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Prompt #68: Imperfections

The Prompt (Presented by Rainbow Dash): Rainbow Dash (that’s me) finally gets accepted into The Wonderbolts! Eeeeeeeee!!!

Rainbow Dash felt like she was on top of the world. Nothing was going to knock her down. Not today. She’d been practicing for what seemed like forever for this moment, and now, the moment was about to arrive. She stood outside the arena, waiting anxiously for her number to be called. She looked around at all the other pegasi who were waiting. None of them could stand up to her awesome skills. Seriously, had any of them ever performed a Sonic Rainboom? She was sure that they hadn’t, being as she was the only one to do so. This whole audition thing was a mere technicality; her getting into the group was a foregone conclusion.

“Number 124!” the secretary called out. Dash’s ears perked up. That was her number! She quickly got up and grinned, trotting confidently up to the doorway. She gave the other pegasi a smirk as she went. It sure sucked for them that she was going before them, because after the Wonderbolts saw her skills, they wouldn’t need to see anypony else.

“Rainbow Dash!” Spitfire said, smiling. “Welcome!”

All of Dash’s confidence seemed to immediately fall out of her. She stared at the table where seven of the Wonderbolts were sitting. Spitfire sat in the middle. To her left and right were Soarin’ and Streak. Joining them were Ice Wind, Tangerine, Doc, and Surprise. She knew every single member of the Wonderbolts, even the lesser-known ones. That’s how big a fan she was. And “fan” was a very important word, because that’s exactly what Dash felt like when standing in front of them; a fan.

“What do you have to show us today, Dash?” Soarin’ asked. Dash just stood there, staring. She tried to tell them what she had planned.

“Snniifc Rnamabimm,” Dash said. Her face turned beet red.

“…Right,” Spitfire said in response to the nonsense, smiling. The other Wonderbolts chuckled, and Dash felt like she was about to die. “Well, let’s see that Snniifc Rnamabimm then!” Dash gulped and slowly rose into the air. She closed her eyes for a moment, hovering there silently. She needed to gather herself; this kind of silly nervousness was not what the Dash was all about.

“Start the timer!” Spitfire called out. Dash did not know about a timer, and this only unnerved her further. She took deep breaths, trying to center herself. This was no time for hovering there like a dunce. It was time for action.

Dash took off into the sky, doing a big loop. The loop wasn’t up to her usual standards; it faltered a little at the top and wasn’t a perfect circle. This knowledge did nothing for Dash’s confidence, and caused her corkscrew upon her descent to become a little choppy. Dash winced, sure that this would take points off of her final score. She refused to let this slow her down, though, and went into her Super Speed Strut upon touching the ground. She felt herself misstep a bit, but very quickly recovered before she found herself in danger of tripping. That was sure to be points off as well.

Dash swooped back into the air. The Filly Flash was next on her list, and she performed that one with ease. It was a simple trick, though, and perfect execution of something that simple wasn’t going to wow them. She prepped herself for the Sonic Rainboom, but thinking on the fly, she decided to abandon it. She was already in a bit of a funk; she didn’t need to be propelled through the sky from a failed Sonic Rainboom. The Buccaneer Blaze wasn’t anywhere near as impressive, but it would have to do. She picked herself up and whispered a few hopeful words to Princess Celestia before diving. The Wonderbolts shielded themselves from the flash as Dash whizzed past them, then clapped as she touched down upon its completion. Dash tried to smile, but she was sure that her routine wasn’t anywhere near enough to earn her a spot on the team. The Wonderbolts consulted with each other for a few minutes, and Dash found herself nearly collapsing from the tension. It was Soarin’ who finally spoke up.

“Very nice job, Rainbow Dash,” he said. The other Wonderbolts all nodded…except Spitfire. Dash stared at her, sweating. Did she not approve? If the leader of the Wonderbolts didn’t approve, there was no way she was getting in.

“…Spitfire?” Dash squeaked out. Spitfire got up without a word and left the room. The other Wonderbolts murmured, and Dash nearly passed out on the spot. That was it. Her chance at the Wonderbolts was destroyed. She sighed, then turned around, slowly trotting towards the exit.

“Hey, where ya going?” Spitfire’s voice called out. Dash turned around, and her eyes went wide at what she saw. There was Spitfire, floating towards her with…a Wonderbolts uniform.

“…Is that…for…” Dash stammered. Spitfire nodded, grinning.

“We haven’t had a single other pony show us anything that impressive, Dash,” Spitfire said, passing the suit to her. “Hope this is the right size!”

If Spitfire said anything after that, Dash didn’t hear it, for she had passed out, the biggest smile ever on her face.

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