Underground, Entrance to the Ruins
'I think we're in trouble.' I thought as Toriel gazed at Chara and Gaster in disbelief "H-How are you two alive?" Toriel said trying to comprehend what her eyes were seeing.
Chara sighed "Frisk here brought me back to life and freed Gaster from the void, she just way to powerful." I blushed from Chara's words and looked down.
Gaster coughed getting everyone's attention "We should probably go to your house Toriel." He turned over to Asriel "Asriel please wait for us at her house."
Toriel gasped and said "Asriel! Where?"
Asriel said "Right here, sorry for not telling you all these years. I did try once though, It didn't work out." He looked down at the floor in remorse even though most of us new it was fake, It was just for Toriel's sake.
Toriel nodded her head slowly "Well, follow me and we can most likely get there before the hours end." We all gathered ourselves and started to follow her, minus Asriel who burrowed himself underground.
Underground, Toriel's House
"Well it took you long enough." Asriel said cruelly as we approached the house, the game didn't do it justice. It was beautiful she had many plants placed on the windowsill, the moss looked like it was shaped to perfectly complement the house.
"Shush Asriel, this is a nice house you have Ms. Toriel." I said glaring at what Asriel said then looking towards Toriel who was glaring at Asriel for the way he acted like I was.
"Thank you, I try and make it look as good as I can. I just wish that it would be appreciated more often." She whispered the last part and apparently nobody seemed to hear it except me. My eyes narrowed slightly 'I have to fix the mistakes that have happened here.' I thought to myself as we entered the house.
"I guess we will have to explain why we are here to you Toriel right?" Gaster said, to which Toriel nodded and I took the reins of this conversation.
"There are multiple reason, reason number one: too many bad things have happened to the Underground and returning to the surface won't help them, more than likely monsterkind will be wiped out. Reason number two: Equestria, my home, is in trouble and I have a way to bring everyone in the underground to it. Reason number three: There is an evil version of me in this reality that will enter the Underground and enter soon." I paused to make sure she understood, she put her paw in a continue motion. "The next is my alter ego, she will be impossible to kill under normal circumstances, we will need the help of the current royal scientist of the underground Alphys to get rid of her, she is fall down guaranteed." I looked towards Toriel expectantly.
She sighed and said "I......I do not agree with killing someone to free monsterkind."
"She is irredeemable." I snarled uncharacteristically "She can and will kill everyone not just monsterkind, and I'll be damned before I let this mission to save your kind go to waste." I picked myself up and excused myself.
Underground, Toriel's House (Chara's pov)
I looked on in shock as Frisk got out of the chair she was sitting and all but ran out of the house. "Well that could have gone better." Asriel said sarcastically, I smacked him on the back of his head?.
I sighed "I should go after her, she is not usually like this." With that I got up and walked towards the door.
She was just a little walk away from the house she had herself curled up with her arms holding her legs towards her chest and breathing heavily. She saw me walking towards her "Hey." She said as I sat down beside her.
"What is up with you Frisk." I said getting strait to the root of the problem "You're not acting like yourself."
She sighed and said "I don't want to see this trip here going to a waste. The only reason I would have tried something this dangerous is to SAVE somebody, and the monsters I want to SAVE don't want to be SAVEd without me sparing a demon."
I couldn't say I knew how she feeled, ever since Discord I haven't been able to feel positive emotions until now, though it was just temporary unless we got to Gaster's old lab soon "Frisk, I don't know what you are feeling, but even if they don't want to be SAVEd I think you should SAVE them anyways. At least they'll be alive, instead of, well, dead by your counterparts hands."
She lightly glared at me but it disappeared almost instantly "I don't want them to hate me but, I'd rather be hated and them alive than loved but them dead. We should go back, Gaster is probably getting worried." With that she got up and started walking towards the house with me following behind.
Toriel's House (My pov)
As Chara and I walked back into the house I didn't make eye contact with Toriel as she looked over me worriedly. 'I will make sure EVERYONE will be able to live, I don't care what you say or what you agree with.' I thought to myself as I walked away from the living room were Toriel was, I listened in to what was happening in the room though.
"Well, we will need to get out of the ruins to do anything." Gaster said
"NO!" Toriel suddenly yelled "Gaster, I'm sorry but we will not leave the ruins. Things have changed out there, any and all humans will die if you go out of the Ruins. I can't lose you again Chara." She seemed to breakdown from what I was hearing and both Gaster and Chara rushed over to her.
"You won't lose me Mom." Chara said quietly "No one will die, Frisk will make sure of that." And I wouldn't of course, Chara was like a sister to me and I also wasn't going to make this trip be in vain.
"A-At l-least, l-let me come w-with you, let me m-make sure you s-survive." Toriel said her voice stuttering slightly.
"Of course, we wouldn't have it any other way Mom." Chara said 'Great,' I thought 'just great, I have to go with Mrs. Don't Kill Anyone.' I am a pacifist at heart but I knew when pacifism wasn't going to work, and with her it wasn't going to ever work. Too many people died trying in previous timelines.
Under Toriel's house, an hour afterwards
'IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY!?!?' I thought to myself as I looked over what Toriel thought was "necessary" she had all but wrapped Chara in a human sized burritos worth of sweaters, gloves, hats and other things. And she was now trying to do the same to me, good news I was able to dodge every time she would get near me, bad news she was DETERMINED to get me.
"Get over here!" She yelled at me desperately "It's cold out there, you'll get sick!"
"NO! I WILL NOT BECOME A BURRITO!" I yelled back at her as she lunged towards me with a sweater three quarters of my size "That's it!" I yelled as I used a teleportation spell Celly taught me to get out of the way, and opened the doors to Snowdin running out not looking back in fear she would get me into a coat twice my size.
hey is this going to be continued cuz I thought it might be fun to crossover... at a later date at least
This will continue I just want to do other things right now. I may come back to it soon once school has cleared up a bit.
howdy nice story so far i hope you'll get some time to work on this i'd hate to see it go
Undertale's a masterpiece, free like.
Thank you, I've been thinking of continuing this story. But I'm not really active that much in writing due to a gift I got that only works for a months time, that was given about a week ago so you will have to wait a bit.
hey no problem i just hope to see more from this story... i hope i'm not sounding demanding because that's not my intent.
It doesn't sound demanding at all, the gift I got was something I would have passed down if it wasn't for certain events. (The gift was a month of World of Warcraft which is my favorite game and I am enjoying my time with it.)
then godspeed my friend! (have fun)
No a reference from an Undertale fanfiction.
I can already feel the shenanigans that are about to ensue in the update after this comment has been post.
>A human male thrown into the body of a female pacifist, join her millennia after the indecent and how far she will go.
Incident, not Indecent.
How exactly is Frisk considered a demigoddess in this?
hay error i am a glich โโโน๐ฑ ๐ฃโ ๐งโ๐งโโโผ
Wow. This was a while back. Also, I've been on her a few years. I'm not everywhere, but I'm here and there. Glad to be noticed though!
Welp I wondered how sansy going to react to g being "alive" and not "died" anymore. And more please.
hay continue it its a good story
do more chapters we all want to see more soon we are not going to sit here and let it die out it's too good to die out yet