• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

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Fallen Spear

Nightshade was all too familiar with being in the presence of important ponies. She seemed to attract them with very little effort considering two wielders of the Elements and the Great and Glorious hero was before her.

Nightmare Moon was an intimidating figure when she was around, yes. But Nightshade had forgotten that nervousness long after Princess Luna rejected her dark persona. And Morganite returned that trembling sensation. Of all the ponies to give Nightshade a taste of the past, it was her close friend.

But what was there to be afraid of? Nightshade could easily overpower her friend with a simple shove. Maybe it was Morganite’s strong affection. But that was genuine care. How could kindness make anypony feel flustered? It’s an innocent gesture. A groan rumbled in Nightshade’s throat. She wasn't sure why Morganite was somepony who could not only tame her aggressive nature but also take away the ability to speak.

Morganite's ear heard Nightshade moan and twitched. “Is something wrong?” she asked, craning her neck upward to see her tall friend’s eyes.

“I’m having difficulty on where to begin my story.” Nightshade looked among the ponies and single dragon. “This is the first time I’ve spoken about- White Dwarf to a group.”

Finally, the name was known to everypony. His name visibly affected all those around him. Nightshade knew how air becomes thick when a deceased pony is mentioned. No one knew White like she did. And yet, everypony showed empathy despite never meeting him.

Strangely, Nightshade felt safe by saying his name and wanted to continue with the tale of his end. Mineral, Saradiamond, Steadfast, and Morganite were all familiar with loss. Nightshade remembered talking to Morganite prior to being at the stadium, telling her the phrase, “Misery loves company.”

Such a strange, but real statement.

Unable to remain quiet, Nightshade tamed the silence, “White Dwarf was a very close friend of mine.” Nightshade looked at Mineral as she said, “Actually, we were in love.”

Mineral winced, looked away, and heaved a heavy sigh. A choked “oh” escaped Rarity. She played with the grass at her hoof tips. Nightshade knew Rarity would only get more depressed once the story reached its end.

“White was among the best of Nightmare Moon’s soldiers, not to mention well organized. He also worked with his family in the farming terrarium on the moon, doing everything he can to help them.”

Nightshade smiled and shook her head, “White just did it all. He was quite the over-achiever. That sat well with Nightmare Moon and she offered White to be her advisor.”

“What an honor!” Mineral smiled.

“Neigh…” Nightshade muttered, her ears falling in disagreement. “The position was cursed! Anypony who is offered the role is doomed to be killed by Nightmare Moon once one thing is performed incorrectly!”

What sounded like a rock being broken turned everypony to Spike. He took a large bite out of the crystal. The fins on his head sagged, embarrassed he interrupted the story. Nightshade wasn’t mad at him, but she knew her thin pupils were crippling his tiny soul.

Saradiamond shook her body a little and said, “Keep eating, great hero.”

Morganite nudged into Nightshade. “Stop scaring him with your stare.”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Nightshade circled a hoof around her face. “I cannot help looking like this!”

“Then look at me. You don’t scare me.”

Nightshade slowly let her smile slip off her face. And yet, somehow, you manage to keep me in check, she thought. It was amusing to Nightshade how a strong warrior as herself was tamed by a pony who writes as a trade.

Nightshade didn’t look at Morgante and chose to speak at Mineral. “Being an advisor for Nightmare Moon, despite its curse, was captivating somehow. To be beside their leader and mother was the highest honor. It proved Nightmare Moon trusted them. And when White joyfully told me the dreadful news, he said he wouldn’t fall victim to her wrath; how everything would be done accordingly without a single flaw.”

A horrific scowl warped Nightshade’s expression, its direction aimed at Saradiamond. The crystal pony let her eye twitch but didn’t combat the thestral in a staredown. “Then the day came when not a single flaw, but a flood of discrepancies was discovered.”

Gently, Morganite squeezed Nightshade’s arm, a sign to calm down. Nightshade found it strange that she was more aggressive in front of others than when she told her story in private with Morganite.

The signal was received and Nightshade relaxed her clenched jaw. “One day, several panicked ponies came charging into the throne room while I was on duty. White was there with Nightmare Moon discussing details about what was occurring at the time. The group of ponies claimed that there was a dangerously low supply of wheat, a staple crop on the moon; without wheat, many thestrals would become malnourished. Various receipts within a trunk came with the group. Each receipt had at least one signature from White’s family, verifying that a proper amount was reaped and was to be delivered.”

Nightshade continued to add more details in order to delay the dreadful fate of her old friend. “And these receipts came from all over the moon. Many spoke against White and his family, confirming there was very little wheat despite the receipts and signatures saying otherwise.”

Nightshade’s throat started to hurt. She resumed, but the aches grew more unbearable, “Nightmare Moon asked why they hadn’t brought this to her attention sooner. Their excuse was that they individually thought they themselves were short once they noticed their wheat was near depleted. Once others started to rally together about their thoughts on wheat, the discrepancies were swiftly collected and brought to Nightmare Moon.”

A shaky sigh from Nightshade told everypony she was very close. Spike didn’t dare take a bite out of his crystal, lest it would bring attention that didn’t belong to him.

“This brought massive suspicion upon White Dwarf. Why were multiple locations missing their guaranteed wheat? I watched White frantically confirm that all the signatures were from his family. He tried to suggest that he and his family were being conspired against.”

Nightshade parted her mouth, ready to resume killing her throat. Her eyes widened and the thestral’s mind was back at the throne room.

A long, red carpet ran down the center of the place of Nightmare Moon’s glory. Tall pillars held up the room, their positions in between broken-glass murals. Each window had a different phase of the moon. Before coming to Equestria, Nightshade was told that the moon bore many images in the atmosphere. When the day came to return to the world, Nightshade and Sugar finally understood those glass murals.

The largest phase in the throne room was the full-moon. It covered most of the wall that watched over Nightmare Moon’s throne. The full-moon was near the top of the window like an eye that saw through everything.

Nightmare Moon was standing in front of her throne, the seat just as dark as her blackened body. The angry mother towered over White with receipts littered around her son’s legs. His entire figure trembled. Everypony stood near the wall, away from the danger Nightmare Moon possessed.

Nightshade was parallel to White, her station the closest to the throne. Mouths moved between him and Nightmare Moon, but neither made noises. Nightshade tried to say something, but her words became a desperate moan. Nightmare Moon snapped her attention toward her daughter. A nasty spark of magic sputtered from Nightmare Moon’s horn. Unable to escape from the stare of death, Nightshade stood still, afraid her life was about to come to an end.

The flash came quickly at Nightshade. She fell over, hitting the grass with her hip. Nightshade had returned to the present. All four of her legs crumbled, each knee unable to find the strength to hold her figure upright.

Everypony came forward to catch the thestral. Several veils of magic mixed in a strange, unique rainbow held Nightshade. Pinkie Pie and Morganite flanked Nightshade’s nine and four in case the unicorns’ magic failed. Spike dropped his crystal and reached out his claw in vain to try and aid in rescuing Nightshade.

Upon being caught, Nightshade looked around at those helping her. Her pride was too great to be helped in such a way. “I’m fine, I’m fine,” she said to them with a weak smile and hot tears.

Morganite was not having it with any lies. “You didn’t act like this when you told me your story back at the office! You’re clearly not fine!”

“I’m just recalling more details. That’s all.” Even in her pitiful state, Nightshade wanted to be strong and not to be affected by the past. It was done for. The heavy counseling by her father and endless requests of forgiveness from Nightmare Moon were no more.

“Don’t act stubborn!” Morganite scolded. “You are hurt! And it’s okay to admit it!” The criticism cut deeper than Nightshade wanted. Why didn’t she want to succumb to weakness? Was it the audience of seven and not a one-on-one talk?

As quick as it went, Morganite went from critical to gentle. “Every crystal pony here has endured a loss. Just lament. Don’t hold back. There is no shame. You want to know why the Crystal Empire hurts, right? It’s best for us to know you aren’t afraid to tell the truth, either.”

The tips of Morganite’s lips twinkled when she smiled. “And I know you aren’t easily scared. You’re a tough mare.”

A tiny fraction of Nightshade’s consciousness told her to keep being strong and fight back the emotions. But if she did, she’d be lying that Morganite’s wonderful smile broke through her armor.

“You should be an interrogator…” Nightshade said, her words painfully scratching her throat. “If you can do this to me, imagine the possibilities of a new career.”

“You forget I’m an interviewer as well as a writer. Just like you, I know how to get information.”

Nightshade pulled in Morganite with one arm. Unable to hold back the true emotion crippling her heart, Nightshade let her tears loose. As pathetic as it sounded, the thestral whimpered as she cried.

The closeness of Morganite made the past come crashing into Nightshade’s soul. She opened her eyes to see a body sizzling at her hooves. And the smell. Oh, what a horrible smell!

White’s body had a burn across his breast, black as the space that the moon hung in. His eyes was wide with terror; a terror that followed him to his demise.

Nightmare Moon’s scowl was no longer upon Nightshade, but her dead son. Unafraid of whatever might happen to her, Nightshade closed the few inches between her and White’s stilled corpse. Nightshade knew he was gone but still tried to wake him by saying his name.

Words did not escape Nightshade’s throat, but she knew she said his name all the same. Over and over, she said his name, each time more hysterical than the last. Nightshade couldn’t stand, nor hold her spear. The weapon fell over with no support. The mare rested beside him, reaching an arm over his eyes, unable to look at that fear bore into his empty irises. One single swipe was all it took to make White appear as if he was sleeping, unaware of the smoldering wound on his heart.

The noise of metal echoed loudly throughout the room as the spear hit the ground. Its shaft and spear tip bounced back and forth before its momentum was no more.

Nightshade slid her arms around White’s figure. He was still warm. Nightshade pulled White close, the smell of burnt flesh radiating from him. But she didn’t care. She knew that heart of his is what kept her safe.

Nopony dared to interject or interrupt the moment. Not even Nightmare Moon had the lack of heart to pull the thestral away. With White’s mane under her chin, Nightshade wept, unable to accept his departure.

Then a sensation came. Something brushed Nightshade’s throat. Her eyes darted open to see a pink body glittering like a rose made of glass. The hairs on Morganite's head tickled the thestral’s throat. The touch distracted Nightshade from her lamentation and giggled.

“Stop making me smile!” Nightshade said. “I’m trying to cry here!”

Morganite moved her head, her mane once again tickling Nightshade. “What do you mean?” she asked, looking up at her friend.

“Just stand still and keep being a good pony, okay?”

Nightshade sniffed and opened her eyes, sharing them with those who watched her. Instead of sharing pity, everypony smiled at her and Morganite. Mineral whispered something to Saradiamond and Steadfast. Both smiled and agreed with whatever he said to them, Saradiamond more affected as her ears fell down.

Nightshade watched the three talk without the use of furrowed brows. The fact that they all stood together without any anger intrigued Nightshade. It was an easy assumption that Mineral either mentioned something positive about Sugar or Nebula, the latter more than likely.

Nightshade did not want to remove their joy, but her story needed to resume. No longer armored with pride, Nightshade let go of her smile and cleared her throat. “Now, where was I?” she asked.

Every ear twitched and angled at Nightshade; the intermission of tears was over. “Suspicion on White and his family,” Pinkie Pie answered.

“Right… I remember now…”

Of course, Nightshade did. She knew she would have another depressing fit in a short moment. But she wasn’t afraid of showing her true feelings. After all, Morganite said it best: “And I know you aren’t easily scared. You’re a tough mare.”

“So… With the suspicion focused on White and his family, he told everypony in the throne room that this was an act against him and his family. There was no reason for White or his family to try and harm anypony. White’s suggestion did not sit well with Nightmare Moon.”

Nightshade watched every single eye that watched her slam into the ground, unable to look her way. She knew they were waiting to hear the inevitable. The only pair of eyes Nightshade couldn’t see was Morganite’s.

“I knew speaking out of line was a death sentence. But I could not stand by while White stood before our deadly mother. I proclaimed that I sided with White and the discrepancies must be looked into.”

It would be a third time that day that Nightshade had to think up the instance White died; the first at the office, the second was the flashback, and the third was about to be moments after lamenting. However, it became easier somehow. The pathetic crying made the story somehow more bearable to speak of.

“Nightmare Moon stomped over to me, angry I would suggest treachery would be held between family. Such a thought was unthinkable; and I am convinced she didn’t want to accept the idea. I watched every memory blink into my mind, knowing my end was coming. But my special somepony did not want to see me as a crumpled, charred mess.”

A heavy sigh huffed out of Rarity. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her tears flowed much faster than everypony else. “How romantic…” Rarity muttered.

“Aye,” Nightshade nodded. Nightshade didn’t need to tell what happened next. The fact she was still alive told everypony the details. “You know, I do miss him. But-”

A small amount of joy rose the corners of Nightshade’s mouth. “To know that White protected me by jumping in front of Nightmare Moon’s deadly magic showed his unconditional love for me.” Nightshade looked up at the sky and said, “I’ll be sure to thank him eventually.”

Mineral, Saradiamond, and Steadfast looked among each other, then upward.

“Knowing that we will eventually see Nebula does ease some pain, now that I think about it,” Mineral said.

“I never considered it until now,” Saradiamond agreed.

Steadfast didn’t give his thoughts to his friends and remained quiet. Saradiamond and Mineral glanced his way, expecting his voice to echo across the field. Quite the contrary. He didn’t move his stare from the sky, nor did he smile.

Nightshade didn’t dawdle with dealing with why Steadfast was out of character, even though it did make her curious. She chose to skip the part of smelling White’s burnt flesh and jumped into what transpired after his passing.

“After allowing me to weep over White,” Nightshade started again, snapping the three sky-gazers’ attention back to her story, “Nightmare Moon strangely did give the idea that something was not quite right. After all, why would the closest advisor place himself and his family in danger?”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes were clear in Nightshade’s mind. Nightshade vividly remembered what followed after Nightmare Moon wanted to look into the discrepancies. “Nightmare Moon leaned toward me and said, ‘Since you vogued for White and his innocence, I ask you to look into this. You have seventy-two hours to find out the truth. If you cannot find anything of importance, you shall be made an example!'”

“How could she!” Saradiamond’s voice bolted forth. “Is- Is this what Princess Luna became after the Crystal Empire vanished? A tyrant unable to listen to reason or hear anypony out?”

Mineral flinched at the hypocrisy behind Saradiamond’s words and her practices easily contradicted each other. When she caught his eyes, she stared back for only a short moment. “It just makes me think about Nebula…" Saradiamond muttered. "Did she have to experience Princess Luna’s drastic change in character?”

Nightshade gave no quarter for anypony to change their opinion on Princess Luna. “Nightmare Moon is no more. Besides, she took great care of her children despite the exile she brought upon the thestrals.” Nightshade gave her attention to Mineral. “Princess Luna is a reformed pony, such as yourself.”

While Mineral appreciated the compliment, Saradiamond was still focused on Luna’s past. “But what made her become this nightmare? 1000 years ago, she showed no signs of cruelty. And if I remember correctly, when she and Princess Celestia came to fight Sombra, it was Princess Luna who fought the hardest.”

Curious about the younger Princess Luna, Nightshade allowed the crystal ponies to inform Nightshade and the others of the princess’ fighting prowess. “How did she fight?”

Since Saradiamond was so keen on bringing up the past, she continued about what she remembered. “I was in this very place. Because Sombra enjoyed jousting, he allowed me and the others to remain training. Only when he wished to be amused did we have to duel one another.”

Saradiamond pointed to the end of the stadium, and every eye around followed to the point of interest. “She came from over the walls, throwing Sombra onto the field. I thought he would be killed from such a fall, but his smoke magic saved him.”

Saradiamond turned toward center field and continued, “Both the princess and tyrant squared off. I watched from the sidelines as six artifacts hovered around her with a hardened stare. Suddenly, a flurry of power fired at Sombra. He dodged and weaved, but Princess Luna was on the offensive; she gave no quarter.

“Celestia came to aid her, but Princess Luna insisted on obliterating Sombra herself, saying he needed to pay by her hooves. During their small banter, Sombra used the chance to flee the stadium, but Luna darted after him and left her sister behind.”

Nightshade smiled at the short tale. “I would expect nothing less from Princess Luna.”

Saradiamond did not show any happiness despite witnessing Princess Luna’s might and will to fight Sombra herself. “What I don’t understand is what happened after the Crystal Empire vanished! If she fought so desperately to protect my home, why did she become Nightmare Moon? Why would she try to kill you after suggesting there was something wrong with those receipts?”

A heavy sigh escaped Saradiamond as everypony looked at her with bothered eyes. “Just- what happened to her…?”

The question dragged the group’s attention to Nightshade as if she had the answer to the rise and downfall of Nightmare Moon.

“It would be best to ask her yourself,” Nightshade said. “Though, I doubt she will give you the time to do so. She is a princess who doesn’t dabble in commonpony affairs, no offense.”

Rarity took one step forward to assert herself. “If you recall, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and even I hold some power in requesting Princess Luna’s audience. Friendship problems are an important matter after all, especially with Princess Twilight at our backs.”

Saradiamond pointed to the dragon on her back. “Spike did mention he held the power to send Princess Luna requests as well. I want to know more now than ever before!”

The idea of Princess Luna being summoned to discuss the details of her fall and return from the moon to a citizen baffled Nightshade. And would Princess Luna be so willing to talk about the past she wants to leave behind? It took Nightshade years to finally mention White Dwarf to anypony until that very day, and that required a lot of willpower.

But if the friendship problem solvers have the power to call upon the princess, Nightshade had no power to intercept the request. Besides, it could benefit Sugar and her friendship problem. If it would help Sugar, what good reason would Nightshade have to intercept the help Princess Luna could provide?

“If you three possess the power to do so,” Nightshade said, “then, by all means, do what is needed.”

“I mean, it would be nice to do that now,” Spike said. He pointed his claws at himself. “But I don’t have anything to write with or onto.”

Pinkie Pie grumbled at Spike. “Umm, the magical bag of plot convenience known as Pinkie Pie exists for a reason!” She shuffled through her mane and pulled out a feather, a small jar of ink, and a rolled-up scroll, placing them onto the grass. “We have the essentials to write what we need.”

“Of course, you do,” Saradiamond said as a matter-of-fact. It appeared that she was starting to accept Pinkie Pie’s shenanigans that needed a lack of solid explanations. Saradiamond levitated the three tools over to Spike. “I’ll keep hold of the ink while you write.”

“Thanks, Saradiamond,” Spike smiled. He grabbed the feather and scroll, breaking them from their floating spell. Even though it was a simple thank you, Saradiamond couldn’t still her heart from being complemented by her hero.

The dragon began scratching down words, the noise pausing for a moment before he continued. “While he writes down the request,” Nightshade spoke up, “allow me to continue my tale.”

Everypony nodded and every ear swiveled toward the thestral. Nightshade caught herself staring at Saradiamond for a few seconds. Nightshade couldn’t shake her bothered feelings toward the crystal pony. Saradiamond constantly questioned Princess Luna, doubting the princess’ authenticity. There was nothing to be worried about. The mother of all thestrals was renewed.

Nightshade had to shake her head to remove all thoughts that didn’t involve her story. “So I was given 72 hours to complete my task.” The sound of writing stopped; even Spike was interested despite his small chore.

“It was difficult to gather my wits with everything happening so quickly. My life flashed before my eyes, White was dead, and suddenly, I’m investigating discrepancies.” Nightshade lightly pawed at the grass with a hoof. “It was all too much," she whispered.

Morganite gave Nightshade a supportive lean into the thestral. Nightshade wanted to smile, but the past wanted to keep her happiness down. “When I left the throne room to ‘investigate,’ I went back to my quarters to cry. Thankfully, I had an hourglass. I had a limit put on my life. And when one hour was finished, I used every ounce of determination I had to lift myself from my bed. I was going to find out the truth.”