Equestria, Ponyville, The Library (3rd person pov)
Twilight was mess and Spike was getting worried for her, so worried that he sent letters to all of their friends. "Whats the hay is wrong with Twilight" Rainbow Dash they're rainbow maned friend asked. "and why she so....so frazzled."
"I don't know" Spike replied "She just dropped her coffee cup and then told me to take a letter to Celestia. After that she just started doing this mumbling about 'danger to Equestria'" That made Rainbow Dash stop and stare at him.
"WHAT DANGER TO EQUESTRIA!?" Rainbow Dash suddenly yelled and got Twilight's attention.
"Oh, Hi Rainbow what was that yell about?" Twilight asked like she had been snapped out of her stupor. Rainbow Dash started to respond but was cut off by Spike shushing her. And her other friends entering the Library
"What was that about darling?" Rarity asked Rainbow
"That was gonna be ma question Rarity." Applejack said lightly glaring at Rarity then moved her gaze towards Rainbow silently asking the same question.
"Oh oh oh I know I know!" Said the ever hyperactive Pinkie Pie "Earlier in the morning Twilight sensed what felt like what is a magic surge and contact the princesses but they just got to responding." At which Spike burped out a scroll which Twilight grabbed but Pinkie just kept on going "And because it took them so long Twilight thought that they were captured and a new evil is here but really it----Oppsies I almost spoiled what is going to happen." And she said this all in one breath and started giggling at the faces they were making.
Everyone stared at her and gawked but then stop and shrugged just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. "Well OK that was weird, why don't I read the princess response?" She asked inquisitively, to which everyone nodded minus Pinkie who was still giggling from before
My faithful student Twilight Sparkle. The surge that you felt is not a threat to Equestria in fact it is an old ally of both Equestria and the Sapphire hive
"The Sapphire Hive?" Everypony but Twilight said at the same time.
"Jinx you owe me a bottle of cider!" Pinkie Pie said and then giggled, everypony rolled their eyes at that
"Well anyways maybe we'll find out if we continue the story." Twilight said agitated, everypony else apologized for interrupting.
I bet you are wondering what the Sapphire Hive is, the Sapphire Hive is Queen Chrysalis' Changeling Hive.
"WHAT!?" Everypony yelled.
Badlands, Sapphire Hive, Guest Quarters (My pov)
I slowly enter the waking world once more and I feel myself on a soft bed with silk blankets, not my personal preference but I can't complain. I picked myself up and tried to analyze where I was 'Cave wall, eerie green light, either I'm in a changeling hive or some hillbilly found me in the desert and dragged me to a mountain which it made a house in. Yeah, definitely changeling hive.' I thought to myself.
As I was looking around the door that I just realized was there opened up and in walked in all her glory, Queen Chrysalis. She looked at me and said "You're finally awake I see." To which I nod silently, my throat hurt but I didn't know why. She trotted over and sat down "Glad that you are better with how you reacted when you woke up last time........" She pauses then continues "I was worried you wouldn't make it" I tilted my head in confusion to what she said.
"You don't remember?" She asked and in response I nodded to which she asked "Do you want me to tell you what happened?" I nodded. She sighed and started her story........
Equestria, Ponyville, The Library (3rd person pov)
"Oh No, Oh No, not this one too!" Twilight Sparkle moved fast to try and locate anything that disproved anything and everything that the "anomaly" was actually not a threat.
"Twilight calm down maybe your exaggerating this just a bit." Spike said trying to calm Twilight down, even though he himself was having trouble remaining calm.
"You think I am exaggerating. EXAGGERATING!" Twilight yelled the force of her voice sending Spike tumbling into a pile of books.
"Sheesh Twi" Rainbow Dash said snickering at Spike's predicament "You didn't have to make him book it." After that Pinkie and herself went into full blown laughter from her pun.
"This is a mater of Equestrian Security Rainbow Dash!" Twilight said glaring at the rainbow-maned Pegasus and pink Earth Pony "I need to find something to show the princess that thi-this thing is EVIL!" She yelled and went back to looking and quickly found a book that might fit her needs "Yes! Right here" She shoved the book in Rainbow Dash's face "See I told you that thing is evil." Rainbow Dash took the book into her hooves and looked at the author.
"You do know that this book was made by Lore Fast right?" Rainbow Dash asked, Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, ran over and took the book from Rainbow
"NOOOO!" She wailed "Why does that thing have to be good" crying in sorrow
"If you don't mind me asking who is Lore Fast?" Fluttershy asked quietly
Rainbow Dash responded to this question surprisingly "She is a terrible writer who only writes lies in her books" Everyone but Twilight who was still sobbing looked at her "What? Twilight ranted to me about how Lore Fast said the ghastly gorge was a failed excavation project. Everypony knows it was created in a battle between a terrible beast and the princesses." Everyone nodded to this it was taught to every 10 years old foal.
"Darlings, the princesses requested us in Canterlot." Rarity said holding up the scroll
Twilight sighed and said "We can't deny the princesses request to the castle."
"Hey" Rainbow Dash started "maybe well get the full story from the princess." Everypony nodded they're heads and said that that was a good idea.
Dude...you're gonna get turned into a dorky, b-rate villain. You know that, right?
Pinkie don't stop breaking the fourth wall.