• Published 26th Apr 2018
  • 4,311 Views, 655 Comments

Pandemic: What you are Meant to Be - Halira

The ETS pandemic spreads across the southern United States transforming humans into ponies. In the wake of it a boy named Mathew tries to cope with the changing world and finding out what he is becoming.

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Chapter 39: Family and Relationships

Remedy finally got her dad to eat, with him doing it begrudgingly. She spoke with him a bit about what she had been doing as of late; the guarding of the Wal Mart, the learning about the Enclave of Night for Baker, and the tutelage she was receiving from Luna.

"This Luna sounds like a demon if there ever was one. Going into ponies dreams is downright evil," her dad complained.

"Are you calling me evil?" Remedy asked in a cross tone. She did her best to be friendly and loving with her dad, but then he turned around and said crap like that.

"You're well-intentioned, but it is just wrong," her dad asserted.

"Then perhaps we should drop that subject before it escalates into a fight. I don't want to fight with you," Remedy said in a tightly controlled voice.

"Very well, I had best be going back home, anyway. I just needed to get some food and let myself get counted as being alive. I can't stay here or I'll end up running into your mother," her dad said as he gathered some hay into a duffle bag he had brought along with him.

"It's too late for that, Tom," came Blessing's voice from behind them.

Remedy started to question whether her nose was working, because ponies kept sneaking up on her.

They both turned to find Blessing standing there, with Tonya and Number Crunch in tow. She had been carrying Remedy's laptop in her magic but quickly passed it over to Number Crunch who took it up in her own blue aura.

"Charlotte, I'm not here to start any fights, I was just getting something to eat. I'll be leaving and out of your hair," her dad said in a pleading voice.

Her mom scowled at him in return.

"That hay is for ponies. We're working hard to see that humans get food. Don't you make the claim you want nothing to do with being a pony?" Blessing demanded harshly with her ears flattened backwards.

"Blessing, I think you're being a little too harsh. I know your emotions are running high with him, but you can't compromise your values. You don't let any pony or human go hungry if you can help it,," Tonya said as she gently touched a wing to Blessing's flank.

Blessing looked at Tonya and her expression softened slightly. When she turned back it was still clearly angry, but not as severe.

"My name is Sunset Blessing, not Charlotte. I meant it when I said I was abandoning my humanity, and that means every aspect of it. If you're determined to be human you and I are completely over forever. I am not sure formal divorce is something that'll still be done with ponies, but I am not your wife. Do I make myself clear?" Blessing demanded.

"Crystal," her dad said in a tone like he had just be struck in the face.

"With that said, you don't need to go scurrying back to your house. It's a stupid waste of time if you're just going to need to come back in a day or two for more food. Who knows, maybe some mare around here might catch your eye who shares your damned sentiments about abandoning ponydom and won't bore you as much as I did," she said in a harsh tone.

"Bore me? What are you talking about?" Remedy's dad asked in confusion.

"You hadn't touched me in years, Tom. After I turned thirty you only touched me on occasions like my birthday and anniversary, by the time I was forty you didn't touch me at all. I hinted and tried to initiate, but it always fell flat. I have needs that you didn't fulfill for a long time," she hissed.

Okay, this was a whole side of pent up anger that Remedy was completely unaware her mom had been harboring for her dad. It made her mom initiating sex with Tonya make a whole lot more sense than it had before. It also highlighted how little Remedy had understood what went on in her mom's head even before ETS.

"And are these needs getting filled now?" Remedy's dad asked in a dark tone.

"Those needs and emotional ones as well," Blessing growled.

Remedy's dad just stared at her mom for a long moment. He then turned and silently finished closing up the duffle bag and floating it onto his back in his blue magical aura.

"There isn't any more to say then. I won't be staying here as one of your herd to order around. I hope you find happiness, Sunset Blessing," her dad said before spitting on the ground.

Before leaving he turned to Remedy.

"You're always welcome to visit me. I'm still your father and still love you no matter what. But please, don't ever mention your bitch of a mother to me again," he said to her, before finally trotting off.

Blessing just stood stiffly watching him walk out of sight. Every other pony, as well as the humans, stood watching Sunset Blessing.

"Tonya, was I too harsh?" Blessing asked shakily without averting her gaze from the edge of the treeline where her former husband had just vanished beyond.

"You were very harsh, but you were also very emotional. You can't be blamed for letting your temper get the better of you. Could that've been dealt with more tact? Yes. But it needed to be done," Tonya said in a consoling tone.

Then to the shock of all onlookers Tonya walked around in front of Blessing and gave her a kiss on the lips in front of every pony and human. Blessing seemed a bit shocked by the action as well, but put up no objection, and gave a look of adoration to the younger mare after.

"Amber," Tonya called out to the amber coated pegasus standing nearby. "Deal with what needs to be done with the pegasi for the rest of the night. I'm sure Number Crunch can deal with the rest. Right now my marefriend needs me."

"Yes...of course, Tonya," Amber said as she looked between the two mares.

"We've got this for now. You go take care of yourself, Sunset," Number Crunch echoed.

Blessing just nodded. As she was turning to walk towards the church with Tonya her eyes met Remedy's.

"Yes, it's a full relationship. Yes, I'm bisexual and not ashamed to admit it anymore. Yes, I know she's less than half my age. And yes, Tonya makes me happy. Please don't judge me," her mom said in an even tone as they looked at one another.

"Mom, we really need to take time and just talk. I don't think either of us knows the other half as well as we thought we did," Remedy said with bewilderment.

"I'll find time to do just that, just not tonight. I'll see you sometime tomorrow," Blessing said as she turned back towards the church and started walking again.

As they walked away Tonya draped a wing over Blessing's back. Tonya turned and looked at Remedy as she walked.

"And the feeling between the two of us is mutual in case you're worried about that. See you soon, Phobia," Tonya called back.

All Remedy could get to register in her head at the moment was that being nocturnal really sucked sometimes. All this stuff went on during the day and she didn't ever get to witness it as it was happening, leaving her blindsided later on.

The other ponies got back to whatever they were doing as Remedy stared at the church. After a moment she felt a wing wrap around her comfortingly.

"Emotional night, huh?" Rosetta asked.

"Definitely," Remedy said with a nod.

Remedy heard Rosetta take a deep breath before Rosetta dropped the news.

"Well, it's going to stay emotional; I'm pregnant. We're going to be mommies."

Remedy turned and looked at her marefriend. Rosetta was looking down at the ground though she had one foreleg raised and rubbing against her belly.

"We'll get through it. You won't have to give up on your dreams either. I'll see that he or she is cared for and watched as you attend classes, write papers, and do whatever else you need to do," Remedy assured her.

"You don't have to bear all that burden. Maybe I should just put that all on hold, or just abandon it. Would I be a good mother if I didn't devote all my attention to my foal?" Rosetta asked.

"You'd find time for your foal too, and you'd be a good mother by setting a good example for the foal by not letting circumstances stop you from reaching your dreams. You aren't in this alone," Remedy said and then bent her head around and kissed Rosetta.

"If that's so then I want you to be the foal's mother too. You aren't just somepony helping raise them, I want you as co-mother with me and treat this foal like it came from your own womb. One of us can be mama and the other mom or whatever, but I want us to be a definite family," Rosetta said firmly.

"I will do that," Remedy said as she nuzzled her marefriend. Then she got a mischievous smirk and giggled.

"What's funny?" Rosetta asked in confusion.

"I think you just proposed to me," Remedy said with a loving smile.

Rosetta blinked.

"I suppose I did. What's your answer to that then?" Rosetta asked.

"I don't know. Where's my engagement ring?" Remedy questioned innocently.

"Phobia Remedy! We can't even wear rings, you goof!" Rosetta laughed.

"It's good to hear you laugh," Remedy said with happy contentment. "I accept."

Author's Note:

Sunday evening day 5 after counterspell.

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