• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 14,554 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Team Revenge

One night in New York, everything was quiet as one would think. Unfortunately, the quietness didn't last forever as a wall of the national bank burst, and out from the hole came Bebop and Rocksteady carrying sacks of money. The two laughed, as Rocksteady spoke, "Well, comrade, we made us some easy money, da?"

"You bet, Rock. I don't why we didn't just resort to this immediately after old dragon face was taken down." Bebop answered.

"But we livin' the big life now as freelance criminals!" Rocksteady said, as the two did a dance.

"Yo, how about we hit up another bank and go back and order take out?" the warthog suggested.

"I like the sound of that. Let's go!" Rocksteady said, as the two were about to take off only to be levitated off the ground, "Hey, what is the meaning of this?!"

"I don't know, but I ain't liking it," Bebop answered, before noticing Twilight and the others, "Look!"

Rocksteady saw Twilight who used her magic to throw the two into a wall before they fell to the ground, "That's the smarts." Rocksteady rubbed his head.

"Well, enjoy it, horn head. That's the only kind of smarts you'll ever have." Raph mocked him.

"Oh, not them again!" Bebop complained.

"It is Turtle ninjas, Rainboom Girls, and... I have no idea who they are." Rocksteady motioned to the Shadowbolts, Juniper, Starlight, and Fugitoid.

"Are those the other two mutants you warned us about?" Sour asked Leo.

"Yeah. Bebop and Rocksteady." Leo confirmed.

"I learned all I could about them from Twilight." Starlight said recalling Princess Twilight's stories.

Rocksteady and Bebop got ready to fight, as the Rhino spoke, "Well, Bebop, looks like we'll be doing the squishing of the enemies tonight."

"Fine by me. I was hoping for a chance to get some combat training in. Hee-Hee!" Bebop did some poses.

"Get 'em!" Leo ordered, as the ninjas went on the attack.

Bebop and Rocksteady like always fought their enemies in their usual styles, with Bebop using his dance moves and hip laser belt. When Bebop was surrounded by the Shadowbolts, he spoke, "Can't fight what ya can't see." he activated his invisibility field.

The girls were confused, and suddenly started getting knocked around by an invisible force. Bebop's laugh could be heard all around, until Indigo heard he was close to her and just smacked the air and luckily nailed Bebop who lowered his field, "Dang, girl. How'd you find me?"

"Because you don't shut up." Indigo answered.

"Just what I said." April noted.

"How about I shut you up instead?" Bebop released an energy mohawk at the girls, only for Rarity to slide in and use her diamond shield to block it.

"Nice trick, Bebop. Now here's one of my own!" Rarity launched a diamond disk at the warthog knocking him back.

"Good one, Rarity." Sunny smiled.

"Thank you, darling." the fashionista ninja replied.

Rocksteady was charging around the others, as the turtles struck him up close, and dodged before he could land a blow, "Hold still, turtles!" he demanded.

"What's wrong, Rocksteady, can't keep up?" Mikey taunted.

"Of course he can't," Rainbow answered, as she was using her magic speed to run circles around him, "He's just so slow!" Rocksteady snorted in anger and started using his strength to knock Rainbow off her feet. The girl groaned, as she laid on the pavement, "Ok, maybe I should've kept my mouth shut."

"Don't worry, Rainbow. Pinkie Pie to the rescue!" Pinkie jumped in and fought Rocksteady before throwing sprinkles around that exploded in his face.

"My turn!" Applejack took advantage of Rocksteady's confusion and used her own magic strength to nail him. The mutant Rhino rolled backwards before crashing into Bebop.

The two got up, as Rocksteady spoke, "I say we make like tree and run!"

"Yeah! We outtie 5000!" Bebop cried, as the two made a run for it leaving behind the stolen money.

"Aren't we going after them?" Juniper asked.

"Wouldn't matter." Raph answered.

"Yeah, we can't exactly send them to jail." Donnie added.

"And I doubt there's a jail that could actually hold them." Casey added.

"Quite so. Now a mutant jail is probably what this city needs." Fugitoid said.

"Easier said than done." Sunset replied.

"Come on, team. Let's go home." Leo said, as the group headed back.

Meanwhile, Rocksteady and Bebop after escaping were on a rooftop recuperating, "I don't believe this!" Bebop vented, "I thought after we finally got out of Foot Clan business we'd be rid of those turtles."

"Da. Instead we keep running into them. Think it's best perhaps we skip town?" Rocksteady asked.

"I don't know, Rock. Maybe." Bebop shrugged.

Rocksteady looked down seeing a woman walking down the street, "If so, why don't we do one last crime here?"

Bebop noticed the woman and got the idea, "Yeah. A little purse snatching won't be such a chore." the two smirked.

Unknown to them the woman they planned to rob was Abacus Cinch who was grumbling to herself, "I've been here for more than a week and I'm still nowhere near gaining evidence to expose those monsters and the girls magic!" she recalled the times she missed her chances or failure to arrive in time at the location where something was going down, "If I don't get cold hard evidence soon I'm just going to scream!"

Suddenly to her shock Bebop appeared out of nowhere, and she screamed in fright, while Bebop backed away, "Ugh, you look like my first grade teacher. Only scarier."

Cinch tried to turn and run only to bump into Rocksteady. She looked up at the mutant, as the Rhino looked down at her. Rocksteady suddenly gasped at the sight of Cinch, who tried to get away, "Comrade Bebop, stop her!"

"I'll glue her up!" Bebop threw some glue at Cinch sticking her to the wall.

Cinch struggled before shouting, "Help! Someone help!"

"Abacus?" Rocksteady asked her, "Abacus Cinch?"

Cinch looked at the mutant in confusion, "How do you know my name? Who are you?"

"It's me, Steranko. Ivan? Ivy-Pie? We was an item!" the mutant explained.

Bebop gave his partner a dry look, "Ivy-Pie?"

Cinch looked at Rocksteady closely, while listening to his voice, and suddenly saw in place of the mutant Rhino a young short blonde haired man. She gasped, "Ivan?"

"Da. That's right," Rocksteady nodded, "But now I called the Rocksteady." he pumped a fist.

Cinch looked him up in confusion, "What happened to you?"

Rocksteady sighed, "It is long story. I angered old partner and he mutate me into talking Rhino. Comrade, free her." he ordered Bebop.

"What?" Bebop asked in confusion, "But I thought we were gonna-"

"Now!" Rocksteady snorted.

"Alright, don't get trippy." Bebop said, as he freed Cinch from the glue.

Cinch got off the wall and got closer to Rocksteady. She laid a hand on his cheek while looking him in the eye. Suddenly a genuine smile appeared on her face, "It's really you in there."

"Da. I same old Ivan, just stronger." Rocksteady answered.

"Dial it back, yo. You know this oldie?" Bebop motioned to Cinch who frowned from the insult.

Rocksteady frowned at him, "Comrade, show some of the respect. And yes. Abacus and I were old friends from years ago."

"I haven't seen you in so long. I thought you'd have forgotten about me." Cinch said.

"I thought you did the forgetting of me." The Rhino said.

"Uh, I hate to break up this moment, but we better get out of here before someone sees us." Bebop spoke up.

"Agreed. Let's go elsewhere." Rocksteady picked Cinch up, and the two mutants high tailed it out of there.

They brought Cinch back to Steranko's old place that was in the same messy condition during the Kraang Invasion, "Make yourself at home," Rocksteady told Cinch, as he sat her down, "Sorry we didn't have a chance to tidy up."

Cinch looked around the unkempt lair, while trying not to step on anything, "I can see that."

Rocksteady took a seat at his old desk while Bebop sat on a crate. Cinch pulled up a spare chair and sat down. The Rhino mutant spoke, "So, Abacus, what've you been up to in past years? Last I hear you got big job at Crystal Preparatory school."

"I did, and I've had it for many years until recently." Cinch answered, while squinting her eyes.

"Recently?" Rocksteady asked.

"What happened? You got the boot?" Bebop asked.

Cinch flinched at Bebop's question, but answered, "Yes. And it's because my own students turned on me."

"Problem students? Gotta be careful of those." Bebop chuckled.

"I only had one, and she turned on me after everything I was going to do for her." Cinch spoke up still miffed.

"What heartless student be dumb enough to betray you?" Rocksteady asked.

"A girl named Twilight Sparkle." Cinch answered bitterly.

Bebop and Rocksteady gasped, as Bebop spoke, "Twilight Sparkle? She was your student?"

"You know her too?" Cinch asked in confusion.

"Da! She and Rainboom friends allied with turtle enemies and make fools of us!" Rocksteady pounded a nearby crate.

"I see. Well, I blame those Canterlot Wondercolts for turning her and my students against me resulting in my firing." Cinch explained.

"Hey, we hate those girls too." Bebop answered.

"They always in our way," Rocksteady added.

Cinch hearing this started developing a plan, "It looks like we have a common enemy." The two mutants looked at the woman curiously.

"Say what?" Bebop asked.

"I've seen those turtles you speak of. And they've also brainwashed my students into becoming vigilantes." she explained.

"Yeah. No need to have kids doing stupid stuff like that, right?" Bebop asked, while sucking up.

"So perhaps we should work together in bringing down our enemies and make them pay for all they've done to us?" Cinch suggested.

Rocksteady smirked, "Always the scheming one, Abacus... I've always liked that about you."

Bebop spoke up, "Yo, if we're gonna be taking on the turts and the Rainbooms, we're gonna need some serious back up. And I know just who to call. Be back in a jiff. Hee-Hoo!" Bebop took off.

With Bebop gone, Rocksteady and Cinch were free to catch up on lost times. As they sat around enjoying some coffee, Rocksteady spoke, "Why did we do the breaking up, Abacus?"

"Why?" she asked.

"Da. We was so close yet we drift so far apart."

"I thought it was obvious. We had different plans. You were going back to Russia to get involved in arms-dealing, which I don't approve of. And I was aiming for my Masters in Teaching. We no longer had time for a relationship."

"And yet look what happened to us." Rocksteady reminded her.

"Yes. I got fired from my position, and you... Well, you know." Abacus said.

"Yeah. I no longer big arms-dealer. Now I just mutant Rhino trying to make the ends meat," he looked at her in concern, "You think we be different if we stayed together?"

"I honestly don't know, Ivan. But it's nice there's still someone in this world I can trust." the two smiled at each other, until they were interrupted by Bebop.

"I'm back, babies. And I got me some back up." he stepped aside, and entering was Baxter Stockman in his robot suit.

"Hello, Steranko." Stockman greeted.

"Hey, is Dexter Bugghead."

Stockman growled, "It's Baxter Stockman! How many times do I have to tell you?!"

"You looking different," Rocksteady noticed, "Ah, yes. You no longer buzzing fly mutant."

Stockman grumbled, "Yeah. No thanks to the Turtles. Anyway, Zeck came to me and told me of your problem. And perhaps we can once again help each other out. This time no Shredder, no Bradford, Xever, or Tiger Claw to push us around."

"Yes. This time we in charge." Rocksteady agreed.

"Stockman's been salvaging spare elite Foot Bots and making them into his new robot army." Bebop explained.

"Excellent," Rocksteady turned to Cinch, "This is old comrade-"

Baxter interrupted him, "Baxter Stockman. And you're Abacus Cinch?"

"Correct." Cinch fixed her glasses.

"I heard you were Principal of Crystal Prep. You know I was a student there once, perhaps you've heard of me?" Stockman nudged her.

"Sorry, but I think I would've remembered you." Cinch answered dryly, making Stockman face fault.

Bebop spoke to his partner, "And I got us another big surprise." he chuckled.

Entering the lair was Hun still a mutant turtle. Rocksteady got up in shock, "What is this? Another turtle?"

"Don't be fooled, Rock. This ain't one of the turtles or their allies." Bebop assured him.

"Those turtles did this to me. And I want to return the favor." Hun explained.

Rocksteady paused upon hearing his voice and suddenly remember, "Comrade Hun?"

"Yes, Steranko, it's me." Hun answered.

"Looks like you got same fate as us." Rocksteady said on behalf of himself and Bebop.

"All thanks to the turtles and the Rainbooms. So perhaps if we do join forces like old times we can put an end to them. The entire Purple Dragon gang will be behind us one hundred percent." Hun smirked.

"I like the hundred percent." Rocksteady said with excitement.

"So we're all agreed?" Cinch asked.

"All the way." Bebop answered.

"We'll show those turtles and those Rainbooms never to mess with us." Stockman said while drumming his fingers.

"And they will be the ones who suffer a humiliating defeat." Hun promised.

Rocksteady nodded, "Right," he looked to Cinch, "Though something has to be done about your appearance."

"My appearance?" she asked in confusion.

"You are the intimidating, but not intimidating enough." the Rhino explained.

"I think she's pretty intimidating already." Bebop admitted.

"I have just the thing to bring out the better side of you." Rocksteady said, as he showed Cinch off.

Later the four enemies were waiting around, and stepping out from a changing screen was Abacus dressed in ninja armor and a familiar styled helmet. The group looked at her and applauded, "Oh, yeah. Now that's something."

"Just like looking at Shredder." Hun admitted.

Cinch looked herself over, "This isn't usually my choice in attire, but if it'll strike fear into the hearts of those who betrayed me. I'll go along with it." she said while holding a silver crystal pointed staff.

Rocksteady spoke, "Turtle Ninjas and Rainboom girls will never know what coming." he snickered to himself.

Author's Note:

Now Abacus Cinch has allied herself with Bebop, Rocksteady, Stockman, and Hun. This cannot go well for our heroes. Don't miss next time everyone.

Here's what Abacus Cinch looks like in her ninja outfit courtesy of BozzerKazooers: https://pre00.deviantart.net/ec91/th/pre/i/2016/353/1/2/equestrian_ninjas__cinch__principal__by_bozzerkazooers-das4kb6.jpg

And to a 'Phoenixtdm' your pal DarthWrex-49 says Hi.