• Published 14th Sep 2017
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A Rather Large Adventure - BradyBunch

The Mane Six are joined by three others in a quest to use the Elements of Harmony one last time, as a brewing war between Tartarus and the free creatures of the world threatens to destroy Equestria forever.

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Chapter Eight: The Battle Of The Warehouse

"We're lost, aren't we?" Twilight asked after they had wandered for a little bit.

"Of course not. We're just temporarily misdirected," Firestorm replied. "There's a difference."

"And what would that be?" Noble asked calmly.

"I don't exactly know, but I'm sure there's one."

"Forgive me if your vague answers don't exactly fill me with confidence," Twilight said sarcastically.

"I've never been a pony known for inspiring confidence in others, you know. That's Noble's job."

"He's right."

They rounded a corner and they all stopped immediately.

A Noxxa squad was idly marching in their direction. The dozen or so Noxxa, just as surprised as the ponies, all drew their weapons and bellowed a war cry.

Firestorm bellowed, "HOLY FREAKING CRAP!" and pointed and twisted his hooves in just the right way again to activate the flamethrowers attached to his wrists. There was a loud whine and a small click, and two streams of flame gouted out of his hooves at the Noxxa squad. Twangs sounded out as crossbow releases clicked.

Noble, quick as lightning, had moved in front and put up his shield. The flaming crossbow darts impacted on the shield like the fast pounding of a drum, protecting Twilight's life yet again. The other Noxxa were about to fall on them and destroy them, but for the fact that Firestorm was now slashing violently with his long twin blades at any that got near. He was able to stop them long enough for Twilight to run in the opposite direction, with Noble right next to her to protect her.

As Noble and Twilight ran down the corridor, Firestorm caught up again with them as the remaining Noxxa started to fire after them. The bolts whizzed past them at a very close distance that made Twilight fear for her life.

The others, however, didn't feel as scared.

"NOBLE!" Firestorm had to yell over the battle noise.

"WHAT?" Noble had to roar back.






Noble tossed an explosive behind him and it detonated, pulling down the ceiling between them and the Noxxa tailing them. He then pulled him and Twilight into an alcove in the wall, where two marked doors were.

"All right, Storm. Use the bathroom. But this is a serious rescue this time. Make sure it's fast, or I will make it so that you will never use the restroom ever again." He toyed with the hilt of his sword over his back suggestively.

Firestorm gulped. "You won't follow through with that, will you?"

"Why, who knows?" Noble said. "Now go and take care of business."

"Aren't you going to use it too?"

"I can hold it. If the Royal Guard in Canterlot can, so can I."

Firestorm shrugged and went into one of the doors in the alcove. But he almost immediately came out again. "Shoot. No urinal," he muttered before going into the right restroom. Noble Blade and Firestorm stood in uncomfortable silence as a series of highly disturbing noises came from the restroom.

Twilight broke the silence. "Sooooo... How was your day so far?" she asked. She cringed at the question.

"Well," Noble Blade said, splitting his visor in half vertically to reveal his face, "So far, I've been shot at, cut, almost impaled-- twice--been knocked unconscious, and almost lost my life many, many times." He grinned. "So it's a good day so far."

"A... good day?" Twilight asked quizzically.

"Never felt better," Noble Blade said, looking like he meant it.

From the restroom came Firestorm's voice, but much, much deeper. "BREAK THE DAM! RELEASE THE RIVER!"

Noble sighed. "I apologize for his behavior. He's a little raucous..."

"Nonono! Don't worry about it! At least you aren't like that... right?"

"Wouldst thou desire me to?"

"No! You're fine just the way you are!" Twilight said hurriedly. To see Noble Blade act like Firestorm would be a huge downer.

"As art thou, Twilight," Noble said, smiling softly.

"Really?" Twilight asked, playing with her mane.

"Thy behavior is exemplary. To lose thy endearing personalities would hurt those closest to thee." Noble adjusted an armor strap.

"Am...I close to you?" she asked, then cringed again.

"All Equestrian princesses art close to me, as are Firestorm and Freedom Fighter. Thou art mine princess, and I must obey thee."

"No, I meant less business-related and more close as in... a friend," Twilight clarified uncomfortably.

"If thou mayest know, Twilight, I consider it safe to call thee a dear friend." Noble smiled.

Twilight blushed. "G-good..."

An awkward silence fell between them again, broken by Firestorm's muffled voice. "You know, I don't measure this stuff by length or width. I go by weight." And a heavy grunt followed.

Now both of them were blushing uncomfortably.

The door opened with a bang and Firestorm waltzed out of the bathroom. "Ooh boy, I think I dropped off about five pounds in there."

"Thou didst not even wash thy hooves, Firestorm!" Noble Blade pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, I got distracted, okay? That awkward conversation you were having was absolutely enthralling." Firestorm spread his arms innocently.

Noble looked at him incredulously. "Thou wert listening?"

"To be honest, I... may or may not have stayed in there a little bit longer, just to prolong the talk."

Now Twilight glared at him. "You did that just so that the two of us could have an awkward moment?!"

"Why of course." Firestorm grinned. "Why else would I do it?"

Twilight fixed him a hard look. After a little bit, she asked, "Are you always like this?"

"Absolutely. One hundred percent," he said jovially.

Noble sighed. "I can confirm that. He's been like that since the time I first met him."

The statement aroused curiosity. "When did you first meet him?" she asked them.

Noble Blade and Firestorm looked at each other like they were debating something. Then, after a moment, Firestorm said, "Let's save that question for another time, Princess. After all, as Noble so eloquently yelled at me, 'We are being hunted for our lives.' So let's worry about escaping first, and then we can worry about telling you our life story when we aren't in danger of being ripped to shreds, okay?"

Before she could acknowledge him, however, the tower shook slightly and a muffled boom was heard above them. A trickle of dust sprinkled down on Firestorm's face from the ceiling. All three of them looked up.

"I'm going to guess that's Freedom Fighter," Noble Blade muttered.

"He leaves a mess wherever he goes on the warpath, doesn't he?" Firestorm asked.

"Do you think he's destroyed the Dark Stone with that explosion?" Twilight asked.

"Knowing Freedom Fighter, I think he did that one just for fun."

Noble strained his face with effort for five seconds, then exhaled. "I still can't even light up my horn."

Twilight tried to activate her magic as well, but the efforts were fruitless. "Me either," she said miserably.

Noble pondered for a little bit, then drew his chrome-sheened broadsword and said, "I wonder..." He then twisted the darkened part of the sword next to the crosspiece, making it click. Nothing happened.

"I tried that," Firestorm spoke up. "We can't even use the enchantments on our weapons."

"You have enchanted weapons?" Twilight asked excitedly. She had read a few spellbooks that had talked about infusing magic into ordinary objects to improve the object's performance.

Noble looked at his sword. "Well, we're supposed to," he said. "I should have known. The Dark stone blocks all magic-- enchantments included. We can't use these like we normally can."

Firestorm sighed with feigned melodrama. Then he bulged his eyes and started to shake Noble Blade hard, making him rattle. "But wait! Freedom Fighter didn't destroy the stone, but he essentially set up a massive beacon with that explosion! He's going to have every Nox in this tower on his tail!"

"Calm down, Firestorm," Noble tried to say, but Firestorm had interrupted him.

"We need to give him more time! If we don't, Freedom could die!"

"You're right! We need to distract their focus away from Freedom Fighter. We need something... big," Noble agreed.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Right now, if the map on a wall I took a glance at once is correct, there should be a large three-story storage warehouse on this level that goes down to the main level. Not only that, but it also has quite a bit of things in there that are rather precious to them. If something were to happen... like, say, the Guardians of the Sun and Princess Twilight were to show up there... that might divert their attention, wouldn't you say?"

Firestorm grinned malevolently. "There might be a few casualties on their side once they intercept us."

"But I'm sure they can live with it," Noble responded with equal glee. "Now, then. On to the warehouse!"

"Assuming we can find it," Twilight pointed out.

"It should be on this level somewhere. If we wander around for a little bit, we should be able to find it."

Ten minutes later, they approached a padlocked metal door with a sign over the frame that read, 'Storage room 1'. Firestorm sliced through the padlock with a swift flick of his katanas, and the three of them came onto a metal walkway.

The catwalk they were on overlooked a massive storage area the size of a hoofball field. It was full of long metal boxes and crates with warning labels on the sides. Along the walls were cranes and blocky, unwieldy machines with welding lasers attached to the ends. Between the stacked crates were avenues for navigation, and there were several Noxxa in working uniforms trying to load a new metal crate. Blinding sparks cracked from multiple areas as the welding went underway.

"So, Princess. What's the plan?" Firestorm asked.

"Funny. I thought you were the one with the plan," Twilight said.

"No, I'm the one with the funny words. You're the one here that's smart. And of course, smart ponies are the ones that get to do all the work."

"Art thou insinuating that thy intellect doth not surpass that of Princess Twilight's?" Noble asked cheerfully.

In a completely serious voice, Firestorm said, "Noble Blade. You should know by now that there aren't many creatures on the planet that can say they're dumber than me."

Noble smiled. "Thou art correct." He then peered over the edge of the balcony. "The safety of Twilight is our utmost priority. I will remain by her side, while you, Storm, lure off any assailants. Just don't do anything so unbelievably stupid that it almost kills everypony."

Firestorm blew a raspberry. "Psssht, come on, Noble. When have I ever done something so unbelievably stupid that it almost killed everypony?"

Without even blinking Noble immediately said, "Skyworld."

"OKAY, THAT WAS DIFFERENT!" Firestorm yelled, then covered his mouth as he realized he was being loud. Miraculously, the Noxxa in the room did not hear him over the noise of their machinery. Leaning in closer, Firestorm hissed, "That was Freedom Fighter's fault in the first place! If he hadn't been late, none of that would have happened!"

"You know exactly why he was late. And we're not talking about him, we're talking about you. Put simply, you acted like an idiot."

"I was surrounded, the mission was compromised, and I was getting desperate! What would you have preferred I do?"

"Wait for backup."

"There was no backup coming! We were fifty thousand feet in the air!"

"I had to rescue your sorry hide from the mess you got yourself into."

"And I repaid the favor, didn't I?"

"Okay, ENOUGH!" Twilight yelled, coming between them. Amidst "Shhhh"ing noises coming from Firestorm, Twilight then whispered, "Arguing isn't going to do anything right now. We need to focus and get to work!"

"Right, Noble! How dare you reminisce on past experiences while we have to protect the freaking princess!" Firestorm said in an insincere voice.

"A princess?" Twilight asked lowly. "To protect? I'll have you know I can handle myself perfectly fine, but you still treat me like some burdensome piece of baggage. According to Noble, I'm actually your superior officer. And I want the two of you to really focus on the task at hoof, and work on our distraction to buy Freedom Fighter some time. I don't like authority, but if I have it, I'll use it. Stop bickering like immature foals and realize the place you're in, not this tone of, 'Oh, you're the amazing hero and I'm just a princess!'"

Firestorm and Noble fell silent, with Storm gawking a little at the authoritative tone she used.

For a while more, there was silence. Then-

"Another one for her side," Noble muttered.

"Right," Firestorm said quickly and embarrassingly. "I should probably go distract that Tartarus-spawn so that you can escort the princess out. Just don't screw it up."

"Come on, Firestorm," Noble said, his mouth dripping with sarcasm. "When have I ever screwed up?"

"Well," Firestorm said with an impish grin as he spread his wings. "There was always Skyworld." And he flew, slightly askew, into the girders above them.

Twilight watched where he had disappeared for just a second, then curiously asked, "What's Skyworld again? It sounded dangerous."

Noble Blade fidgeted, then replied, "You don't want to know and I don't want to tell you." His face was just a little red.

"Well..." Twilight fumbled, then said, "I noticed that you sometimes talk like Princess Luna. All the Thees and Thous and stuff. But you also like to talk normally. Why?"

" 'Tis fun." He flicked his hoof nonchalantly. "I picked it up after spending some time as Princess Luna's hidden bodyguard. While in her service I marveled at the fluidity and grace that such a speaking style possesseth. I eventually convinced her to teach me the ins and outs of archaic language. It hath been a grand asset to diplomacy in the missions we undertake, as well as having a rather jovial air about it. I love it." He frowned. "Although to this day Firestorm insists that I picked it up only to impress any fair young maidens who happen to have a thing for fantasies."

"Well, it's working," Twilight said dreamily.

Noble looked at her with a strange expression. "Thou too?"

Twilight suddenly blushed and stammered, "I-I-uh... d-d-do you-I mean-"

Noble held up a hoof to silence her. "You know what, I'm just going to avert the direction this conversation is taking to avoid anything embarrassing. Talking fancy has a price, you know."

Meanwhile, Firestorm crept around in the catwalks high in the ceiling to avoid detection. He crawled low and silently, being consciously quiet, which for him was a major accomplishment. That didn't mean he had to be happy about it, though. He preferred to be the loudest thing in any given situation, thank you very much. And the loud whirring of the crane and hoarse screeches of the Noxxa and cracking of the welding lasers were ticking him off.

He made his way to a spot directly over the crane's arm, where it was slowly turning to adjust a metal crate. Firestorm drew his twin blades, muttered, "Just another day in my line of work," and jumped off the catwalk.

As he landed on the end of the crane's arm, several hisses and screams of alarm alerted him that his presence was now noticed. But that was the intent, so Firestorm didn't really care. He ran on his hind legs to the cable dangling from the end of the crane, ducked a wrench that was thrown at him, and with a swipe of his arms, he severed the cable holding the metal crate, sending it crashing to the ground.

From across the room, Noble whispered, "He's started--go!" Noble climbed on top of the guard rail spanning across the edge of their platform and jumped to a stack of long metal crates. He turned around, quietly urging Twilight to follow by jumping to him. She also climbed on the rail and jumped. Even with flapping her wings, she had to be caught in midair by Noble, as she wasn't as athletic as him. Twilight enjoyed being held by him for a brief moment before he let go and urged her onward at a gallop.

Several other Noxxa had started to clamber onto the crane, and Firestorm started to fend off their blows and thrusts as he spun and slashed and whirled at them. The first few were fine, but there soon started to be a lot more climbing onto the crane that he couldn't immediately take care of. So, after sinking a thin blade into a Noxxa's gut and barely avoiding an axe blade to the head from behind, he spread his wings and jumped off the crane. He took to the air for a bit before he landed on the top of a nearby stack of crates and ripped apart the Nox there to get the monster's attention away from the Princess and the knight on the other end of the room.

As Firestorm effortlessly deflected a flurry of slashes from the Noxxa attacking him, the lights all suddenly darkened and red flashes started to cycle around the massive warehouse. An alarm klaxon started to blare, and the doors to the warehouse on all three levels of it burst open. Hordes of armored troopers poured in. As they did, they spotted not only Firestorm, but also Twilight and Noble Blade, who were trying to leap to another crate pile. The Noxxa reinforcements let out terrifying shrieks and lept into the air with their dragon wings, then flew at Twilight.

One drew close and lunged to grab the princess, but Noble used the edge of his shield to cut into his black chitin claws, then slammed the shield into his face, knocking him backward off the stack of crates. Noble then kicked back another, reared onto his hind legs and heard the leg stiffeners in his armor straighten, and drew his long broadsword. He swept his sword in wide arcs to keep any Noxxa at bay, stopping them in their tracks.

Then Twilight and Noble lost their balance as Noxxa on the ground toppled over the long metal boxes they were standing on. They tumbled down three stories, bouncing on the boxes, slipped and bruised themselves, and landed hard on the cold stone floor of the warehouse.

Twilight struggled to get off the ground, but as she tried to stand she felt a sharp pain on her back and a bruise on her forehead. Nonetheless, she tried to rise, her vision a little blurry, and saw Noble coming over to her, the red lights in the room reflecting off his grey armor.

But before he could reach her, a Nox flew down between her and the knight and drew a sword facing Noble. He started to spar with him, and from the looks of it, the Nox was good at it.

From across the room, a voice screamed, "PRINCESS!"

And suddenly two sharp pairs of claws grasped her on either side of her. Twilight screamed and tried to squirm her way out, but the two Noxxa grabbing her held her fast. One of them pressed a small black knife against her temple.

"We have orders to capture you alive. That doesn't mean we can't hurt you," one of them hissed into her ear. The tip of the knife broke the surface of the skin. She started to hyperventilate, and the Noxxa growled in pleasure. Noble had seen the plight of the princess, and tried to move to help. But the Nox fighting him had been joined by two others and Noble was now surrounded by three Noxxa that were landing hits and dents on his armor. He was in a desperate battle now.

The Noxxa holding Twilight started to drag her away. Twilight tried to scream, but a black insect claw slapped across her mouth and held it shut. Then, all of a sudden, the claw went stiff. Twilight's eyes fell on the Nox holding her on the left.

He had a long, thin blade protruding from the front of his neck.

The blade slithered out, making a whistling sound as it did so. The same noise came from the other side and Twilight turned to see a similar blade slide effortlessly out of the dissolving Nox. They both collapsed into dust, and Twilight wheeled around.

Firestorm was there, both of his blades coated with black dust. Firestorm gave a grin. "Why hello, Princess. Miss me?"

Before she could answer, he leaped clean over her head and sunk both of his blades into one of the Noxxa sparring with Noble. Both of the other Noxxa looked surprised at the sudden death, which allowed Noble to make a long, sweeping cut through both simultaneously.

They weren't dead, but they were leaking black dust from their wounds. Noble followed up by cleaving one clean in half and bashing in the other's head with the edge of his shield.

They took just a moment to pant and catch their breaths. Noble finally said, "What took you so long?"

"Ah, well, you know," Firestorm waved his hoof. "Troublesome Noxxa and all that. I honestly wouldn't have refused your help, you know."

"You now stoop to actually calling for help? Storm, be serious."

"I may be stupid, but I'm not an idiot. I can realize when I'm beaten."

"Um, hello?" Twilight asked, bringing both the stallion's heads swinging her way. "Can we escape now, please?" She gestured across the room. Way on the far end of the room a small rectangle outlined itself against the wall, showing the door.

Firestorm gave a sarcastic bow, smiling at her. "You only needed to ask," he said, and started to make his way out from behind a huge pile of metal crates. However, he then suddenly stopped, his head turning from side to side, and Twilight could see his yellow eyes widen with panic. "GET DOWN!" he yelled as a high-pitched hum filled the air.

As they all instinctively hit the deck, a powerful beam of yellow energy cut through the solid steel pillar in front of them. toppling it to the ground with its ends glowing and smoking. Firestorm gestured at the crane he had jumped on at first and Twilight saw it- the welding laser had been turned on to its highest setting and was now being operated by a very angry Nox.

The lemon-colored laser cut a path through the entire expanse of the warehouse, searching for the Guardians and the Princess. The Nox by now had completely abandoned the notion of taking them in alive. He cut a path through the entire expanse of the warehouse, the beam of power ripping through everything in its path. It sliced through three-foot thick steel like it was made of paper and gouged deep scars into the ground.

After a minute of the three of them hiding behind a ruined metal crate for cover while the laser wreaked havoc, Firestorm yelled, "This is not the best plan we've ever had!"

Twilight looked at him incredulously. "This was a plan?!"

Noble, however, was busy observing the yellow beam of energy carve through a thick cast-iron support, collapsing a section of catwalk. The laser then moved closer to where they were and tried to ferret them out by blasting away bits and pieces of the ruined crate they were using for cover. More and more of it disintegrated.

Noble looked back at the others. "I'm going out there," he somberly declared.

"WHAT?" Twilight had to yell over the unearthly hum the laser gave off. "Noble, you can't! You'll get ripped to shreds!"

Noble only smiled. "If not me, then who, Twilight?"

"Please!" she begged. "Don't!" Another laser blast blew apart even more of their cover. One more hit to their cover and they were done for.

Noble, however, would have none of it. "Whatever happens, Twilight, stay behind me."

"But-" she gasped.

"Stay. Behind. Me," he firmly repeated. Then, feeling a twinge of guilt from the anguished scream tearing from Twilight's throat, he reared on his hind legs and the leg stiffeners in his armor clicked together. He then came into the open, straddling a deep gash in the ground, and let out a challenging roar to get the laser operator's attention.

The operator heard him and he saw his armor glinting in the red flashing lights in the warehouse. Growling loudly, he swung the laser to face Noble and fired the laser at full force. A heavy solid beam of death fired directly at Noble's face.

All Noble had time to do was raise his shield.

The beam struck the shield at full force with a resounding BOOM-- and to Twilight's utter astonishment, the shield held. The same laser that had easily slashed through three-foot thick steel was stopped by a shield an inch thick. The glare the laser gave off as it hit Noble's shield made Noble Blade into a picturesque silhouette, standing on his hind legs and leaning forward with a shield held in front of him and a sword swept behind him as his brown cape billowed.

Twilight could only stare with an open mouth at the sight. "What is that thing made of?" she asked, flabbergasted.

"We'll explain later! Now stay behind here!" Firestorm ordered.

Noble Blade was straining against the force of the laser beam. Beads of sweat rolled into his eyes. He was leaning forward and was pushing with all his might to avoid being thrown backward. The beam was hot, and being encased in a suit of armor did not help the heating situation.

He squinted, and could just barely see past the glare that the laser was not being absorbed by the shield. It was being deflected. The laser operator did not see that because of the glare as well. Noble saw that the laser was being deflected off to the side and was steadily melting a hole in the reinforced wall.

The baby blue unicorn started to imperceptibly angle his shield. The laser traced a path on the wall back to where the laser operator was, and the Nox belatedly realized that the laser was getting near. And before he could do anything about it, the laser had connected with the power source.

It exploded in a flash of light and a loud BOOM, and the entire crane was incinerated with the Nox operating it. The laser suddenly disappeared and Noble stumbled forward as it ceased to strike his shield. He blinked hard to get the lingering light out of his vision and leaned on his sword in exhaustion.

"Now!" Firestorm yelled, and he ran out with Twilight following him closely. Noble, after he had caught his breath, followed after them as they started to run to the opposite end of the massive storage room.

The entire warehouse was in flames now, torn to pieces by the powerful welding laser. All around them, pieces of the ceiling fell down, hanging by a thread. Shattered light fixtures lay scattered around them. On the ground were deep black scratches and gouges caused by the laser's erratic path, some of them still burning. Once a pile of stacked unmarked crates spilled across their path and hundreds of pieces of jewelry covered their path. Twilight popped her eyes at the sight, but the Guardians insistently kept moving forward. If there were any Noxxa still in the room, they had all been slain by the chaos.

Firestorm reached the door first and had turned around on his front legs, raised his hind legs, and bucked the door with all of his might. The door did not budge. Firestorm stayed in that position for just a second, then he weakly let out a whimpered, "Ow," and fell on the ground, clutching his hind legs.

"The door says pull, not push," Noble said wryly as he came close. Then he sheathed his sword, grasped the handle, and pulled the door inward. He allowed Twilight out first, then Firestorm, who scooted on his butt after the princess. Noble finally came out, and the door shut behind him and automatically locked behind him.

They stood there a moment to catch their breath from their running.

"Well," Noble Blade gasped, "I do believe that that ought to be a sufficient distraction."

Firestorm cricked out his hind legs, sore from where he had kicked the door. "Okay, but how do we know the Noxxa's attention is now on us?"

At that moment, an announcement chose to go off over their heads from the loudspeaker on the wall. "Attention. All personnel to the ground level. Attention. All personnel to the ground level."

"Well, that'll do." Firestorm shrugged cheerfully.

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