• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 8,047 Views, 26 Comments

The Twist - Crowne Prince

  • ...

There Is An Alternate Dimension

"Luna," Celestia said, "It is a bit odd to say this, but I am bored."

Luna let the parchment and quill sink to the floor. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Why is it that every time you are bored there is some sort of trouble? Are you trying to warn me about something?"

The queenly alicorn chuckled. "No. I'm simply saying if we are to induct Twilight Sparkle as an alicorn, we may as well do so properly."

"So you are trying to warn me, then."

Celestia ignored her night sister's dry comment. "Luna, collect your things and prepare to leave for the Crystal Empire. I think a Princess Summit is in order."

"A Princess..." Luna cocked an eyebrow. "Summit."

~ ~ ~

A week later, the two royal alicorns left Cadence and Twilight's five friends eating a nervous breakfast in the castle's banquet hall.

Luna turned to Celestia. "I am not altogether certain this 'hazing' is a good thing. I have concerns for the yellow one. She seems quite worried about Twilight Sparkle."

"Fluttershy is stronger than she seems."

"And I am still clueless as to how you persuaded Princess Cadence to take part in this."

"You took part," Celestia said with a wink.

"I only did it because I am a much better actor than you are."

Celestia smiled. "Yes, that is probably true. And you were not here when Cadence became a princess. She went through a similar ordeal. How did you think she and Shining Armor met?"

Luna failed to contain her shock. "You're kidding. You're kidding, right?" Her older sister had, after all, just sent a castle guard into the mirror to help Twilight.

"I did explain to Cadence that unless Twilight experienced something new, it would've taken her quite a long time to get used to her wings, let alone wearing a crown. I know my former student. She was probably very self-conscious about her new role."

"Yes, well, I can't imagine that will be an issue after she's spent three days mired in that spell. An entire mirror world, and in such an... imaginative setting. How did you manage to create it so quickly?"

Celestia said, "Practice."

Luna snorted, not bothering with the implications of that. "Still," she said, glancing toward the dining hall. "'Sunset Shimmer?' And even with a sun for a cutie mark. How very subtle of you, sister mine."