• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

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After approximately 2,232 hours, Ferocious finally got his act together and wrote another chapter!

“Honestly, Pinkie Pie,” Spike grumbled as he clung onto Pinkie’s mane with a weak grip, “why couldn’t you wake me up normally?”

“Because there is a lot to do today!” Pinkie said as she proudly strutted through the shining streets. “I managed to talk to Mineral, Saradiamond, and Sugar this morning!”

“That’s cool…”

Just as he managed to get comfortable and attempt to drift back to sleep, Spike sprung to life. “Wait, you did what!?”

“I saaaaid, ‘I managed to talk to Mineral, Saradiamond-”

“I know what you said,” Spike interrupted, rolling his eyes at Pinkie’s parroting. “It’s surprising to hear that you have done so much this morning already.”

Pinkie slowed her prancing down to a casual walk, but didn’t let off her cheerful behavior. “I try.” She looked toward the massive stadium growing taller and taller with each approaching step. “Saradiamond is eager for your arrival.”

The name weighed heavily on Spike. “Is she still upset about last night?” he asked.

“Saradiamond admitted that her anger is a huge influence to this friendship problem,” Pinkie answered. “I also learned about the true motivation between Saradiamond and Mineral’s behavior toward one another.”

Spike rubbed his chin with a claw, amazed with everything Pinkie Pie had already done. “You are on the ball with this friendship problem.”

Pinkie Pie’s movement slowed even more, her speed no more than a slow crawl. She let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “I will be honest, Spike. This has been a very difficult mission for us all. So many ups and downs, with last night being the most emotional. Even this morning, there was some tension among the three of them, but thankfully nothing terrible happened.”

“Mineral made a nice breakfast, though!” Pinkie added with a smile.

The thought of food made Spike’s stomach churn with hunger. “Why did you have to steal me away from the castle before I could eat?” Spike complained.

“I’m sure there is a concession stand at the stadium. Besides!” Pinkie Pie gestured all around her. “You’ve got the entire Empire made out of gems! Just take a bite out of something and be on your way!”

It was an amusing thought, but Spike figured the action would be unwise. “Yeah, I’m sure the crystal ponies would really appreciate me taking a chuck out of their home,” Spike said with a heavy tinge of sarcasm.

“Trust me, I think you will make a crystal pony’s day if you did that,” Pinkie giggled. “They’ll be like, ‘Wow! The Great and Glorious Spike chose my home to satisfy his hunger!’”

The discussion about how everything was suddenly a potential meal didn’t sit very well with the dragon. Spike figured discussion about the present issue would distract him from his dilemma. “Since you have done enough on your own this morning, what can I do to help?”

“I think you just being there in front of Steadfast and Saradiamond will be a great advantage,” Pinkie answered. “Anything you do will garner their attention. You're also good at defusing bad situations if you haven’t noticed by now.”

“Don’t worry, I am well aware of that.” Spike held onto Pinkie’s back, the thought bearing down on him. “It’s kind of hard to deal with this pressure that I influence so much. The moment I spoke against Saradiamond last night broke her.”

Pinkie Pie craned her neck and looked at the dragon tangling his claws in her mane. “But I think it was a good move to let her know her behavior was unacceptable.”

Spike looked at the palms of his claws, attempting to comprehend his influence he has upon the Crystal Empire. “I have a huge responsibility to uphold, yet I never asked for it.”

Pinkie Pie came to a complete halt. “Neither did I.”

She stopped in front of the Crystal Stadium, the massive facility glittering in the daylight. “Yet here we are.”

Both Spike and Pinkie Pie admired the building with its impressive details and scale. “I never thought I would be more than just a party planner and baker,” Pinkie continued. “I think it’s quite the promotion to go from pastry chef to one of the defenders of Equestria. That’s what life is like. It’s unpredictable.”

“I bet the crystal ponies will side with you on that one,” Spike added. “And I mean all of them.”

“Yes indeedy,” Pinkie Pie nodded. She knelt down to let the hero she carried onto his feet. “Let’s walk in together.”


The hollow hallways made every step Pinkie and Spike took sound ominous despite the walls and floors glittering from the overhead lights. The history of the place was speckled with paintings, pictures, and of course, a large statue of some important pony stood in the foyer.

Several ponies walked about the facility, some workers, others were athletes. Every crystal pony noticed Spike and did their usual stare in awe at a distance. He, nor Pinkie Pie, spared any time for idle talk and went the way they used the previous evening to reach the stands.

“Feels like yesterday since we were here,” Pinkie Pie said with a huge intake of air.

“It was yesterday,” Spike chuckled.

“I know! Just trying to let out some comedy relief before the chapter gets emotional as per usual.”

Ponies were already on the field, performing various activities accustomed to their sport of choice. The center field was occupied with staff members bringing out equipment for the jousters and setting up the middle fence.

“Should we be out there?” Spike asked.

“I think it’s best to wait,” Pinkie said, her head looking left and right. “Saradiamond is expecting us, but I don’t want to get in the way of things until everything is set up.”

The small dragon smirked and folded his arms. “You’re not gonna just throw me over the railing like yesterday?”

Pinkie Pie gasped, “I didn’t throw you over! I just wanted to pick up the pace last night! That’s all!” Pinkie sat down on the steps and looked at the sky. “Now it’s morning. Time to slow down and relax.”

“Didn’t you wake up early and talk to three ponies already?” Spike shook his head, “Because to me, that doesn’t sound like slowing down at all.”

Pinkie Pie shut her eyes tight and hissed, “Shh! It’s morning! Time to be quiet!”

“Just saying you aren’t helping your argument,” Spike added with a point of his claw.

Having his fill on poking at Pinkie, Spike chose to enjoy the cool and crisp air by sitting beside the mare. Not a single cloud was spotted in the shade he and Pinkie sat in. It was a new day. And Spike couldn’t wait for the jousting practice to begin.

He knew very little of the empire’s culture despite being the hero of it. Spike had an idea of how track and field events were like; he got a clawful of experiences when he was raised by Twilight and how she made feeble attempts to be athletic.

Spike was expecting to be approached by either Saradiamond, Steadfast, or Broadside on the field side. But not from the stands or from behind.

“Good morning, Spike, the Great and Glorious.”

The voice was unmistakably Saradiamond’s. Pinkie and Spike snapped their heads around to see the unicorn a few rows up, sitting in her jousting armor, the metal plating a simple steel sheen. On her left shoulder was a bulky square guard that had a gridded pattern. Saradiamond had no helmet nearby, showing her nervous frown for the audience of two.

Spike answered Saradiamond by standing up and walking up the steps. He stopped just one step away from Saradiamond and stared at her, not sure what to do. Saradiamond avoided his eyes, averting her stare to Pinkie Pie.

“Did my anger scare you yesterday?” Saradiamond asked.

Straight to the point, Spike thought to himself. He looked back at Pinkie Pie for some aid, but she dismissed him with a wave of a hoof. She already spoke with Saradiamond that morning. It was his turn.

“Compared to what I’ve encountered,” Spike began, giving his statement some deep thought, “You aren’t that high on the list. I mean, an angry and much larger dragon than me is much more intimidating.”

Saradiamond giggled and looked down at Spike, her courage rekindled by his kind response. “I wouldn’t doubt that would be a frightening endeavor. At least you have the strength to stand up to such a ferocious foe.”

Spike shook his head, “But you are no foe, are you?”

“I don’t wish to be yours…” Saradiamond answered with no hesitation. Her eyes flicked off of Spike for a short moment but looked back at him. “I apologize for my behavior. I was out of line. I’m just… frustrated with Mineral and… I have this temper when it comes to Nebula and Mineral… Even if it wasn’t directed at you, I shouldn’t have let it out on you with such hatred.”

“Are you now recognizing your temper?” Spike asked.

“I was always aware of it…” Saradiamond sighed. “Even when Nebula was here. But she was the only pony to help me keep it in check.”

The hero furrowed his brows in thought. “Without Nebula being here, it must be impossible to do that.”

“N-not without your influence!”

If it was not apparent Saradiamond had immense respect for Spike, it was then after she exclaimed with such desperation. Spike liked the role of being the hero, but he wanted those who respected him to stand on their own when he wasn’t around.

The dragon rose his index claw, directing the crystal pony’s eyes to it. “I just came up with a hypothesis, Saradiamond.”

“Give me your wisdom.”

The compliment got under Spike’s scales. Saradiamond was so dependant on what Spike had to say. It was as if she couldn’t think for herself. He wanted Saradiamond to have independent thoughts. He just had to convince her to have them.

“I know for a fact that you and Nebula relied on each other,” Spike said. “And despite your last night’s scolding, I would still like to be your friend.”

Saradiamond grew a furious blush and couldn’t resist smiling. “I never considered us having anything mutual.”

Spike smiled at Saradiamond’s joy. Her smile did brighten up the shade they sat in. But Spike had a point to get across and put his thoughts about Saradiamond’s beauty on the shelf. “Now that we understand that we are friends, let me ask you this: how will you behave when I leave the Crystal Empire? I won’t be here for long, but I will depart once this friendship problem is solved.”

“I… don’t follow…” Saradiamond said.

“You said it yourself that Nebula helped keep your emotions in check. Am I doing the same, perhaps more, because I am right in front of you?”

The crystal pony stared down at his feet, not answering his question. “Are you admitting out loud you were out of line because I have such an influence on you?” Spike asked with calm volume. “Why did it take me stepping into the picture to get you to recognize the fury of your anger?”

Saradiamond resumed looking at Spike’s legs, still giving no input. “I think I know why,” Spike said. “It’s because I see it.”

“You’re half-correct…” Saradiamond muttered. “It’s also because Sugar sees it.”

“What about Steadfast? Doesn’t he have any influence to your behavior?”

Saradiamond gave the question some thought before answering, “Well, considering how he addressed last night about how oppressive my anger can be, I won’t count him out.”

“I am not asking you to change in an instant,” Spike said. “But you need to be more conscious of your attitude without the influence of your friends. You are in control of you.” Spike reached out his claw to Saradiamond, “That isn’t to say you can’t ask for help, either. Just find a balance between friends’ help and your own independence.”

Saradiamond bobbed her head but was hesitant to grab the extended kindness. “I will do what I can.” Spike ascended one step, his claw much closer to Saradiamond. But the approach only made her close her eyes, the mare in what Spike could assume was deep thought. “Your kindness knows no bounds. I know you can save me from myself.”

The hero was about to add his own words to Saradiamond’s comment, but she quickly took the words from his tongue, “And I will do my best to be self-aware.”

“That’s the spirit!” Spike beamed. The jouster opened her eyes and was met with his grin. Saradiamond blinked a few times before her blue lips twinkled as she smiled.

Spike gestured to Pinkie who amazingly continued to sit still. “So are we going to be watching from up here or on the field?” he asked.

Saradiamond stood from her seat, her armor clanking in its joints. “Follow me.”


The thin grass on the field was soft on Pinkie Pie’s hooves as she followed beside Spike. Saradiamond walked on his right, her muzzle aimed at the jousting fence. Steadfast had already arrived, helping prepare the practice he and his teammate were about to initiate.

The trio’s approach instantly grabbed his attention and spun his golden body at them. He was clad in similar armor to his teammate with the same gridded guard on his right shoulder. Steadfast’s wide grin subsided when he looked upon Saradiamond. He didn’t glare at her, but it was apparent that he was very uncomfortable.

Saradiamond slowed to a snail’s pace, leaving Pinkie Pie and Spike to approach the stallion at a much quicker rate. “Good morning,” Steadfast said to them both.

“No loud and proud greetings this morning, Steadfast?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head. “Because I was hoping for some positive vibes!”

Steadfast sighed, though the crystal pony gave her a soft smile. “Even after yesterevening, you find the strength to find joy. I like that out of a pony.”

A giggle-snort escaped Pinkie Pie, “Oh stop it, you!” She caught Spike in her peripheral wiggling his brows at Steadfast. The stallion, in turn, replied by bouncing his own. When Steadfast noticed Pinkie watching him, he blushed. However, Pinkie Pie wanted to play the silent game of Wiggle Brows and moved her brows in a wavy motion. The three laughed at the silly antics as Pinkie Pie cheered herself on internally.

You still got it, Pinkie!

“Steadfast?” Saradamond said a good distance away from the group.

Pinkie Pie and Spike stepped aside to allow the jousters some space to discuss whatever they needed to say to one another. Steadfast stepped forward and walked all the way over to his teammate.

He looked down at her, his physique tall and wide in contrast to the mare. No matter how long Steadfast looked at Saradiamond, he couldn’t muster up the energy to appear angry.

“I hate conflict,” Steadfast stated.

“I know…” Saradiamond said.

“I dislike your frightening anger.”

“I know…”

Steadfast gingerly reached his arm around Saradiamond’s neck and pulled her into him. “And I still want you to be my friend.”

Saradiamond had no response that time.

“I am glad you feel humility. It shows that you know there is an issue about yourself.” Steadfast adjusted himself to get a better hold on Saradiamond. “I wish I was brave before to tell you what I did last night.”

“You should never be afraid of your friend,” Saradiamond whispered. “And yet, I frightened two friends because of my-”

Three friends!” Steadfast corrected. He looked down at Saradiamond with a rare bend in his brows. “Mineral included.”

Saradiamond let go of Steadfast and argued, “Why do you stand up for Mineral when he pushed you away!”

“You pushed him away as well!” Steadfast countered. His breathing became heavy, and his visage warped into a discomforted frown. “Trust me when I say I was disappointed with Mineral when he didn’t show up the day of your important match. I told him myself. But whatever you did to him, whatever you said, it changed his opinion against me.”

Steadfast shook his head, “We’ve had this talk before. However, I didn’t address your anger because it is such a fiery forge that only carrodes.” He took in a heavy breath of air, his intake shaky and uncomfortable. “I… I don’t care about your opinion about how I feel about Mineral. I still care about him. And I knew he could change his ways.”

A smile twinkled upon his golden face, “We have Sugar to thank for helping him.”

Saradiamond stared at the base of Steadfast’s armor. “You must have had a lot to think about last night.”

“I’ve had a lot to think about this past year, Saradiamond,” Steadfast corrected. “Did it cross your mind that maybe Mineral could change for the better?”

Saradiamond gandered to the blue atmosphere. “The only thing that has crossed my mind is that I miss Nebula. She is not here because of Mineral, even if he indirectly influenced her fate.” The mare looked at her friend’s eyes with furrowed brows, not in anger, but plain sadness. “You want Mineral to be your friend again. I want my childhood friend back.”

“Your wish is impossible to obtain…” Steadfast sighed. He gandered over his shoulder to stare at some ponies running on the track. “You aren’t the only pony in this kingdom who lost a friend they want to see again.”

“But Mineral-”

Steadfast gritted his teeth, his frustration ready to burst forward. “Enough with blaming him!” Steadfast sucked in heavy breaths as if he finished a run alongside the sprinters. “Could you just give him forgiveness?”

Saradiamond was surprised to see Steadfast behave so out of character. He was never a pony to get so flared against her. Still, she was able to speak with a much more controlled voice. “If he forgives you; that is only one of my prerequisites.”

A golden ear flicked as Steadfast let off some stress in his brow. “What else must he do? Rewind time to bring Nebula to the present?”

“I’ll consider that a bonus if he manages such a feat. But no.”

“Then what else must he do to satisfy you?”

The corners of Saradiamond’s mouth twitched and grew into a tiny smile. “I want Mineral to show me how much he loves Sugar. I want to see that effort.” She poked Steadfast’s shoulder guard, “Even after last night, I’m sure you want to see more proof of his change.”

Steadfast nodded as Saradiamond slowly retracted his hoof. “I agree that would be a sight to see, considering how I’ve always wished for Mineral to change his ways.”

Saradiamond blinked at Steadfast and gave him her most serious stares. “Does that sound impossible for you? Are my requests too difficult?”

“They… are not,” Steadfast admitted. “I do want my friend back. If Mineral can see past the past, he will apologize. I just know it. He just needs conviction.”

“I have a feeling you and him might receive that talk sometime soon,” Saradiamond said and gestured her head at Pinkie Pie. “I encountered her and Mineral earlier this morning.”

Pinkie Pie replied with a bouncy nod. “We also had a super-duper awesome breakfast together with Sugar!”

Steadfast’s brows rose to the edges of his hairline. “You spent time with him?!”

“We… talked about Sugar and her struggle with dealing with the truth,” Saradiamond admitted. “I hate being upset with Sugar. I love my friend dearly.” Saradiamond frowned at Steadfast but said to Pinkie, “Pinkie Pie, care to explain the gist of our morning to Steadfast? You’re the friendship expert here. It’s best you talk about Mineral than me; I may give Steadfast an abridged version.”

“Absolutely!” Pinkie Pie chirped. She nudges her elbow into Spike, “You listen in, too, Mr. Hero. There are some particularly important details you should note.”

Pinkie bounced forward and began explaining the happy breakfast, Saradiamond and Mineral’s talk about Nebula, and Saradiamond’s condition for Mineral.

Steadfast rose a brow at Saradiamond once Pinkie Pie concluded her story with, “...and now, here we are!”

“I find it strange how you and Mineral talked peacefully about Sugar and came to a compromise,” Steadfast started, “yet, when it comes to you two specifically, it always comes out in anger.”

“You know my roots,” Saradiamond said. “I’m tired of mentioning it, and you dislike it when I mention him.” Saradiamond looked at Pinkie and frowned. “I must admit that I am surprised that despite you knowing my…” Her eyes gravitated toward Spike despite the resistance she attempted to make. “...my rage, you and Spike, the Great and Glorious, can still stand before me and manage to smile.”

“It’s because we see you struggling,” Pinkie smiled and placed a hoof on Saradiamond’s shoulder. “You are aware of the problem at hoof. We can help fix it.”

“No you-” Saradiamond caught herself and clenched her eyes shut. To those she could not see, Steadfast, Pinkie Pie, and Spike exchanged looks. “You can’t fix the fact that Nebula isn’t here…” Saradiamond muttered. “I’m sorry I cannot get over her. I loved my friend so much. And I love her now.”

Even though Saradiamond was in a much less angry mood, everypony understood how sensitive and explosive she could behave if provoked. The one thing that Pinkie had to give Saradiamond credit was how strong Saradiamond behaved, not letting a single tear fall compared to the evening prior.

Spike, being the only one to really get through to Saradiamond, approached tenaciously. Saradiamond’s ears swiveled toward the dragon, aware of his small stepped approach. She slowly opened her eyelids to reveal her slightly-red eyes, the mare bottling up many unseen things within her head.

“Let’s prioritize on the now, Saradiamond,” Spike said. “You were there when you and Mineral realized that Sugar might be worrying about nothing.”

Saradiamond bit her lip, “The question is: how do we convince her?”

A hoof tapped her shoulder, snapping the crystal pony’s attention to Steadfast. “That is a question we can all ponder. But I think it is time to focus on practice.” Steadfast pointed to Broadside who approached with a clipboard in hoof and whistle around his neck.

Both he and Saradiamond straightened themselves as he came forward. The coach only eyed them for a moment before spotting Spike and Pinkie Pie. “Ah! Good morning!” Broadside beamed. “Here to observe our beloved sport and means of practicing?”

“Yes indeedy!” Pinkie Pie nodded with a wide grin. “We were invited to come after all!”

Broadside nodded at his two team members, “Good on them for that.”

A growl moaned inside Spike’s belly, distracting everypony around him. Spike flushed as he cradled his stomach. “Sorry about that…” The dragon shot an irritated leer at Pinkie Pie, “Somepony woke me up with no warning and gave me no chance at breakfast.”

Pinkie Pie received another look from Saradiamond, hers a lot more on the angry side. “I figured there would be a concession stand somewhere here at the stadium,” Pinkie quickly defended.

Broadside hummed to himself and looked to Spike with a welcoming smile. “Have you ever tried the Crystal Empire’s famous funnel cake? Our cherished delicacy still holds its great taste, even after 1000 years.”

Dessert for breakfast sounded like an excellent idea, and Spike nodded with approval. “Sounds like I know what I want.”

In an instant, Broadside snapped his attention to Saradiamond. “You heard the hero!” he shouted. “Sprint to the cafeteria and fulfill his request! Practice begins now!”

“Yes, sir!” Saradiamond cried and took off without hesitation.


Every time Sugar managed to lick her lips, she could still taste the sweet breakfast Mineral made for her. The thestral couldn’t stop looking at the strawberry pastries that rested on the tin pans on display. A very supportive, yet, redirecting boss, bumped into Sugar’s rear with her own.

“Focus, dear!” Raspberry sang.

“S-Sorry, mam!” Sugar exclaimed and charged over to the cash register.

Raspberry giggled and shook her head, “You are helplessly in love, aren’t you?”

The truth was too strong for Sugar to get flustered. She planted her face on the countertop with a heavy thump. “I’m just helpless to everything going on…” Sugar said through the corner of her mouth. “Mineral and Saradiamond know that I’m friends with the other! And I’ve got the friendship police after me!”

“What about that lovely breakfast that you said you had with your two friends?” Raspberry asked. “You said you had a great time with them.”

“That was just a cease-fire,” Sugar countered. “Not to mention, Mineral wants to have a talk with me!” Sugar lifted her head and pointed her muzzle at Raspberry. “You know when a stallion vaguely says, ‘we need to talk,’ it means serious business!”

“It does mean just that,” Raspberry said to the disheveled employee. Sugar was hoping for something more supportive, but instead, she received the blunt truth. Her ears fell down and twitched, ready to hear heavy reality checks. “However, I doubt it will be anything drastic.”

The ruby crystal pony graciously placed a hoof on Sugar’s shoulder. “I see a hard worker in Mineral. He will not easily give up on you.” Raspberry rose a brow and asked, “Would you ever give up on Mineral?”

The question insulted Sugar. “Never!” the thestral cried, her voice cracking as the mere thought stopped her heart.

“Then focus on the good, not bad; and your current shift,” Raspberry concluded. “Work hard with good thoughts.” She gave Sugar a supportive hug, the grip of the crystal pony being somewhat reassuring.

Raspberry then marched over to the kitchen door but stopped after pushing it open. “One more thing: if anypony from last night, including Mineral, comes in, there will be no discussing personal matters. You’re already shaken by this entire ordeal, and I’d rather you be the effective worker that you are instead of thinking about-”

The door’s brass bell dinged aggressively as Nightshade shoved herself through the entrance. “How did your trip to Mineral’s go?” she grinned.

“-present matters,” Raspberry concluded with a grumble.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for the patience for waiting so long. Will you forgive the hiatus?