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Prompt #73: Written In 15 Minutes Cause Typicalmod Got Home Way Too Late And Couldn’t Think Of Something Good Enough

The Prompt (Presented by Spike): Twilight lets Princess Celestia know how she really feels about her.

“Princess Celestia! Princess Celestia!”

Celestia looked up to catch sight of Pennington, her secretary, trotting into her chambers. She had just been in the process of writing up some new Equestrian laws. This was a process that she usually did not enjoy being interrupted during, but she could sense the urgency in Pennington’s voice. From what she could tell, it wasn’t a situation of dire importance; she wasn’t nearly panicked enough. However, it was clear that it was still something important, even though the fate of Equestria likely didn’t hang on its delivery.

“What is it, Pennington?” Celestia asked, setting her quill down.

“Twilight Sparkle is here to see you, Princess,” Pennington said, stopping at the throne. Celestia smiled; it had been ages since Twilight had come to see her in person. She enjoyed her correspondence with her favorite student, but it was so much better to actually see her.

“What brings her here today?” Celestia asked, genuinely curious. “It’s not every day that she comes to see me face-to-face.”

“She says that she wants to tell you how she truly feels about you,” Pennington said. Celesta blinked. This…was not something she had expected. Something that she had dreamed of for a long time, yes. Expected? Not quite as much.

“…I see…” Celestia said, doing her best to hide any outward signs of her excitement. “Please tell her to give me five minutes.” Pennington nodded, then trotted out to deliver the message.

Celestia sighed to herself. Ever since Twilight had matured, she had always looked at her with a certain degree of reverence, one that would have confused many ponies. After all, she was the Princess. The looks of reverence regarding one of her subjects were supposed to be directed AT her, not emanating FROM her. She closed her eyes, smiling to herself. She envisioned Twilight entering her chambers and declaring her unending love for her, reciprocating the feelings that she secretly held for her favorite student. She pictured inviting her for a nice, relaxing bubble bath together, then spending the rest of the evening…

“Princess Celestia!”

Celestia’s train of thought was interrupted by Twilight’s entrance. She smiled warmly at her favorite student, beckoning her closer.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia said, restraining her excitement as best as she could. “I hear you had something to tell me?”

“I do,” Twilight said. “I thought I would finally let you know how I really feel about you.”

“Go on then,” Celestia said, leaning in slightly and smiling at Twilight. Twilight moved a bit closer to Celestia, and Celestia closed her eyes, ready for the moment she had often dreamed about.

“You’ve always been the greatest teacher a pony could ask for,” Twilight said. “But you really need to watch your oral hygiene, Princess,” Celestia’s face fell.

“…Is that what you really think?” Celestia asked. Twilight nodded, smiling.

“I’ve been spending a lot of time with a nice mare named Colgate,” Twilight said, “And she says that oral hygiene is very important, and since I’ve never actually seen you brush your teeth…”

“I do brush my teeth, Twilight,” Celestia said.

“…Oh!” Twilight responded, blushing a bit. “I just thought since I had never seen you…”

“I do,” Celestia said, shaking her head.

“Oh! Well then, please forgive me for wasting your time, Princess!” Twilight said. Celestia just nodded.

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