• Published 19th Sep 2017
  • 2,950 Views, 270 Comments

My Little Planeswalker: Sideboard Stories - Zennistrad

A series of side-stories set in the My Little Planeswalker multiverse.

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Golden Sun's Zenith, Part 1

“Thank you for your time, Duke Sangriento. I will inform the the Royal Congress of our agreement, and request they lower the tariffs on Esponish blood oranges.”

“You have my thanks, Su Alteza. And do say hello to the Bearer of Generosity for me, will you?”

“I’ll be sure to send her my regards.”

Celestia flashed the Duke of Espoña a smile as he turned away, leaving the throne room with one final bow. The guards that normally attended to her meetings were absent; the Duke’s secret was one that she had made sure not to reveal while others were present, though she suspected Vínculo would simply make them forget if they did find out. She didn’t know the full extent of the reclusive lord’s abilities, but memory charms were probably one of the reasons he could hide his existence from his own subjects for more than a millennium.

It was already late into the afternoon by the time the meeting concluded, but there was still one left to take care of before the end of the day. The amount of time between her final meetings and her daily lowering of the sun was short, but she always relished every opportunity she had to relax. That would still have to wait, though. She was looking forward to the last meeting of the day: the letter she’d received requesting an audience made some truly fascinating claims, not the least of which was the true identity of its writer. For that reason, Celestia had also requested that the guards be absent for the meeting’s duration.

The doors to the throne room swung open, and the royal guards stationed outside motioned the visitor inwards, remaining outside as the entrance closed behind her. She was pegasus pony wearing a very conspicuous purple robe, a grey bucket hat, red-rimmed glasses, and a mane that appeared to be fake.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you in person, Miss Yearling,” Celestia greeted. “But I suppose that’s not your real name, is it?”

The self-proclaimed writer didn’t show any amusement at the remark. With a single motion, she removed her outer layer of clothes, revealing her true identity. She was a spitting image of the pony depicted on the covers of the Daring Do adventure novels: tan coat, black mane, muted green jacket, pith helmet, and compass rose cutie mark.

“So it really is you,” Celestia mused. “I must congratulate you on being able to keep such a secret from me for so long.”

“You could’ve just asked Rainbow Dash if you didn’t believe me,” said Daring Do. “Trust me, you’d never hear the end of it from her.”

“I would imagine not,” said Celestia. “But I don’t believe that’s important right now. You said something about exploring the Western Continent in your letter. I take it this is what you wished to discuss with me?”

“That’s right, Your Highness,” Daring Do replied. “During my expeditions, I found that the continent was ruled the Cuetzpali Empire, a nation of feathered lizardfolk. All of the other beastfolk tribes on the Western Continent have been conquered by them, and everything I’ve seen suggests that the Empire are a fearsome military force, probably the most powerful military in the world. But what worries me the most is that they might soon learn of Equestria’s existence.”

Celestia’s expression didn’t change very much, but a powerful anxiety began squirming its way into her chest. Equestria, despite its importance, had repeatedly proven ill-prepared for war. “And you’re worried they might choose us for their next conquest?”

“Its too early to tell,” said Daring Do. “But they’ve become increasingly aware that there’s something to the east of them. One of the Storm King’s old airships has been repeatedly seen landing outside their capital city of Atlazan, the most recent landing being last month. I believe it belongs to the former Commander Tempest. If this is true, she may have inadvertently alerted the cuetzpali to the existence of the Equus continent.”

Now that was even more worrying. A crease formed on Celestia’s brow as her lips curved into a frown. “And do you believe Tempest is allying with the Cuetzpali Empire in an attempt to strike back at us?” It was unlikely, given her apparent redemption, but Celestia didn’t want to discount the possibility.

Daring Do shook her head. “I don’t think so. All I heard were rumors that a four-legged creature with a broken horn had been meeting with a monster in Atlazan’s slums. The cuetzpali I met didn’t suspect I was a pony like her, since I don’t have a horn. But they did know her ship came from the east, and those rumors are starting to spread. At this rate, it won’t be long before they reach the Empire’s leaders. It’s practically inevitable that they’ll discover us soon.”

“I see.” Celestia briefly closed her eyes as she reviewed the situation. In her many centuries of living, she’d seen Equestria establish contact with several other nations, but the Cuetzpali Empire were unique. Unlike other lands, the Western Continent was a total mystery to the rest of the world, often believed by ponies to be nothing more than a fantasy. Yet it was there, and its nation could prove to be a massive and powerful threat.

“Uh, is something wrong, Princess?”

Celestia opened her eyes, feeling her resolve harden within her. “No, Daring. I was simply considering my options. Given the circumstance, I believe I’ll be paying the Cuetzpali Empire a diplomatic visit myself.”

“I thought you might say that,” Daring Do replied. A frown crossed her muzzle. “But I’m just afraid it’ll end up backfiring on us. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“If they are truly as close to discovering us as you say, we may not have a choice,” said Celestia. “It’s best that we establish contact with them on our own terms. Leaving a good first impression will make it much easier to establish peace in the future.”

“As much as I trust your judgment on diplomacy, Princess, I do hope you know what you’re doing,” said Daring Do. “It could end very badly for us if we offended them.”

“Well, it’s not like I’ll be going in completely blind,” Celestia replied. Her lips curved upwards into a subtle smirk. “I’ll be asking you to join me for the trip, after all.”

“Oh, that makes sense,” said Daring Do. Celestia waited eagerly for the moment where her brain would catch up with her hearing. “Wait, what!? No offense, Princess, but that’s crazy! Defeating bad guys and finding priceless artifacts is one thing, but helping you speak behalf of all of Equestria? I don’t think I could do something like that!”

“I understand your hesitation, Daring Do, but you are the easily the pony most suited to the task,” Celestia replied. “The only other pony known to have visited the Western Continent is Tempest, and she is currently hiding away in parts unknown. You will not be required to join me, but I would certainly very much appreciate your help. You know far more about this Empire than I do, after all.”

Daring Do let out a short sigh. “No, you’re right. It’s probably for the best I don’t let you travel there without guidance. I’ll just need to let my publisher know that I’ll be away. When can I expect to join you?”

“I’d have to look at my own schedule, but I anticipate it will be some time within the next three weeks,” said Celestia. “In the meantime, I’ll be sure to stay in touch through correspondence.”

“I’ll keep any eye out for any messages,” said Daring Do. “Anything else you need me to know, Princess?”

“That would be all, I believe,” said Celestia. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Daring Do. I look forward to seeing you during our expedition.”

“Likewise,” Daring Do replied. “I’ll see you again soon.” She gave Celestia a little bow, before turning to grab her pile of discarded clothes in the corner. Donning her disguise once more, she quietly exited through the door.

A deep frown formed across Celestia’s face as her guest made her exit, deeper than anything she’d shown during the meeting. No matter what would come of the trip, Equestria’s foreign relations were about to get a lot more complicated.


Daring Do, Relic Seeker 3WU

Legendary Creature — Pegasus Scout


When Daring Do deals combat damage to a player, reveal the top three cards of your library. You may put an artifact card from among them into your hand. If you do, you gain life equal to its converted mana cost. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.



Almost four weeks had passed before Celestia had managed to work out her busy schedule enough to arrange the trip. On some level she felt she should have known it would take longer than she expected, but Daring Do had proven to be remarkably patient throughout the process. When everything was finally set up, it was already well into the evening, and she was already at work on the balcony lowering the sun.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, she turned to see Luna standing beside her, her horn glowing with a gentle light as the moon raised itself into the sky.

“Now, Luna, are you sure you’ll be alright raising the sun? It may be days before I return.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Sister, you’ve been helping me practice for two weeks. I believe I can handle it myself.”

“If that’s what you truly believe, then I’ll trust you,” Celestia replied. “But if you ever find yourself too burned out, don’t hesitate to use the summoning spell I gave you. It will instantly teleport me to your location no matter what part of the world I’m in.”

“I’ll be fine, Tia.”

Celestia smiled lightly. The restless tone in Luna’s voice reminded her of the arguments they’d both shared in their youth. Yet despite the apparent immaturity, she’d trusted Luna would be able to take care of things. That trust was what held them both together, and she’d learned the hard way that losing it would only hurt them both.

“Alright then, I’ll leave you to take care of things. I’ll see you soon, Luna.”

Luna returned Celestia’s smile. “Farewell, sister. I wish you good luck on your expedition.”

Celestia exited the balcony, and quietly made her way through the corridors of the castle. The bat-winged Night Guards stationed for the evening each gave her a salute as she passed, though Lieutenant Echo, Luna’s most trusted guard, had to be nudged in the side by another thestral to remind her the proper guard protocol.

Eventually, her path led her to the airship docks. They were a series of large platforms on the side of the castle, hanging over the edge of the Canterhorn, with numerous sturdy posts attached to the platform edges, which the airships would use for mooring. Normally the docks were used only for visitors’ ships, as Celestia was more than capable of traveling where she needed through other means, but an airship had been commissioned for her specifically for the expedition. Now, it was securely tied onto the docks by a large rope.

The airship was a large dirigible, with a passenger body composed of several decks, painted with off-white and purple highlights that complimented the brass metals in its hull. A pair of fish-like blue fins extended from the lower part of its body, and the balloon was an odd shape of blues and purples within a brass frame. Extending from the bottom of the balloon were a multitude of horn-shaped... speakers?

Come to think of it, the airship looked like a repurposed cruise liner. She’d have to have a word with her transportation minister about that.

Regardless, a line of guards, ship crew, and other staff were already making their up the ramp and onto the ship. She’d kept the amount of personnel aboard small, limited only to her most trusted staff, so as to ensure no one would share knowledge of the Cuetzpali Empire before she was ready to announce it to the public. At the end of the line, Celestia could find her chosen ambassador her very thick set of clothes making her stand out like a sore thumb.

“Glad you could make it,” said the disguised Daring Do. “I was beginning to worry this trip wouldn’t happen.”

“Well, I am a very busy mare, as you can imagine,” said Celestia.

“Relax, Princess, I’m only joking,” said Daring Do. “So, uh, is it safe for me to remove my disguise? I don’t want anyone here spilling the beans about me.”

“Everyone I’ve brought on this trip is sworn to keep everything they see here a secret,” Celestia replied. “And just to be clear, that also includes you. I know you may be tempted to write of this in your latest book.”

“Relax, I said that won’t be a problem,” said Daring Do. “What about the pilot, though? I’m pretty sure he’s under contract, not working directly for you.”

Celestia blinked. The pilot. It occurred to her that she didn’t know who the pilot was, only that she approved the contract he had signed. “That, ah... shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve read the contract several times, and the penalties for violating the confidentiality agreement are very strict.”

A very uncomfortable frown crossed Daring Do’s face for a moment, only for it to pass. She gave a shrug. “Eh, it shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t really know why I’m so worried. From what I’ve heard he’s a pony of his word... well, not a pony, I guess.“

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Not a pony?”

“You’ll see what I mean. Let’s head in for now, I want to get some sleep on the ship before we arrive.” Daring Do threw off her disguise, and tossed it to one of the two pegasus guards waiting by the side of the ramp. The clothes hit the guard in the face with an inelegant thwap, prompting a giggle from Celestia as Daring Do walked up the ramp.

“Sorry about that. I’ll hold onto these.” Celestia grabbed the disguise in her telekinetic grip, and carried it with her up the ramp, leaving the bewildered guard to shake his head. The guard joined his partner as the last to head up the ramp, and as they made their way on to the main deck, the ramp began to fold up. A unicorn guard untied the rope from its mooring with his telekinesis and brought it back aboard the ship.

Just as Celestia joined Daring Do and the other ponies on the deck, her attention was immediately drawn to a large, bipedal figure standing near the front of the ship. Judging by his captain’s hat, necktie, and headset microphone, he was almost certainly the pilot Daring Do had mentioned.

“Welcome, loyal passengers!” the minotaur’s voice bellowed, amplified by the multitude of loudspeakers attached to the ship, “to Iron Will’s Especially Exclusive Exploration Expedition Tour! Allow Iron Will to introduce you to your captain, Iron Will!”

Celestia had to fight the urge to facehoof. She was definitely going to have to have a word with her transportation minister.

Through the noise-induced headache she was rapidly developing, she failed to notice a blue-furred, prehensile tail moving in the corner of her eye.


Reaching the Western Continent had taken more than a day, and judging by the sun’s motion, Luna had managed to keep the solar cycle moving without a problem. What was truly fascinating, however, was the way the sun continued to move after they had passed the horizon as seen from Equestria. As soon as the sun went over the western hemisphere, Celestia could feel it becoming shrouded in a magic foreign to her thaumatic senses. It was a magic that was almost identical to her own, yet there was something different to it. Something like her, yet distinctly artificial, an artifice that she’d recognized during her studies under Star Swirl.

Could it be... alchemy?

Any curiosity Celestia felt at the sensation was rapidly overtaken by worry. If the Cuetzpali Empire had influence over the sun, that could bring them not only into conflict with Equestria, but with her on a personal level. She would have to exercise extreme caution when the meeting came.

She’d spent most of the time on the airship reviewing the plan for the initial meeting. Philomena, her faithful pet, had been brought alongside her belongings into her room by the airship crew, and she would be instrumental to establishing first contact. While there was no indication that phoenixes existed anywhere on the Western Continent, Daring Do had said that the cuetzpali held birds of all kinds in sacred regard, seeing them as kindred beings. That meant Philomena was the perfect means to deliver a message of their arrival.

As they flew deeper into the Western Continent’s thick jungles, Celestia stood out on the edge of the central deck, observing the landscape through a pair of binoculars as they soared above. She could see the capital of Atlazan in the distance, a magnificent city of stone buildings and silver spires, lined with a complex grid of streets, aqueducts, and canals. In the city’s far end was a truly gargantuan stepped pyramid, lined with silver and tipped with gold at the top. A short distance away from the pyramid was an elaborate palace structure, less ornately decorated but just as massive.

According to Daring Do, the palace was the home of the Emperor, Quetzalcoatl, while the pyramid was home to an artifact known as the Golden Sun. What the Golden Sun’s purpose was, Daring Do couldn’t say exactly, as the cuetzpali were extremely reluctant to share such information with a foreigner. Yet from the magic that continued to surround the sun on its path, Celestia could make an educated guess what it was.

That, however, was a concern she would save for later. In preparation of the visit, Celestia had brought Philomena out of her cage. She stood perched on the edge of the guardrail, extending out a talon as Celestia passed her a scroll, containing a message that would inform Emperor Quetzalcoatl of their arrival in advance. Philomena gave a happy noise as she grabbed the letter, and then flew into the distance, towards the city.

Thirty minutes passed before Philomena returned, perching back on the guardrail. By then, they were already nearly at the city outskirts. As the finally touched down on the ground, Celestia motioned to a guard carrying Philomena’s cage. Philomena glared at Celestia, and let out an irritated chirp.

“Oh, alright, fine. You can stay outside. But don’t stray far from the ship, I don’t want you getting lost.”

Philomena nodded eagerly. Celestia turned around, joining about a dozen guards as her escort party. As the ship touched down, Daring Do arrived from her quarters. Around her neck was a golden amulet with a rounded ruby in the center. Grasped within the pinions of her wing was a second, identical amulet.

“Here, take this” said Daring Do, passing the amulet to Celestia. “It’ll make things easier.”

Celestia lifted the item with her telekinesis, pulling it close to observe it. The amulet was engraved with a fine network of runes that seemed to shift ever so slightly beneath her gaze. The artifact was definitely magical, there was no doubt about that. “What is it?”

“An amulet of telepathy,” said Daring Do. “Touch the gem in the center, and you’ll be able to transmit mental messages to whoever’s wearing the matching amulet. It will allow us to communicate without allowing anyone to overhear us.”

Celestia grinned. “A wise decision, no doubt. You are quite resourceful, Daring.” She slipped the amulet around her neck, and gently pressed on the central gemstone. Does this work?

Daring Do pressed the gem on her own amulet in response. Sure does. Ready to go?

“That I am,” Celestia said aloud. The bewildered looks she received from the guards brought a smirk to her face. “Alright, everypony, you have your orders. You are all to let Daring Do and I do the talking unless otherwise specified. It is of utmost importance that we remain careful what words the cuetzpali hear. Is that clear?”

The guards all nodded in unison, not even uttering a word.

“Good,” said Celestia. “Now then, let us—”

Hold it! Aren’t you forgetting someone?”

Celestia groaned inwardly. She turned her head around to see Iron Will standing standing tall on the deck.

“You’ll be staying here,” said Celestia. “This mission is only for myself and those I trust most.”

“Iron Will’s afraid you don’t have a choice, Princess,” Iron Will countered. He reached out and pulled out a stack of papers from somewhere Celestia couldn’t identify. He raised it up, displaying it to the ponies gathered before him. “It’s all right here in the contract.”

“I would recommend against trying to fool me, Iron Will,” Celestia chided. “I made sure to read your contract multiple times, including all of the fine print. Do you mean to suggest you know more about Equestrian law than the highest authority in all of Equestria?”

Iron Will grinned triumphantly. “Ah, but you didn’t read the fine print between the fine print. It says right here, ‘Iron Will is to personally accompany Princess Celestia by her side whenever she leaves the ship, for the duration of Iron Will’s Especially Exclusive Exploration Expedition Tour.’ Take a look for yourself.”

Iron Will reached out again, this time pulling out a very large magnifying glass, with three different lenses stacked on top of each other. Celestia stepped forward and took a look through the glass. Sure enough, nestled in between the smallest letters visible to the naked eye, was a message written in nearly-microscopic print, saying exactly the thing Iron Will had just described.

Celestia’s jaw went slack. “Well I’ll be. So it does.”

“You bet your silky-smooth mane it does. And if Iron Will remembers his high school civics class, even the Princess of the Sun isn’t above the law! That means Iron Will’s coming along for the ride!”

Celestia gritted her teeth and inhaled deeply, feeling the stress building up inside her chest cavity so much that it felt like she would lose her agelessness. It was times like this that she almost regretted establishing rule of law. Almost.

A sharp breath escaped Celestia’s mouth. “Alright, fine,” she said. “But you had better not cause any trouble.”

The sunlight shined off of Iron Will’s obnoxiously perfect teeth. “No guarantees.”

At a guard’s pull of a lever, the ramp descended from the deck, onto the ground below. The airship had landed in the midst of a large clearing just outside of Atlazan’s front entrance. It was the only location near the city where an aircraft could land, given the dense vegetation in all directions. Celestia led the group of ponies, as well as the one minotaur, off the ramp. As they approached the city, they were greeted by a party of cuetzpali soldiers who had anticipated their presence.

True to Daring Do’s tales, the cuetzpali were tall, bipedal lizardfolk, with reddish-brown scales, long spiked tails, and brightly-colored feathers on their heads and arms. Each of the soldiers wore a suit of gleaming silver armor, each piece of plate mail thrumming with the gentle pulse of alchemical magic. Their helmets were thin and open-faced, each one with a gemstone on the forehead that matched the color of its owner’s feathers: some red, some white. Each cuetzpali carried in their right hand a long spear with a leaf-shaped head, and a pair of bars just between the shaft and the blade. The weapons each pulsed with incredibly powerful alchemical magic, far surpassing the work of any known alchemy in Equestria, and the result was that each spear’s head glowed brightly with an aura that matched the color of its wielder’s feathers and gem. The guards all looked distinctly agitated at the sight of the weapons, and Celestia herself couldn’t help but fear for them.

At the front of the party of soldiers was a larger cuetzpali with a massive scar over their left eye, and a much more ornate set of armor decorated with gold highlights. Their helmet was the only one that bore two gems on the forehead instead of one: a red gem on the left, and a white gem on the right. Their feathers, unlike the others, also sported two colors, equal parts red and white. Though they carried no weapons to speak of, their claws were much longer and sharper than any of the others.

“You must be Princess Celestia,” said the cuetzpali. Her voice was unmistakably female, but Celestia couldn’t have known just by looking at her. “We had received word of your arrival from your messenger. I must say, in all my life I have never seen such a magnificent bird. You must truly be blessed by the gods to earn the favor of such a divine creature.”

“Why thank you,” said Celestia, giving a short bow. “Philomena has been by my side for much of my life. And to whom do I owe the pleasure?”

The cuetzpali officer returned the bow. “I am General Ihhuitl, leader of the Sky Knights, and serving member of the Council of Elements.”

Celestia tried to ignore the unpleasant feeling in her gut. The first one they sent was not a politician, but a military leader. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, General. If you don’t mind, may I ask what this Council of Elements is? I’ll admit, I am still unfamiliar with your customs.”

Ihhuitl bared her teeth. She seemed like she was smiling, but the rows of sharp, carnivorous fangs looked much more threatening than anything else. “I am more than happy to teach you the ways of our mighty Empire. Each of the three branches of our military represents one of the elements of alchemy, the foundation of our prosperity. As I have said, my soldiers are the Sky Knights, riders of the great pterodons, and followers of the element of air. Then there is General Xochitli, who embodies the earth along with his Verdant Soldiers, riders of the ceratops. Finally, there is General Tecoli. She is the leader of the Flame Dragoons, who ride on fearsome carnosaurs and embody the element of fire. Together, we three form the Council of Elements, the closest advisors to Emperor Quetzalcoatl himself.”

It had taken less than a second for Celestia to review the new information in her mind. First, there was the fact that dinosaurs were not extinct on the Western Continent. She’d heard Daring Do mention it in passing, now that she thought about it, but her mind was so heavy on matters of diplomacy that she hadn’t paid attention. Secondly, Ihhuitl had mentioned alchemy, which confirmed her suspicions. The Cuetzpali Empire were masters of the art of alchemy, to the point where it matched, or even possibly surpassed, Equestrian magic. Finally, and most worryingly, their highest levels of government seemed to be structured entirely around their military.

Though she’d come to understand all of this in only a moment, Celestia didn’t get a chance to speak again. It was Iron Will who suddenly cut in.

“And what about water?”

Ihhuitl’s smile abruptly disappeared. “I beg your pardon?”

“What about water?” Iron Will repeated. “Last Iron Will remembered, there were four elements used in alchemy. Earth, fire, wind, and water. So who’s the fourth member of the council?”

A brief yet deadly silence hung over the clearing. The cuetzpali soldiers almost immediately reacted to Iron Will’s question with hostility. There was a clattering sound distinct to the sudden motion of armor plates, and the cuetzpali shifting their grips on their weapons, holding them in both hands in a fighting stance. Celestia felt her heart skip a beat, and she looked back to see that all the other ponies were terrified. Even Daring Do wasn’t quite able to hide the fear in her wide, vulnerable eyes.

Ihhuitl held out an arm to her side, turning a palm towards the soldiers behind her. “At ease. Their ignorance is not a threat to us.“

“What?” said Iron Will, “did Iron Will say something wrong?”

Celestia shot Iron Will a fierce glare. “Iron Will needs to leave the diplomacy to those who actually know what they’re doing.” She turned to face Ihhuitl, not even bothering to stop herself from cringing. “I am deeply, deeply sorry for any offense he might have caused you.”

“You need not apologize,” said Ihhuitl. “There was indeed a time when there was a fourth branch of our military, the River Guardians, as well as a fourth member of the Council of Elements. The River Guardians were perhaps the fiercest warriors of all, but one day their leader grew jealous, and tried to overthrow the Emperor. For his treachery, he was sentenced to exile in the Unknown East, and the River Guardians forced to disband. In this day, it is a crime simply to speak his name.” Ihhuitl gave a smile, though this time it was much more recognizable as such, despite her apparent lack of lips. “But enough dwelling on the past. Come, let us introduce you to our city.”

Ihhuitl turned around, motioning for the others to follow. Her soldiers spread out and surrounded Celestia, her guards, and Daring Do on all sides as they were brought forward to Atlazan’s front gates, and led into the city walls. As they walked through the streets, Celestia took in the sights of the massive stone structures, but as impressive as they were, it was all tinged with a faint sense of unease. As they ventured further into the city, Celestia heard Daring Do’s voice speaking directly into her mind.

So, uh... aren’t you a bit worried?

Celestia tapped the amulet’s jewel with a hoof, transmitting a message back. Thankfully, she’d had enough practice to be able to walk on only three legs. Of course. They are no doubt exactly as militaristic as you described. Quite concerning, as Equestria does not currently have a standing army.

Not that, Daring Do replied. I mean the fourth general. They said they exiled him to the east, which would mean he ended up on the Equus continent, possibly in Equestria itself. Do you think...?

Do I think what?

No, never mind, Daring Do replied. I was just thinking something crazy for a moment. We have more important things to worry about now.

Celestia’s head tilted slightly at that comment. She was curious what Daring Do was thinking, but decided that the matter was better off dropped for now.

“Auntie Ihhuitl! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!”

All of the cuetzpali soldiers stopped in their tracks, an act which abruptly brought their Equestrian guests to a halt. Celestia very nearly slammed into Ihhuitl’s backside, and Iron Will actually did end up slamming into her backside, much to her annoyance.

When she finally regained her bearings, another cuetzpali had pushed her way into the crowd of soldiers. Though her voice was easily identifiable as female, her appearance was the first of her kind Celestia had seen that was visibly feminine. It was subtle, simply a matter of mannerisms and gentle curves of the face, but it was there. She wore armor much like a soldier, but she looked to be extremely young, no more than an adolescent. The mere thought of a child soldier brought a sickness to the deepest Celestia’s mind and soul, but on second appearance it looked that she was far more than that. Her armor was of the more ornate variety, similar to Ihhuitl, but the two gems that adorned her forehead were a different color: a vibrant red and green. Her feathers matched the gem colors, as usual, but the feathers extending from the back of her head were far longer than normal, nearly midway down her back. Held in a scabbard by her side was a sword pulsing with powerful alchemical magic, and strapped to her back was a wooden bow and quiver filled with arrows.

The new arrival quickly ran up to Ihhuitl and gave a little pout, a feat made all the more impressive by the fact that she didn’t have lips. “Just what took you so long, huh?”

“Tecoli,” said Ihhuitl. “I thought I’d told you to stay in the palace until we arrive.”

“I was, but you were taking forever!” said Tecoli. “The Emperor’s getting impatient! You know how he is! Grandpa’s stories won’t be able to keep him entertained forever!”

“Xochitli is supposed to be preparing a welcome feast for our guests, not spinning another yarn about his old conquests,” Ihhuitl replied. “And you were supposed to be keeping the Emperor busy until I brought the guests over.”

“Aww, but he’s so weird!” Tecoli whined. “Why do I always have to be the one spending time with that crazy old serpent?”

All of Ihhuitl’s soldiers seized up, each looking like they’d suddenly and forcefully been dunked into a giant tub of ice water. One that also happened to be full of sharks.

Tecoli!” Ihhuitl scolded. “What have I told you about speaking of the Emperor that way?”

“I know, I know, I’m not supposed to do it,” said Tecoli. “But who cares? Have you found our visitors yet? I can’t wait to—oh my gosh!

The next thing Celestia knew, she was suddenly being pulled into a tight hug, a pair of feathery, scaled arms powerfully wrapping around her torso. A tiny spark of panic ignited in the back of her awareness, a part of her well beneath her rational mind. A part of her that recognized that the thing holding her was a predator, and that she was prey. Thankfully, centuries of practice had taught her how to snuff that spark out before it brought her to irrational actions, but it still left her feeling rattled.

“Oh my gosh! It’s adorable! Can I keep it, Auntie Ihhuitl? Please?”

“By the gods, Tecoli!” Ihhuitl cried out in exasperation. “She is not a mere animal! She is the ruler of a sovereign nation, and our honored guest!”

“Huh?” Tecoli pulled away, and looked Celestia right in the eye. Her reptilian eyes were a brilliant emerald green, and they carried in them a nearly boundless youthful exuberance. “Wait, you’re Princess Celestia?”

Celestia couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “That I am,” she said. In a way, Tecoli reminded her of Sunset Shimmer in her youth. That memory turned bittersweet nearly as soon as Celestia recalled it, but she dared not show it.

Whoa! You can talk!?” Tecoli exclaimed. “But you look like one of the ceratops that Grandpa Xochitli rides! Only softer, I guess. And hairier. And shorter. And you only have one horn.” Tecoli paused, a blank look momentarily appearing on her face. “Okay, I guess maybe you’re not like a ceratops.”

“Indeed, I can talk. In fact, you’ll find I have quite a few things to say,” Celestia teased. “You would be General Tecoli, I presume?”

“Yup, that’s me!” Tecoli proudly pointed to herself with a thumb, a gesture which Celestia had only recognized thanks to extensive time spent interacting with creatures that had opposable digits. “Leader of the Flame Dragoons, and tamer of the almighty carnosaur! You ever seen a carnosaur before? They’re kind of like us, only bigger, and dumber, and way, way meaner. Look at one the wrong way and they’ll eat you for lunch! Rawr!

Tecoli suddenly lunged forward, baring her teeth and claws in a feint that vaguely mimicked a pouncing motion. Celestia gave a startled yelp and jumped back at the sudden motion, prompting a similar response from her guards. For all the effort she’d put into an unflappable appearance, few things could stem the primal fear of having your flesh torn into by the teeth of a hungry predator.

Ihhuitl jabbed Tecoli with an elbow. “Stop that! Be nice to our guest!”

“Aw, come on, Auntie, it was only a joke,” Tecoli protested. She gave Celestia a mischievous grin. “I sure got you good though, didn’t I?”

Celestia managed to return the smile. “You certainly did, I’d say.” Despite the scare, she could always appreciate a good prank.

Ihhuitl put a claw to her forehead. “Please do not encourage her,” she said.

“Hey, she’s a Princess! She can do what she wants!” said Tecoli. “And speaking of which, you wanna come with us to the palace now?”

“Well, I wouldn’t quite say I can do everything I want,” said Celestia, “But it seems like we were heading there already, and I think I’d enjoy getting to see the palace for myself either way.” She turned her head back towards the rest of her group. Though many were agitated, they all seemed to have settled back down. “What say you? We wouldn’t want our young general waiting any longer, would we?”

“Probably not,” said Daring Do. “Sounds like the Emperor is waiting for us.”

“Iron Will agrees! Let’s not waste any more time!”

The guards each gave Celestia a silent nod. Ihhuitl’s soldiers turned led the group further down the streets, approaching ever closer to the gargantuan palace.

As Celestia approached, she could only hope that the Emperor would be friendly.


Celestia of the Dawn 3WWW

Legendary Creature — Horse Advisor

Alicorn (This card is a Horse, Pegasus, and Unicorn in addition to its other creature types.)

Flying, vigilance, lifelink

Other Horses, Unicorns, and Pegasi you control get +1/+1 and have vigilance.

Whenever another Horse, Pegasus, or Unicorn enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.



Ihhuitl, the Thundering Sky 2RW

Legendary Creature — Viashino Knight

First strike, haste

As long as you control a Dinosaur, Knights you control get +1/+1 and have flying.

”We are the winds of the Western Star, the wings that carry the Golden Sun above.”
— Creed of the Sky Knights



Tecoli, the Burning Glade 2RG

Legendary Creature — Viashino Warrior

Vigilance, reach

As long as you control a Dinosaur, Warriors you control get +1/+1 and have menace.

”We are the flames of the Northern Star, the spark that grants the Golden Sun its might.”
— Creed of the Flame Dragoons


Author's Note:

I’d thought of this chapter quite a long time after creating the first draft of Celestia’s card. The question that I’d asked myself was “what would be a good chapter for Princess Celestia for me to feature her card in?” Celestia’s card also synergizes quite well with Crested Sunmare. Is it a coincidence? Who knows? :trollestia:

The rest of the chapter came to me in a burst of inspiration, and pretty much fell into place with the other things I’d previously established in MLPlaneswalker canon. The Cuetzpali Empire, the Duke of Espoña, Tempest meeting Vraska, etc. It also happened to fit in rather nicely.

Finally, many of the names related to the Cuetzpali are derived from the Nahuatl language. For reference:

Cuetzpali = Lizard

Ihhuitl = Feather

Xochitli = Flower

Tecoli = Charcoal

Quetzalcoatl = Feathered Serpent. Better known as the name of one of the most important gods in the Aztec religion.

“Atlazan” was the name seen in early leaks of the Ixilan set, before the name became Ixilan.

You may notice that the named cuetzpali here are given the “viashino” creature type. This is mostly because they’re not exactly dinosaurs, and even though their race is in-story referred to as “cuetzpali”, the viashino are already the MtG multiverse’s canonical lizardfolk creature type.