• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 6,823 Views, 497 Comments

No Hugs for Sugar Crush - FerociousCreation

If a bat pony offered you a hug, would you accept it? Apparently, Mineral Water would not hesitate to deny Sugar Crush one.

  • ...

Three Boxes

Several heavy stomps pounded on the floor as Raspberry exited the kitchen. “What’s going on out here!” she demanded. Everypony and dragon froze when the Empress leered across the store. Sugar looked through the windows to see Pinkie Pie’s head dipped. Her face was hidden but the expression was easy to guess.

“Sugar,” Raspberry said, much less aggressive than her grand entrance, “what’s going on?”

A second pang of guilt jabbed at Sugar’s heart. Her defensive behavior against letting out the truth was starting to become more hysterical. There was no need to behave that way. And yet, the more Sugar was pressured, the more worried she became. Both of her eyes stung when she wiped the tears from her eyes. Sugar needed to answer Raspberry.

But somepony else spoke for her. “Ms. Raspberry?” Rarity began.


“I greatly apologize for my friend upsetting your employee. Pinkie Pie is known for being a little-”

“You better not excuse your friend for her behavior.”

Sugar’s blood ran cold when Raspberry directed her stern voice at Rarity. The thestral wanted to fly away from her troubles because she was creating more. But Rarity was not shaken and kept all four of her legs from quaking. “I assure you I am not. All I wish to say is that Pinkie Pie can become overwhelming from time to time, especially when she wants to get what she wants. This… friendship problem hunch of hers has really gotten to Pinkie Pie.” Rarity looked at Sugar. “And Pinkie needs to understand that being too personal about asking about somepony’s life is, well, personal.

“Normally, when it comes to business like this, a friendship problem is right in front of us and presents itself when appropriate. And I am not sure why Pinkie Pie has been so… hasty. I am going to have a talk with her later on.”

As the two mares talked, Sugar looked to Spike who refused to take another bite out of the brownie in his claw. When he noticed her staring at him, Spike grabbed a random sweet and held it out for the mare. Sugar smiled at the dragon’s kindness but shook her head to politely reject the gift. In response to refusing the snack, Spike tossed it into the air and snapped is jaws down onto it when it fell. A few giggles escaped Sugar, which broke Rarity and Raspberry away from their conversation.

“Is the Great and Glorious Spike lifting my employee’s spirits?” Raspberry asked.

Sugar nodded, “He is while being quite the entertainer.” She winked at him, “As well as being the cutest little dragon.”

For a beloved hero, Spike was easily afflicted with blush whenever complimented. “Aww shucks!” He waved his free claw at Sugar, “No more sweet talk, please. I’m already full on cookies, and I am trying not to get a stomach ache.”

All three mares erupted in laughter, amused with Spike’s clever humor. He was beginning to look overwhelmed by the attention, and Sugar felt it was time she saved him from embarrassment as he did for her. “Alright everypony, let’s not force Spike into an early retirement for the day.”

As the laughs subsided, Sugar peered up at the window and saw a sad eye piercing her. While she and the others were in better spirits, Pinkie Pie refused to lift her cheeks. Regardless of who was more wrong, Sugar knew she was responsible for the pink mare’s deflated mood and mane. If there was one thing Sugar wanted to fix, it would be her relationship with Pinkie, even if they were only acquainted.

“I’ll be back,” Sugar said to the others and made for the door. The bell dinged a few times, and Pinkie Pie’s ear twitched and swiveled. As for the rest of Pinkie, only the eyes in her head moved. Nothing else changed.

“I’m sorry,” both mares said at the same time. “You first. No, you. Look I- I was wrong and- Okay, this plot isn’t going anywhere if we talk at the same time.” Sugar flinched, not entirely sure why she said the last set of words, but the amusement of being in sync with Pinkie brought them both to smile.

“I noticed you were having fun inside,” Pinkie said. She had to blow at a dangling strand of hair that swung in front of her nose.

“It was Spike that was making everypony smile.”

Pinkie’s ears fell back, “At least he doesn’t upset ponies like I do…”

Sugar’s shoulders slumped with another surge of guilt on the attack. “But I was a little too sensitive.” To prevent being asked a question and to keep talking about Nebula to a minimum, Sugar mustered up as little information as possible, while hoping to satisfy Pinkie Pie’s curious nature. “Just… understand that some things are just too personal to bring up. And Nebula is one of them.”

“But-” Pinkie sucked in her mouthy lips. Sugar could tell Pinkie Pie wanted to ask something, but Sugar could also see the active effort to not ask those personal questions. Which is exactly what she wanted; to keep Pinkie from asking about Nebula without either of them causing any trouble.

“Some things are just too personal, Pinkie Pie,” Sugar continued.

“Is-” Pinkie grumbled a few notes. Her efforts to not ask questions were strong, but she looked like she was ready to explode.

“Okay, maybe just one question,” Sugar sighed.

The earth pony blinked a few times. “Are you sure I can?”

Sugar had to respond carefully. “As long as it’s simple ‘yes or no’ question and isn’t too personal, I shouldn’t be unable to answer it.”

Pinkie Pie licked her lips, “I just… This ‘personal issue’ has gotten me so curious. All I want to do is find out who Nebula is and get her back onto the Vamponies team. That is my hunch.” Sugar’s blood ran cold when the hunch was explained to her. She wasn’t even asked a question, but couldn’t keep her emotions from visibly expressing that Pinkie Pie said the wrong thing.

A short breath of air entered Pinkie’s lungs, her eyes just as wide as the thestral’s. “I’m- I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-”

“Just ask your question,” Sugar interjected as her heart continued to crack.

Pinkie Pie looked at the shiny sidewalk, “Is there nothing I can do? Is there nothing I can fix?”

Sugar knew how to answer the question. It was an easy one. But saying it was another feat on its own. She imagined how Mineral would respond to Pinkie’s question if she told him she wanted to find Nebula. The only thing that can be found in regards to Nebula are the two pictures of her that hang in Mineral’s home. Just the thought of seeing him break down again almost made Sugar tear up again.

“N-no…” Sugar choked. “There is nothing you can do. I can guarantee that your hunch is impossible to complete.”

“But-” Again, Pinkie stopped herself. Her reflection looked back at her with creased brows. In one blink, she returned to her previous depression. “Okay. I won’t ask anypony about her.”

“Thank you,” Sugar said with a nod. Pinkie Pie did not respond with anything else. She just continued to gaze down at her reflection. Sugar was somewhat relieved to hear Pinkie say she wouldn’t ask any Nebula related questions. But the atmosphere was just too heavy for Sugar to feel happy.

That was the risk that had to be taken whenever Nebula was mentioned. Just the name alone caused more issues than positive results. And Sugar knew how much Mineral and Saradiamond get when they remember their lost but certainly not forgotten friend.

Unable to brighten up Pinkie’s mood, Sugar went back into the Chocolate Palace more upset than when she went outside. Rarity, Raspberry, and Spike looked at her, their silence making what was supposed to be a happy environment more awkward.

“Is everything alright?” Raspberry asked. “Did she pester you with more questions?”

“No,” Sugar barely shook her head as her nose pointed to the ground. “I just allowed her one question, and…” She sighed out her nostrils. “I don’t want to talk about it…”

“I can understand why you reacted the way you did to Pinkie,” Rarity said. “And… I am sorry if we ruined your good morning. The best advice I can give you is to think of the more positive moment you had earlier today. You know. The moment involving your inspiration.”

Sugar immediately recalled Mineral’s flustered grin when she left him that morning. Just before she flew off into the sky and let the entire kingdom hear her shriek of joy, Sugar gave Mineral another kiss on the cheek.

“With a smile like that, I can assume you are thinking about him,” Rarity giggled.

The thestral looked up at everypony and dragon. “You can say that,” Sugar said while swaying in place. She didn’t fully recover from the sadness that afflicted her, but at least her inspiration was suppressing the negative emotion.

A white hoof tapped at Rarity’s chin, “Speaking of him, might I ask you a favor, Sugar?”

Sugar turned her head, “What is it?”

The unicorn levitated the Bright Spotlight over to her and returned to the picture Sugar was becoming well acquainted with. Rarity pointed to the picture of Sugar and Mineral, “Somepony in my hometown had a product called ‘The Crystal Coat’ and it made them look like a crystal pony. In this photo, I cannot help but recognize you are wearing the same exact body wash I saw not long ago. I have Mineral Water’s business card and placing an order shouldn’t be a problem. However, I myself am a pony who deals with business as well. You do not have to feel pressured into doing this very small favor I wish to request: would you mind introducing me to him?”

Sugar bit her lip. She knew business meant a lot to Mineral, and Sugar knew he would appreciate her for bringing him more business. But of course, there was still the complication of Saradiamond. Because Saradiamond had a tendency to show up at the Chocolate Palace in the afternoon, keeping Mineral away at that time was a top priority.

As she continued to think, Rarity added, “Think of it this way: not only will Mineral be getting business, but will also see the Great and Glorious Spike as well. And I am sure he would like the surprise. After all, he did surprise you with asking you on a date. Why not surprise him with the three of us?”

“I’m cool with that,” Spike rose a claw.

Rarity’s words were doing the works on Sugar. She was so convincing, not to mention right. Sugar wanted to give the pony she loved something in return for his offer. But Sugar needed to act fast. Does she plan on having Mineral meet Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike that same day? Or should she choose to plan for another time?

“I think… maybe…” Then the perfect idea came. “...I can bring you three over to his home this evening! My shift ends just after sunset, so that should give you plenty of time to do whatever you and the others need to do.” It was a genius plan! Sugar can allow Mineral to meet his hero while keeping him indoors and away from Saradiamond. She bit down on her tongue a little, angry that she was doing what Mineral didn’t want to do: keep himself locked inside his home. But Sugar was not about to take any risks.

“Are you sure Mineral will be able to respond to such a short notice?” Rarity asked.

Sugar nodded, “I believe so. He’s always at home, so missing Mineral would be more difficult than finding him.”

A smile grew on Rarity’s lips, “Then it is settled!” The two mares shook hooves. “I shall come by just after sunset so we can all meet your inspiration.”

Again, Rarity’s wording affected Sugar. Her cheeks flushed, “Hehe, thanks. I am sure Mineral would be more than happy to meet you three.”


Satisfied her employee was in brighter spirits, Raspberry smiled at Sugar, “It seems you have everything in control now. If you need me, I will be in the kitchen.” The boss nodded at Rarity, “Thanks for being kind to Sugar.”

“Not a problem, darling,” Rarity said.

Raspberry’s eyes glanced at Pinkie Pie, and Sugar was forced to remember the sad pony who accompanied Spike and Rarity. Raspberry left without another word while everypony gandered at Pinkie.

“Rarity, do you think she’s going to be okay?” Spike asked.

“I’m sure she will recover. We just need to lift her spirits to return Pinkie to her normal bouncy self.”

Sugar figured there was nothing she could do to help Pinkie Pie at the moment. All Sugar could do was hope everything in the evening would end up much better. She looked at the huge remainder of sweets Pinkie ordered and asked, “Would you like for me to get a to-go box?”

“I think that would be best,” Rarity answered. “We need to get our day started.”

“Just make sure you separate the Mineral Milk Cookie from the rest,” Spike added. “I want to try it later on.”

Sugar nodded, “I can get a little baggy for it.” With the request made, the thestral went behind the counter and got a pink to-go box and tiny plastic bag. When she returned, Sugar pondered about Pinkie Pie. Of course, Sugar was not happy about Pinkie’s mood, but the thestral truly wondered if Nebula talk would be brought up later on.

“What plans do you three have for the day?” Sugar asked as she picked up a plate and carefully flowed the contents into the box. “Pinkie Pie was sure enthusiastic to ask me about Saradiamond earlier. Do you plan on seeing her for any reason?”

“Remember when we asked Raspberry if she could help Princess Cadence and Shining Armor set up the Crystal Fayre?” Spike asked.


“Well, thanks to the Bright Spotlight and Morganite’s Mission, we have an idea of who to seek out and ask them if they want to help out as well.”

“And I can assume you want to ask Saradiamond if she would like to participate.” A grin crept on Sugar’s face. “I wonder how she will react if you ask her personally, Spike. Saradiamond can get a little excited when she is given some attention.” Sugar winked at Spike, “Go easy on her when you approach the question.”

The dragon cracked his claws, “I won’t make any promises. I do tend to have a charm when it comes to ponies who are fans of me.”

Sugar stopped what she was doing to look down at Spike. “Just be sure not to mention Nebula around her, please.”

That I can promise.”

A sigh escaped Sugar, “Thank you.”

“Not a problem.”

Rarity stepped into Sugar’s peripheral, and the thestral glanced over to her. “So just to clarify, you will bring us to Mineral’s home later this evening. Are you sure he wouldn’t mind our short-notice arrival?”

Sugar continued to place the remaining cookies into the box. “He doesn’t mind it when I show up unexpectedly. I think Mineral likes to have guests, especially dragons.”

“I can assume why,” Spike grinned.

Both mares laughed at the prideful dragon’s behavior as he hopped off his chair and walked toward the door in long strides. Just before Spike could even touch the door, a red veil engulfed it and opened it for him. Sugar looked back at the kitchen door to see a red horn poking through a small crack in the door.

“You can go back to work, Raspberry,” Sugar called to her boss. “I’m sure your hero can best a glass door.”

The Empress forced her head into the room. “What was that?”


Spike chuckled and waved, “Thanks, Raspberry. Have a good day!”

“You too!” Raspberry sang before returning to whatever she was tending to.

Spike stayed at the door and held it open. “After you, Rarity.”

“You are too kind,” Rarity beamed. She directed her horn over to the several boxes of sweets. The magazine she was holding earlier was placed on top of one of the boxes. With ease, Rarity’s magic claimed the boxes and began levitating them. “Well Sugar, we will be seeing you later.”

“Mmhmm,” Sugar nodded. But just before Rarity could exit the shop, Sugar remembered something. “Spike!”

Rarity stopped in the doorway and looked back at Sugar while Spike asked, “What’s up?”

Sugar smiled, “Do you want your free hug?”

The dragon gave the offer some thought, and shrugged, “Sure, why not?” Sugar was swift to weave around Rarity and pulled Spike into a strong embrace.

After letting a few giggles loose, Sugar gandered at Pinkie Pie who continued to remain to her sad self. Both mares looked at one another, neither of them managing to even grin. Sugar wanted to help Pinkie, but doing that might force out more questions that needed to remain in the dark.

“Don’t worry about her,” Rarity said. “I’m sure when we return, Pinkie Pie will be happy once again.”

“I hope so…” Pinkie muttered softly. She rose from where she sat, her long strands of hair slipping off her shoulders. “Again, I am sorry for being too personal, Sugar.”

Sugar could read the truth to Pinkie Pie’s words and said, “I forgive you.” Two pink ears sat upright and the corners of Pinkie’s mouth twitched. She rubbed the back of her foreleg with a hoof, “Maybe we can do that sweet talk you suggested sometime tomorrow?”

“I…” Pinkie Pie looked at the ground and began to shutter. Sugar worried that Pinkie Pie was about to cry and looked at Spike and Rarity to see that they weren’t concerned in the slightest. In fact, they stared at each other with smiles.

As it did earlier, every strand of Pinkie Pie’s hair began to behave on its own. Her mane and tail puffed out in an explosion of hot pink, returning to their regular curls. “I’d love to!” Pinkie cried out loud.

A voice from afar cried, “I thought I told you to not be so loud in the morning!”

Pinkie Pie looked in a random direction and shouted back, “It’s eleven o’ clock! Time to wake up!”

“I work graveyard shifts!”

“Oh! I didn’t know! Sorry!”

“It’s okay! Just acknowledge you were loud and I forgive you!”

“I do notice I was! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome!”

After Pinkie Pie had finished her shouting talk with a random pony, she looked at Sugar and beamed, “Glad to see ponies in a very forgiving mood today!”

Sugar didn’t know how to appropriately react to what had just happened. Was she supposed to be shocked or amused? Rarity and Spike didn’t say anything and simply allowed everything to happen without question. All Sugar could do was smile and found the answer on how to react. She stepped forward and extended an arm outward. “Would you like a forgiving hug, too?”

“Are you kidding?” Pinkie Pie accepted the offer and embraced Sugar with a firm grasp. “Forgiving hugs are the best! Don’t you go forgetting that!”

“Hehe, I won’t.”

Rarity said from behind, “I’m glad to see this chapter end nicely.”

Pinkie looked up at her friend, “Hey! Only I am supposed to do that!”

“What? I’m just glad to see you both on good terms.” Rarity pursed her lips, “Is there something wrong with that?”

“Hmm…” Pinkie shook her head, “Nope! Nothing wrong with that!”

Happy with the resolved issue, Sugar turned around and began walking back inside the Chocolate Palace. “Well everypony, I hope everything goes well and you get as many ponies as you can to help with setting up the fayre.”

“I’m sure everything will be fine,” Rarity said. “And again, I do hope Mineral is fine with us coming over.”

“Speaking of Mineral,” Spike interjected. He looked up at Sugar and asked, “Do you think he would like to help out with organizing the Crystal Fayre?”

Sugar almost answered the question with an easy “yes,” but her subconscious reminded the thestral of the constant threat of Saradiamond meeting Mineral and vice versa. Her ears fell back, “I’m… not sure he can… Mineral is a very busy pony and…” Think! Think of a reason! Sugar noticed that Pinkie Pie was not eying her with suspicion, which was only half-relieving; who knows what she was thinking. “W-which is why I always visit him!”

Rarity nodded, “That makes sense.” Spike and Pinkie did the same as Rarity.

Excellent, Sugar! They’re convinced! Keep it going! “Also, not very many ponies know of Mineral. I haven’t even told Saradiamond about him.”

“How come?” Spike asked.

“I’m a little embarrassed with letting ponies know about Mineral and how I feel about him.” The three ponies still looked convinced, but Sugar felt that her excuse was not believable. Still, she needed to cover her bases. “Would you be so kind as to not talk about Mineral to Saradiamond, please?”

“Of course,” Rarity said. “We will respect your wishes to a tee!” She suspiciously eyed Pinkie Pie, “Am I right?”

“One-hundred and fifteen percent!” she answered after slapping her hoof on her chest. “I will uphold the trust you have given us!”

Sugar was relieved Spike spoke up about his offer so she could make sure her never-ending plan would remain uninterrupted. “Thank you very much. Have a great day. And I will see you three later.”

Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike said their farewells as they watched Sugar Crush return to her job. Rarity watched the thestral begin cleaning up the table Pinkie and Spike sat at. “I’m glad we came here first,” Rarity said.

“Me too,” Pinkie Pie agreed. “Now we have a supply of desserts that will last us the entire day.”

“Don’t you mean, ‘You are glad that your suspicion against Sugar is over?’” Spike asked.

“Psh! As if! I am totally suspicious of her!”

Author's Note:

I will blog about the chapter delay sometime later on. Sorry for the near two week wait again D: