Equestria, Canterlot, Train Station (3rd person pov)
The train from Ponyville to Canterlot had just arrived with minor incident of a small storm and the Mane 6 exited their train cart, at the entrance where you would find somebody to pick you up there was a guard with a sign that said:Elements of Harmony. The guard approached the Mane 6 and asked them to follow him. Little did they know they were being followed by a living shadow.
Equestria, Canterlot Castle, Throne Room (3rd person pov)
The guard opened the doors to the throne room, on left where mosaics of ancient battles one by the alicorn sisters and on the right were battles fought by the Mane 6 forever imprinted into the entrance to the throne room. In the back Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both sitting on their thrones. Celestia stood and approach the six Luna shortly following after.
"I see you made it." Celestia said, taking the Mane 6 attention. Rainbow Dash was the first to respond "What made you think we wouldn't?" the rest of the Mane 6 nodded wanting an answer as well. "We got reports from the north saying that a shadow that moved on its own seemed to be heading towards Ponyville." Luna responded, the mane six looked at each other in worry.
*cough* Celestia coughed to get their attention, which it succeed in doing "That situation will be put up for later debate, for now I bet you are all wondering what that letter was about?" Celestia said turning their attention away from that subject 'Oh how she will regret doing that' the shadow thought hiding from the two sisters.
Celestia started the explanation "The "anomaly" which we know your calling her Twilight." Twilight looked down in shame at being told off by the princess 'But I'm right' a voice in her head thought 'that thing is evil' the voiced all put forced into her skull. "Anyways" Luna picked up the explanation and continued "Her name is Frisk and---" "She helped unite most of changeling hive with Equestria and helped make sure that Equestria is the peaceful land it is today." Pinkie interrupted the princess and continued for her giving a very short explanation.
Everyone including the princess stared at Pinkie Pie baffled "How did you-" Princess Celestia started her eyes twitching slightly when Pinkie Pie responded with shrug and "Just a hunch." To which the other Mane 6 responded with an eyeroll and Luna was all but prepared to lunge at the pink menace. When a cruel laugh echoed along the throne room.
A shadow appeared and lunged out at Twilight who screamed in terror. Celestia and Luna tried to charge up their magic but, dark crystals grew out of the floor and drained their magic preventing them from aiding Twilight. 'YOU ARE MINE NOW!' the voice from in her head said but this time it was mixed with a more demonic tone. Twilight felt her mind being forced into submission and her boding being taken over.
The sisters teleport their armor onto themselves and their weapons straight into their magical grip Celestia's bow 'Sun Strike' and rapier 'Felo'malorn', while Luna's weapons were her crossbow 'Midnight's Blaze' and her war hammer 'Star Strike'. Celestia grabbed an arrow and readied her aim while Luna raised her hammer over her head. At the same time Celestia lit her arrow aflame and fired, while Luna hit the black crystal at full force.
The crystal instantly shattered, but then what seemed like a gale whirlwind suddenly just existed and inside was Twilight except she was where dark armor, her horn was curved and tinged with red making it seem like it was bathed in blood. "Twilight" opened her mouth and licked her now vampire-esque teeth, she laughed a cruel evil laugh. Celestia and Luna gazed in horror as the strongest element was transformed and corrupted "Oh, Celestia. Luna. Did you miss me?" "Twilight" said in a sing song, taunting voice.
That voice that had haunted they're dreams that they had only heard from one entity that could do this "Umbra, release my student NOW or suffer the consequences!" Celestia yelled over the gale winds that were starting to slowly die down as the energy leaking from the "unicorn" started to contain itself in her body. "Our battle is not now Celestia" started Umbra/Twilight "but it will be soon." As soon as she said this the shadows around the room leapt towards the mare. Celestia and Luna tried to stop the mare from leaving when the shadows bled away leaving nothing left present.
Celestia, heartbroken by the mare she saw as more than a student, but a daughter that she never had be corrupted, broke down into a crying mess. Luna stared off into space while thinking 'Umbra, when we got our hand on thou, thou shall beg to be cast into the depths of Tartarus.' The rest of Mane 6 confused, shocked, and terrified by what just happened said nothing grief overtaking them ways words could not express.
Well....that just came out of nowhere.
I decoded it!
well s**t hit the fan faster than I thought. And that coded massage from gaster just says thing are worse than we think they're.