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Prompt #72: Fluttershy, the Bestest and Prettiest Hero Ever! by Pinkie Pie

The prompt (Presented by Pinkie Pie): Fluttershy is the bestest pony forever and ever!!! And she fights a whole bunch of evil monsters, and she saves me and Dashie and Twilight and AJ and Rarity, and she’s super brave, and maybe she even get kissies at the end because brave heroes sometimes get kissies!

One day there was a group of super-awesome super-nice ponies! There was Pinkie Pie who was the pink pony and she liked to run around and make all of her friends smile and that took a long time usually because everypony in town was her friend, and even a lot of ponies outside of town, though she didn’t know everypony outside of town cause that pretty much meant everypony in Equestria and beyond and she’d never really been too far outside of Equestria but if she was she’d be happy to be friends with everypony there too! Then there was Twilight Sparkle who was really really smart and really really good with magic and she came from Canterlot to come be friends with ponies in Ponyville and learn about friendship, and she became friends with us and that made me really happy even though it might have been kinda hard to tell at first cause I was all like WHAAAAAAAAAAAA?! when she came into town (is that how you spell a gasp? I’m not really sure!) and that didn’t really say very well that I was happy but I was! Then there was Rainbow Dash, who’s like the bestest flyer EVER! She knows all these tricks and just goes WHOOSH ZOOM BANG and does all these flips and there’s a rainbow trail behind her when she flies sometimes, though I’m not quite sure how she does that but it’s still really cool! And then there was Applejack who’s really really good at baking and knows a whole LOT about apples! I mean she’d have to if she was named Applejack, right? Like my name is Pinkie Pie and I know a lot about pie! And Applejack’s really friendly and dependable and stuff too! Then there was Rarity who’s really good at making dresses, and she knows a lot about jewels and stuff! Hm, if Applejack knows a lot about apples and her name is Applejack, shouldn’t Rarity’s name be something like “Jewelity” or “Fashionity?” Oh well, I still like her name anyway!

And all of these ponies were kidnapped! They were all sitting around and talking and stuff, although Pinkie was doing the most talking cause she does that a whole lot, and everypony else was talking once in a while but nowhere NEAR as much as Pinkie was! They were all having a big party and there were balloons and streamers and pin the tail on the pony and bobbing for apples and pinatas and it was all really really fun just like all of Pinkie’s parties were! But then a big mean robot came in and was all like, “I AM A ROBOT, I WILL KIDNAP ALL OF YOU!” And Applejack said, “Well gee golly!” cause she always said things like that! I’d say it too but I can’t really do her accent too well! And Twilight was like “What are you? I’ve never seen anything like you in my books!” and Rarity said “Oh my stars, that metallic silver is so garish!” and Rainbow Dash said something about rainbows or something, I kinda didn’t notice what she said because ROBOT! And the robot went and shot these biiiiiiiig nets at us and caught all of us in them! Well, almost all of us, he kinda missed me the first time, but I felt bad cause the others were all caught in nets and I didn’t want the robot to think he was bad at what he was doing so I stood still so he could catch me too! Wait, are robots male? I dunno, I guess his voice sounded like a stallion’s so I’m just gonna call him “he!” So he picked us all up and carried us off! Twilight tried to use her magic to get free and so did Rarity but it didn’t work cause I dunno I guess the robot had an anti-magic thing or something? Sure, let’s go with that!

They got to the robot’s lair and the robot put the nets down on the ground and pulled all of us out of the nets, and he was like “YOU ARE ALL GOING TO BE MY SLAVES” except he said it really flat and stuff, like his tone didn’t change at all! Here, I’ll try it again. “YOU ARE ALL GOING TO BE MY SLAVES!” There! Better, right? So Twilight said, “No! Slavery was abolished from Ponyville after the Great Phillydelphia Vs. Trottingham War of 1832 AC” and I wasn’t really sure what she meant by that but she reads a lot so she was probably right! But the robot didn’t care if she was right or not, he just wanted slaves! So he was all like “I DON’T CARE I’M MADE OF METAL!” Well he didn’t say he was made of metal, that was just me adding it, but he WAS! So he put these weird hats on us and these lights went on on the hats and suddenly everything was all weird and fuzzy, and we looked at the robot and I suddenly really wanted to do everything the robot said! It was weird and Twilight told me later that it was “hypnosis” or something. So then the robot told us to go down to his mine and mine! And we did because we had to because of that hypno-whatsit thing that Twilight talked about! And the robot laughed and said “HA HA, YOU WILL WORK IN MY MINES FOREVER!” I didn’t really want to work in the mines forever, but when he said it I DID want to because of that hypno-something thing! Though I didn’t really.

But then suddenly Fluttershy came out of nowhere! I forgot to mention Fluttershy earlier because she hadn’t gotten to the party yet cause Angel Bunny was sick, but she’s like the bestest pony EVER! She’s really really pretty and it’s really cute the way her mane falls down over her face and just covers one eye, and she’s really shy and always says “um” and “sorry” and she doesn’t like to talk much but when she does she has the sweetest, cutest voice, and when I see her I just want to kiss her over and over again, but I usually don’t because that makes her face turn all red and then she just says “um” and “sorry” a lot more than she usually does (even though she usually says those a lot to begin with!). So she saw us wearing those weird lighty hats and working in the mine, and the robot was laughing like a big meanie, and she said, “You can’t have my friends!” and she said it a lot louder than she usually says things (Sometimes I can barely hear her because she’s so quiet!) and the robot looked at her and laughed even more and said “ANOTHER PONY FOR MY MINE!” (See? I’m already doing the voice better!) And he got another hat and was going to put it on Fluttershy but then Fluttershy STARED AT HIM! I know that doesn’t sound like it’s very threatening but her stare’s magical or something! The robot got all scared and put the hat down and Fluttershy said “Free my friends NOW!” She actually yelled! It was so crazy! So the robot said okay and took the hats off of us and we didn’t want to work in his mine anymore! I still did for a few seconds because the robot must have really wanted us to mine badly if he went and used that stuff on us, but Dashie pulled me away. And then Fluttershy said, “Um I saved you, sorry,” and I said “Don’t be sorry Fluttershy!” And then I jumped on her and we kissed a whole bunch and she probably would have said “um” and “sorry” some more if I wasn’t so busy kissing her!


“Um…Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “Um…sorry…but I think you’re embellishing the story a bit.”

“What’s embellishing?” Pinkie asked. Fluttershy started to respond, but Pinkie jumped onto her and began kissing her over and over.

“You’re the bestest hero EVER!” Pinkie said between kisses. Fluttershy just laid back and enjoyed it, glad that no other ponies were around to make her feel embarrassed and say “um” and “sorry” a lot.

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