• Published 7th May 2018
  • 3,798 Views, 244 Comments

Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Ex-Aid: Tirek's Revenge - Michael_Ravencroft

An unknown disease sweeps through Canterlot City, attacking its youth, and a villain of the past seeks to progess it. It will take Unicorn and the expertise of a Legendary Rider to end this epidemic.

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Level 12: Battle of the Mid-Bosses

The CR team had been alerted, and all hands were on deck. Police armed with the best monster busting equipment that PhoenEXE could provide had surrounded Canterlot General Hospital. During the night, the patch had been broken through, and was open for a full four hours, plenty of time to have any creature enter into their world from the game world. No doubt Tirek would strike at their location, this was the place they were developing a vaccine, not to mention, the same place they were harboring the creator of the game. Two very good reasons for Tirek to lay siege to the hospital.

At the rooftop, at the edge of the heliport, Hiiro and Rainbow Dash kept watch. Down below, Poppy and Kiriya, along with Shining Armor and Taiga, were keeping watch on streets. Inside, Kuroto was in the middle of working feverishly to produce the vaccine to counter the new Bugster virus, his gaze would occasionally shift to Starlight. Knowing that she was like him, more likely meant she had Kamen Rider powers, Starlight glanced over to Kuroto, their gazes meeting as a silent understanding passed between them. Twilight and Microchips were still at it, doing what they could to assist in creating the vaccine, but finding a way to bring back Emu and Sunset.

Suddenly, all was quiet. There was a rumbling going on, subtle rumbling that could be heard and felt. The officers and Riders looked down Mane Street and witnessed as hundreds of dozens of Bugsters began marching towards them, each orange headed creature was fully armored and wielding either a spear, sword and shield, bow and arrow, or magic staff. At the head of the army were monsters.

The first stood on two legs, that were muscled and goat-like. It transitioned upwards as its bare chest showed scales, outlined with tiger fur. Its arms were muscular, and had razor sharp, black claws. The creature had two heads, one was a goat with a small muzzle and rows of sharp teeth, and the other was a tiger’s head. Its tail was that of a green snake that hissed as it rose up to eye level with its other two heads.

The second was a snake monster, although it looked more like a Naga. Its lower body was a snake trunk, littered with green scales as tough as any armor. Its upper body was humanoid, with its long arms having two long blade talons that protruded from the front of its forearms. Black spines followed along the length of the creature’s spine, stopping at the head where two forward curving horns rested. Its eyes glinted in the light of the sun, as it opened its mouth to release a loud hiss.

The third was a blue in color, armored, but had goat legs. It had a snake tail, but this beast sported golden armor over his chest, arms, and head, allowing only his horns to show, and his gleaming eyes. He carried a large sword that looked too heavy for any ordinary person to wield, and was no doubt full of destructive power.

The fourth one was a silver armored bird creature. It had black wings, a raven’s head, and clawed hands as it walked with a katana strapped to its side. The fourth beast raised his fist and halted the army behind him, and then spoke, “We are the Heralds of Lord Tirek! I Yatagarasu! Chimera!” The two-headed beast roared. “Drakon!” The snake hissed. “And Gleam Eyes!” The beast with the sword pounded his chest. “In the name of our Lord and Master, this world is to be his! Give unto us the sacrifices so that he may rise once again!”

Shining Armor looked to his fellow Riders and all nodded to him. The officer then walked up to the head of the group and said, “You want them, come and get them!”
Taiga, Kiriya, and Hiiro summoned their Gamer Drivers, while Poppy summoned her Bugvisor. Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash were next, summoning their T-Driver and N-Driver.


< NASCA! >






> NASCA! <






Six flashes of light went off, blinding the other officers, but when they faded, they were now staring at a squad of Kamen Riders. Snipe, Trigger, Lazer Turbo, and Poppy. From above, both Brave and Nasca landed on the ground without any harm and joined their teammates in their final battle against the invaders.

“We’re a bit uneven here,” said Nasca.

“Agreed, no doubt they’ve powered up, but they are the same Bugsters we each fought before. Problem is if you do the math…” Brave started.

“There’s six of us and four of them, if we do two on two, that’ll still leave one of them the odd man out, if we don’t get a handle on him, it could get messy,” said Lazer.

“I’ll take Chimera, I still owe him for busting up my squad car!” Trigger stated.

“I’ll fight Drakon, Emu and I already fought him so I have an idea of what he can do,” said Poppy.

“I’ll back you up, Poppy,” said Lazer.

“Nasca and I will take Gleam Eyes,” said Brave.

Nasca pumped her fist and said, “Oh yeah, round two!”

With their assignments given, the Riders charged for their respective opponents. Brave and Nasca, swords drawn, began to duel with Gleam at rapid speed. The air rang with the sound of sword metal clashing, sparks flying from every impact.

Snipe and Trigger drew their blasters, Trigger began barraging Chimera. Despite the lumbering beast’s size, it was surprisingly agile, dodging most of Trigger’s blasts. Snipe went after Yatagarasu, however, the raven warrior merely flapped his wings and ascended into the air. With another mighty flap, Yatagarasu flew straight for the hospital and burst through a wall and into the building itself.

“Damn!” Snipe cursed as he prepared to give chase.

Chimera lashed out with its snake tail, wrapping around Snipe and reeling him in like a fish. The Bugster beast raised him up and then slammed him down into the pavement in one fluid motion, nearly knocking the wind out of Taiga. Trigger began firing his Chrome Magnum, hitting the tail repeatedly until it released Snipe. The neon yellow caped Rider tore himself out of the body sized crater, rolled around into a kneeling position, and began his barrage at Chimera.

Poppy and Lazer were engaged with the Drakon, with Lazer using the Gashcon Sparrow and Poppy using her Bugvisor’s chainsaw mode. Lazer fired multiple arrow blasts at Drakon, trying to pin it down while Poppy jumped up and came in with her chainsaw blade. The Drakon used its protruding forearm talon to intercept Poppy as the chainsaw sparked against the armor-like bone weapon. Drakon pushed back, throwing Poppy off balance while in midair, and came down with its tail, hitting her across the chest and making sparks fly from her armor as she was sent sailing.

Lazer dashed away and appeared behind Poppy, catching her, and slowing her down until they both came to a stop. Poppy turned her head and said, “Thanks Kiriya-san.”

“Don’t thank me yet, Poppy, we still got that thing to deal with!”

***___________<U> x [+]E[+]___________***

Inside the hospital, Yatagarasu was tearing through the building, slicing at doors, walls, and generally anything that dared to get in his way. He was on a mission, to kill the boy, and at the same time, kill the other humans who could prove to be a hinderance to his lord and master. Yatagarasu found one section of the hospital had been cordoned off and rushed down that hall. With a few quick slices, the raven tengu warrior entered the ward, and inside found hospital beds, and in them were the “sacrifices”, some of them anyway. But along with them he found his secondary targets.

The girls who bore a magic that had the potential to stop his master were all in the room, each one looking frightened, as they should be. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity each rushed to their respective sibling’s side, glaring daggers at the monster and joined by their parents.

“You are not going to lay a finger on them!” Rarity declared.

“Killing a sacrifice now would only anger my Master, however, killing you is well within my mandate!”

Yatagarasu raised his katana, ready to slice Rarity, however…

“HALT!” Everyone in the room, including Yatagarasu, turned around and saw Dan Kuroto standing in the middle of the wrecked doorway. “You dare intrude on my holy ground?!”

Applejack looked to her brother, “Is he serious?”

“I cannot forgive this transgression against god!” A Gamer Driver appeared around his waist, and in his hands, he held two Gashats. “Prepare for my wrath!”



“Grade X-0! Henshin!”



Two molds appeared before Kuroto, the first transformed him into Kamen Rider Genm, which was a dark color swap of Ex-Aid’s form using a Proto-Gashat. The second mold appeared and Genm was hidden in a purple and black haze, while the illustration on the mold moved back and forth. After a second, Genm burst through the mold in a very, horror moviesque style, and appeared in a completely different form. Genm was covered in bone white armor, with black armor mesh underneath. His left shoulder pauldron had three spikes coming from it, same as his left forearm bracer. His helmet had a mouth plate on it, and his visor was cracked, with one half covered with red glass, and the other half showing its exposed blue eye. This was his strongest form, Zombie Action Gamer X-0.

Right now, after seeing that transformation, everyone wasn’t so sure if they were safer or in more danger since the transformation literally had “Dangerous Zombie” in the title.

Come and receive your punishment! Genm cried out as he launched himself at the monster.

Genm delivered a power punch to Yatagarasu and sent him flying across the room and through the window. The dark Rider gave chase as he summoned the Gaschon Sparrow and fired several arrow blasts at the monster. Each blast hit the monster again and again and had him crash into the side of the adjacent building. Genm continued to follow him, as he flipped in the air and landed inside the hole he had created.

Meanwhile, Starlight Glimmer watched the battle transpire from a vacant room in the hospital. She knew that they would need all the power they could muster. Calling on Double Diamond to aid wasn’t a good idea at this time, he was better where he was, guarding Party Favor, Sugar Belle, and Night Glider. No, this needed something more, something to tip the balance.

“Something to even the score.”

< EQUAL! >


> EQUAL! <

Starlight placed her Equal Memory into the Equilibrium Driver, and transformed into the dark, Kamen Rider Equal. Equal took a runner’s stance and jumped out the window, propelling herself until she reached the hole that Genm had made in the other building, rolling to a stop next to him as she quickly got up, entered her fighting stance, and summoned her Staff of Sameness.

Looks like you decided to get serious, said Genm.

“I’m holding you to your promise of secrecy,” said Equal.

A promise from god is never taken back!

Yatagarasu entered his fighting stance, and in the next moment dashed towards the dark Riders. Equal blocked the attack with her staff, while Genm broke the Gashcon Sparrow into its twin sickles and slashed at Yatagarasu’s exposed stomach, making sparks fly as the tengu warrior fell back. Equal and Genm glanced to each other, nodded, and charged forward. A series of explosions erupted from the building across the street, along with flashes of light and shattered windows with each detonation.

On the ground, the six Riders were busy battling the other three Heralds. The battle for the lives of the city, and the world, had begun.

***___________<U> x [+]E[+]___________***

The Fantasy Six, Emu, and Sunset had ridden all day and night, but they finally reached their destination. Lightheart and Emu, along with Midnight, concocted a brew that they each drank to revitalize their bodies, riding for twenty-four hours straight took a physical and mental toll, especially since none of them slept. But with their potion, it was able to bring them back to full alertness as if they had gotten a goodnight’s sleep, all their fatigue had melted away, and they felt fresh and ready for the fight.

All them checked their equipment, rechecked, and triple checked. Midnight was busy absorbing some spells from a book she had in her satchel, and no, she didn’t read it, she used a spell to absorb the knowledge of the spell book, beaming it directly into her brain. Normally Midnight would not use such a technique as she thoroughly enjoyed reading books, but this was an emergency, the joy of reading would have to take a backseat today.

Ambrosia was fitting herself with some traditional Amazonian Armor she had. When she left the camp, her captain gave her a special item that would summon strong armor to protect her. The item was a medal with glyph markings on it. Ambrosia placed it on her right bracer and tapped it once, the medal released golden particles that layered over her body, golden bracers, boots, chest plate, and helmet. The helmet had a plume on it, red in color, matching that of her red flowing cape.

Rori was summoning multiple gemstones, each one having their own specific attribute, but the ones she was using were from her personal stash. Each was of such high quality that any other would pale in comparison. Rubies, Sapphires, Topazes, Emeralds, Rose Quartz, Garnets, Amethysts, Pearls, Lapis Lazuli, Peridots. Atop of that, she brought out her strongest gems, Red, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green, and White Diamonds, these were her strongest diamond gemstones. Rori snapped her fingers, and the dress she had been wearing transformed into violet, sparkling dress. While just a simple change, it was indeed much more, the dress was enchanted with multiple spells of warding, to guard against magical and physical damage. It also contained a regeneration spell to heal any wounds that would be inflicted upon her.

Spectra had bought some weapons during their last trip to a city. A pair of weaponized harpy war talons. They were fastened around her legs to provide protection and fitted over her normal talons which gave them a menacing appearance. Of course, these weapons were also enchanted with a self-sharpening spell to keep them razor sharp at all times, and a wind, fire, and metal elemental charge for when Spectra used her more unique magic skills. Rori had enchanted Spectra’s attire to provide extra defense to the best that the clothes would allow.

Surprise, well, surprisingly, was busy meditating, focusing her chi energy. She had outfitted herself with special dragon armor, handed down from parent to child through her family’s line. It was made of the scales of a Red Celestial Dragon, what made these scales better was that they were given from the beast itself and not taken from a slain dragon. Scales taken from a slain dragon were strong, but the magical boost they gave wasn’t as good. However, when given freely from a Celestial Dragon, the scales were stronger, and gave a tremendous boost to not only magical, but physical strength. Surprise was fitted with bracers, greaves, and a chest plate. Her head had a helmet and face plate that kept her identity hidden as well as protected her from mental spells. Surprise’s short swords were switched with that of given Dragon Fang short swords; unbreakable and could cut through almost any metal.

Lightheart didn’t really have as much for armor and weapons, but she could enhance her magic. There was a good patch of green that she laid in, channeling the energy of the earth to grant her greater strength. Rori had taken the time to enchant Lightheart’s leaf clothing with extra protective wards. More than likely she was going to provide healing support and they needed to make sure she would not be taken out right away.

Emu and Sunset were going over their items; plenty of potions and buff runes for when they faced Tirek. They also made sure to allocate any points they had gained during their level ups. During the last ten minutes, Sunset had been trying to contact Twilight on the other side to tell their friends that they were about to confront Tirek. However, each time she tried to make a connection, no one would answer.

“I don’t like this, Emu. We’re this close and now we can’t get in contact with the real world?”

“I know, I have a bad feeling about this, too,” said Emu. “The best thing we can do for our friends is face Tirek and defeat them. I know my friends will protect yours Sun-chan.”

“Same for mine,” said Sunset.

Both Riders stood up and looked to their friends who all stood up as well. A round of nods were given amongst them, they knew that this was the final battle, today would mark either the end of evil or the beginning of its reign.

“No matter what happens, girls, I want you all to know that you’re all our best friends. And that there is no one better we could ask to fight at our side,” said Sunset.

Spectra chuckled, “Sunset, you flatter us like that I might just hitch a ride with you back your world!”

Sunset shivered, she could only handle one Rainbow Dash, and one Pinkie Pie, she did not need the doubles of them residing in the same plain of existence. With those words said, the Fantasy Six and the two Kamen Riders set foot in Heaven’s Fall.

Just as the name in implied, it was truly an unholy place. The land transitioned into gray, ashen soil. The skies above were blanketed with thick, black storm clouds that released lighting and rumbled with thunder. This land would never be touched by the rays of the sun, for this was the place where once a demon’s city resided, and was the birth place of the greater evil, Tirek. The land was barren, no trees grew here, just nothingness as far as the eye could see. No rain touched this ground either, despite the storm clouds, they only released lighting bolts that struck the ground and littered it with scorched craters. There was only one thing that stood out in this barren nothingness though, a remnant structure of the old city of Tambelon, a citadel. It was at least five miles wide, and seven stories high, with a rotunda that had stained-glass windows, the only thing colorful for miles aside from the group of adventurers.

Despite not seeing anything, they never once let down their guard. They knew that they were in Tirek’s territory now, and that an attack could happen at any given moment. It was nerve wracking, honestly.

They were coming close to the citadel, but then a flash of lightning went off above them, and then another, and another, and another. The lightning continued to flash until six different arcs of lightning combined into one and shot down from the sky, striking the earth before them. The team went into defensive stances, bracing against the shockwave that was generated from the blast. When the dust settled from the strike, they beheld the demonic form of Daemona Morningstar, or as she was previously known by…

“Corona Brightstar,” said Midnight.

The demon sneered at hearing her old name. “I don’t answer to that name anymore. Corona was the name of the weak girl who could do nothing, who was alone and became nothing more than a street urchin! I am not her, I am power and destruction! I am Daemona! And by Lord Tirek’s command, I shall kill you all before his rise!”

Midnight stepped forward and looked into the eyes of the demon hovering before them. “Corona, this isn’t you! I know there’s still good in there! I saw it, if for not but a split second! Your words were harsh, but you spoke the truth that we all denied! But I will correct you on one thing! We have discovered friendship, and despite knowing that we might never see Sunset again, we will forever have her friendship! That is something you can have too!”

Daemona’s eyes shined turquoise and black as she raised her clawed hands fired twin beams of dark magic. The group jumped back just in time to miss the attack as a large explosion went off in front of them. Unfortunately, the buffeting force was not something they could escape as most of them were thrown to the ground. Daemona raised her right hand and fired a torrent of demonic flames at them, but Rori and Ambrosia were quick to intercept. The Amazon and Enchantress stood before their friends as Ambrosia’s shield shined, and Rori summoned her White Diamond. The diamond expanded until it was a large shield, and Ambrosia’s shield created a large energy construct shield with the image of a gorgon on it.

The flames struck against their dual barrier, parting the flames and making them go around their team. Sunset was the third to rise, drawing her sword she jumped over their shield and charged straight for her demonic counterpart. Daemona saw this and summoned a sword made of obsidian crystal and flew towards Sunset. Both girls met in the middle as they clashed with their swords, a shockwave, along with the “ting” sound of crystal striking crystal, echoed into the barren land. However, as the two struggled against each other, something happened. Sunset heard the neigh of the Unicorn Memory. Suddenly, her crystal sword began to glow as a field of turquoise light washed over everything, bathing the area in a turquoise hue.

“I never wanted to be alone…”

“What the?!” Spectra exclaimed.

“Did you guys here that?” Emu asked.

“Being a great sorceress, that was my dream, but had I known what it would cost me, I would have refused what my mother and father had done…”

“I’m not saying those things?! Why is my voice echoing like that?!” Damona roared.

The demoness released a burst wave of energy that forced Sunset back. The flame haired heroine flipped around and dug her heels into the earth as she skidded to a stop. Daemona came in for another strike, but Emu dashed across the field and blocked her strike with his hammer.

“They put me through such grueling training, reprimanded me harshly whenever I got something wrong. Either by pain or words alone, sometimes both…”

Emu looked to Sunset and asked, “What’s going on Sun-chan?!”

Sunset looked to her sword, and then it became clear. “This is just like what happened with Delta Vee, these…these are Corona’s thoughts and feelings! The Unicorn Memory is letting us here what’s truly in her heart!”

“Minerva would torture me at night…I would be tortured through training in the day…again and again the cycle would continue…”

Lightheart placed her hands against her mouth, the power of the Unicorn Memory was increasing, for now not only were her emotions being felt, so too was her pain. “Oh my…”

“She…How could anyone do this to another person?!” Spectra shouted in anger.


Daemona released a roar as her energy increased, forcing Emu and Sunset away with just sheer power alone. Daemona readied to swing her sword again, that is until thousands of Surprise clones flooded her vision and completely surrounded the girl.

“I thought if I could endure it, I could save myself, I could save my Mom and Dad…I could take them to the capital and I could become a Guardian…”

Tears began to fall from the Surprise clones’ eyes, a sight that only infuriated the demoness. Daemona began slashing at the clones, a few defending with their short swords, but others looked too sad to counterattack as they were cut down, disappearing in a poof of pink smoke.

“Stop it! Stop looking at me with pity! I DON’T NEED YOUR PITY–!”

“No, you don’t…” Daemona froze as she felt one of the clones hug her from behind, she was prepared for the clone to hurt her, but instead, she was…was…hugging her. Soon another clone walked up and hugged Daemona from the front, and not long after the rest of the clones began to join in a giant group hug. Daemona’s hands trembled as her sword dropped from her hands, disappearing soon after. Why weren’t they attacking, why weren’t the clones hurting her? “…You need a hug.”

Daemona felt something wet on her cheeks, her vision was becoming blurry as well. At first, she thought the cat girls poisoned her, or that the storm clouds had started to rain. She wished it was either of those two, but the reality was that it was her tears, she was crying. Tears were falling from her eyes, why? She wasn’t sad, she didn’t care about anything anymore. She was going to reduce everything to ruin and build it back from the ground up. Daemona roared again and unleashed another torrent of hellfire that went on for a radius of five yards in all directions. All the clones went up in smoke, leaving Daemona standing in the middle of a burning ring of fire, her tears only made more apparent as they caught the burning light of her attack.

“They killed my parents, all just to keep me and use me to further their name…Minerva, the one who tortured me…wanted to be my lover…I never wanted any of this, I wish I never had magic…I wish…I wish I never known love!”

“DON’T LISTEN TO ANY OF IT!!!!” Daemona screamed. “Just…please…don’t listen…”

The demoness fell to her knees, the hellfire dying until the flames were gone, leaving only Daemona on her hands and knees crying her eyes as the soil tasted her salty tears as they fell. The others could not hate this girl, how could they, when she had been through things no person should have to endure? No one was there for her, no one to call friend, or grant her the justice that was due her. Now, they didn’t see a demon, they saw a girl who needed help.

Midnight carefully walked towards the demoness, kneeling down before her aas she spoke softly, “Corona, you don’t need to be alone anymore. All this anger, all this pain, you don’t have to bare it by yourself.”

The demoness looked up, her eyes having returned to the normal state they were before her demon transformation. “Why would you care about me…? I’ve been trying to kill you! I called you all disgusting! You should hate me!”

“You’ve done enough hating of yourself,” said Sunset as she approached the two. “I was once like you, Corona, I was alone, prideful, full of hate for the world and myself. I sought power to fill that void, but it took someone to show me that there was a better way. Midnight is trying to be that person to you, these girls can help you heal, Corona. So…please, let them in, let them help you.”

Corona glanced between Sunset and Midnight. The elf girl looked down upon her, her eyes were not filled with pity, they were of genuine kindness and concern for the girl before her. This was the first time she had seen such a thing in another person’s eyes, and it made her heart soar and hurt at the same time.

Midnight reached out with her right hand and asked, “Will you let us help you?”

Corona looked back to the girls behind Midnight, all of whom had the same look in their eyes as Midnight. Maybe, maybe it was time for Corona to allow another into her heart, or others in this case? Maybe there was something worth saving in this world…

“It’s a good thing I knew better than to fully trust an anomaly like you!” Suddenly, Corona began to scream in pain as black and orange light surrounded her. Corona’s eyes shined with the dark power of Tirek, as she rose up and glared at the others with evil glee. “Fortunately, I learned from my past betrayal and readied one of my own. Try and save this girl now, lest it cost you your lives, or hers!”

Daemona released a wave of magical might that blew the others away. The possessed demoness raised her hand to the sky and fired a beam of dark magic into the clouds. Seconds later the sky began to glow with spots of orange light, and in the next moment, several flaming meteors descended upon the battlefield. Multiple explosions went off all over the place, with not a single place to go for cover. When the dust settled, the entire team was on the ground, each of them in bad shape, their HP bars in the red zone. Sunset and Emu rose up on shaky legs, their bars in no better shape. Now they were facing a possessed Corona, one with her full power unleashed and no restraints.

“Damn you, TIREK!!!” Sunset shouted.

“No, I was already that before you arrived! So was this anomaly! Now, you will all die!” Tirek shouted through Daemona.

The demoness thrust her hand into the air again, firing another dark magic beam into the clouds. Soon after, the clouds began to show spots of orange around them, one after the other. There was no way for them to counter this attack, no way to survive another volley. Sunset and Emu gritted their teeth and stood their ground nonetheless, if this was the end, they would face it standing as Riders.

“It’s been fun playing alongside you, Sun-chan,” said Parado.

“I feel the same way, Parado, Emu,” said Sunset.

“We still got plenty of games to play, I don’t feel like calling it quits yet!” Emu stated.

Sunset chuckled, “Me either.”

The girls began to rise up, each bearing the same confident grins as their friends, even as the sky began to catch fire with the numerous fireballs that were about rain down from it.

“Well good, I was hoping that you lot wouldn’t give up that easily.”

The fireballs began to rain down, but just as they did, two giant beings made of pink light appeared before them. They raised their equally giant shields and together created a huge barrier. The fireballs rained down once again, exploding harmlessly against the surface of the shield. Everybody looked on in confusion as the giant constructs defended them, but Sunset Shimmer was the only one who recognized the giants.

“And what took you so long,” Sunset turned around and smiled, “Queen.”

The others turned around and saw a woman standing there. She looked similar to Joker, but her body was made of sleek, smooth, pink armor. She had a golden crown atop her head, her sapphire colored eyes went wide and then closed as she chuckled. “Sorry, but it took me a while to track those two down, figured we’d need the extra help.”

When the fireballs stopped, two beings appeared, one was an armored golem, it had no head, but its body was the face. It had a wide grin on it, with orange eyes, and was white. It had golden metallic hair, and large fists that were colored neon green and magenta. The golem was still a distance away from Daemona, but still threw a punch, the right arm began to extend towards her at a rapid speed. Before Daemona knew it, she was struck in the chest, sending her flying upwards. Soon after a red, fiery streak came in, it had fists made of fire, and yellow burning eyes. The fiery being struck Daemona and sent her flying towards the citadel, hitting against the wall of the citadel. The demoness ripped herself from the wall and prepared to counterattack, but before she could move, a coin shaped objects flew at her and struck her dead center. The attack didn’t damage her, but she did feel completely disoriented, and unable to see straight.

On the ground in the distance was another warrior, blue in color, with the same yellow eyes as the fiery warrior. Both of them and the golem stood side by side, and ready to fight, just as the barrier fell. Queen walked ahead of them, putting an unnecessary amount of swagger in her step as she did so. “Perfect Puzzle, Knockout Fighter, and Max here were wandering on the other side of this world. Once we linked up we thought about tracking you down, but we felt that you were too far away. So, we hurried along to the place that seemed the evilest, and here we are. Good thing we did, too.”

Sunset smacked her forehead. “Do you have to walk like that?”

“You should, you have a great figure, why not flaunt it? Of course, only for you-know-who, I’m sure she’d appreciate a show once and awhile.”

“QUEEN!” Sunset exclaimed with a blushing face. “Can we focus here?!”

“What’s happening?!” Emu asked.

Suddenly, Emu’s body began to glow, red and blue light flew out and from it appeared the Bugster known as Parado. He was clothed in a black coat, with a blue t-shirt, and pants that had neon colors. The Bugster looked at himself in wonder as he tried to figure out what had happened. “Looks like I finally get to play!”

“Let’s do this,” said Sunset.

“Sunset!” Midnight cried out.

The fiery haired girl looked back at Midnight, and smiled at her. “Don’t worry, we’ll save her.”

“Count on it,” said Emu.

“That goes double for me, my heart is dancing,” said Parado.

Perfect Puzzle and Knockout Fighter glowed and joined together as they shot towards Parado, transforming into the Gashat Gear Dual. Maximum and Queen became light and zoomed to their respective owners, becoming the Maximum Mighty X Gashat and Queen Gaia Memory.


Parado, Emu, and Sunset each had their drivers appear and activated their items.

< QUEEN! >





“Max Dai Henshin!”

“Max Dai Henshin!”




A red and blue mold appeared before Parado, and in flash it passed over him, donning the good Bugster in his Kamen Rider armor. The right side was red, and the left was blue, parts of his armor were outlined in golden plates, and his Rider Gauge was front and center. The helmet had spikey hair of red and blue, and the eyes were different colors, the right eye was red, while the left was blue. This was Parado’s true power, the max Level 99, Kamen Rider Para-DX.





The first mold was that of Mighty Action X, it passed over Emu and transformed him into his Ex-Aid form. But from above, large, bulky armor appeared. The armor opened just as Ex-Aid jumped up and into it, making the arms and leg pop out. The chest place was face, with the shoulders having golden spikey hair, where the head was, Ex-Aid’s head popped up, this was Emu’s super form, Maximum Gamer Level 99.



Sunset was bathed in the light of turquoise and pink, and once it vanished she had achieved her equivalent of a super form. Her armor had been shed for a more streamed lined, and form fitting armor. The battle skirt flowed behind her, as her sapphire eyes glowed with intensity. This was Kamen Rider Unicorn: Empress.

The Fantasy Six beheld the forms of their friends, surprised firstly to see the ghost familiar of Emu now standing before them with his own power, Emu himself as a giant, and now Sunset who looked like an actual queen.

“Okay, anyone else still trying to wrap their heads around all this?” Spectra asked.

“Yeah,” said the others in unison.

“Good, just checking.”


Ex-Aid summoned the Key Slasher and readied it for use. “I think I can use the Reprogram power to save her, but we’ll need to keep her still for a moment. Sunset, I’ll need you to funnel your magic into this as well, it seems to have an effect on her and with it we can extract the real Corona from inside that demon!”

“Not a problem, Parado, you think you manage to keep her off kilter with some back up?” Unicorn asked.

“Sure, I’ve been itching to do some real fighting!”

\\ KNIGHTS! //

Suddenly, two knight constructs appeared beside Para-DX.


Para-DX summoned his signature ax-gun weapon, with the ax end having a flame decal, and on the opposite for the gun mode, it had a blue puzzle piece motif. Para-DX dashed ahead, with the Knights on his left and right keeping up. Knight 1 moved in and slashed at Daemona while she was still in her dizzy state, the blow landed and caused some her of her HP bar to drain. Knight 2 entered and slashed her from behind, taking another chunk of HP from the demoness. Para-DX placed his hand on the ax blade and switched it around so now it was in gun mode.

| KA-BLAM! |

Para-DX fired blue energy bolts from the Parabragun, at the same time, Daemona released black orbs of dark magic, each one hitting and exploding before they could reach their target. Para-DX then pushed the “B” button on the weapon three times.

| 1-2-3! |

Taking aim again, Para-DX fired three shots, all of which angled themselves until they struck Daemona from three different angles.

| 3-HIT CHAIN! |

“Let’s run you down a little more,” said Para-DX as he took out the Dual Gashat and inserted it into the Parabragun.



Para-DX summoned two coins, one flew into the Parabragun, and the other into Para-DX himself.





Para-DX’s left eye glowed bright as the Parabragun sparkled with built up energy. At that moment, seven clones of Para-DX appeared and took aim. The six clones fired first, releasing energy bolts that were colored blue and red, the blasts zipped and angled until all of them struck Daemona, the seventh – and original – fired his Parabragun, and its shot was colored silver, enhanced by the power item. When the shot landed, it hit heavier than the others, knocking Daemona out of the sky and down to the ground, her HP bar dropping into the red zone.

“All you two now!” Para-DX shouted.

“Thanks, Parado,” said Emu.

Ex-Aid pressed the “Gun” button on the Key Slasher and then took out the Maximum Mighty X Gashat, inserting it into the weapon.

| B-B-B-BLAM! |


Ex-Aid’s body began to glow with yellow light, at the same time, Unicorn channeled her magic, focusing it all into her left hand. Ex-Aid took aim with the Key Slasher, while Unicorn laid her hand on the Key Slasher, channeling her magic into the weapon.


The Key Slasher fired a beam of magenta light, with a turquoise helix wrapped around it. The beam continued until it struck Daemona, wrapping her in a bubble of magenta and turquoise light, causing the demoness to scream in pain as she held her head. Her body shifted between the demonic form of Daemona and the human form of Corona.


The girl seemed to finally register the words Sunset spoke, and in a flash of light, Corona and Daemona were separated, with the former falling to the ground. Daemona broke free from the sphere of energy she was captured in, albeit weaker than she had ever been.

“Altogether!” Sunset ordered.




All three Riders jumped into the air, Unicorn flipped around and thrust her right leg forward, coated in pink energy. Ex-Aid angled his bulky body towards Daemona as his giant left foot was coated in yellow game energy, and at Para-DX was them, his foot glowing with red and blue game energy. All three Riders converged on Daemona at once, a giant explosion went off with Unicorn, Ex-Aid, and Para-DX skidding to a halt as the explosion continued to go off behind them, ending the threat and existence of Daemona Morningstar. Unicorn turned around and watched as the girls all rushed towards the unconscious Corona, with Midnight hurriedly administering a healing spell to the girl.

“You alright, Sun-chan?” Ex-Aid asked.

“Yeah, guess you could say this was a bit personal for me,” said Unicorn.

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble as a massive earthquake shook the land. Everyone held on as the quake continued, and in the distance the citadel began to crumble. In matter of seconds, the stained-glass windows of the citadel shattered as the structure was split in two, the walls crumbling into chunks of rubble. From the center of the destruction a blast of orange and black energy soared up and set the clouds, causing the clouds themselves to release black lightning down upon the land.

From the rubble appeared Tirek, standing about eight feet tall, and clad in black and silver armor. His legs were armored up, along with his lower horse body. His chest plate bore the molded images of monsters and destruction. In his left hand he wielded an ax that had its blades colored blue and wafted with cold vapors. In his right hand was a longsword, its blade black as his own heart, and rippling with dark energy. The dark centaur wore no helmet, his own skull and horns were thick and strong enough to smash through a solid mountain if he so wished.

“The final boss showed up,” said Para-DX.

Now is the hour of your demise, Kamen Riders!

Unicorn, Ex-Aid, and Para-DX all got into their combat stances and stared down the villain before them.

“We’ll see about that, Tirek!”