AI systems with metal tubing, the four go forward to remove it, but Taurus' brain releases a psychic blast that knocks them back, the four get up and look, Taurus' brain began using telekinesis to lift things up and throw them at the four, Dommiel and Giovi used their telekinesis to hold the blast back, Taurus' brain begins to release another psychic blast, but the two use their telekinesis to hold it back and they enter a deadlock with him. The Count of Saint Germain and Tom run to Taurus' brain and try to remove the tubes, but they were stuck in the brain, so Tom took his lightsaber out and cut the four tubes, the machines in the country shut down, Taurus screamed as his electrical body disappeared. Volvox looked back and saw they succeeded in disconnecting him, so Volvox used his telekinesis to pick up Taurus' brain, he looks around and sees a barrel of acid around, which he did not know why, but he did not care, and put Taurus' brain in it to melt it, the five go back to their online game.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer were playing together with Jamie, Michelangelo, and the Gremlin King, the AI systems in the country malfunction a bit and it made holographic screens appear in the sky, big enough for the entire world to see, much to the natives' confusion,

"Sorry about that, guys, we're having technical difficulties right now." Volvox said to the world, they see Sunset Shimmer was playing, the five go to her and see she was now winning the game since the Gremlin King could no longer cheat, his character was killed and he lost the game, coming in last place. The Gremlin King screamed with rage and began slamming his fists on the table, and then on the keyboard, he then picked up the keyboard, slammed it on the table a few times, and threw it back onto the table, the Gremlin King began to shout into the microphone in his native language, he then began to scream in rage and move his body side-to-side in the chair, he was so enraged, he began having spasms in his chair, he then stood up and angrily punched the camera with his right fist, making it fall, he then walked away and quit the game. The world's natives saw him as well, they were all shocked by how the Gremlin King reacted,

"Now, Flurry Heart, remember, don't ever act like that if you lose, it's just a game, and your father and I won't get you any if you act like that." Princess Cadence said as she hugged her daughter.

Everybody was shocked by the Gremlin King's behavior,

"Wow, I get mad if I lose, too, but I don't act like that." Sunset Shimmer said, the AI systems stop acting up and the holographic screens go back down, the game was over, Sunset Shimmer won,

"Yes." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Congrats, lady." Jamie said,

"Thanks." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Wanna go another round?" Michelangelo asked,

"Sorry, but we have things to do." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Yeah, we have to go off now." Dommiel said,

"Alright, till next game." Jamie replied, and they turn off the computer,

"Okay, just one more." Tom said,

"Yup, then we go after the Gremlin King." Volvox replied,

"We're going to the bug area." Pinkie Pie said,

"Alright, have fun." Volvox replied, and they go their separate ways.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends arrive at the bug area and everybody except Fluttershy and Silverstream were uncomfortable, they hear running and saw Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie come,

"Oh, you three made it on time." Twilight Sparkle said,

"We told you we've make it." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Did you three have something to do with the technical difficulties thing?" Ocellus asked,

"No, the gremlins messed up the technology." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Oh." Ocellus said,

"Okay, welcome to the bug area, we live in a caste system." Scarab said,

"A caste system?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yes, we'll show you around." Sacer replied, and they show the area, they realize each bug had something to do, the ants were the blue collar workers, the bees operated the technology and provided food, the termites were architects, the wasps were scholars and historians, they also created paper, the flies were reporters and messengers, the moths were scouts and watched for danger, the cicadas watched for dangers under the ground, the worms acted as public transport under the ground, the centipedes acted as public transport above the ground, the millipedes transported goods and resources, the earwigs were the judges of their society, the spiders were soldiers, the beetles were also soldiers, the scorpions were officers, the roaches were elite soldiers and diplomats, the mantises were also diplomats, and the highest ranking soldiers, the phasmids were also soldiers, they were also scouts, the crickets were also diplomats, the grasshoppers were the highest ranking diplomats, the mosquitoes were doctors, the ticks were also doctors, and the ones who created new medicine, and the fleas were the rulers of country.

Twilight Sparkle noticed not every bug was in the caste,

"Where are the lice at?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"The other bugs went extinct a long time ago." Sacer replied,

"What did they do?" Rarity asked,

"Nothing, that was before the caste system was established." Scarab replied,

"Who do you all send for diplomacy?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Usually the roaches." Scarab replied, shocking the natives of the world,

"Don't like roaches?" Scarab asked,

"Absolutely not, I can't stand roaches." Rarity replied,

"How about crickets?" Sacer asked,

"No, I don't like any bugs." Rarity replied,

"I do." Fluttershy said,

"Me too." Pinkie Pie said, and she ran around in hopes of throwing a party, the bugs were a bit surprised, but went on with their days, Pinkie Pie was a bit shocked the bugs did not party,

"Maybe you should let me do the party planning, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy said, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"Well, is there really anything else besides this to your culture?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Nope, that's all, we don't make music until night time." Sacer replied,

"Oh, makes sense, well, let's go to the last area." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Alright, this way." Flagellum replied, and they go to the area of the microorganisms.

Volvox and his four friends decided to go back to the alien area to see how the fighting tournament was coming up, it was almost complete,

"How are you guys doing with the gremlins?" Harvey asked,

"One more left." Tom replied,

"And after that?" Harvey asked,

"We go after the Gremlin King." Dommiel replied,

"I don't know if you guys found this out, but before you guys came here, the king's daughter was offering a date to one of the twelve commanders if he took down you five, all twelve of them turned her down." Harvey said, the five chuckle,

"What's wrong? Is she too ugly to them?" Tom asked,

"No, it's has to do with her tastes, the quality of the stuff she wants is too high for their liking." Harvey replied,

"How about Orchid, how were her tastes?" Volvox asked,

"Orchid doesn't care too much about those things, as long as it's functional and useful to her, she'll take it, Orchid doesn't like receiving flowers and chocolates as gifts, she usually prefers things she can use to help her with whatever problem she's having, or help try to make her magic strong again." Harvey replied,

"What about you?" Dommiel asked,

"I'm kind of the same." Harvey replied, the five chuckle,

"Where is your family right now, anyway?" the Count of Saint Germain asked,

"Orchid, Nick, and Lance went home for the day, Orchid got exhausted." Harvey replied, the five were worried about Orchid. The technology in the entire country began acting up, the three cities starting experiencing malfunctions, the vehicles in the air began falling to the ground, the mutants, machines, and microorganisms use telekinesis to bring them down softly, a lot of angry voices were heard from people waiting for messages from their friends on their devices,

"Of course, with advanced technology comes impatience." Volvox said, his four friends and Harvey agreed, they hear the Gremlin King laughing, he was on a roof,

"Go, Aries! Show them why you're my second-in-command." the Gremlin King said, they all see Aries floating in midair, he was making all of the technology go haywire, everybody saw they can counter it with their own psychic powers,

"Go, my servants!" Aries said, and other small gremlins began attacking, they controlled some of the technology while laughing, everybody noticed the small gremlins were only causing mischief,

"No, you fools! Kill them!" Aries said, the Gremlin King controls them telepathically, they begin attacking the natives. The Count of Saint Germain and Tom try shooting him, but Aries made their guns malfunction, they hear a lot noises and sees their Metal Gear REXs, Metal Gear RAYs, and Shagohods have begun attacking the citizens, the world's natives were extremely shocked to see the walking tanks. The motion detectors in the street lights go off and guns come out of the street lights to shoot the people, they also see their laser and beam weapons going haywire, so did their rocket launchers that shot like machine guns. Volvox fires his fire breaths at Aries but misses, it did distract him a bit, the Count of Saint Germain shot a vaporizing beam at Aries from his phaser pistol, but Aries still controlled it with his mind, and cancelled it out, he used technopathy to get into a car to flee. The five see the nearest car was close by, everybody except Volvox entered, they chase him while Volvox watched and used his telekinesis to stop the technology from hurting others.

Tom drove the car while Dommiel and Giovi used their telekinesis to resist Aries' control, he keeps driving away and was speeding, his technopathy made him have complete control over the car he was in, so he did not have to slow down at turns. Tom drove as fast as he could and kept an eye on Aries' car, they keep driving and the Count of Saint Germain tried shooting down several things to block Aries' path, but Aries made the car change to flying mode and flew above it. Tom looks around and sees there were buttons to push to change the car to either a plane or a boat,

"How convenient." Tom said, and he pushes the button to change the car into a plane, it shifted and flew, they go after Aries. Aries flies around and tried to make the weapons shoot Tom down, he controlled the steering wheel and dodged each one by doing barrel rolls. They see the underwater area next, so Tom and Aries change their vehicles to boats and drive around, the underwater missile launchers and lasers fire at Tom, he dodged them by just speeding up, the water mines did not come out fast enough to blow Tom up. They arrive back on land and change back to the cars, they keep driving and see Volvox was busy keeping the technology at bay with his telekinesis. Volvox sees Aries' car and he fires a fire breath from his skeletal head to in front of Aries, he drove into it and his car exploded, Aries survived the explosion, but Dommiel uses his telekinesis to hold Aries in place and puts him on the front of the car Tom was driving. Tom turns the steering wheel to the left and accelerates, they see a streetlight pole up ahead. Aries screams as Tom drives into it, the four jump out and the car goes into the pole and explodes, Aries got killed in the process. All of the technology turns off again but soon comes back on,

"Alright, that's all of them." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"All that's left is the king." Tom replied,

"And his daughter." Dommiel said,

"Whatever happened to his wife?" Volvox asked,

"You killed her back in 1945, by using your telekinesis to crash a plane with her in it." a male computer replied, Volvox smiled,

"So, what now?" Tom asked,

"We wait, the king has no choice but to face us on his own now." Volvox replied, and they went to go help the aliens build their fighting arena.

Twilight Sparkle and the others arrive into the microorganism area,

"Okay, let's give that spell a try." Twilight Sparkle said, and she, Starlight Glimmer, Rarity, and Sunburst cast the spell together, everybody took notice of the magic aura on their horns, the spell was cast, and to their shocks, it did not work,

"What? The spell didn't work." Sunburst said,

"As we said, magic's a non-renewable resource to us, so while it works outside our country, it won't work in here." Flagellum said,

"So? How do we see you guys?" Sandbar asked,

"Use the microscopes." Cilia replied, and they showed them what they were, they see the microorganisms everywhere,

"I can see!" Silverstream said,

"I wanna meet them." Pinkie Pie said,

"They can hear you." Flagellum replied,

"What do you guys have for culture?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"We never had a culture, we've been busy surviving." Flagellum replied,

"No music?" Yona asked,

"We're too small to play them." Cilia replied,

"How about fashion?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Nope." Flagellum replied,

"Art." Scootaloo said,

"No." Cilia replied,

"What about cuisine?" Apple Bloom asked,

"We eat dead bodies, body waste, and plant litter." Flagellum replied, surprising the others,

"That most certainly does not sound appealing." Rarity said,

"It is to us." Cilia replied,

"Is there anything y'all have over the other places?" Applejack asked,

"We're the most populous group." Flagellum replied,

"What are those in the water over there?" Fluttershy asked, the others look and see them,

"Those are the plankton." Flagellum replied,

"I was hoping there would be more here." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, sorry to disappoint." Cilia replied,

"It's okay, come on, everycreature, it's time to report our findings." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all head home, back to their native countries.

Volvox and his four friends look around and see the damage that was caused,

"Wow, we really did make a mess." Tom said,

"Not just us." Volvox replied, they hear screams of rage and see the Gremlin King leading the small gremlins, Flibbertigibbet was standing to his right,

"You killed my twelve most trusted men, you will pay!" the Gremlin King said angrily,

"I will now never get a date, prepare to die!" Flibbertigibbet said angrily, and she ran to them while screaming,

"Flibbertigibbet! No!" the Gremlin King said, Dommiel and Giovi just use their telekinesis to hold her up and tear her apart, killing her,

"Look at how many gremlins I have, Volvox, you're outnumbered." the Gremlin King said,

"Mutants, Force Choke." Volvox said, and they do, shocking the world's natives, they were watching since they were loud, they stop and were out of energy,

"What are you going to do now?" the Gremlin King asked smugly,

"Grid, use the satellite." Volvox said, and Grid typed in several codes, a satellite in space aligns itself and fires a big missile. Everybody stands around,

"I don't see anything happening." the Gremlin King said,

"Give it a few seconds." Volvox replied, and they do, a twinkle was in the sky,

"Hey, what's that?" a small male gremlin asked, they all look and saw the missile, the gremlins scream and run away, the missile hits the ground and explodes. The world's natives looked on with horror and then at the sky, they did not see anything. The gremlins run back,

"What was that?!" the Gremlin King asked,

"We got kinetic bombardment." the Count of Saint Germain replied, shocking the world's natives,

"Check it out." the Gremlin King said, and they get a computer, the gremlins were shocked,

"it's from a satellite in space!" a male gremlin said, shocking the natives,

"Take it out!" the Gremlin King said,

"We can't, we can't breathe up there!" another male gremlin replied,

"Then we'll just have to migrate elsewhere." the Gremlin King said,

"That won't work!" a male gremlin said,

"What?!" the Gremlin King asked,

"That satellite is remotely controlled, they can hit us anywhere in this world with it!" another male gremlin replied, horrifying the world's natives,

"What are you going to do now?" Volvox asked while smiling, the Gremlin King sighed, he got on his knees,

"I surrender." the Gremlin King said,

"Wait, you're not going to put up a fight?" Dommiel asked,

"I don't know how to fight." the Gremlin King replied,

"What is your power?" Tom asked,

"Telepathic control, that's all." the Gremlin King replied,

"You're the leader, and you can't even defend yourself? You have no right to be a leader, then." Volvox said,

"I only became the king because my father was the previous king." the Gremlin King replied, the five shook their heads,

"Alright, take them away, we already have a punishment for you guys tomorrow." Volvox said, and every gremlin was arrested,

"Look at that, the kinetic bombardment came in handy after all." the Count of Saint Germain said, the other four smiled,

"No! No! No!" Princess Cadence said angrily as she flew to them, she landed to their rights and ran to them,

"Take that down!" Princess Cadence said angrily,

"How come?" Volvox asked,

"What do you mean how come?! I am not comfortable with my kingdom able to be destroyed from an area we can't reach!" Princess Cadence replied,

"What about the others?" Tom asked, Volvox looks and sees the other countries agreed,

"Yeah, we have to, we don't have a choice." Volvox replied,

"Good! Don't even think about using it!" Princess Cadence said, and she flew away. The Council went over to Volvox and the others,

"Good work, guys, we knew you'd win, we predicted it with numerology, now onto the next business at hand: rebuilding." Darwin said,

"Don't you guys have work drones?" Volvox asked,

"Well, yes, but you five have to rebuild the country, yourselves, since you all destroyed the country, you have to pay for it, too." Darwin replied,

"Wait, I don't have any money?" Volvox asked,

"Things are different from the past, Volvox, we are now living in a democratic society, we decide on the rulers." Grid replied,

"Then why am I still the ruler?" Volvox asked,

"Because we know it's your job to watch our science and technology evolve, and the citizens like you." Lizmarie replied, much to the world's natives' confusion,

"Well, you all have to start rebuilding and paying now." Zerbebuth said,

"Come on, guys, let's go see how long it takes." Volvox said, his four friends agreed and the Count of Saint Germain opened a portal and they go into it. The five travel through time and see their fixed country, it only took a few days, and they were still on the world,

"What'd you know, it only takes a few days to fix." Dommiel said,

"Come on, let's go." Volvox replied, the other four smiled and they were about to enter the future, but a yellow aura appears on them and they are pulled back into the present, they turn around and saw Princess Celestia in the air, she was at Volvox's level,

"No, you are not going to be lazy and just go to the future where everything is fixed, fix it, yourselves." Princess Celestia said, and she flew away,

"The gremlins broke out!" a male human said, and everybody saw them running around to cause havoc,

"Everybody, use the Tau Cannons." Volvox said, and the military does, the orange beams ricochet and destroy the gremlins. The unicorns cast magic and take them away with telekinesis,

"No! That's too powerful!" Twilight Sparkle said, the gremlins laugh,

"Gluon guns." Volvox said, and blue and purple beams were shot, the gremlins hit by them were disintegrated, the unicorns take them away as well,

"No!" Princess Cadence said,

"BFG10k." Volvox said, and one was shot, everybody moved away. A green sphere goes towards the gremlins, green laser beams come out of the sphere, the small gremlins who were hit by it disintegrated within seconds, almost all of them were killed, the green sphere hit a streetlight pole and disappeared, the unicorns angrily take it away with their telekinesis,

"No! Absolutely not!" Twilight Sparkle said angrily, they look and see the other countries were scared of their weaponry. Everybody hears flying and sees Dommiel was using the flying tank, its invisibility cloak was activated. Dommiel begins shooting the machine gun turret and destroys the gremlins, he also leans forward to cut them with the obsidian propeller blades. The gremlins screamed as they ran away,

"NO!!" Princess Cadence yelled angrily as she made crystals appear on it to make it fall, the world's natives were still angry at them. Dommiel came out of the flying tank,

"Do we have anything else?" Volvox asked,

"We got the PRL 412." Darwin replied,

"That's not going to work, it only works on parasites." the Count of Saint Germain said,

"Where was it when we fought Gemini?" Dommiel asked,

"It's not done yet, it's still in the developmental stage." Darwin replied, Volvox sighed,

"Rearrest the gremlins, we'll start rebuilding after the tournament." Volvox said, and they arrested the gremlins and called it a day.

The next day comes and the fighting tournament was ready, every species was allowed to participate, Volvox was on a throne and watched,

"Okay, everybody, as usual in devilgor tradition, we will start with a warm up for you all, bring in the gremlins." Zerbebuth said, and they were put in, the Gremlin King was in front of them,

"Stupid restraints." the Gremlin King grumbled,

"Okay, release the animals." Cecil said, and lions, bears, tigers, cougars, and snakes were put in, the gremlins scream in horror when they realized they were going to be eaten,

"Stop!" Twilight Sparkle said as she flew to them,

"What are you guys doing?!" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"This is a custom, before we begin the tournament, we start by having the wild animals eat the gremlins." Zerbebuth replied,

"What?! That's cruelty!" Twilight Sparkle said,

"Is something the matter?" Zancrus asked,

"Yes! Sacrificing lives for celebration is not okay!" Twilight Sparkle replied,

"You are disrespecting our culture right now." Zerbebuth said,

"Culture?! This is culture?!" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"You don't know our ways." Zancrus replied, Twilight Sparkle turned around,

"Don't any of you have a problem with this?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Nope, humans did the same thing with criminals back in Rome a long time ago." Marie replied,

"What?!" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"That's true, we did this, too." Darwin replied, Twilight Sparkle was very shocked,

"How was this came up with, anyway?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"This is the day Volvox freed us from the gremlins, we do this to them as punishment for enslaving us, working us to death, and feeding us to the fauna of our planet, this is our way of revenge." Zerbebuth replied,

"This is wrong!" Twilight Sparkle said,

"I don't see a downside to this." Volvox replied, the others agreed, Twilight Sparkle was shocked,

"Cancel this! Or Equestria will go to war against you guys!" Twilight Sparkle said, the others look at Equestria to see if she was bluffing, they saw she was not, and due to the other creatures going to their school, the other countries were their allies, and they will go to war with them as well,

"We have no choice, guys, we have to skip the opening ceremony, but we'll continue the tournament." Volvox said,

"Uh, Volvox?" Lizmarie asked, they all look and see the wild animals have already eaten and killed the Gremlin King and the small gremlins, shocking Twilight Sparkle,

"Go back in time!" Twilight Sparkle said,

"And fight the gremlins all over again? I think not." the Count of Saint Germain replied, Twilight Sparkle thought about it,

"Yeah, you're right, you guys will cause even more damage." Twilight Sparkle said, she sighed and flew away. The tournament began and everybody was excited, the first round was Tom and Lizmarie, the two went in, Lizmarie used her telekinesis to hold Tom in place and slam him into the ground. The second round was Harvey and Smolder,

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Smolder asked,

"Long story." Harvey replied, Smolder got into a fighting stance, Harvey was ready as well. Smolder flew to him and tried to punch him several times, Harvey dodged them all, the dragons noticed he was fast, Harvey tries to punch Smolder with his right fist, but she flew back, Harvey hit the ground, and put a crater in it, shocking the dragons. Smolder shoots fire out of her mouth and Harvey ducked, he shot fire out of his mouth, which had no effect on Smolder. Smolder tried flying around and breathing fire again, Harvey's robotic eye lights up red and he begins shooting red beams out of it, it shot as fast as a machine gun, and was locked onto Smolder, surprising the dragons, they were happy when she dodged them all, so Harvey changed his right hand into a gun and shot out a purple sonic beam, Smolder got hit, she grunted when she fell, she had black smoke on her body. Harvey lifts her up with his telekinesis and pulls her forward, she breathes fire and sets Harvey on fire, it did not do anything, Harvey proceeds to lift her up, but Smolder grabs his neck and knocks him down, she was about to choke him,

"I got you, too." Harvey said,

"Huh?" Smolder asked with shock, she looks and sees Harvey has wrapped his tail around her neck, the two realize they were ready to choke one another, Smolder sighed and let go of his neck, Harvey took his tail off of her,

"And... it's a tie." Dommiel said, everybody cheered while the two went back,

"You did good out there, Smolder." Princess Ember said while smiling,

"Thanks, he was tough." Smolder replied, the next contestants were chosen, it was Zira and Gallus, the two walked to the arena,

"Let's see what we got." Gallus said,

"You're on, birdie." Zira said, Gallus flew up while Zira jumped around the arena and tried to catch him, she could not reach him, Zira smiled,

"I appreciate challenging prey." Zira said,

"Catch me if you can, then." Gallus replied, and he flew faster, Zira ran around and watched him carefully, she jumped and grabbed onto his hind legs. Gallus shifts his body and slams Zira's body into the wall, he proceeded to kick her several times with his hind legs, Zira grabbed them,

"I got you now." Zira said,

"Not yet." Gallus replied, and he flew up, Zira let go and landed on her feet, in front of several humanoid plants, she jumped up and was about to slash Gallus with her claws, Gallus grabbed her arms with his talons, but Zira's force pulled him down, the two fell, the world's natives gasped, the two were on the ground, and panted,

"I give up." Gallus said weakly,

"Me too." Zira replied weakly,

"It's another draw." the Count of Saint Germain said, everybody cheered while they were carried away to receive medical treatment. The third round was Zancrus and Firestorm, their flames canceled each other out, so Zancrus used her physical strength to beat him, she only did several punches and he went down after a minute. The fourth round was T-1850 and Limestone Pie,

"You're a new one." T-1850 said,

"Name's Limestone Pie." Limestone Pie said,

"Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie said loudly in the crowd, it distracted Limestone Pie, she looked at her angrily,

"Go, Lime, go! Go, Lime, go!" Pinkie Pie said happily, Limestone Pie rolled her eyes and looked at T-1850,

"Let's get this over with." Limestone Pie said, T-1850 ran towards her and tried to punch her with his left fist, he cracked the ground, he saw Limestone Pie was not there, T-1850 was hit in the back of the head, Limestone Pie kicked him with her hind legs, it was strong enough to knock him down, everybody cheered at the fact that Limestone Pie won,

"Too easy, give me something harder!" Limestone Pie said,

"Well, in that case." Volvox replied, and he chooses Limestone Pie's next opponent, it was Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie gasped in horror and looked back while covering her eyes,

"I can't watch! My friend and my sister are about to fight! I can't watch!" Pinkie Pie said, and she began to cry dramatically;

"I've been looking forward to this." Limestone Pie said while smiling,

"Ha! You're on!" Rainbow Dash replied angrily, and she stood up on her hind legs. Limestone Pie and Rainbow Dash begin punching one another in their faces with their front hooves, the two grunted from each hit they received, while Rainbow Dash's punches were faster, Limestone Pie's were stronger. Limestone Pie hits Rainbow Dash in the face with her front right hoof, Rainbow Dash grunted loudly while her head turned and spit flew out, Rainbow Dash looked at Limestone Pie and growled. Rainbow Dash ran to Limestone Pie and punched really fast, Limestone Pie was still standing, she was starting to get exhausted, Rainbow Dash smiled and launched a series of punches, but they did not knock Limestone Pie down, Rainbow Dash was then tired,

"Call it a draw?" Limestone Pie asked, Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie Pie and saw her crying,

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash replied, and they shook hooves,

"Another draw." Tom said, Pinkie Pie gasped with happiness and watched the two walk back while smiling, Rainbow Dash goes back to them,

"I've got enough energy for one more." Rainbow Dash said, Volvox picks out a random name and sees her next opponent was Darwin, he jumped down and his eyes turned red, black bio-armor appeared on him,

"Whoa, that is so cool." Rainbow Dash said,

"You can buy one on your own." Darwin replied, Rainbow Dash was happy to hear that, she flies forward to attack Darwin, but was soon panting, realizing she was more tired than she thought, Darwin punches her with his left fist and she screams while she flew through the air and hit a wall, she fell onto the ground and groaned, everybody cheered while Darwin changed back to normal and walked away while Rainbow Dash was carried away to receive medical treatment. The seventh round was Princess Ember and Zerbebuth,

"This oughta be interesting." Princess Ember said,

"Let's see what we got." Zerbebuth said, and the two were ready to fight, Zerbebuth runs to Princess Ember and he tries to punch her with his right fist, but Princess Ember flew back and Zerbebuth hit the ground, putting a large crater in it. Princess Ember flew forward and breathed fire at Zerbebuth, he canceled it out with his own fire breath, Princess Ember flies to his face and lands a few punches, Zerbebuth exhaled sharply at realizing that Princess Ember was pretty strong, despite her small size. Princess Ember flies to him again and he catches her in midair, he holds her in a lock, with his left arm going across her abdomen, and his right arm going across her neck,

"You can give up if you want to." Zerbebuth said, Princess Ember's attention was caught, she could not give up, she would be a laughing stock in her country if she did, she grabs Zerbebuth's arms and pulls them away while grunting, she flew out of his grasp and the dragons cheered. Princess Ember flies to him and does a counterclockwise spin and kicks Zerbebuth with her left foot, Zerbebuth grunts while he was hit in the abdomen, the kick sent him into the air, he flew back a few feet. Zerbebuth landed on his feet and was still able to keep fighting, Princess Ember flew to him but he grabs her wrists and stretches them out, Princess Ember exclaimed with pain when she heard cracks in her wrists, Zerbebuth lets go and punches her with his left fist while she was falling, she hits a wall and grunts, Zerbebuth flies to her and begins punching her while she was stunned, the dragons were worried when she fell. Princess Ember groaned while Zerbebuth watched, Princess Ember stood up and could still fight, the dragons cheered, she punched Zerbebuth in the abdomen a few times, but did not do much, Zerbebuth was about to hit her back with both of his fists, but Princess Ember flew up and did a haymaker punch with her right fist and hit Zerbebuth in the face, he let out a slight grunt and fell to his knees, he panted, so did Princess Ember, she fell from exhaustion, the dragons were worried, but Princess Ember did a thumbs up with her right hand to let the others know she was still conscious,

"It's a tie." Volvox said, everybody cheered while the humans carried them away to treat any serious wounds.

Volvox picks out the next two fighters and saw it was himself against Dragon Lord Torch, everybody cheered at seeing the two getting ready to fight, Volvox walked forward while Torch waited for him to come. Volvox arrived and Torch began flying to him, he shot fire out of his mouth, Volvox ducked and then shot fire out of his three mouths, Torch flew down and dodged them, he flies to Volvox's chest and began punching him, it did no damage to Volvox's body, Volvox reared up on his hind legs and put his front feet together, he was about to hit Torch's back with his giant front feet, the dragons gasped at what they were seeing, Volvox was about to hit Torch, but his front feet got stopped in midair,

"Hmm?" Volvox asked, he looked and saw Torch holding his front feet up with his hands, he resisted Volvox and raised Volvox's front legs over his head while he flew up, Volvox jumped in the air and was about to smash Torch with his hind feet, Torch simply flew back and dodged it. Volvox landed and Torch flew to him and began punching him in several areas to look for a weak spot, he did not find any, so he flew up to Volvox's heads and tried punching him, it annoyed Volvox a bit, but Volvox exhaled sharply through his noses, it shot Torch back, but he continued to fly, Torch breathed fire onto Volvox's head, it did not do much, Volvox punches Torch with his front left foot and Torch was sent flying across the arena, but he regained control and flew to him. Volvox watches Torch come and he grabs him with his front left foot while he was in midair, he threw Torch onto the ground, the dragons gasped, they saw Torch was stuck in the ground, unconscious, he was taken away for medical treatment, the dragons were scared of Volvox's strength, he went back to his seat.

Volvox picks out the next fighters, it was Garble and Leonardo, Garble went down in less than a minute with one hit. Volvox picks out the next fighters and saw they were King Thorax and Yona, but the two did not fight due to them being friends, the humans, mutants, machines, aliens, plants, animals, bugs, and microorganisms groan with disappointment,

"Sorry, guys, but that's all, it's getting late." Volvox said, and they all went home.

Volvox and his four friends were fixing the country the next day,

"What happened to our present selves anyway?" Dommiel asked,

"They were collected by Brainiac." Grid replied, the five realized what Grid was saying, one thing that caught the attention of the five was they saw seven bronze statues in a museum, the center statue was Samus Aran, to her right was Master Chief, Bill Rizer, and Gordon Freeman, and to her left was Solid Snake, a male Commander Shephard, and Isaac Clarke, the five ignore it and keep fixing up their country. The five finished after a few days, they began establishing relationships with the other countries, the five's ways of doing things made their relationships a bit sour with the world's natives, one thing none of them liked was the other countries will also have a say in their technology's development, especially their weapons, since they were much more advanced than the weapons the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs had, they were shocked to see some of their weapons, the two that they highly disapproved of was Scarecrow's fear gas, and the shredder bullets, which would get shot into someone, eight blades would protrude out and stab their inner organs, and then spin counterclockwise to cut their internal organs apart, they also did not like the bullets and arrows that change trajectory while in midair, one thing they also highly disapproved of was this thing they had called a Marker, Princess Celestia ordered it to be destroyed when she discovered what it does.

Volvox and Tom were busy working on the light trains and set them up so people could go to the space station,

"Okay, let's try it out." Volvox said, and a white train went into space at the speed of light, shocking the world's natives, they also saw them use bullet trains in the main city, the ponies were shocked,

"Ah've never seen a train that fast before." Applejack said,

"Me neither, Applejack, all of their science is beyond the physics and laws I know." Twilight Sparkle replied as she shuffled through her science books with her telekinesis,

"I can't believe it, though, those trains go faster than the speed most Pegasi can fly at." Rainbow Dash said, the natives went over to Volvox's country and demanded the knowledge on the bullet trains, they were shocked by how fast and stable it was, they were taught how to control them, and they replaced the old trains of their world.

Friends and Family Day came and Twilight Sparkle was expecting someone from Volvox's country to come,

"This way." Grid said, and he brings Nick to the school, Twilight Sparkle trotted to him,

"You the student?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yeah, name's Nick." Nick replied,

"Uh, Grid, we would like for one of every creature to come to this school." Starlight Glimmer said,

"They are too busy to attend, only Nick was available." Grid replied,

So, Nick, what is there to know about you?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"My mom's here as well, but not to visit, it's to check something." Nick replied,

"Where is she?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"She's coming." Nick replied, and they soon see Orchid come, they were bewildered by her outfit,

"My, I must say, what a strange outfit." Rarity said,

"It's kind of a uniform." Orchid replied,

"Can you use your magic here, mom?" Nick asked, shocking the ponies, Orchid holds her arms out with her fingers and thumbs bent, they were across from one another, a yellow beam with gray rocks formed between her thumbs, green tornadoes formed between her pinkies, red and orange fire formed between her ring fingers, blue water formed between her index fingers, and purple electricity formed between her middle fingers, shocking the world's natives, she put her arms down and they disappeared,

"Unlikely, the magic in this world is different from the magic in my world." Orchid replied,

"Wait? Magic?" Spike asked,

"Yeah, my mom's a sorceress." Nick replied,

"Uh, what's your name?" Sunburst asked,

"Orchid." Orchid replied,

"How strong was your magic in your world, Orchid?" Sunburst asked,

"I was one of the court wizards for the royal family." Orchid replied, surprising the natives,

"What spells do you have, Orchid?" Princess Celestia asked,

"I control the five elements of my world, fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning." Orchid replied,

"Oh, so in other words, you control nature." Princess Luna said,

"Yeah, pretty much." Orchid replied,

"You should study with us, Orchid, our magic controls much more." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, I'll see if I have the energy." Orchid replied,

"You going home, mom?" Nick asked,

"Yeah, your father already approved to have you here." Orchid replied,

"Alright, bye, mom." Nick said,

"Bye." Orchid replied, and she walked back home,

"What's your father like, Nick?" Fluttershy asked,

"You already met him." Nick replied,

"Wait, we did?" Gallus asked, Nick nodded,

"That reminds me, someone from our country actually came here before, he is here as well." Grid said, and he walks over, the ponies were very surprised to see who it was, it was Dwayne. The Mane Six run to him and hug him,

"Hey, Dwayne, how have you been?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I've been fine." Dwayne replied,

"Are things better?" Rarity asked,

"Much better." Dwayne replied,

"How have your memories been?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I've come to terms with them, I still have my powers." Dwayne replied,

"You attendin', too, Dwayne?" Applejack asked,

"No, I thought I'd just stop by and say hi." Dwayne replied,

"Well, it's nice to see you again, Dwayne, and as I said, you're always welcome here." Princess Celestia said, Dwayne smiled,

"It is time for us to go, Volvox has things for me to do." Grid said,

"Alright, bye, guys." Twilight Sparkle replied, and Dwayne and Grid left.

Nick does the work in the School of Friendship and the teachers eventually wanted to see if he had magic like Orchid, but she did not teach him, and he was too old to learn it now, so when he tried, he accidentally ended up transforming, the natives were shocked to see Nick was actually part human, part mutant, part machine, and part alien, they realized Harvey was his father, since he had the exact same mutations as him, they all learn about his adventures and Harvey being from a world where hybrids like himself were shunned and mistreated by society, and Volvox allowing them into his country so they can be free.

One night, Nick was in the Crystal Empire, he was busy exploring the world as a tourist in his free time, he was standing outside while still mutated, shirtless, barefoot, and his pants were ripped and went halfway down his calves, he was looking at the full moon. Princess Cadence walked to him from behind,

"Nick?" Princess Cadence asked, Nick did not respond, he just continued to look at the moon, Princess Cadence walked over and stood to his left,

"Nick, what's wrong?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I'm just thinking about my dad's home world, if we do find it, I'll have to leave the school to help him fight for the hybrids' freedom." Nick replied,

"You sound like you admire your father." Princess Cadence said,

"I do, back when I was a kid, he'd always talk about them, I thought he was just telling made up stories, when I went to his world, I realized he was telling the truth, and I regretted not spending time with him, we're close now." Nick replied,

"Which parent do you admire more, Nick?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Definitely my dad, my dad is a hero." Nick replied,

"What about your mother?" Princess Cadence asked,

"My mom didn't do much, her world is not like my dad's world, hybrids are admired, not shunned." Nick replied,

"Nick, look at me." Princess Cadence said, and Nick did,

"We all discussed what to do if we do find your father's world, we'll be going, too." Princess Cadence said,

"What? Really?" Nick asked,

"Yes, we all heard about your father's world from Volvox, about the discrimination and the shunning of the hybrids, if he does find it, we'll help, too, our goal is to spread friendship far and wide, no one deserves to be mistreated because of their heritage or physical appearance like those hybrids, they need to know that you, your father, and his friends are not the only ones who wish for them to be free." Princess Cadence replied,

"Did dad tell you about the government doing experimentation on people they don't like to change them into hybrids?" Nick asked,

"Yes, Volvox told us about that, too, no one deserves such a fate, not even a criminal, changing into something they're not so society would reject them is something we cannot forgive." Princess Cadence replied,

"That's what happened to me, since I have the same genetic code as my dad, that world's top scientist made me into what I am, he was going to brainwash me into being his slave and personal assassin, but I escaped, and fought the government in that world, just like my father before me." Nick said,

"What was your father like before he got changed into what he is now?" Princess Cadence asked,

"The same as now, but he didn't have his abilities back then, my dad was always a hybrid sympathizer, they were killed by the law enforcement in his world." Nick replied, much to Princess Cadence's shock,

"You mean, any attempt to help them was illegal?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Yes, kids were taught that they are disgusting creatures, and should not receive help, children who did try to help them were offered to the government by their parents to change them into hybrids." Nick replied, Princess Cadence was horrified,

"Are they accepted back by their parents?" Princess Cadence asked,

"No, not at all, not only will their families reject them, but they will be arrested by the law, and forced to work as slaves, refusing to work will result in a death sentence." Nick replied, Princess Cadence had a shocked face,

"Was your mother's world like that, too?" Princess Cadence asked,

"No, not at all, the people there were very friendly, hybrids are treated with respect because they have more work and responsibilities than those who are not hybrids." Nick replied, Princess Cadence smiled,

"You should head home, Nick, it's getting dark, I have to get some sleep." Princess Cadence said,

"Alright, good night, Cadence." Nick replied, and she left, Nick just looked at the moon for the rest of the night.

Three weeks pass and Volvox still had an overall strained relationship with the other countries, the world's natives were using some of their technology to get around and get things done, they fused their technology with their magic to create new things. A portal opens and dead hybrids pour out of the sky, it closed, everybody looked at it,

"I recognize some of them, they're from my world, the dead bodies of the hybrids they're enslaving must be too much, so they dumped them elsewhere." Harvey said,

"Hold on, let me try something." the Count of Saint Germain replied, and he tried to open a portal to Harvey's world, he could not, he shook his head. The world's natives look at the hybrids and see they came in many different shapes and sizes,

"Well, let's bury them." Dommiel said, everybody agreed and they were buried.

Months pass and Twilight Sparkle was trying to figure out how the machines predicted the future with numerology, she was also informed where Salatun was at, she used her telescope to look at the Taurus constellation in hopes of finding it, and Rainbow Dash wanted Tank to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle,

"Volvox, the quantum tearing device is ready just as we expected, we can return home." Grid said,

"You sound like you knew it would be repaired at this time." Volvox replied,

"It was predicted by numerology." Grid said, Volvox did not pay attention and told Grid to use it without saying anything. Pinkie Pie was trying out the smell-o-scope,

"That was stinky." Pinkie Pie said,

"You just smelled Uranus." Lance replied, the natives of the country laugh, Pinkie Pie did not laugh,

"I want raspberry glaze, vanilla scented, chocolate turnover!" Pinkie Pie said angrily,

"Alright, hang on." Lance replied, and he adjusted it to Pluto, Pinkie Pie smelled it,

"Ooh, rock candy with chocolate." Pinkie Pie said, and she tried it out more, only Uranus smelled bad.

A few days pass and the people of the country were ready to head home, they all said bye and they teleported their country back to where it was originally at after getting it back in space, Volvox continued to look for Harvey's world.

Scootaloo flew around with anti-gravity boots, Princess Ember used lightsabers, the royal guards now all had bio-armor, and everybody else tried out their technology, their world developed into ways they thought was never possible.