Badlands, Sapphire Hive, Medical Bay (3rd Person pov)
Chrysalis and her honor guard barreled through the doors of the medical bay, startling multiple changelings, until they noticed the human on her back. Filled with slash marks each one bleeding profusely on her body. "Well don't just stand there DO SOMETHING!" Chrysalis yelled and immediately started going to work they went to get some amber so that they could cover the wound. While all this chaos was happening Chrysalis used her magic to grab an empty bed and pulled it towards her. She gently laid down Frisk while a nurse finally was able to get some amber throughout the chaos in the room and applied it to the wounds, using a spell to instantly harden it plugging the wounds.
Once the amber was fully applied other nurses and doctors got the other equipment and hooked Frisk up to them. After that they tried to clean their queen up "No, I do not require clean up, get to the other patients." They reluctantly left the queen alone in the room with the human, she then shortly after that dismissed her honor guard. She laid her head down on the nearby table and sighed 'That was too close Frisk' as soon as the thought finished, she saw Frisk's body move slowly waking up.
Badlands, Sapphire Hive, Medical Bay (Frisk's pov)
I slowly started to regain consciousness, as I did I tried to move and immediately started to feel pain. "Shh don't try to move." A voice said, she recognized the voice of her friend.
"W-where am I" I said
"You are currently inside the Sapphire Hive Frisk." She replied calmly in her echoed, hollow voice. "You were suffering from major bleeding from what seemed like slash wounds. How did this happen to you Frisk?" She asked worried for me now, not like I really needed it.
"I don't know why I was in that state Chrysi or how it happened." I retorted with and then chuckled to myself, she hated it when I called her that.
She glared at me, but then sighed and chuckled to herself and said "Even after two millennia you still don't change." She stopped chuckling when she saw the look on my face and I knew what it was; horror. I had been trapped in there for the equivalent of 2,000 years, I started to hyperventilate. "Wait, calm down don't try to move!" She pleaded I knew that it wouldn't help me but I started to struggle and tried to get up. "SOMEBODY, GET IN HERE WITH A SEDATIVE!" She yelled and I moved even more, soon multiple changelings burst through the medical doors. And once of them went right up to me with I needle, and injected the liquid into my skin. My vision started to blur and I slip in and out of consciousness, after that my body decided to stay unconscious.
Equestria, Canterlot Castle, Dining Pavilion (3rd person pov)
Princess Celestia slowly walked up to the window and looked out towards the badlands, 'That is where she is.' She thought, her sister slowly approached her "Sister" she asked "do you think that she?" She said no more
And Celestia nodded and responded "Yes, I do believe that one of our oldest friends has come back." After she had finished that sentence a scroll appeared next to her head and almost dropped to the floor, before she caught it in her magics grip. "Is it from Twilight?" Luna asked Celestia,
Who in turn responded with "Yes, here I will read it to you."
"Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I was having my morning coffee today when I felt a magical surge. What has happened? Please don't tell me a new villain has come to destroy or take over Equestria!? I await your swift reply. Your student, Twilight Sparkle"
Celestia and Luna chuckled at the neurotic unicorn "Worried about Equestria's safety, not that it is needed in this event" Luna said, still chuckling
But Celestia had calmed herself and stopped chuckling replied with "That she is, but onto other matters that energy came from the badlands." Celestia and Luna sighed sadly, Frisk bonded them with the one who ruled there but, the ruler blamed them for her disappearance.
"I wish Chrysalis did not blame us for what happened." Luna said remembering when things were easier and their little band of friends were still together.
Celestia nodded solemnly "It could not be helped, if she disappeared in her land I would have blamed her as well." Celestia responded remembering how it happened.
Flashback, Equestria, Old Hoofshire (3rd Person pov)
The battle was long and grueling but still their enemy would not quit. "Leave NOW!" Luna roared in the Royal Canterlot voice, but even then you could here how tired she was.
"Don't try to fool yourself Luna." The voice of their enemy counter her response "None of you can win and your magic will be mine!" He roared in triumph, Celestia and Frisk were already on the ground. Celestia horn was cracked and wouldn't be able to use magic for a few years. And Frisk had dislocated both off her wrists and broken three bones in her rib cage, just from trying to convince their enemy to stop. Luna on the other hand had it worse, her horn unlike Celestia's it was fine but her wings were broken and all the feathers on them were gone. Her left foreleg was broken and half the bones in he rib cage were broken.
"We need to use the elements Celestia, Luna." Frisk said trying to stand up.
"It's to dangerous it would require one of use too be closer than normal, close enough that we would have to be standing right next to him." Celestia replied to Frisk.
Frisk countered with "Then I'll give us the opportunity." Allowing her alternate persona "Chara" to take control. Frisk/Chara roared in rage and knife the glowed red appeared in her hand.
"NO DON'T!" Celestia and Luna yelled at the same time. As Frisk/Chara rushed up towards their enemy and used their knife to cut into his flesh.
"DO IT NOW" Frisk/Chara yelled pleading them to use their elements, as she said this her element charged up with harmonic energy. This lead to the other elements appearing next to the princess: Magic, Generosity, and Kindness for Celestia and Honesty, Laughter, and Loyalty for Luna. They both had started to cry but Celestia stood up and activated her elements, Luna who looked like she was going to stab them in the gut activated her elements as well.
"NO! I WILL NOT BE BANISHED!" Bellow their enemy "IF I DO GO THEN I WILL TAKE YOU WITH ME!" With that the creature tried to rip Frisk/Chara off but they lodged their knife into his back and held on for dear life.
"You're right I will go, but I will make sure that you can't destroy this land." Frisk/Chara replied calmly, they had accepted what was happening and would gladly do it again. As she finished her sentence the elements finish charging and unleash they're energy on the both them, one being banished to Tartarus and the other to the void.
As the energy died down contained energy was released, giving magic back to all the ponies of Equestria. From all the energy spent during the fight Celestia and Luna passed out, a few minute latter some of their ponies found them in what is now the ghastly gorge.
Equestria, Canterlot Castle (3rd person pov)
Celestia and Luna left the dining pavilion to get some paper and ink "I just wish we could have done something different" Luna said, her voice laced with sorrow.
"I do too, but you know we could not have beaten him any other way." Celestia replied with, feeling the same pain as Luna. "But" Celestia continued "She has returned and we both know Twilight felt it from her letter and she is probably trotting anxiously around in circles or sounded the alarm in Ponyville." They stopped for they had reach Celestia's room and Celestia opened the doors to the room.
Once they were both in the room Celestia grabbed the necessary items to make a letter and start to write 'My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.....'
Nup. I think it was either Tirek or Flowey.
you are everywhere