• Published 25th May 2018
  • 13,208 Views, 150 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Forgotten Friendship - Wildcard25

Sunset Shimmer must recover the good memories of herself from her friends with the help of some old allies before those memories are gone forever.

  • ...


During lunch period at CHS, the students were having lunch at their group tables. Sunset however sat only with Fugitoid since no one else would given the mysterious memory erasing. Sunset looked over at the Rainbooms seeing them look so happy, but was dismal that she wasn't part of it. She scowled and pushed her lunch tray aside, until Fugitoid laid a hand on her shoulder, "Sunset, I know this is frustrating, but remember they're not in their right minds."

"I know, but it doesn't make it any easier." Sunset sighed, until Trixie took a seat next to her.

"Cafeteria full of suspects, Two detectives, one robot assistant, two undercover mutants," she motioned behind them where the invisible mutant duo were standing, "And one memory stone." she finished.

"That covers it." Fugitoid answered.

"Seems impossible, but so does pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and I do that all the time," Trixie pulled out a little notebook, "Let's talk motive. Who here hates you enough to erase everyone's good memories of you?"

Sunset looked around seeing every student walking by shoot her a bad look, "If you go back far enough... everyone." she sighed.

"Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves," Fugitoid said, "After all you did make amends with every student here at CHS, did you not?"

"Yeah. At least I can't think of anyone I missed."

Trixie wrote in her notebook, "Known enemies... All."

Rocksteady whispered to them, "So where is we start first?"

"The only way to narrow down the suspects is to question them." Trixie whispered back.

"You mean you're gonna ask every student in school?" Bebop whispered, "That'll take too much time, yo!"

"It's the only way." Trixie replied.

"Then we better get started," Sunset answered, "We got a lot of students to talk to."

In the nurse's office, Nurse Redheart was checking Bulk Bicep's temperature, until the door opened, to reveal Fugitoid, Sunset, and Trixie, "Pardon us, Nurse Redheart." Fugitoid began.

"Good afternoon, Professor Honeycutt. Girls. Are you feeling ok?" she asked.

Trixie began asking questions, while acting suspicious, "That depends on how well you answer my questions. Has anyone come in complaining of memory problems in the last few weeks?"

"Not that I can recall." the nurse confessed.

"You can't recall?" Trixie gasped before whispering to her partners, "We're too late!"

Sunset rolled her eyes, as Fugitoid spoke in sarcasm, "Yes, too late indeed."

In the library, Micro Chips was on one of the computers, until he saw Sunset, Trixie, and Fugitoid's reflection in the screen. Much like before he panicked at the sight of Sunset and held out a carrot stick with chew marks in it, "Aah! Will you accept a half-chewed carrot stick?" he winced.

Sunset looked disgusted, "What? Ew! I told you I don't want your lunch money, and I definitely don't want your lunch."

"Especially if you've already eaten it." Fugitoid looked disturbed.

Trixie took the carrot stick and began munching on it, much to her parnters shock. Bebop whispered to Rocksteady, "That's sick, yo."

"Da. Who knows what she'll catch from eating that." Rocksteady agreed.

Trixie spoke to Micro, "Word around school is you know a lot about erasing memory."

"I erased a ton of memory just this morning." The techie admitted.

"You did?" Sunset gasped, as Rocksteady and Bebop gasped quietly while getting ready to apprehend him, until Fugitoid asked.

"Tell us more, Mr. Chips."

"Four terabytes of quantel-accelerflex memory to be precise," Micro boasted as he held out his phone, while Trixie and Sunset looked at each other knowing they got the wrong idea and left with an equally disturbed Bebop and Rocksteady following behind, "How come no one's ever impressed by that?" the boy asked.

"If it's any consolation, I think it's quite an accomplishment for someone of your caliber. Please excuse me." Fugitoid went after the others.

In the hall way, Trixie, Sunset, and Fugitoid were speaking to Maud Pie, while showing her a picture of the memory stone, "Is there anything you can tell us about it?" Fugitoid asked.

"Anything at all?" Sunset pleaded.

Maud answered, "I can't tell much from a drawing."

"Okay." Sunset replied, seeing that was pointless, until Maud continued to speak.

"Only that it's felsic-intrusive igneous, granular in texture, most likely arranged in an equigranular matrix, with scattered biotite mica and amphibole, at least sixty-five percent alkali feldspar by volume, with a melting point of twelve-fifty centigrade, plus or minus ten degrees. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful."

Sunset motioned Trixie and Fugitoid to back away with her, and they did so, as the invisible mutants followed. Fugitoid spoke to his partners, "I cannot comprehend how she is Pinkie Pie's sister."

Bebop whispered, "Say what? That stone cold girl is related to the pink party girl?"

"Nothing makes the sense anymore." Rocksteady sighed.

Later, the detectives were in an empty classroom, with Bebop and Rocksteady visible again. Trixie was sitting at a desk, while Sunset leaned against the window looking more dismal than before, while the other three were pacing, "Girls, this is getting ridiculous." Bebop said.

"We search around school and find nothing." Rocksteady added.

"Sure, it seems like we've only come up with dead ends. But I mean, it could be worse?" Trixie said feeling worried.

"It is worse." Sunset said, as she looked out the window seeing the Rainbooms taking a group photo without her.

Outside the Rainbooms were about to take a new group selfie, but Twilight was looking unsure, "Twilight, is something wrong?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Girls, do you think that Sunset Shimmer's telling the truth about her being our friend?" Twilight asked.

"What?" the group asked in shock.

"Twilight, this is Sunset Shimmer we're talking about!" Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"Yeah, but the things she said, how could she know all those explicit details if she wasn't there?" Twilight asked. "And Fugitoid, Rocksteady, and Bebop were here to back her up too."


"Don't forget that tanto. She might be good at making doctored photos and could've picked up a counterfeit geode, but I doubt she could've gotten that tanto anywhere else." Twilight noted.

"Maybe, I mean we all have our tantos still, and I doubt she could've just taken that from April." Applejack admitted. The girls were concerned, but still with only the bad memories of Sunset in their minds, they were unsure about everything. Putting it off they decided to just take the selfie.

Sunset Shimmer watched feeling as if a knife pierced her heart, until Rocksteady patted her shoulder, "Buck up, comrade Sunset."

"Yeah, girl. We just need to think of a new plan." Bebop said, but Sunset Shimmer just left the classroom.

"Sunset?" Fugitoid gasped, while knowing watching the girls wasn't doing well for her at all. Trixie, Fugitoid followed her, while Bebop and Rocksteady resumed invisibility mode and followed after.

In the computer lab, Sunset was looking at one of the screens that had the Rainbooms selfie up, while Twilight's drone was on the table next to it. Trixie, Fugitoid, and the undercover mutants found her, "Sunset, you're not making this easier for yourself if you keep torturing yourself like this." Fugitoid warned her.

"The Professor's right," Trixie agreed, "You're just going to wind yourself up. You can't think if you're wound up. Oh, think, Trixie!" she tried thinking.

Sunset answered, "I wanted to come in here and see who we're missing," she looked over the student list seeing marks by just about every student, "But we've talked to everyone, A to Z."

As she looked through the pages, Trixie stopped her upon seeing one of the pages, "Wait. "Not pictured: Wallflower Blush". Who's Wallflower?"

"I'm right here you know." said the girl who was sitting not too far from them.

Fugitoid spoke in surprise, "Oh, Ms. Blush. Forgive me, but I didn't see you there."

"Of course." Wallflower sighed.

Bebop whispered to Rocksteady, "Wow. I didn't even smell her when we walked in here."

"She is the good at being invisible." Rocksteady admitted.

Trixie spoke to the girl while sounding confused, "Uh, who are you?"

"Wallfower. I've known you since third grade." Wallflower reminded her.

"Ahh! I remember third grade. Not you specifically, but what a grade it was. The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie debuted her disappearing frog trick. You know, a lot of people don't realize how much work goes into raising tadpoles. You really have to coddle them..." Trixie trailed off, until Sunset, Fugitoid, and the mutant duo saw a glow from Sunset's backpack.

Sunset pulled out her journal and saw a message was being sent by Princess Twilight, 'Sunset, we think the Memory Stone was buried under this rock formation. And if you don't destroy the Memory Stone by the time the sun sets today, all those memories will be erased forever.'

Bebop gasped and whispered to Sunset, "Dang, girl. Now we're really in trouble."

"Da. Once day come to end, so do Rainbooms memories."

"And everyone else's." Fugitoid feared.

Sunset looked at the rock formation Twilight drew in her message, "How am I supposed to find a rock formation that looks... like.." she trailed off upon seeing a similar rock formation on the computer screen Wallflower was at, "That rock formation?! That'll work," she tucked her journal away and spoke to the girl, "Can I ask a silly question, Wallflower? Where did you take that lovely photograph?"

"Yes. I too am curious about that garden arrangement." Fugitoid added, hoping to get answers.

Wallflower smiled, and explained, "Oh. That's my garden. Well, the school's garden, technically. I'm the president of the Gardening Club. I founded it, too. I'm also the only member. And the only one who's ever been to the garden. Or seen it. Or even asked about it." she felt dismal.

Bebop whispered to his partner, "Dang, that's just sad."

"For the reals." Rocksteady agreed.

"You're not really into other people, huh?" Trixie asked Wallflower.

Wallflower ignored Trixie's words, and continued, "I was maybe going to add this picture somewhere in the yearbook. What do you think?"

Before Sunset could say anything, Trixie immediately answered, "Sorry. Sunset doesn't let anyone put things in her yearbook. No matter how much they deserve them."

Fugitoid's eyes shot off an angry expression, "Trixie, you're not helping!"

Sunset spoke to Wallflower, "No! You should do that, Wallflower. Uh, so don't let us keep you from working on it."

Trixie gasped in outrage, "What?! The Great and Powerful Trixie is... annoyed and insulted!" Bebop slapped her shoulder before whispering into her ear.

"Knock it off, Trix! Sunset's onto something!"

Trixie decided to say nothing more, as Wallflower began typing away at the keyboard. Sunset taking a chance scooted closer to Wallflower, and laid her hand on her arm.

"What are you?" Wallflower asked, as Sunset started reading the girl's mind.

Sunset Shimmer saw Wallflower's memories from during the Fall Formal, Battle of the Bands, and the Friendship Games welcome party. She was there during all three events, but was always in the background looking alone and unwanted as if she didn't exist. She even saw memories of the class trip to New York with Crystal Prep. During the fight against Bebop, Rocksteady, Hun, Baxter Stockman, and Abacus Cinch, Wall Flower was just leaning up against the wall watching the fight feeling too depressed to be scared, while the other students were scared and worried.

The most intriguing memory so far was of Wallflower walking to the forest section in back of CHS looking angry for being ignored. She kicked a rock, and suddenly looked over past the bushes seeing the sun shine through the trees in a clearing. She looked at all the open space and got happy as an idea came to her. She began building her garden in the clearing, and while digging through the soil, she hit something. She dug a bit more and pulled out something wrapped in paper. She unwrapped it to find the Memory Stone, and the paper it was wrapped in was instructions on how to use it.

The memory shifted to the day in the computer lab, where the Rainbooms were defending Sunset, "That was different. The whole school voted for her." Applejack told Trixie.

"She was soooooooo mean." Pinkie added.

"Of course, we all know you've earned the right not to be remembered that way." Twilight told Sunset.

When everyone left the lab with Wallflower in the dark, she spoke to herself in sarcasm while looking at the Freshman yearbook, "Why should you notice me? After all, you're Sunset Shimmer. Everybody loves you now, "She sighed, "Why can't they see you haven't changed?" she remembered the stone she found and left the lab.

She returned to her garden that night, and pulled out the Memory Stone. She looked at the instructions, and closed her eyes and began concentrating. The memory stone began to glow green, and all around town the Rainbooms and every other student's good memories of Sunset Shimmer were being assimilated from their minds and contained in the memory Stone. When Wallflower saw she was successful, she smirked in triumph.

Sunset released Wallflower's arm and gasped, "You erased everyone's memories?" Trixie, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Fugitoid gasped.

Wallflower not sure how Sunset figured it out, answered nervously before confessing in her true colors, "Uh... Yes."

"Ms. Blush, what is the meaning of this?" Fugitoid demanded.

Trixe spoke still feeling confused, "Wait. Who are you again?" Fugitoid gave Trixie a dry look.

Wallflower who was still feeling insulted about not being recognized, began to sing her feelings out, as the group listened.

Wallflower Blush: You don't see me fitting in

I'm sitting here alone

Right beside my shadow

Always on my own

If I could share my wildest dreams

Maybe they would see

I'm more than just a wallflower

There's so much more to me

I'm invisible, invisible

A droplet in the mist

Invisible, invisible

It's like I don't exist

Right beneath my picture

This is what you'll read

A laundry list of nothings

Not likely to succeed

Rocksteady and Bebop listened, while still upset to hear she was the one who erased everyone's memories of Sunset Shimmer still couldn't help but feel for the girl. And Bebop however started writing down something on a page he tore from Trixie's mini notebook, before secretly slipping it into Rocksteady's back pocket. Sunset meanwhile looked at Wallflower's backpack and had her hunches the Memory Stone was still in there. She snuck over and snatched the bag before hiding behind one of the tables, while Trixie and Fugitoid covered her.

Wallflower Blush: A yearbook with blank pages

That no one wants to sign

A memory forgotten

Until the end of time

She stopped her singing and saw Sunset digging through her backpack, "Hey! What're you doing?!" The two fought over the backpack before Wallflower got it back.

Sunset spoke severely to the girl, "What did I do to you?! Honestly, I don't even know you!"

Wallflower snapped, "Exactly! You had everyone fooled, but now they know you're still... the Biggest Meanie!"

Trixie and Fugitoid were shocked knowing things were going to get even uglier. Sunset frowned, as she was prepared to reach for her tanto and a kunai, "You're about to see how mean I can get!"

Trixie and Fugitoid came between them, as Trixie tried to ease the tension, "Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Let's not antagonize the person with the all-powerful mystery rock!"

"Affirmative. Not the best option." Fugitoid agreed.

Wallflower frowned, and spoke, "I don't like confrontation," she reached into her backpack and pulled out the Memory Stone, "Let's just... forget this ever happened!" she activated the stone.

"Don't erase-!" Sunset cut off, as she Trixie, and Fugitoid froze in place as their memories of what was going on was being assimilated from their minds and into the stone.

Bebop and Rocksteady stood off to the side and watched what Wallflower did, "Dang, Rock. We gotta do something."

"Agreed." Rocksteady nodded, and as Wallflower tried to escape the lab, the two mutants appeared before her and blocked the door.

"Not so fast, Garden Girl!" Bebop told her.

Wallflower backed up in shock, "Bebop and Rocksteady?"

"Da. We've come to help comrades retrieve memories," Rocksteady held his hand out to her, "So hand over the Stone of Memory."

"Don't make us have to force you, Wallflower." Bebop warned her, as he got in a defensive position.

Wallflower was worried, until she remembered what she had, "I may not have the skill to fight you two, but I still have this." she held the stone out.

"Oh, nyet!" Rocksteady gasped, as the stone assimilated Bebop and Rocksteady's memories of the confrontation.

The five snapped out of their trances and looked around the computer lab with Wallflower gone, "Was I saying something?" Bebop asked.

"What were we doing here?" Rocksteady asked.

Fugitoid looked at the clock and saw the time, "Oh, my goodness. It's already three o'clock?"

"What?" Sunset gasped.

Trixie tried to open the lab door, but it wasn't opening, "Why won't this door open? And what are we even doing in here?" she asked the group.

"I... Don't remember." Sunset confessed in worry.

Bebop pounded on the door hoping someone would hear them, but to no avail, "I don't think anybody's coming, yo."

Rocksteady positioned himself in range of the door, "Stand back, I'll break us out." he was about to charge, only for Sunset Shimmer to block him.

"Hold up, Big Guy! The last time I destroyed school property, I had to rebuild the entire entrance of the school by hand." she warned him.

"Dang, this school has harsh punishments." Bebop said in surprise.

"There's got to be a way out of here." Fugitoid looked around to find a way out, until Sunset spoke.

"If we don't get outta here and figure out who has the Stone, in a few hours, it'll be too late to restore everyone's memories. I'll lose my friends forever." Sunset dropped to her knees in sadness.

"How are we supposed to catch someone who can erase our memory every time we get close to catching them?" Trixie asked.

Bebop paced around until he noticed something sticking out of Rocksteady's pants, "Yo, Rock. What's that in your back pocket?"

Rocksteady curiously reached behind and pulled out a piece of paper and looked at it, "Is written in your hand writing, Bebop."

"What?" Bebop asked, as he took the note and read it. He squealed in shock, "Look alive, fellas! I solved our problem."

"What is it?" Sunset asked as she got up.

"I must've wrote this before we lost our memories. It's got the name of the perpetrator and to check the video." the warthog explained.

Sunset smiled, "Yes. It's been recording this whole time. Looks like we both had to be clever." she slyly told Bebop.

Trixie was curious, as they brought over Twilight's camera, "What's going on?"

Sunset explained, "I don't remember doing it, but I must have realized our memories would get erased, so I pressed record!"

"And I was smart enough to write down this information and slip it into Rocksteady's pocket." Bebop added.

"Da. That is the clever." Rocksteady commended.

Sunset took the camera's mini control monitor to view what was being recorded, and saw the group with Wallflower Blush, and began playing the recording.

"That's my garden."

"Who's that?" Trixie asked.

"Wallflower Blush." Fugitoid recalled.

"Name's not ringing a bell." Trixie answered, while the others rolled their eyes.

The video played Wallflower's musical number, only for Trixie to groan and fast forward through the song, "Long song, huh?" she asked the group.

They stopped fast forwarding upon coming up to a point where Sunset and Wallflower were squaring off.

"What did I do to you?! Honestly, I don't even know you!"

"Exactly! You had everyone fooled, but now they know you're still the Biggest Meanie!"

"You're about to see how mean I can get!"

The camera stopped, and Fugitoid spoke, "Must've been where it cut off."

"So she erased our memories of the whole confrontation?" Rocksteady asked.

"That stone really does work." Bebop gasped.

Trixie spoke up to Sunset sounding nervous, "You know she is kinda right about you?"

"What?" Fugitoid and the two mutants asked in shock.

"Yeah, thanks" Sunset said in sarcasm.

"Actually, the Wise and Moralizing Trixie was making a point. You said you didn't do anything." Trixie pointed out.

"So what does that mean?" Rocksteady asked.

"He's right. I wasn't mean to her at all!" Sunset noted.

"But maybe it's not good enough to not be mean to someone. Maybe you have to be nice." Trixie suggested.

Bebop pondered, "So you're saying Wallflower feels insulted for not even being noticed enough to be worth insulted?"

"Well, that's one way of looking at it." Fugitoid confirmed.

Sunset looked at the recording of Wallflower, and knew Trixie was right. Sure she never noticed Wallflower at all enough to insult like her like she did every other student, but she also didn't notice her enough to be nice to her like she did to the others after she changed her ways, "Not that it matters I'm still trapped in here."

Fugitoid looked at Sunset in concern wishing there was something he could do. Suddenly he squinted his eyes at the window and saw something in the sky from a distance. He ran to the window and his eyes zoomed in focusing on the object to see it was a helicopter with the Foot clan symbol and a shell symbol painted next to it

He began laughing in joy, "My friends, I think the cavalry has arrived!"

"What're you talking about?" Trixie asked.

"What do you see, Professor?" Sunset asked, as she looked out the window.

"See that there?" Fugitoid motioned to what to them looked like a little black dot in the sky.

"Yeah what is it?" Sunset asked.

"That, Sunset Shimmer, is a Foot Clan helicopter with an extra design added by our dear ninja friends."

"Meaning?" Rocksteady asked.

Sunset gasped in joy, "The turtles are on their way!"

"Precisely." Fugitoid confirmed.

"I texted them yesterday about what Princess Twilight told us. Looks like they finally made it." Sunset explained.

"Let's hope they touch down in time." Bebop said hopefully.

Meanwhile the helicopter Fugitoid spotted had the turtles, and their ninja allies on board looking ready for a fight. Leonardo spoke to himself, "Hang on, Sunset Shimmer, we're almost there!"