• Published 26th Jul 2012
  • 6,013 Views, 129 Comments

From My World To Theirs - Mr Scribe

[All characters are humanized] Have you ever woken up somewhere you didn't recognized or even know how you got there in the first place? Would you even believe me if I told you that I'm in a world which is based on a TV show about

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If You Go Out Into The Woods Today... [un-edited]

“Ouch” I said after being hit again by another bale of hay for the fifth time since I been in here. Like the last four times, I pushed the fallen hay bale off of me landing off to somewhere to the side out of my way and started wondering why the hell Applejack or Rainbow Dash didn’t just tie these down. Though then again they didn’t expect someone to be in the back now did they.

The ride back here hasn’t been as smooth as I thought, since I’m starting to think that Applejack is intentionally hitting every single pothole that appears causing the bales of hay to fall on top of me as if she knew that I am back here, but it’s a small price to pay to get away from that bloody library.

So far it has being about twenty minutes or so since Applejack drove away from the library. Since then I have being left with my thoughts and mostly I have been thinking over what I overheard back in the bushes at the library.

What stood out the most is what Twilight said about me being an Elementalist. I keep on remembering that scene. When I almost set that table on fire, I was angry and with good reason, then that anger quickly turned to fear which if I have to guess caused the ice to appear on my hands. So if my anger can create fire and fear creates ice, what else can my emotions unleash if I’m not too careful? Honestly, I wish I had that encyclopaedia right about now although I doubt it would go into any major detail about the classes of magic since it not a spell book or something along those lines. Not only do I have to worry about my emotions setting off my magic, but these other abilities that an Avatar supposedly have. Remembering what the encyclopaedia said about Avatars, supposedly not only do I have all the abilities of the three other races, but there is also the likely possibility of me having my own unique ability or abilities, but what could it or they be?

As much as I wanted to think about it, I’ll have to worry about it later since I got to worry about what’s going to happening now.

Now since I know that the truck is heading out of town towards the Everfree Forest, more likely to Fluttershy house if I had to guess. I could just stay in the truck like I first planned and just hope that no one decides to take a good decent look in the back here or if Applejack wants to deliver this hay to Fluttershy while she is over there, through that is unlikely since she is suppose to be looking for me. If that doesn’t happen then I’ll just wait here until the search is over with and when Applejack either drives home after they call off the search, I’ll just jump out and walk back to Twilight’s library for my bag and go from there.

While the other option is to jump out while the truck is moving and just hide in the Everfree Forest. It’s not really the smartest idea in the world but it makes sense in my head, plus it was a part of one of the ideas that I thought of when I was hiding in the bushes outside of Twilight’s place. So unless the Main Six finds out somehow that I am in the forest, then they won’t dare to search in there, though on the downside for me I might just end up being attacked or eaten by something in there if I am not too careful. With the outcomes of being found in the truck and the risk of being attack while hiding in the forest, I think I would take my chances in the forest. The dark forest, filled with all types of deadly things ranging from plants, monsters and magic. It still better than facing the Main Six though.

I wanted to get up from my hiding spot and take a better look outside of the truck, but with the speed that the truck is currently moving at and the potholes we keep hitting every second or so, I have a feeling that I might get thrown out of the back if I’m not too careful. I’ll just wait until we slow down a bit more.

Okay, so if I’m going to hide in the forest then where do I hide? I asked myself. The only two places that come to mind are either Zecora’s hut or Celestia and Luna old castle. The castle sounds like the best option to go with since it will be deserted and I should be somewhat safe there, but the downside is that it will be somewhere deep in the forest where I’ll more than likely have the chance to run into more monsters. However I have no choice but to go to the old castle since Zecora hut is very likely out of the question. The reasons are many but the ones that stick out mainly are; I don’t have any medical reason to go there, all though I’m basing this off the fact that Zecora is some type of healer since she did cure the Main Six poison joke problem, my best bet that she is some type of Apothecary. Because of this fact, she would know that I’m new since she wouldn’t had seen me before this, that if she has been into town more than once after the whole Poison Joke thing and without a medical reason to be there I would more likely get told to leave. Then you got the fact that understanding what she is trying to say due to her always rhyming will be difficult and it would likely drive me insane. But the major thing is that if the Main Six do managed to find out that I’m in the forest then they will very likely go and ask Zecora’s for help in searching for me since she would know her way around the forest.

I just take my chances and try and find the castle.

Another ten boring minutes pass on by, before the truck started to show signs of slowing down. Taking my chance I got up and looked out from behind the hay I was hiding behind and barely noticed a large white wooden fence on the right side of the road due to the night starting to set in. I wanted to go to the opening in the back and stick my head and take good proper look, but then again I might be seen by either Applejack in her mirrors or when she hops out or by Fluttershy if she is waiting outside for her friend.

I’ll have to either wait for Applejack to go inside of the house or at least have their backs turned before I can get out of here, I told myself after which the sound of the truck door opening hits my ears and not a second later, the door is slammed shut follow by the sound of Applejack’s boots hitting the gravel. Trying to follow the sound of Applejack’s boots, I managed to tell that the cowgirl is walking around to the front. At least she is not checking the back, I relaxingly thought to myself as the sound of Applejack’s boots passed the front of the truck and started to grow distant to the point I couldn’t hear them anymore.

I waited at least five minutes to be on the safe side before I moved to the back of the truck, keeping to the left side. I slowly stuck my head out the back until saw that no is outside of the house or near the truck and with that I quickly climbed out of there and moved to the other side of the truck facing away from the house. I kept myself pressed up against the side of the truck and move up towards its front end, having to crouch just so I can keep myself hidden and out of sight from anyone that might be looking from out of the house.

Looking down the dirt road, there wasn’t much to take in; other than a few trees, brushes that wouldn’t hide me at all and small pond. Then there stood the Everfree Forest, combined with it thick trees and growing night preventing me from seeing any further into the forest. Okay, all I got to do is just run to the forest, I should be able to make it with nightfall covering me and as long as I don’t use my phone’s flashlight out here in the open, I shouldn’t be spotted so easily I conclude. I took one last peek out from the side of the truck and saw that it’s still clear and quickly start running down the road towards the forest.

I kept on running until I started to feel a stitch in my side as my body is trying to tell me to “Take it easy” although I wouldn’t be feeling like this if I wasn’t half starving, since it’s not really known that an apple and few bits of bacon can give a person enough energy to do half the stuff I done today. I wasn’t near the entry to the Everfree Forest yet, but I wasn’t near Fluttershy’s house either.

“Well, at least I won’t be seen by anyone at the house from here” I said out loud while trying to catch my breath as I slowed myself down to a good walking pace, while taking a mental note that if I never get back home that I’m going to start getting fit again. Once the stitch finally disappeared, I decide to just keep at the same walking pace as before and save whatever energy I have left to run if I started to get chased by something in there.

After a few more minutes, I finally managed to reach the front of the Everfree Forest. I could just barely make out a small makeshift path that leads into the forest and start following it in. After taking my first few steps into the magical forest, any signs of the sun setting light had disappeared as if this forest acted like a black hole, absorbing all light that entered it. All I can see now is just some outlines of trees and brushes, Thank god that someone decided to build a flashlight into every phone I thought happily to myself as I grabbed my phone out of my jeans pocket, unlocked it and pressed the app for my flashlight, turning it on instantly lighting up some of the area around me. It wasn’t much better to be honest but at least now I can see which is better than nothing I suppose.

With flashlight now on, I started my way down the makeshift path, trying to keep my mind clear of any panic that I might be feeling seeing how the last thing I want is to screw up my phone with ice coming out of my fingers. I took a quick look at my phone’s battery life and its sitting currently at 67%, but that won’t stay there long since the flashlight will drain the small battery quickly if left on for too long.

As I walked deeper into the dark forest, trying to keep myself calm is becoming more difficult with each minute that rolls by. With the sound that forest is making, combined with the darkness, you honestly feel like that you shouldn’t be here. Kind of like the type of forest you find in every horror slasher movie ever which you should always avoid and the worst thing about being in here is that I have this feeling that something is going to jump out of either the brushes or drop down from trees and tear me apart. It is at this point in a horror film that the people watching would be thinking or even shouting at the screen ‘Why this idiot ever went into the forest in the first place or why isn’t he not running for his life while he’s in the deadly forest?’

All the sudden, a chill swept through my body. I thought that since night is starting to set in that it is just temperature starting to drop and that would make sense at least, I think they said somewhere in the show that they can’t control the weather around here but does that include the temperature as well? I guess, seeing how I wasn’t sweating when I was in town, I mean wearing a jacket and a trench coat in the middle of the afternoon that should’ve made me sweat little at least.

I quickly zipped up my jacket and trench coat thinking that it will help keep my body warm from the oncoming cold, but even after doing this it didn’t make much of difference as I kept on feeling the cold going through me. Just keep on walking, maybe after awhile my body will start warming up, and with that thought I kept on walking through the cold forest.

After ten minutes of walking, nothing changed much in terms of getting warmer, but exhaustion finally managed to catch up to me, maybe after everything I have being through today it just finally decided to get up off its fat lazy arse and start kicking mine. My right arm is starting to get pins and needles from not doing much since my left is holding the phone and both of my legs are starting to go sleep on me causing me to move as slow as a standard zombie. I wanted to sit and relax for a minute and catch my breath but doing so in this forest could be a death sentenced for me.

Well... can I at least lean against that tree for second?, but I didn’t need to answer as next tree I saw on my right came up and in mid step fell on to it, just leaning against it. However as I gently leaned the tree, my free hand lightly tapped against the wood expecting a small tapping like sound to be heard, instead a loud knock rang out. I pointed the flashlight at my other hand, only to find that once again, ice encasing my fingers. Unlike last time where the ice was not that thick and it rapidly moved towards my shoulder. Instead the ice just very slowly creeps up my fingers towards my hand and is now thicker compared to last time. However just like last time I started to panic, again.

And just like last time, the ice slowly started speeding up from its creeping state. The only thing that difference this time is Twilight not being here to knock me out with whatever spell she used last time. Afraid that my phone might be affect by the magic that’s pouring out of me, I quickly dropped it and after it hit the ground, the bright light shined straight into my eyes blinding me for a second before I regain my bearings and try to figure out how to stop this on my own.

I can’t peel off the ice off since it’s now grown too thick and it didn’t do much last time either, I quickly thought to myself before I notice a decent sized rock on the ground around the tree I’m up against. I could try hitting the ice with that rock, but I doubt it would cause enough damage to it or make much of a difference since the ice will just regenerate any damage that I make. I look at the tree next to me before looking back at my hand. What about slamming my hand against the tree? With enough momentum it should cause more damage, might even break off a few chucks compare to what rock would have done, but the ice will still just regenerate.

I let out a frustrated groan, there is nothing I can do and that I’m more than likely going to be magically frozen solid in the middle of a forest within the next half an hour or so if I’m luckily, but before I even knew it I slammed my half frozen hand against the tree in anger. I looked over at my now fully frozen right hand. Besides the now fleshly large frostily imprint that I just made, shards of ice are now sticking into the tree in the same area, even so it wasn’t enough to free hand from its frozen casing. I check my other hand and notice ice creeping up those fingers too, but there is nothing I can do about it now. I turned so that my back is up against the tree and slide down the tree until I hit the ground, not caring if I end up getting attacked at all now.

“I wouldn’t be in this mess if Twilight just believed me in the first place and me” I said to myself, knowing that I spoke the truth, “If she couldn’t or didn’t know how to send me back home, then at least she could of just gotten Celestia to help me and left me with her since she should be able to send me back? I asked myself out aloud. “I then wouldn’t be here in this bloody forest hiding! I wouldn’t be here losing control of my damn magic and I definitely wouldn’t be here about to be encased in a block of ice!” I shouted, as my anger is starting to reach it breaking point.

“All I ever wanted is go home, not to die in some god forsaken forest” I said weakly, before yelling out at the top of lungs in rage “WHY COULDN’T SHE JUST GODDAMN HELP ME!!” before I lending forward and slammed both of my frozen fists into the dirt, causing a loud smash that sounded similar to that of something huge and heavy falling and striking the earth, echoing out into the forest.

I let out a few frustrated breaths, I felt like I’m going to cry. The tears are there lingering within me but are refusing to come out; at most all I got are my eyes started to water, I tried to blinking to get rid of it but just decide to wipe both of my eyes with my frozen hand. However as I raised my right hand to do this, I notice that there are sizable chunks missing from my once fully frozen hand showing patches on skin with heat rising off it. Staring at my hand before looking at the other one and saw the same thing, patches of skin showing and heat pouring from it.

Looking at both of my hands, I notice that the ice is starting to slowly melt but is meeting resistance from the ice that is currently controlling areas of the rest of my hands. I didn’t need to wonder why this is happening but why I didn’t think of this sooner.

Anger triggers fire magic, bloody use it! I shouted mentally, Twilight has screwed me around for too long; her actions could of cause me from getting back home and along with the theory I had on our universes, their time differences [if they have any] and if the time I spent in this one has caused time to moved faster in my universe by hours, days, weeks, months or years. The thought of getting home is now even more complicated. What happens if I do managed to get home, but its a thousand years into the future and everyone I know is dead, what happens to me then? I will not let that happen!

I felt the heat growing in both of my hands before it moved up my arms and around body, the ice now quickly melting before turning to steam and finally freeing my hands from their icily tomb. My tired body feeling the heat removing the cold from within, allowed me to get the strength I needed to grab my phone and to get back up off the ground. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, but kept a small amount of anger in the open in case my ice magic started acting up again and to protect me from the oncoming cold of the night.

As I started walking again, I checked my phone’s battery to see work much of it charge was lost during that ‘distraction’. 40% of battery left, really? A whole 27% of power down the damn drain for sitting around the last ten minutes or so, letting out a deep sigh I decided that once the battery hits 20% I’ll stop using the flashlight.

I picked up my walking pace and continued down dirt path and after a few more minutes I saw what looked to be a second path on my right split off from the main path. Quickly stopping at where this second path started, I looked down the road and saw in the distance lights. I looked at these lights for minute or two before deciding that these weren’t moving around as if it was an animal or some type of magic, so it must be someone house, Zecora more than likely, though I couldn’t see her hut due to the darkness, so I can’t be sure. However on the off chance that it is her, I thought over one last time if I should go and try and stay there, until Twilight calls off the search. Once again I quickly thought back to earlier about why that won’t work however with my phone running out of battery, I could always try? But in the end I just ended up wasting more time debating with myself, just keep going I told myself as I started walking again following the same path as before, leaving the other path behind.

Continuing down the path I noticed the tone shifting a bit the deeper I walked into this dark forest. Every now and again I would hear either something moving around in one of the nearby bushes or some type of growling from the bushes; at this point I couldn’t even begin to guess as to what’s growling at me. Besides the bushes and whatever is growling at me, I saw through the trees that I pasted some brightly glowing blue flowers; my guess it’s possibly Poison Joke, though I’m not going anyway near it to confirm it.

While I walked on, I noticed something in the dirt on the path faintly shining a greenish light underneath it all. I decided to stop and use my foot to clear away the covering dirt for a better look; I didn’t feel anything solid like a coin or anything else you might find on the ground as my foot pasted over it. Once the dirt was removed it showed a stone tile around a foot long and wide, besides it was another piece of the stone tile but half covered by the forest dirt. Using my foot again but this time moving it in a wide arc on the ground clearing away some but not all of the dirt and just like before underneath it all was more stone tiles, some with the same faintly shining greenish light coming from it, while others were just blank. After seeing more of the greenish lights raise from the tiles, I decided to crouch down and have a better look at whatever this thing is. Once I got down close enough to see a carving of some type though I can’t really described it since it’s worn by age, at first thought it was a symbol as in either a signature of someone work like the stonemason that made it or just for decoration, though that wouldn’t of explain the reason why its creating a source of light. The only other thing that I can think of that makes any real sense that is an enchantment of some sort, but for what? But since I don’t know any magic, let alone know what this enchantment is or what the others are, the only thing I can do is guess at what they do but I think its better off that I leave it alone, move on and not screw around with them.

After leaving the uncovered magical stone tiles, nothing really changed as I walked. There was still the occasional twitching bush somewhere close by, while hearing every now and again some type howl or roar, which every time I hear it caused me to pick up my walking speed to be almost jogging. All the sudden my phone lets out a loud ‘BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!’ causing me to quickly look at its screen, but it only a reminder that the phone needs to be recharged since it now on its last 15% of battery.

“Well so much for turning off the light at 20% battery Vincent” I said out loud since my phone has about an hour or so left of battery before it drops dead and becomes a useless paperweight. Reluctantly I turned off the phone’s flashlight, leaving me now surrounded in complete darkness of the forest. “Wonderful, now all I need is some psychopath with something sharp and pointy to come at me and I’m all set” I said to myself, not smiling at the bad joke I just made I just. I kept on moving, hoping that my eyes will soon adjust to the darkness of the forest.

Author's Note:

I've being thinking about getting a co-author to help out with this story and help speed things up, if you want to help out let me know with a PM.
I also have no idea what to set as this story cover art, any ideas?
Also this chapter hasn't been edited yet, if you see if anything that should be added, changed or removed from this chapter let me know in the comments.
Now that's out of the way, this is the time to tell me what you thought about this chapter in the comments.
Other then that, any other questions you have just leave them in the comments below and I'll answer them when I can.