• Published 25th May 2018
  • 13,176 Views, 150 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Forgotten Friendship - Wildcard25

Sunset Shimmer must recover the good memories of herself from her friends with the help of some old allies before those memories are gone forever.

  • ...

Back to Normal... or is it?

After partying with the guys after the whole Memory fiasco that night, Sunset Shimmer and Fugitoid returned to her place. As Fugitoid was busy charging, Sunset Shimmer was writing in her journal about how everything worked out.

'Dear Princess Twilight, you can add a new ending to the archives. The Memory Stone is no more.'

A day later, Bebop and Rocksteady were parking their van in the lot, as Vice Principal Luna called, "No student parking in the faculty lot."

The two mutants poked their heads out of the windows, as Bebop spoke, "Ease up, V.P. We're just making a special delivery."

"Da. Yearbooks for every student!" Rocksteady declared.

The Rainbooms opened the back of the van to see their two mutant allies had indeed collected the boxes containing their new yearbooks. Each of the students were looking over their yearbooks eager to see all the pictures and memories imprinted in the pages.

'Thank you for your help. Give my best to Princess Luna and, of course, thank my second-best teacher Princess Celestia. Make sure she knows you're kidding when you say that, though. I'm happy to say everything is back how it used to be.'

Inside the school, Trixie ran up to Sunset and Fugitoid and spoke up, "I demand to speak to the yearbook president!" she showed them a page which had Trixie's handmade poster she pitched to Sunset earlier., "How did this get in here?" she lowered her yearbook to reveal her smirking expression.

"A yearbook president never reveals her secrets!" Sunset declared dramatically, and Trixie chuckled.

"Yes, Trixie, we all have our secrets." Fugitoid added, as the three walked together.

'Well, not exactly how it used to be. The four apprentices of Clover the Clever have been freed from the Memory Stone, and their magic powers now belong to the turtles. We don't know what this means for them now, nor do we know the full extent of the abilities, but Leo and the guys promise they're going to find out together. And I'm proud to say we all have made a new friend.'

Sunset and Fugitoid walked to Wallflower Blush's garden where Wallflower was with her friend club mates and friends the Eco-Kids adding more plants to the garden, "I got a yearbook delivery for Best Gardener!" Sunset called out.

Wallflower went to Sunset and opened her yearbook copy. She saw a page dedicated to her and labeled Best Gardener. What made Wallflower even more happy was there were signature autographs from all the Rainbooms, even Sunset Shimmer. Even the turtles, their human allies, Fugitoid, Bebop, and Rocksteady signed it. Wallflower smiled happily as she no longer felt invisible anymore.

Later outside the school by the statue, the Rainbooms, the ninjas, Fugitoid, Bebop, and Rocksteady were hanging out. They flipped through the year book to reveal a redone group photo of the Rainbooms with all of them together, and it even had their allies squeezing in. Rainbow however noticed their picture was right next to a full shot of Bulk Biceps which was what she wanted to avoid, "Oh! Come on! I mean seriously?!" she complained.

"What can ya do?" Fugitoid asked.

"We appreciate you guys including us all in your group photo for the yearbook." Leo told Twilight.

"Even though we don't go to the same school." April added.

"You're all our friends. You deserve to be included." Twilight answered.

"Yeah, we're all a team." Applejack added, as the group smiled.

"So do you guys have to go back to New York so quickly?" Sunset asked the ninjas.

"Well, we're not sure since there's nothing bad going on," Donnie answered, "Why do you ask?"

"We figured since summer is a few days away you guys would like the stay here for awhile." Sunset explained.

"Yeah. You guys deserve a vacation." Pinkie added, "We were thinking about hitting up the beach again since our stolen memories made us forget Sunset Shimmer."

"I second that," Mikey agreed, "Come on, bros, we never get to have that kind of fun."

"Yeah. I've been meaning to want to go to the beach." April added.

"I love the beach. I could use a tan." Casey put in.

"I've never had the chance to experience a day at the beach in my life," Karai confessed, "I'd like to start now."

"What do you think, Leo?" Donnie asked.

"Well... Alright, we'll stick around." Leo answered, as they cheered.

Sunset turned to Bebop and Rocksteady, "You two are welcomed to stick around too, if you don't have anywhere else to be, of course."

"Actually, we was thinking of taking a vacation ourselves." Bebop admitted.

"Da. And since we're here, I think it's best I take this time to go see Abacus personally." Rocksteady added.

"Well, the opportunity has presented itself to you." Rarity agreed.

April looked over and in Rarity's makeup mirror and saw two figures poking their heads out from around the corner of the building, "Huh?" she looked back and saw there was no one there. She ran over to the corner and looked around seeing there was nobody around.

The others went over to her, "April, what's up?" Donnie asked.

"Is something the matter?" Rarity asked in concern.

"I thought I saw someone sneaking around here spying on us from the look of it." April explained while sounding worried.

Bebop sniffed the air, "My nose ain't picking up any scent."

"Neither is mine." Spike added, as he took a whiff.

""Huh. Guess I really do need a vacation." April said.

"Don't we all." Casey replied.

"Come on, let's go grab a bite." Sunset suggested, as they all walked off. As they left, they were unaware of two figures watching them from the school roof. Both of them were wearing black cloaks with their hoods up to shroud their appearances. Both of them were each wearing a badge on their cloak in a certain symbol. One of them had a water drop badge and the second one had a badge in the shape of a sword's blade. They turned and left knowing they had to be somewhere.

That night, the two cloaked figures ran up to a tall fence, as the one wearing the blade badge slipped under it, and spoke to the other one, "Come on! Hurry up!" the second one slipped under the fence, and the two were running up to an abandoned warehouse.

They entered, and walked through a hall before happening upon the main room that was decorated like a shrine lit by several candles. Sitting in the lotus position were three more cloaked figures all wearing different badge symbols. One had a flame symbol, the second had a spiral symbol which stood for wind, and the third had a rock symbol.

The other two stood before the three as Fire Badge spoke, "Well, what did you find?"

"The turtle warriors and their human allies are indeed here." Blade Badge answered.

"And they are allied with those girls who possess magic not of this world." Water Badge explained.

"This is unfortunate." Wind Badge said.

"And we bring more news. The turtles have gained access to magic as well," Blade Badge continued, "Magic that could very well rival our own."

"Ludicrous!" Rock Badge called.

"Actually, it is true," Water Badge answered, "But they don't seem to know the full capabilities of the power they have been granted."

"Then we must see to it, that they are eliminated. For they must pay dearly for what they have done." Fire Badge spoke.

"Yes. But they remain blissfully unaware of our presence." Blade Badge noted.

"And when the time is right, they will cower before us when we summon forth the one they banished to the depths of the netherworld. Our master Kavaxas!" Fire Badge announced, as it panned out all around them to reveal several tapestry's were hanging. Each tapestry bore a depiction of the Demon Dragon Kavaxas.

"Mavakaaa sekulaa nadavaaaa!" the five figures chanted multiple times, as the flames from the candles grew brighter and brighter to reveal the whole warehouse was decorated as a shrine to the Demon Dragon himself.

Author's Note:

Don't think this story is over already. They may have stopped Wallflower and regained the Rainbooms memories, but there is more foul work at play involving one of the Turtles greatest enemies they ever dealt with. But this won't stop our friends from enjoying themselves at the beach with their CHS friends.

Will include Beach Shorts.