Winter wrap up, winter wrap up ♫
The lively caramel colt looked over at his friend pushing another snow plow nearby and smiled. The field was very nearly cleared, and they could start planting soon. Thinking about the planting, though, Caramel figured he should eat lunch or something before working any more. His legs were a little shaky from plowing. A lot shaky?
Some pony near the base of the hill shouted, “AVALANCHE!” The ground rumbled roughly as a snow tsunami buried all of their hard work and slid right up to the front of his snowplow.
Everypony groaned. Now they had to start all over again.
Caramel unhitched himself while Big Macintosh came over to stand in for Applejack, who had gone to see about getting the snow melted. The thickset stallion gave a small sigh and said simply, “Might as well get ready fer plantin. Bring out the seeds, Caramel.”
Same as last year, Caramel went to the wooden storehouse at the corner of the property and started loading up the last of the spring seeds into carts. He lost track of time doing the monotonous task. You know, if things were better organized he’d have help, but eventually all of the seeds were ready anyway.
Well, all of the seeds except the grass seeds. Caramel sank to the ground and sat there miserably. “I can’t believe I have to tell the Apple family I lost them again.” He checked around once more just to be sure. The room was clear empty, and grass seeds were nowhere to be found.
Big Macintosh took Caramel straight to Applejack. She was reliable and would know how to solve the problem.
Big Macintosh looked apologetically at Caramel, because it seemed like Applejack was in the middle of some sort of argument. The red Apple tried to get his sister’s attention. “Uh… AJ?” The mare in question rounded on them.
“Oh, good gravy,” she complained. “Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn’t he.”
Caramel let out a pitiful, shamed whimper. He hadn’t lost them, per se. It was more like he’d lost track, the same way you lose track of how many glasses of Apple family cider you’ve had.
He’d eaten all of them. They were just so tasty he couldn’t help it!
Darn it, Caramel!