• Published 15th Dec 2017
  • 3,691 Views, 44 Comments

You're filled with DETERMINATION (Path of the Pacifist) - Error Sans

[No prior knowledge required] A human male thrown into the body of a female pacifist, join her millennia after the indecent and how far she will go. But she will need to be careful old threats are coming and they want her homeland.

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Entry Number 18: Alive, The Revival, and The Underground Part 1

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for the likes, I did not expect anything to come out of this story. So I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was originally only supposed to be Entry Number 18: Alive but I changed it because I wanted to give you more at once then just 100 words of stuff already basically know, so it was changed into 3 chapters combined. I am going to be separating the black empire ark and this new underground ark for a handful of chapters but, they will end up joining each other. Also I don't know who the second picture is by.

Next stop: Equestria, the Sapphire Hive, and the diamond hive unite. But a new threat has allied with Umbra will they stand a chance?

The North, Outskirts of the Diamond Hive, 2 days earlier (3rd person pov)

A ball of void energy suddenly appeared into existence carrying a being who had been trapped in the void for over 10,000 years. a few changelings were patrolling their hive and found the ball of void energy while it was hitting its peak of energy. As soon as this happened the skeleton walked out of the ball "Greetings." The being said to the changelings "I am W.D. Gaster."

The North, Diamond Hive, Throne room, Present time (My pov)

I couldn't believe it Gaster someone who had been in the void for much longer than me had escaped it piqued my interest. Chrysi and Citalia however was confused on how I knew him "How do you know who this is Frisk?" Citalia said, Chrysi nodded also wanting an answer, I was still shocked that he was out of the void but was able to gather myself "Gaster lived in the void while I was there he said it is impossible for him to leave by himself though." I said answering their question, Gaster chucked to himself than said "I did not do it alone, you, Frisk, helped me by making a small hole in the void big enough for me to escape."

I realized that my use of DETERMINATION was a lot more dangerous than I expected "How powerful is my DETERMINATION?" I asked Gaster, him being the only one that would ever be able to even come close to the answer "It is almost too powerful for your body to handle, Humans having the ability to store DETERMINATION can store a lot of it compared to monsters. But as you have most likely noticed your body did not end up as human, it ended up as demigoddess, better than most that 'he' displaces."

I nodded knowing most of this but confusing me on the first thing he said "'Almost to powerful' If I have the body of a demigoddess then I should be able to hold an infinite amount." I said almost completely sure of myself, key word being 'almost'. Gaster sighed and said "Demigods still are limited, the amount you contain rivals that of a god. You can do almost anything if you know what to do." He finished essentially reading my mind for my unseen question. You see there was always things that bugged me when Undertale ended, such as what happened to cause humanity to accept all of monsterkind, but the one that bugged me the most, you couldn't SAVE Asriel no matter how hard you tried.

I....................was going to change that, I was going to find away into that universe and right every, last ,wrong "Gaster I need help you and I both know that there is more going on here than I originally thought." I was essentially saying we need more allies if we were going to fight the Error, Gaster sighed and said "You need to focus on the thing you want the most, also I will be coming with you. As a necessary precaution I need to see them and make sure that the timeline we end up in can be repaired."

I nodded and channeled my DETERMINATION all up and expanded its field of power to include Gaster 'Azzy,' Chara started in my head confusing me 'we will SAVE you.' With that the DETERMINATION detonated and we were off to the Underground.
Frisk's Mind-Scape (Chara's pov)

"Azzy," I started in Frisk's mind "we will SAVE you." with that Frisk's DETERMINATION exploded, I expected that to happen but what I didn't expect was for me to be pulled out of Frisk's Mind-Scape and feel like I was on fire. I screamed out in pain and terror 'W-What is happening, HELP ME FRISK!' I thought desperately BEGGING for the pain to stop when suddenly it stopped and I fell down onto what felt like........stone?
Earth, Mt. Ebott, Entrance to the Underground (My pov)

I fell onto hard stone floor I heard two dull thuds that sounded like bodies fell a bit behind me, wait, TWO?!?! I scampered up and looked around we were in what looked like a cave and on the floor where two bodies, one of them I expect which was Gaster who had fallen unconscious from the transportation from realms. But right next to him was a person I thought I would always hear but never get to see "C-Chara?" I asked inquisitively, she groaned and didn't move I realized she was unconscious for the same reason as Gaster.

I sighed, went over to her and tried to wake her up she groaned and said quietly "But mom I don't wanna go to school." I growled and said "I'm not your mother Chara and we have to figure out how you have a body of your own." Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me, she just stared at me for minute before crying out and jumping backwards "W-What, when, where, who?" She said much more confused then me but, I answered her questions "You got your body back, a little bit ago, were on Earth in Mt. Ebott I think, and I don't know what caused this." I got that from four words, impressive right. (her picture)

Chara looked less confused but still weirded out that she had her body back "Chara" I started "We need to wake up Gaster maybe he will know what caused this to happen." Chara nodded and tried to get up, emphasis on tried she fell from not being used to having tangible legs. I caught her in time and help her to steady herself "Thanks." She mumbled appreciatively, I smiled at her and replied with "No problem." The conversation died a quick and merciful death right then and there.

We both walked the short distance over to Gaster her tripping multiple time but I was able to keep her steady and on her feet. I set Chara down at the nearby wall and went to waking up Gaster who was already starting to wake up on his own, at my insistence and the light inside the cave already waking him up he opened his eyes and sat up straight. He looked at Chara and said "I see that plan worked." I gave him a confused look then realized what he said "You planned this?" I asked

After I had said that he nodded and continued with his explanation "I was hoping that an overload of DETERMINATION would bring her back but, she will need a soul because the DETERMINATION will only give the effects of a soul for a short amount of time. Once all of that time is up you'll become a emotionless killer like before Chara, that is if we don't get to my lab quick enough, my best guess is we have three days." Gaster said assessing the situation. 'Great, so Chara needs a soul otherwise she will become that things unquestionable soldier again.' I thought

"Well" Chara started "I guess we just need to move fast in the Underground then, best get to it." She got up using the wall for balance and started to walk towards the hole, she got to it with little problem and swung her legs over the edge, I grabbed her wrist to stop her from jumping "Chara, wait---" I started but was interrupted by Gaster saying "I will use my magic to cushion all of our falls Frisk, Chara we will all be jumping down at the same time." Chara nodded, I sighed and sat down doing the same thing as Chara while Gaster went near the edge and prepared to jump "3."He started then continued Chara bracing herself "2." I braced myself "1. JUMP!" We all jumped down into the darkness.