• Published 27th Jul 2018
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Foreign Relationships - smirker

A land ruled by its emperor has different types of relationships with Equestria and the other countries. The emperor will have a different personality in each chapter.

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Wild West

Volvox lived with the humans for a long time and watched them evolve, he was now living in the wild west, where cowboys were everywhere, the land was once divided into two, north and south, the war was already over, Volvox was on neither side during the war, he just lived his own life and watched the humans. Volvox did not just have a cowboy at where he was at, there was a tribe of Native Americans near by, Volvox was on good terms with them, and in front of his home was a tribe of ghouls, who was brought to their current area of living against their wills to be slaves after their home was destroyed, their home was on another continent.

Volvox was living inside a wooden house, on a farm, they had cattle, living inside was Dommiel, who did various tasks, and Tom, who had a mysterious past, he retired and decided to be a farmer, he took care of the farm. A ghoul named Giovi would come by as well, he had knife blades for his claws, he and Volvox were good friends, a human lived among the ghouls, his name was Daniel Lamprey, he helped the ghouls get to where they were at, he was a sergeant when he and his unit went to the homeland of the ghouls, he still wore his old uniform, it was a light green long-sleeve shirt tucked into light green pants, a military green belt with a gray buckle, his pants legs were tucked into black mid-calf length combat boots, and he wore black leather gloves, he also wore a light green peaked cap that had a black visor, he attended to the ghouls to make sure they were alright.

The people did not live peacefully, they all had problems, Volvox, Dommiel, and Tom had to deal with a man named Robert Coates, a man who wanted them to demolish the farm and sell their cattle to the poultry and glue factory so he can build a city in place of the farm, the Native Americans had to deal with a businessman named Richard Morbucks, he wanted to drive the Native Americans out of the area so he can sell their land to the government, and expand his oil business onto their land, which would destroy their home as they drilled for oil, and the ghouls and Daniel had to deal with Colonel Mortimer, Daniel's former commanding officer, he, Daniel, and other soldiers were going to another country to do trade, and had to pass the ghouls' home to get there, but Mortimer saw the ghouls as savages and uneducated, and ordered Daniel and the other soldiers to kill and enslave them, Daniel and several other soldiers serving under him rebelled and helped the ghouls protect their land since killing and enslaving them were not their orders, and they were against it, those who rebelled with Daniel were out and looking for ghouls to free and bring to safety.

This was not the first time they had problems, when Tom originally moved into the farm and met Volvox and Dommiel, they were hesitant at first, but they got along well after a few weeks, the Native American tribe were hostile to them at first as well, because they were trespassing on their land, and Daniel and the ghouls originally did not get along with the others, and had to plead with the others to let him and the ghouls stay. Everyone there got along when they began to get haunted by the Bell Witch, all of them were attacked and hurt, that was when Volvox and Dommiel became friends with Giovi, all of them worked together to destroy the haunting, and that was when they all became friends.

Tom ran the farm while Volvox and Dommiel watched for any ghouls coming, they had a flag with a symbol on it to let them know that the area they are at is safe, and that they will protect them from Mortimer's men, some ghouls died along the way, their gravestones were everywhere on the path that led to the farm, the town was just east of the farm, it was being taken down and replaced with big cities, which made Tom sad, and to the north of the town was the desert, where all of the cacti and wild animals were at, Volvox did not like the desert, he thought the landscape and view was ugly, it was nothing but sand, green cacti and plants, and a dull orange color everywhere, he did not like the view the slightest.

Volvox, Dommiel, Giovi, and the ghouls were using their magic in hopes of finding the ghouls' home continent and rescue the others before Mortimer has his soldiers enslave and kill them all,

"Why can't we get 'em Indians to help us?" Tom asked,

"Tom, again, they're not Indians, and they don't have any mystic powers or magic." Volvox replied,

"We always said them Indians had magical powers back in the war." Tom said,

"That's just propaganda, Tom, they're regular humans, just like you." Dommiel replied,

"Okay, here goes nothing." Volvox said, and the magic spell was cast to try to bring them to the ghouls' home continent.

The ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs were minding their own business until they feel a surge of magic, to the northeast of Canterlot and southeast of the Crystal Empire. Everycreature feels it and they watch, the land appeared and it was mostly grass, they see a fence and a gate that had cattle in it to the south of the house, there was corn growing to the west of the house, there were hills to the north of the house, and two paths to the east, the eastern path led to a town, and the southeastern path led into a valley. Everycreature saw Daniel and the ghouls came back, surprising the creatures native to the world, Tom soon came out of the house and looks around,

"Uh, guys, y'all might wanna see this." Tom said, and they hear running, they look and saw Native Americans come out from the north, they were on horseback and had rifles with them, Princess Celestia was surprised to see their markings, piercings, tattoos, and symbols of their culture,

"No, this isn't it, we're at the wrong continent." Daniel said, surprising the ponies, Dommiel used his shadow powers to make himself fly out of the house's roof, he had black wings on his arms, the creatures were shocked to see him, Volvox came out of the house shortly afterwards, everycreature was shocked by how big he was,

"Wait a minute, I think we're in the wrong world altogether." Volvox said as he looked around, his booming voice scared everyone,

"Well, hurry, we have to go back." Daniel said,

"The spell is going to take some time to fix, we'll be stuck here for sometime." Dommiel replied, Daniel sighed,

"Well, let's just get on with our days while we work to fix this." Volvox said, and they all got on with their days.

The Mane Six arrived to Canterlot by train and walked to the new area since it was actually pretty close, the ghouls spot them and point them out to Daniel,

"Guys, we got visitors." Daniel said, and Tom walked out of the farm and went to go see them,

"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, a princess from the country to the west of here, these five are my friends, we're here to give you guys greetings from Equestria." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, hello, we're a bit too busy right now to go explorin'." Tom replied,

"I must say, your outfit is a bit strange." Rarity said, Tom was wearing a long-sleeve pale blue shirt, over his shirt was a button-up sheepskin vest, black jeans with a brown leather belt and a big gold buckle, another brown leather belt with a gold buckle that had his gun's holster on his right side, he had a revolver in the holster, and bullets on the belt, he also wore tan boots with spurs, and he had on a brown hat with a black telescope crown on his head, he had a stubble as well,

"I wear this everywhere I go." Tom replied, Rarity smiled a bit,

"Y'all look tired and thirsty, would y'all like to bend an elbow?" Tom asked, confusing the ponies except for Applejack,

"Twilight, Ah'll do the talkin', he speaks mah language." Applejack said, and she walked forward,

"Nah, it's alright, we already bent an elbow, we already had meals, too." Applejack said,

"I see, name's Tom by the way." Tom replied,

"Ah'm Applejack." Applejack said, Tom was almost laughing,

"Is somethin' funny?" Applejack asked,

"Sorry, but I can't help but notice that you're named after a type of cider brandy." Tom replied,

"Wow, yer actually the first person to ever notice that." Applejack said, Tom chuckled,

"I'll be going now, I have cattle to attend to." Tom said, and he walked to them, he checked them to see if they were healthy and milked them, the six went to go see Daniel,

"Why, hello, you look really nice in that outfit." Rarity said,

"It's my old military uniform." Daniel replied,

"We bring greetings from Equestria." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Well, thanks, but I've got a very important job to do." Daniel replied,

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked,

"See these ghouls here? I've been watching over them, their original home was destroyed, so they came here with me." Daniel replied,

"What happened to their home?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"It got destroyed." Daniel replied,

"How?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Other soldiers in the unit I served began enslaving and killing them." Daniel replied, shocking the six mares,

"Well, that's really nice of you to do, we'll offer help if you need it." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Thank you, I need all the help I can get." Daniel replied,

"Well, we'll be going now." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go over to the tribe of ghouls, Giovi was among them, the ghouls got defensive,

"Hey, it's okay, they're friendly, they're just here to say hi." Daniel said, and the ghouls look at the six,

"Hey, that's kind of creepy." Pinkie Pie said,

"They don't talk, they're a quiet bunch." Daniel replied, and the ghouls keep looking,

"Uh, hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship from Equestira." Twilight Sparkle said nervously, the ghouls kept looking at her, they did not glare nor were curious, they just looked at the six mares with neutral expressions,

"Well, aren't you guys going to say anything?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"No, they don't speak, they're a silent tribe." Daniel replied,

"Oh, well, let's go see the two in the house." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go to the house. The six mares go and the door opens, Dommiel walks out,

"Uh, what are you?" Rarity asked,

"A demon." Dommiel replied,

"A demon? Where are you from?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"The underworld." Dommiel replied,

"Wait, you're from Tartarus?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, just the underworld in general." Dommiel replied,

"So, uh, what exactly do ya do?" Applejack asked,

"I just help Tom on the farm, and help Daniel defend the ghouls." Dommiel replied,

"What's your name?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Dommiel." Dommiel replied,

"So, uh, what were you before you came out here?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Many years ago, Volvox ruled the entire world of the humans and other creatures, I was his second-in-command and personal bodyguard, along with being his most loyal servant, but as the humans and mortals grew more and more in power and authority, the rule of Volvox and us demons, along with angels, began to diminish, we're pretty much powerless now." Dommiel replied, surprising the mares,

"So, who is this Volvox guy?" Rainbow Dash asked, Volvox bursts out of the house and stood up on his four legs, shocking the six mares,

"That's me." Volvox said, Fluttershy hid behind her friends in fear,

"Uh, what were you back then?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"The supreme ruler of the world we're from, but now, I no longer really have any power or authority, so I just spend my days here with Dommiel and we help Tom and Daniel, those ghouls there used to serve under me many years ago as well, me being here makes them feel safe, some people still worship me, though." Volvox replied,

"But you don't have any actual authority or power?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"No anymore, thousands of years ago, I had supreme authority." Volvox replied,

"Do ya miss havin' power?" Applejack asked,

"Not really, it's nice to retire after ruling over mortals for billions of years." Volvox replied, shocking the mares,

"How old are you?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Fourteen billion nine hundred ninety nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand eight hundred eighty two." Volvox replied, the other world's creatures overheard him as well, Princess Celestia was extremely shocked, she was a kid when compared to him,

"Is there anything else to know about you?" Twilight Sparkle asked, Volvox thinks for a minute,

"No, that's pretty much it." Volvox replied,

"Okay, now to those people in the hills." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Wait, y'all can't go there." Tom replied,

"Why not?" Rarity asked,

"They don't like outsiders on their land." Tom replied,

"What will happen if we do go there?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"At best, kidnapped and held captive, at worst, killed." Dommiel replied, shocking the mares,

"Can we at least get to see the tribe's chief?" Applejack asked,

"Nope, they still won't welcome you." Volvox replied,

"Well, that's all we can do for now, we'll go to the town later." Twilight Sparkle said, and the six mares leave, the people get on with their days while the ponies watch them. The people get on with their days until they hear dragging in the desert to the north, everybody got defensive, Volvox comes out of the ground to look, he saw a man wearing a dark blue long coat, a brown scarf, gray mid-calf length boots, and a black hat, Volvox looks and saw what the dragging noise was, the man had a coffin with him, and was pulling it with him with rope tied around it.

The man arrives and the ponies, dragons, and griffons see him, curious about why he had a coffin, Tom thinks he recognizes him, he goes to him and he did,

"Django!" Tom said, Django goes to him,

"What brings you here?" Tom asked,

"Nothing in particular, I'm just wandering from one place to another." Django replied,

"You know him, Tom?" Daniel asked,

"He and I fought in the war together." Tom replied, the ponies become surprised to hear Tom was a war veteran,

"I saved Tom's life once." Django said, he chuckled a bit,

"Oh, I remember that day." Tom replied,

"Did something happen?" Dommiel asked,

"Django and I were ambushed by the south when I was crappin' on the ground, I had the backdoor trots that day, I was busy doin' my business and the southerns were guns ablazin', and Django had to hold them off while I crapped on the ground." Tom replied, Volvox, Dommiel, and Daniel laugh,

"Whoo, that sure somethin' Ah don't want to happen to me." Applejack said, her five mare friends were still confused over what Tom was saying,

"Well, I need a place to sleep, and I'd like something to eat." Django said,

"Right this way, Django." Tom replied, and they entered the house.

Django sat at the table while Tom cooked a crow in the pot, he made crow stew, he served it to Django and he began to eat. Knocking is heard at the door and Tom opened it, he saw the six mares again,

"Oh, you six again." Tom said,

"Can we come in?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Sure, right this way." Tom replied, and they enter,

"Why, thank you, darling." Rarity said,

"It's been a pleasure, lady." Tom replied, Rarity chuckled, they sat at the table,

"So, let me get this straight, you're a war veteran?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Darn right I am, Django here and I fought together." Tom replied,

"Say, Django, what's in that coffin of yers?" Applejack asked,

"What's inside is my own business, I just carry it around with me." Django replied,

"So, uh, what was this war?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Long before we came here, our land was divided into two, north and south, Django and I fought for the north, basically, the north fought to have them Indians up there and the ghouls be free from slavery, and the south wanted to keep it, and that's the basics, gettin' into full detail will probably make y'all buffaloed." Tom replied,

"Those guys living in the hills are called Indians?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"That's what the humans living here call them, the proper term for them is Native American." Dommiel replied,

"Then why do they call them Indians for?" Rarity asked,

"Because a bunch of travelers thought they were in a different country, and thought they were Indians, so the name stuck." Volvox replied,

"Say, how have things been on the farm, Tom?" Django asked,

"We have problems right now, rainin' season just passed, so all of 'em cattle will be fine for now, but a man named Richard Coates has been tryin' to sell my farm, livin' here's been all beer and skittles till he said he wanted to destroy my farm and build a city in place of it." Tom said, shocking the Mane Six,

"Ah'm sorry to hear that, partner, but maybe y'all two can reach an agreement." Applejack said,

"Not at the deal he has right now, we can't." Tom replied,

"What is it?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Not only does he wanna annex my farm, he wants send all of my cattle to the poultry so them city folk can eat 'em, and make glue out of their bones." Tom replied, Fluttershy exclaimed with horror, the other five ponies were shocked as well,

"Why, that is a bad thing to do, we'll help however we can, darling." Rarity said,

"Thank ya, y'all want some dynamite?" Tom asked, confusing the mares except for Applejack,

"Sorry, but we don't drink that." Applejack replied,

"How about old tom?" Tom asked,

"We don't drink that, either." Applejack replied,

"Then what do y'all drink?" Tom asked,

"Cider made by Applejack's family." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Oh, y'all make cider?" Tom asked,

"We sell apples, too." Applejack replied,

"Maybe we should give them a visit one day, Tom." Dommiel said,

"I'll think about it." Tom replied,

"Well, I'll be heading to bed now." Django said,

"Alright, sleep tight, Django." Tom replied, and Django went to go sleep,

"Y'all should head home, it's gettin' late." Tom said,

"You're right, we should go, see you guys next time." Twilight Sparkle replied, and the six mares left,

"I'm gonna have a brain tablet and then head to bed." Tom said,

"Alright, till morning, Tom." Volvox replied, and Tom went outside and smoked a cigar, he went back in and slept after he put the cigar out, Daniel and the ghouls slept, so did the Native Americans, Volvox and Dommiel just meditated until the next day came.

The next days comes and Princess Luna had a regular time in the dream realm last night with no problems, Tom woke up early, so did Django, he was about to tend to the cattle, he headed out and saw Fluttershy checking on them, she fed them and checked if they were sick, he was surprised, but smiled when he saw she was helping, he went to go see her,

"Have they been givin' ya any trouble?" Tom asked,

"No, they're really nice and gentle." Fluttershy replied,

"Well, thanks for checkin' on them, I need to get some cow juice now." Tom said, Fluttershy was uneasy until she saw him get a bucket,

"Oh, you mean milk them, please, allow me." Fluttershy said, and she did, the cows were happy with her, Tom smiled as Fluttershy did the job,

"Here you go." Fluttershy said,

"Thank ya." Tom replied as he got ready to pay her,

"No, it's fine, I see no value in money." Fluttershy said,

"Oh." Tom replied as he put his dollar bills back in his pocket,

"I have to go back to my cottage now, I have more animals to tend to." Fluttershy said,

"Alright, good luck." Tom replied, and she got ready to leave, but they heard hooves from the east, they look and saw man on a brown horse, his long-sleeve shirt and pants were beige, his boots were black, his hat was a grayish color, and his gun belt was black with silver circles on it as decoration, each one had a different decoration on it,

"Mind if I stay here?" the man asked,

"Who are you?" Django asked,

"Name's Shane." the man replied,

"Where were ya goin'?" Tom asked,

"Headin' north, nowhere in particular." Shane replied,

"Well, you do look tired, go ahead and have a rest, any traveler is welcome here." Tom said,

"Thanks, I'll be resting the horse here." Shane replied, and he did,

"Wow, you're getting several visitors recently." Fluttershy said,

"It happens every once in a while, I've had entire families stay at the farm before." Tom replied,

"Really? Oh, that's wonderful, you're such a kind man." Fluttershy said,

"I ain't the only one, we're all on hard times now, I've been helpin' mostly veterans." Tom replied,

"Well, I'll be going now, I have pets to take care of." Fluttershy said,

"Alright, good luck." Tom replied, and he headed to town.

Daniel watched over the ghouls while Volvox and Dommiel looked for anymore who were looking for a safe place,

"Howdy mister." Apple Bloom said behind Daniel, he turned around and faced her,

"Can I interest ya in buyin' one of Granny's famous apple pies?" Apple Bloom asked,

"You are?" Daniel asked,

"Apple Bloom, Ah'm Applejack's sister." Apple Bloom replied,

"Oh, I figured you two were related, you two speak the same way." Daniel said, Apple Bloom smiled,

"Well, I don't really have any money right now, so I can't purchase." Daniel said,

"Then how do ya make money?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Tom goes to the town and does several jobs to make money." Daniel replied,

"Like what?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Poker, horse breaking, bronco riding, and hunting." Daniel replied,

"Huntin'?" Apple Bloom asked,

"You know, trading animal parts and fur for money." Daniel replied,

"Oh." Apple Bloom said with discomfort in her voice, she then says "Well, Ah'll head to town to sell mah apple pies there." and she begins heading there,

"Wait." Daniel said, Apple Bloom stopped and turned around,

"Yes." Apple Bloom said,

"Be careful in that town over there, some of the people are not friendly." Daniel replied,

"Don't worry, Ah will." Apple Bloom said, and she headed to the town.

Apple Bloom arrived at the town and saw it was mostly desert, she saw a saloon, an area to play poker, several men throwing horseshoes, a place to do bronco riding, a farm to break horses for riding, and an area to do target practice with guns. Apple Bloom walks forward and saw four men coming to her,

"Look at that, an outsider." one man said,

"Maybe the horse lost its way." another man replied, Apple Bloom turned around,

"Howdy, Ah'm from that land over there to the west, Ah'm here to sell Granny's famous apple pies." Apple Bloom said,

"Sure, like they say, there ain't no place like home." the third man said, the other three men laugh, and they all take the apple pies and eat them, they ate all of the apple pies and left the tins on the ground,

"Hey, y'all need to pay for those." Apple Bloom said,

"Our payer's over there, behind you." the fourth man replied as he pointed with his right index finger, Apple Bloom turned around and looked for the payer,

"Huh? Where?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked around, the four men take their revolvers out and fire bullets right behind Apple Bloom's hind hoofs. Apple Bloom was startled and ran forward while screaming while the four men shot bullets at her, they all landed right behind her hoofs. Tom was outside and about to enter the saloon for a drink, he looks to his right and Apple Bloom running away in fear while the four men shot bullets at her hooves, Tom grabbed her and pulled her into the saloon, Apple Bloom screamed while the four men laughed at her.

Tom held onto Apple Bloom while she quivered in fear, he noticed he left her wagon of apple pies outside, but ignored it for now and put Apple Bloom on a chair, the women who danced in the saloon walked to see Tom with Apple Bloom, the bartender watched as well, Tom then took the cigar out of his mouth,

"It's alright, you're safe now." Tom said, and Apple Bloom calmed down,

"What's your name?" Tom asked,

"Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom replied,

"What are ya doin' out here?" Tom asked,

"Ah was hopin' I could sell some of mah granny's pies, but those four mean guys ate 'em all without payin'." Apple Bloom replied,

"Well, I'll be, them folks on the owl hoot trails always doin' the works of the dickens." a female dancer said,

"Wait, them folks are outlaws?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Sure are, sweetie, they like raisin' peoples' bristles." another female dancer replied,

"They are always raisin' sand, especially to newcomers, a lot of 'em ain't friendly." a third female dancer said,

"Say, are ya Tom?" Apple Bloom asked,

"How do ya know me?" Tom asked,

"Ah'm Applejack's sister." Apple Bloom replied,

"I thought your way of speaking was familiar." Tom said, Apple Bloom smiled,

"Can ya check her for me and make sure she ain't hurt?" Tom asked the bartender,

"What are ya goin' to do?" the bartender asked,

"I'm gonna have a word with those four." Tom replied, and he put the cigar back in his mouth and exited the saloon.

Tom walked to the four men who shot at Apple Bloom's hoofs, he saw the coffin maker, Tom looks at him and the coffin maker looked back at him, Tom took the cigar out of his mouth,

"Get four coffins ready." Tom said, the coffin maker obliged, Tom walked to the four men, who were just standing around,

"Look who it is, the man who fought for the north, we don't like your kind here." a man said,

"Go get that small yellow talkin' horse of yours, unless you let her get away." another man said,

"See, that's what I wanted to talk to y'all about." Tom replied,

"Eh?" the first man asked,

"That small horse, I know y'all were just jokin' around, but maybe if y'all apologize, I can convince her y'all didn't mean it." Tom replied,

"And why would we do that?" the third man asked,

"Because she doesn't understand y'all were just jokin' around, she doesn't get it since she ain't from around here, and if y'all were to apologize..." Tom replied, the four men laugh, Tom glares at them,

"I don't think it's nice, you laughin'." Tom said, the four men stop laughing,

"My friends don't like people laughin', they get the crazy idea y'all are laughin' at them, now if y'all apologize, like I know you're going to, I might be able to convince that yellow horse y'all didn't mean it." Tom said, one man spits on the ground and the four were about to take their revolvers out, but Tom quickly takes out his revolver and shoots and kills the four men.

Tom spins his revolver and puts it back in his holster, he turns around and walks back to the saloon, he saw Apple Bloom outside with the other people who worked in the saloon, she was shocked by what she just saw,

"Why'd ya do that for?" Apple Bloom asked,

"There ain't no law in this town, and them city folk are comin' to change things, that's how things work in this town, you cause trouble, you get shot, the original sheriff died a long time ago." Tom replied,

"Uh, that ain't how we do things back at mah home." Apple Bloom said,

"What do y'all do?" Tom asked,

"Forgive, and offer 'em our friendship." Apple Bloom replied,

"Oh, you better be careful with that, some of them folk you try to befriend will make you end up puttin' your hand in the devil's hand." a female dancer said,

"You should head home, young one, your family's probably worried about you." the bartender said, and Apple Bloom got her wagon and walked home,

"She ain't hurt, is she?" Tom asked,

"Nope, not a shot hit her." the bartender replied, much to Tom's relief,

"I'll be going now, too, I have a farm to run." Tom said, and he left as well.

Apple Bloom returned home and told her family what has happened in the town,

"Wait a sec, did ya say Tom shot them folks?" Applejack asked,

"Yeah, he said there ain't no law in the town, so the people take matters into their own hoofs, he said if you cause trouble, yer gonna get shot." Apple Bloom replied, shocking her family,

"Apple Bloom, Applejack, Big Mac, we all go there together, if mah feelins' are right, then this town is gonna be just like Appleloosa when yer Granny was a young'un." Granny Smith said,

"Appleloosa was like that too?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied,

"Ah didn't know either, Apple Bloom, this town might be dangerous." Applejack said,

"Well, Ah'm glad them ruffians didn't hurt ya, it's a darn shame we couldn't sell anythin', though." Granny Smith said,

"Well, Ah was thinking bout bringin' the students there, too, bring yer friends, Apple Bloom, and we'll can take Sugar Belle with us, we'll all meet the people there tomorrow." Applejack said,

"Well, it's gettin' late, let's head to bed." Granny Smith replied, and they all slept.

The next day comes and Tom milks the cattle early in the morning, they hear another horse to the east and look, they saw another man coming, he had on a white hat, a brown beard and moustache, and spat out chewing tobacco. Tom, Django, and Shane recognized him, he came to the farm and the three were ready to take out their revolvers and fire at him, the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs arrived at that time,

"Relax, I don't fight in the war anymore." the man said,

"You still fought for the south side." Tom replied,

"I recognize you as well, you're a wanted outlaw now." Django said,

"Yeah, I know that, but I ain't here to cause trouble." the man said,

"Excuse me, who is this?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Josey Wales, he and I were enemies in the war." Tom replied,

"Well, the war's over, and I sided with the south because the north burned my home, and killed my wife and son." Josey said,

"Turn back, Josey, you ain't welcome here." Tom said, and he was ready to shoot him, Josey was ready to fire as well,

"Wait, stop." Princess Celestia said as she walked between them,

"I understand there was a war before you all came here, and there were two different sides, but the war is over, and people from opposing sides should stop fighting, and work together to help one another." Princess Celestia said, Tom, Django, and Shane were still ready to shoot at Josey, the Native Americans heard the commotion and rode their horses to the farm, they had their rifles with him, Daniel had his pistol drawn as well, Volvox and Dommiel watched,

"Wait." the Native American chief said, he and his tribe rode their horses down, the others looked at him,

"This man would not make peace with the Bluecoats, he may go in peace." the tribe's chief said,

"That is why he should be shot down." Tom replied,

"You sure about that, your Indian friends there sound like they sided with the south." Josey said,

"Enough, guys, the war's over, there are no more sides." Twilight Sparkle said, they all look at her,

"Let him come peacefully, everyone, he doesn't look like he's here to cause trouble." Princess Cadence said, Tom, Django, Shane, and Daniel lower their guns,

"You're welcome for now." Tom said,

"I'd reckon so." Josey replied, and he rode his horse forward. Another horse was heard from the east and they saw another man coming, he had scruffy black hair, a gray hat, two scars on his right cheek, a scar on his noise, scars around his right eyebrow, and a small scar to the left of his nose, he wore black gloves, a vest, a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a regular belt, a gun belt with a revolver, jeans, boots, an bandolier with bullets on it, and a holster on his back that had a rifle on it, he also had a knife and a lasso on his belt. Tom, Django, Shane, and Josey all recognized him, they were all ready to fire at him, the man was ready to take out his revolver,

"I thought y'all would be more welcoming." the man said,

"Those who walked on the owl hoot trail ain't welcome here." Tom replied,

"I don't live that life no more, I'm a rancher now." the man said,

"Well, are you gonna pull your pistol or whistle Dixie?" Josey asked,

"The only thing I'll be whistling is your swan song." the man replied,

"Guys, stop." Sunburst said,

"Hold on a sec, did y'all say this man's an outlaw?" Applejack asked,

"Darn right, this man's a bank robber, and a killer." Tom replied,

"Y'all fought in the war, y'all got blood on your hands as well." the man said,

"Enough." Princess Celestia said as she used her telekinesis to make them lower their weapons, everybody took notice of it,

"No fighting, we're all here to introduce ourselves, you'll start first." Princess Celestia said,

"Alright, my name's John, John Marston, I'm looking for a man named Bill Williamson." the man replied,

"Bill? What happened to serving under Dutch?" Dommiel asked,

"You see, about that, Dutch went insane, pretty much everyone of my old gang is dead, the only ones left are Bill, Javier, Dutch, and myself." John replied,

"Why do you want Bill for?" Volvox asked,

"My family is held hostage by the government, they want my old gang members in exchange of letting them go." John replied,

"Look at that, them city folk now takin' us hostage." Tom said,

"Sorry, John, but Bill was never around here, we have posters of every outlaw that's been around here." Dommiel said,

"Well, I'd like to see them, I might know one of 'em." John replied, and Dommiel got the wanted posters out, John looked at the pictures, he saw Josey Wales as one of them, he also saw One Eyed Snake, Leaping Clint, John Williamson, Short Nose Phil, Big Mouth Carter, Nigel Anderson, Billy Ballsack, Freebo Freddy, Black Eye Johnny, Theodore Walton, Bloody Bill, Redhead Ronny, Andrew Anderson, and Dingo Derek,

"Nope, I don't recognize any of 'em." John said,

"Well, you can stay on my farm for now, but cause any trouble, and I'll beat you all hollow." Tom said,

"Whoa there, Tom! Ah think that's goin' a bit too far." Applejack said,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said,

"That seems to be everyone." Volvox said,

"Okay, now we can finally introduce one another." Princess Luna said, and they do, the people there were Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Star Swirl the Bearded, Mistmane, Rockhoof, Somnambula, Flash Magnus, Mage Meadowbrook, Dragon Lord Torch, Princess Ember, Grampa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, King Thorax, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Sky Beak, Ocean Flow, Terramar, General Seaspray, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Gilda, Gabby, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Sugar Belle, Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Marble Pie, Mudbriar, Cheese Sandwich, Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Filthy Rich, and ponies from Appleloosa,

"Y'all dress like us." John said to the ponies from Appleloosa,

"We'd like to see the town." a male pony from Appleloosa replied,

"I used to wear a poncho just like that when I was younger." Tom said to Cheese Sandwich,

"Really? I thought I was the only one who liked the design." Cheese Sandwich replied,

"Say, do you guys have tales to say about the war?" Spike asked,

"I'd rather not look back." Tom replied,

"Yeah, I think a part in all of us died in that war." Josey said,

"I wanna hear about it." Princess Ember replied,

"Maybe another time, we had hundreds of battles." Django said,

"How long did the war last?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Four years." Tom replied,

"Was the war bad?" Fluttershy asked,

"Yes, thousands of people died, a lot of them were people we befriended during the battle." Shane replied,

"Wow, that must've been a tough time." Gilda said,

"It was, most people who hang around me ain't around for long, whether they like or dislike me." Josey replied,

"I didn't fight in the war, I was busy helping Dutch." John said,

"I was in another continent during that time." Daniel said,

"What did you do?" Sandbar asked,

"I was in a war, too." Daniel replied,

"You too?" Rarity asked,

"It's been tough times for all of us, many are still bitter about the war." the Native American chief replied,

"Well, maybe if you all put your differences aside, and helped one another, surviving would be easier." Princess Celestia said,

"Well, we can't rest just yet, we still have problems to deal with." Daniel replied,

"Like what?" Yona asked,

"Them city folk wantin' to destroy my farm and kill my cattle." Tom replied, Fluttershy gasped at hearing it,

"A wealthy businessman wants to drive us out of our home by selling our land to the city's government, so he can destroy our land while looking for oil." the Native American chief said, shocking the world's natives,

"My former commanding officer is still out there, he's the one who ordered the genocide and enslavement of these ghouls here, I have to find him and stop him." Daniel said, horrifying the world's natives, Pinkie Pie and Princess Skystar gasped,

"Where is he right now?" Princess Celestia asked,

"We don't know." Volvox replied,

"How did you guys all come to living together in peace?" Gallus asked,

"Yeah, I'm wondering about that, too, you all look divided." Scootaloo said,

"We had to face a common enemy." the Native American chief replied,

"Who was it?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"The Bell Witch." Daniel replied,

"The Bell Witch?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Yeah, the Bell Witch haunted us till Volvox and Dommiel destroyed her." Tom replied,

"People not befriend Bell Witch?" Yona asked,

"Trust us, it wouldn't have worked, she had to be destroyed, I'm sorry, but it was the only way to stop her from hurting us." Volvox replied,

"What did she do?" Fluttershy asked,

"A lot, attack us, make inanimate objects move, make us paralyzed, mimic voices to trick us, make the sounds of dogs fighting to distract us, and tried to make us leave by using the voices of our parents to make them think they were worried about us, she was also able to appear in more than one location at the same time, we were all haunted." Dommiel replied,

"You guys didn't forgive her?" Ocellus asked,

"She didn't regret her actions." Daniel replied,

"Oh, well, I'm certain you all didn't need to destroy her." Princess Luna said,

"She would've continued to haunt us even more." Tom replied,

"Oh." Princess Luna said,

"You all are farmers?" Dragon Lord Torch asked,

"Nope, only I am." Tom replied,

"What do the rest of you guys do?" Silverstream asked,

"Nothing in particular, I just go to places, do work to get paid, and leave." Django replied,

"I don't do anything either, I just go to random places." Shane said,

"So do I, I ain't got nowhere to go." Josey said, the world's natives felt bad,

"So you guys just wander from place to place?" Smolder asked,

"Pretty much." Shane replied,

"I did the same thing in my younger days." Tom said,

"I've got places to go, I have to find my old gang and turn them in." John said,

"Well, good luck with that." Shining Armor replied,

"Can we go to the town over there?" Princess Skystar asked,

"Of course, but be careful, them city folk tryin' to change our ways." Tom replied,

"Well, let's go, and stick with me, y'all, Ah'll know how to handle people like 'em." Granny Smith said, and they all head to the town.

The world's natives enter the town while Granny Smith leads them, the natives to the town aim their revolvers at them,

"Hold yer horses, y'all, we're just from the neighboring countries." Granny Smith said,

"You ain't from the city, ain't ya?" a man asked,

"Do Ah sound like Ah'm from the city?" Granny Smith asked, the man aimed his gun at her,

"Ah don't look like it, but I was quite the slinger back in mah day." Granny Smith said,

"Well, let's see if that's true." the man replied, and apples were targets were set up, Granny Smith was given a revolver, she fires six shots while pressing the hammer down really fast with her left front hoof and pulling the trigger with her right front hoof, the loudness of the gun scared the world's natives, she hit every target with ease,

"Not bad, is there any one of y'all ain't from the west who knows how to shoot?" the man asked,

"Allow me to demonstrate." Cheese Sandwich replied, and Cheese Sandwich shot the gun after it was reloaded, Apple Bloom was shocked to see Cheese Sandwich was an extremely good and fast shooter with the revolver, his shooting was almost as good and as fast as Tom's shooting,

"I gotta say, I'm acock at how fast you can shoot." the man said,

"Thanks, I learned to shoot when I was younger." Cheese Sandwich replied,

"I can see that, go on, and watch out for them city folk, they ain't friendly." the man said, and he left. The world's natives walk around and were a bit disappointed,

"This place isn't fun, all of this dull sand color is boring." Pinkie Pie said,

"I have to admit, darling, it is." Rarity replied,

"No kiddin', even Appleloosa was brighter than this place." Applejack said,

"Hey, that's where Ah went yesterday." Apple Bloom said, and they saw the saloon,

"Would ya look at that, this place got a saloon, we can have drinks in there." Applejack said,

"Yak could use drink, yaks thirsty." Prince Rutherford replied,

"Yes, so can I." Sugar Belle said,

"I'm thirsty too." Princess Ember said,

"Well, let's go." Gabby replied, and everybody entered while Dragon Lord Torch got on his stomach and put his head through,

"Ah, it's you again, young one, would ya like another drink?" the bartender asked,

"No, Ah'm fine, mah family's and friends are explorin' with me today." Apple Bloom replied,

"What can I get y'all?" the bartender asked,

"Adam's Ale for me." Granny Smith replied,

"Ah'll take an Adam's Ale, too." Applejack said,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said,

"Uh, Adam's Ale?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It's our way of sayin' water." a male earth pony from Appleloosa replied,

"You guys should write these down, I don't understand a thing they're saying." Cheerilee said,

"Y'all from the city?" a woman asked, they look and Rarity was in awe at their dresses,

"I must say, those dresses are beautiful." Rarity said as she walked to them,

"Hands off, lady, these ain't cheap." a second woman replied,

"I must say, tis town ist strange." Cloudy Quartz said,

"Aye, I am not familiar with thou customs." Igneous Rock Pie said,

"Y'all two speak just like mah ancestors." a third woman replied,

"You guys spoke like our ma and pa before, too?" Limestone Pie asked,

"Yup, but that was like two hundred years ago." the bartender replied, surprising the world's natives,

"If it's okay to ask, what is this, a bar, tavern, or saloon?" a male earth pony from Appleloosa asked,

"It's a doggery." the bartender replied,

"Oh, Ah figured, this saloon don't look very fancy, now that ya mention it." Applejack said,

"Unfortunately, I might have to close soon, them city folk is gonna annex this land from us soon." the bartender replied,

"You guys seriously need to work on your grammar." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Now, Twilight, Ah know their grammar is improper when compared to where ya grew up, but in mah language, they are speakin' properly." Applejack replied,

"I am hopelessly confused." Twilight Sparkle said,

"You from the city, lady?" a female dancer asked,

"Yes, I'm from my home country's capital." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"How about the rest of y'all?" another female dancer asked,

"I'm from there, too." Spike replied,

"I'm from the city." Rainbow Dash said,

"Me too." Fluttershy said,

"Nope, I grew up in a very small town." Rarity said,

"Ah grew up on a farm." Applejack said,

"Me too, a rock farm." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, us dragons grew up in a volcanic environment." Princess Ember said,

"Us griffons grow in a dump of a place, everything is destroyed." Gallus said,

"Yak live in snowy environment." Prince Rutherford said,

"Well, our kind lives in a cave." King Thorax said,

"And our kind lives in the mountain and the sea." Silverstream said,

"I see, so none of y'all are from the desert." the bartender replied,

"Actually, some of mah relatives are." Applejack said,

"Oh, are y'all gonna stay here all day?" the bartender asked,

"No, we're actually planning to explore the entire town." Princess Luna replied,

"Well, y'all should leave then, I gotta close up the doggery soon." the bartender said,

"Well, here ya go, pardner." Granny Smith replied, and paid him bits, the bartender just took it and the world's natives left.

Granny Smith leads the world's natives and they all see humans player poker,

"Oh, Ah remember that, I played that game a lot in mah younger days." Granny Smith said,

"Whoa! They got horseshoe throwing too!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly, Applejack chuckled when she also saw it,

"Hey, look, there's a rodeo goin' on." Apple Bloom said, and they all see a human riding a bronco, Fluttershy was very uncomfortable, they look and saw the horse breaking job, it made everycreature uncomfortable,

"That looks forced." Ocellus said,

"It does, I don't think the horse likes it." Fluttershy replied, they all become scared when they hear shooting, they look to the left and saw men doing target practice with revolvers, the loudness of the guns scared everybody,

"Hey, wait, I see the scenery changing." Spike said, and they all keep turning and looked north, they saw the desert,

"Look at that, they've got a desert, too." a female pony from Appleloosa said,

"Well, let's check it out a bit." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they go together. The creatures enter the desert and pant from the heat, the dragons endured the heat better than the other creatures, while the yaks struggled,

"Place hot, Yona need rest." Yona said,

"No kiddin', place is as hot as a brothel on nickel night." Applejack replied,

"This heat is ruining my mane." Rarity said,

"I think... we should just fly." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they did, the people who could not fly or use magic were picked up and carried. The world's natives look around and they saw a lot of cacti,

"I see somethin' slitherin' on the ground there." Apple Bloom said, they all look and see it,

"Snake? Snake!" Twilight Sparkle said with fear, she freaked out and flew back in fear, knocking down everycreature,

"Watch where you're going." Princess Ember said,

"Sorry, but I'm really scared of snakes." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"It's alright, Twilight, them slippery slitherin' critters are the bane of many ponies in Appleloosa." Applejack said,

"Hey, look, I see people up ahead." Sweetie Belle said, and everycreature looked, they saw stagecoaches and wagons up ahead, along with other people riding animals, but to their surprises, those who rode independently rode camels instead of horses. Fluttershy was enamored by the camels and flew to them,

"Excuse me." Fluttershy said to the nearest camel, it and the male rider look at her,

"Where's the nearest town from here?" Fluttershy asked,

"Y'all just came from it, that's the only town left 'round here, everythin' else is city." the rider replied,

"Uh, I was asking the camel." Fluttershy said,

"Sorry, pardner, but camel don't speak." the rider replied,

"Oh." Fluttershy said,

"I suggest you head home, the desert's real hot today, you should head home before you get burned by the sun." the rider replied, and they rode off. Everycreature got back together and saw the big city everywhere, to their shocks, it was expanding, and destroying the old towns and nature,

"Wow, that's a lot of city." King Thorax said,

"Well, I think that's everything." Shining Armor replied,

"Agreed, let's head back." Princess Celestia said, and they do. The world's natives head home and rest of the day, they all go to sleep and fall asleep easily, tired from the heat, Fluttershy put her animals to sleep quickly so she could sleep, they all went to bed and slept peacefully.

Everybody was sleeping peacefully until they hear mooing and struggling, it woke up the ponies and the people around the farm, they all hear voices as well, Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, and John get up and run outside. The five arrive outside and saw five men, one had a lasso and was trying to rustle one of the cattle, Daniel took out his pistol and fired a warning shot into the air in an attempt to scare them off, but the other four men take out rifles and begin shooting at him. Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, and John take out their revolvers and fire at the men from behind, they grunt as they fall, the man rustling the cattle was still trying to steal it, they were about to fire at him but a lasso wrapped around his abdomen and he was pulled down.

Tom looks and saw Applejack with rope in her mouth, Fluttershy flew forward and took the rope off of the cattle,

"Are you okay? Let me see." Fluttershy said as she checked the cattle,

"Thank you, you really saved me a few bullets." Tom said,

"What in tarnation is goin' on?" Applejack asked,

"I'm about to check." Tom replied, and he looks at them, he can tell from their clothes they were from the city,

"They were sent by that guy who wants to destroy my farm and sell my cattle to the glue factory." Tom said,

"How d'ya know that?" Applejack asked,

"This ain't the first time this happened, it means he's gettin' impatient, every once in a while, he's gonna send rustlers here." Tom replied,

"Rustlers?" Applejack asked,

"Excuse me." Twilight Sparkle said, they look to the west and saw her with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity,

"What are rustlers?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Thieves, they break onto farms and try to steal cattle from honest livin' farmers." Applejack replied, Rarity exclaimed with shock,

"How dare they! Them ruffians shall not have them!" Rarity said,

"I really appreciate it, but y'all should get some sleep." Tom said,

"Well, let us stay here, we'll watch out for anymore rustlers." Applejack replied,

"Alright, thanks." Tom said, and he went back into the house with Django, Shane, Josey, and John, the Mane Six and Daniel watch for anymore rustlers coming for the rest of the night.

The next day comes and the Mane Six slept in the house, Fluttershy and Applejack went out with Tom to help him tend to the cattle, they work while Volvox and Dommiel showed the other famous people and told the ponies what happened to them, Sartana was nowhere to be found, Wyatt Earp died from illness, Landon Ricketts got killed in a duel with Erron Black, Red Harlow has gone under the radar, Dutch van der Linde has disappeared, and Arthur Morgan was nowhere to be found,

"Dutch went insane after a while, when he realized that his steal from the rich, give to the poor methods would actually not make the world a better place, several of his gears came loose." John said,

"Well, maybe if he just asked to share, he wouldn't have to had committed such crimes." Rarity replied,

"Arthur was also a member of Dutch's gang, I forgot what happened to him, and I remember Landon, he was famous when I was a boy." John said,

"What did you guys do back then?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"We're all gunslingers, it's not as popular as it used to be." Django replied,

"People used those guns we have, a gun is a tool, it's as good or as bad as the man using it." Shane said,

"There were a lot of sayings about gunslingers when I was a boy, who was the fastest, the strongest, the deadliest, you name it." Josey said,

"People always said Landon Ricketts was the fastest." Tom replied,

"Uh, you just spoke twice, Josey." Rainbow Dash said,

"I didn't say that." Josey replied,

"No, it was me who said it." Tom said, the Mane Six were very shocked, Tom's and Josey's voices sounded exactly the same,

"What did they mean by who's the strongest?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Basically, who can endure the most shots before fallin'." John replied,

"Answer to that is different everywhere." Josey said,

"Back when we were younger, the deadliest gunslinger was a man wearin' a poncho." Shane said,

"What was his name?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"That's the thing, no one knows." Dommiel replied,

"What did he look like?" Applejack asked, and Volvox shows them a wanted picture of him, the man wore a brown hat with a black telescope crown on it, his hair was brown, he also had a brown stubble, there was a cigar in his mouth, it said his special features were a poncho, and his gun had a silver snake engraved on its handle, the Mane Six see the poster said he had three names, Joe, Manco, and Blondie, Blondie was his most well known name, but his real name was unknown, they did notice that he looked exactly like Tom,

"Y'all never found out what his name was?" Applejack asked,

"Nope, even we don't know." Volvox replied,

"People say he ain't the deadliest gunslinger no more, the deadliest one now is Erron Black." Josey said, surprising the six ponies. Noises were heard outside, they sounded like cars,

"Them city folk are here, I'll be back." Tom said, and he stood up and walked outside.

Tom walks out and Volvox teleported outside and made himself his regular size, Dommiel flew up into the air with his shadow powers and watched, Daniel had his pistol out, the Native Americans rode their horses to the place to see what was going on. Everybody saw Model T cars coming, Tom saw Robert come out, he had on a black business suit and hat, he was clean shaven and had a round face shape, his skin was pale, and his eyes were blue. Robert walks forward along with his construction workers,

"Ready to sell your farm and cattle, Tom?" Robert asked,

"No, I ain't goin' anywhere." Tom replied,

"I see, so you won't give up that easily, the city will consume your farm eventually, if it isn't me who buys it out." Robert said,

"I ain't the only one livin' here." Tom replied,

"We have already come to terms with that, you can sell that farm and your cattle, and live peacefully with the city, and have those ghouls there work for me, building cities is hard and dangerous, Tom, nobody will miss those savages if they die on the job." Robert said, the ghouls were scared, Daniel aimed his pistol at him,

"They're residents, too, you ain't takin' them." Tom said,

"Then I would like to have your cattle." Robert replied,

"To send them to the glue factory?" Tom asked,

"And cooked and served, they're cattle, they're meant to be eaten." Robert replied,

"No, they ain't, their milk is our main drink." Tom said,

"Then what is your main source of food?" Robert asked,

"The corn behind me, and the crows we shoot down." Tom replied,

"You can't digest corn." Robert said,

"It's still better than nothin'." Tom replied,

"If you worked in the city, you could have some chickens." Robert said,

"I ain't doin' that job, I've seen what y'all do to them birds." Tom replied,

"That's nothin' personal, Tom, makin' them chickens fat is required so they can be nice and big when they're eaten." Robert said,

"I still ain't takin' it, I am not gonna make chickens get big and fat to the point where their legs break." Tom replied, the Mane Six overhear him and run outside, they look at Robert with shock,

"It's not personal, Tom, it's just part of the job." Robert said,

"My decision remains, I ain't sellin' my farm or the cattle." Tom replied,

"Hold off all you want, someone will buy you off eventually. Let's go." Robert said, and he got in the car and his people drove off. Tom sighed and the six ponies walk to him,

"Is that true, Tom?" Fluttershy asked,

"What?" Tom asked,

"Do they really make chickens overweight until their legs break." Fluttershy asked,

"Yes, they do it to make the chickens plump so they're big when they're eaten." Tom replied, shocking the mares,

"We have to stop it, where is it?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Everywhere in the cities, but there isn't one near here." Tom replied, Fluttershy began to tear up,

"I know it's tough, but we can't save all of 'em." Tom said, Fluttershy began to cry, her five friends comforted her,

"How could they? Them animals can do more things than just be eaten." Applejack said,

"I know, but the people in the city only see them as food." Tom replied, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity began to tear up as well,

"I think y'all should head home and sort yourselves out there." Tom said, they agreed and headed to their homes.

The Mane Six sort through their thoughts and feelings on the chickens at Sugarcube Corner, Starlight Glimmer and Spike were with them,

"Should we contact Sunset?" Spike asked,

"No, Spike, I don't think we're going to need her." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"So, what are you guys going to do?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"We're going to help Tom defend his farm." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Yes, the man who wants to build the city there also wants to kill his cattle." Fluttershy said,

"Exactly, we won't let that happen." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Maybe we can work somethin' out." Applejack said,

"Why, Applejack, what do you have in mind, darling?" Rarity asked,

"Maybe if we get the cattle outta there, and just have Tom sell his farm, then maybe the cattle can live." Applejack replied,

"But where would the others live after that?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Oh, Ah haven't thought about that." Applejack replied,

"Maybe we can get the two to work a deal out without having the cattle slaughtered." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I think I can persuade him." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Uh, Pinkie, I think it'll be best if you let me do the persuading." Twilight Sparkle said, Pinkie Pie looked down,

"Maybe we should go to help." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Sure, I'd appreciate that." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Well, let's go." Spike said, and they head back to the farm.

Volvox and Dommiel were looking after the cattle with Giovi since Tom went to town to make more money, Volvox hears him and saw him trying to break a horse so it can be ridden, he was riding on top of it while the horse bucked around, it horse was eventually broken and he rode it into the barn, he was paid five dollars, which was a lot in the town. Tom hears a man struggling and saw it was a new man, he falls off of the horse and it bucks around and destroys part of the farm Tom was working at. The horse bucks around, it jumps around and hits the ground with its hoofs, the horse jumps and bucks up and down, Tom realized it was must have been a new horse, and has never had anyone on its back before, so it was freaking out.

Tom sees the horse heading to his farm while it freaked out, the Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike head back to the farm and see the wild horse freaking out, shocking them,

"Oh my, what is wrong?" Rarity asked, Fluttershy flew to the horse,

"Hey, it's okay, calm down, what's the matter?" Fluttershy asked in a soft and gentle voice, the horse jumped around and bucked and it soon landed on her, she grunted and the horse jumped off of her, it kept jumping and bucking, shocking them,

"Hang on, Ah got this." Applejack said, and she ran to it, she jumped got on the horse's back, the horse continued to buck and jump,

"Whoa! Easy now!" Applejack said as she rode on it, she balanced herself while the horse kept freaking out,

"Come on now, it's alright, we're ain't gonna hurt ya." Applejack said as the horse kept moving around, her friends were getting nervous,

"Easy, easy." Applejack said, the horse kept bucking and it soon stopped and neighed as it rinds up on its hind legs,

"Yee-haw!" Applejack said happily as she held her hat in her front left hoof, the horse calmed down and Applejack rode it around, Fluttershy was very uncomfortable with the horse breaking technique. Tom walked back and saw the horse,

"Thanks, the owner's waitin' for it, this way." Tom said, and he leads them. Tom takes the seven mares and Spike to the owner of the horse breaking area,

"Thank you kindly." the man said,

"Yer welcome, mister." Applejack replied,

"Uh, excuse me." Fluttershy said, the others look at her,

"There are other ways to tame animals besides forcing them like that." Fluttershy said,

"Well, I'm sure there is, but it's the best way for us men, we don't have soothing voices like how women do." the man replied,

"Oh, well, uh, allow me." Fluttershy said, and she went to a wild horse roaming around in the fenced area, she did some therapy talking and persuading, and the horse was tamed without having to be ridden,

"Well, I'll be, she might be a natural." the man said,

"Well, her home is an animal shelter." Applejack replied, the man smiled,

"Say, where's y'all doxology works at?" Applejack asked,

"Oh, we used to have plenty of 'em, but they got destroyed in place of cities gettin' built, it made us all-overish." the man replied,

"Ah'm sure it did, those are important to the community." Applejack said,

"Don't you all get tired of this job?" Rarity asked,

"I'll admit, it does become dull music after a while, but it's necessary, wild horses like to roam into our homes and destroy 'em, we also use horses for farm work." the man replied, Fluttershy flew back,

"All done." Fluttershy said, the man saw the horses were all tamed, Fluttershy tamed them by just speaking,

"Would ya look at that, I don't know if I have enough money to pay ya." the man said,

"No, it's fine, I take care of a lot of animals." Fluttershy replied,

"Well, it was nice to see them, we'll be going now." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Alright, take care." the man replied, and the seven mares and Spike go back to Tom's farm.

Tom attends to a sick ghoul while Daniel, Giovi, Shane, and Django checked him, Josey and John were busy looking out for any rustlers,

"Hey, them colorful horses, and whatever that thing is, is comin' here." John said, and they see them arrive,

"Tom, darling, we have an idea, we were thinking maybe we can make a deal with that other man without having the cattle slaughtered." Rarity said,

"It ain't gonna be easy, them city folk usually don't like renegotiations, and it ain't common for women to have a say in such things." Tom replied,

"What?!" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Wow, Granny was right, females really didn't have a say in givin' orders in Appleloosa in her younger days, either, this place really is the same." Applejack replied,

"Well, at least one of y'all understands our ways." Tom said,

"Well, are you willing to listen to what we got?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"What do y'all have in mind?" Tom asked,

"Fluttershy will take the cattle to her cottage, and you can sell the farm, and then you and the others could live with Applejack on her farm." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Well, I'm not sure about this, this is home for all of us." Tom said,

"Give it a try, Tom." Volvox said,

"What?" Tom asked with surprise,

"It might be worth it, then those city guys can stop bothering us about it." Dommiel replied,

"Okay, but we still have two more problems." Tom said,

"What are they?" Rarity asked,

"The Indians have to deal with Richard Morbucks, he wants to sell their land to the government so he can expand his oil mining business." Tom replied,

"And the other one?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Finding my commanding officer before he kills every ghoul." Daniel replied, reminding the seven mares and Spike,

"Hey, someone's coming." Starlight Glimmer said, and they saw another Model T car, it was highly decorated, they see a man come out,

"Ugh, he is unbelievably fat." Rarity said,

"That's Richard right there." Tom said, they see Richard was obese, wore a black fancy business suit, a black vest under his blazer, a white shirt under the vest, a monocle on his left eye, he wore a black top hat, he had a round face shape, was bald, and had a thick white moustache. Richard walks up to the hills and they see Richard had two types of workers with him, they were all men, the first type had naturally red hair, and the other type had yellow skin, every worker was like that, they watch him and the Native Americans ride down with their horses and had rifles with them,

"What do you want?" the Native American chief asked,

"Are you prepared to leave?" Richard asked,

"No, we're staying." the Native American chief replied,

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Richard said,

"What are you saying?" the Native American chief asked, and they hear walking, they saw a man stand to Richard's right, the humans were very shocked to see who it was, it was Erron Black,

"Who is that?" Spike asked,

"Erron Black, the deadliest gunslinger in the country." Dommiel replied,

"Okay, nice and easy now, guys, unless you wish to be killed, evacuate your land, and I won't have to shoot down any of you." Erron Black said in a calm and stoic tone, shocking the ponies and Spike, they run to him,

"Hey! You can't just take their land like that!" Pinkie Pie said,

"I can, and I will, their land now belongs to the city government." Richard replied,

"We were here first." the Native American chief said,

"That doesn't matter, you can't fight change and progression, now surrender your land, and work for me, or die." Richard replied, the ponies and Spike were angry,

"What makes you think you can just come here and take their home away?" Applejack asked,

"Society demands it." Richard replied, guns are cocked and they see John and Josey were there,

"I ain't lettin' ya take their land, this has to been their home for many years." John said,

"That's right, and this tribe sided with me during the war." Josey said,

"Wait a minute, John Marston, Josey Wales, a former gang member and a Greycoat, you're both wanted men." Richard replied,

"I ain't wanted no more, I'm workin' for the government now." John said,

"Let John go, Erron Black, but fire at Josey." Richard said,

"Hold up, where's my money?" Erron Black asked, and Richard paid him, Josey and Erron Black fired at one another, Josey grunted and fell while Erron Black still stood, shocking the ponies and Spike,

"Well, who else wants to get shot?" Erron Black asked,

"Stand down, mister." Applejack replied,

"Why?" Erron Black asked,

"I'll zap you down with my magic." Twilight Sparkle replied while her horn glowed,

"My bullets will get to you first." Erron Black said, Twilight Sparkle shot a beam out of her horn, Erron Black simply moved to his right and dodged it, shocking her,

"Stop, it is not our nature to fight women." Richard said,

"Why? Afraid you'll lose?" Rainbow Dash asked smugly,

"No, it's dishonorable." Richard replied,

"Oh, well then, Twilight, dear, I think you should stand down as well." Rarity said, and she did,

"Come along with me, you bog trotters and coolies, you all have work to do elsewhere." Richard said, and they left,

"You alright?" Applejack asked,

"Yeah, it ain't too bad." Josey replied, and Django and Shane carry him, the ghouls used their magic to heal him,

"It's getting late, we should head home." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all go home.

The next day comes and the Mane Six and Princess Celestia go into the northern hills to meet the Native Americans, they ride their horses and surround them,

"Are you the ruler?" Princess Celestia asked the Native American in front of her,

"Yes, I am the tribe's chief, White Horse." the Native American chief replied,

"I am the chief's wife and tribe's doctor, Black Wolf." the female Native American to White Horse's left said,

"I am the ruler of these ponies and the dragon, Princess Celestia." Princess Celestia said,

"I noticed, your kind will help us defend our land, you all may go in peace." White Horse replied,

"Thank you, but we wish to help, and befriend you guys." Princess Celestia said,

"And why exactly?" White Horse asked,

"We have noticed you all are mostly isolated and attack those who try to come, we were hoping by befriending you all, we can ease up tensions." Princess Celestia replied,

"You all have already earned our trust." White Horse replied,

"Indeed, whether we choose life or death for you is determined by your actions, since you all have decided to help us, it shall be life." Black Wolf said,

"I was hoping we could live together peacefully." Princess Celestia replied,

"We already do, and we have all come to terms with one another, we are at peace." White Horse said,

"So, are we friends then?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Yes, I understand you all have a different way of living from us, and are confused over our ways, but you all are allies to us." White Horse replied,

"Well, we will continue to help, but in exchange, we'd like for you to defend us in our times of need." Princess Celestia said,

"Fair enough, allies it is." White Horse replied, and they went their separate ways.

Daniel attends to the ghouls and Shane decided to help him, the two tend to the sickly and comfort the children,

"Is that all of them?" Shane asked,

"Yeah, for now." Daniel replied, they hear walking to the southeast and Daniel went to go check it out. Daniel walked into the narrow path and he heard a blade ting, he saw a male ghoul in front of him, holding a sword towards him, a female ghoul and a male ghoul toddler were with him, they were nervous, Daniel takes the glove off of his right hand and shows them a tattoo of two black serpentine dragons on his right hand, one was right-side up while the other was upside-down. The three ghouls look and realized it was the tattoo the ghouls gave to the people of Daniel's unit that have sided with the ghouls to help them defend their home, they become relieved and hug him, he hugged them back, he led them back to the farm.

Daniel walks back with the three ghouls and they see them,

"Quick, Dommiel, get the flag up." Volvox said, and they do, they bring up a big orange and purple flag with the ghouls' dragon symbol on it, they hear running and they saw a big group of ghouls arrive at the farm, much to their relief. Daniel ran to them and got the ones who were sick, Tom and Dommiel ran to help them as well, while Shane, Django, Josey, and John were on the lookout for anyone who would try to hurt them, Volvox kept an eye out as well, he also saw White Horse and Black Wolf have their tribe scout the area, the ghouls arrive and the elderly were being carried, the world's natives see every male ghoul was shirtless and wore black pants, while every female ghoul wore long-sleeve shirts and pants, some were barefoot, and some wore shoes, they all had black claws of place of fingers and toes.

The ponies went to them to help them recover,

"What are they doin' here?" Granny Smith asked,

"Some of them were brought to this continent by Mortimer to be slaves, me and the other people from my military unit are trying our best to keep them free." Daniel replied,

"Where are the other members of your unit?" Princess Luna asked,

"Spread out across the land, we don't stay in one place so the ghouls can be safe in other areas than just here." Daniel replied,

"I see, it's good you all are doing this, we'd like to aid them as well." Princess Celestia said,

"Thank you, I still don't know how they got here." Daniel replied,

"It looks like they opened a portal with their magic to come here." Volvox said as he looked down the path,

"Okay, good, they can still teleport if they wish to escape." Daniel said,

"We'll be helping now, I brought some medicine from my cottage." Fluttershy said,

"Thanks, I treat the elderly and children first, let's go." Daniel replied, and the ponies help him check the new ghouls to make sure they were healthy, they were done,

"Thank you, this usually takes all day." Daniel said,

"You're welcome, we'll be in Equestria, call for us if you need help." Princess Cadence replied,

"I will, thanks." Daniel said, and the ponies left, the people get on with their days and nothing happens for the rest of the day.

The next day comes and Tom attended the cattle with Fluttershy, Applejack, Big Macintosh, and the Young Six helping him,

"Wow, who knew milking a cow could be so much fun!" Silverstream said,

"Fun? This is boring." Smolder replied,

"Yeah, and there's cow manure everywhere." Gallus said,

"Yona find this gross, Yona not like cleaning manure." Yona replied,

"A pony would never do something like this for a living." Sandbar said,

"Neither would a changeling, we might clean mud, but we would never touch manure." Ocellus replied,

"Instead of y'all chattin' and dilly dallyin' the cleanin', y'all should get it done now and complain afterwards, them cow chips ain't gonna clean themselves." Tom said, and they clean,

"Come on, Tom, let's show ya Sweet Apple Acres and Appleloosa." Applejack said, and she and Big Macintosh took Tom to the train in Canterlot, they board it,

"What do ya think of the train, Tom?" Applejack asked,

"Slow." Tom replied,

"Now, Tom, I know them horses are faster than this right now, but this train can go crazy speeds at times." Applejack said,

"The city is trying to have tracks built so they can have locomotives travel to where we live, they're pieces of crap." Tom replied,

"Shoot, you don't say, Ah'm gonna have to try to ride one of 'em horses one day." Applejack said,

"Good luck with that." Tom replied, and they were silent for the rest of the ride. Tom arrived in Sweet Apple Acres and saw the place,

"Why, howdy, Tom, it's good to see ya again." Granny Smith said,

"Hello." Tom replied,

"Howdy, Tom." Apple Bloom said,

"Hello to you too." Tom replied, he saw Big Macintosh working,

"Hello." Tom said, Big Macintosh waved at him with a smile on his face,

"Come on, Tom, Ah'll show you the way around." Applejack said, and she did,

"So, what'd ya think?" Applejack asked,

"Runnin' this place is gonna be harder than runnin' the farm." Tom replied, Applejack laughed,

"That's why Ah said bring everyone, all of them ghouls and those livin' in the farm can work here together." Applejack said,

"Well, I don't think y'all have enough food to feed all of us." Tom replied,

"That's why we're goin' to Appleloosa next, come on now." Applejack said, and they board the train again and go to Appleloosa. Tom arrives and sees the place was a bit like the town he goes to when he was younger,

"This place might do." Tom said,

"I'd thought ya like it, the buffaloes are over there, Ah think that tribe livin' with y'all might like 'em." Applejack replied,

"You also mentioned a cottage." Tom said,

"Yeah, that's back in Ponyville, let's go back." Applejack replied, and they do. Applejack takes Tom to Fluttershy's cottage,

"Why, hello, Tom, I've been waiting for you, you can send your cattle here to live with me for some time." Fluttershy said,

"You sure you know how to take care of 'em?" Tom asked,

"Yes, I know how to take care of a lot of animals, I'm sure they'll like it here." Fluttershy replied,

"Alright, make sure you milk 'em." Tom said,

"Don't worry, I won't forget." Fluttershy replied, Tom looks around and was liking it,

"I think this could work, I can sell the farm to Robert without losing my cattle, I'll lose the corn, though, but I think we can manage without it for some time." Tom said,

"Alright then, it's settled, let's get a move on." Applejack replied, and they go back to the farm. Volvox, Dommiel, Tom, and John round up the cattle, they begin walking across Equestria, Volvox saw it was going to take too long, so he just uses his telekinesis and puts them at Fluttershy's cottage,

"Alright, let's call Robert." Volvox said,

"I'll do it." Dommiel replied, and he sent a telegraph to Robert. Cars came after an hour and Robert stepped out, he walked to the farm and Volvox, Dommiel, and Tom watched him,

"I'm ready to sell the farm, Robert." Tom said, and he looks at it, he glared at Tom,

"I'm not buying this." Robert said,

"What?" Tom asked,

"You know the rules, sell your cattle to the butchery and glue factory as well." Robert replied,

"Why do they have to go for? You said the city just wants to build here." Tom said,

"Selling your cattle is going to be used to fund the city to build here." Robert replied, Tom was angry and was ready to take out his revolver,

"I'm going to give you twenty four hours to get your cattle back, if you don't, then those ghouls there will be sent to the slaughterhouse and glue factory instead." Robert said, the ghouls look at him with horror, and he gets in the car and drives away. Volvox watches him and saw the car drive to the saloon,

"He and his construction workers are going to the saloon." Volvox said,

"Well, I'd say we pay 'em a visit." John replied,

"I agree, maybe a little brawl can set 'em right." Josey said,

"Let's go then." Tom replied,

"I'll stay here and keep an eye out for more intruders." Daniel said, and Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, and John walk to the town. Robert and the people from the city stay in the saloon and drink like crazy, they party and try to flirt with the female dancers, the bartender did not like them the slightest, and the dancers were disgusted. Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, and John enter the bar, Tom taps Robert on his left shoulder with his left index finger and Robert turns around, Tom punches him in the face with his right fist, the people from the city begin fighting while Django, Shane, Josey, and John joined the fight. A brawl breaks out in the saloon and the dancers go to their quarters while the bartender stood by while holding a rifle.

Tom fought with Robert while Django, Shane, Josey, and John fought the people from the city, and the people from the city fought one another, it was just punching until one of the men from the city hit John on his back with a wooden chair and broke it, the men began throwing the alcohol bottles at one another, and hitting one another with the chairs, Django hit one man's face on the piano, which made a loud off-key sound, and hurt the bartender's ears. The men begin throwing tables at one another and were destroying the saloon, some men had their faces smashed on the tables, they broke after a few hits. Robert's men begin throwing the silverware at Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, and John, along with at each other, the men were thrown out of the saloon and the others went out to keep fighting, breaking the two wooden doors in the process.

Volvox watches the fight and the other countries hear them, they look and saw the brawl, shocking the ponies, Twilight Sparkle teleports herself and her five friends there,

"Guys, stop!" Twilight Sparkle said, she was then hit on her back with a brown wooden chair, it broke in the process, but Twilight Sparkle screamed in pain and fell to the ground, she was in too much pain to get up. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie ran to her while Rarity held everyone back with her telekinesis, Rainbow Dash tried to separate them, and Applejack had her lasso ready,

"That's enough! Break it up!" Rainbow Dash said, and they do,

"What in tarnation is goin' on here?" Applejack asked,

"We ain't doin' jack, these people made us madder than an old wet hen." John replied,

"That doesn't mean y'all can just go 'round and start a brawl, y'all makin' noise like a rooster in the mornin'." Applejack said,

"We can hear you all in Equestria, you all should learn to act civilized." Rarity said,

"We had our reasons, Robert changed the deal." Tom replied, shocking the six ponies,

"Come with us, we'll tell you at the farm." Django said, and they go to the farm,

"Is it true?" Twilight Sparkle asked while in pain,

"Is what true?" Dommiel asked,

"Did Robert really change the deal?" Twilight Sparkle asked, Volvox and Dommiel nod,

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked,

"He said since the cattle being slaughtered and made into glue was going to fund the city building here, he changed it around, he wanted the ghouls here to be slaughtered and sent to the glue factory instead." Daniel replied, shocking the six mares,

"Well, if you sent your cattle, I wouldn't have to had changed it." Robert said, surprising the others,

"Say, is there someone you're takin' orders from?" Josey asked,

"No, I'm acting on my own, I just wish to have my money." Robert replied,

"What about those guys from the city with you?" Shane asked,

"Oh, they're just idiots I pay, I can care less about what happens to them, there are more people from the city that can replace them." Robert replied, the people behind Robert grumble and begin driving away with the cars, leaving Robert behind,

"No! Come back here!" Robert said,

"Of course, big corporations only caring about money is what drives them into the ground." Volvox said,

"Yup." Dommiel replied,

"Tom, you double-crossing snake! I'm going to put you in the ground!" Robert said,

"Well, you ain't got nowhere to stay." Tom replied,

"Just you wait, I'll show you who's boss around here." Robert said, and he left,

"Why did you guys start the fight for anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"To show 'em they ain't welcome here, and they can't take away our way of life." John replied,

"Well, yes, I understand the way of living a certain way, but why start a fight for?" Rarity asked,

"Cause when things look bad, you gotta get mean, I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. Cause if you give up, then you don't win. That's just the way it is." Josey replied,

"No, it's not! There are other ways!" Twilight Sparkle said angrily,

"For example, lady?" John asked,

"Change the deal to one all sides would like." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Sorry to say this, but the city people don't do business that way." Shane said,

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"He speaks the truth, the people from the city rather kill us than renegotiate." Django replied, shocking the six mares,

"Let's just go home, I need time to think this through." Twilight Sparkle said, and they go home, the others get on with their days.

Applejack was at Sweet Apple Acres and told her family about the fight in the saloon today,

"Oh my, that sounds just like that one time in Appleloosa when Ah was a filly." Granny Smith said,

"Wait, there was a bar fight in Appleloosa once, Granny?" Applejack asked,

"Oh, yes, back when Ah was younger than Apple Bloom, a big fight broke out in the saloon in Appleloosa, it was bad, ponies fought outside, all of the furniture was broken, the piano was smashed, and the hospital was filled to the brim for months, some ponies also threw glass bottles at one another, a lot of ponies had to volunteer to help the doctors since there was too many patients, it months to recover." Granny Smith replied,

"Were ya caught in it, Granny?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Fortunately, no, Ah was nearby though." Granny Smith replied,

"Ah've never heard of that." Applejack said,

"That's cause Appleloosa didn't document it, they didn't wanna look back on it." Granny Smith replied, surprising her three grandchildren,

"It's gettin' late, off to bed now, y'all." Granny Smith said, and they went to sleep.

Tom was in town the next day and he was doing bronco riding to make money again, he saw Robert at the gun store, he saw him buying a rifle,

"You sure you want that one?" the clerk asked,

"Sure am, there was a saying that if man with a pistol meets a man with a rifle, the man with the pistol is dead." Robert replied, Tom began to have flashbacks,

"Interesting, what else did you hear?" the clerk asked sarcastically,

"Always aim for the heart." Robert replied, the clerk restrained his laughter and gave Robert the rifle, Tom headed home when he saw Robert was heading to his farm. Tom got a metal plate of knight armor from his bedroom and tied it with rope, he then got his old poncho and put it on, he headed out.

Everybody saw Robert coming and he had the rifle, the people on the farm come out and watch him, cars were heard and Robert saw Richard come out, his naturally red haired and yellow skinned workers were with him, along with Erron Black, the world's natives heard them and they watch as well,

"Tom, I'm here. Come out!" Robert said, and Tom did,

"What is it, Robert?" Tom asked,

"Draw." Robert replied, Tom did not bother being serious, so he on purposely went slow, just when Tom was about to take his gun out, Robert shot him where his heart should be, shocking the world's natives, but Tom stood back up, shocking Robert and Richard,

"I heard you talk about aiming for the heart, Robert, go ahead and fire." Tom said, and Robert shot him in the heart again, Tom fell and got back up,

"Aim for the heart, Robert, don't forget the heart." Tom said, and Robert shot him in the heart three times,

"Remember, Robert, the heart." Tom said, and Robert shoots four bullets at Tom's heart, he shot one more as he fell,

"He's got something under his poncho." Erron Black said, Richard looked at him with surprise. Tom got back up and Robert was very shocked, he tried to fire again, but he was out of bullets, Tom saw a yellow aura on his poncho and it was lifted off of him, he watches it in midair and saw Princess Celestia was the one removing it, the world's natives see the metal plate at where his heart should be, shocking the world's natives,

"What the?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Hey! That's cheating!" Pinkie Pie said, Tom turned around and threw his revolver to the ground, it was empty,

"Well, go on, throw your rifle to the ground." Tom said, and Robert did,

"You said a man with a pistol is dead when he meets a man with a rifle, let's see if you can prove that." Tom said, and they run and begin reloading their guns, Tom reloaded faster than Robert, shocking him, he looked on at Tom with fear, Tom then shot Robert in the head and killed him, shocking the world's natives. The Mane Six and Young Six went to him,

"That doesn't count. You cheated!" Silverstream said,

"It wasn't a game, lady." Tom replied,

"Yona thought it game." Yona said, Tom just looked at them. The Mane Six check Robert and try to wake him up,

"Can you hear us, darling?" Rarity asked,

"He's not going to get up, he's dead." Erron Black said, shocking the six mares,

"You mean, they weren't playing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Draws are not games, if you lose, you die." Erron Black replied, horrifying the six mares,

"Well, enough of that, where are those Indians?" Richard asked, White Horse and Black Wolf led their tribe,

"Are you all ready to serve me?" Richard asked,

"What is in it for us?" White Horse asked,

"A job." Richard replied, the men with the naturally red hair and the other men with the yellow skin shake their heads,

"I'm afraid we must refuse." Black Wolf said, Richard became angry,

"Fire, Erron Black." Richard said, he gave him a few dollars as well, Erron Black begins firing at the Native Americans, some of them fell while the Native Americans shot back at him, but Erron Black moved around and fired more bullets, hitting some of the horses, horrifying Fluttershy, she flew to the horses in an attempt to move them from the battlefield, Erron Black was careful not to fire at her,

"Wait, something's wrong, sister." Princess Luna said, Princess Celestia looked on and realized what Princess Luna was saying,

"Do you see it?" Princess Luna asked,

"Yes, it looks like those things he's firing are changing trajectory in midair." Princess Celestia replied, Erron Black kept firing and Volvox shot three hellfire blasts out, one from each of his mouth, he shot them at Richard and Erron Black, they both ducked but Richard panted from exhaustion. Erron Black throws sand grenades at the Native Americans, the sand grenades explode and scare the horses, some of them fell while Fluttershy flew to them to check on them; Erron Black shot more bullets at the Native Americans, the ones that were going to hit Fluttershy went around her, White Horse orders the men to fire at Erron Black, but Erron Black disarmed them with his revolvers,

"Wait, let me try something." Dommiel said, and he did a snap with his right index finger and thumb and a black shadow beam came out, it hit Erron Black's hat and knocked it off, but it did not stop him,

"Nope, thought it'd make him stop and look for it." Dommiel said,

"Most men in this time get mad when their hats are shot off, I guess he's not one of those people." Volvox replied, and Erron Black kept firing at the Native Americans. Twilight Sparkle ran to between Erron Black and the Native Americans, she tried to use her telekinesis to stop the bullets, but they were too fast for her,

"No! Stop!" Twilight Sparkle said, and Erron Black saw she had magic, so he stopped firing,

"What are you doing? Fire, Erron Black!" Richard said,

"Nope, our agreement was only fire at the Indians, shooting at the others was not in it." Erron Black replied, Richard growls,

"Go, you bog trotters and coolies, get those Injuns!" Richard said, the Native Americans were offended, the men working for Richard were reluctant to attack, Richard got angry, he turned around while taking out a pistol from his blazer and held it in his right hand, he shot one of the men with natural red hair and killed him, horrifying everyone except Erron Black,

"Those who do not fight the Injuns will be killed by my own hand." Richard said, the men working under him become scared but obey him reluctantly, they begin throwing rocks at the Native Americans, but most of them missed. Richard checked the time after thirty minutes,

"Let's go, you idiots, it's time to get back to work." Richard said, and they all left while Erron Black picked his hat back up and put it back on,

"What do you think, Volvox?" Dommiel asked,

"Let's let nature take its course, they'll rebel against him eventually, as for Erron Black, maybe we can buy him his loyalty." Volvox replied,

"I'm still surprised Robert went down so easily." Dommiel said,

"It's not that surprising, he never was much of a threat anyway." Volvox replied, they hear humming and saw Tom leading the coffin maker to his farm, the coffin maker takes the dead bodies and heads back to town, the Mane Six and Young Six attend to the wounded with Black Wolf and they heal the injured people and horses, nothing happens for the rest of the day and it remains peaceful.

Evening comes and Volvox, Dommiel, Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, John, Daniel, and White Horse were in the house, discussing future plans, they hear knocking and Tom opens it, he saw the Mane Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Pillars of Equestria, and the rulers,

"Can we come in?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Sure, make yourselves at home." Tom replied, and they entered, they stood with them,

"It is nice to meet you all again." Somnambula said,

"Nice to see you again as well, ma'am." Shane replied,

"We have been watching you guys, you all seem... out of place when compared to the others." Star Swirl the Bearded said,

"That's because we are." Volvox replied,

"How so?" Shining Armor asked,

"Our time has passed." John replied,

"There you go, the era we were born in is gone, a new era and way of living is coming." Tom said,

"Well, maybe you all can adjust." Rarity said,

"Afraid not, we tried, and we couldn't." Josey replied,

"Yes, the time of gunslingers is over." Django said,

"Well, you all can do what we did, and find new things to do based on our old talents." Flash Magnus replied,

"That ain't gonna work." John said,

"Why not?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"All we know is shootin' and killin'." Josey replied,

"You all don't know anything else?" Mage Meadowbrook asked,

"Nope, killin' people is a strange type of fame." John replied,

"That shouldn't be fame, period." Applejack said,

"Well, it was durin' the height of our time." Tom replied,

"What about you, Daniel?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"My time has passed, too, I was fighting in a war in a different continent when these guys fought in their war, and when John was in Dutch's gang." Daniel replied,

"I knew my time was over a long time ago." Shane said,

"What about you two?" Princess Celestia asked,

"The time for angels and demons ruling the Earth passed over two hundred years ago." Dommiel replied,

"Yes, my power began to wane at the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, I have ruled this world for billions of years." Volvox said, their visitors felt bad,

"A new time and way of life is coming, and our way of life is considered taboo to them, we can't adjust to them." White Horse said,

"Neither can I, we're all relics of a bygone era." Daniel said,

"I feel you lads, I can't fit well into the new times, either." Rockhoof replied,

"You speak just like my father." John said,

"So you all can't adopt to the new time?" Princess Cadence asked,

"Can't, farmin', shootin', killin', and survivin' is all we know." Josey replied,

"Well, I also know how to rob a bank, and a train." John said,

"I was a bounty hunter before I retired here, even that's gone now." Tom replied,

"Don't forget riding horses, they're now being replaced with cars." White Horse said,

"I've seen those things around, I can walk faster than that piece of crap, give me a horse any day." John replied,

"Now, John, darling, I think they just started making them, you should give them a few years to develop and see how it will be later." Rarity said,

"I'd still take a horse." John replied,

"How about a mule?" Tom asked,

"I've rode a mule before." John replied,

"We used to have plenty of bison here to hunt, those people who first came here took them all away." White Horse said,

"You guys hunted animals?" Fluttershy asked with shock,

"It was our way of life, but we only hunted to eat and provide nutrition to the tribe, people are now hunting for sport." White Horse replied,

"For sport?!" Applejack asked with shock,

"White Horse and other tribes used to fight one another because of food, but the foreigners who came here are now hunting them to near extinction for sport, they're selling their horns, fur, and other parts of money, bison's not the only animal they're hunting." Volvox replied, Fluttershy was in tears,

"I don't see any wild animals around here, though." Princess Celestia said,

"That's because those settlers already hunted all of them to extinction around here." White Horse replied, shocking the ponies and Spike,

"When did these people come to your land?" Spike asked,

"About four hundred years ago." Dommiel replied,

"Dommiel and I have tried our best to preserve them, but not even we could preserve all of them." Volvox said,

"What about those guys with the red hair and yellow skin?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"They're from different continents, they have come here hoping for work and a new way of life, but as you can see, they didn't get what they wanted." Tom replied,

"How so?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"As you see, they're the ones who come here, it's because of their race, they are forced to do all of the dirty and dangerous jobs, they also have to work on railroads, mine, and blow things up with dynamite, their workplace is unsafe as well." Volvox replied,

"What? That isn't fair." Princess Luna said,

"I've also noticed a big lack of females with you guys." Princess Cadence said,

"Oh, about that, that's also a bit with our way of life, women take care of the children and homes, some women suffer from depression and go insane due to lack of communication, they entertain the men in bars with dances and sometimes help them bathe, they serve us our drinks as well." Tom replied,

"Did you say help men bathe?!" Rarity asked,

"Not always." Shane replied,

"Don't worry, it's not our nature to harm women, and those who do are despised by our society." Django said,

"Oh, well, it is nice to know you all know how to treat a lady." Rarity replied,

"And if we start the fighting?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Then you better be careful, lady, some of the men will get on you if you lose." Josey replied,

"Oh, trust me, I'm not gonna let that happen." Rainbow Dash said,

"What about those ghouls outside, where are they from?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"They're just like the red haired and yellow skinned men working for Richard, from a different continent, but unlike them, those red haired and yellow skinned people came on their own accord, the ghouls were brought here against their wills to serve as slaves to society, the war we had ordered them to be free, but not every area obeyed." Daniel replied,

"Plus, Mortimer is still out there, he's the one who started the genocide and enslavement in the first place, out of the three threats we face, he's the biggest one." Volvox said,

"We will gladly help you find him, anyone is welcome to our land, regardless of what race or kind they are, so if he does come, send the ghouls to our land, and we'll protect them." Princess Celestia replied,

"Thanks, but if we're lucky, when we find Mortimer, he'll already be caught or dead." Dommiel said,

"*yawn* it's getting late, I think we should rest for the night." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I agree, I'm startin' to fall asleep in the chair, I'm gonna go hit the sack." John replied, everyone said goodnight and the ponies and Spike went home and slept.

The next day comes and Volvox saw he and the others had a good relationship with the other creatures in the world, which surprised him, because they really do not do anything, he saw the Mane Six, Young Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, rulers of Equestria, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, and Spike come to help them with the farm, Applejack and Fluttershy did the most work, and Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle played with the toddler ghouls. Flurry Heart was in the house and exploring it, she was having fun exploring and made baby noises, she keeps flying around and saw a locked cabinet near the ceiling, Flurry Heart undoes the lock with her telekinesis and opens the cabinet, she sees an object in the cabinet, she thought it was a toy, she used her telekinesis to take it out and plays with it.

Volvox and Dommiel were scouting the area while the others worked on the farm, a gunshot is heard from inside the house and Flurry Heart screamed in pain, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence become worried and run into the house with everyone else while Volvox just shrunk himself and teleported in. Everybody runs to where they heard Flurry Heart and saw her on the floor,

"Flurry Heart?" Princess Cadence asked with worry, Flurry Heart continued to cry, they look and saw a black revolver on the floor, they also see Flurry Heart clutching her right front leg, which was bleeding, the world's natives become horrified,

"What happened?!" Sweetie Belle asked, Daniel moves Flurry Heart's front left leg off and everyone saw a gunshot wound,

"I don't get it, I put that gun in the highest cabinet and locked it, how did she get it out?" Tom asked,

"She has wings, Tom." Dommiel replied,

"I know, but how did she undo the lock?" Tom asked, they all see Flurry Heart move the gun away with her telekinesis,

"That's how she undid it, she has telekinesis." Volvox said, John went over and looked at the wound,

"It's pretty bad, we're gonna have to get the bullet out." John said,

"How?" Princess Cadence asked, John took his knife out, making the world's natives uncomfortable,

"We're gonna have to cut into the wound and dig it out." John replied,

"But there must be another way." Shining Armor said,

"Nope, we have to dig it out, if we don't, she might get lead poisoning." Josey replied,

"Tom, please, we have to find a safer way." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I didn't say that." Tom replied,

"Wait, then... oh." Rainbow Dash said as she realized it was Josey,

"What will happen if we don't take it out?" Princess Luna asked,

"Then she might get an infection, if that happens, we're going to have to cut her leg off." Dommiel replied, horrifying the ponies,

"Wait, guys, I think there's a better way, I might know of a way, let's take her outside, this room is too small." Sunburst said, and they go outside.

The unicorns cast a spell on Flurry Heart so she does not feel any pain, Sunburst looks for the bullet and finds it, he pulls it out with his telekinesis and got it out, Shining Armor proceeded to wrap a bandage wrapping around Flurry Heart's leg, they notice Flurry Heart could not move her leg and had to fly or use telekinesis to get around now,

"Y'all are lucky, a lot of kids died from mistaking the gun for a toy, you're also lucky nothing fatal was hit." Tom said,

"Why do you have something like that in the first place?" Shining Armor asked,

"Well, it's to defend the home, we have rustlers and bandits every now and then." Tom replied,

"But do you really need that many?" Princess Cadence asked,

"I only have two, this one, and that one in the cabinet, I used to have more." Tom replied,

"But what about them?" Shining Armor asked,

"Well, they need to defend themselves as well." Tom replied,

"Oh." Shining Armor said, Daniel walked over to Flurry Heart and checked her leg,

"I think she's going to be fine." Daniel said, Princess Cadence sighed in relief,

"Sergeant Lamprey." a male voice said from the southeastern path, Daniel walked over and saw several men come, they had on the same outfit as him, they had ghouls with them, Daniel realized they were his allies,

"What are you guys doing here?" Daniel asked,

"You remember the ghouls' magic to track their own kind if lost?" one man asked,

"Yeah, what about it?" Daniel asked,

"They used it and found our safe havens for them have been raided by Mortimer's men, this is the only safe spot left." the man replied,

"There are more down the path, they're paying their respects to the gravestones." another man said,

"Wait a minute, gravestones?" Sandbar asked,

"Originally, this was the only safe place, a lot of ghouls had to walk here, but the path was very long, some of them died along the way, their gravestones are down there." Daniel replied,

"Take us, please." Princess Celestia said,

"This way then." Daniel replied, and he leads them.

Daniel leads the Mane Six, Young Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and rulers of Equestria, they look around and see a lot of grass, they keep walking and see wooden graves for the dead ghouls, they look at them,

"What happened to them?" Ocellus asked,

"Usually, they die from old age or illness." Daniel replied,

"Hey look, this guy was old." Gallus said, they look and saw the ghoul's grave markings said he was seventy years old at the time of his death,

"There's more up ahead, this way." Daniel replied, and he leads them, they see the ghouls paying their respects to the dead, they look and saw Daniel coming with the world's natives, they hear walking up ahead and Daniel saw two injured male ghouls, Giovi was carrying them,

"Are they the only injured ones here, Giovi?" Daniel asked, Giovi nods,

"Yikes, those blades of his look dangerous." Smolder said,

"They are, he got them after Mortimer's men cut his claws off." Daniel replied,

"How many of them have bladed claws?" Scootaloo asked,

"Only him." Daniel replied,

"Ah think we should keep goin'." Applejack said,

"Yeah, this path is very long, let's go." Daniel replied, and they keep walking, they see a lot of gravestones and ghouls paying their respects to them, they keep going to the end but come to water,

"Oh, only a small part of the path is here, the whole thing is very long." Daniel said,

"This must be the Celestial Sea, the griffons' home is right there." Princess Celestia said, Daniel looked and saw it,

"Well, let's go back, I have to treat the sick and wounded." Daniel said, and they do.

Everyone arrived back and the world's natives help Daniel and the members from his unit tend to the sick and injured ghouls, some of them were sad, they see a few of the ghouls have died, they were elderly, so the men from Daniel's unit pick them up and bury them along the path,

"Oh, you all look tired, you all should let them rest." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Most of them sleep during the day." Daniel replied,

"How long has this been going on?" Princess Cadence asked,

"We never kept track." Daniel replied, surprising the world's natives,

"Are you a bison?" one of the men from Daniel's unit asked Yona,

"No, Yona yak." Yona replied,

"I used to see a lot of bison back then as well, it's a shame they're all gone." Shane said, they hear horses and the Native Americans arrive to tend to the new ghouls,

"What happened to the bison?" Fluttershy asked,

"Hunted and killed by the newcomers." White Horse replied,

"You should speak to their government about it." Princess Celestia said,

"Sadly, I cannot, the governments are chiefed by the double tongues." White Horse replied,

"Of course, figureheads never really do much, it's always their advisers that cause trouble." Princess Luna said,

"Of course, we do not have advisers, our tribe lives together in peace." Black Wolf replied,

"That's great to hear, we'll be helping Daniel now." Princess Celestia said, and they help the soldiers tend to the ghouls.

Dommiel went to the city and saw it expanding, he saw the desert was going to be gone soon with the new people, he was looking for Erron Black, he had a lot of money with him as well, but he saw Richard instead,

"Get back to work, you idiots!" Richard said,

"But we'd like higher pay." a man with yellow skin replied,

"No! Only us decent white folk get higher pay, you lowlifes work!" Richard said,

"But, Mr. Morbucks, we have families to take care of!" another man with yellow skin said,

"Well, they can suffer with the rest of you inferior scum!" Richard replied, the men begin complaining and leave,

"Get back here! It's not leaving time yet!" Richard said, Dommiel can see something bad was going to happen. He sees Erron Black walking by and runs to him,

"Wait, Erron Black." Dommiel said, and Erron Black turns to face him,

"How much is Richard paying you?" Dommiel asked,

"Twenty dollars an hour, not much." Erron Black replied,

"How long do you work?" Dommiel asked,

"Monday through Saturday, eight hours a day." Erron Black replied, Dommiel realizes Erron Black was paid nine hundred sixty dollars a week, which was to his relief, he actually had more money planned to pay Erron Black than Richard,

"Well, how would you like to serve us?" Dommiel asked,

"Depends on how much you're paying." Erron Black replied,

"This much." Dommiel said, Erron Black looked and saw Dommiel had a pack of ten thousand dollars,

"How long do I have to work to earn this much?" Erron Black asked,

"Eight hours." Dommiel replied,

"You've got yourself a deal, I'll be heading over." Erron Black said, and he begins walking to the farm.

Everybody finishes tending to the ghouls and they all left,

"Excuse me, Tom." Cheese Sandwich said, Tom turned around and looked at him,

"I found this on the ground." Cheese Sandwich said as he gave back his poncho,

"Thanks." Tom said, and he put it back on. The people at the farm work together and Dommiel returned, everything was peaceful until they hear walking, they saw Erron Black coming, every human aimed their guns at him,

"Relax, I'm on your guys' side now." Erron Black said, confusing the Native Americans and soldiers,

"I managed to use a little... uh... persuading and convincing... to have him join us." Dommiel said,

"Good, now Richard is defenseless, he never was much of a threat anyway, either." Volvox replied,

"Well, let's go deal with him now." Shane said, the others agreed,

"Hold on, something's going on at the oil mining's headquarters." Volvox replied, and he watches. The men with the natural red hair and the men with they yellow skin were protesting at the oil mining headquarters about their work ethnicity, they had to do all of the dangerous jobs, and were paid less, along with the workplace being unsafe, some of the protesters had injuries from working, some were minor, some were fatal, they began protesting because the company wants to increase the amount of work they have to do and decrease their pay. The men keep protesting and Richard had the white men serving under him armed with rifles,

"Open fire!" Richard said, and the white men begin shooting at the men with the natural red hair and yellow skin, some were killed, shocking Volvox as the men ran away, he shot hellfire beams out of his eyes at Richard and the white men who worked under him, this scared them and they ran away. The minors serving under Richard get their families and run to the farm,

"Hey, White Horse, Richard's men don't serve him anymore." Volvox said, and the Native Americans ride their horses down,

"Is it true?" White Horse asked,

"Yes, we quit, Richard tried to increase the amount of work we have to do and decrease our pay, we protested against it, and he ordered the white men who serve under him to kill us." a man with natural red hair replied,

"I see, it's a shame big businesses only care about money, they never cared about having a safe workplace for minorities." White Horse said,

"We're jobless now, but this seems to be the only place left to go, there's nowhere else in the city that's hiring." a man with yellow skin replied,

"Well, I'm not sure about that, the farm's not that big, but you all can treat the sickly and wounded if you have the knowledge and skills, but we don't have enough money to pay you all, nor do we have enough space for you all to stay here." Volvox said,

"We're just here to ask for work, we still have our homes in the city." another man with yellow skin replied,

"Then why did you all bring your families here?" Dommiel asked,

"Safety reasons, we fear Richard will have them attacked next." another man with natural red hair replied,

"Speaking of Richard, he's already here." Django said, the others turn around and see the cars coming, Richard and the white men who served under him arrived, they had rifles with them, everybody who had a gun at the farm aimed it at them,

"What are you bog trotters and coolies doing?" Richard asked,

"We quit." the man with the natural red hair replied,

"Erron Black, gun them down." Richard said, there was no response,

"Erron Black?" Richard asked, he walked to him,

"What the? What are you doing with them?!" Richard asked with shock,

"Something wrong, Richard?" Erron Black asked,

"You were supposed to be serving me!" Richard replied,

"They offered more money." Erron Black said, Richard was bewildered,

"Fine! Kill him as well, fire!" Richard said, and the white men serving under him opened fire. The Native Americans and Erron Black fire back while the naturally red haired and yellow skinned men take cover, Daniel and the other soldiers from his unit fire at them as well. Flurry Heart balls up into a fetal position while scared, the ponies see what they were doing and become shocked, they use their telekinesis to take the guns away,

"What the?! Fire at them as well!" Richard said, and the humans serving under him fire at the unicorns, a few got shot, they scream in pain. The ghouls use their magic to make Richard's shadow and the shadows of those serving him attack them, they destroy the guns as well, Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, John, and Erron Black fire at the white men and kill them, leaving only Richard,

"What?! Impossible!" Richard said,

"Something wrong, Richard?" Django asked,

"How are you all able to shoot so fast and so accurately?" Richard asked,

"Let's just say I got my eye back." John replied, Richard growls and takes out his pistol and aims it at them, Tom shoots his right hand and he drops the pistol, he exclaims in pain and falls, Tom walked to him,

"I said this once to a man I knew, there are two types of people in this world, those with loaded guns, and those who dig, you dig." Tom said,

"I... I don't understand what you're saying." Richard replied,

"What he means is there are those who are armed, and those who dig their own graves." Josey said, Richard began to whimper,

"You better start digging, my friend." Tom said, Richard did, he pulled the grass out and began digging with his hands, the Mane Six and other ponies could not bear to watch what they were doing to Richard, he kept digging for a short amount of time,

"That's enough." Volvox said, and Richard stopped, he picked up his pistol and tried to fire at them, but Erron Black shoots it out of his hand, shocking him,

"He's all yours." Erron Black said to the Native Americans, the men with the natural red hair, and the men with the yellow skin, but only the Native Americans had guns, so they open fire and shoot Richard to death.

Volvox uses his powers to open the ground and bury Richard and he closed the ground, the ponies walk over to them in the meantime,

"No, Tom, there isn't." Princess Celestia said, even though she was calm, everyone could tell she was angry,

"Isn't what?" Tom asked,

"There's a lot more than just two types of people in this world." Princess Celestia replied,

"Those are the only two in our world." Tom said,

"Don't forget there are three types of suns in Kansas." Josey replied, the ponies look at them with disapproval. Erron Black looks at Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

"You two came to our world long ago." Erron Black said, shocking the two, they stammer,

"How do you know that?" Princess Luna asked,

"I'm older than I look." Erron Black replied,

"But that was over two hundred years ago." Princess Luna said, shocking the ponies,

"Anyway, we'd like for you all to change your ways, I understand a new era is coming, but your ways of life are still too violent." Princess Celestia said,

"Well, it's a violent world out there, you should've been around when people were looking for gold." Tom replied, the other humans agree,

"Y'all remind me of mah younger days in Appleloosa, but them memories ain't pleasant." Granny Smith said,

"The world ain't a pleasant place, lady." John replied,

"You all really should focus more on building a safer area." King Thorax said as he came over,

"This really is the safest area right now." Volvox replied, surprising everycreature,

"Come on, y'all, I think we can find jobs for y'all in Equestria." Applejack said, and the naturally red haired and yellow skinned men followed them, they look for jobs and most of them found jobs in Manehattan and Baltimare, some worked in Appleloosa, some worked in Ponyville, and some worked in Canterlot, some of them went to the Crystal Empire every once in a while to check on Flurry Heart's leg.

Two days pass and Granny Smith was teaching Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Apple Bloom how to use a revolver,

"There, keep yer back straight, Ah didn't wanna do this, but seein' as their town is like ol' Appleloosa, y'all gotta learn to defend yerselves, cause friendship ain't gonna solve nothin' in their town." Granny Smith said, the gunshots were very loud, it scared everypony, especially the foals, it was Apple Bloom's turn to shoot,

"Now, Apple Bloom, just relax and fire, just to hit the target the best ya can." Granny Smith said, Apple Bloom was scared and fired slowly, the gunshot scared her and made her jump, she blinked her eyes as well,

"Now, now, Apple Bloom, don't blink when ya fire, and don't jump, either, that can cause a shot to come out by random, and ya don't want that." Granny Smith said, Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Apple Bloom were very uncomfortable with firing the gun,

"Do we have to do this, Granny?" Apple Bloom asked,

"If ya wanna come out alive, yes." Granny Smith replied, and the three fire guns slowly,

"Ya gettin' the hang of it, Big Mac?" Applejack asked,

"Eenope." Big Macintosh replied,

"No, faster, like this." Granny Smith said, and she fires six shots in one second, she hit all of the targets in the center as well, shocking her three grandchildren, Granny Smith felt pain in her back,

"Oh, your granny's ain't as good as she used to be." Granny Smith said, and she sat, the three kept firing the guns while Granny Smith instructed them.

Night comes and Princess Luna enters the dream realm,

"Okay, let's see what we have here." Princess Luna said, she notices a lot of the foals were having nightmares, she heard the gunshots, she realized all of the gunfights and bullets were scaring the foals, she zaps them away and continues her duties,

"Wait, what's this?" Princess Luna asked with concern, she noticed Flurry Heart was having a nightmare about the guns, she also had a nightmare about the bullet in her leg being a monster that was eating her leg away from the inside, Flurry Heart screamed in terror. Princess Luna was about to zap it away, but the nightmare disappeared, she hears crying and realizes Flurry Heart woke up in real life, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence wake up and go to her to comfort her.

Princess Luna was worried about Flurry Heart, but continued with her duties, she had to plug her own ears as she heard gunshot after gunshot, it scared the foals greatly, but she zapped them away and comforted the ones who were the most scared for the rest of the night.

Three days pass with nothing eventful happening, Volvox looks forward and saw the desert was being modernized by the city people, they notice a lot of the old places were gone, and cars were driven around instead of horses, mules, or camels, which made him a little sad. Cawing was heard in the sky and everybody saw the crows coming to eat the corn, John gave Tom his rifle and Tom fired into the sky to scare the crows, it scared the world's natives as well,

"Wait, no." Fluttershy said, she flew to them,

"What are you doing?" Fluttershy asked,

"Them crows like to eat our crop, I'm keepin' them away." Tom replied,

"I'll handle this." Fluttershy said, and she flew up, she spoke to the crows kindly and they flew to her cottage,

"Well, I'll be." Tom said, and they continue with their days. Trotting was heard and they see four people come, three men and a woman, they were all on camels,

"What can we do for you guys?" Volvox asked,

"We ain't got nowhere to go, city took down our town." one man replied,

"What's it like?" Dommiel asked,

"City's rule is different from ours, we can't have us a hog-killin' time no more." the woman replied,

"So, what are y'all doin' here?" John asked,

"We wanted to see if there was anymore places left." the second man replied,

"How many have you found?" Django asked,

"Just a few, there ain't much settlements for us no more." the third man replied,

"Well, if you want, y'all can stay here." Tom said,

"No, it's fine, we just lookin' around." the first man replied,

"Oh." Tom said,

"Well, y'all have yourselves a good day." the woman said, and their camels walk away, nothing happens for the rest of the day.

Everybody rested during the evening and knocking was heard at the door, Tom went over and opened it, he saw Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Apple Bloom,

"Howdy, we couldn't help but notice y'all havin' crop problems." Granny Smith said,

"Yeah, them crows like to eat the corn." Tom replied,

"Well, we brought some corn for ya to plant, we were wonderin' if ya needed help." Apple Bloom said,

"Maybe tomorrow." Tom replied,

"Alright, Ah also noticed the city expandin'." Applejack said,

"Yeah, it's gonna spread here one day." Tom replied,

"Y'all won't have to run away from it, will ya?" Granny Smith asked,

"Depends if we can adapt to it, if not, we'll run away." Tom replied,

"Y'all won't have to put the licks in if that happens, will ya?" Applejack asked,

"It's possible we might." Tom replied,

"Well, it was nice meetin' ya, we'll help y'all with the corn tomorrow." Granny Smith said,

"Alright, thanks." Tom replied, and the Apple family left, Tom went back into his home and everybody rested for the day.

The next day comes and Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, John, and the Apple family plant the corn together,

"No, put it over there, it'll look better, some over there, some here..." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Girl sounds like some kind of preacher for organizin'." John said,

"Yeah, Twilight always wants things neat and organized, it's a bit of a habit of hers." Applejack replied, Erron Black looks around and Rainbow Dash flew in front of him,

"Well?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"What?" Erron Black asked,

"Why did you start serving these guys?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"They offered more money." Erron Black replied,

"More money?! Those guys weren't your friends?!" Rainbow Dash asked with shock,

"Nope, I'm not really much of a joiner." Erron Black replied,

"You still owed them!" Rainbow Dash said angrily,

"Well, that's their problem." Erron Black said, Rainbow Dash growled at Erron Black,

"Something wrong, lady?" Erron Black asked,

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash replied angrily,

"Well, I don't have a problem with what I do, if you do, then that's your problem." Erron Black said, Rainbow Dash growled and just flew away in anger, everybody can see that Rainbow Dash and Erron Black were not going to get along.

Everybody keeps working on the farm with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, the Young Six, and other kids playing with the child ghouls, Daniel and the soldiers from his unit nursed the sick back to health. The Cutie Mark Crusaders went to go check on Flurry Heart, who was sitting on the ground,

"You okay, Flurry Heart?" Sweetie Belle asked, Flurry Heart nodded, the three fillies check her leg and saw she looked fine, they then went back to play with the other kids while the adults worked on the farm. Josey was walking around and working on the farm, he saw Ocellus laying on the ground with her eyes closed, he leans towards her and spits liquefied chewing tobacco on her back, which causes her to exclaim with shock and open her eyes,

"Hey!" Ocellus said, she looks around and saw Josey walking to the cornfield to plow it.

Everybody left in the afternoon and the ghouls had enough magic to try to transfer their area to a different place or bring another area to them,

"Okay, it's ready, let's see if we can find the ghouls' home." Volvox said,

"Alright, stand by, everyone." a soldier from Daniel's unit said, and Volvox, Dommiel, Giovi, and the ghouls use their magic to find the place, they make a new area appear to the southeast, the ground was completely black, and there was a few areas to make fires,

"We found it. We found the ghouls' territory." Dommiel said,

"Come on, let's go." Daniel said, and they run. The soldiers stop running and look at the place with shock, they see the homes were destroyed, dead ghouls hung and crucified, the faunas were dead as well, they also see ghouls that were tortured to death, the ghouls still alive look on and tears build up,

"No, we were too late." a soldier said, Daniel and the soldiers just look on with sorrow. The ponies see it and run and fly to look for them,

"Are there any survivors?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Applejack asked, the ponies look around for any survivors, they hear groaning and saw it was coming from under a rock, Twilight Sparkle uses her telekinesis to move it and they saw a male ghoul who was anorexic with cuts all over his body, Princess Celestia moves the other rocks and found more ghoul survivors, they all had some form of injury from torture on them,

"Wait, we made it after all." a male soldier said,

"Let's get them." another soldier replied, and they run to the surviving ghouls, they pick them up and carry them to the farm, the humans go over to treat them. The ponies look for more ghouls and did not find any at the moment,

"What happened here?" Rainbow Dash asked, a male ghoul groans and they see one crawl forward, he went to a body of water and used his magic on it. The water floats up and a picture appeared, they saw Daniel and his unit marching to their land,

"Keep going, we're supposed to pass through this land and to another post." a male soldier on a black horse said, they all had on the same outfit as Daniel,

"That must be Mortimer." Princess Celestia said, the picture changes and they see Daniel marching with more men from his unit,

"What are you doing, Lamprey?" the soldier on horseback asked,

"Just watching the natives, colonel." Daniel replied, the ponies realize Princess Celestia was right,

"You enjoy watching these savages?" Mortimer asked,

"Savages? I think that's a bit mean, Mortimer." another male soldier replied,

"Look at these idiots, primitives like them shouldn't exist." Mortimer said, some of the soldiers laughed while Daniel and others glared at him, the picture changes to Mortimer ordering his unit to go to the ghouls, they lived in tribes,

"Open fire!" Mortimer said, and some of the soldiers begin killing them, shocking the ponies, changelings, yaks, and hippogriffs,

"What? What are you guys doing?!" a male soldier asked,

"Open fire, soldier!" Mortimer said, and he was shocked by Mortimer's orders, so was Daniel and other soldiers, the ones who obeyed Mortimer shot and killed the ghouls, the picture changes to a ghoul family, a male ghoul, a female ghoul, and their son being tied down with rope, Mortimer was on the black horse and gave Daniel a hatchet,

"Decapitate them." Mortimer said,

"What?" Daniel asked,

"You got your orders, decapitate them." Mortimer said,

"But, sir, we were not ordered to slaughter them!" Daniel replied,

"Why do you think I led you all here?" Mortimer asked,

"What?" Daniel asked,

"I have grown tired watching these disgusting savages roam our world, I led you all here to kill them, now decapitate them." Mortimer replied, Daniel glares at him and cuts the rope that was restraining them,

"Seize him!" Mortimer said as he pointed his right index finger to him, Daniel was knocked down and he grunted several times,

"You will die for your insolence." Mortimer said, but the picture changed to the soldiers being divided, some served Mortimer and destroyed the ghouls' homeland, while others went to them to help them protect their home, they were given black tattoos on their right hands to let the ghouls know they were with them, the picture changes to various pictures, the ponies see the land on fire, they hear ghouls screaming in fear, they see Mortimer having the ghouls tortured by being whipped, severing their claws with blades, and ghoul children forced to hold their parents on their shoulders while the parents had nooses around their necks, the ponies were horrified by the actions of Mortimer and his soldiers.

The water went down while the ponies looked on with great horror,

"I don't know if you ghouls know this, but since we disobeyed Mortimer, we are now traitors to our country, we can't go home." Daniel said, the ghouls looked at the soldiers with sympathy, Princess Celestia walked to them,

"It's okay, you all did the right thing, and you all are allowed in my country." Princess Celestia said,

"We were just supposed to pass through a land with no people, we were not ordered to slaughter them." a soldier said,

"Well, then Mortimer will be held responsible, he will be caught, and brought to justice, I'll have my country open for them to come." Princess Celestia replied, and she and the ponies leave.

The day goes on with everybody mining their own businesses, Daniel and the soldiers hear whipping and dragging noises, they run to the ghouls' home to go check it out, they see a male ghoul that was tied with rope being whipped and dragged along by four soldiers, they were laughing as they hurt him, the four soldiers look and see Daniel and the other soldiers who defected, they were about to take their pistols out, but Daniel and the other soldiers already did, they fire at them and kill them, they run to the ghoul and undo his binds. The soldiers and ghoul go back to the farm and Fluttershy flies to them to nurse the ghoul back to health with them, the world's natives realize the ghouls were still being held captive and needed rescue, so they all watched them in case more ghouls appeared.

The next day comes and everybody watched the continent for any ghouls we were enslaved,

"When didst tis start?" Igneous Rock Pie asked,

"I actually don't remember." Daniel replied,

"Thou did not write down the date?" Cloudy Quartz asked,

"No, we didn't document anything at the time when the war in the continent was at its peak." Daniel replied,

"So, how did you guys keep track of the time?" Limestone Pie asked,

"We watched the sky." Daniel replied,

"You mean by watching the sun and moon, right?" Maud Pie asked,

"Actually, it's always night on their country, the ghouls don't like the sun too much." Daniel replied,

"Still, they look so sad here." Pinkie Pie said,

"Hmm-mm." Marble Pie said,

"It's because their home is destroyed." Daniel replied,

"I remember when my farm got destroyed." Limestone Pie said,

"Yeah, that's going to happen to this farm one day, too." Daniel replied,

"Well, you guys should preserve it, for old memories." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'll have to talk to Volvox about that." Daniel replied, and he went over to go help an injured female ghoul.

Night time comes and the naturally red haired and yellow skinned humans went to the farm, they all began playing music and singing, which the others did not mind, Pinkie Pie heard them and went over to join, which the humans allowed, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Silverstream joined as well, they all had fun, everybody danced and sang until it was late at night, they went home and slept afterwards.

Morning arrives and Volvox looks at the ghouls' home continent in hopes of finding Mortimer, he heard arguing and saw Rainbow Dash and Erron Black were having a conversation about Erron Black's motives, Rainbow Dash was getting angry while Erron Black remained calm and composed, Volvox sighed as he looked for Mortimer, he saw Daniel and the other soldiers searching the continent for any ghouls that were still alive, they dig and move the destroyed objects around to find any ghouls, they found a few, they pick them up and carry them back to the farm, the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and hippogriffs that were present nurse them back to health, some of them were taking care of the cattle, Fluttershy tended to the horses and a black mule, and the Apple family and Pie family tended to the crops.

Daniel and the other soldiers walk around and hear grunting, they look and saw four adult male ghouls with nooses around their necks, they look and saw toddler ghouls had to hold up the adult ghouls on their shoulders, they were struggling. Daniel and his soldiers were about to shoot the nooses, but guns cocking were heard behind them, they turn around and saw soldiers wearing the same uniform as them behind them,

"Drop the guns, traitors." one of Mortimer's soldiers said, and they pretend to, but it fooled Mortimer's soldiers, Daniel and the others quickly hold up their pistols and shoot and kill them. The people on the farm hear the shoot and the ones who can fly go up to check, they see Mortimer's soldiers on the ground and some gasp when they see the children ghouls being forced to hold up the adults while they had nooses around their necks, Volvox uses his telekinesis to sever the ropes and let them fall, some of the soldiers check them and see they can still walk, so they led them back to the farm, the world's natives go to check on them.

Daniel and the other soldiers check the ghouls' home to look for anymore survivors, they hear flying and saw Twilight Sparkle coming, she uses her magic to look for anymore ghouls, she did not find any,

"Do you guys see anymore?" Twilight Sparkle asked, the soldiers look around and do not,

"Nope, we see no one." Daniel replied,

"Well, you guys should come back, it's almost dark." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Okay, we'll be coming back shortly." a soldier replied, and she flew back,

"Well, let's go, men." another soldier said, and they were about to head back until they heard crying to the north. The soldiers look and saw a male ghoul crawling forward, it was a child, the soldiers see he had chains pierced above his upper lip and lower lip so he could not speak, his eyes were scratched out, and his arms and legs were severed, he had chains pierced through his four stumps, and on the other side of the chains were gray heavy blocks. Daniel and the other soldiers run to him and pick him up,

"Can you hear us?" Daniel asked, the ghoul nodded,

"We're with the guys who sided with your kind, let's get you to safety." Daniel said, and they carry him to the camp.

Everybody was getting ready to rest for the day until they saw Daniel and the other soldiers come back, they see the male ghoul with them and some exclaim in horror, the soldiers put him down while the Mane Six, Young Six, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, King Thorax run to him, the ghoul cries while the ones looking at him were too horrified to say anything,

"Who could've done this?!" Rarity asked,

"This one was tortured by Mortimer himself, I'm sorry to say this, but there are some ghouls who have received worse fates than this." a soldier replied, the world's natives who looked at him began to cry as they looked at his injuries, the other ghouls go to him and use their magic to heal him the best they could, Princess Celestia also used her magic to heal him while Princess Luna did her best to comfort him, the world's natives look at the ghoul with shock and horror, it made them decide to help Daniel and the soldiers defend the ghouls.

Everybody woke up early in the morning and Dommiel flew around to look for Mortimer, the dragons, griffons, changelings, and hippogriffs flew in the sky to look for Mortimer and his soldiers as well,

"Search every area, don't rest until you do." Grampa Gruff said,

"Keep looking, find any injured ghouls as well." Princess Ember said,

"Ember, I found one." Smolder said, and Princess Ember sees a female ghoul bonded to a wooden board, she had knives in her abdomen, Princess Skystar flew down to help Smolder undo the bonds,

"Hey, it's okay, we're here to help." Princess Skystar said to calm the ghoul down, the two free her and Princess Skystar hugged her and flew into the sky,

"Take her to the doctors." Queen Novo said, and Princess Skystar took the female ghoul to the hippogriff medics. Daniel and his soldiers marched back to the continent to look for more ghoul survivors, they found many dead ones, they were also brought back to the farm so the surviving ghouls can pay their respects to them and give them proper burial rituals. Daniel and the soldiers keep marching and saw a bunch of ghouls marching in unison, they were chained, the world's natives also see them and go to them, but cannon fire was shot at them, they look and saw it, they saw more ghouls being chained and abused, Mortimer's soldiers took out their pistols and began firing at them, the griffons and hippogriffs snatched their pistols away while Princess Ember shot out her fire breath and burned them.

Mortimer's soldiers scream while the other creatures ran to them and arrested them, Prince Rutherford leads the yaks to the ghouls and charge forward to break the chains,

"Get on yak's back." Prince Rutherford said, and the ghouls do, the yaks carry them back and there were so many ghouls, the creatures had to call for aid, Twilight Sparkle wrote in her journal to call Sunset Shimmer for help. The creatures hear running and they saw Sunset Shimmer come,

"I'm here, where are they?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Over here, Sunset." Twilight Sparkle replied, she runs and sees the injured ghouls, she helps nurse them back to health. The buffaloes run over and go to help the ghouls, they also went into the ghouls' home to rescue anymore held captive. Everycreature hears running and they saw Autumn Blaze arrive,

"Is everyone alright?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"Over here, Autumn Blaze." Applejack replied, and she saw the sick and injured ghouls, she runs to them to help nurse them back to health.

Daniel and the soldiers continue walking around and look for more ghouls, they see several on the ground, they go to them and see they were dead, guns were cocked around them, they stood up and saw Mortimer's soldiers, all on horseback,

"Well, well." Mortimer said as he rode his black horse to them,

"You all returned." Mortimer said,

"We're not alone this time, colonel." Daniel replied,

"Really? You and what army? A bunch of uneducated and primitive savages?" Mortimer asked, his soldiers laugh, Daniel and the soldiers who were fighting with him were angry,

"Well, you all are here, and you're outnumbered, kill them." Mortimer said, and they open fire, Daniel and his soldiers take out their pistols and fire back in an attempt to take down as many as they could. Telekinesis and shadow powers appear and Mortimer's soldiers were knocked down,

"What the?" Mortimer asked, they saw Dommiel, Giovi, and the ghouls coming to their aid, the flying creatures hear them and fly to help, they restrain Mortimer's soldiers and tie them up to arrest them, they see Mortimer and the other soldiers have escaped. Daniel and the soldiers pick up the dead ghouls and carry them back to the farm. Volvox looks forward and saw Dommiel coming back, he noticed Mortimer was watching Daniel and the soldiers with a telescope, he did not use his powers since it will only draw unwanted attention. The ghouls were buried on the southeastern path and respects were paid, everybody finished for the day and went home to sleep.

Morning comes and Volvox and Dommiel look for Mortimer while Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, and John tended the farm, Erron Black was standing and watching for any visitors, White Horse and Black Wolf were doing customs with their tribe, Giovi was with the ghouls, and Daniel and the soldiers were back at the ghouls' home to look for anymore survivors,

"I don't understand, how did Mortimer get those horses?" a soldier asked,

"Well, the towns and cities are right there, so he probably bought them, and there's the wilderness to the north, how he got them is anyone's guess." Daniel replied, and they keep searching. Gunshots were being heard and the soldiers run to where they heard it, taking out their pistols as well, they run and saw several ghouls were being restrained to the ground and Mortimer was executing them with shots to their heads, his soldiers open fire at Daniel and the others. Mortimer turns around and begins shooting at them immediately, a gunfight ensures that catches everybody's attention, Volvox uses telekinesis on Mortimer's soldiers to take away their pistols, but they take derringers out of their sleeves' and fire at him, but the bullets bounce off of him, he uses his telekinesis to take them away. The world's natives go over to arrest them but Mortimer's soldiers fight back and begin punching them, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Princess Ember, and Smolder defend themselves physically, all of the griffons and dragons joined in and fought Mortimer's soldiers, they keep fighting until the unicorns arrive and separate them with telekinesis, Mortimer's soldiers try to break out but they were tied with rope and taken to Equestria's dungeon.

The ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, hippogriffs, buffaloes, and kirins look at the ghouls who were held down, their arms and legs were broken,

"What happened to them?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Mortimer and his men passed the time by playing games that involved torturing and killing them." Daniel replied,

"Who would do such a thing?" Ocellus asked,

"You guys never had anything like this?" a soldier asked,

"No, never." Sandbar replied,

"Well, listen to us, Mortimer's men aren't like the others, these guys are fiercely loyal to him, they'd rather die than surrender." Daniel said,

"Have you tried offering friendship?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Mortimer isn't the type to let grudges go, and he won't befriend any of you for siding with the ghouls, no matter what." another soldier replied,

"Then he shall be taken down with force, along with the others." Princess Luna said, the world's natives agreed,

"Let's get them to the farm." Daniel said, and they carry the ghouls, they nurse them back to health the best they could.

Sunset Shimmer and Autumn Blaze look at the place and thought it looked nice, Granny Smith explained how things work in their area, it was just like old Appleloosa,

"Yeah, the area I live in used to be like that a long time ago, too." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Did I hear right, you're from another world?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"Well, I'm actually from here, but I reside in another world." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Wow, that is so awesome, my name's Autumn Blaze, I'm a kirin, but turn into a nirik when I'm angry, we had to suppress our emotions when an argument broke out between two of our kind and..." and Autumn Blaze went on and on, Sunset Shimmer got tired eventually,

"Alright!" Sunset Shimmer said while losing her temper a bit, Autumn Blaze became silent,

"Sorry, I lost a temper a bit there." Sunset Shimmer said, and Autumn Blaze begins to talk about the time Fluttershy and Applejack arrived to her village.

Dommiel looks for Mortimer and notices he was rallying up the cavalry, he realizes Mortimer used his telescope to watch the farm,

"Volvox, I think Mortimer is getting ready to launch an assault on us." Dommiel said,

"I'm watching too, that seems to be the case." Volvox replied,

"Y'all wanna bend an elbow one last time?" Tom asked, the others agreed,

"No, I'll pass, my drinking days are over." Erron Black said, and they do, they all sleep for the night.

Tom woke up early and headed to town to buy bullets, he looked at the bar and saw the bartender was still selling drinks, and the female dancers were still entertaining whoever came, he went back to the farm.

Volvox contacted the naturally red haired and yellow skinned men and they came to the farm, some of them were armed, the Native Americans had their rifles and horses ready, Tom came back and he, Django, Shane, Josey, and John loaded their weapons, so did Daniel and the soldiers, Erron Black stood ready, Giovi and the ghouls were ready to fight as well, so was Dommiel, Volvox tried to contact the men who originally worked for Robert but discovered they were too busy, he contacted those who rode in the desert and they came over on horseback and camels, everybody was ready,

"Okay, let's get some rest while we can." Daniel said, and they do. An hour passes and Volvox and Dommiel watched the ghouls' continent, they see Mortimer leading his cavalry from behind,

"Everyone, get ready, here they come!" Dommiel said, and they see Mortimer's cavalry ride from the ghouls' continent to the farm. Mortimer's soldiers ride down and open fire, Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, John, Erron Black, White Horse, Daniel, the men who originally worked for Richard, the male Native Americans, the riders from the desert, and the soldiers open fire as well. The world's natives hear the gunshots and look, they see Mortimer's soldiers riding their horses to the farm, they watch with shock while Flurry Heart balled up in fear and covered her eyes and ears, the gunshot wound to her leg still made her scared of guns.

The ghouls use necromancy to revive the dead ghouls to help them fight, they mind controlled the crows to attack Mortimer's soldiers, it knocked some of them off of their horses, but they got back up and fired at the crows, but they kept attacking. The Native Americans got their bows and arrows out when they ran out of bullets and fired at Mortimer's soldiers. Volvox shot black beams out of the eyes of his skeletal head, red beams out of the eyes of his shadow head, and yellow beams out of the eyes of his parasitic head, it cut whoever got touched by it, and Dommiel used his magic to make Mortimer's soldiers attacked by their own shadows, Giovi slashed Mortimer's soldiers with the blades that replaced the claws for his hands, the ghouls used telekinesis and used their magic to make light red energy waves come out of their claws that cut whatever they hit as they flew forward.

Everybody hears noises coming and they see the ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, hippogriffs, buffaloes, and kirins arriving to help them, the unicorns, changelings, and kirins use their horns to zap magic at them to restrain Mortimer's soldiers, the dragons breathe fire to scare the horses, the griffons and hippogriffs fly and pick up the humans on the horses, and the yaks and buffaloes charge at them together.

Erron Black fires his revolvers and his bullets change trajectory in midair, he hit and killed twelve of Mortimer's soldiers, he also threw sand grenades and laid caltrops on the ground and the horses fall when they step on them, much to Fluttershy's horror, she flies to them and tries to remove them, the unicorns moved the horses back with their telekinesis. More of Mortimer's cavalry ride down and everyone sees they were outnumbered,

"There's too many of 'em!" Applejack said,

"I don't think we have enough bullets." Shane said,

"Hold on, I'll be back." Django replied, and he ran back. Josey ran out of bullets for his two Colt Walkers, so he took out his Colt Army 1860 and Colt 1849 Pocket, he fires at Mortimer's men and hits them accurately, Tom fired and reloaded the best he could to take down Mortimer's men, so did Daniel and the soldiers, the explorers who came to help, and the men who served under Richard. Django came back and had his coffin with him and opens it, he took out a machine gun and began firing at Mortimer's men and the horses, horrifying the world's natives,

"Django, stop!" Twilight Sparkle said, but he kept shooting, most were too shocked to do anything as Django fired at the men and horses,

"Django, no!" Rainbow Dash said as she tried to take him away from the machine gun, he continued firing and killed some of Mortimer's men, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood and looked on with great shock.

Django stopped and he saw most of the men were dead and the horses were injured, the Mane Six look at Django with horrified faces. More of Mortimer's men come and Mortimer himself rode with them, John managed to shoot them with deadly accuracy, no one understood how or why his aim was so good. Granny Smith fired a gun as well, while Cheese Sandwich used his giant party cannon, Pinkie Pie also used her party cannon to scare the humans. An explosion appeared right in front of Pinkie Pie and she screamed, she looked and saw Mortimer's men were using a real cannon, they fire another round and it almost hits them, the explosion in front of them scared them, another round was shot and Shining Armor made a shield appear around them to block the cannon fire, it blocked it, but almost destroyed the shield in one shot.

Princess Cadence put up a shield as well since the cannon fire was very powerful, the cannon was shot again after three to four minutes and it destroyed Shining Armor's shield, the noise of the cannon scared the kids. The unicorns and changelings try to carry the cannon with telekinesis but it was very heavy, they grunt and struggle as they try to raise it, so Princess Celestia used her telekinesis, it was heavy, but not as heavy as the sun, she picks it up and Mortimer's men fire at the shield, their bullets did not pierce through.

Mortimer's soldiers run out of bullets and the shield was taken down, everycreature runs to them to arrest them, but they fight back and hurt some of the creatures, Mortimer fights back and was putting up a better fight than his own soldiers, he did grapples and throws while his soldiers just threw punches, surprising the world's natives,

"I'm the commander for a reason." Mortimer said as he fought back and resisted everycreature who tried to arrest him. Twilight Sparkle casts telekinesis on him to restrain him,

"Colonel Mortimer, you are under arrest for your treatment of ghouls, and not obeying your superiors." Princess Celestia said,

"You can't arrest me for doing things that are out of your country." Mortimer said,

"For being a wanted criminal in another country, I can, and I will." Princess Celestia replied,

"What about the rest of you guys?" Mortimer asked, he heard blades ting and saw the dragons with swords, Mortimer realized the dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, hippogriffs, buffaloes, and kirins were planning to arrest him and his men as well,

"Take them away." Princess Celestia said, and Mortimer and his remaining soldiers who were still alive were taken away by the ponies.

Everybody cleans up the dead bodies while Fluttershy grieved over the dead horses, angry at Django for what he did, the dead Native Americans were paid their respects by their tribe, so were the dead ghouls, and the men who used to work for Richard had casualties as well, while those who explored the desert had no casualties, Volvox and Dommiel gave their bodies to their families in the city. Tom, Django, Shane, Josey, John, and Erron Black survived the gunfight, but Shane got shot in the chest,

"That don't look good on ya." John said,

"I'll be fine." Shane replied,

"Still a shame our time has passed." Josey said,

"Yeah, even bounty hunter is a job that's dyin' out." Tom replied,

"The city is gonna consume the west, our way of life will be gone soon." Django replied,

"Not to mention we might have to take orders from women in the future." Erron Black said, the others agreed,

"Well, it's late, and it's a been long day, let's rest." Daniel said, and they sleep.

Daniel and his soldiers took turns sleeping and guarding,

"Everyone, I bring bad news!" Twilight Sparkle said, she flew to the soldiers and ghouls,

"Mortimer's soldiers took their own lives in the dungeon, they poisoned themselves, they didn't want to face justice, and Mortimer himself escaped." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Okay, we'll let you know if we find him." a soldier replied,

"Okay, thank you." Twilight Sparkle said, and she flew away. Daniel stood up and looked at the farm, he and the others hear a gun cock and Daniel quickly takes out his pistol and turns around, he and someone in the shadows fire at the same time, the person falls while Daniel grunts as he got shot in the left bicep.

The world's natives hear the gunshots and look, the Mane Six run to them,

"What happened?" Applejack asked,

"Someone tried to kill me from the shadows, I shot back in self defense." Daniel replied,

"Oh my, that doesn't look good, let me see." Fluttershy said as she looked at his left arm and treated it with Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash find the person Daniel shot, they lift him up to see who it was in the moonlight, the moon shines on the person and everyone saw it was Mortimer, and Daniel shot him in the heart,

"Oops, like I said, I couldn't see him." Daniel said,

"It's alright, it's not your fault." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Well, let's report this to Princess Celestia." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all go back and the night goes on as normal.

The next day comes and Applejack and the Young Six milk the cows on the farm, while Fluttershy checked them to make sure they were alright, the bartender came to give them drinks and the women who worked for him danced and entertained them, so did Pinkie Pie, the ponies from Appleloosa greeted them and they had a great relationship with them. Tom rides his black mule to town and plays poker for about twenty minutes, he lost that round and lost a little money, he headed back and it was afternoon, he got off of his mule. Tom heard two guns click behind him,

"That's far enough, Tom." Erron Black said, Tom turned around and saw Erron Black aiming his revolvers at him,

"What is the meaning of this?" Tom asked,

"I know who you are, you're wanted for the murder of several people." Erron Black replied,

"Which ones?" Tom asked,

"Three bounty hunters, Angel Eyes, four members of the Baxter family, Miguel Rojo, Ramon Rojo, along with members of their gang, the Morton Brothers, Baby Cavanagh, three of his friends, and several members of El Indio's gang." Erron Black replied,

"You forget the fact I fought for the north during the war, I'm a hero." Tom said,

"You've been on both sides during the war, you were on the south's side first, and switched to the north's side when you blew up that bridge." Erron Black replied, the ponies were shocked by what they heard about Tom,

"What else am I wanted for?" Tom asked,

"Grave robbing, one hundred thousand dollars to be exact." Erron Black replied,

"I'm surprised you found me." Tom said,

"Did you think you would go unnoticed, even though you change your name wherever you go?" Erron Black asked, Tom was a little speechless,

"You now call yourself Tom, this is the fourth alias you used, all that's known about you is you're from Illinois." Erron Black said,

"Your point?" Tom asked,

"You have the highest bounty in the country, and I intend to collect it." Erron Black said,

"How much are they payin'?" Tom asked,

"A million dollars, alive or dead." Erron Black replied, greatly shocking the world's natives,

"Draw." Erron Black said, and they were get ready,

"One." Dommiel said, the two stood ready, everycreature was nervous,

"Two." Dommiel said, the creatures watch while sweating and worried about what was going on,

"Three." Dommiel said, and Tom drew his revolver while Erron Black drew both of his revolvers, they fire at one another and Tom was hit in the abdomen while Erron Black was hit in the heart, he grunted and fell while Tom grunted a bit. Tom panted while he looked at Erron Black, the Mane Six and Starlight Glimmer go to them,

"You guys seriously need some new ways with dealing with criminals." Twilight Sparkle said,

"It's ain't dyin' that's hard for us, it's livin' that's hard." Josey replied,

"Well, maybe it's time you guys changed that." Starlight Glimmer said,

"What do you all say? Want to stay here?" Volvox asked, everybody disagreed, saying they want to go see their families,

"Sorry, but we have to leave." Volvox said, much to the world's natives' disappointments. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flew to the farm and walked to Tom,

"Well, Tom?" Princess Celestia asked sternly, Tom looked at her,

"What is your real name?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Uh..." Tom replied,

"No one knows, not even me." Volvox said, shocking the ponies,

"You don't know his name, either?" Princess Luna asked,

"None of us do." Dommiel replied,

"It is a mystery, I think no one will ever know." White Horse said, surprising everyone,

"Well, do you ghouls have enough energy to send us back?" Volvox asked, they nodded,

"Well, we have to leave now." Volvox said, and the ponies left, they say goodbye to them as the farm and ghouls' continent were teleported back to their homes. The world's natives, especially the ponies, changelings, hippogriffs, and kirins, hope they change their ways into a new and safer way of life. Flurry Heart remained traumatized by the gun incident, and continued to have nightmares about it, Princess Luna did her best to comfort her from it in the dream realm.

Everybody appeared back at home and everything was back to normal, Django got his coffin and headed to the city, Shane rode his horse up north and left, Josey rode to the east and headed to the city, Erron Black survived the gunshot somehow and left, planning to collect Tom's bounty later, and John rode to the west to look for Bill Williamson. Volvox watched John with worry and uneasiness, sensing that his journey was not going to end well for him.