• Published 15th Dec 2017
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You're filled with DETERMINATION (Path of the Pacifist) - Error Sans

[No prior knowledge required] A human male thrown into the body of a female pacifist, join her millennia after the indecent and how far she will go. But she will need to be careful old threats are coming and they want her homeland.

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Play this for the entirety of the time reading in the Sapphire Hive ark of this chapter Ruins - Toby Fox
Badlands, Sapphire Hive, Guest quarters (My pov)

".....and that is what happened, before now at least." Chrysalis said finishing her story just before this she told me how long I was away. 'Two thousand years. Good thing my only friends were all immortal and are still alive today alive.' When she told me that I went catatonic which surprised me because I didn't think I could become catatonic that easy from that.

"Well" I started to say my voice straining from being underused "I may have become that way just because I hadn't gotten over the shock of my wounds." Which were gone now all healed up thanks to my magic, DETERMINATION, and the regenerative properties of amber. Chrysalis twitched, meaning someone in the hive mind was summoning her she paused and seemed to glare at space.

She sighed and got up "I just got a call from one of the drones that the delegation from Queen Cocoon's Hive has arrived and I have meet them." Chrysalis said responding to my unanswered question.

"Well I'm coming too." I said and got up, she started to protest and I shushed her "From the sound of your voice she is being a thorn in your side." Chrysalis grumbled and pouted at me but let me come along.

'You probably could have done that differently you know?' said the spirit inside me Chara

'Maybe but I know that it wouldn't have been better than what already happened' that shut her up. "Well Chrysi" she groaned at that "why don't you tell me where we are or near when we go past something." That got her attention and she nodded.

She rose her head and said "This is the guest quarters where other queens and delagtes from other nations sleep while they are here." I nodded and when we got into the next room which was huge and was filled with changelings she continued "This is the amphitheater where most of the daily activities take place and changelings commonly spend their time." As she said this a few changelings flew by and said hello to me and bowed to their queen.

I giggled at that and Chrysi looked at me "Please continue." I told her

She rolled her eyes and we entered the next room "This is the servant quarters where most female changelings are being trained or fixing up the hive and males are creating the food that changelings eat." I nodded know that changeling hives had females being servants or scouts and males being warriors or farmers. I looked inside and saw multiple changelings busying themselves with their work.

We walked over to the next room which door was open "Here is the War quarters were the warriors and scouts plan out either infiltration or war missions." I nodded remembering when Celestia, Luna, Chrysi and I all planned out how we were to battle threats to both nations. It was much less cluttered than it used to be actually it looked like it hadn't been used for a few months.

'Oh I always loved it when we were in there' Chara said giggling demonically.

'You didn't like it before Discord.' She went quiet again, Discord was touchy subject for both of us.

"And here is the throne room. Frisk I am going to need to talk with Cocoon." Chrysalis said ignorant to my mental conversation, I nodded and moved to the edges of the throne room waiting to see if I would be needed.

Queen Cocoon had a forest green saddle and was surrounded by her guards, 5 on each side of her. She had that aura that said I believe everyone is lower than me and I am the one in the right. "Ah Queen Chrysalis, late as always I see." She said that with an evil grin which made me AND Chara mad, we both liked Chrysi and she wasn't late this Queen came unannounced.

'Oh PLEASE let me kill her!' Chara mentally begged me and almost allowed her 'No, only if this gets out of hand.' I replied, Chara mentally pouted and mumbled curses.

"Queen Cocoon, you came unannounced how am I late." Chrysi said in a tone that just screamed you're making me angry.

To which the queen replied with "You are late to get your judgement for killing off the Onyx Hive." She said this as if victory was all but assured.

Chrysi and myself looked confused. "What do you mean I killed the Onyx Hive? Last I checked they were alive and well." Chrysi said expressing her confusion.

"You don't know what you've done." Queen Cocoon said then laughed cruelly "You're the only that could have done it with that creature you found." She said and pointed at me Chrysalis tried to shut her up but she continued anyways "The ENTIRE HIVE! Was turned to ash last night the only remnants was one changeling nymph and------"

"You can shut up now Cocoon." A voice said calmly and out of the shadows nearby came out a queen and two changelings with white saddles.

"Oh, its Citalia." Grumbled Cocoon. Chrysalis smiled at the now named Citalia.

"You didn't see the nymph or get her to talk and in your hate with Sapphire Hive you immediately blamed them. Just because they just happen to have found a "creature" that you don't know doesn't mean they did it either. If you had looked into the Sapphire Hives history you would have known that this is Frisk" she pointed at me "an old ally of the Sapphire Hive." She said finishing her rant to Cocoon and went to stand by Chrysi.

"Well then what did the nymph say?" Now confused her scouts didn't say anything about---

"She said a weird skeleton like being of a creature not like a pony or changeling that seemed to glitch in and out existence, and summoned a goat head mixed with dragon skeleton head that fired concentrated magic and. I also had a memory spell used to view the memory to confirm it." Once she had finished everyone looked at me cause I had started mumbling to myself.

"What do you have something admit to creature." Cocoon demanded but I wasn't paying attention. 'No, No, this can't be he can't be here' I thought terrified

'Whoa, calm down kid you're going to pass out' Chara said but it was to late I was already losing consciousness. I started feel Chara take control before I passed out.
Badlands, Sapphire Hive, Throne Room (Chara's pov)

'Whoa, calm down kid you're going to pass out' I said to Frisk seconds later she started to loss consciousness and I took control, I opened her eyes and picked her body off of the floor the three queens were looking at me inquisitively. When I looked at Chrysalis she backed up, of course she would she the only one out of the three that had seen me.

"Well creature" said pompous prick "I said do you have something to admit to." Smirking believing we did it

"Actually" I started as she and Citalia backed away in fear from my voice "we've done nothing." I smirked at their confused faces.

"What do you mean by we?" Citalia asked getting more confused by the second.

"What I mean, I mean me and Frisk have done nothing." I said replying to her comment.

"You act like your two things." The prick said and got me laughing, all of them backed away and all the guards raised their swords, hoping that they could intimidate me 'I can kill them all easily but I will listen to Frisk this time.

"This is Frisk body but it houses to souls me Chara and herself." I told her "I'm not going to attack Chrysalis, at least not this time." I said trying to get Chrysalis to speak.

Once she was more in control she relaxed and asked "Do you know why Frisk was acting that way before you took control?"

That got me to chuckle "Yes I do, I was the being you described was a creature of her memories. A being that has my ultimate power: the ERASE which can destroy entire timelines in an instant." Citalia and Chrysalis gulped and turn pale which was hard for changelings.

"Don't kid me! Nothing has that power." Said the pompous prick trying hard not to laugh.

"He does and you should stop now." She started to try and scold me if she could "If I didn't make a promise to Frisk." I used my powers to make my eyes and mouth bleed black blood and slit my eyes. "You'd be dead where you stand." Her eyes widened and she and her guards screamed and ran for the hills.

Citalia had almost wet herself and Chrysalis just stared at me and said "Was that really necessary?" 'Why is this even a question' I thought and then answered

"Yes, yes it was."

Chrysalis just nodded and said "Just checking."

Author's Note:

For anyone that wants to click the dislike button I want to remind you the is my first story and more importantly mine not yours mine. I can do whatever I want with it and for people who are going to click the like button thank you and I hope you enjoy the story. Also Chara is underlined and italicized cause she is going to be basically a second main character when she eventually is.....................

The part with discord will be told later.

Beware the man who speaks in hands. Beware the doctor who has lost his mind! BEWARE W.D. Gaster