• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 3,380 Views, 630 Comments

A Rather Large Adventure - BradyBunch

The Mane Six are joined by three others in a quest to use the Elements of Harmony one last time, as a brewing war between Tartarus and the free creatures of the world threatens to destroy Equestria forever.

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Chapter Eighteen: Blooming Angel

In the early hours of the morning, the door to Rainbow Dash's guest room creaked open and a pony quietly walked in and shut the door. Firestorm then turned to face Rainbow, the covers rising and falling softly with her breaths as she lay on her side, not facing the door.

Firestorm came over softly to her side and rested a hoof on her arm. She shuddered but did not wake.

"I can't sleep," he whispered slowly. "I keep on thinking about how I hurt you, Rainbow. I never wanted to see you so broken."

Rainbow shuddered but made no other movement.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "You meant no harm. I'm a disgrace." He softly ran his hoof along Rainbow's exposed shoulder. "And you can't hear me, but I want you to know that, and this is the only way I know how. I'm a coward for not saying it to your face, but I'll write a note and leave it on the bedside table." He sounded choked, just a little. "I'm sorry, Rainbow," he said again. "I'm so, so sorry."

And after he softly comforted her in her sleep, he walked out of her room and softly shut the door.

But Rainbow was awake. She had heard everything.

For the umpteenth time, she blinked back tears and she drew a pillow closer to her chest.

Noble awoke feeling refreshed and calm. He went out of his room, shut the door, and walked through Twilight's castle to where he remembered the kitchen was to make breakfast.

When he got to the kitchen he considered his options and decided to make waffles. He had gotten out eggs, flour, and some baking soda when he checked the clock.

It was four in the morning.

Noble Blade let out a long, resigned exhale and pushed the baking materials aside. He was used to erratic sleep habits. Being a warrior, he had to learn to be alert all the time, so sleep for him came sporadically and in small doses for most of his knighthood.

Noble used his magic to put away the ingredients, and decided in the meanwhile to read in the castle library.

Noble was nose-deep in a rather interesting part of a spellbook. He needed practice with his teleportation techniques, and the part of the book he was reading was giving excellent ideas on how to streamline the accuracy of the teleport.

But he was reading and rereading the same parts of the book over and over again. His comprehension of the spellbook was not working.

His mind had Fluttershy's image in his head. It never went entirely away, not even when he slept or talked to others. It was an entrancing, mystical sight. Her mane was just so long...and it fell perfectly behind her and it ended in such a pretty curl and was such a pretty color of light pink. It went perfectly with her coat color, a pale golden yellow. And her eyes...the richest color of in-between colors he had seen. He wasn't sure what to call her eye color. Cyan? Turquoise? Aquamarine? He pondered for a bit before deciding on aquamarine.

But it wasn't just her physical looks, oh no. It was other, less noticeable things that completed her image. How she held herself. How she would smile at the ground and rub her leg up and down nervously. How she would mutter her words in that small, cute, lovable voice. The way that she pushed her mane out of her face when she needed to concentrate.

And he was ashamed- just a little- but he would be lying to himself if he hadn't thought about her flank as well. The hips were just so nicely shaped! His male brain couldn't help it. But the times he had seen her flank, he was more concerned with the symbols plastered on it.

His mind had thought about her Cutie Mark. There was no mistaking it now. The wings on the butterflies displayed on her closely resembled the wings on the sides of the sword on his. Looking at them on another pony only made them all the more personal. Why had such a thing happened?

A loud bang disrupted his thinking and he looked up. Freedom Fighter came in, a little forcefully. He closed the door to the library and locked them, making Noble Blade arch an eyebrow. The mute earth pony made a few hoof signals by gesturing from his mouth to Noble's mouth.

The message was clear. We need to talk.

Noble set the spellbook down and looked Freedom Fighter square in the face. "Good morning, Freedom. Did it feel strange yesterday? Normally not a day goes by without your life in danger, so I assume peace feels strange to you."

Freedom Fighter nodded, but impatiently. He started to weave a few sentences in sign language- a bit aggressively too, Noble noticed. When he was done, Noble nodded. "You overheard the conversation yesterday, I take it? With Princess Twilight?"

Freedom nodded, then did a few more gestures.

"You blame me for what happened?"

Freedom Fighter imitated a knight swinging a sword and shield in an exaggerated way of heroism, then he swung his head suggestively and gave a smoldering, lady-killer look at somepony invisible in the room, then he changed positions. He acted like he was a swooning lady, and started to fan himself.

"So you're saying If I wasn't as..." He shuddered. "handsome, then Twilight wouldn't have fallen for me?"

Freedom Fighter shook his hooves out in front of him hurriedly in a "No" motion, shaking his head. He then made a comment.

"I'm not handsome at all?" He pulled his lips down in a joking frown. "Gee, thanks."

Freedom convulsed with laughter for about four seconds, then clarified his original statement.

"So I made myself open for her to fall for me?" Noble restated. "By acting way too heroic?"

Freedom Fighter nodded emphatically.

"I suppose that was inadvertent. I never tried to make myself open to mares. That's Firestorm's job, not mine."

Freedom Fighter asked a question.

"No, I am not going to charm Twilight."

Freedom Fighter nodded in satisfaction and... relief? It was hard to tell. His face wasn't very expressive. He turned around and made to leave the room.

As he was about to leave, Noble had a stroke of an idea. "Oh, hey, Freedom?" Noble said.

The black-garbed pony turned slowly around.

"Show your eyes for now. Be social. Be... not-hidden, I think the term is."

Freedom took a moment before he replied with a firm but reluctant nod. He left the library.

Noble soon followed him into the hall to prepare breakfast. As he came into the kitchen five minutes later, he reflected on the nature of the strange conversation. The purpose of it eluded him. What was Freedom Fighter trying to glean from the conversation? He was clarifying that he and Twilight weren't a thing. But why did that matter?

He pushed the thoughts out of his mind, however. Whatever it was, it was only for Freedom Fighter to think about, not him. He then got the ingredients for waffles out of the cupboard and started on breakfast for the inhabitants of the castle.

At eight o' clock, Twilight and Starlight were walking down the halls of her castle, with Spike at Twilight's side.Twilight had just finished relaying to them the events of the day before.

"Okay, so wait," Spike said. "That knight that popped up two or three days ago is related to you?!"

"I don't think so, Spike," Twilight responded. "He's Cadence's nephew from her side of the family, and I'm Cadence's sister-in-law from the other side of the family. The only way I even have the title of sister-in-law is because my brother is married to Cadence. We've technically got no relation at all to each other, but... that doesn't mean it was a little awkward to find that out."

"Do you think the other Guardians of the Sun are related to him?" Starlight asked.

"I don't know," was Twilight's response. "They certainly act like brothers. The only problem is, they would have mentioned it by now if they were all related. I mean, Firestorm introduced Spitfire as his sister when he first introduced her to us, so if they were all brothers or something, they would have said so when we first met them." They reached the door leading into the throne room and Starlight opened the door to the room.

On the round table were seven plates with waffles on them. Noble was just finishing setting up the last of the toppings and a plate with a tall stack of waffles on them. When he looked up, his face grew a large grin. "Good morning, Twilight! I took the liberty of making breakfast so your assistant wouldn't be overtaxed."

"Thanks!" Spike said gratefully.

A sharp, scraping sound cut the air, like metal against stone, and everyone looked towards the source. On the far side of the table, shrouded in shadow, Freedom Fighter was slowly sharpening a knife. Sitting upright with the blade across his lap, Freedom blended in with the early morning shadows so well all they saw was a faint outline of his body and the small whetstone he used in his hoof to scrape the blade's edges. His head was down, but his head came up as the room went silent. And everypony in the room could see his exposed bright red eyes.

Spike screamed and hid behind Twilight, and Starlight recoiled slightly. It was a scary sight, having a pair of scarlet eyes looking out of a dark silhouette, no other part of the body showing.

Freedom Fighter scraped the whetstone against the blade again, making an ear-cutting sound and making sparks fly out, illuminating his expressionless dark cowl for just an instant.

Spike began to shiver so hard Twilight felt the vibrations rattle through her hind leg. And Twilight honestly couldn't blame him. Freedom Fighter looked murderous as he his scarlet red eyes narrowed and the scraping sounded sharper and tighter as more sparks fountained out.

Thankfully, Noble Blade placed himself in between the view of the girls and the dark silhouette. "Okay, Freedom," Noble told him. "We have guests now, so it's time to put that away now and eat."

Freedom Fighter looked at him strangely and made no motion.

And the doors to the castle throne room burst open with a loud bang and Firestorm came in supporting Rainbow Dash, who hung somewhat limply on his arm. "Lookee here, Dashie! Breakfast already-"

Freedom had leaped out of his seat in reflex and was in a battle stance and pointed the knofe directly in front of Firestorm and Rainbow, both of whom immediately let out screams.

"FREEDOM FIGHTER!" Noble Blade bellowed, and Freedom whipped his head around to face Noble Blade, who had a staring, slightly unsettling countenance to him. Noble walked forward, staring Freedom down. After about three seconds, Freedom Fighter couldn't hold the gaze Noble levied against him, and he bowed his head. The arm holding the blade fell to his side and he went back on all fours.

"This behavior is unacceptable!" Noble spoke harshly- much, much more harshly than the others had heard so far. "You are a guest in Twilight's house. If you cannot handle yourself in the company of those who actually accept you, you will not stay in their company any longer! Do you want to go back to the way you were before? Do you want that?"

Freedom Fighter went stiff and did not look at Noble Blade.

Noble's voice softened considerably. "No more of this. Am I clear?"

Freedom Fighter made no movement.

"Am I clear?" Noble asked again, a bit firmer.

Freedom Fighter nodded ashamedly. He sheathed his knife across his back and put away his whetstone. He then slowly trudged into a seat and started to use his silverware awkwardly, rather than draw out a battle knife. He kept his head down as he ate and never let his red eyes look at anyone.

Twilight, Spike, Starlight, Noble, Firestorm, and Rainbow Dash also settled into their seats and quietly ate. Nopony was in the mood to talk.

After breakfast, Noble came to Twilight, who was leaving the throne room.

"I just was wondering if I could have some space to myself. Is there a secluded area on the outskirts of town that I can use?"

"There's some space near the Everfree Forest," Twilight replied helpfully. "What do you need it for?"

"I need to exercise," Noble said. "I don't want to get too complacent and flabby while I'm here."

"That's understandable," Twilight noted.

And so after grabbing his sword and sheathing it across a scabbard on his back, he set out for a secluded spot near the Everfree Forest.

Twilight's castle was on the northwest part of town. After going south for fifteen minutes, he found a spot on the part of town near the Everfree he thought was suitable. It was a clear field, away from any part of the town. Here and there popped up a few shrubs and bushes, but for the most part it was light green grass. The tree line of the Everfree lay only a hundred feet away.

Noble looked around for a few seconds to make sure nopony else was around, then he ignited his horn. A large section of the ground was illuminated, then it rumbled, shook, and with a loud cracking sound twelve dirt pillars sprung out of the earth, each ten feet high.

He activated his horn again and teleported from the ground onto the first column, balancing precariously for three seconds, then teleported with precise accuracy onto the next one. He continued the process until he had teleported onto all of the columns, then he teleported to the ground and rubbed his horn in pain. He could have sworn he could see smoke drifting off of the top.

After a short break, he rose up on his forelegs, like Applejack when she was bucking apple trees, and bucked the pillar nearest him. A loud CRACK accompanied the buck and the pillar toppled to the earth from whence it came. He then repeated the process for the rest of the pillars. When he was done he was surrounded by a field of dark brown soil.

His face and mane now moist with sweat, Noble activated his horn again and some soil was highlighted by an aura of dark blue energy. He packed some soil into a hard clump with his magic, then reached over his back with one arm and drew his sword.

He twisted the dark part near the handle of the sword. A faint click was heard, and the entire chrome sword exploded into a blue aura of power, even the handle, which Noble gripped like it was no problem.

He raised himself up on his hind legs. Not being in his battle armor and having the advantage of automatic leg stiffeners, it was a tricky job to balance just right, but he managed to spread his legs enough so he was solidly standing upright. He gripped his sword all the harder and swung the sword behind him so the blade was at the back of his head. Then he willed the clump of tightly-packed dirt to fly right at him.

When it came close enough, he swung his sword. Upon impact, the tightly-packed dirt exploded into smaller bits around the size of pebbles and golf balls, flaming with blue energy that dissipated slowly as they hit the earth. Another clump of dirt rose up, packed itself like it was a snowball, and flew at Noble, who swung his sword and blew the clump into smaller bits and fine grains of earth that flew like snow behind him. A bit of dirt got into his eyes, and he shook his head to get them out.

He continued to do this until he was panting and wheezing, and he turned his sword upside down and stuck the point in the earth. He rested on his sword for a little bit, dripping with sweat. He used one hoof to massage his overheating horn. His hooves felt sore and screamed at him in anguish.

Then a quiet voice whispered, "Woo hoo."

It was almost too quiet for him to hear, but he still heard it. Years of attuned reflexes made him spin his head around towards the source of the sound in an instant. The source was a bush about twelve feet away. His curiosity piqued, Noble slowly, cautiously made his way to the suspicious shrubbery. When he reached it, he noticed it was trembling imperceptibly. Noble Blade used his magic to part the bushes, and froze when he saw, of all things, Fluttershy. She was curled up in a ball, shaking and hiding in her mane as Noble discovered her.

Noble was tense at the sight of the adorable pegasus. What should he do? Why was she here? After a bit, Noble stammered, "Fluttershy?"

The pony in question peeked her head out from her mane. Above her was Noble's face, glistening and shining from his workout. It made him seem like he was some sort of powerful being, his image wavering slightly.

"What are you doing down there? Come on out," Noble said, and rather than retreating her head into her mane like she felt like doing at the sight of her crush, Fluttershy hesitated. Before she could decide on a course of action, Noble extended a hoof down into the bushes.

Trembling slightly, Fluttershy slowly put her hoof into Noble's.

Noble parted the bushes with his magic some more and led Fluttershy out into the open. When he let go, Fluttershy felt a feeling of longing... as if she didn't want him to let go of her. And that was when she realized: she was alone! With Noble Blade! She didn't know whether to hide in her mane or run away or even... stay and perhaps... talk with him...

"What are you doing here?" Noble asked her politely.

"...Oh, um, I came over here to pick some herbs I needed from the field, but then I saw you here and, um..." She nervously rubbed her front leg up and down with a hoof.

After a moment, Noble picked up the conversation again. "Are you wondering what I'm doing here?" he asked her softly.

She nodded mutely, looking at the ground. The way his voice sounded just then... it made her feel comfortable. It wasn't fed up or patient like most of her friends sounded when confronted with her shyness. It was just...natural.

Noble ignited his horn and the broken earth strewn across the field picked itself up and packed into a ball. "This is my exercise." The last of the loose earth dropped back into place. "But I wouldn't have done it here if I knew you were here. I tried to find a secluded spot to practice so it didn't disturb anypony...especially you. You're far too dear to get hurt around me."

He mentally reproved himself for saying that the instant he had said it.

Fluttershy mumbled, "Y-you really think so?"

Noble cautiously phrased his next sentence. "I believe that innocence in ponies should be maintained as long as possible. The image of a peaceful world is a precious thing. You..." His throat felt as dry as Saddle Arabia all of a sudden. "...appear to me as the pony who always finds peace and kindness in others... like an angel."

The last three words tumbled out without his knowledge, but he immediately realized he said them after he said it. He mentally smacked himself. Idiot! he mentally screamed.

"A-a-a-an-n-ngel?" she stammered, her face turning as pink as her mane, which she was fondling strangely. Her voice was at a considerably higher pitch, and she seemed to shrink adorably. "Um, n-n-nopony's ever c-called me an angel before... thank you..." She smiled and turned her head, still looking at him.

Okay, never mind! he thought wildly. He cleared his throat to clear away his dry throat and said, "Why not?"

"...I d-don't know. You're the first to say it." Fluttershy felt, as Pinkie would put it, Nervicited. Yes, she felt absolutely scared talking to Noble Blade, but at the same time, she didn't want it to end. She felt torn between the two emotions, nervous and excited, and didn't know which one was in control.

"Nopony's mentioned thy beauty that seemeth to challenge heaven itself?" Noble blurted out, and Fluttershy eeped softly and blushed even harder. Noble found that he could not stop now that he had started. "Thy beautiful coat and mane? The way thou movest with pure grace? The soft and calming voice thou hast that bringeth the wildest animal to their knees? Thy smile that shineth brighter than Celestia's sun? The way thy mane cascadeth like a waterfall of purest water? Thy colorful eyes that holdeth purity, reflecting the perfect spirit thou hast?" He stopped abruptly when he saw Fluttershy hiding herself deep in her voluminous mane, trembling very, very hard with her mouth open slightly. The part of her face he could see was redder than an apple. "Fluttershy?" he asked worriedly.

"I-I..." Fluttershy squeaked. She tried to say something, anything, but failed. He had noticed all of those things about her-- and he found them beautiful! She felt like she was going to faint. She didn't know what to do, what to say, what to think- hay, she didn't even know if she could speak or think anything. She was petrified, though she didn't know if it was shock or pure, flowing happiness doing that.

All that mattered was what Noble Blade had said to her.

And then she felt it. The pure, unfiltered joy bubbling on the inside as what he said to her hit home. She felt it, a warm feeling that made her gasp and open up her eyes wider. It felt like she was glowing with radiance and all of her dross was consumed, leaving her perfect. It was what Noble made her feel like. Normally she would look at herself in the mirror and notice her split ends and her imperfections and her flaws, but with him... that suddenly didn't matter. Suddenly she was exalted, and she felt flawless and beautiful. That addictive good feeling spread throughout her body like blood pumping through her veins, and she felt whole as it spread to every fiber of her being. Still blushing madly, she pushed some hair out of her face and managed to get out, "Y-you really th-think so?" with a natural smile.

Feeling hope, Noble said, "Of course I mean it." He paused for a minute, then nervously asked, "D-do you like what I said?"

"I love it!" Fluttershy exclaimed, and flapped into the air, startling a few butterflies. They fluttered past her as she smiled and closed her eyes as she hugged herself. "You make me feel so good inside! Like somepony's hugging me and holding me close and reassuring me that I'm...beautiful!" She sighed as she flapped down to the ground.

Noble's mouth was open. The graceful way she took off, the way she looked as butterflies flew around her, her beautiful smile, the sigh she took as she floated down to the ground...was there anything about this mare that wasn't beautiful? He swallowed and was silent. He didn't know what else to say.

Fluttershy felt her nervousness completely melt away, and she now spoke clearly, and loud enough so it wasn't a whisper. "Thank you so much, Noble. I've never seen myself that way before because nopony ever told me it."

Finding his voice Noble said, "I honestly haven't seen myself as attractive either. I would just be as proud and foolish as the Canterlot assembly." He looked down. "And it's fine if you don't think much of me. I'm actually rather subpar. I have a lot of room left to improve."

"Actually, um...I think you look..." Her voice squeaked. "really handsome..."

Now it was Noble's turn to freeze. He stared at her, almost disbelieving what she said. Him, handsome? How? What was there about him that stood out to such a perfect mare as Fluttershy?

"I...um...really like your voice...it's warm and calm and it makes me feel fuzzy. And, um, your eyes are so...sparkly." Her nervousness instantly returned, and she was scared of what Noble would say to her. What if he didn't like what he was hearing? She toyed with her mane some more and continued. "And your mane is just so uneven and thick and has a nice, um...color and I- oh, what am I saying? I'm so sorry for saying that!" She slumped to the ground and buried her head embarrassedly.

Noble was stunned at the absolute purity in her. Even when she tried to compliment others she felt bad for doing it. He was also stunned at the fact that she thought he was handsome! Suddenly he felt elevated in station and could feel nothing but affection towards the shy pony. Stooping down, he gently put his hoof under her chin. After a scary moment of apprehension, wondering if she would allow that, he brought her head up to face him. Feeling bad because she looked bad, Noble said, "Never be ashamed because of what you say." He smiled then. "And if it makes you feel better, I love what you say about me."

Fluttershy looked more relieved than ever.

There was a moment of silence while Noble tried to gather his thoughts. Do it now, Noble, he thought. Now is the perfect time to tell her you love her. Now, more than ever. She needs to know from your mouth. Do it. What are you waiting for?

"L-listen, Fluttershy," Noble said, scratching the back of his neck. "I, um, want to tell you something."

Fluttershy looked at him with wide, patient eyes, the marvelous color standing out about her. "Yes? What is it?" she asked hopefully.

The words were hard to say all of a sudden. Noble locked himself up in place for five whole seconds before he managed to get out a sentence.

"Are you free this Friday?"

He mentally cringed. What happened? he demanded. You were about to tell her! What did you do? Come on! You're better than this!

A little confused, Fluttershy said, "I've got to feed my animals and stock up on some supplies, but after I feed the nocturnal animals I should be free. Why do you ask?"

"Um..." The words were hard to say all of a sudden. "...I want to talk over dinner."

"Yes!" Fluttershy cried in excitement, flapping into the air and smiling giddily. She then realized she had put her face dangerously close to Noble's face. Tensing up, she quickly moved away and hid in her mane a little. "I-I mean, if you really want to, that is..."

All of Noble's courage instantly flooded back to him and he breathed a very heavy sigh of relief. "I do, thank you. Do you know if there are any good restaurants to go to?" He facehooved. "I suppose I should have made sure of that before I asked," he muttered.

"Oh, don't worry. There's a new restaurant that just came in. It's called the Crystal Glass. But it's really expensive. I really wouldn't mind just going to the cafe. I don't want you to spend so much money on me that you don't have much left for yourself."

"Absolutely not," he said flatly. "You deserve the best anypony has to offer, and I offer you only the best I can give. And you're probably right. I don't have to do this." He came alongside her. "But I'm going to do it anyway because I want to do this. For you. Please."

Fluttershy didn't say anything at first. She was too overwhelmed with happiness to think about responses. But eventually she said, "But you don't have a lot of money... at least, not that I can see. I don't want to be a burden."

"There is no way you will be a burden to anypony when your mere presence makes them incomparably joyous," Noble softly replied, making Fluttershy's heart soar. "And don't worry about the money. I have more than enough to cover any expense." Before she could try to make another excuse, he held up a hoof to her mouth gently. "Nothing you can say will deter me. Anything you ask for I will gladly give." He took his hoof away. His hoof was warm from where he had put it to her mouth. He had touched Fluttershy's lips! His hoof shook slightly. "Please allow me this. To give you anything you want."

Part of Fluttershy wanted to be considerate and refuse, because she didn't want him to overtreat her. But looking at him, and realizing that he truly, deeply, wanted to overtreat her,- and because she wouldn't be very kind if she refused-- and anyway, why would she refuse a date from such a wonderful pony-- she gulped down her thoughts and said quietly, "O-okay. If that's what you want, I won't stop you."

Noble, relieved for the umpteenth time, breathed deeply. "I-I suppose I'll pick you up at seven, then?"

"Y-yes, that's good. Seven on Friday. T-thank you for...you know...the compliments and the d-d-d..." She couldn't finish the word date. Was that what it really was? Trembling a little, but with a smile on her face, she shakily said, "I-I-I gotta go...animals..."

And she backed away to take off to the skies, turning around after a few steps.

Noble noticed there was a definite sway in her hips as she went.

Fluttershy spread her wings and took off. As she went higher and higher, she glanced back several times. Each time, she saw Noble looking up at her, a patch of pale blue in a field of green.

She could not keep a smile off her face nor contain a giggle that escaped her mouth. For the first time in her life she was going on a date! With Noble Blade, of all ponies! How she had gotten so lucky she didn't know, only that it was indeed happening for real. This was no dream. Her mind wasn't wild enough to come up with something so great.

As she flew to her home she flew distractedly, humming to herself in bliss as she went in a daze to her cottage. She couldn't remember what she was humming exactly, but it didn't matter.

As she landed a few minutes later in front of her home, half a dozen small animals crowded around her, eager for the return of their caretaker. Some of them were clamoring for food, while others were just happy to see her.

"Now, now, there, there," she muttered distractedly. "Mommy's here."

But even as she attended to the pets and fed them and petted them and cooed words of encouragement to them, she thought of only one thing.

Noble Blade.

Noble just stood in the green field, looking at Fluttershy's disappearing figure. She flew so gracefully into the sky that she truly did look like an angel, with her flowing mane and wide-spread wings. He noticed, with a jolt that ran through his body, that she would occasionally look over her shoulder at him, then look back. She noticed him!

He could not keep a smile off her face nor contain a sigh of contentment that escaped from his mouth. For the first time in his life he was going on a date! With Fluttershy, of all ponies! How he had gotten so lucky, he didn't know, only that this was no fantasy. This was real! She chose to go with him- him, out of all available options! She obviously saw something special in him. Noble silently swore that he would keep that something pure and unsoiled, and that his absolute best behavior would manifest itself.

Only after she had disappeared from view did he turn away. He activated his horn and the sword stuck point first in the ground flew back to his grasp. He sheathed it across his back, then turned his head back to Twilight's castle, above the roofs of the rest of the town. Remembering what he had read from the spellbook earlier in the day, he gathered his energy for a teleport. Streamlining his technique in his mind, he focused not on appearing directly at his destination, but rather, on creating an imaginary portal and stepping through that imaginary portal to his destination.

But it was hard to keep his mind focused on that when all he could concentrate on was that shy, sweet face, and the most wonderful color of aquamarine he had ever seen, in her eyes that looked at him with interest.

But he finally managed to focus enough energy, and one second and one loud burst later, he appeared in his guest room in Twilight's castle.

The first thing he noticed was Firestorm crouching in front of his suit of armor. But upon hearing the teleportation pop, Firestorm jumped in the air like a startled cat. "NOBLE! SHOOT!" he cried.

And he leaped for the open window, only to be suspended in the air by Noble's magic aura. As he squirmed to get free, Noble asked him, "What art thou doing in here, Stormy?" Then he noticed something else lying on the ground. And Noble sighed and picked it up with his magic.

It was a permanent marker.

"Were you going to draw a mustache and goatee on my armor?" He grew an amused smile. "Again?" He shook his head. "You're losing your touch."

Firestorm scowled.

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