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Prompt #69: A Day To Oneself

The Prompt (Presented by Fluttershy): “Rarity has a day off.”

8:00 AM: I arise! Beauty sleep must last a maximum of 9 hours. An early start is also required; even on a day off, one must make the most of their day. And what a day off this shall be! It has been simply forever since I have had an entire day to enjoy as I wish, and I plan on taking ull advantage. This shall be the most relaxing day off ever!

8:15 AM: Opal has been fed. I am never able to make my own breakfast until my darling kitty has been fed. Even if I could bear to eat while knowing she is hungry, she would not allow such a thing to occur. I served her her favorite breakfast. At least it was her favorite the other day; her behavior this morning seems to suggest otherwise. Nevertheless, she has eaten, and now I can start making my own breakfast.
10:30 AM: Still have not made my own breakfast. I remembered just before removing the eggs from the refrigerator that I promised my dear friend Twilight that I would deliver the book on sewing that she had requested. I am not sure if she has any real interest in sewing, but as always, she wishes to learn everything she can about…well…everything. Regardless, I am home now, and now it is time to dedicate the rest of the day to myself, starting with a healthy breakfast.

12:15 PM: The eggs remain in the refrigerator. Sweetie Belle stopped by with her little friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. It turned out that their Cutie Mark Crusader capes had gotten torn. I simply could not let them run around with torn capes. What a fashion faux pas! Apple Bloom and Scootaloo having torn capes could be borderline acceptable, since Scootaloo is a roughhouser to begin with and Apple Bloom’s family does not seem to care for fashion quite as much as I do, but I could not possibly let my dear sister Sweetie Belle run around with ripped clothing. What would it say about me? I have just sent the three scampering off with their repaired capes, and now, my day off begins. I suppose it is a bit late for breakfast, though; perhaps I shall make myself a delicious daisy sandwich for lunch. But I must be hasty; I must make my hooficure appointment at 1:30.

2:30 PM: I am quite hungry, and I had to cancel my appointment, but it was for the best, really. After all, I could not live with the knowledge that I had let a friend down. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stopped by and requested that I make costumes for them. It turns out that they are attending some sort of odd “convention” at Pinkie’s behest next weekend, and they need new Mare-Do-Well costumes. I do not know what happened to the previous costumes; I asked, but Pinkie Pie began one of her long stories, and I humored her for as long as possible before cutting her off. After all, if I had let her finish, it would likely be even later than it is right now. I jotted down their notes for their costumes (I have never heard of this “Ponyasha” book series, but I must say that the fashion sense in them leaves something to be desired) and traced up a few preliminary sketches. This should not be too hard to accomplish, but proper work on them shall start tomorrow. Today is my day off, and I plan to enjoy the remainder of it, starting with lunch.

5:45 PM: Rainbow Dash never wants to stand still for a dress fitting, nor does Applejack. So naturally, when the two of them visited the boutique and requested fittings for their wedding dresses, I simply could not turn them down. I think I might have spent just a bit too long doing the fittings, however. Rainbow Dash certainly made that apparent with her fussing and fidgeting once the first hour had passed, and Applejack, while doing her best to hold her tongue and be polite, was clearly not too thrilled with it either. But these are their WEDDING DRESSES. It shall be their happiest day, and they must be dressed impeccably. The two were quite excited to get out of the boutique just a few minutes ago; I had made the mistake of allowing the two to measure each other’s croups while I sketched, and I think it brought their minds to…frisky places. Nevertheless, it is now time to finally begin enjoying my day off. It is too late for lunch, though. Perhaps I shall make a nice plate of hay fries for dinner.

9:30 PM: I have just finally finished dinner. I got a bit sidetracked by some…well, some work. But one does NOT turn down a request from the Princesses. I am sure that they were quite pleased with the preliminary sketches I finally made them for their Gala dresses, as well as the dress and tuxedo for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Work is done now, however, and once I have eaten dinner, I shall get started on enjoying my…day…off. …Oh dear, is it this late already? Oh well; chin up, Rarity. Only another week until your next day off, and that one shall be the most relaxing ever!

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