• Published 7th May 2018
  • 3,795 Views, 244 Comments

Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Ex-Aid: Tirek's Revenge - Michael_Ravencroft

An unknown disease sweeps through Canterlot City, attacking its youth, and a villain of the past seeks to progess it. It will take Unicorn and the expertise of a Legendary Rider to end this epidemic.

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Level 9: It's a Cat-tastrophe!

Have you heard rumors about the black rider?

Yeah, he rides a steel steed and wears black armor.

I heard that’s not armor, it’s actually his body, and that he’s a demon of some kind!

Could he be with Tirek, is he another one of his monsters?!

It can’t be, the Black Rider only attacks those of unjust intent, he’s stopped muggings, and saved villages.

As Sunset, Emu, and the Fantasy Five continued their journey, they started to hear more and more rumors about this supposed Black Rider. Sunset believed it may be another Kamen Rider, but Emu wasn’t sure. Regardless, there was no denying that this could also have ties to Tirek, another possible Envoy. They couldn’t just ignore it, not when they had the power to stop it. The girls agreed and followed Sunset and Emu to confront this Black Rider.

Their journey took them close to the Haggered Mountains, the formation of the mountains made for weather patterns that were always wintery. Before getting close too, Rori had placed a cold resistant enchantment on everyone’s clothes and armor. Her magic was strong, but the mountains had a magic of their own. As the adventurers entered the mountains, they had to abandon their horses, Lightheart informed them that they were free to go where they pleased and soon the rest of the journey was made on foot.

The perpetual blizzard of the mountains hammered down on them, coupled with the blustering winds, and rapidly changing wind directions, it made it impossible for Spectra to fly at all. Despite the enchantment, it was becoming evident that Lightheart was not built to withstand these conditions, her little body shivering as her wings struggled to keep her afloat.

“Lightheart, come over here!” Sunset instructed.

The little fairy flew as quickly as she could to Sunset, and into her hands. Sunset opened up her scarf a little and placed the little fairy there. The mage knight felt a chill as the cold body of Lightheart touched her skin, but she endured it in hopes that her body temp would help keep Lightheart from freezing to death out here. Sunset was noticing that the cold wasn’t bothering Spectra as much as the rest, being a harpy, she flew at high altitudes where the air was cold, so her discomfort was far less than the others.

“Sunset, we need to find a shelter from the cold soon, otherwise most of us will have hypothermia set in at this rate!” Emu warned.

“I know, but I can barely see a thing in this white out, if we’re not careful we’ll fall off the side of a cliff!” Sunset looked towards the front and went still, there was something in the distance, something black was in the distance, and humanoid shaped. It seemed to be riding atop something, but Sunset wasn’t sure if it was horse. “HEY!”

The black figure turned around and headed off out of sight. Sunset took a single step forward, and found the ground caving in on her. The mage knight reached out to grab for something, anything. Just then a pink blur zipped towards Sunset, grabbing her by the waist and began jumping up, bounding off the sturdier chunks of snow that were falling. The unknown savior made one last springboard jump straight into the air and crash landed into a snowbank.

Sunset shook her head and spluttered out snow that had gotten into her mouth. She was vaguely aware of a body on top of hers, but wasn’t sure who it was. One she cleared her eyes of the snowflakes, she was greeted with the face of a girl. She had brilliant blue eyes, a mane of curly pink hair, and twitching cat ears…Wait, cat ears?!

“HELLO! YOU’RE IN A BILZZARD!” the cat girl stated.

“I’m aware!” Sunset responded.


Sunset watched as, quite literally, a ball of fur lifted off her. The only thing visible was her long tail, ears, and eyes. The others stared at this oddity for a minute as well, trying to figure out what in the world they were seeing. The ball of pink fluff bounced down an alternate route, but stopped when she noticed the others weren’t following her.

“C’MON!” the ball urged.

Everyone looked to Sunset, the fiery haired girl looked back at the fur ball, and then her friends who looked like they were going to freeze to death. Now that she thought about it, Sunset looked to find Lightheart in her scarf, but she wasn’t there.

“OH CRAP! LIGHTHEART!” Sunset called out. “WHERE ARE YOU?!”

“What happened?!” Midnight asked.

“I lost Lightheart, she was in my scarf before we went over,” said Sunset in a panic.

The group began to call out for the fairy, but over the howling blizzard, they could barely hear even their own voices. Sunset was about to fall to her knees in sadness, when she felt something inside her armor, more specifically, under the clothing. Sunset peeked under her chest armor and tunic and blushed.

“Um…I found Lightheart!” Sunset announced.

“What?! Where?!” Emu asked.

“I-It’s best not to know, she’s safe, trust me! Let’s follow the pink fur ball, NOW!”

The others were confused, but trusted Sunset’s word. They followed the bouncing ball of fur down the new path, with said fur ball calling out warnings about different pit falls along the way.

“The snow builds up and packs tight, and makes it so you can’t tell if there’s a gap until it’s too late! Follow my marks!”

After what felt like hours of trudging through densely packed snow, the group ended up at the mouth of a cave. The dark looming gateway made the others pause, wondering if they should continue to trust the large, pink fur ball any more than they have already. The pink fur ball stopped midway into the cave and called out, “C’mon, not much further now!”

Once again, the girls looked to Sunset for their decision. Sunset looked to Emu, she was sure following her was the right move, but it didn’t hurt to get the opinion of a seasoned veteran. Emu looked at the fur ball for a moment, and then nodded. With that decided, they proceeded into the cave, further and further they went, the only thing visible was a light at the end of the tunnel and the fur ball bouncing about leading them.

Strangely enough, the further in they went, the warmer it got. Warm enough that they had to remove their heavy winter garb. They began to squint their eyes the moment they reached the end of the cave. Their eyes finally adjusted to the light and were now starting down at a large valley, the snow and ice of the never-ending blizzard did not touch this place, as if the mountains themselves were a barrier against it.

There were vast fields of green, and a running river that cut through the valley, heading further to a distant waterfall. From their vantage point, the group could spot an area that had several large structures built up into a town. Sunset was glad that they had found a little paradise and respite from the deadly cold, but then her body stiffened up as a blush overcame her face.

“Um…would you all just continue facing forward for a few seconds!”

Sunset hid behind a large rock and took off her chest plate, and after a few seconds opened her tunic to allow Lightheart to fly out into the warm air. The little fairy had a red blush on her face to match the one on Sunset’s.

“Um…I…sorry,” said Lightheart.

“It’s fine, it wasn’t on purpose, and it was better protection against the cold than where you were originally. I’d rather suffer a little embarrassment than see you die of the cold,” Sunset replied.

Lightheart smiled happily at hearing Sunset’s words, and Sunset returned that smile with her own. After putting her armor back on, Sunset and Lightheart returned to the group and saw that the pink fur ball was still bouncing excitedly up and down.

“Thank you, for saving Sunset, and helping us out of that storm,” said Emu.

The fur ball stopped and then exploded in a cloud of pink smoke, making everyone stand at the ready, but this was not an attack. When the smoke cleared, what stood before them was a girl, a cat girl to be precise. Her hair was made of fluffy curls, her two pink furred ears twitched at the different sounds that they were picking up, or perhaps out of excitement. Her pink fur covered her entire body, with a long tail playfully wagging back and forth. She wore a kind of tank top tunic, white in color, with golden-brown shorts, and strapped to them were two short daggers.

“It wasn’t any trouble at all, I couldn’t just ignore you guys! Besides, it’s not every day you see two humans, a harpy, an Amazon, a fairy, an Enchantress, and an elf traveling together.” The cat girl gasped. “Are you guys on a secret mission to defeat some dark overlord that’s threatening to destroy the world?”

“H-How did you know that?!” Midnight asked in shock.

“Lucky guess. C’mon, I’ll take you to my village, you guys must be hungry.”

“Wait, what’s your name?” Sunset asked.

The pink cat girl bopped herself on the head. “Silly me, forgot to tell you! It’s–!

Suddenly, other cat people appeared out of nowhere, bursting forth from the ground, all armored and bearing their weapons in the heroes’ direction. The pink cat girl looked shocked at the reception they were getting and was about to protest, when her ears picked up on the sound of someone approaching. Coming up the trail was another of the cat people, an older woman. Her fur was slate-gray, eyes piercing blue like the pink one’s, but had glasses. She wore her dark gray hair up in a bun and had a stern look. Her long tail swished back and forth, but it was less freestyle than the younger cat. She wore a shawl with crosshatched stitching, and a long dress with tribal markings.

“M-Mom?!” the pink cat exclaimed.

“Surprisa Morgana Rei, why have you have brought outsiders into our valley?”

“I was out scouting, like Daddy said to, but when I did, I saw they were in trouble, and this one,” Surprisa sped to Sunset and pointed at her, “was about to fall off the side of the mountain! And they have a cute little fairy with them!” Surprisa, in movement that could be confused with teleportation, moved to Lightheart and pointed at her. “And fairies can’t take the cold, and besides, well, look at them! Have you ever seen a group of travelers like this?!”

The mother of Surprisa glanced over the newcomers, scrutinizing them with narrowed eyes. “It is quite the odd group, we will still need to take them to your father. Guard!”

“Yes, Queen Qura?!”

“We’ll be escorting them to the village, keep a close eye on them, and if they try anything, execute them.” Qura ordered.

Ambrosia slowly approached Sunset and whispered, “Are ya sure we should go along with this? Not saying that we’re better than them, but we could get the upper hand on ‘em pretty easily if need be. With Rori’s illusion magic and all.”

Sunset took a moment gather her thoughts, and then shook her head. “No, let’s just see where this goes. I don’t want to make an enemy if there’s a chance to be friends.”

***__________<U> x [+]E[+]__________***

Their procession through the village garnered a lot of attention, many of the cat people or Cait Sith for the technical term, either stopped to look or hide away in fear. Sunset was somewhat reminded of her past as the resident Queen Bee of CHS, and how all the students, boy and girls, would part for her or hide in fear whenever she was around. It was not a feeling she liked, or ever wanted to experience again. Surprisa seemed to notice and broke away from her mother to join the group, despite her mother’s glare of protest.

“Why do you look so down? I mean, other than the fact that we’re escorting you with armed guards that have orders to kill you,” said Surprisa.

“I…well, I wasn’t always a good person, at a school I went to, I was feared by my peers, mostly because I was bossy, mean, and all-round bitch to everyone. When I finally saw the error of my ways, I was able to claw my way back to a place where everyone didn’t cower in fear of me, but instead smiled and I would genuinely smile back at them. Seeing all these frightened faces, just reminds of me of those times. It kind of hurts a bit to have others see me like that,” said Sunset.

Surprisa’s poofy, curly, mane suddenly deflated as a frown appeared on her face. “Oh, I’m so sorry…nobody deserves to feel like that…”

The pink cat girl looked around and then spotted some musicians who had stopped to watch the procession. It was then that an idea crossed her mind, an idea that made her mane reflate back to its normal poofyness. Surprisa, in an amazing display of acrobatics, jumped out from the procession, flipped and spun in the air, and then landed a foot away from the musicians with perfect balance and grace.

“Hi, may I borrow this? Please and thank you!”

Surprisa grabbed one of the spare lutes and extended her claws. Carefully, she plucked at the strings, tweaking the tightness of the strings until the instrument began to play the right sound she needed.

Qura saw what her daughter was about to do and said, “Young lady don’t you dare–!”

“My name is Surprise, hello!” The cat girl appeared before Sunset. “And I am here to say, ‘How ya doin’?” She then moved to each of the varied members of their group and shook their hands fervently. “I’m gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day~!”

She then moved back to Sunset, “It doesn't matter now, if you are sad or blue!” Surprise slung the lute across her chest and used her index fingers to push the corners of Sunset’s mouth up into a smile, “‘Cause cheering up my friends is just what Surprise’s here to do!”

“‘Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile!

Yes, I do!

It fills my heart with sunshine all the while!

Yes, it does!

‘Cause all I really need’s a smile, smile, smile!

From these happy friends of mine~!”

Surprise took Sunset’s hand and the two of them poofed in a cloud of pink smoke. Only to reappear next to some Cait Sith children who were playing despite everything. Sunset watched as they kicked a ball around, performing some crazy moves that would give pro soccer players a run for their money. “I like to see you grin!” the Cait Sith children continued their game while, and seemingly, to the tune of Surprise’s song. “I love to see you beam!” The boys and girls then smiled and waved at Surprise and passed her the ball.

“The corners of your mouth turned up is always Surprise’s dream!”

Surprise kicked the ball around and passed it to Sunset, who quickly bounced it off her chest and headbutted it back to the kids who smiled and waved at her. But when she turned to the adults, Sunset was again met with the same suspicious looks.

“But if you're kind of worried,” Surprise wrapped her arms around Sunset, “and your face has made a frown.” She then poofed them into a water fountain where they both splashed down into the water. Sunset smirked and then began to splash the mischievous cat girl. “I’ll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down~!”

“Is this really happening?” Spectra asked.

“It would seem so,” said Midnight.

“But she has the right idea,” said Emu.

“Agreed, Darling, and seems we’re not alone in that thinking.” Rori pointed to the guards and the people who were starting to have grins on their faces.

Surprise still dragging Sunset along, began to poof from rooftop to rooftop.

“‘Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin!

Yes, I do!

Bust it out from ear to ear let it begin!

Just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin!

And you fill me with good cheer~!”

The two of them poofed underneath a large, shady oak tree which cast a large shadow beneath it. Oddly enough, Sunset was on the only one under the tree.

“It's true some days are dark and lonely…

And maybe you feel sad…”

Surprise walked from behind the tree and offered a hand to Sunset, gently pulling her towards the edge of the shadow and into the light. “But Surprise will be there to show you that it isn’t that bad!” Surprise and Sunset began walking down the street, and at this time, the Cait Sith who were showing fear and suspicion began to come out of hiding. Surprise turned around and, while walking backwards, gave a half-serious, half-joyful expression. “There’s one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile~! And that’s when I talk to my friends and get them to smile~!”

“I really am so happy!” Surprise revisited the group and appeared before Rori, Ambrosia, and Spectra, who couldn’t help but smile at the energetic and peppy girl. “Your smile fills me with glee!” She then approached Lightheart, Emu, and Midnight, who also smiled. “I give a smile I get a smile, and that's so special to me!”

“‘Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beam!

Yes, I do!

Tell me what more can I say, to make you see~?!

That I do!

It makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam!

Yes, it always makes my day~!”

By this time, most of the villagers, along with the guard procession and “prisoners” – much to Qura’s frustration – began to turn the procession into a parade as they marched and danced to the tune of her daughter’s singing.

“Come on everyone smile, smile, smile!

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!

All I really need’s a smile, smile, smile!

From these happy friends of mine~!”

Not just Surprise, but Sunset, Emu, Rori, Ambrosia, Spectra, Lightheart, Midnight, and even the villagers joined in.

“Come on everyone smile, smile, smile!

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!

All I really need’s a smile, smile, smile!

From these happy friends of mine~!

Yes, the perfect gift for me!

Is a smile as wide as a mile!

To make me happy as can be!

Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile!

Come on and smile!

Come on and smile!”


The crowd noticed that they had made it to the Chief’s residence, his fur was a dull golden-brown, with a light gray mane, and amber colored eyes. Flagging on either side of him were two other female Cait Sith. The one on his left was shorter, with a lithe form. She too sported a grayish-blue color to her fur, with her mane a very light shade of gray, almost white. Her face was contorted into a scowl as her lime-green eyes pierced through any who had the bad luck of catching her gaze. She wore brown leather armor that hugged her upper body, black shorts, and a leather combat skirt with a long sword attached.

To the Chief’s right was an older girl. Her stoic, emotionless expression made her an enigma. She too had gray fur, but a few shades darker than the Queen’s. Her mane was purple, and she had turquoise colored eyes. She didn’t wear armor, just a simple blue-green tunic, but slung over her back was a very large war hammer. The business end looked ridiculously heavy, and quite possibly needed the strength of a mountain troll to swing it.

“I see mine second born has caused yet another festive ruckus,” said the Chief.

The Queen walked up to stand beside her husband and nodded. “Indeed, our daughter has seen fit to throw a parade for a group of intruders.”

The disapproving tone did not go unnoticed by Sunset’s team, or Sunset herself. The fiery haired girl was about to speak up when Surprise placed a hand on her shoulder, and shook her head. The pink Cait Sith unslung the lute and presented it to one of the musicians who was following along. Surprise walked forward and knelt before her mother and father. “Sorry mother, father. Everyone was in such a dower state that I felt the day needed a little brightening up.”

“Such acts are best saved for festivals and special celebrations, not when escorting intruders through the streets of our home. What would have happened if one of them decided to use your ruckus to slip out and flee, free to do gods know what?” the Chief stated.

“Forgive me, father…”

The Chief shook his head as he sighed. “Well, seeing as how they all stayed together through all that, I suppose that is a good sign of character. Come, that you may explain yourselves, that includes you too, Surprisa.”

As they began their walk into the Chief’s palace, Sunset walked up beside Surprise and said, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

***__________<U> x [+]E[+]__________***

It took a couple of hours, but they managed to explain their mission to the Chief of the Cait Sith. All while his family sat beside him, Qura, Surprise, and the oldest – possibly most plainly named character Sunset and Emu have met so far – Paula. To his left was the other daughter, known as Limia, and a fourth next to her. She was similar in features to Limia, but with their color palates switched, possibly twins, but she had pink colored eyes, and her long bangs covered her right eye. Her name was Milia.

“Hmm, so the rumors are true that Tirek is rising again,” said the Chief. “That certainly would explain why such a menagerie of races would ban together in a group. And you say you two are from an entirely different world?”

“Yes, sir. Although we don’t see this as being a world not worth saving, we hope to reach Heaven’s Fall and defeat Tirek,” said Emu.

Queen Qura glanced at Sunset and said, “You have fought him before young lady, and have beaten him?”

Sunset shook her head. “I wish I could say I have, but truly, he was betrayed by something worse than him, something that stole his powers, and nearly plunged my world into darkness and destruction. That was the entity I defeated. I did see Tirek murdered right in front of me, but it would seem his spirit and thirst for revenge was strong enough to bring him back from the brink.”

The girls still got chills from being reminded of that story, that Sunset fought something that killed Tirek, the dark overlord, and managed to come out victorious against such a monstrosity. It only made them admire their potential paramour even more.

“Dad – Father, maybe we should lend them a hand?” Surprise suggested.

“Come again?” The Chief asked.

“Welll…They’re odds of defeating Tirek can only go up. I mean, we have two humans, a harpy, an elf, a fairy, an Enchantress, and an Amazon! If there’s a team who has a chance of defeating him, it’s them!” Surprise stated.

“Why, because they’ll different races? That doesn’t mean they can win,” said Limia.

Surprise wagged her finger and clicked her tongue in disappointment. “Little Limi, you forget, it was The Pillars, six people, who defeated Tirek in the end.”

Limia stood up and glared at her sister. “Sealing and defeating are two very different things! Those old geezers practically threw him in a cell, and if there’s anything I know, is that you can only cage someone for long before they figure out how to get free! If he’s really rising again, we need armies, not just one little mishmash of a team!”

The Chief raised his hand to bid his youngest to sit back down. Limia gave a growl but did as she was told. “My daughter speaks with harsh words, but there is truth in them nonetheless. A small group alone is tasked with such a monumental undertaking, the armies of the different kingdoms, tribes, and races banded together to defeat him, and yet they were nearly wiped out of existence for it. As our tribe almost was.”

“You mean…you fought Tirek?” Spectra asked.

“Nay, it was my great-great grandfather who fought, many years ago. He led our people alongside the other races, and our tribe was nearly wiped out because of it, had we not found this valley, our tribe, our people, would have surely been wiped out. Which is why we don’t bother in the affairs of the outsiders, we are protected by these mountains. Very few entrances lead to valley, and those that do are heavily fortified with traps and guarded at all hours of the day and night.”

That confused the group.

“Your highness, we were lead through one of those cave entrances, and we didn’t have any traps befall us,” said Rori.

“Yes, they can only be deactivated by someone of high rank, which in this case would be Surprisa. She disabled the traps when you entered,” said the Chief.

“You did remember to reactivate them, right?” Limia asked.

Surprise crossed her arms, puffed out her cheeks, and wagged her tail back and forth in agitation. “Of course, I did I’m not dumb you know!”

“Hey, you said it, I didn’t.”


An earth-shaking thud befell the room, earning silence, and had the Sunset and her team standing on their feet and ready for battle. They saw that none of the guards were moving, or looked concerned in the slightest. Turning their attention to the family in front of them, they saw that their eyes were drawn to Paula, more specifically, her tail. Her gray tail had slammed into the floor, splintering the wood. She raised it up slowly and brought it back to a resting position. Paula shifted her gaze between her sisters and said flatly, “No fighting you two.”

Surprise and Limia immediately faced forward, but with worried look in their eyes.

The Chief waved his hand in calming fashion. “At ease, tis only my eldest. She was blessed with incredible strength, as you can see.” Once they had reseated themselves, the Chief went on. “For now, you can rest for the day here in the village, but tomorrow you must leave. I’ll have Surprise take you through a path that will get you around the mountains and to the other side without facing the blizzard. Is that acceptable?”

The group bowed respectably to the Chief and Queen.

“Thank you,” said Emu and Sunset together.

***__________<U> x [+]E[+]__________***

Sunset laid on the bed of her guest room, there was a guard posted outside her door, along with everyone else who were given separate rooms. Despite being offered their hospitality, the Chief and Queen were still suspicious of them. And who could blame them, they had essentially invited strangers to stay in their house. Sunset still felt anxious about the whole thing, she wanted to get to Heaven’s Fall as quickly as possible and defeat Tirek, but she also knew that Emu and herself were not at full power. They had lost all their Gaia Memories and Gashats, only recently having gotten back a good number of them.

Cyclone, Fang, and Unicorn. Mighty Action X, Mighty Brothers XX, and now Drago Knight Hunter Z. Steadily we’re getting them all back, and hopefully we’ll get them all back before we have to face Tirek. But let’s see, that just leaves Metal, Joker, Queen, and Shining for me. For Emu he said, Gekitotsu Robots, Shakariki Sports, Maximum Mighty X, and Hyper Muteki. Getting all of them back would be preferable, but if Emu and I can get our Shining and Muteki items, we can stand a better chance against Tirek…Yet somehow, I don’t feel it’ll be that easy.

“What’cha thinkin’ ‘bout?”

“Mostly how we’re going to beat Tirek, but honestly I’m just as worried about the – GAH WHAT THE HELL – UMPH!” Sunset yelled before having her mouth covered.

Surprise had, somehow, entered her room without Sunset noticing, and was now straddling her with a hand over her mouth as her eyes darted back and forth to make sure no one heard Sunset. “Sorry, I was wondering if we could talk?” Surprise watched as Sunset’s body went lax and her brow furrowed. “You kinda look like you want to stab me for scaring you, or throttle me.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Okay…um…you can have one free shot, as an apology.”

The pink cat girl got off Sunset, sat on the bed and prepared for her punishment, screwing her eyes shut in anticipation. Yet, nothing happened, after waiting several seconds, Surprise opened her eyes and watched Sunset sit up in and give Surprise an annoyed look.

“Aren’t you going to…do anything?” Surprise asked.

“Okay, I will.” Sunset raised her right hand, and Surprise shut her eyes again. The former unicorn then made a fist and brought her hand down, and lightly bonked Surprise on the head. “Bad cat girl, no giving people a heart attack.”

Surprise lightly rubbed the spot where Sunset bonked her, but was surprised by the reaction. “You…You aren’t mad?”

“A little, mostly annoyed, but not enough to not forgive you. I know you didn’t mean to freak me the hell out, that’s just how you randomly appear, and you mean well either way so once the initial shock wears off, it’s all good,” said Sunset.

Surprise blinked, usually when she did that, most people would be chasing or cussing her out for scaring them like that. But, this girl, she did freak out, but she didn’t get mad at her, in fact, she was just fine. “Wow, you’re the first person who didn’t hate me after doing that.”

“Yeah, might want to work on that bad habit. But seriously, what’d you want to talk about?”

Surprise brought her knees up to her chin as she asked, “What’s it like out there?”

Sunset gave the cat girl a curious look. “What do mean? Like in my world, or outside this valley?”

“Well more the second, and maybe the first after,” said Surprise.

“Huh, it’s pretty nice, in some ways it reminds me a lot of my old land where I used to live before, and at the same time, in some ways, like the world I’m currently living in now. But so far, it’s been nice, I don’t want to ruin anything, but we have met some nice people, and some not so nice people. All and all it’s pretty amazing,” said Sunset.

Surprise wagged her tail back and forth as she smiled at hearing some of the stories that Sunset told her about their adventures, and some from her own world – albeit in some altered detail as her world was more technical. “Wow, I wish I could see it all…”

“Why can’t you?” Sunset asked.

“We’re not allowed to leave the valley…It’s to protect us from outsiders. We were almost wiped out, and our tribe has finally begun to replenish the numbers we lost during the first great war with Tirek,” said Surprise. “We haven’t even spoken to our other sister tribes in ages! That’s a whole lot of cousins and nieces and nephews, uncles and aunts, I haven’t met yet!”

Sunset patted Surprise on the head. “But you’re afraid your father won’t approve of going out?”

“Kinda…” Surprise began to giggle. “You’re nothing like what Daddy said.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked.

“Mother and Father always told us that since we’re demi-humans, we’d be looked down on. Hunted, attacked, even caged, and that all humans would dislike us the moment they saw us.” Surprise turned to Sunset. “But you and that guy aren’t like that, you travel with different types of races, and you didn’t even try to attack after I – accidentally – scared you earlier. You’re the complete opposite of what he told us!”

Sunset frowned a little. “There are good people like me, but there are bad people too. Spectra was captured and almost sold off to someone before I freed her. I’ve never really tolerated that kind of prejudice, one way or the other. Guess it’s a good thing you met me, I wouldn’t want just one bad human to mess up your entire perception.” Technically I’m not a human either, but that’s getting a bit too technical.

“I am too!” Surprise lunged at Sunset, hugging her midsection and nuzzling her cheek against it. “You have a nice scent; can I stay in here tonight? Please?”

Sunset was reluctant to say yes, the last thing she needed was the cat girl-rized version of Pinkie Pie snuggling up with her while she slept. But then she looked into those big, pleading, blue eyes and any resolve Sunset had evaporated. “Fine, but just make sure that you’re out before your parents or those guards see you. The last thing we need is a misunderstanding.”

“Okey dokey!”

***__________<U> x [+]E[+]__________***

The sun rose over the valley, bathing everything in its warm glow. The birds sang their little songs, while the Cait Sith people began their day as they walked about the village. The rays of the sun poured through the open window of Sunset’s room, making the mare turned human groan in annoyance. She was aware of a pleasing warmth wrapped around her, which only added to the annoyance of the sun waking her up, as Sunset wanted to continue enjoying this warmth and rest. But slowly she began to open her eyes and then blushed.

Somehow, Surprise had snuggled up to her to the point that her tunic was pushed up enough to expose her midriff, she could feel the smooth fur of the cat girl against her belly, and not only that, Sunset was aware of something else, Surprise’s tail had for some reason coiled around her left leg like a snake. Sunset made a slight movement, and the result was Surprise snuggling up higher, coming close to pushing her tunic a little higher than she was comfortable with. This was definitely not going to look good if someone popped in, which, Sunset knowing her luck, would happen in 3, 2, 1…

The door opened and in stepped the eldest of the chief’s daughters, Paula. Sunset’s face only became redder as her eyes darted from Surprise still snuggled up against her, and the very stoic, and intimidating Paula.

“I…I-I can explain,” Sunset uttered in trembling voice.

Paula looked down at her little sister and then back to Sunset. “She likes you, you know.”


“Surprise likes you, because you’re different.” Paula closed the door behind her. “I am too. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I don’t really express myself the same way as my younger sisters do. I’m not shy, I’m not aggressive, and not very hyper like her. I still love them, and my parents. But out of the four us, Surprise and I are the odd ones out.”

“Oh…okay,” said Sunset in a cautious tone.

“I think she should go with you and your group. She has a gift to make others smile and be happy. A gift like that doesn’t need to be kept hidden in a valley.”

Sunset gave Paula a curious look. “But…We’ll be heading to someplace dangerous, you know where we’re going.”

“And Surprise isn’t helpless. My sisters and I have trained for battle, and Surprise can get as strong as me when she’s fighting for something she believes in, or someone.” At this Paula shifted her gaze to Sunset directly. “Would that be okay with you?”

Despite Paula’s deadpan expression, and monotone voice, Sunset could sense genuine love and concern coming from the elder sister. Sunset looked back down at the still sleeping Surprise. “I –”

There was a low rumbling sound that caught their attention. Paula looked out the window and then back at Sunset. “You should see this.”

Sunset managed to wiggle her way out of Surprise’s grasp, much to her disappointment as she tried to grasp onto to something to fill her empty arms. The fiery haired girl walked to the window, and her eyes immediately bulged. In the distance, there was a large plume of snow and ice, and from the plume, a giant creature walked out of it. The creature was humanoid in form, it’s skin was pale as the snow, with blue icicles jutting out of his shoulders and forearms. The monster’s claws were tipped with ice, and sharpened to a razor’s edge, and upon its brow it had a crown made of solid ice. The creature’s blue eyes shined from the light cast by the sun, and its breath formed fog with every exhale.

“What the hell, it’s a monster!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Yeah, it definitely is one. A Frost Giant to be more exact,” said Paula in the same monotone.

Sunset looked at the elder sister and deadpanned herself. You definitely remind me of a certain someone back home.

***__________<U> x [+]E[+]__________***

Sunset and her team raced towards the Frost Giant, Paula and Surprise were sent to assist them in combatting the monster, while the Chief, Queen, and their youngest daughters assisted with moving the tribe to shelters.

Spectra flew low and asked, “So what’s the plan?”

“Take out the Frost Giant!” Sunset stated.

“Okay – and I’m not saying we can’t – what happens if that doesn’t become a viable option?” Rori asked.

“Surprise-chan will send a signal to have the tribe evacuate, while we buy them time,” said Emu. “Parado, what to do you got?!”

The specter familiar appeared next to Emu and said, “He’s called ‘Heimgran, The Blizzard of Entropy’. This one’s rocking five HP bars, he’s also got a strong, passive defensive buff, so we’ll have to attack hard and heavy to chip away at that!”

“Midnight, the usual buffing spells with some cold resistance added in!” Sunset ordered.

Midnight concentrated and immediately cast the spells, placing protective wards, and charms to increase their attacking power.

“Lightheart, you’re on defense and healing, don’t get too close to that thing or the cold might kill you! Rori, assist Midnight with long range attacks! Spectra you’re on support, if you see an opening, hit it, and call out if you see one of us in trouble! Ambrosia, Emu, we’re on offense, direct attacks, but watch yourselves!”

“What about us?” Surprise asked as she ran alongside Sunset.

“Oh right, Paula you’re on the front line with us, Surprise…I don’t know exactly what your skills are, so I’ll leave it you when you decide to attack, just coordinate with us if you’re planning on doing something big and flashy,” said Sunset.

“OK!” Surprise acknowledged.

“Understood,” said Paula.

Rori and Midnight picked a safe position to attack from and immediately attacked. Midnight fired several flames spells at the Frost Giant, while Rori summoned Fire Rubies, once launched, turned into burning arrows of flaming plasma. Multiple explosions hit the Frost Giant’s body, causing it to stop and take a step back as the bombardment continued. His HP bar was going down, but it was slow going as his defensive buff was nullifying some of the damage.

Emu used his super jumping abilities to launch himself upwards at the monster. His hammer flared up as he swung and struck the Giant in the midsection, causing it to stumble back a bit. Sunset set her sword ablaze, and Ambrosia’s spear tip lit on fire. Both warrior women headed straight for the giant’s legs. Sunset slashed at his right leg, digging her blade into his hide and dragging it along as she continued to dash forward, and as she did a series of explosions was left in her wake. Ambrosia pierced the left leg with one strike, but as soon as she did, the spear released a burst of fiery energy that drilled through all the way to the back of the leg and exploded.

Spectra flew in as she called upon another unique harpy magic skill. Her wings caught fire, but the wings themselves were not ablaze, it as her magical energy that created a layer of flames over her wings. Spectra dove down towards the Frost Giant’s head and struck him right between the eyes with a flaming X. That final attack managed to topple Heimgran as he hit the ground with a thunderous BOOM. At that same time, his first HP bar dropped to zero and shattered.

“One down,” said Sunset.

“Four to go,” Emu finished.

Heimgran raised his right fist and slammed it into the ground, causing a wave of frost laced wind to whip up and buffet the team. The Frost Giant managed to get back up, his ice crown began to glow.


“A what?!” Ambrosia asked.

“AREA OF EFFECT! It’ll hit everything!” Emu clarified.

Sunset, Emu, and Ambrosia took up defensive stances. Rori and Midnight used their combined magics to create a defensive shield and used their bodies as extra protection for Lightheart. Spectra flew higher to get out of range, while, strangely, the cat sisters were nowhere to be found. Heimgran reared back and gave a mighty roar as a blizzard raged forth, sending shards of ice flying at the same time. Those on the front line were continuously pelted with the shards that chipped away at their HP, but what was really concerning was how the ice was quickly forming around their bodies.

The dual barrier set up by Rori and Midnight managed to keep the freezing effect from hitting them, but some of the shards managed to pierce through and damage them, luckily, Lightheart was spared thanks to her friends. Spectra’s altitude managed to keep her safe from the attack, watching as the blizzard continued for a couple hundred yards before stopping. When the attack ended, Sunset, Ambrosia, and Emu were completely covered in and immobilized.

“They’re sitting ducks!” Midnight exclaimed.

“I-I think I can get them out, but I need time,” said Lightheart.

“Leave that to us!” Surprise and Paula appeared from nowhere, literally. It was if Surprise had peeled away part of the world and revealed them. “Can you give us backup?!”

Rori and Paula nodded.

Spectra flew down and said, “I go your back!”

“Okay, big sis, let’s show ‘em how we party!”

“Yeah,” said Paula in her flat tone.

The Frost Giant pulled at two of the icicles in his forearms, snapping them off. The damaged ones grew back, but the ones in his hands began to grow into ice longswords. Surprise, using her amazing agility, jumped high into the air. She reached both hands into her long curly mane and pulled out…bombs. They were pink, with a small fuse, and had smiling kitty faces painted on them. Surprise inhaled and blew out a small spark of fire, lighting the fuses. She then hurled both bombs right at Heimgran, the Frost Giant paid them no mind, small weapons like that wouldn’t so much as–



Two large, and powerful, explosions went off before the giant. The monster stumbled back again as the heat and force of the multicolored explosives nearly knocked him back, the colors disoriented him for a moment, but a moment was all that was needed.

Paula jumped up as well and landed with both feet against Heimgran’s stomach, hitting him with enough force to make the monster release a gasp. She used his abdomen as a springboard to propel herself upwards so that she was level with his face. Paula made a strange hand sign with her left hand, and immediately the war hammer shaft lengthened, and the business end enlarged until it was the size of a boulder.

“Weapon Arts: Boulder Break.”

Paula held onto the hammer and swung it at great speed. The bludgeoned end smacked the Frost Giant in the right side of his face, sending him toppling to the left as he fell again, but this time he gained some air time before falling back down. Heimgran’s second HP bar was dropped to half now; the giant roared in anger as he prepared to fire another AOE attack. But Surprise wasn’t having it.

“Combat Art: Spiking Ball!” She made a few hand signs and in puff of smoke transformed into her large fur ball form, but this time it was different. The fine curly hairs had weaved themselves into spikes that went all around the ball. “Paula, catapult!”

Paula recast her technique, making her hammer enlarge again. Surprise landed on the flat of the hammer, and in the next second, Paula swung her mighty hammer, launching her sister at great speeds. The spiked fur ball spun in the air, faster and faster, and faster still as it reached Heimgran. The Frost Giant barely managed to dodge the blow, but readied to unleash his attack again. However, Surprise released a burst of magical energy that changed her direction, throwing her back towards Heimgran.

The giant found himself getting hit in the back of the head, creating a thunderous shockwave that made his eyes widened with pain and shock. Another burst of mana made the spiked fur ball fly and around strike him upwards in the chin. A second burst brought Surprise to his left cheek, striking it full on, and third had her striking his right cheek. Surprise continued her assault, becoming a spiked pinball of pain as she knocked out block after block of the Frost Giant’s HP bar.

One last strike to the giant’s chest, had him hurled to the mountainside, leaving a body sized impression in the rock. The additional environmental damage broke his second HP bar, and took out half of this third bar.

Surprise landed back on the ground and rushed back to her big sister and to their frozen allies. Lightheart was already working her magic to free them from their frozen prison, but so far only a few cracks had appeared on the ice. “I’m keeping them alive, but doing that and cracking the ice is making it hard to do both!”
The pink cat girl slapped her palms together, she rubbed them up and down and breathed onto them. Immediately her hands caught fire; moving towards them she placed those flaming palms on Ambrosia’s prison, in seconds the ice cracked and hissed with steam, and in the next moment broke apart, allowing Ambrosia to move about freely again.

“Whoa, that was…Thanks,” said Ambrosia.

Surprise smiled and nodded as she moved to Emu, releasing him from his prison. The next was Sunset, the fiery redhead shook her body, working out the kinks from having been stuck in that position for so long.

“Thanks Surprise, Lightheart,” said Sunset.

Surprise straight out hugged Sunset tight, earning a light “Eep!” from Lightheart, and bit of a jealous look from the fairy as well.

A low rumble began to shake the ground, along with a strange bellowing sound.

“LOOK OUT!!!” Spectra shouted to the team from up high.

Sunset looked to her right and her eyes went wide as she shouted, “GET BACK!!!”

Surprise felt the human throw her into the general direction of the rest of their team, just in time to miss getting hit by a large boulder that flew and struck their general vicinity. Dirt and rock got thrown up into the air, making it hard to see anything. Surprise wiped her eyes of the dirt, looking around to see who was still there. Spectra had flown down to see to the rest of her friends, Lightheart had been protected by Emu, and Ambrosia was frantically searching. Paula was safe as well, but where was…

The cat girl’s eyes widened as she saw Sunset down on the ground. Emu and Parado saw their teammate down, and her HP bar was put into the red zone. The Kamen Rider doctor and Lightheart rushed to her side and immediately administered their healing spells.

She…She protected me…She…She got hurt so that I wouldn’t…

Paula watched as the Frost Giant began stomping towards them, but at the same time, her eyes were drawn to her sister as her tail began to rise, and as her fur stood on end. “Surprise…?”

Surprise glared at the Frost Giant as she made a hand sign that Paula did not recognize. “Secret Arts: Byakko-Oh!”

The pink cat jumped into the air and as she did flames lapped off her body. The flames grew bigger and bigger, and soon began to take shape. Soon the flames took the form of a giant, flaming, saber-toothed tiger. The beast’s yellow eyes shined as it released a powerful roar, challenging the Frost Giant. The fire beast lunged at the giant, causing both of them to tumble about the ground. The fire tiger opened its maw and bit down on the creature’s left arm, shattering the ice spikes and digging its saber teeth into its body. Heimgran roared in pain as the tiger cut through his arm, ripping it off like a hot knife through butter. The giant did not bleed, rather the severed limb seemed to be made of rock, but the severed limb was growing back, however, Surprise would not let him get off that easily.

Meanwhile, Sunset was coming around after a double dose of healing magic from Emu and Lightheart. “Oh…what hit me?”

“About five tons of granite,” said Parado.

Sunset looked back and watched as the fire saber-toothed tiger kept pressing its attack against Heimgran. “What the hell is that?!”

“It’s Surprise. She’s using a technique I haven’t seen before, it must be an original one she made,” said Paula.

“But this is good, right?” Spectra asked. “She’s wailing on that giant, at this rate she’ll win!”

“Not exactly, Darling,” said Rori as she and Midnight approached.

“Surprise is burning through her mana extremely fast, that form may have a lot of power, but it takes just as much to keep it going, she’ll run out soon and then…”

She’ll be a sitting duck, thought Sunset.

The third HP bar shattered, and Surprise was already working on the fourth, getting it down to less than half. The fire beast construct raised its right paw to deliver a powerful blow to the giant, but at the last second, the flames died out. Surprise fell, her body weak from using the technique. Thankfully, Spectra flew in just in time to catch the Cait Sith before she could hit the ground, flying her over back to the group and dropping her off in the arms of her big sister.

“I…I almost had him…” Surprise stated.

Sunset walked over to Surprise and patted her on the head. “Hey, you did good, don’t worry about it, we’ll take it from here.”

Emu walked up to Sunset and said, “We have to do a Limit Break and transform, he’s weak, we could beat him.”

“His defense is still too strong, we need something stronger to – did you feel that?”

There was another rumbling sound, and not from the Frost Giant who was now standing still. The sound of snapping trees echoed in the valley, making everyone look about for the source. It was Heimgran who noticed the cause of the disturbance, as it was originating from the spot where he first emerged. Spectra flew up to see what it was the giant was looking at, and she couldn’t understand it.

“Uh, guys, there’s this red and white metal looking thing heading this way, and another, gray, shiny giant right beside it!”

Indeed, something was approaching them. The first was a humanoid being, it’s body was made of shiny metal, with bracers, greaves, and a helmet. It’s eyes of yellow shined as it ran, mowing down the trees. The second was a red robot, it had three pronged pincers for both hands, and a black visor with two white dots for eyes.

“Wait, that sounds like…!” Emu began.

“Gekitotsu Robots!”
“Gekitotsu Robots!”

Sure enough the robot flew in and struck Heimgran in the face, followed up by the metal giant who did a flying kick right into its gut, creating cracks as the Frost Giant skidded backwards. The metal giant and robot stopped once they approached the group, with the other fantasy beings on edge from seeing them.

Sunset didn’t need to guess which one this was, “Let’s go, Emu!”


The Uni-Driver and Gamer Driver appeared around their waists, and at the same time, the two giants transformed, changing into light energy and flew to their respective owners. In Sunset’s hands, the metal giant transformed into the Metal Gaia Memory, and in Emu’s hands, the robot turned into the Gekitotsu Robots Gashat.


< METAL! >



Sunset inserted her Gaia Memories into the belt, and Emu inserted his Gashats into his belt.




A pillar of turquoise and silver light shot up into the sky, and beside it was a pillar of red and neon magenta light. Both pillars faded away and revealed Kamen Rider Unicorn in her Iron Heart form, the armor she wore as Unicorn Fantasy Knight was now heavy metal, with large pauldrons, bracers, and greaves, and colored silver and turquoise. Kamen Rider Ex-Aid had transformed into his Robot Action Gamer form, with the robot having formed over the top half of his body.

“Let’s go, Sun-chan,” said Ex-Aid.

Heimgran formed his ice swords again and came down with both of them. But before they could make impact they were blocked, Ex-Aid using his Gekitotsu Smasher arm, while Unicorn used her Metal Ring. Both Riders dug their heels into the ground as they pushed back against the strength of the Frost Giant, grunting and growling as they took one step forward, and then another. With their second third step they pushed the weapons up and then struck the ice weapons. The Smasher and Metal Ring shattered the ice weapons in one blow, and with that, Unicorn followed up by throwing the Metal Ring. The Ring ricocheting off the ground and trees and hitting the giant at all angles. With one final Ring strike, the fourth HP bar finally broke.

“Ready, Sun-chan?!” Ex-Aid asked.

“Always!” Unicorn replied.



Unicorn jumped into the air, the Metal Ring in her hand glowed silver and began to transform. The ring broke apart to lengthen, transforming into a long spear. Unicorn held the spear aloft and cocked back her right arm as she shouted, “Iron Spear!”

She hurled the spear, the speed of the weapon doubled as it shined and left sparkling silver particles in its wake. The spear tip then blossomed into dozens of spear tips, each one branching off and angling themselves to point directly at their target. The spear struck the center of Heimgran’s chest, pushing him back as he dug his heels into the earth. His HP bar began to steadily drain as the spear acted like a rocket, trying to drive itself all the way through.

As Unicorn descended, Ex-Aid jumped up. Unicorn placed her hands into a volleyball players position to bounce a ball back. Once Ex-Aid was close, he placed his right foot onto of her hands, and Unicorn pushed upwards, giving Ex-Aid some extra propulsion into the air. Once in range, Ex-Aid aimed his Gekitotsu Smasher arm and fired it. The rocket fist sailed as neon colored game energy wrapped around the robot fist. The fist continued until it struck the butt of Unicorn’s spear. The combined thrust, momentum, and energy pierced through Heimgran’s chest, going all the way through until a gaping hole was left in his chest.

The Gekitotsu Smasher flew back and docked with Ex-Aid’s left arm, while the spear returned to ring form and bounced around until it reached Unicorn, who caught it midflight. The Frost Giant looked at its body and then shattered into pieces as its last HP bar dropped to zero.

The two Riders walked proudly towards their allies, with all them staring in awe at their latest feat of power and heroism. For Surprise, this was the first time, and she couldn’t believe how strong that girl was.

***__________<U> x [+]E[+]__________***

Luckily the Frost Giant didn’t make it to the village, so they were spared any damage to their homes. The real problem though, was the fact that the Frost Giant found the valley where the tribe was hidden. Scouts had determined, after following its trail, that the giant had been going through the mountain range in a straight line towards their valley.

“This thing knew where we were,” said the Chief.

“The giant must’ve been a minion of Tirek, looks like he’s trying to quash any semblance of a resistance against him,” said one of the generals.

“We have to strike back,” said another general.

“Are you mad?! We need to secure that gaping hole in the valley!”

“We should leave the valley altogether, why stay in a place where our enemy knows it can strike us?!”

“And go where?! Leaving is not that simple!”

“We…We could ask our sister tribes,” said a feminine voice.

The generals looked to Surprise.

The pink Cait Sith wagged her tail nervously, but her elder sister, Paula, placed a hand on her shoulder to calm Surprise. After taking a deep breath, Surprise said, “We’ve been isolated for a long time, but after today, it shows that we can’t live like this, not if we want to continue living and surviving. I…I think it’s time we venture out of the valley and reconnect with our sister tribes! If Tirek is targeting us, then he’s probably targeting them, too! It only makes sense to band together!”

The older Cait Sith generals glanced to their colleagues, and then to the chief. There was truth in her words, but their isolation may have made their relationship with the other tribes estranged, and not likely to offer aid or create an alliance with them.

The Chief asked, “What do you propose we do then?”

“We…” Surprise began.

“We go to the tribes, send envoys,” said Paula.

“Right, and I’ll go–!”

“No, you won’t.” Paula stated. “You need to go with the newcomers.”

“Daughter, explain yourself,” said the Chief.

“Surprise can do more good by aiding that lot in battling Tirek directly. I can go in her stead to plead our case to the different tribes.”

One of the generals stood up and said, “Preposterous! How can one group of such varying races hope to defeat the Dark Lord himself?!”

“Just two members of that ‘preposterous group’ finished the Frost Giant. And according to Surprise, both have faced beings just as or even more powerful than Tirek himself. Our best odds lie with them, and with Surprises skills to aid them, they stand a better chance.”

Surprise looked to her sister with a smile, she knew what she was doing. It wasn’t a lie, she had skills that could help them, but she was also pushing to get the second oldest out of the valley and to see the world itself, and in the same breath save it.

“Oh, hell, if she’s going to go play hero, then I guess I gotta step up,” said Limia. “I’ll go and be an envoy to the Lynx Tribe, they’re rowdy.”
The youngest, Milia, said in a quiet voice, “Um…I-I’ll go to the Pantera Tribe, they’re supposed to be quite reasonable and intelligent.”

“And I’ll go to the Tiger Tribe, I heard their stubborn, so I may need to…persuade them,” said Paula.
Surprise was nearly about to cry, her sisters were stepping up to help their tribe, and at the same time, help her in fulfilling her dream. Queen Qura and the Chief looked to each other and nodded their heads.

“Very well, you three shall began negotiations with our sister tribes, Surprise, you shall aid the strangers in their mission to defeat Tirek himself, I pray for your victory,” said Queen Qura with a smile.

Surprise bowed before her parents and said, “I won’t let you down!”

***__________<U> x [+]E[+]__________***

The team was led through a long tunnel, finally emerging from it to a grassy flat land, behind them stood the mighty mountains that they had traveled through, the very mountains that housed the Cait Sith. Surprise looked down the long tunnel with a bit of forlornness, Sunset walked up to Surprise and asked, “Are you sure you want to go?”

“My sisters are stepping up so that I can have my dream. Going back now would just be an insult to them, besides, it’s not forever, I’ll see them again!” Surprise stated with a smile.

Sunset smiled back and patted her on the head. “There you go, you’re cuter when you smile, Surprise.”

Surprise giggled, she then threw her arms around Sunset and gave her right cheek a lick. “You smell good, and taste good, too.”
Sunset blushed, but so did the rest of the girls who had their mouths hanging open. She then heard another pinging sound and Sunset groaned.

Great, now I have the whole set…yay…